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5. There ~ere no public releases.
5.ac ~r.' Talbot reminded the Council that the Glace Engineering Corpo-
ration had been requested to make a re-study of Section 1 of the Beach
Rehabilitation Program, ~ue to the fact that there were several sea
walls crumbling, and continued~ "We no. have this re-study which was
authorized so that Glees Engineering Corporation could be assured, and
we could be assured, that the specifications that they offered to
habilitate Section I would still be effective."
City Manager Gatchel then read said re-study, dated October 8, 1965,
copy of which is attached to the official copy of these minutes, p. 286-H,I.
Mr. Talbot then commented and moved as follows= "Following that re-
port, we now know we are on sound ground regarding the Reach Rehabili-
tation study covering Section ~. I would move you, Mr. Chairman, that
the City Manager be instructed to make copies of this report, along
with the copies of that part of the original beach report covering
Section I, sending same to each owner of parcels of land in Section
with the proper letter of transmittal explaining whatwe are prepared
to do in the way of asslstingl that ~e have all the engineering~ how-
ever, whatever the coat will he they will bear it, and. that we will
have to have an answer by November first, because that is a deadline
on letting the contract for the work to start next March 15, 1966.
That is a motion." The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried
5.a. ViCe-Mayor Saunders invited Mrs. R. H. Brinker, President, and
Mrs. Hazel Vaught, vice-President, of the Seacrest High School Band
Boosters Club, to the Council table and read a PROCLAMATION, proclaim~
lng the week of October t4th through the 21st, 1965, to be SEACREST
~ANDW~EK, at which time the High School Band will sponsor a candy
sale for the benefit of their hand uniform fund.
Mrs. Brinker announced that the Seacrest High School band members
wtll be calling at the homes in the DelrayBesch and Boynton Beach
area in an effort to sell candy, and the proceeds will he used for the
purpose of badly needed band uniforms! further, that the support of all
residents in'saidaree will be appreciated.
6.a. Concerning a survey of parcels of land in violation of City nui-
sance laws.presented by the City Manager, Mr. Talbot moved that Chapter
15 of the Code of Ordinances be complied with, the motion being second-
ed by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried,'"(=oP~ attached). See page 286-D
6.b. Concerning requests for use of the Community Center, City Manager
Gatchel reported to Council as follows:
"The Marian SchoolAUXilia~Y requests the use of the Comm~nity
Center auditorium from iti}~'m"~to'5=00 P,m.-'on Friday, ~"-
October 29, 1965, for theii~,~'gP°seof ho!di~g'a csrdparty,
proceedsfroa which are t~'~'8~gmeni other funds necessary in
the aid to retarded childrenl and
The First Church of Christ Scientist of Delray Beach requests
the use of the Community Center's auditorium for Thursday
evening, December 9th, for the purpose of holding a free public
lecture~ and
The Seedling ~arden Club requests the use of the Community
Center's auditorium on Monday, February 14, 1966, for the.pur-
Dose of holding a card party to raise funds enabling the Seed-
ling Club to beautify an island on improved West Atlantic Avenue.
The POli~e Benevolent AsSOciation recluests the uae of the COm~
munity Center's euditorium on Monday evening, November 1st, for
its annual installation of officers and banquet.
It is recommended that such requests he granted SUBJECT to the
dates and usage of the Center not conflicting with the scheduled
programs of the aecreation Department."
Mr. croft moved that said requests be granted, subject to there not
being any conflict with the usage of the Center, the motion being
seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.
6.~. Concerning notice of intent to sell Tract One of the Delray Beach
Country Club, City Manager Gatchel informed the Council as follows:
"A notice has been received from the present owner of the Delray
Beach Country Club, namely Mr. R.. W. McDowe11, indicating his inten-
tion of selling. Tract One (original 18.hole golf course and clubhouse),
comprising approximately 138.27 acres.
Under the terms of the City's sale of Tract One to the Grimes Found-
ation on March 21, 1958, the City of Delray Beach has the right of
first refusal and a 30-day period from October 4, 1965, within which
Council shall signify its intention relativ~ thereto.
It 'is recommended that Council action on this matter be deferred
until the next regular meeting, which is scheduled to be held on
Thursday, October 28, .1965." '
Attorney Clinton Scott, representing Mr. McDowell the owner of said
Country Club and Golf Course, requested that the Council evidence their
intention this evening as to whether'or not the City desires to re-
purchase Tract One of said golf course, in order that Mr. McDowell may
proceed with the sale of the property.
Mr. Wm. Koch a local realtor, representing Mr. Robert B. Harris,
purchaser of said property, informed the Council that Mr. Harris also
desires the City to waive their thirty day. notice tonight if they do
not intend to repurchase' the ~olf course; further, that Mr. McDowell
has already gone north and Mr. Harris would like to come down and
start maintaining'thel golf ~0u~se in the way that he thinks it should
be maintained ~hat it.may be a credit to the City, and also_in the con-
dition the Chamber of Comme~ce .wants it .for a tournament.
viceTMay0r Sau~ders. ~poSnted out that the only q~estion the council
is c6ncerned wi,th tonight is. whether or not the City wants to exercise
.their optiOn to repurchase the golf course; further, that his~ fee~ing
in the.matter'is.that, th® City does Dot want toexe~cise 'tha't'0P~i~.
During. c°m~enta~'Mr- Talbot referred to Section 10 of the OFF~ TO
PURCHASE AND coNTRAc? FOR SALE, which 'is,. ,,pURcHAsER she1
optitqn to accept. SEL~L~...'S..~.n~al memberships for the. No~ember i, 1965
to, October 31, 1966 sea.son.'t and aake~ if' someth-ing, had b~enle~t Out
o'f that section C0~c~rn~g~.r~und of mOney? .' ..
Mr. Ko6h s'aid that =the F'l~rida ~01~ C~ub start their memberships
the first of t. he Year and he' feels sure- that Mr. Harris wants all the
memberships'.he can g. et.
Mr. Talbot said. that. he is interested in whoever holds membership
being protected, and' Vice_Mayor Ssunders said that the purc.haser is
sub, eot to a dollar,s-year lease to the Radio Station~ six lifetime
memberships and fifty nine :Charter memberships.
Mr. Talbot asked.the City AttOrney to interpret Section i0, and city
Attorney Adams replied: "Section 10 Just applies to any prepaid mem-
berships from November l, 1965 to October of 1966, and the way it is
phrased the purchaser has the option to accept the sellers annual mem-
berships, but the .rest of the contract does recognize the charter mem-
Mr. Talbot asked again= "The purchaser has the option, and if he
does not care to accept those who have purchased memberships, does he
ref~nd...the m~Oney?,, to which City Attorney Adams replied that he would
have to feCUnd the money.
Attorney Scott informed the Council that there had on'ly been t~ree
checks 9eceived for annual membership dues.
Mr. Crof.t~sked the City Attorney if there is anything in the Origi-
nal agreement binding the City to waiting the thirty day per/od'.of time
on .the' £irSt. refusal, and CttyAttorneyAdam.e said the 'CounCil could
wait thirty days or could Waive the speech' at this time, and'cautiOned
that the 'ms,ion should beworded so that it pertained only to the pend-
in~ sale; ....
Mr. Na~ Sharp said that he had been informed that the purchaser
of the-golf c~Urse would not recognize any annual dues memberships,
-3- 10-11-65
and that after November first it would be a public fee course.
Mr. Joseph K. CoStello asked if the new purchaser has the right to
condemn, the membership that he purchased two years ago, and the City
AttOrney said that the purchaser recop~izes those memberships in the
Mr. Coste110 asked if the new purchaser could discontinue the annQ-
al memberships and place it on the basis of a public golf course, and
the City Attorney said that'would be a business decision of the new
owner, and the City has no control over that-~
Mr. Hugh Vogl said that he wondered if the City could talk to a
representative of Mr. Harris and impress upon him the veY¥ impOrtant
question of there being annual memberships at a reasonable fee.
Mr. Arthur Jo Michael sa~d he did not think it would be practical
for the City to repurchase the golf course.
Following lengthy discussion and ~omments, Mr. Talbot moved as
follows= "I move you to the effect that the City waive the right of
first refusal to the purchase of Tract I of the. Delray Beach GoIf
Course in the pending sale from R. W. McDowell to Plorida G~lf ClUb,
Inc., all contracts and transactiOns being approved, by the City Attor-
Mr. Jurney asked if there is any way that the City could include
tracts II and III in said r~ght of first refusal for any future trans-
City Attorney Adams said that those 'tracts were never a part of the
original.c£ty~olf Course, and unless the new owners would voluntarily
give the City the right off~rst refusal on those parcels they could
not be included, but he believed that should be taken care of in an-
other motion.
The motion to waive the right of first refusal was Seconded by Mr.
Croft and unanimously carried.
Mr. Jurney then moved as follows: "I move you that Tracts II and
III be included in this motion as to any future potential purchase by
the City as a ~first refusal of Tracts Ii and
City Attorney Adams commented as follows: "Just to clarify that,
would you just instruct the City Manager to contact them to see if he
can Obtain such an agreement from them."
Attorney Clinton Scott said that he wouId like to cIarify what
Tracts II and III are and continued: "It's nothing the City would be
interested in. Tract II are the lots in ~olfview Estates, some of
which are built upon, sold to private owner=', and there are some vacant
lots. Tract III is a piece of land that it is very problematical
whether it will continue to be a golf course. It doesn't get much
play, and it is quite an expensive thing to maintain. Tract
cludes three tracts of land which surround the golf course which have
nothing to do with the golf course."
Mr. Jurney said he is interested in Tract III containing the nine
hole golf course remaining as such, and Attorney Scott pointed out that
Tract III had been the blunt of e terrific tax assessment, both by the
City and the County, because it isn't subject to the City's right of
first refusal.
Vice-Mayor Saunders said it is his understanding that this motion
directs the City Manager to co~tact Mr. Harris or his representative
to see if tracts II and III can be included in the right of f~rst re-
fusal to the City.
City Attorney Adams suggested that~y Tract III be considered in
that Fequeet, e~d Mr. Jurney said that,s would chan~e his motion to
only Cover TraCt iii. 'The motion was seconde~ by Mr. Croft and carried
6.d. City Manager GatcheI reminded ~he Council that during budget
sessions they had tentatively approved some add£tions relative to the
Murphy Constru=t~n Company's contract for sea wall installation at the
City Park, and continued as f°lloWS: "~have a completed list of these
no~, according to the fina! billing, all of them which you have dis-
cussed in part ip~eviouslY, and I wou~ like"to request Council approval
as a matter of recor~ at .this time.. The total does differ somewhat
from the material that was forwarded to:you with your agenda, and the
amounts and i~ems are. as fo~lows~
12 aluminum ladders $580.00
Pi~ing, 5. at $144.00 each $720.00
Boat Cleats, 21 at.$15.00 each $3!5.00
There are a couple of other items that I request your consideration
on so that we can get the fine! approval on this entire installation.
The sea wall is 19 feet longer than the contract was originally let
for. At $33.8.0 per foot, the total is $642.20. There was a deletion
of 10 feet of sidewalk at the north end.. Thirty-one lineal feet at
$4.50 per foot or a deletion of $139.50. The net change as requested
is $2,117.70; That is the total of everything on the sea wall."
Mr. Talbot explained that these items had been considered previous-
ly, but in order to get the pro,out underway, it was .thought that
these small details could be h~ndled at a later time.
Mr. Croft moved that said request be.approved, the motion being
seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.
City Manager Gatchel continued: "Your agenda further states that
there will be a supplemental request for approval of 'additional items
relating to the Capital Improvement in the Park, namely, steps and
railing from Atlantic Avenue, fill, sprinkler system, sod, etc., and
at our workshop session last week Council did ask that we have some
plans and drawings.prepared. These drawings.were, just.prep~Fe0 as of
today, and .! ~ubmit-,them .fo='.iyour'uons~dp~atiOn..What'thp-~inal.job
willam°unt~toin dolia~"6o~'iS es%imate~ as"folloWs:"':The Sod re-
quiremen&& w!l~'~amoUnt ~ '$~;~80.00, for the...area which you see neces-
sary by thefllling between the wall and a~P~ox£mately to the center
of the~park... ~e have hauled this ~ill in from ~our Sanitary Land
area. The muck that needs .to go on this f~led area prio~
sodding is es~t~ate~ 't~.'b® a~.a cost .~f,$2,290.00.. ~With all of this
sod going.'in~ .I fee~ tha$ ~u would prefer considering a spr%nkleF
system being installed at this time so that we 'can t~ke.,¢are ;of.
grassed area withoutlhend watering :being necessary, iA,,sprinklcrsys-
tom is eSti~ated to cOSt $1,850.00. That covers thewh~le park wit~_~
the exception of where the building and new bowiing facilities and
shuffleboard facilities aec contemplated to .be placed. This'is de-
signed around the new capital improvement program you are thinking of
for installat~ in the Park."
city Manager ~atchel and City Engineer Fleming explained the draw-
ings that had bepn.prepared showing design and size of steps, riprap,
During ins~cti0n of the drawings, and discussion, Mr. Talbot sug-
gested some type of ground cover be used in some areas rather than sod,
as it wou!~ be less expensive to maintain, and Vice-Mayor Saunders
sugges~edsome of the epd4ing be left ~until after the capital improve-
ment installation.ofbuildi~gs.
City Manager ~tchel explained further: "We do need to hastenalong
with getting the sprinkler system'in, the muck and sod placed and get
started on. the cpnstructionof~the steps, rails and~riprap. These
total figures which I'have given you for the sod, muck, sprinklers,,
steps, rails and Niprap total $7,271.00, and it-is recommended for
your consideration.tonig~9 .that such an expenditure be authorized, ·
with funds tO.come from.the capital Improvement Trust Fu~d from whence
the installationof the sea wall and all of the improvementsi~own there
have come. The cost of the sea wall as contracted to Murphy Construc-
tion ComPany was$26,946.70 ~.d to this iS~added the $7,27i.00 which
makes the cost a little 9vet $34,000.00. This includes everything.
By your previous adti~ you approved the $26,946.70 to~al'bill'°f
Murphy. C0nstruu~ionC0mpany."
Mr. Croft moved that the City M~nager be authorized to.proCped,
with funds to come from the. Capital Improvement Trust Fundl The_motion
was seconded"byMr. Jumpy and unanimously carried.
Mr. Talbot-rePOrted.that the lineal cost of the sea wall in the Park,
complete wi~h everything, .!s.$52.75Per foot.
6.e. City Manager Gatc~el~ informed the council that the Retirement
committee for the City's Pension Fund requests the sppoint~ent of a '~.
member to said co~mittee~ fuLl, let, that At may be the pleasure of
Council to declare Mr. Woodard's previous appointment ~o said com-
mittee terminated and request the ge~eral employees of the City to
submit a recommended replacement for that vacancy, from among their
midst, for council considera~ion~.
Vice-Mayor Saunders asked if the Council desires that the' City
Manager bring a recommendation to them for consideration of an ap-
p~intment to said~ Retirement Co~mittee. It was so moved by Mr. Talbot,
seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried.
7.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that s petition has been
received for rezoning of Lots 25 through 32 inclusive, less Lot 30,
Block 12, Dell Park,'from R-2 (One and Two Family Dwelling District)
to R-3 (Multiple Family Dwelling District) with an apprOVed conditional
use of said land for a medical clinic. Further, that COUnCil maydeny
this petition or refer same to the Planning/Zoning Board for Public
hearing to be held thereon, and that complete plans for proposed con-
struction on this tract of landwill be svailable for the Planning
Board's public hearing and for Council consideration.
Mr. croft moved thatthia item be referred to the Planning/~oning
Board for public hearing ~hereon, the motion being seconded byMr.
Jurney and unanimously'carried.
7.b. City Clerk Worthinginfo~med the council that a petition has
been received from Sherwood Park Developers, Inc.]' requesting the
Council to consider a joint effort with the county for improvement of
that part of South 10th Street lying between the F.E.C. and S.AoL.
Railroad rights-of-way, per letter received, and ~hat it is suggested
this matter be referred to the City Manager for study, consu~tation'
with Palm BeachCountY Commission and recommendatiOn thereon.
It was pointed out that a Portion of SOuth 10th S~reet does not
lie within the Delray Beach City
Mr. Croft moved that this ite~ be referred to the City Manager, for
conference w~th the County Com~ssion, end recommendation~ The motion
was seconde~ by Mr. Jurney and carried unanimouSly~
7.c. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that Sherwood Park
Developers, Inc. request the City to furnish water, at no cost to the
developer, for maintaining landscaped areas lying within public right-
of-way, namely Lowson Boulevard0 which areas have been supplied with
sprinkling systems by the developers, one area being at the intersec-
tion of Lowson Boulevard and M~litary TraiI, the other-area being at
the intersection of Lowson BouIevard and Dover ROad. Further, that in-
asmuch as the City furnishes water ~or maintenance of'manY similar
lands, it is recommended that this request b~granted, and refund of
$15.00 deposit ~or each of the two presently installed ~eters be au-
During discussion, it was pointed out that the City is only being
asked to furnish the water for these landscaped areas, and not the
maintenance of same.
City Manager Gatchel informed the CounCil that there is money budg-
eted for ~S type of expenditure, but there may need to be a transfer
Of..~unds ~o that account frO~ the contingency Account at the end
M~.~mft moved that said reqUest be granted, the motion being
sec~by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.
7.d. The Counc!! was informed that the Palm Beach County Commission
requests-the use of the Co~munity Center on Tuesday, November 2nd, for
the p~ose of serving its Precinct No. 1TS in connection with its
school trustee and millage election, to be held on that date, and that
it is recommended such reqUest be granted sub,eot to there being no
previous commitment for the Center's use on ~&t date.
It was pointed out that in their letter of request, they agreed
that janitor service would be provided to clean up after the election.
Mr. Talbot moved that said request be granted, subject to the ap-
proval of Mr. ElliOtt. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jurney and
carried unanSmously.
7.e. Concerning ~ reques~ for extension of ~onditional zoning, City
Cler~ Worthing informed ~he Coun~l as follows: "On July. 22,. 1963,
council adopted Ordinance No. G-491, pr~viding for reclassification
of that part ~f the West % of Lot 19, Section 8-46-43, lying south
of the existing right-of?wa~ of hake Ida Road except the South 150
feet thereof. This zoning change, by ~ouncil, was based upon and
subject to an agreement, dated ~une 21, ~963, between the City of
Delray Beach and Lake Ida Development Corporation, which, in part,
agreed - 'That if no d~velopment is commenced by, on or before
S~ptember ~, 1965, upon the aforedescr~be~ premises, said parcel
shall automatically reyert to R-1AA zoning without further action
on the 9art of the City, an~ this agreement shall be null and void'.
Said Lake ida Development '~orporation, under date of October
1965, requests an extension of this agreement for one year, t~ expire
September 1, 196~ if said lar~ is then undeveloped.
Believing any development of said lands by Lake Ida Development
Corporation would benefit the general arsa due to said Curporation
~w~ing the R-1AAA $o~e~ subdivision,Lake Ida Shores, to the north and
northeast of said lends, it iS recommenOed that the request be granted."
City Attorney Adams reminded, the Council that they reserved the
right to approve a~y plans of development of said property, and Mr.
Vogl of the Lake Ida Development Corporation said that ~a, his u~der-
standing also~ further,-that it is his intention tO build a boat
storage warehouse f~r wholesale distribution, and that he feels such
development will be an asset to the City.
It was pointed out that said Ordinance No. G-491 had been passed
by the Council with the approval of the Planning
Mr. Croft moved that said request be granted, the motion being
seconde~ by Mr. Jurney and ~.unanimously carried.
8.a. ~ity Cl~rk Worth~ng presented ORDI/~NCE NO..~-65, as amended.
(Copy of Ordinance No. 33-65 is attached to the official copy of these
minutes. ) See page 286-A &
There b~in~ no objection to Ordinance. No. ~3-65, said Ordinance was
unanimously passed and adopted in its amended form on this fins! read-
ing, on motion by Mr. Croft &~d seconded by Mr. Talbot.
8.b. Cit~-~erk w0rthing presented O.~DINANCE NO. 34~65.
ZONING THEREOF. (605 N. W. ?th S~reet)
(Copy o~ Ordinance No. 34-6~ is attach~ to the official copy of
these minutes.) See pa~e
~he~ebeing no objection to Ordinance No. 34-65, said Ordinance
unanimous~y passed and adopted on this seCOnd and final reading, on
motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr,
9.a. City Clerk Worthing presented a detailedreport from the Plannlng/
Zoning Board of recommended amendments to %he Zoning Code as a result
of Planning/Zoning Board meetings held on September 2~st a~d 28th, and
stated that if it is the pleasure of Council to sustain the recommend-
ation'of the Planning/Zoning Board, an ordinancewill be prepared re-
flecting such amendments and submitted to Council for consideration at
the next regular meeting. (Copy of said rePOrt isattached to the
official copy of these minutes) Bee pages 286'E ,286-F,&- '
During discussion, Mr. Talbot suggested a workshop meeting with the
Planning Board on these proposed ordinance amendments, and Vice-Mayor
Saunders reminded the Council that a workshop meeting has already been
requested with said PlanningBoard on other matters, and this item may
be included.
Mx. Rs1ph Hughson, Zoning Director, extended the Council an invi-
tation to attend a Planning BOard meeting st 2:00 P.M., Thursday,
October 14th. Further, that Mx. George Simons, Jr. will be present,
supposedly with his report that he has been engaged to prepare, also
the County Planners wi11'be present to expound on the. detailed survey
they have made of the entire County so far as roads, population, etc.
vice-Mayor Saunders said if there is nc objection, this item should
be referred to the City Manager for a workshop meeting to be scheduled
with the Planning/ZOning Board lnthe near future. The Councilmen
were agreeable to that procedure.
10.x. Mr. Jurney informed the Council that he had observed many. junk
automobiles throughout the City, also old ice boxes, etc,, and asked
what is being done to eliminate these nuisances. Further, that an
ordinance had been passed several months ago concerning the diSposi-
tion of junk autOmobiles.
During discussion, City AttOrney Adams said ~hat probably some money
could be appropriated to get rid of the cars that are on the City rights-
of-way, and that where they exist' on private property it could be
ta~ken care of on an assessment basis. The City Attorney then suggested
that this item be referred to the City Manager for him to itemize a
crash program to attempt to get rid/of these junk cars and~ report back
to Council as soon as..possible.
Mr. Wm. Koch informed the COuncil that several months ago the
County had zoned some property for the USe of disposing of junk cars,
and suggested that the C~ty Manager contact Mx..Bernard A. Munsey of
the County Zoning
lO.x. Concerning a proposed ordinance on sea wall maintenance. Mx.
Jurney asked if the City Attorney had any information concerning same.
City Attorney Adams reported that a't the last meeting he had said
be would send out copies of sample ordinances for CoB~cil study, but
.o~ account of the volume of material, the Council desired ~im to pick
out portions and draft a proposed ordinance, which he would do as soon
as possible.
Mx. Jurney said that he had quits a brief on canals and sea walls
that he would like to present ~o the CityManager, and that copies of
same be made and mailed to each of the Councilmen ~or their review.
City Manager Gatchel informed the Council that 'this matter would be
worked on in the very neat future.
I0.x. Mx. Talbot said that he would like for the City Manager to be
requested to ask Police Chief Croft to cooperate in the use of the
Police Boat with Ralph Hughson and the County Sanitarian, as it appears
theft is some property emptying into the canal without same going
thrOUgh a drain field.
10.x. Mr. Talbot asked if it would b~:.,in order to ask for a schedule
of the completion'of the beach rehabilitation program resulting 'from
the damages of Hurricane Betsy.
City Manager Gatchel reported that that work is rapidly nearing
completion. That. all of the fill they had been able to selvage is in
place: the schedule this week calls for a completion of the planting
of palm trees: the sprinkler system is presentl~being installed: and
there is a schedule underway this week for re-sodding t~e' eroded ares.
Further, that the restoration of the pavilions is practically complet-
ed, and there has been extensive'repair to the large pavilion st the
end of Atlantic Avenue, but there~is no need for new awnings for the
pavilions this year.
As to the chairs at the main pavilion, the City Manager reported
that plans are underway to move some of the chairs from the municipal
pool over to the pavilion area, the pool chairs to be replaced bY a
more economical and serviceable aluminum stack chair.
The City Manager reported that the lifeguard stands are being fabri-
cated now and plans are made for putting them on cement foundations
with the aluminum stands bolted to them for easy removal in the event
of another hurricane. Further, that the telephone system is being re-
placednow to the ~arious lifeguard stands, and all said stands are
being replaced with the exception of the one at the very north end
of the beach, which has never been manned.
The City Manager also reported"that the work on the steps had not
begun at this time as the maintenance personnel had been kept busy on
the chairs for the pavilion, but that would be started soon,, and that
everything at the Beach, exclusive of the steps, should be completed
by November first.
10.x. Mr. Jurney said that several months ago a Committee had been
formed to make a study of the cabana locations and operation on the
beach, and that Mr.' D. G. Campbell, Mr. Louis Tenerelli, Mr. Talbot
and himself had formed that Committee. That they had made a trip to
the beach, but at that time the two people holding the cabal8 con-
cession licenses were not in town and it had been decided to have a
meeting concerning same at a later date.
City Manager Gatchel~informed the Council that those holding, the
beach concession licenses are still out of town but are expected back
anytime, and that he had a letter from another concessionaire who had
never operated on the Delray beach. F~rther, that a meeting is-
planned as soon as the two concessionaires return to town.
Mr. Jurney suggested that bids go out on these concessions, as he
feels they have been operating here for a small amount of revenue to
the City.
The City Manager reported that there are applications for an op~
portunity to bid and they are being held pending the return to the
City of the concessionaires. .That same has not been advertised, but
any action on the applications has been deferred until the Committee
can meet and offer recommendations for Council consideration.
It was suggested that a workshop meeting be held on this item, and
vice-Mayor Saunders asked the City Manager to write to the bwo people
holding concession licenses and set up a meeting with said study Com-
mittee sometime during the week of November first through the sixth,
in order that recommendations may be made to Council at their regular
meeting on November 8th.
It was reported that the people holding said concession licenses
had done a good job and had sold Delray Beach to the pe0ple that use
the beach.
10.x. City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows= "Due to the
element of time alleged to be very important in s proposed improvement
of land, there w~s delivered at the City Hall this evenin~ a petition
for annexation.of certain lands in Del Raton Park, namely Block 16,
containing 44 Lots~ also Lots I through 10, Block ~, comprising ap-
proxim~tely 4.2$.aCree~
-9- 10-11-65
"~his petition is suBe~ttted subject ~o certain zonin~ ~n~,~her con-
di~ons, and it ~s re~nd~ that s~ ~ refe~ed ~'the Plannin~
Board ~or rev~ and re~endatto~ ~ ~unc~l hoc later than
denomination of Council, ~here a~e very a~ple~ and elaborate plans
for ~e ~tentfal develo~ent of this ~ae~ o~ land. ~e tract of
land lies helen ~u~ Federal an~ Dixie High~ys."
~. ~oft ~ved ~at ~is be referre~ to ~e P[a~ing/zon~g
for ~eir study and re~endation. ~e motion was seconded by ~.
Taler and carried ~animouslM.
10.a, City Clerk ~r~ing presen~d the foll~ing Bille For Approval:
~neral Fund $ 81,190.~6
~neral Fun~ - Sinking F~d 3,145.41
~ter Operatin~ ~ Main~nance F~d ~,186.21
~ter Revenue Fun~ 3~, 488.6~
ImProve~nt ~nd S, 100.22
~e bills ~re unanimously ordered paid, on motion by ~. Juicy
and seconded ~ ~. ~of~.
10.x. City Manag~ Gatchel ~formed ~e ~uncil that ~. Stanley
~11ey, V/ce President of Glace E~gineering Corporation, has
a bill to ~e city, and continu~ as foll~s: "~is bill ia a partial
billing for ~rk which Council au~oriz~ the ~lace Engineering
potation to per,om on ~e survey a~d aerial photograph project in-
volved with 2he beach Se~ack line. Due to the press of other busi-
ness wi~ ~lace Engineering Co=potation, the ~uncil has not ~orough-
ly considered 2his se~ack line, buy I would like to rec~end for
yo~ consideration ~at this ~tial billing for $500.00 Be au~orized
to ~la~ Eng~neering Co~oration ~tA1 such time as Council can ~n-
sider it and final billing ~ consider~ at that tame."
~. Taler ~d ~a2~ ~e r%~o~en~atiOn of the City Manager be
accepted. ~e ~tion was se~nded by ~. Croat.and unanimously carried.
10.x. City ~naqer Gatchel rem~nded ~e ~uncil of an 8:00 P.M. meet-
ing Wednesday, OCto~r ~3~, In the ~nference Room wi~ the Co~mittee
on the Adult Rec~eation Building, rela~ve-to the construction ~aterials.
10.x. ~e Ci~y ~nage~ reminded Council that the next re~lar ~uncil
meeting ~uld be held ~ ~to~=. 28th, ~nsYea~ of ~e 2~th, and that
the A~ual Conference of the Florida ~a~e of Municip~lities ~uld be
held in Miami on Octobe= 24~, 2~th and
X. Vice-~= ~aunde=s said that ~is is the first Co~c!l meeting he
has conducted since 1951, and thst he aDpreciates all the ~ooperation
he has receive.
~e meetAng adjured at 9:40
City Clerk
/S/ J. L. Saunders
-IO- 10-11-65
Oi~DI/iANCE NO. 33-65.
a~ ~oa ~ p~osss.
~S, it is recognize~ that Junk ~rds and auto~bile
grave~r~s are presently or may be in the future l~ate~ or operatefl
within the municipal limits of the Cl~ OP DE~Y ~, P~R~,
such a maker, as to create p~li; nuisances anti ~ereby a~versely al-
.fact the he6l~, safety, mo=ala and ~lfare of the i~abitants of the
sai~ City; and
~S, it is deemed essential by ~e City Council of
munici~lity that reasonable regulatory requirements be establishe~ in
conneutton with ~e establishment and operation of such facilities
order to minimize the adverse effect of sa~ to ~e orderly develop-
~nt an~ asthetic values of the co~unity, as ~11 as ~or the protec-
tion o~ ~e 9eneral ~ltare ot the public, now ~ere~ore
B~CH. PL~Z~ =
SE~ION 1. ~initions:
Pot the purposes of ~is Chapter, the following
shall apply:~
(~) "Junk" shall ~an old or scrap cop~r, brass, rope, rags,
batteries, pa~r, lurer;' trash, t~r, ~ebris. odd, nfs, waste~ents,
litter, leavings, ruins, castoffs, r~age, waste, or Junke~, dis;anti-
ed or ~reck~ 'automobiles, or ~r~s ther~f, iron, steel and other old
scrap ferrous or non-ferrous material.
(2) "Automobile grave~ra" aha11 mean an establishment
place of business whi~ is maintained or Operated for ~e use o~ stor-
ing, keeping, buying or selling ~ecke~, surap~d, ruined, or 6iSmantl-
ed motor vehicles or ~oto= vehicle ~rts.
(3) 'Junkyara" shall ~an an establish~nt or Dlace of busi-
ness ~iuh is maintaine~ or o~rate~ for the use of ,storing,
buying or selling suuh ~unk, or for the ~aintenance or o~ratton of an
automobile graveyard.
(4) "City Co~cil" shall mean City Council of the City of
Delray Beach, Plori~a.
SE~I~N- 2. Restrictions u~n new junk yar~e or
aut~bile graveyards.
It shal~ ~ unlawful ~or any person, fi~ or co;Doretion to
hereafter establish or maintain an automobile grave~r~ or Junk yard
as herein~ve ~efined wi~out first obtaining a s~cial per~i~ ~ere-
for fr~ the City Council. In connection ~ith the issuance of 'such
permits the following requirements sh~ll be applicable=
(a) Area - ~e ~ini~u~ area of land to be used shall not be
less then,. 40,000 s~are feet an~ the ~xim~ area of land so used shall
not exceed 200,000 s~are
(b) ScTeening of pre~ises; erection, maintenance - The area
to be occupiefl by the ju~ yard s~ll be entirely surrounded by a sub-
stantial, continuous soli~ fence or ~11 at least eight (8} feet
height. Such fence or ~11 shall ~ of similar composition, ~nstruc-
tion, and color ~roughout an~ shall ~ constructed wi~out openings
except for one entrant, and one exit, suuh entrance and exit to be
~ipped wi~ solid gates. Such gates shall be closed and securely
Page 2. ORDINANCE NO. 33-65.
locked at all times, except during business hours. Plans for such
fence or wall shall be submitted to the CityCouncil who shall deter-
mine whether or not,%he proposed fence will meet the requirements of
this chapter. NO building permitshall be issued for the construction
of such fence o= wall until the approval of the City C~uncilhas been
secured. Such fence shall be. maintained in go~d order and aha11 not
be allowed to deteriorate.
(c) Applica~ions for issuance of special permits provided
for hereinabove shall bemade upon forms to be prescribe~ by the City
S~CTION 3. RestriCtions upon existing junk yards or
autom0bile graveysrd~ ._
since it is the intent 6f this chapter t° minimize the ex-
tension of nonconforming uses and to l~ok to their possible eventual
elimination, any ~ttnk yard or automobile graveyard existing and oper-
ating as a ~onconforming use in any district on the effective date of
this ordinance shall be allowed to continue its operations st~bJect to
the foll0wing provisions, and all other applicable*prOViSiOnS Of the
City Code and City Charter, to~wit~
(a) Area - Th~'actual a~ea use~ for the operation of such
junk yards or automobile ~raveyard as of this date, shall not be
creased at any ~imeor under any Circumstances.
(b) Bu~ldings- No additional permanent buildings shall be
erected and no presently existing permanent buildings shall be struc-
turally altered to increase their bulk or square footage area.
(c) Screening of premises~ erection, Maintenan~e - Within
ninety days a~ter the effective date of this o~dinance, th® area occu-
pied by the junk yard shall be ~ntir~ly ~urrounde~ by a substantial,
continuous solid fence or wall at least ~ight (8) feet ~ height. The
fence shall meet the requirements of Section ~ above and the pro=edure
there outlined f~r approval of the plans for such fence she1! be fol-
It is the intent of this..chapter that the time period allow-
ed for the erection of the fence is reasonable and that the requirement
of such fence is necessary to accom~l~s~ the purposes of this ordinance=
and further that ~ny's~h. fence shall enclose the sa~d lot or junk yard
from public view, therefore, it she1! be unlawful for any person, firm,
or corporation operating such an establishment to keep or pile any
wrecked automobiles or parts or junk ~t a height exceeding eight (8)
SECTION 4. Separability.
Each of the provisions of this ordinance are separable, in-
cluding word, clause, phrase, or sentence, and if any portion hereof
shall be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected
but shall re~ain in full force and effect.
SE.CT~pN 5. Repealing Provisions.
All ordi~ances or parts of ordinances ~n conflict herewith
are hereby repealed
~ECT~ION ~. Penalty Provisions.
Any person, firm or corporation convicted or violating the
provisions of this ordinance, shal~ upon conv~ction thereof be punish-
ed in accordance with Section 1~6, Code of Ordinances of. this City.
~ECTI~N .~. Effective Date.
This ordinance she1! become effective in the manner and at
the time provided by the charter and Ordinances of the City of D~lray
Beach, Florida.
PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on
this the day of
'~'ty~Clerk ...........
FirSt reading.....~ep%embe? 13. 1965 Second Reading
ZONING THEREOF. (605 N. W. ?th Street)
WHEREAS, H. E. LEWIS and WILMA LEWIS (his wife) are the fee
simple owners of the property hereinafter described, and
WHEREAS, H. E. LEWIS and WILMA LEWIS (his wife), by their
petition, have~ consented and given permission for the annexation of
said property by the City of Delray Beach, and
%~IERE~S, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been author-
ized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the City Char-
ter of said :City granted to it by the state of Florida~
_SEC?ION i~, That. the City Council of the city of Delray Beach,
Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following
described tract of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which
lies contiguous t°~said City, to-wit:
That tract of land in Section 8, Township 46 South,
Range 43 East, Palm BeaCh County, Florida, described
as follows:
The East 70 feet of the West 234 feet of the North
135 feet of the East half of the Southwest quarter
of Lot 3, Section 8, Township 46~ South, Range 43
East, Palm Beach County, Florida.
SECTION ~. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beech,
Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above de-
scribed tract of land, and said land is hereby declared to be within
the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida.'
SECTION 3. That the tract of land hereinabove described is
hereby declared ~o be in Zoning District R-1AA as defined by existing
ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida.
~.ECTION 4. That the lands hereinabove described shall immedi-
ately become subject'to all of the franchises, privileges, immunities,
debts, obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in
the City of Delray Beach are now or may be, and persons residing there-
on shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach.
SECTI0.N.u~. That if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part
of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of competent
Jurisdiction, such reco~ of ill..egality shall in no way' affect the
maining portion.
PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on
the day of
City Clerk
1. Gerald R. St&lay 3020 Church Hill Dr. Overgrown.part .Of 15-3
& Nolan E. Boynton Beach, Fla. Lot 10, Block 99 15-4
2. William J., Jr., 225 N. E. 16th St. Overgrown part of 15-3
& Mary Ellen Delray Beach, Fla. Lots 16 & l?,Block 15-4
Ballough 10, Dell Park
Louise Callaway Delray Beach, Fla. W 135 ft., less. N .15-4
45 ft. of E 13~
less N 50 ft. of S
185 ft. of E 135 ft.
& less E 165 ft. of
~ 135 ft,
4. =o~n ~.,Jr., m P. 0. Box 2565 S92.?0 ft.
Joan Kabler Delray Beach, Fla. of $~ of ~ of 15-4
SW~, of ~ less
~6~.?o ft. of w
145 ft. thereof &
less County Rd. R/?
~ &,less S 25 ft. R/W
& less .W 50 ft. of E
65 ft. thereof, Section
5- Cason Memorial P'. O. Box 579 N} less
Methodist ChUrch, Delray Beach, Fla. & less N 10 ft. 15-4
Inc. R/W, Block 57
6. Ruth E. Kannel 1405 Vermont Ave. Overgrown part of 15-4
Fort Wayne 3, LO~ 15, Block 64
Ind i an&
' 7. Great Valley P.O. Box 351 I~t 17, Block 106 15-3
Corporation Salamanca, N.Y. 15-4
8. June A. Bpangler 3709 B~a~xdywine St. OVergrown part of 15-3
Chewning N.W. Lot 1, Block 8, 15-4
Washington 16, D. C. Rio Del Ray
9. Joseph T. Dolan 193 Rockland Rd. Lots 12 thru 19, 15-3
& ~omas J. Fair~ield, Oonn. Block 12, Osceola 15-4
Dolan Park
10. Gustav E. & 606 E. Emerson OVergrown p~rt of 15-~
Elin-Backstrom Glen Ellyn, Ill. Lots 17
Block 10, Osc.eola
Violations 15-3 & 15-4 as concerns this report
are as follows~
1. 15-3 - ~raSh & rubbish; 15-4 , Weeds
2. 15-3 Limbs; 15-4 - Weeds
3. 15-3 'Trash & rubbish; 15-4 - Underbrush & weeds
4. 15-3 Trash & limbs; 15-~ - Weeds
5. 15-3 - Broken limbs; 15-4 Weeds
6. 15-4 - Weeds
7. 15-3 - Storm damaged tree limbs; 15-4 - Weeds
8. 15-3 T~ash; 15-4 - Weeds
9. 15-3 - B~oken trees & limbs; t5-4 - Weeds
10. 15-4 - Weeds
Submitted to~ the Cit~. council by the
on this ll~h day of October,.~. i965.