09-13-65 249 SEPTF~4BER 13, 1965. A regular meeting of the City Council of Del=ay Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M.", with Mayor Al. C. Avery An the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney John Ross, Adams, and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Rudolph Jo F~yl. 1.a. The~ Pledge Of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America' was ~iven. 2. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 23rd and special meet- ings of August 31st and September 3rd, 1965, were unanimously approved, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 3. Mr. O. F. Youngbloo~ informed the Council that he is concerned with the proposed South Palm Beach County Vocational School, which had been recommended by the Inter Racial Committee a few years ago to the Delray Beach City Council, and further recommended to the Palm Beach County Board of Public InStruction. Mr. Youngblood said that he and Mayor Avery had met a few months ago with the state members of the Vocational Department, and they had accepted the idea~ further, ..the~ .~n. article in ~he Sun-Sentinel re- cently stated that such a '~=op°~d sChOol had been accepted and that a million.dollar. Vocational School would be built in Boynton ..Beache acre trac~ of' la~d' to'~the 'B0a~d"of Public. inst~uction fo~ 'sA~d.'s~hO01 and asked if th® ~ity °f'De~aY B~ach had' land they would' Want for such-a school;' "and qUes~'~id' whether the' County'h~d ~and"~heY'may want to give. Mayor Avery said he .und~st.a. nds that ~he. State .Educati~on .Department is to send~a ~eam djwn to ihveStigate the proposed' site, and ¥oungblood said .that team ha.d not been down as, Met, and he. had been in- formed'.that the team' is cOm'ing~'with the idea of accepting the 20' acre plot u~leSe 'something else is offered. ,. During discussion, Mayor Avery suggested that the Council aen~ a lette~ 't~ .~he CoUntY Boars 'o~ PUblic InstructiOn. and.to' the'. Sta~. VOcational ~eam 'and ask th~t ~they contact the City Manager and' Jver available sites in. DezraM Beach ~o~ said echool~ further, he stated that there, had. been a .meeting of the Council with .Dr. ~horp, a'member of the BOard' of Public InStruction, about school. . locations and the ~0.ard ~. that time was interested ia. a. 10camiOn'at ~he South end of De!ray Beach, and the Council had assured,them tha~ at the p~o_Pe~ r time, said 'la~d would be made available to the Board of Public Inat~uction. Mr. Saunders mo~ed that the Cit~ Manager be instructed to contaCt the pr.oper' authorities 'aa~ inform them that Delta¥' Beach is.still ~n- terested in said Vocation&l'SchOol and has sites available, the motion being seconded by N~, Eu~ney, and unanimously carried._ ~:, ~albot said .he Understood from 'Dr. Thorp, at the time of last ~ee!;~g with him, that this item would be brought back to the Council at the time ,it ~as considered further. 3. ~. Frank~F. Ellis o~ ~oP~c Palms SubdivisiOn in~o~med ~he ~uncil ~a~ he had ~en coming to ~hem ~h~oughou~ ~he pas~ ~ea~.in an a~emp~ ~o ~e~ the s~ree~a' ~epai~ed~:in tha~ s~division, and had 'been. ~old ~a~ i~ ~ula ~e on ~onigh~'s agenda, .ba~ he did no~ ~ind ~ha~ ~o be Ci~7 Nana~ 6a~el e~laiaed ~o Council ~a~.due ~o o~her mat~ers ~(a~r~cane Betsy, e~c..) he .had not' called ~. Ellis p~i0~ ~h~s me~ing,: :.Aa in~ended, .~o in~0m him of wha~.s~ee~s in ~ha~ division ale ~n ~he City paving p~og~am d~ing ~is c~ing budget ~ar, and ~a~'~sa'~d 1965,66 p~o~aed budget is an agenda i~em fo~ co~sid~'~a~ion tonight. . , 9-13-65 250 3. ~r. O. F. Youngblood asked about a letter from the Sherman williams American ~egion Post No. 188 requesting Council permission to hold their Annual Thanksgiving Festival in Noven~b~r on City grounds. ~r. Youngblood was informed that said request had been.presented too latetobe considered on this agenda, and same would be placed on the agenda o£ the next regular meeting. 3. Mrs° Dorothea Montgomery thanked the Council and all City employees for the magnificent Job don~ with regard ~o H~rr~cane'B~t~y. 3. Mr. Jimmy Jackson, a local resident, commented as follows: "I live on Lake Ida a~d have worked closely with the City for many years. consider the majority of your people well informed citizens of Delray and familiar with the problems we are having with the water level in the Lake Ida area. I fully realize that Lake Ida is, for the most part, in the County and few City taxpayers actually live on the Lake. In my opinion, Delray Beach is a highly successful and respected munity with opportunities for a11. This area, in the field of sports, as well as industry, could be highly~ompetitive, but as the community stands now, it is barely holding its ow~ and in some areas, being by- passed. I am not very old, but I can remember when Delray Beach was on the map, so to speak, and known for its success in football, basket- .ball, swimming, tennis, golf, s&ili~g and water skiing, to mention a .... few. With the exception of Grimes Manufacturing and a few other dustries that'we do have that support the ~erchants in this area, what have we'done to encourage this type support so far as the young adults go? The next'question seems to be= How much support do we, as a com- munity, want, and what are we willing to do for it? Another question is~ %~nere do we get this support, Once the so-called supporting senior citizens die off? The ~nly answer seems to be from the young adults in this City and surrounding areas. ~nere does this leave us as a community? Just one place it leaves us. It leaves us like so much of the hard'and pregnable macadam roadway that has washed away into the ocean~ this past hurricane left AIA, as everyone k~ows, quits degraded. under water and sinking fast. I'm sorry, but I don~t have all the answers to the pro~lems that the City, as a whole, has, but I do know that if we, as a community, don~t start supporting the young adults of the City, and the hopeful taxpayers of tomorrow, we will sadly need to rescue the major portion of the City from'beneath the sea. I don~t advocate that we give them everything as in the past, but make them realize and become fully aware of their responsibilities as future citizens. This is done only by making them want to become an integral part of this township and willing to contribute the necessaryingredi- ents. ThiS, of course, gentlemen, isn*t why I came here tonight, to just degrade the City and say that we, as a whole, haventt done a great deal for the young adults, because with the new recreation center and many very fine areas in this town, it seems to me that in some places we haven't done all we could, and I think maybe we should sit back and revise some-of these plans and 'see if we can make the young adults want to participate in these things and not give them all the things. There is so much made available ~or them that they don't take advantage of. I think in some areas we have slipped, and perhaps we can make them want to become a part of this. This is an important part of the suc- cess or the ~ailure of our City. My primary pc=pose for being here is to ask the City to try and in- prove upon the facilities available for athletes in this area. I am sure some of you are familiar with the ski program we have had in this area, and just recently I haveundertaken a model airplane class, try- ing to go to Florida Atlantic University, and also umpire for a slow- pitch softball league. Regarding the ski program, we are having a little difficulty on the lake with no water. This is ~not a City problem, as there are only a few actual City taxpayers that are involved, but it does create a pro- blemwith insects and $me11. It used to be a tremenduous attraction to the City, and I have received'letters' ~Tom~people saying that they would be willing to come back to the City and reside here and bring -2- 25:l their families and move into .the City, but there seems to be. nothing available for these young adults, and they had either been sailing, swimming or' Water skiing.· My real purpoSe:here' is to ask you if: it WOuld be possible to write to either the South. Plbrida Flood. Control District or Lake Worth Drain- age District to see i'f we can get something done. about raising the level of Lake Ida and resuming some Of these very' successful activities we have had in the past." Mayor Avery, announced that Jimmy Jackson is an international water ski champion and has given Delray Beach much publicity all over the world; further, "Jimmy Jackson' is. a young fellow that has given great- ly of his time. Last year, for the City of Delray Beach, he volunteer- ed and instituted a water ski program as part of our City recreation, the first City in the United States that' had thiS' program and it was filmed by several companies, and Del=ay BeaCh is' getting world-wide publicity from this boy." Concerning the water level of Lake Ida, Mayor Avery commented: had a call from Mr. Bi1! Peterson, and at that time, i called Ed Dale, executive head of the Central and South Florida Flood Control District, and he said they controlled the structures, 'bUt the Lake Worth Drain- age District provided the water, and 'he wouId call them and coordinate it. Jimmy, is a credit to his communitY. He called me'. today and I asked that he come tonight ~nd approach thie:'tBing,.and I think.th,at it~,'X~., quite ' ePpr~r£at~o '.' 'S~nCe.. that: time, ~:~ha~e :~alked" to'(the.: Engineer :~.~.'he":~$ '~Nt the ~water ievei' in: the.. leke, ~' W~c~:' ~' 9% ~et".l~,;'~h~a~ns':'6ur water~ supply. : X think it ~s ~,quite a~propri- ate i'~hati'Yo& 'i~t .the" Ci~y.'~na'~er ~ to:'wri%~'i a .xet~r ~.i-ll?,. t~9~ and '~outh".~X~rtSa. Flood cont;~O1 ~istrio~, .- and. 'the c~nt~- u~ing ~o~':~nly th~ ~rea~ion, but the .danger of our ~er sUpPly, and that it be brough~ up to the-pea~-C~ens~ra~e ~ith .ggod' h~rr~ca~ .ection~ ..... I% .~s so moved by-. ~. SaunderS and sego~ed bP ~. Talbot. pon cal~ 9f roi1, ~. ~oft, '~. SaunderS ~. Tarot and Ma Or Aver vo~d in, f~ypr of., the mo~ion~ and.~. J~ney was opPOsed:; - ~.' t~ ra!~. tbS.. ~r:. X~v~l-"t~': La~e' ~ida' ~his ~e' ~. the' year~' ~s"~:k~ 4. A':'~O~i ~:~Xl'~o~d the lolling Civic Organizations and represent- atives to be in attendance: Beach ~x~rs ~ague, Ine., ' ' "' '?' ~uSiness & Professi~nal ~an.s Cl~ m Zonta 'International ~e'. ~rothea' M~n~gomery, ~huffle~ard C1~ ~. C. W. 'Rice Chair of ~m~ree' ~. 'Kenneth Elling~th' sh~an 'Wiil:!amS~ A~rioan Legion "' U~i . 188 Mr. O. r. "YO ~6~ ~" 5. 'City. Cl~k~Worthing read. the'following letter, eddY"Seed' t9 M~yor vx9es. 9~' ~he' aoa~ 9ff p~l~c Ins~ruC~ion o~ Palm BeaCh 'C~n~Y',: da~ed'. ~Ug~s~'-3I~.~ '" ~-" -~ ' ..: . . :~: . : . ~.::~.~: ' zw ..... '., : '~" ' '''. ': '?..:. ~ ' :, "~':-. :-"::. ·. ish: to express, my::stn~re thanks to you for making"th~z.~a~ili- '~9s'' °f~'~lk~ ~each citg-~all avaiiabxe t° uS On Au' ust i .... ~ a~'mi°{~i~le mee~ing room coupled with the fine hospitality of the~De%ray ~ach ~a~er of Co~rce deserve a great deal of "252 "Please extend my thanks and best wishes to all of the members of you~ staff who participated in making our visit wit~you so worth while." Mayor Avery com~nded City Manager David Gatchel and Chamberof Commerce Manager Ken Ellingsworth for their good job of hosting said meeting and asked them to co~mend others who assisted. 5. Mayor Avery read a proclamation, proclaiming September 17th thru 2$rd as CONSTITUTION WSEK, and presented same to Mrs. J. R. Birney, President of the D. A. R. Following comments about the Constitution of the United States, Mrs. Birney urged everyone to fly the flag of the United States of America every day of that w~ek. 5.a. Mr. Croft informed the Council he had received Several favorable comments during the past few weeks conceding the sidewalk replacement and plantings on East Atlantic Avenue, and would like Mr. I(~ight and Mr. Cartes of the Street and Parks Departments Commended for that work. Mayor Avery asked the City Manager to see that these men were com- mended. 5.a. Mr. Jurney asked the City Manager if he had checked on the side- walks from West Atlantic Avenue to Spady Elementary and CarVer High Schools, and City Manager Gatchel said he had not done so, but expect- ed to in the near future. 5.a. Mr. Talbot announced that as Chairman of the Beach Erosion Com- mittee, he had met with City Manager Gatchel, City Attorney Adams, and City Clerk Worthing preparatory to advising the people who have pro- perty in Section II of the Beach ErosiOn l~ehabilitation Program of the present status, which is that the engineering has included this area; however, the City cannot spend money on private property, the result being that if the City goes into rehabilitation of the beach in Section II, it would be necessary for the City to have a quit-claim deed or title to said property. Mr. Talbot said that a letter had been prepared to send to the pro- petty owners involved, and if approved by Council, would be mailed by Certified Mail with a return receipt requested. City Manager Gatchel read the following letter, and stated that if CounciI approved it, a copy of same would be mailed, as a personal letter, to each property owner involved= "You are undoubtedly aware, as a property owner, that the City Council has been actively engaged in developing a beach erosion program during the past two years, culminating in the employment of the Glace Engineering Corporation of St. Petersburg, Plorida, to perform a comprehensive evaluation of the problem existing along the approximately 2.75 miles of shoreline within the City The Council included your property in. this survey for the reason that all sections of the beach are inter-related as far as the problem of erosion is concerned~ The Engineers have designated the area 1,225 feet northward from Beach Drive as Section II, within which your property lies, and have recommended that this entire section be protected by a sloping revetment of interlock- ing concrete block. This would necessitate expensive filling behind the revetment to restore the beach in your area to a satis- factory configuration, and would also involve considerable artifi- cial nourishment to cover the revetment. This entire program has been approved by Dr. Per Bruun, world renowned beach erosion au- thority and head of the University of Florida Coastal Engineering Laboratories. 253 "The estimated original cost of the recommended erosion work for Section II ~is $235,700. or approximately $192.00 per lineal foot. It is also estimated ~hat the'annual maintenance cost for this section would be $5,535.00. To restore the shoreline and prevent further erosion, the City Council is willing to include Section II, incorporating all pri- vately owned property, in its overali erosion project~ however, the Council is prohibited from' spending public funds for the im- provement of private property. The Council is now in the process of securing funds for the purpose of embarking on this erosion control project through means which will not now or ever increase your ad valorem taxes. As soon as the City can acquire the title to the property east of the AIA right-of-way, it is planned that this area, along with the northern portion of the municipal beach, would be accorded first priority and construction WOuld be completed during the spring and summer seasons of 1966. It is therefore requested that you execute and return the enclosed quit claim deed so that we may proceed with this most urgently needed project. w~ enclose here~ith~photo~raphe of that portion of your property inclu~ed-in, t he~abo%e~ireq~e~t which B~ts¥ 'StrUck Delray'iBeach~on~ep~e~e~,'~i965,~'t°~the~w~th~'~ edit~r~al'aP~ea~ng in- %he"Sep~e~e~ 10~ '~i9~5'~ ~s~e'' You may wish~to C6nfif~his With your accountantio~.a~t~rn~y~ but'accorai~g tO '~ur'in~n~a~ion, you would 'als0 been~itIed tO'~eduCt:'the'fair marke~ Value of the property'de~ded~'~' ":' ~'"'"~ I~R,S. %170 ~('c)'{1),~' DUe:~0.~th~. ~rge~cy'of ~e t~me elemen%, if'you prior'to:.exe~Dti~g'the"enClo~e~ de~d,'Piease feel ~ree"to'ph~e ~he un~ersigned, D~vid Gatchel, at Area Code 305 - 278-2841, collect." The City'Manager' inf0rmed.'the Council that deeds had beenprepared and ~e~"~uld ~e:four p~c%ures ~h~wing the property involved 'a~ong the eaSter~.edge of ~ig~Way AiA. ' Mr. Talbot said he had not been aware, until talking with ~M~.., Persifor F~azer 'tod~,.~hat'su~h'a critical Condition existed in~sec- tion I of'~he Beach Erosion Rehabilitation Program, which a~ea'begins with the Wecker sea wall and extends north to the north City limits. Mr. Talbot then moved as follows: "I would like to move, if it is in order, that'the, City~anager be instructed, along with the proper personnel, to prepare letters 0fexPlanation'astothe p~ciPa~on the City i~maki~g'in th~s..'.~each'Erosi~ program, which has:in~i~ed section I~ and notify thOse property owners of the cost per lineal foot to see if t~ey wish to come in on the program, and perhaps it can be supplemented by the same Picture going out on Section II~ As~ ~.under- stand, this is a'critical area also and I think that they.~should, be advised.a~d haV~ the oppor~unit¥.of sta~ing whether~.~hey w~Sh' %0 come En on the program, of course,'paYing their pro rata:share for.the beach front~ge:'.0f'th~r ~ro~r&y:~O~'"~he lineal foot cost ~as~,; sentlyestimated'at $98.00'per linea~ foot, bu~ since the weather~'~i~..f~-.~e..maY &~ange', ,, Mr..~Saunders Sec0naed'. %he upon, be!ogi.,9~Sured that'.;~he_ ProP&rty 'owners in SeC~ion:.i w°Ula:b~ar the 'Whol~ Cost of their.beach erosion work. City~Attorney Adams suggested that the motion include the approval by the entire Council of t~e letter' proposed to be mailed to all pro- pereP:.o~er~.'~&'?Se~ti6a ii.'°f.th.e. Beac~'E~Osio, Program,"Mr.~'Ta~0t' a~d ~r~.:~a~ders ~ccep~ed s~me.'to their motion and second, .ana~u~ &&ll ~6~"~l,~'~.m0t~on'6~rried.unanimoUSly. -5.-: ~ 9-13-65 t, tt-. Persifor Frazer infon~ed the Counoil that he had inapec~ed each sea wall in sect£on ! since the hu~ricane, and each sea wall, with the exception of the ~ecker sea ~all, has buckled'in some £aehion~ ft~ther, that he believes ~.e beach erosion protection work should be done on Sections I and X! at the same time. Mrs. DOrothea Montgomery said she had inspected some of'the sea walls 'sincethe storm, and suggested that the City of Delray Beach contact the Town of Gulfstream concerning beach erosion protection, as Delray Beach wou~dbe further protected if there is more protec- tion to the north. Mr. Talbot suggested that the City Manage= contact the Mayor of Gulfstream and inform himthat the Beach Erosion Comm/ttee would be glad to meet with them and help them get started on such a program. With Council agreement, Mayor Avery instructed City Manager Gatchel to proceed as recommended by Mr. Talbot. $.a. Mr. Talbot said that there had been an ex~ellent job done on placing of the lift stations underground, but that the remaining equip- meat above ground had not been landsoaped, an~ suggested a survey be made as soon as possible and said sites landscaped. City Manager Gatchel said that would be taken care of as soon as time permits. 5.a. Mr, Talbot Said that the beach scraper ie being used to take car~ of the sea weed and said operation starts at 6=30 A.M.~ further, that he has received complaints of the noise of that operation from individ- uals who wondered if it is possible for that work to begin about 7=30 or 8=00 A.M. 5.a. Mr. TaIbot reminded the Council of a discussion during a recent worksho~ meeting concerning the policy of the City continuing to m°w vacant lots, but no conclusion had been reached, and that some Council- men were not in favor of the vacant property being mowed at the expense of all the taxpayers, although such program had kept the City looking much better. With Council agreement, Mayor Avery asked the City Manager to pre- pare the proper studies and place said item on the agenda of the next regular meeting. 5.a. Mr. Talbot said that since the hurricane, the sea walls in this area seem to need some attention, and asked if the City Attorney had prepared an Ordinance concerning maintenance of sea walls. City Attorney Adams said that he had furnished the Tropic Isle Improvement Association with acopy of the various ordinances he had obtained, and assumed that they would contact him when they had se~ lected the ordinance they were most in favor of. During discussion, it was pointed out that the Council should set the policy as to what they wanted in an ordinance, and Mayor Avery asked that the City Attorney get the recommendations from said Tropic Isle Improvement Association and contact Mr. Talbot concerning the areas of other sea walls in order that recommendations may be obtained from those people, so that a comprehensive.ordinance may be prepared. City Attorney Adams informed the Council that the big problem is that these sea walls are located on private property, and you have to be careful about how far to go~ City Manager Gatchel reported that the City has Just completed a survey in some of the sections of Tropic Isle in cooperation with the Tropic Isle .Civic Association, and that a meeting is planned for this week to g.~ over the matter so that said Association can approachsome of the property owners themselves, thus helping to Prepare recon~uend- ations for an ordinance. 5.a. Mr. Talbot reminded the Council of recommendations from the City Attorney concerning what should be done as to the status of Mr. Mellon and Tropic Palms and Tropic Isle Subdivisions, and said he believe~ -6- 9-13-65 that ~tem Should be given priority and that conditions would be im- proved if Said recommended changes are brought Mayor'Avery asked the City Manager to proceed with th~' item as recommended by Mr. Talbot. 5.a. Mayor Avery reported that as of October 1st, the City would have been microfilming its re~ords for one year, the' reasons being for se. curity and reduction of storage'space, and Said that at'the first meet- ing in'October he would like presented to the Council, for the bene~ of the public, a complete report as to the amount of records that h~ been microfilmed, how many cubic feet of storage space has been con- densed, recommendations for security purposes of records that migh~ necessary, and a report of the activity of the Records Committee provision for regular meetings of said C0mm~ttee in order that the stroying of the old records may be kept up to date. Ci~yManager Gatchel informed Mayor Avery that report would be nished at the firstmeet~ng £n October. §.a. Mayor Avery rea~ a circular put out by the Jaycees concernin~ ~he safety 'of 'children, and urging all drivers to be even more carefv! s~nce school has-started~ 6¥a. concerning consideration of the Tennis Committee's request for additional items to finalize the relocation of the City's Tennis Court COmPlex, C~t~:Mangger GaUche1 r~P~rte~ as ~ollows~ "Counci~,, at its a~d ~[~g~t~d'~%hat"~pp~.~ '~"2h~s a~e~d~'' T~:~[o~ repair ng .the-~en~e~ ~0ncre2efooti~s'-and"C0~t da~age~resUlt~ng'"~om'~ash~uts ~d~"b~&o&~t~tk6~"~k~Atlantic Avenue rig~t-of-way adjacent t° the fence wi~..be born~b~_~be'p~e ~on~ra~tor ............. ~ ........ .~. stre~th~B:.the fenCe"and'to '~k~ ~t Safer Th~ ~e2~.P0~ the '~t~'m ~i~'caused the deferment o~.the~ req~es~ 'at .. he City Ma~ger'rev~e~edthe letters an~ re~ommendat~on~ cOq~e~ning m~oq2es-,gf.:.~at.m~etSn~,aod.go~t~aqe~: "ThiSi'is the status of the ma~eria~pre~en~ea"t6' C~u~'"'a~Y0urlast meeting three weeks ago. This, cO~pled w~h the $825.00 estimate which we have presented to you tonaght,'megns.tha~ in ad~At~gnto' ~he ~aencvmbered bo~nc~ ~n sere for the, widening'of West ~l'an2tc Avenue, an amount of $3,585.07 w£!l'bei~&es~y%~6'~&&plete th® tennis court facility, including th® fe0ce I~, i~.rec~mmen~e~.that this amount.be.transferred from - ~r~isaunaarsjm6ved '~hat"the ~recOm~e~dations of the':6ity M~n~gez] the Atblet~cl Dir~Ctgr.and the Tennis'.¢omm~ttee~be .accepted, :'~t~i~iTal~°tl]~,,xp~ess~d~his'di~lea~ure'o~er t~® m~nae~ ,in ~h~C~ this CO.ended ~i~hf"~ i~"order'''~i6h' fha' exd~ptiOn' Of ~ee';' and ~at 'he" ,'~i,"~u~fi~y'%aSd:he."~dltke to know who'the bid4~S'~r~ 'and~the , mgunt~ibid:.~n':t~'di~r~nt~itemhrecommendeO, t6b~d~n~::.~',gh~}tennis f~dilf~y,: 'and ~he:~CiiY Maaa~ ~lia.'~ha~:<c~ia ?~e 'fu~"i~id ~roi;"inform- a~ign,"re~e'~d'f~om the ~e.~nis. Committee'. ...... .'.': ~. -..i. ''' ':"-"i ~(.:~ ~ .... "~""' ' ',~ :..':,.,"t ', "'9;i3;65"?" condition is not remedied soon, he ~euld recommend that the bondin9 company be notified.. City. Manager .~atchel informed the COUncil that ~he final ps,fluent had not been made to the contractor aa yet,.,, and Mayor Avery suggested an addition to the motion that this i~em be surveyed and corrected be- fore final payment to the' Contractor ,and that bide and bidders' names be submitted to, Council, ~hi~h .~fgeet~ons were accepted by ~aundere and Mr. Croft in their~ ~tiolh and second° Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 6.b. Concerning storm drainage at So. E. 4th Avenue and 2nd SWeet, City Manager GatcheI informe~ the Council as follows: "Authorization is requested for installation Of'a 21" C.M.P. storm drain intended to be installed in the alley in Block 94, running northward from So E. 2nd Street to let Street and thence eastward approximately 150 feet, at ~hich point it will empty into an existing storm drain installed in 1949, which runs eastward therefrom, tyir~ into the State Road partment's storm drain project of '1961, installed in conjunction with the north and southbound Federal High~ay construction. Estimated cost of this drainage-installation; designed to provide re- lief in the general area of S..Eo '4th Avenue and 2nd Street, is and it is recommended that this improvement be understood to be a por- tion cfa proposed Master Plan for an over-all drainage improvement project and, therefore, cost of this initial project will be incor- p?rated into the total cost of such over-all' drainage system upon its completion, which cost, ~hen determined, may be shared between the City and benefitted properties. This $5,.135;00 estimate was based on a bid received by the City last December and the contractor who made the bid indicates-that it is still good, subject only to an increase in' cost of the 21" corrugated metal pipe, if any, which ~ay have occurred since f~e da~e of .the original bid, end all labOr and mate~ia! otherwise is the same." ~r. TalbOt asked~hy this ~s not being done on a pay-as-you-go basis and handled aa any other drainage progxam. City AtroPhy Adams suggested that this i~em be ~abled until he can revie~ it more 'thoroughly, unless i~ is done on a normal assessment basis, as there is a question in his mind of coming back five Meats later and asseSSing the property o~ners for drainage installed at this time. ~r. Croft ~a'~/ain stressed the need of some '~ainage relief in that area, and Hr. ~albot said he is ready to move on this item provided the method of payment is to be the usual method of payment. Mr o Talbot asked if it ~ould be in order to move that the City Manager be instructed to approve the contract immediately and such steps be 'taken to properly advertise same and pay for same on the usual basis? Hr. Talbot moved that the City Manager be instructed to accept the bid of $5,135.00, subject to the Conditions that were spec~fied, and that proper steps be taken for advertisement sc that it can be started immediately, said project to be on a regular basis of assessment on the prorated share. City Attorney Adams asked if the. Ci2y Attorney and CitM Clerk could be authorized to prepare the necessary reSOlutions ~or the next meetin~ to get same underway, as it ~would be better to proceed in the due course. Hr. Talbot said that could be done, as far as he is concerned, but he was attempting to cooperate with Hr. Cro£t in moving ahead faster. Mayor Avery commented: "Mr. Talbot made a motion that died for the lack o£ a second, The City ~ttorney says that the proper motion is that the City Attorney an.d city Clerk be directed to prepare the ne- cessary Resolutions to pu~ this. action-into effect." It ~as so moved DY Mr. Talbot and seconded by ~r. Croft. MaFor Avery mentioned the bad drainage situation at the corner of S. E. let Avenue and 2nd Street and said that Mr. O. D. Priest, ~r., a property o~mer at that location, ~ould li~. ~0r ~a~mething to be done to relieve the situation and that he is wil'liag ~ share the cost in- volved. ' '~'-" "~' '~.~13-65 ~57 Mayor Avery asked if the city. Manager would investigate the feasi- bility of including this area in the overall area to be assessed. City Manager Gatchel said that had already been established in an overall drainage project for the area, which wou~d scat upon call of roll of .the mo~ion to proceed with plans for storm drains in tho area of S, E. 4th Avenue and.. 2nd' Street, the motion was unanimously carried. ~ · 6.c. Concerning a survey of parcels of land in violation of City nui- sance laws presented by the City Manager, Mr. Talbot moved that Chapter 15 of the City Code bo complied w4th, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saundors-.and unanimously carried. (Copy of survey is attached to tho official copy of these minutes) (See Page 264-~) · 6.d. Concerning consideration for procedure to establish rate sched- ule pertaining to extension of sewerage,coll~otion servi~e to adjacent towns, City Manager Gatchel reported .to Council as follows: recommended that Council .author~ize Russell & Axon to proceed with a rate study for the p~z~ose of establishing a rate-schedule to provide charges for sewerage from other toM1s to be 'accepted intO the Delray Beach ocean surfs11 system. Subject to Council approval and such authorization, it is further recommended that the 'engineers' fees for this work be in acco~dMlce.~with the current engineering contract, dated September 30, 1959,. and Supplement No. 3 thereto, dated July 8, 1963, between the City of Delray Beach and Russell & Axon. ". It was so moved by Mr. Saunders .and seconded by Mr~ Talbot. City Attorney Adams in~formed the Council that, in his opinion, there is no basis in said contracts to set th~s fee, and suggested that Russell & Axon submit a proposal of how extensive, the 'survey will be and the estimated cost of same .on a flat £ee; further, that he believes Mr. Daniel Neff of Russell & Axon is in agreement with him. Mr. Saunders .and Mr. Talbot then withdrew their~motion and second. Mr. Neff .said he thought tho Consulting ~.ngineers~ participation in tb~s would only be to~ determine the capital costs-of the system that would be used to transmit this sewerage, through the surfs11, and feels the City could probably, better than anyor~ else, give the actual oper- a~ng cost. Further, the cost to outlying communities would consist of two figures= one, the capital charges which would assist the people of Delray Beach in paying off tho bonds on the capital= and the other, the actual operating costs. Mr. Neff said it was' note'& very extensive job and felt sure he could negotiate a lump sum fee 'that.woul~n-*t be over $500~00 or $600.00, and stated further that anything the City Manager considers fair, they would be willing to undertake~. Mayor Avery sa~d that in view of the figure qt~oted, R~seell & Axon should give the City Council a proposal as to what it will cost to pro- ~uce said rate s~hedulo. Mr. Neff said that ~eemed to be a reasonable ~lgttre, but RuSsell Axon would be willing to do the job for'any figure 'the Council would consider reas~nable.~ Mr. Talbot said .that i~ his opinion Russell~& Axon has always been fair in their dealings with the Council, and a hundred or two hundred dollars more on knowiDg what you should charge will pay the City mush more in benefits than ~hav~ng someone without as much knowledge do the job for the City. Purther, that he feels Delray Beach has been ~oo lax in giving away its benefits and assets, and w~th 'those statements, he would move that the C4ty Manager be authorized to engage Russell Axon to proceed.'w~th a rate study .for the purposes, as outlined, such' charge to be negotiated upon completion of the study, the' cost not to exceed $600.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously. 7. There were no petitions or 8.a. City Clerk Worthingp=esented RESOLUTION NO. 34-65, authorizing oertain storm, drainage construction in'Sea Spray-Avenue and Beach Drive area, and informed t~e Council that'prior to action on same, a public hearing is scheduled robe held on Resolution 31-65,'passedand adopted by Council on August 23rd, whiCh ordered said storm drainage to be in- stalledo Mr. J. L. Patterson informed the Council that he Was assessed in 1957 for drainage on Andrews Avenue and contested payment of said drainage assessment at that time as he felt he had no drainage problem with his property~ further; that he was told at that time if he would pay same, he would:have no further drainage assessment against his property. Mr. Talbot said he had received several .calls from residents of Sea Spray Avenue informing him that they had paid a drainage assessment in 1957 and felt they had no need for further drainage and objected tO further assessment. .Mayor Avery recalled that in the N. E. 2nd Street drainage project a few years ago, the properties .that had been.assessed in that area many years ago received credit onthe new assessment in the amount previously paid, and stated that he is in favor of. the properties in this area receiving credit against a new assessment for monies pre- viously paid on drainage assessments~. Mr. J. L. Patterson stated that he felt the property owners included in this drainage district should be notified by letter of said proposed improvement. Mr. Talbot questioned .whether this.proposed drainage installation would be adequate in the future, and questioned the .operation of the tide or flap gates. Said operation was explained by City Engineer Fleming, who stated that similar installations in the southern part of Delray Beach were very satisfactory. CityEngineer Fleming further stated that Brodkway, Weber & Brockway have recently updated .and revised the plans for this storm drain in- stallation, in accordance with the request of the City of Delray Beach, and that he feels same will operate properly. Mayor Avery reminded the Council that residents of Beach Drive had been promised last winter that as soon as that .season was over, their poor drainage situation would be taken care of. It was reportedthat bids had been received today for said storm drain installationand the low bid is~$19,038.75, with work to start within 10 days and be completed within60 days after approval of con- tract. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Jurney moved that Resolution No. 34-65 be tabled for further study, and also:thatproperty:owners in said vicinity be notified by certified mail, inorder thatthey may express their likes or dislikes. Mr. Croft said:he would second the motion if said item would be tabled only for two weeks, towhich Mr. Jurney agreed. During discussion, City Manager Gatchel informed the council that if this item is deferred for two weeks, the completion:date would be in the second week in December.- Upon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney and Mr; Saunders voted in favor of the motion, Mr.:Talbot abstained from voting and. Mayor Avery was opposed. Mayor Avery qua!ified his vote in that he ~elt that time was an ~mportant.factor.in.getting this WOrk completed,~ 8.b. CityClerk W°rthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 35-65, authorizing certain storm drainage construction on Water Way Lane,.:and informed the council that prior to aC%~On on same, a public hearing is scheduled to be held on ReSol~tion.No? }2,65, passed and adopted byCouncil on Augus~ 23rd, which reso~9~iOn expressed the determination to provide for ~tallation of said storm drainage construction. Mrs; T. C. Taber, 1102 Water Way Lane, informed the Council that he felt their situation could be taken care of with the resurfaoing of the street, and a new and larger drain ~rom the. we~% end of their street to the waterway, and possibly the installatio~ of a f~ap gate, rather than going into an instaila~on that would necessita~e the moving of palm trees, putting in swales! etc. -10- 9-13-65 :259 City Engineer Fleming reported that the ,presen~ drainage pipe at that location is 8 inches, '.and the one recommended' is 24 inches. Further, that the elevation of the street wou'ld he'corrected in the overall reeurfacing of the street, and the street would be constructed on ~e proper gra~e so~at a~ any ~int, ~e cro~ of t~e street w~l carry the water off ~he stree~ to ~e a~e an~ ~o~ ~e swale to ~e catch basin. MaWr Avery said ~at ~. ~al~ Allmon, 1101 Water ~y Lane, ha~ aske~ a~ut ~e ~v~ng or ~estroy~ng ~f their landscaping, an~ City Engineer Fleming sai~ ~ere ~ul~ ~ a min~m~ of moving of the large ~lms, and ~at it is in the contract'that ~e contractor must replace any palms, so~ or an~h~ng that ~s move~ or altere~ ~n any way ~n con- struction of ~e s~les, an~ every possible effort ~ul~ be ma~e ~o s~le 'aroun~ sai~ palms so ~ey ~uld not have to ~ moved. ~. ~nala A11mon r~uested that this item' be ~eferre~ and property o~ers not~fied, as ha~ been ordere~ conceding Resolution No. 34-65. ~v,Jurney, mo~ed that Resolution No. 3~-65 be tabled unt~l ~he next regular meeting, w~ pro~rty o~ers involved being notif~e~ by certi- fie~ mail, the motion being seconded by ~. Jurney. ~n call of ro11, ~. ~oft, ~. Jurney and ~. Saunters voted ~n favor of the motion, ~. Talbot abstained from voting and MaWr Avery was opuseS. 8.c. ~e C~ty Clerk presente~ ~SOL~ION NO. 36-65. ~ ~0L~ION OF ~ .CITY .CO~CIL OF T~ CI~ OF (COPY ~f "ReS~!utio~ No. 36.-65 ts attached to the of!icial cop[ of these been' negoti~t'd'.with' ~e' 'con~rac~"'inital~fnq Sln~(ar~'i~ers in.. tht! 8.d. ~e CitX ~lerk presented RE$OL~ION NO. 37-65. A ~SOL~T!ON ~NG AppROPR~TION OF S~S .OF HO~Y FOR ~ T~; CO~ITIONS A~ PaOViSIONS ~ ~S~E~ TO ~P~L A~ ~S~IoNs ~LLY IN ~}~L~CT ~ THIS L~: a ~AX .gN .a~ PReP~RT!~S 'W!T~N T~ ~tTY OF ;D~ : -. C!~Y 0F,D~Y, A~' TO.ALLO~TE A~ APP~OPR~TE, ~ID 26O Mreo Dorothea Montgomery, of the Beach Taxpayers League, and Mr. Roy Simon of the Chamber of Commerce, ~ommended the Council and City Manager on preparing a good budget and also reducing the tax millage. There being no obJeot~ona to Resolution No. ']?-65, said Resolution was unanimously passed and adopted, on this first and final reading on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 8.e. The City Clerk presented RESOLUTION NO. 40-65. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAOER TO PROCEED ~'~TH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDE~LK ON THE EAST SIDE OF NORTH SW~NTON AVENUE B~TW~N 8th STREET AND N. E. 22nd' STREET~ ALSO ON T~E SOUTH SIDE OF N. E. 22nd STREET B~TWEEN NORTH SWINTON AVE- NUE AND N. E. 2nd AVENUE~ ALSb ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THAT PORTION OF N. E. 18th STREET LI~NG BETWEEN SWI~?TON AND 2nd AVENUES. (Copy of ReeoIution No. 40-65 is ~ttached to the o~fi=ial copy of these minutes. ) (See Page 264-B) The City Clerk informed the Council that prior to action on same, a public hearing is scheduled to be held on Resolution No. 39-65, adopted by Council on August 31st, providing for establishing a basis for sharing of the total cost of said sidewalk construction by special assessment. Mr. Walter Bailey, 108 N. E. 18th Street, said he felt the abutting property owners, who would be assessed for said sidewalk construction, are entitled to a letter or some notification, and that this public hearing be deferred for a couple of weeks in order that said property owners may be notified and be able to express themselves concerning same~ further, that he would suggest the sidewalk be constructed on the north side of the Street. Mr. Naa1 J. Quiet, 1315 North Swinton Avenue, said he is in accord with the comments of Mr. Bailey~ further, teat he does not feel there are enough school children involved to warrant the sidewalk construc- tion. Mr. Arthu~ Sprott, 2003 North Swinton Avenue, said he had made a survey ~ia morning of school children walking past his house which totaled 46, and suggested that said sidewalk be constructed on the west side of Swinton Avenue~ further, that he feels the property owners in the vicinity of schools .are penali~ed w~th drainage and sidewalk assessments which are city-wide projects and cost should be borne city- wide. Mr. James Ritterbuech, 1511 North Swinton Avenue, said he believed sidewalks should be constructed on one side of Swinton Avenue, but objects to the abutting property owners having to pay for same, that it should be a city-wide project, or a more equitable method of paying for said s~dewa~ should be arrived at by the Council. Mr. J. L. Patterson, owning property at 1425 North Swinton Avenue, said that he agrees with ~he objections made by Mr. Ritterbusch and Mr. Sprott, Mr. Arthur J. Michael, 503 N. E..2nd Avenue, informed the Council of the san~..areas between the sidewal~k and street paving on N. E. 2nd Avenue tha~ ~'~ld be eliminated by the placing of blacktol)' in said areas. Mayor Avery said Mr. Michael had b~ought this ~ubject to Council attention before, and &eked tha= the .~y Manage= make note of this and sometime in the near futur~ .make~recom~endations to Council, in- cluding estimated cost, fo~ taking 'care of~ same. Mr. Quiet asked about a jo~ in the sidewalk if it is placed on the east side of Swinton Avenue, and City Manager ~atchel explained that in the plans for the location of a five foot sidewalk from 8th Street -12- 9-13-65 26~ to Grove Way, ~he easterly edge of the sidewalk would be 24 feet from the centerline of Swinton Avenue,' and from Grove way to 22nd Street the easterly edge of the sidewalk would be 32 feet from the centerline of Swinton Avenue. Following a question as to how the area between the sidewalk and paving would be left, city Engineer Fleming informed-the Council that the cost estimates he had prepared proposed to replace that strip in the same condition that it is at present. City Attorney Adams explained that the City Clerk has not been remiss in notifying affected property owners of proposed improvements, as the Charter only requires public notification in a newspaper pub, lished in Delray Beach two weeks prior to the public hearing on said project! further, that there could be several hundred property owners affected by some improvements. Mr. J. L. Patterson suggested a charter change concerning notifi- cation to property owners where an assessment is concerned. · Mr. Jack Duane, 1101 North Swinton Avenue,-informed the Council that he had received a letter from the City recently, asking that he deed 8 feet of his property to the City, and asked i~ something has been changed since that time. City Clerk worth~ng stated that no cooperation had been received from the property owners from N. E. 8th Street to Grove Way in order to provide an additional 8 feet in width that there might be a straight s£dewalk, with no jog, from 8th Street to 22nd Street, and as the City Msnager had poin~ed~.,out the e~ste.rly edge. of the · ".Mr,"Jurn~y..~ed that Resoi'u~ion' No, '40-65 be' defepred"and'"r~fert:~d to the City '~anage~. for a ~afety study, through the Chief of Police of with 'the pr~,i,s!,_o.n .that this .ma~t~er· b,~. handle~ imm~diatel'y~ and~' a-spa- cia.1 meeti,n,g.b~..'Ca.ll~ }o. 90nc. lud~ this matter within three,.4a.ys,: which.w~'s a~C~Pted'by~Mr,. Ju~ney. " to~.the~: ~x,ten! .~f ~h!.',~i~y paYin~"the full' amoun~ f0r'sald'~on~tr~tion. ' ~c!ty. clerk WOrthi~g t~fo~ the Council tha~ i~ would be some..time b. ef0~e ~. s,ide~alk' e~u!d'be':'c°n's~ruc~d: ~n ~e' west 'side: of' ~kih~ ' swin'tbn'Avenue' as s~fficient: rl9h$~'Of.w,~'~ d~s' not~'exie'~ f~er, ~ :th'~e',' are Pl~es '0n ;the~: west:" s'lde ~f '~inton Avenu~ .where..' there is 0nly !5: feet' of dedica?a' righ:t-Of~way lying ~S~ of the' =~nter:line. ~.,".Talbo~ .sug=ge~tad that if the ~ew property o~erS..~u!d cogpera~e in ae~ding.the ~st" 8' fee~ o~ ~eir property in would be, s~' ~ght from ~' ~0 22nd Streets, ,~a C~t~ b~a~".~W~ t0~al ~, SauMers'moved' ~at' ReSolution.No~ 40.V65'be pass~d~ the motion UPON ~RTAIN ~S, L~T~ WITHIN SAID CITY~ SE~ING U~N ~ID PROPERTY' IN AN' AMO~T AS SHO~ BY ~PORT T~ CITY ~G~a OF D~L~Y' B~CH, PLORI~. (Copy of Reso!Ution NO. 41-65'and assessments are attached to ~e offiCial..coP~ of ~ese minuteS.) (SiS 'Pa~es 26~-G & ~6~-H) Resolution No. 41-65 '.~s unanimously p~ssed end adopted on first and final reading on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 8.g. .City.'Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 27-65. AN ORDINANCE OF~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY= REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE'SAID LAND= PROVIDING FOR THE · · RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND= AND PROVIDIN~ FOR THE ~ONING T~gREOF. Cop of 0rdins~e N . 2 - w s a o d with. the minu~es of July ~. ~mes Ri~.,ard,o~, Jr. informed the Council that he had offered the old buildings on said property to the fire department for a prac- tice ru~ if they desired same, but that the buildings would be molished by ~he first of January anyway. Following lengthy comments by COunCilmen concerning zoning, end definite plans of improvement of property being submitted at time of petition for annexation, Mayor Avery relinquished the gavel to Vice- Mayor Saunders and commented as follows: "I feel that zoning should be from alley ~o alley. I feel that the fact C-2 zoning is.. across the street from this property would make me vote for C-2 regardless :of whether it ia in the City today or ig comes in the City tomorrow, or a month, or a year from tomorrow. On principle, it is C-2 property. The Planning/Zoning Board did consider this. I don't always agree with the Planning/zoning Board, but in this, and. they made a detailed study on it, they recommended to us that it be C-2." · Following other com- ments, and expressing the fact that. the 'interchange of 1-95 being in that area would make a commercial area, Mayor Avery moved that Ordi- nance No. 27-65 be passed on final reading. The motion died for' the lack of a second. Following further discussion, and inepection~of the map Showing other properties in the area of said Richardson tract coveredI by Ordi- nance No. 27-65, Mr. Talbot moved that Ordinance No. 27-65 be accepted on this final reading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Saunders who stated that when this item came to Council prior to tonight he had voted in favor of bringing it into the City because of the C-2 zoning across the road: further, that he does not believe that the Council should determine whether a person is making a good deal in property. Upon call of roll, Mr. Saunders, Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Croft and Mr. Jurney were opposed. 8.h. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. 31-65. AN ORDINgNCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY ~EACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRRY BEACH CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH~ RANGE 43 EAST~ WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY= REDEFINI~ THE BOUND- ARIESOF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND= PROVIDIN~ FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND. PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Mr. Talbot moved that Ordinance No.: 31-65 be place~ on first read- ing, the motion being seconded by Mr. S'aunders. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Saundera, Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery voted 'in favor of the motion and Mr. Croft and Mr. Jurney abstained from voting. 8.i. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 32-65. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO TH.~. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NAMELY LOT 26, DRLRAY BEACH SHORES, WHICH LAND .IS CONTI~UOUS TO EX~TING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID -14- 9-13-65 263 CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES' OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No. 32-65 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr, Jurney. 8. j. ~he City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO, 33-65. AN ORDINANCE OF .THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO JUnK YARDS, SETTING FORTH DEFINITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS TO LOCATION AND AREAl REOUIRING JUNK YARDS TO BE OBSCURED BY MEANS OF NATURAL OBJECTS OR FENCES, PENALTY PROVISIONS, SAVINGS CLAUSE, EFFEC- TIVE DATE, AND FOR OTItER PURPOSES. Ordinance No. 33-65 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Jurney. 9. There were no reports. Concerning Bids for construction of storm drains in Section Q, 10.a. City Manager Gatchel recommended that this item be tabled, since item 8,a. concerning construction of said storm drains had..been tabled until the next regular meeting. It was so ordered. Concerning..Bids .for-,:const.ruction o[ storm drains in.Section S, 10.b. City Ma~er. ,~tChei r~0~ended ~that'this item als~~ B.,~ tabled, since it~ 8.h.' C0nce. r~in~: ~con'~itr'Uc.ti.o~, ~.f' iSai'd storm i .drains ~ad been !0,c.' The,City Man_a.'ger re,quest~d'authori~atlo~ to ~egoti'ate'a C~ntract f0~' %he"dra[nag~'imgr'~veme~t' On' %sland: DriVe' in the amount of $2,225.00 with H.. & S,,Const,ructo,rs who are installing the sanitary sewers in that ar~&. 'it ~as so moved' by Mr. Ssunders; seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously., carried 10.d. Concerni~g'~ids?'f~r imProv, emeni:~f a portio~ ~f N~iW. 3rd Ave- nue, city '~anag~r.: ~a'6cher r~Ported to '~ouncii as.'z01Iows=:~[/.. ~at. the last regula~r"coun~ii meeting held °n Aug~st.23rd, .th~ ,Io~'~ia"re- grading and' PaVing of thai~ portion of'l~l w~' 3rd Avenue extending south- ward from llth Street tot a distance of 308 feet was reje. c.ted, and Co-un6il reqUested' f~U~ther effo~'t' On the part Of' the'admln'i'sir~ati6a to obtain bids' fok" su~h' improv'~ment, as ~ell as' d~rmining the cost thereof for said project to be effected by City forces. The following bids'are submitted' ~for c0nside,ration: Hardrives of Delray. $2,980.00 Turner Nu,rSery ': .. $2~, 475~ 68 The City Manager reported that the bid of, Hardrives sti.tl,..st,a~s,_,~ as first' s~b~itted~ 'furthei:,. it~h~st 'i'~. ~is ~eC0mm~nded and`. that' this" rec~n~n~nda'tion' sh~Ui~ be t~mPered Wi6h a necessary time delay d~e. to Other projects the City~ !o,rces are scheduled ~o It wa~' Stated:"th'at'"'the ,~ity':h'~d' prepared their' cost ~lgUre a~t~r, the 0the~~ bi'ds had ~een r~ceiVed, and 'that 'it 'is only'an~e';~im,a%e. ' .... ' .Mr. Jurney moved' that T~r_.ner Nursery be awa. rded Said .~a%tng contract in the amount of $2,475.68; 'the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft. Upon call of r~ll; Mr. Croft, Mr. Jurney, Mr. Talbot and'Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion and ,Mr. Saunders abstained from voting. I0,e. Concerning Bills for ApprOval, City Manager Gatchel slid ~are is 'one correction that should be consisted at this' time~ aO~*.re*ferred lass item on pag~ 3; and continuedl ~e to the Council action and~' re~tueSt conce~rning. the tennis courttit_-ilding, 'I suggest 'th~"iise be 264 approved wi~h this one exception." The City Manager.then presented the following Bills for Approval: General Fund $ 59,537.64 Water Operating &Maintenance Fund 10,271.56 Water Revenue ~und 3,236.38 Improvement Fund 1,115.00 Mr. Croft moved that the Bills for Approval be paid with the excep- tion of the one mentioned by the City Manager, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried. lO.x. City Manager Gatchel announced that the City is planning, led by the Police Force, to hold a dedication ceremony on the City's new harbor patrol boat next Saturday, September 18th, at 10:00 A.M. at the City Dock, and that the Council are all asked to be present with the Mayor as M..C. That said boathad been placed in test run operation last week and operated throughout the entire weekend= further, that it would be operated by the off-dutypolice officers and ~embers of the Delray Beach Police Force Reserve, the purpose being to enforce the wake ordinance through Delray Beach, surveillance of all waterfront properties in Delray Beach, emergency assistance to boating of public, lifesaving, etc. The City Manager stated.that all the.people who assisted in getting this police boat in~o operationwere expected to be at the dedication ceremony and be properly recognized at that time. 10.x. Mr. Talbot asked the Finance Director if, when a check is spoiled and voided, it is kept in the City file available for Council inspection, and Mr. Weber said that such a check is kept with the cancelled checks, and all cancelled and voided checks are kept in numerical order. The meeting adjourned at 12~00 midnight. City Clerk APPROVED: ' MAYOR -16- 9-13-65 OF S~ ~INS' IN IS~ DR~ ~B~ WITH ~NSTA~T~ON OF .~T~ ~SlNS, ~S-~O~S ~S, ~e C~ty Council of ~e C~ty of ~lray Beach, Florida, d~d, on ~e 23rd day of Au~st, 1965, bY adoption Resolution ~. 33-65, determi~e ~ proceed w~ ~e eonstruct~on of storm drains toge~ w~ .ins~llat~on of catch ~s~ns, man- holes and all necessary appurtenances in conJ~ct~o~ wi~ such storm drains ~n Island DriP, and ~S, ~e ~solution providing ~ereEor has been duly p~lished as red,red by ~e City ~ar~r, ~oge~er a not~ce ~at obJeo~ons to sa~d ~mprove~nt ~uld ~ heard, and . ~S, no suff~cient objeotions have ~en ~e C~ty of Delray Beauh~ ~lOr~da, that and he i~' hergby': instructed, t~[ prOCe~ ~ ~e.'-dons~ruction of s~rm ~rains '~n Is!and. Dr~Ve., toge~er wi~ ~nS~ll~t~on of uatch here~fo~e.~.f~led w~ ~ Ck~y'Clerk; 'a~d the offl-~e' off' '~e Ci%y '~nager and kept o~n for ~eut~on of ~e public. ]Septe~r,' 1965; /~/~. ~. w0~ ~IEREAS, the City Council of the C£$y of Delray Florida, did, on the 31st day of August, 1965, by adoption of Resolution No. 39-65, determine to proceed with the construction of a sidewalk ~ ~e East s~de of Nor~ Swinton Avenue N. E. 9th S~eet and N. E. 22n~ S~eet; Also on ~e South s~de of N. E. 22nd S~ee2 bergen Nor~ ~nt~ Avenue and N. E. 2nd Avenue~ Also on the Sou~ s~de ef ~at ~rt~on of N. E. 18~ Street lying bergen ~inton and 2nd Avenues, and ~S, ~e reSOlUtion providing t~refo= has ~en duly p~tished as re~ired by the City ~arter, together wi~ a notice that objections to said ~mprovem~t ~8 .~ hca=d, and ~S~ no sufEic~ent objections have ~en made to such propOsed improvement, ~e City of ~l=aY Bea~, Florida, that ~e C~ty Manager be and he iS hereby instructed to pro,ed Wi~ ~e construu~ion of a side~lk on the East side of ~r~ ~nton Avenue ~t~en' N. 8th stree~ and N. E. 22nd Street~ Also on ~e Sou~ s~de of N. E. 22nd S~eet bergen ~rth Swi~ton Avenue and N. E, '2nd Avenue~ A1s° on ~e ~uth s~de of 2hat portion of ~. E. 18~ Street lying bergen ~n~n and 2nd Avenues, according to plans and speci~ications heretofore filed wi~ the City Clerk, and a Copy ~eEeof filed in the offi~ of the C~ty ~nager and kept o~n 'for ~n~ot~n of the ~ASSED ~n re~lar session on ~S ~e 13~ day of Sep~er, 1965. .... /s/ A~. C. AVERY MAYOR ~TTEST: /s/ R. D. WORTHING City Clerk RESOLUTION ~R~. '37.65. A RESOLUTION t~AKING APPROPRIATION OF S~OF ~BER, 1965 ~ ~ 30~ ~Y OF SEP~R~ 1966; P~SCR~E ~ T~S, ~zTzo~ A~ ~RO~SI0~ ~SP~T ~ ~ I~ OP AP~OPR~TION A~ ~IR PAY- ~I A~ TO ~P~. ALL ~S~O~ ~O~Y IN CON- SU~ ZN~IS~Y~ A~ ~ ~ A' TAX ON A~ PROPER- TIES W~IN ~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH FOR A~ OPE~TION, A~ TO ~A TAX ~R ~ PA~ OF PR~PAL A~ ~ST ON ~ED ~EB~}~SS ~ PROPER~ L~ IN ~ FOUR CI~ OF DE~Y, A~ ~ AL~TE A~ APPROPR~TE ~ COL~TIONS BE IT RESOL~ by ~e Council of ~e City of ~lray Beach, Florida= ~at ~e ~ollowing s~s of ~ney be, an~ hereby a=e ap- propria~d u~n ~e te~s, co~itions a~ provisions herein before and here~afte= set for~ ARTIC~ I. Litanies ) ......... ~0-~ ~6~480.. 48,480. F=anc~se ~ ~ti~ity ~x~s 214, TS0. ~cehb~S & Permits 106,770. Fines & ~9~feit~es ~ - ' . 40,700. 'R~V~.s "~m ~dividuals ~. Other AgenCies ":~" 265,350. Charges ~or ~rrent Serviaes. ......... . . 200, ~sf~r~ ,~frOm o~er Funds' ' uA~P~bPrtat~ surplus ..... _- ..!.48,618. Page 2. Resolution No. 37-65. AR,~XCLE X!. WATER A~D..$.EWBR PUND Other Capital Estimate~ ~ndit~es ~19~.~es Expenses ~tla~ Administration $ 2X~03.$ '18~295. $ .-495~$ 40,293. Supply ~ .PUrtfi~ati~ 13, S.~O. 32,300 ~ TransmissiOn a Dls~ibution 61,083. 61,601. ,108e012.. 230,696. Acco~ting & Collection .0~:.: 24,760.~ -0- 24,760. Se~r System 28'~ 944. 12,92:5. 300.. 42,069; Instant: a ~es -0~ 84~ 170. -0- 84,170. Depreciation & ~nt~ngency -0- 348,~0. -0- 346,000. Pension .. -0, 6,960~ -0- 6,960. Debt Service ' -0- .3.42~ 618~ . -0- 342 Revenue Revenue from cae ef ~ne~ a~a Property $ 77,285. ~alea a ~rges fo~ .Current ~e=vtces 641,440. Sales a Re.reties .. . 450. Matured U. S. ~eaSury'~tes 78,000. ~appropriatea S~plua . . 404,786. Section 1.1 - All ~e monies herein before appr~p~iate~ ~e ap~oprt- ated u~ the terms, conditions, and provisions herein before and hereinafter set forth. ~ec~i~n. 3~ - S~Ject to ~e ~alifiuati~ns contained in ~ts re~lu- tt~ all appropriations ma~e out of the General Fund are declared to be maxim~, conditional, and pr~rtionate appropriations, ~e p~pose being to make the appropriations payable in full In ~e amours herein name~ if necessary and ~en only in the event ~e aggregate revenues uollecte~ and o~er resources available during ~e ~rio6 ~enctng the 1st 6ay of October, 1965, and te~inating ~e 30~ day of Septem- ~r., 1966, for which the appropriations are ~de, are suftiulent to pay all ~he appropriations in fu11~ o~e~tse ~e said a~ro~rtattons shall be dee~d to be payable in Such p~portion as the ~tal s~ of rea'lized revenue of ~e ~neral F~.,~ts to ~e total venues est~ated by ~e City ~u~uil"~~ be available In ~e ~rl~ uom- men=lng ~e 1st day of ~tober, 1965 and te~tnattng ~e 30~ day of Sep~e~r, ~eution 3.3 - A11 balances of ~e-approprtations payable out of General Fund of the City ~easury unenc~ered at the ~lose of busi- ness on ~e 30~ ~ay of 8epte~r, 1965~ exoep~ for, are hereby declared ~ be lapsed into ~e City ~eas~y an~ m~y .be used for ~e pa~ent of ~e approp=tations ~iCh may be made in any .appropriation for ~e fiscal ~ar co~encing ~e 1st d~y of October, 1965. ProvideS, hoover, no~!~g iA ~his Seotlon shall to be applicable to unen~er~a balances r%~aining, to the =redtt of ~e Water and Se~r ~nd or any. funds created` by ~e setting up of special revenue, but such balan=es shall"be used proposed ex~ndttures of these f~ds for ~e fisoal year cozening ~e let day of ~tober, 1965. Section. 3~4 - ~ de~rtmen~, bureau, agsnoy~ or 'i~vtdual ~ppropriations ~der the provisions of: this resolution shall ex.ed ~e amoant o~ its or his appropriation ~cept wi~ the consent' and Page 3. ResOlution No. 37-65, approval of ~he City Council first obtained~ and if such department, bureau, agency or individual shall ex~esd the amount of its or his appropriation without such consent and approval of the City Council, tho administrative o£f£cer or individual, in the deacretion of the City Council, may be deemed guilty of neglect of cilicia1 duty and may be subject to removal therefor. .Saetia~ ~.~5 - toothing in this resolution shall be cons~ued as au~hor- izing any reduction to be made in the amounts appropriated in this resolution fo= the pa~m~t o£ into=est, on, or retire~ent of, the debt of the City of Delray Beach, ~loridao SPction 3.6 - None o~ the monies enumerated in this resolution in connection with the ~eneral Fund, Water and Sewer Fund or any other Fund of the City shell be expended for any purpose than those £or which they are appropriate~, and it shall be the duty of the Director of Pinance to see that this; section is cc~plie~ With in all respects and report to *:he City Manager and City Counail any v~Olations thereof. Section 3.7 - All monies collected by any department, bureau, agency or individual of the'City G~vernment shall be paid promptly into the City Treasury. Section 3.8 - The foregoing budget be and hereby is adopted as the official budget of the City of Delray Beach for the aforesaid period. Provided, hoover, that ~he restrictions with respect to the expen~i- tufas of the [unds appropria~ed shall apply only to the lump sum amounts for classes of expenditures which have been included in this resolution o TAX LEVY SectiOn 4.~ - That there shall be and hereby is appropriated for the ~eneral Fund operations of the City the revenue derived from the tax of 9 mills per one ($1.00) dollar of assessed valuation, which is here- by levied on all taxable property within the City ef Delray BeaCh for the fiscal yea= commencing O~tober 1, 1965 and te~minating September 30, 1966~ the assessed valuation on all ~axable property for ol~rating purposes within the City of Delray Beach being $68,484,690. for oper- ating and/or maintenance expenses of the ~eneral ~u~d~ and also in ad- dition, all revenues derive~ by said City during said fiscal year from all other sources than the ~ax lev~ for c,a~rent bond servl~e, and that part of collection of delinquent taxes levied ~or bond service. s~egtion. 4.~ - That the amount of mOney necessary to be raised for rarest charges and bond redemption which ~onstitutes a general obli- gation bonded indebtedness of that portion Of the City of Delray Beach, which was formerly the City of Delray, iS$68~:~84, and that there is here- by appropriated for the payment thereof, ali revenues derived from tho tax levy of I mill per one ($1.00) dollar of assessed valuation, which is hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year oo~encing Octo- ber 1, 1965 and terminating September 30, 1966, upon the taxable pro- perty in that portion of the City of Delray Beach, which was formerly the City of Delray, the assessed valuation .being $54,918,840. and there ~s hereby appropria~ed, if necessary, from the surplus sinking fund oash sufficient mOnies which, together with proceeds of said tax levy fo= debt, w/.ll meet the debt requirements for the aforesaid fiscal year. P~S~SSD AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, city cler~ PROpeRTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 & 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE. PROPERTY CITY o~ ~D~SS ~E$C~P~O~ COD~ 1. M. E. & 849 I~win Drive Lots I thru ?, 15-3 & Gertrude Frye Pittsburgh, Pa. Block 3, Southridge 15-4 2. Flori~s Ea.s~ Att: W. E. Black, South 225 feet Of Coast Raitway TraCk Supt. North 480 feet & Company F.E.C. station South 139 feet m/! West Palm Beach, East of Railway, 15-3 & Florida' Block 85~ also 15-4 Block 86 East of Railway. Violations 15-3 & 15-4 as concerns ~his report are as follows: 1. 15-3. Loose building trash and debris~ broken trees and shrubbery~ old lumber and m~scellaneous trash (cans, old t5-4. H~gh weeds. 2. 15-3. Broken trees'on site of old company houses~ Loose trash around atation~ old l~vnher, loose wire, broken shrubbery and trees around st~n. 15-4. High weeds on entire property. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this the 13th day of September, 1965. RESOLUTION NO. 41-65. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL/lAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY: SETTING OUT ACTUAL C0ST~ INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY REPORT 0F TBE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did~ in regul~,r ~_ . .. /~{~/~ session held on the. loth of Maw and 14th & 28th of Jun.e, 1965 .declare the ex~i~te~a-ef a nui~- san~e upon bertaln Iot~-"o~ '~a~'ce'l'S of land, described, in a list sub- mitted to them, for violation of the provisions of Ordinance G-147; WHEREAS., pursuant to such declaration, the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective owners of the lands described in said list with a notice describing the nature of the nuisance and · that they must abate said nuisance within thirty (30) days, f~e~l~ing in which the City Council would have it done, and 'the Cost tBgmeof would be levied as an assessment against said property; and WHEREAS, the owners hereinafter named did fail and neglect to abate the nuisance existing UPon their respective lands w!~thSn tko time prescribed in said notice and Ordinance G-I~?, .~and tko City of Delsey Beach was required to and did enter upon the following lands and incur costs in abating the nuisance exis~i~"thereon as described in'the aforesaid list; and WHEREAs, the City Manager o~f the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to'said Ordinance G-1~7 and the City Charter submitted to the City Oouncila report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land lnvolved, · NOW. T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~! OF DELRA~ BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: re-0rl'pt That assessments in the individual amounts, as shown by the · of the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, inVolving the City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots or par- cels of land described in said report, a copy of which is'attached hereto and made a part hereof, are. levied against the pascals of land described on said report and in the amounts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective . lots and parcels of land described in said report, of the sa~ae nature and to the same extent es the lien for general city taxes and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions .as to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are collectible. 2. That the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish to each of the owners named in and upon said report a notice that the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, on the 10th of, May,. a. nd 14th & 28th of June,1965 order the abatement' Of a ce~n nuisance 'gx.i~tid'g"oh their dead,'lb'ed property and property owner having failed to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs shown in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. This resolution shall become effective 30 days from the date of adoption, and the assessments contained herein shall become due and payable thirty days after the mailing date of the notice of said assessment, after .which interest shall accrue at the rate of 6% per annum on any unpaid portion thereof PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular 13th session on the day of _ Sep.~ember ....... ~... . ..... , ~'- 'AT,EST: /s/ A.L~ C. AVERY /s/ R. D. WORTRING 264-H CQST 'OF ABATING NUISANCES UNDER QRDIN~NCE NO. G-147. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNERQ ASSESSMENT May 10th, 1965 list_ Lot 1, Block' 7, Federal Title & Seaerest Park. Insurance Cerp. $20~00 Lot 2, Block 7, Jones & Frederick, Seacrest Park. Inc. " June' 14th, 1965 list. North 50 feet of South 250 feet of East 135 feet, Ira B. & Rosa Lee Block .13. Johnsen $50.00 Lot 7, Block 41. Jane Hannah $80.00 June 28th, 1.965 list. Lot 30 & East 35 feet of Lot 31, Delray Beach J.W. & Adele Esplanade. Richardson $25%00