11-08-65 2. The min.~
. ~' ', on motion b'~g of Oetob-- -
~ :'""~nce at ~ ~7~h, fo- -~o~ to .... ~ for th=
· urof ~:00 p A ~at ~ ~e
eeoonded b,.~.mO~ed ~ha* :~" and t~- PUrpose; ~,,.~oun~i
~ ~' Saund.'~_ cae re~ue.;'~Publtc t.-~-cner,
,.uusly carrt~d one ~Otion ~ing
.~e~' "'~'~ ~ ~ mo" ',-'- ~-=ce t ~ ~lt - cae
~a a' ;' gulat .... f/ed · - . Pie t .... o
of ~}res .... : ~d .... . .~or s .... " ..the :. .. and ~ ~ ~ ;... 'l~ar
nted Q one i~: ,,;,~:~,~ as'i:--.::-~,' blt:~',A~.,,
'..~ : ~Y ~ _ ~ ~ach, a-~ "quest
' .. "' ',-~nev a.~ "~ said .._ om ~he"~:' ..... ~
~d: '. .... .~ o~ ~,. C~'~ ~aat~ou~.~ to' Sell
Year -,
In " " ~gk 'PlutUres the
4:00 P.M., Tuesday, Novembe~gth, concerning the Beech Concessions
and also the placement of the cabanas.
Mr. Schmalz asked if the Concessions would be let on a bid basis
this year, and Mr. Jurney said that it is hie u~derstanding they would
4. A roll call showed the follOWing Civic organizations and repre-
sentatives to be in attendance~
Delray Beach Board of Realtors Mr. Andrew Gent
Tropic Isle Civic Association Mr. William Mudge
Beach Taxpayers League0 Inc. Mr. J. Watson Dunbar
Delray BeaCh Jaycees Mr. carl Rhodes
Civitan CiUb Mr. W~. MacDowell
Chamber of' Commerce Mr, Ken E11ingsworth
Breezy Ridge Estates Mr. John Sword
5. City Clerk Worthing read a letter from Mr. Donald Defrees to Mayor
Avery thanking him for the good report that was mailed out to the tax-
payers with their tax bills, and for the good work that he has done.
§. City Clerk Worthing read the 'following letter from the Beach Tax-
payers League, Inc., dated November 4th,. 1965~
"I am sure I express the sentiments of all members of the Beach
Taxpayers League when I extend congratulations to you and to all
members of the City CoUncil for taking positive action aimed at
improving the outdoor lighting adjacent to the Post Office Build-
ing on Northeast Second Avenue.
The night use of this facility is most important to our members.
In fact, the absence of safe and effective lighting ~n this area
has long oonCerned our officers and trustees. You have, we feel,
now taken a great forward step in' ridding our city of a trouble-
some condition that has been tolerated much too long.
I am sending a ~opy of this letter to Mr. Charles Senior, Manager,
Florida Power & Light Company, Delray Beach. We want him to know
too, that League members appreciate the work done so quickly by
his-organization in completing this much-needed safety measure."
Mayor Avery complimented Vice-Mayor Saunders and the Council for
handling this matter so promptly, and well during his absence.
Mayor Avery then asked the status of the proposed lighting the beach
residents had requested, and City Manager Gatchel reported as follows:
"At the meeting whichwas held to authorize the installation of the
lights in the parking lot at the Post Office, this question was brought
up again, as it has been on numerous occasions, to Mr. Senior. Mr.
Senior and his Engineering staff who were ~epresented at that meeting
assured us they were proceeding as rapidly as possible with the engi-
neering necessary for this rather expansive lighting program. Some of
the problems which they have encountered are involved with the replace-
ment of wooden poles with concrete poles, and the necessity of cooper-
ation with the Telephone Company in moving some of their facilities
which cannot be placed on concrete poles. The engineering is well
under way and they are making every effort to have the installations,
or the major portion of them, completed by the beginning of the Season.
That is the latest informationwe have on that item."
Mayor Avers. asked that the City Manager write ~ letter to the Beach
Taxpayers~Le~, setting forth what hehad reported tonight, in order
that they ~gul~kn°w the statusof the lightingProgram0 and that the
Council is ~ng everything ~n their power to expedite same.
Vice-Mayor Saunders commended the Florida power & Light Company for
their quick a~t~n in the l~ghting of the post Office area.
-2- 11-8-65
5.a. Mr. Croft informed the Council that on Friday,' November 12th,
1965, the Southeastern State Beautification conference would be held
~t St. Petersburg, snd that Mrs. James Bowen, Chairman of the local
Beautification committee, has requested funds in the amount of $50.00
for two representatives from the local committee to attend said con-
ference, Further, that the Beautification Conference is being hosted
by the St. Petersburg Beautification Committee and the Florida State
Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Croft then moved that the $50.00 requested be appropriated from
the Beautification Fund, the motion being seconded by Mr. Jurney and
unanimously carried.
5.a. Mr. Jurney referred to the unsightly entrance to TrOpic Palms,
and asked the status of that clean up, and also asked concerning
heavily loaded trucks hauling fill frOm the Boca Retch City limits
Over the streets in the Tropic Palms area causing a nuisance, and
suggested that said trucks be routed through the Hi,den Valley area
back into Boca Raton.
City Manager Gatchel said that instructions had been given to the
Police Department last week to do as Mr. Jurney had suggested, and to
the best of his knowledge and belief, that had been accomplished.
Concerning the entrance into the Tropic Palms area, the City Manager
reported that he had caused a survey to be made and has been informed
that the deb.~.iS me~t..~onefl_.i~ ~..o.t~ in the .pu,?lic right.of.-`w.~.,
pr£vate pr0p~rty,..a~d appropriate ac.ti~.n .will Be .taken
~'l'imi~ed "~'~ '~he :e~'f~rce'm~'~'£' th~ ~'s~nce ord'f,a'nce'~/
'%~i:~ ~'~a~a~a'~ ~'~i. saundera.sugge~ted that this ,be ,c~ec~a ~to to.
~lnd ,out i.~ this .work can,be expedited, as there are sevezaI b~usi~e_ss-
es .. ,th~.' .are .,~,~ffe~ing from said construction work.
~ ~itY Manager ~atchel said he had checked into that matter today and
understands..that ..~he. work ~o .be completed by .the, Railr~ad..C~mp~ny. has
ed bY 'the ,~9ntraCt0rs",haa'been- delayed 'tO some" exterit bacadae· O~ a
'~'e" ,e~6rtS bf ~. 'Wo=thlnq an ada!rachel 10 feet were prOviaea/
speciE~'ca~ioha have been reeeive~ hM ~he local projec~ engineer who
has ~had con~erence ~i~ Ci~ Rersonmel, and i~ will be necessar~
.cOmpany, ~le, 'bUt ~h~. ~adiu~" are now' Staked ~o~ that, e~trY on~OTW~'st
'5.:aT' ~D'Sa~bders eaid'"~a~,Ma~r Avery had placed h~m on
Co.~it~e :'~'~eb~s ]'~0' 'C~'il: ~at,' the-March. ,~f'
'aol'idi~ .~i~: ~' Ci~,O~ '~Xrax ~ach be'.gr~nte'd fo'r a ~e~i~d:.~f t~' ;~ '
~!d~:' ~i~i,:: S;tgr. t'~ng.: i~e '~'!ith o~' ~nuar~' th;rough th? ,'.~h'
.other ~ ~weeks. Wguld '~..'~va~' ~ mail ao!~eita~ion, .
'D:tm!i~,~ a'~.~gY-~i!n'~'d..{] .i=~e~,:.~t~it"~thi.' eoiit~ has. asked ,~tha~.:said...:
.una~o~S!~.?? '.:: '...,' .' ,' ".'' .. ' ' ' 'i '~'-5 :L~:.~.~ ,>...
......... .... . ..- ,:, - ~ , nL~s.6s~,.'..
5.a. Mr. Saunders said the Committee on Solicitations .had also con-
sidered the application for solicitation by the Community Chest, who
have asked that the dates from Februa~y 14th through the 28th be given
to them for soll~itation, and the Committee recommends that said dates
be approved, and that they be able to solicit by letter during the
months of December, 1965 and January, 1966.
Mr. Saundere then moved that said request be granted, the motion
being seconded by Mr. Jurney and unanimously carried.
5.a. Concerning the status of the Beach Erosion Program, Mr. Talbot
said he believed the public should be aware of what is going on and
what has happened concerning same. Further, the deadline date on
giving the order for specifications on design and engineering was
l~ovember first, but that deadline was not met as the eleven property
owners involved in Section II of the program had not furnished the
City with quit-claim deeds as had been desired. Mr. Talbot said that
with Council permission he had contacted Glace Engineering Company to
see what could be the final date so that the council would still be
aesured of having the beach, rehabilitation done in 1966, and that
November 15th0 1965, will be the dead-line date. Mr. Talbot continued
as follows: "With that information, City Manager Oat~hel, City Clerk
Worthing', City Attorney John Roes Adams and myself, met last Friday.
All the facte were gone over and a letter was drafted which will be
the last and final letter presenting to these property owners .the
situation ~.s it is, and facts and figures which will give them in-
formation as to whether they wish to go ahead with a quit-claim deed
so that the City can rehabilitate Section II of the beach, or just
abandon the idea. I want to compliment Mr. Gatchel, Mr. Worthing and
Mr. Adams on the letter that they prepared and mailed out. So that the
public will have the benefit of it, I would like to suggest that the
Press be given a copy of the letter and all information that went out
to the eleven property owners, and I hope the Press will make good use
of it. It is not stale news as of now because the only people that
have had the information are the people that the letters were addressed
to." Mayor Avery said that Mr, Talbot's suggestion, is so ordered.
5.a. Mr. Talbot informed the Council that Mr. warren Grimes has donat-
ed sufficient money to replace the Chris,mas .Tree at the head of
Atlantic Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. -That the Christmas t~ee at that
location has been missing for a couple of years, and many people have
commented about it. not being there.
Mr. Talbot suggested that the Council offer a resolution of thanks
to Mr. Grimes for hie kind and generous-deed.
Mayor Avery asked that City Attorney Adams prepare said Resolution
for the next Council meeting.
5.a. Mayor Avery said that at the Chamber of Commerce Board of Direc-
tors meeting the question of the entrance sign from the west approach
to the City was mentioned, and that in the past the Chamber of Com-
merce and Beaut~fication Committee have been asked to .prepare the de-
sign and the City bear the expense.
Mayor Avery said that he would like a motion that the City
Manager be requested to contact the Chamber of Commerce and the Beauti-
fication Committee and that necessary plans and cost of the west en-
trance "Welcome to DeIray Beach" sign be prepared and presented to
Council as soon as possible. It was so moved by Mr. Jurney, seconded
by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried.
5.a. Mayor Avery said that the local garden clubs and garden clubs
throughout the State did-the ground work several years ago and Delray
Beach was, by Ordinance, made a bird sanctuary. That there are certain
benefits that. accrue to a City from this action, one of the-requirements
for these benefits to accrue is the "Bird Sanctuary" sign at the en-
trances of the City. Further, that there are no "Bird Sanctuary" signs
at the entrances of Delray .Beach at this time, and he-requested that
the City Manager contact M~. Graham King, State Chairman of the Bird
-4- 11-8-65
Sanctuary program, also contact the BeautifiCatiOn Committee, and see
that proper "Bird Sanctuary"' signs are restored posthaste. There be-
ing no objections fro~ the Councilmen, it was so ordered.
6.a. City Manager Gatchelannounced that in accordance with previously
established policy, Veterans Day is recognized as a Holiday, and,
therefore, 'the CityHall will be closed, and the Mayor urgently re-
quests patriotic demonstration reflected in the activities of all
The City Manager reported that 'the co~mittee on Veterans Day re-
cognition has met and made plans0 and have been informed that the ..
Schools will close on that.day~ a number of businesses will clOse~
other businesses-no~ planning to close for the entire day will be
asked to close and recognize said'day at 11=00 o"clock~ the Police and
Fire Departments will be at. all of the major locations throughout'town
at all the main intersections, and at 10=59 A.M. the redlights and
sirens will go on &~d all traffic Will be halted' in the City of Delray
Beach. Further, it is hoped there will be silence and no movement of
traf. fic at 11=00 o'clock A.M. for one minute in recognition of ~eterans
Day. T/let ther~~ will also be a Veterans' Day ProClamation and efforts
are be£ng made %0 obtain a military aircraft fly-over at 11=00 o'clock,
but ~=hat may.not be accomplished.
Mayor Avery said that diff~rent churcheswill have services that
day, and asked that the Citizens of Delray Beach'make November 11th
a true, honest appreciation day. for our Veterans, and display of
6.b; City Manager Gatchel informed the Council that the following
qualified individu~ls have filed as candidates for the office of Mayor
for a two-year term cOmmencing on the first Monday in January, 1966:
Further, in view of'~ number of candidates having filed, a pr~-
mary election shall be'held in co~pliance with Section 143'of the City
Charter for the purpose of determining the names of nominees for such
office, to be placed upon the General Electio~ Ballot, and it is there-
fore recommended that the Mayor, in proclaiming that a Primary Election
be held on Tuesday, November 23rd, 1965, between the hours of 7:00 A.M.
and 7:00 P.M., de~lare the polling Place"to be at the Community Center,
50 N. W. 1st Avenue, and that all qualified electors of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, shall be qualified to vote in such ~lection.
Mr. Saunders moved thatsuch proclamation be issued, th~ motion
being secon~edbyMr. Croft and unanimously carried.
6.c. Concerning appointment of' Clerk and Inspectors for the Primar~
Elect~on ~obe hel~ ~n Tuesday, NOvember 23, 1965, the Council was
presented' with the following names for appointment of one Clerk and
ten Inspectors:
Dorothy Bauer Frederika'Woltering
vera Bone Berths ~. Worthing
Alpha Browning Edward Conyer
Florence Cramp~ - · W~llie Pranklin
Eff~e Hughso~ ' Gertrude Green
Bea~hill~ai~'q Alphonse Hudson
Nina'~lds~ John W. Thomas
C.C.~er~ ' L.L. Youngblood
~ry L.'~lker Elsie Wharton
~. Avery 'said 'it had been the custo~ to reappoint the Clerk and
Inspe~that~e used the prior year', the balance to be alternates,
if need6~~. I~ W~ so moved by Mr. Talbot, Seconded by Mr. Saunders
~d unanimously carried.
6.d. Concerning a survey of parcels of land in violation o~ City nui-
sance laws presented by the City-Manager, Mr. Talbot moved that Chap-
ter lS o~ t~he Code of Ordinances be compliedwith, the motion being
seconded by M~. Saunders'and unaaimously carried. (Copy of Survey
list. is attached to the official copy o£ ~hese minutes.) (See pages
306-A .& 306-B)
X. Mayor Avery reported that'on the ~estside of M.~. let Avenue,
Just North of 2nd Street, w~thin the street right-of-way, there is a
large dead tree, and asked~..that aame'beremoved.
Q!tyManager Gatchel said that it would be taken care of.
6.e. Concerning the PGA NationaI 4-Ball ChampionShip solicitat~on for
City advertisement in its.brochure for the tournament, to be held in
Palm Beach Gardens, December 4th through the 11th, 1965, MayOr Avery
said that ~he Chamber of Co~merce administers ~he advertising program
for the City, and suggested that this item be referred to the Chamber
of Commerce Advertising Committee. It ~as so moved by Mr. Jurney,
,~econded by Mr. Croft, and unani~ously carried. ·
6.f. City'Manager Gatchel referred to the drainage problems!n the
Southwest s~ction of the City, and reported that when the deIuge of
rain 'cameon~Saturday night, October 30th, the Police Department called
some of the public Works Department persorulel out at 4:30 A.M~ Sunday
morning in an effort to cope with the situation, and. t herbs and other
City personnel had been occupied for many hours since that time, with
the use of pumps, in eliminating the water from that section of town.
~e City Manager reported that during the time the three pumps were
use~ to move that water, between 400 andS00 gallons of gasoline had
b~ used and it had been necessary to have stand-by personnel for 24
hours a day to keep the pumps in operation.
· he City Manager reminded the Council that a drainage survey had
been conducted, in the southwest section of town in 196.1 that reflected
approximatelya million dollars ~orth of cost, and that the major
tion of the cost includes the acquisition of rAght-of-way, the main
portion involved being outside of the City limits of Delray Beach.
Mayor Avery said that C-15 Canal is related to the drainage of this
southwest section of Delray Beach, and feels it is now quite in order
that the City enter into the proper conferences with the County, Lake
worth Drainage Dtstrict~ and the Central and SOuth Florida Flood Con-
fro1 DistriCt, in an effort .that the City and these other agencies face
up to their responsibilities. Ma~Or Avery suggested that the City
Manager be directed to activate th~s drainage plan, to enter into pro-
per con£erencea, and return to Council with the cost studies and re-
commendations that this drainage situa~ion can be eliminated.
During lengthy comments, Mr. Jurney suggested that culverts be in-
stalled where they are needed, and the exisCing culverts and drainage
ditches be enlarged where necessary, in order to relieve the drainage
problem in the southwest section.
Mr. Saun'ders. said it appears ~hat action is needed in both areas,
and moved that the ditches be cleaned out, and also a meeting be held
with the other agencies involved. The motionwae seconded by Mr.
Talbot and carried unanimously.
Mr. Saunders said that the size of the culverts may also'nee~ to
be increased in that. area.
7.a. City Clerk Worthinq informed the Council.that the Gulf stream
School requests~the use of the Community Center gymasiumfor basket-
ball activities every Wednesday afternoon, between the hours Of' 1:30
and 2:30, and that the City Manager and Recreation Director have ~on-
cuffed in approving such~petition.
Mayor Avery suggested that if this request is granted, 'the City
Manager be given the authority to discontinue same at hie discretion.
Mr. Talbot questioned the possibility of other cities or o~gani-
zations outside the City making such a request for use of the city
facilities, if this request' is granted.
City Manager Gatchel reported that the recommendation made by
the Recreation Director and himself had been based only on the fact
that the basketball courts are not in use during the hour requested
by said school.
.-6- 11-8-65
Mr ~ ,. Talbot moved that.the-City. Manager be authorized to acoept the
request and also have the Jurisdiction of, suspending such a request
wheD it becomes apparent thet it ks for the betterment of tahe City.
The motion was seconded by:M~c~ Saunders and carried unanimously.
8.a. City Clerk worthing preeented RESOLUTION NO~, 49-65.
(Copy of Resolution~No., 49-65 is attached to the official copy of
these minutes..) ( ~S®e page 306'~:~& 306-D)
Resolution No. 49-65. was ~lnanimously passed and adopted on ,this
£~st and final reading.
~.'b. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. 40~65.
~ oRDiNAnce, o~ .~ ciTY coUNcil..o~ .~ CITY~O~-.BEL~Y
~ND~ ~lqD PROg/VIN~ Z0R THE ZOmNG'THEREO~'. (i61e White Drivel
'Oc~obe~.,ll'th, Council re~e'rre~:to the; ~Ienfiing/Z~tn~;B6ard
ing Distr~ct) 'Co R-3 .~ul~iple Family DWe~];~.ng Dist~J'.)
"'Co'n~erning'~t~e request that was re~erred to t~e. Planning
gg. ard by..Cou~c~l.~ P.er~aining to t~e rezonirig o~ ~te 25~
CO~c~l ~y den~,, or, sustaining the'-'Boa~d~, recomme~da~.,
Ordinance N~;". 3~9~65 h~a'~'~' .p~e~ar~ for cons~d~at~On~ i~ ~t ia
the pleasure', of.~e Counci~ ~o sus~in "~e 8ogrd"S 'reforeStation."
i960", ~ PRO~D~ FOR CO~ZO~ USE OF ~ ~' AS
~. ~ft moved tha~ the Planning Board's fecundation be
tatn~d, and ~at Ordi~nce ~o. ~9-65 be plac~ on first reading. ~e
~tion ~s seconded by ~. ~unders and carried
9.b. City Clerk ~r~ing repo~ted to Council am foll~s~ ~,
"~n Septet 27~, council referred.a petition for abandonment
9f ~e 25 foot d~icated, but uno.ned, right-of-~y lying he-
len N. E. 2nd Avenue and Nor~ri~ge Road, berg an easterly'
~oJecCion of the nor~ 25 feet.of N. E. 19~ Street as now
exists ~t~en Swinton and N. E. 2nd Avenues, ~ the Planning
Board and City Manager for review and reco~endatton ~reon.
~e Pla~ing Board,~der date of October 29th, re.rte as follows~
~nce~ing the-re.est ~at was tabled at t~. previous
meeting of the Pla~ing Board, .per~aining to ~he appli-
cation ~ abandon a t~nty-~ive foot right-of~y ~ N. E.
19~ bergen N. E. 2nd Avenue and Nor~idge Road, this
item ~s discuss~ again, and upon motion made by ~.
~ton, se~nded by Mr', Davis, and unanimouS~
~he ~ard rec~ends to Cocci1 that this re.est be
denied. '
~nourring-In the Planning Board's =e~endation, due to there
being a six-inch ~ter distribution line installati~, as ~11
~S mther p~lic Utilities, currently existing wi~in said 25
~ot-:d~toated s~ip, ~e City Manager also red.ends the re-
.est be
~ncil may sustain ~e ~eco~endation of the Planning ~a=d
grant 'the ~t~tion for abandonment of ~e d~icated right-of-
~y described herein."
~. Taler as~ if the person making the re.est for abando~ent
of said right-~f-~y could seek relief from a setback hardship fr6m
the ~ard of Adjustment, and City ClerkWorthing info.ed him ~at
~uld be ~e R~oper proced~e.
~. Tal~t.'~en moved ~o .sustain the rec~endation of the Planning
Board. ~e motion ~s seconded b~ ~. ~oft and carried unani~usly.
Mr. Talbot suggest~ ~at ~e ~titioner for abandonment of said
rightTof-way be advised ,of the procedure of ~titioning the ~a~ .of
AdJus~ent for a variance in the se~ack retirement, and Mayor Avery
asked ~at sa~ ~ done.
lO.x. ~r Avery infold ~e Council ~at he had '~en con~ot~ by
~. Kenneth Jacobson .con~e~i,~g a replacement Of ~. Jack ~bler on
the Planning~oning Board, and it ~s. pointed out that a ~rkshop mee%~
ing is planned by ~e Council and Planning Board.
10.a. ~e following Bills ~or Approval ~re presented= General Fund -
$93~492.55~ ~ter Operating a Maintenance Fund - $1,881.72~ '~ter
Revenue Fun~.- $50,802.037 and Improvement Fu~d - $1,537.41.
~e Bills ~re unanimously ordered paid, on motion by ~. Saunders
and se~nded by ~. J~ey.
~e meeting adjoined at 9~20 P.M.
AP~~_ , ~ . City Clerk
M A Y O I -' k' -8- 11-8-65
: ~ 306-~
1.Dewey M. Burrell 744 ~pring Drive Overgrown pert of 15-3 &
NorthViIle, Mich. Lot 141,Tropic Isle 15-4
2.William E. P. & 1020 S. Vista Del Mar Lot 14, Block 5,
Margaret Doelger Delray Beach, Fla. Seagate Extension 15-4
3.Frederick E.S. & 100 N. Ocean Blvd. Lot 13, Block 5,
Esther Morrison Delray Beach, Fla. Seagate. Extension 15-4
4.Frederick H. & 2475 8~.Ocean Bivd. Lots 1 & 2, Block 5,
Etta G. Ellenberger Delray Beach, Fla. Seagate Extensto~ 15-4
5.Otto A. Pfaff Apt. No. 405 Lots 3 & 4, Block 5,
120 N. Ocean Blvd. Seagate Extension 15-4
Delray Beach, Fla.
6.William H. & 340 So Ocean Blvd. I~t 1, Block 4,
Margaret W. Oantner Delray Beach, Fla. Seagate Extension. 15-4
7.James E. Schwenck 1120 Lake Shore Drive Lot 4, Block 4,
Chicago, Illin0is ' Seaga2e. Extensi0~ 15-4
8.K.E. Edwards 127 Avery Drive,N.E. Lot 4~, .Block 3,
Atlant~ 9, Ga. Seagate Extension i5-4
9.Allan p. & 2807.'Shannon Road Lot 6, Block 3,
Ruth Hendry Northbrook, Illinois Seagate ExtenSion i~-4
10.MUnicipal Paving 5757 Ogden Avenue LOt 7, Block 3]
Company Cicero P.O. Seagate Extension 15-4
.~ Chicago, Illinois
ii'Alexander F. & 630 ~ E. 2nd Avenue LOt 9 less North 10
Beatrice F. Wilson Delray Beach, Fla. feet, Block 3, 15-4
Se&ga:ts ExtensiOn
12.Susanne Offut~ & Edgehill LOt 1, Block 2,
Ray A. Graham, Jr..Sh~d~well~ Va. ~eagate Extension 15-4
13.Althee G. Canary 12520'Edgewater'Drive LOt 1, Slock 1
Apt.-.No.~ 905 Seagate Extension 15-4
14.Clarence C. & 20 S. Mayflower Road Lot 3, ~lock 1, 15-3 &
Violet P. Prentice.'Lake Forest, I~1~-~' Seagate Extension 15-4
lS.J. William Tiernanf1045 E. Atlantic Ave. Lot 4,'Block 1
· - Delra~ BeaCh, Fla. seagate_Extension 15-4
16.Franklin.., . ,~ .. Wedge P.O., Box....1796 Lot 5, Block 1,
,.,~. ~elray!Beach, Fla. Seagate Extension 15-4
17. Jane M. FOr~ P..0...Box-393 Lot 6, Block 1, 15-3 &
- DelreY ~eaoh, Fla. Seagate Exten~ion 15-4
18. Lawrence J. Ply~ 955"s. ocean BlVd. Lots ? & 8, Block 1,
Delra~ Beach, Fla. Seagate Extension 15-4
Page 2o
19.Susanna M. Osltn 819 Clark St. Lot 9, Block I,
West~ield, N.J,0?090 Seagate ~xtension 15-4
20.Harry I, & 122 S.E. 6th Ave. Lots 7 & 8, 15-3
Ruby E. Pittman Delray Beach, Fla. Block ?0 15-4
21.City of Delra¥ City Hall North-South Alley 15-3
Beach Delray Beach, Fla. in Block ?0. 15-4.
VIO~ATXONS 15-3 & 15-4 as concerns this report are as follows:
1. 15-3 Palm Fronds
15-4 Weeds
2. 15-4 Weeds
3. 15-4 Weeds
4. 15-4 Weeds
5. 15-4 Weeds
6. 15-4 Weeds
7. 15-4 Weeds
8. 15-4 Weeds
9. 15-4 Weeds
10. 15-4 Weeds
11. 15-4 Weeds
12. 15-4 Weeds
13. 15-4 Weeds
14. 15-3 Storm Damaged Pines
15-4 Weec%s
15. 15-4 Weeds
16. 15-4 We~ds
17. 15-3 Broken Tree Limbs
~5-4 Wee~s
~8. 15-4 Wee~s
19. 15-4 Weeds
20. 15-3 Old tree sawed down and not removed,
~5-4 weeds
~] ~,3 Trash, ~ rubbish and broken limbs.
I.~-4 Weeds
Submitted to the City Ceunc~l by the City Manage=
on ~his 8th day of November, 1965.
RESOL~TXOI~ 1~0. 49-65
S~H 2~TE~.2~' ~ING ~E C~T OF S~H
~S, the City Co~cil of the CXt2 ~ Delta2 Beach, did~
~~/~/ /// sessign held on ~e'- 2~t~ o.f, Jul[ an~ .
... 2.Std. O~ August, 1965 declaPe t~ ex~etenoe of-'a ~l'
s~ce upon certain X~' oF' p~'els '~f l~d, ~esc~ibed ina list
~tted to them, f~ violation of'~ provisions of Oral.in,ce
~8, pursuit .'to~ :Such-d.ecl~ation, ~e Cl~ ClePk .of said
City did f~sh each of-. ~e respective o~e~s.of ,the lands deso~ibed
in said list w!~ a ~OttCe descPib~. ~e ~t~e of ~e 'nuis~ce
~t they ~st aba~e .Said nuis~ce, wi~ thi~ (30)' days~ failing
in ~ich the City Oo~i! would'have it done,' ~d. the c~t ~he~eof
would be levied as an asSes~men~ age,st said pPoperty~ ~d
~S, the ~e~s herel~ter n~d did fail and neglect to
abate the ~ance e~sti~'~n ~e~ ·respective ~ds wtth~ the
time prescPibed in said notice ~d O~di~ce G-~7,.'~d the City of
De~ay Beach was requi~ed %o and did enter ~on t~ following l~ds
and inc~ costs in a~ting .the nuis~ce, e~sting ~e~eon as described
in'the ~o~esald list~ '~d .... "
~S, the City M~er of the Cit~ of Delray Beach, has,
suant to said Ordin~ce G-~y ~d t~ City Ch~teP sub~tted to the
City Co,oil a ~epo~ ~f t~ costs incited ~ a~ti~ the nuis~ce
as aforesaid, said report ~dioating ~e costs pe~ parcel of land
1. ~at asseas~nts i~" t~ individual ~o~ aa sho~ by the
report of ~e City ~ager-of ~e City of Delray B~ch, involvi~ ~e
City*s cost of abat~g the ~esaid nuis~es upon ~e lots ~ p~-
cels of l~d described ~ said report, a copy of ~ich is attached
he,to ~d made a p~t he~eof, ~e levied against the p~celS ~ land
described on said report. ~d in ~e ~o~ta indicated thb~eon. Said
assessments ac levied shall be a lien ~on ~e respective'
Iota and panels of land described In said report, of. ~e s~e
nature and to the s~ extent as ~e lien fop genePal city t~es ~d
shall be collectible in t~ s~e ~er and with the s~e. penalties
and ~de~ ~e-a~e pr~lsions as to sale ~d foreclea~e as ci~ taxes
~e collectible.
2. ~at the Cl~ Clerk of said City shall, aa soon as possible
~ter ~e. effective ~date, rec~d a c.ert~ied copy ~ t~s =esolution
In t~ _.office. of the. C~rk.of ~e Ci~uit Co~t In ~d fo~ Pa~ Beach
Co~ty, Florida, ~d' shall fu~ish to each of the o~era n~ed in
upon said report a notice t~t the 'CA~ ~cil of the q~ of Delray
Beach;"did. on 'the
2Rth ~F J,,l~ n~d 22rd. o~ August. 1~00
O~de~ ~e abatem~g' of 'a oer~'a~ nuxs-~oe e~sg~ on .the~-
property ~d property 0~ having fel~d to abate such nuls~oe,
Within ~e '~0 d~ pe~iod, w~eupon lt. w~ abated by ~e City at oost~
shod:in said report and such assess~nts shall be legal, valid and
bind~g obligatio~ .upon the p~e~t2 against w~ch '~eid
ape levied. This ~esolutl~'Shall bec~ 'effective 30 days·: fPom the
da~e of ~option, ~d the aSsess~nts contained he~ein shal:l become
d~e '~d payable ~ty daye[~e~ the. ~iling date of the notice of
· aid assess~ent,..~te~.:~lch.inte~e~t.e~ll accrue at the:~ate of 6~
pe~ a~ on ~ Unpaid p.~tion'..t~egf..
PA~ ~'~A~PT~ ~ ~' ~' sessl~ on the 8:th d~ of
July ~6~.1965 list
North 26.5 feet of Lot fi,. Josie G. Green $ 25.00
South half of Block'27.
East 85.6 leer'of Lot 8, 0. S. Mansfield Est. $ 25.00
South half of Block 27.
August 23, .1965 list.
Overgrown part of the ,llest
25 feet or. Lot 82 and the East Andrew amd Julia Sroka ~ 17.00,
35 feet of Lot 81, Delray ManoP.