11-24-65SpMtg 327 A special meeting of the City Council Of the City of- Delray Beach was held in the Council Ohambers at ~'~'00 P~M., wednesday, November 24th, 1965, ~ith Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager David M. Gatchel, City Attorney $ohn Ross Adams, and Councilmen $. LeRoy Croft, James H. Jurney, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, J~., being present. Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announced that same had been called for the purpose of Council canvssslng the'returns of the Primary Election held on Tuesday, November 23rd. 1965, and for any other business that may come before the meet..~ng. An opening prmyer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. Worlthing, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America wa~ ~Iven~ City 01erk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "In compliance wibh Section 155 cf the 0ity Charter the RESULTS of the PRIMARY ELECTION, held on Tuesday, Nov. 2~yrd, 1965, are as follows: AL. GL AVER~ ~. 12~9 Walter Dietz_ Subject to the absence of a declaration of contest, by any of the candidates, Council shall declare, the res~tt of %he ~ctian_as shown ~y~he,°~Ret~u~ns~ made by the Clerk 'and Inspectors f~r said-.Electi~on. .~ Voters VOtes -Oast ~ I ~ ' ~Y DIETZ "PRIMARY ELEO~ION - NOVEMBER 2~d, .196~ ~ ~ ~ MAC H I N'~E S TOTAr, ?o,~ -~i~,o~ TERM 2-Yea~ AL. ¢. AVERZ ~ ? _~ ~ ~ ~4~~ _ 3OO WAL~ER Dr~TZ ~ ~8 ~ ~ ~7~ ~ n~ ~5 T~AL VOTES ~OAST TOTAL VOTER~ (Machines~ ~O ..... TOTAL VOTERS (Absentee) . ~11 . G~R~D~ T~AL .VOTERS ~ ~ 2131 ~ ~yor Avery asked if ~. Walter Dietz or.a representative of his w~ in the audience, but ~. Dietz was not present n~ represented. Mayor Ave~ offered ~e~ flOO~to~.~ ~S/'H.-~y for any challenge or decimation, but ~ ~ney~smid that he had none. Ci~ Clerk Wo~thing ~s$id that i~would be the pleasuP~e of the Council tc dec l~;~ ~res~ult~:~of ~the. Elect~on as~ sho~ ~ ~e.~ s~bmitted by the .Q~ ~d t~ ~spectors thereof. It~ ~ so moved by Oity Clerk Worthin~ commented and explained am follows: "Concerning the information sho~n at the bottom of the s~umna~y ehe~t:,~icl~' w~s.~ee'$diin' f~'eht ~ of ~ou gentl~en,~ ~d ~ oV.e~ea~d some-.co~ve~sati~n at the elec$~n polls last n~ e~ a ~l~fe~emce votes cast' amd v~e~s ~a~ear~mg~ ~ mer~l~ w~t cl~if~ that fo~ ~ha~ it ~y ~e worSh to you gentle men~ ~eu will see ~at ~he eVidence reflecte~ the voti~g m~chines disclosed 2~9 vote~s~ ~ were 21~.:votes ca~t. ~e~e~is a g~f~oe ~me~eo~ ef ~ vo~es, 'ail of which is due to the fact hum~ ~at~e, as we all ~ow, a~ t~ea is pec~i~. ~ere are voters ~o go Jato a voting'mach~ flip the'lever ~d belie~e that constitutes a~ provides for ~e vote that they desired to .m~e; ~d then being so th~tfu~ as they ~e~ of co, tea2 for the next vote~, they t~.$he lever back up, then pull .the lever in order to let~them- selves out of ~e booth, thereby ~en tha~ t~e of voter leaves the booth, no veto has been c~t. is the re,son for the difference in those numbers ~ - 2~ votes. The presen~ machines being used, which ~e ~He machines that have been used for the pest ye~s, pe~it ~t. ~he new machines, which you gentlemen have ~ead about that the CoWry Oo~ ~ssi~ has procured and provided for acquisition of~ will not Pe~it such ~ction. Once a lever is pulled do~ to vote for a c~dida~e, such leve~ must remain do~ i~ order, that ~he vote~-ma~ pull the lever which releases ~e curtain ~d lets ou~ ~" ~2or Avery said he tHou~t the e~l~ation b2 Ci~ Clerk-~0rthing s~ld be*~ccepted ~d ~proved. It was s~ moved motien w~s seconded by ~. Baunders and c~ied un~mously. -~ City Atto~ey Ad~ said he ~eed with 0ity 01e~k Wo~thing that ~ite of the fact ~hat one of ~he c~didetea in the ~ovember ~3rd electl~m ~eceived over f~ty per cent of ~e votes cast, it is still necessary to have a ~neral election, wit~ the two m~didates having the h~est votes being the no~nees and their n~es placed on' the baI!o~. ~rShe~, a-t ~ re~ues't of ~ OSty: ~ager and ~2or, a ni~t ~etter h~d been sent to the At'~r~e~ General of ~he Btate of FlUids, as follows~ d~ted November "Yo~ ~e urgentX~ re,eared to render this office advisor~ opinion relative to the following ~ues~ion which aeep~y oencerns.*ppDuXoua of ~ ~i~. 0~ ~uesday~.' ~ov. 23, 1965, a pr~y election for: ~yor wa~ pursuit to our 0ity Oha~ter ~d the results we~ as foll~s~ AI.O.. Avery 1229, J~es H.. ~rney ~67 & -Wal~ Dietz 435. ~e to the fact that one c~didate received more th~ 50 percent of ~he total votes cast is the General Election mentioned in Bec~ton ~3 of said Chafer necessary? We have pre~iously furnished your office with a copy of o~ City 0h~te~ ~d in ~ opinion ~ections ~3. ~ and ~ are the relevant provisions ~ich a~ld' be ~$a~eSA~. ~ ~aVe adviae~ our our City Clerk ~d City M~age~ tha~ ~ ~ opinion the two candidates receivi~ ~e .hi,est n~b~r of votes should be. decl~ed the n~nees ~d tha$ both n~es should be placed on the Genepal Election Ballot which Election is to be held on th, first Tuesday in December. ~ opini~ wi~ .~- ~eatly appreciated. I intend to te~e yo~ ~fice at approx~matel~ 3:00 P.M. E~ ~ We'dnesday, Ne~embe~, 1~5~ and ~ope ~hat ~ ccu~ receive your o~l opinion a'~ ~ ~y~ Avery s~ld tha~ he had made the request that the Attorney Gen~~ give his ~inion on this itc~. City' A~torne2 Ad~ l~o~med the 0o~ncil that he called the office of ~e Attorney Gene~ at 3~00 P.M.~ today ~8 Peceived cO, irruption of his opinion e~ressed ~ the tele~ to that office. 329 · he following is.m telegram from.~Attorney General Earl Faircloth, dated November ~th. "Re: Telegram and confirmimg telei~hone convers'ation with my assistant Wilson Wrighti:~ a review of your City Chs~'ber indicate'~ that Gene,at Etee:ti-~n' should.- be held subsequent tC~ominating"'p~.ima~ies notwith- standing fact that on~ '.candidate received'more than - a maJoriby vote in the ~rima~y." Mayor Avery asked for a motion that 'the opinions ss expressed by the City AtTorney be accepte~., tt was so moved by Mrs.' Saunders. The motion was seconded by Mr.. Jgrney and ca, tied unanimously. Mr.'-Talbot suggested, a eh~r'ter change tha~:would provide for one City election instead of!'a pr. imary and.a general election. City Attorney Adam,s said that he had discussed this item with'~he Attorney General and had, bemn informed that in almost every case~ the charter~ are written or ~ave been interpreted, in a two man race~" the same ~ay that the Delray Beach Charter is written. Purther, that the City cf West Palm Beach Charter has a provision whereby anyone in the prima~y eIection receiving over fifty per cent of the votes cast is automaticallY elected. Mayor Avery suggested if a study is made o£ the else, rich s~tup, that the City Attorney,. City Prosecutor, Municipal Judge and two laymen be appointed to make s..aid study~' f~ollowed by a revie~ before the Council, an~' legesXa.ti6n' ~y ~.hs'pe~.pie~ Mr. Croft informed the Council that years ~go, ~uany of 'the Cities, and he believed' In the State elections, there was 6~1~ one election, but that created a conditio~,n., whereby a clique could control the election '*~ ' ' ' "" Durt:ng discussion abou$ the number of registered voters of Delray Beach ~tn 'compa~lson to ~i~.~. pop~la~l~oti~~-' 'cit~' Cterk~ W~thing informed the 'Council tl~'~t' .sl~atio~,~ hid~ ~i~ ~ed~tniz~d:~.b~:'~I1 prior Councils and .every effo~'t ha~. :be e'n: m~; tO~ ~n~oUr~'ge', T:urt~ier~' ~-gistration of people thr.ough,~ the N.igli'SchO~l F~.inO~'~:I~?.Mi~i~P~. :'Of. all churches, s_ud .V ar i.o~'s: c iv ic organ~ ~ at f~h$:'.I~ ~ tH~~t~ "~a~d" ~' the' P:.~ T. A. on a couple o~'occ'aS~ions with no greY,at results. Further,.~that ther. e are ~755 'regiS~'ered Vote'rs ~'i~ the' C~ty ,and 45 Per ~ce'n~t'; o~'tHoSe~egistered voted in the ':electiOn o~..~-Nevember- 23~d~. .... .~' .... ~, '~:~ : FOllowing l?ng~hY 'diseussi0n,. MaYO~ Ave~~ ~ugge'sted~:a' :m6ti~. that the vet~g.~PBbc:~u~e~';-B~ ~BE.t.~aS!It~-is; or~tha~..w~eo~itte~ Selected by CoUnc il ~be ~. app0i~ted ~:Jr ~t'udy ~d :rec o~eudA~lon :conc ern~g 'e~ Oi~ty A~Orne~ Ad~s~aid that. h~p~fe~ed ~not~ being Oh %such'a eo~it~e~e Shdt ~rece~e~ds, ~t' wo~l~ serve in ~ ~ex-offiolo oapao!ty. ~. 'Talbo~ Sa~'he".w~s in favor ~of-letting the ~'tSer dr~ ~d the ' City ~geP' G~h~l',~o~med the ~c~unc'll th~ no ection ~Uld be poss'i-b~e ~ '.~"~h~:.':C~e %~f~e ~He :1867 .ses~i~n'o~ ~h~' ~t's'~ ' ~hts ~s:~' ~'te~,':Of~ ~O~Side~t:~en.,.~"a~d ~t ~e t~e'-~ou ~ould'~e co1- ~y'~h~ge :is ~es'~red:, 'you'c~, d~c6ss it ~ th~ t~e'?" I~ so'm~y~d"b~ ~.~ J~ne~, Seconded :~Y ~.. S~unde~s ~d Un~i~ouslY oarrmea'~ City M~ager Ga~c~el re, haled the Council of ~SOL~ION NO. 51-65, ~roc l~ng.:Prid~y,: NoVember 26th, ~:196~' as WARR~-G., GRI~S .DAY, ~d advi'sed that: '~'~"G~imes?woUld~ o~'f.i~i~:l~- '~rn'on th~- christmas li~ts (the ne~ C~is%~as ::t~ee::~O~ld'::b~'.':in, pla-~:~? ~r'ing a 'spec lal' ceremony, ~ged 'by' ~:.:'~Elt~-gswo~tb"~ "~h~.'~h~be~' 5~; ~o~erc'e, to ~e held on the :beach at'the e~$""-oF' At~t~!~?~veH~;..:a~ 10~. A'.'M. ~d ail. ~e urged: %0 a~'.~e~d. ' ?:'::: "" .~-~ .... ' · ..... " · ~Ma2o~.'iv~'~y. s~s~ed that'-'~h~': RescisSion; tm b~ .-.presented '~o ~. Grimes :a.t S'mid c~meny'be prope~l~ fr:~ed. '~ '~ "' : .:' ' - City Manager Gatchel distri~uted 'c~pies of Ci.~y insurance speci- ficatio~s en wh:]n~ bids..wi-ll be sol'icit,~ and i~o~d the Couneil %hat" ~h~re .~ a 'le~te~ of' %r~s~t'aZ ~.~ed ~o ~e speof~ioations ~ ~-oh:~he d~e~ences in ~he .spec~fieatio~' e~'this ye~ a~e de- scribed, as-opposed to~ t~ mpec~icatio~ of last ye~. ~. Talbot said .he believed it would be of interest to the O~ncil and Ci~F'Ad~stration that he had received a letter from ~rsh & Mc~, ~c, s~at'i-ng '~hat ~ter .their coherence with F~ce Direc-to~ Tom We~r, th~ were of the opinion that the~e is no need fo~ the C~%y to Spend $~00.00 for' their advice ~d ~ey felt the system the City ~is using is satisfactory. The meeting adjOUrned at 4:40 P.M. R. D. WORTH~G APPROVED.G 33i NOVEMBER 30, 196~. A special meeting-of the City Council of-the 0ity of De]may. B~a~h · %965, with Vice M~yor ~ack L.'S'aun~er n h h ~,' ty ~avid M. Gatchel, City Attorne~ JOlu! l~0s~ .Adams, ~d COunci~en~'~es ~;. Jurney ~d George Talbot) Jr-.; be.i~ present. ~yor S~un~rs called the meeting t~ or'der an~ ~nounced that bad been called for the p~pose of receiving ~ds fer, ~d awam~i~ ~ale o~ $1,200,000.00 of Cigarett'e Tax B~ds. S'er~es t965~ as SS of SZ, O00,0OO.00 of Water and SeWer Revenue Bonds -' Series ~!so for consideration concerning th~ Beach ~osi0n Pro~ . ~provement, ~d for ~y o~h~r bUsiness.~- %hat may co~ befome the meeting. The bids were -opened by City Clerk Worthing, observed by City A~O~ey Ad~s ~d ~ounced as follows by Finite DtPeo~or Weber~ A~GE I~E~ST B~DD~ .~. ~T INTE~ST O0ST COST ~TE ~i~e, Weld · 0o~y $1,937,328.00 ~.0197% ~oodbody · Co~y a As.soc~a%~s?~ ?', ?/:~ ~$1,969,97~.60 ~.0875% ~lps, Fe~ a Co, any a Associates $1, 9~7 , 295. 00 ~.~0~ Jo~ Nuveen & Co~y $983,~7.E0 ~. J, V~ Ingen · Comply, ~c. $963,1~3.60 ~.1~8% City Clerk Wo~th~g suggested that Pin.ce Director Weber~',.~'~ · costs befp~e. ~y action is taken. C~ty Manager ~atchel repoPted to_Co.oil as follows= "~~N~ the ZOlA CL~ of the Delray Beach ~ea is again ~e First. Natlonai"'BAnk his' agii~ '~$ven~$s p~rmissfon to pa~kX~ tot on the S, W. Co~r of East Atl~ic & ~ird several, lee a~ o ivig":~:~fz'a~i0n~ 'h~ agr * e:d t o 'as S is ~ the Well as tbS' p~e'sen°e 'of '~Yor Avery 't~ p~rtic~paSe in the the TREE at 7~30 P.M:~ .Monday, December l~th, 196%. That is your next ~egula~y schedule, d'.Oour~il ~eet~ date, but is a h~lf hOU~ ~rior th" ~he time of your Mr. ~urney moved fha2 the Council apprqVe~ ~o!iday Program, the .Oity Manager Gatchel ";pe~ed to the ~~ tester f~om & ~on~ the City's 0S~ng ~g~hee~s¥"~ :er 19th, 196~, reg~di~ .~he hi~way~$V~slng for ~e hewe~';~o$~t in ~ea" "!, 'R~fe~e~oe is road's to the ' a;- ~"[et~er'::of 'No~embe~. 16~' [~ in vefe~enoe to ' sewe~ ~roJ~ctions. b', ~.Y~r ~ep~"d~e& Novembe~ ~'X7, l$6%~equesti~g est~ate of e~sts fo~ lateral co~e6tiona, across A-1-A. 2. ~e~e are now pr:ejected a t'e~al of 23 la~ral c~cssings of Hi,way ~l-A.to serve ali Properties to ~e east ~f ~avity ~$n ~. ~e~e 23 c~o~sings ~e-eSt~ated to cost a total of $[$,500.00, tf c~ied out under o[ur present c'en~t with ~tercounty Construction 'Co. B~ken do~, the average cost of each' c~oss~ would be $675.00. Zt will be necessary to cover this work with a 'change 3. ~ co~ection with the above, you are advised that the ~'tateRoAd Deponent has tou~ened it.s attitude with ~eSpect to lat.e~al e~oss~s of p~y ~oad.$. The .latest ~e~lations specify that all sueh-~ross~gs be made by Jacking ~d ~u~eling. ~ls is a costly ~rocedure, as it necessitates 'the placement of a steel sleeve, in addition the sewer pip~.' ~ould e~ected ~oek b~ encountered,' it 'beeo~s m~ost prohibitive. ~. ~ prel~in~y discussion"with the S~ate Road D~tment, I have made ~ ef~or~ to secure an a~eement~ on' th~ foIXowing alte~natives ~ m. Place'a rei~orced concFete slab over the pipe, ~d under the asphalt pavement~--~b~idgl~ the trench. '(~is was done last year on the~'~2~ c~gs that ~e now in place). b. 'Bac~ill sewer trenoh with l~e ~k, ~ subs equently' ~ePave .the ~ole' roAduay with one inch of asphalt, from end to en~ of the distrubed 'area. 5. ~e latter me~od appe~s~ 'to be mo~e 'a~eeable to the State Road' D~p~ent, ~d fo~ms t~ '.~ls o~ ~ present est~ate~ 6. The State Road Department makes ~h~ agreements, onIy with ~nicipalities ( nob with co~mit~ engin~e~s~, AccuSingly, ii'is 'suggested that ~ desired ~e~n2' negotiated by the Cit~ of ~a~' ~ach, advised ~d assist~ b2 yo~ consulting engineers. 7. As the contract is ne~ing c~leti~ ~d t~fio on A-1-A.is ~.api~2 b~ildi~ up~: i%~ ~$~ $~ that action-should '~e ~Aeted'~s'' a'~n as' fe. aw~!e, ~1_ ~P~[C.$1e,''" [ " t The ~ity ~age~ said it is bellied ~ p~ount ~po~c.e tha the 0ity p~ovide for said 23 lateral e~Oss~s~off South A~i~ oonJucti'en with ~e p~esent p~oJect ~d cont~aot. 0f ~te~co~ty: . construction cO~, ~d it is, ~ereTo~e, '~nd~d ~at negoti ation be a~ho~'ize~~ ~i~. ~he StAte ::'~-~eDar2~e~t fc~ ente~n~-into ~ a~eement ~elattve to p~ovid2~g ~'~"lat~i'~0~N'singS of State:Road ~0 ~South A1A) in co~ec~ion wit~ the sewe~ eol~eeti~n line instal- lati'on, ~der conditions acceptable and satiSfactOry t~ ~e State Road Dep artme~. City ~age~ Gate~l further suggested sha~ Coume$~l ~ive.~A~thori- zation for ~ a~dend~ to the~Con~raet W~h Yn~ereo~n~y ~onst~ction Oo~y ~elation to such "c~os~i~~ provision. ~. Talbot move~ as folloW: "I move ~hat with ~efere~e t'o~ Item No. 6 of the RUssell ~ Axon ~le~te~ un, er date e~ N~emBe~ the City ~nager be i~truote~/~tO act ~cerdingly, obtain~g ~e ~d~ired a~eement by negotiating with the.~ate ~d ~.tm~t.~sS$~ by 2- 11-30 &5 333 our Consulting Engineers;~ and :~.hat an ,a4.dendum be. ~repared authorizing sqch work under'the present ~ntract wi~th .~ntercount2 OonstructAo~ ~y.,, ~e motI6n was secomded-~by ~ ~y ~d'e~ried b~ .~. On N~v~be~-l~h, ~ ~ad a r~t as t~ ~he status ~f- the ~ ~S efforts to 6bt:k~.~e.e~S- fmom.~%he Driv.mte p~opert~_~o~ers  ~.~p0rated in ~I 0f~ the O~ty.;S.l~Ste~ ~ach '~sion Sectisn ~gr~. ~e City ~nager reported-as follows: "We have 'been ve~2 a~ ~ively engaged in individual.~0n~t wtt~.-%he v~ious property. $~ers and their representables ~.~ttorne~s, ~d mv~ theu~ a!~ ~ ds are not.in h~d at this .t~e~ ~e .~a~e. ye.fy-def.~ite reason~'$~ ~ !ore._that it is omly~.a ma~teV of t~e Until these deeds, are z~ ~eived. We have received assur~ces from all the ~arties involved ~ th6 .requ~'$~ted ~Ui~claim d.eede~" Th$~ ha'~ ~een. he~ ~..-to some' e~$ent by ~e fac~'that m~y of~ese private Pro~t~..o~ers. are now e~route to De~ay Beach. ~ey want.to ~o~er with their neithers ~ with their, attorneys persona!l~ rather th~ by_ ~il or telephone, ~.is one scheduled $o ~iv.e .tomorrow, and-he W~ to.' hold 8~iLhe was able to get her~, eVen thou~ we have:_his ass~ce ~Hat he Would not hold Up the pro,oct. AS ~hi.s time, we ha~e fo~ deeds in h~d, out of the eleven. ~other gentlem~ was in the ~fice' today ~d has given his word to the si~ing of ~ tiered; howeTer, his deed must b~. sent north for siva%utes of som~' of..~e ot~er p.~ties involved in the ~ership of lt,' . I do feel it- is JUst a matter of t~e, ev~ thou~. I realize-~e do no% have much time left before this proJec~ has to ~get ~derway, o .-.~. :Taib'~].aske8 :~he 'stA%~s of. (t~ p6x'.grgpe~ty~-~ ~d-City :A%~orhey A~s':~r~o~$ed :-a~,fo~Iows-~ :' "'?.~'Xed'~'~ ~ N~:. ~hi8 ~6i~i~': ~d was l~.~m~ 'th~ h~d'~ ~,'~apg~ai~ at' ~aS~ ~ .'~ ~e~ ~f~'::~ s t~e~. '? a~ J y~u~:~0w, ' ha~:~:~-~msented. As far as ~s. FOx is concerned, she consented to it, but it is ~ a trust ~d they have tO send it up to the trust com- ~t~S$ yf Or:.:~ ir G&~'~6~,, :.: ~ ~th~Y %~i~':p~i~tat~ o?h~:%~) ~c tube ~e%~ j ~ ~ey.~'~Aff~ ~'o~.-to6'.al. ~l:~~,~o ~u~ ;~d r~iSe .~ t~e :' property - ~ O ~c ~nffig ~h$ ~-wS~: h~-t~g:'be~n.::'a~ :"~y: ~he':'~?~1 ~gtneeri~ C or~6r~ti~, z~ ity'.'N~Ag~ G~eI".P&p6~t~d'.athAt' '~6 Al!~nt :work--- th8 ~i~2 :t~V&2-:'~-~m~d":.b~e~. ~$a~ ~'f~He~,:~ha~ h~ 8id: ~ot beli~ve.:the/'te~:-:bsring~?hA~ "Be~n: 6'~t~2ed '.~ ~e~, "~d 'uhtil. 'they have ~.ail o~:::tH~:~n~m~i~6:,-'Sur~2'wo~r~d~'2e~t' Bo~t~E ~W~k''.~':, compi~ted:?:2h~2-~..~o~2d-hotPB~ ':aBle. t6'ad~c&; ~oe f~' Wi~h: b~ D~mb~P,1Sth::.~ ~ak~.::X~ v~' Oostly:,':f~r. the Clt~ :' ":': ~ ~a:~ ~ed the F~E p~'~p~$Y~: iS K not ~ ob~a!meS" ~d :.C.~ty. A~ ~Em~ '.Ad~' S aid ~Pep~P~:l-~ ~e 'n~r~'~p~!,~ engineerin~ ~ound s~id R~oeI. ~ be con~IS~re~..:.~: . ....... ~;. ~- .~...:~..: ~.~ .:,.~.., :.:.; ~;~?~.,::.: .. ~:~.~.?~ ,; ~ .... ~.::...~ . M~di~;:.:~::.a: g~ ~arg~ ~t?'~o 8h6ot 'at.'on"~htS, ":l'.mo~thAS":we: - ih~t~c~:,th~ Oi~.~ M~A~t~o'?a~SX~e ~he :~roper2~. 5~s. ~Ra2' tB~ final ' ' C~y'.~ag~i;.Ga~ t~d the:' .~U~.i!~.:~at ..~e.-h~d: ~-:Pepo~ on ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ,' ':~ -~"-"~8-'b~'~n'~ ~a-~ ~ e a l:'~ "the ['~; .-: ~ ": t~ ,~ aS · - :...- ; :. :.. ,.. ],'- ;. - 334 Minage~ .said ,he ~u:~l hold' this;.~em for ~hat...meeting.~ . City 1~? Gatehel ~ep~ta~ ~a~ the~e ~a ~o ~e~l~ly scheduled usage"of ~h~ b~.. a~' ~is time, ~ut it is be~ op~ when possible by ~f 'd~t~ pers~el ~d speoi~ Police p.e~so~el~ ~. M. L. BenJ~in, o~er of the H~on Ho~'e ~. A~, ~ented as follows: "I w~ted to ask a questio~ on this.$1~200,.~O.D0.'.bond issue. I asked this of ~. W~h~ng a f~ m~a ago~:~d he c~dn~t ~swer m~. '~at ~ ~he beach -J' 'this p~oposed P~ic beach -~ .i~ of~ ~s $1,2OO,O00;00.bpnd..$s~e~ ~d ~is p~sed ~li9 got deed ~es~rictions aga~st it, will'the City g~ ~.. ~d ask ~f~. bonds 'on .that? Because it is so rest~icted,~ dead'~es%~cted, .~d my c~e ~ba~, but I ~a~ed tc-:h~ Yest.e~da~; and he ~ ~$~g, te.c~act -you, ~t he is going 'all the wa~ t~;" bU~t: t~ %ff~, that you have ~o get my perm~ss~0n befome '~at ~ happen, not interested in giv~g ~ permissi0~. ~ You look ~t ~e deed~ I have it with me- ...... "_ 0~t7 Attorney Ad~s~ "He has asked t~ or t~ee questi-~S :.~e, so if ~ c~ tP7 to ~e~ them One at a ~e, ~/As f~.~ bonds, one of the pu~oses, ~d let the ~eoord:show that I don~2 have my file in.fro~ of. ~ Bede., but omo of the purposes of:the Bonds was the cohs~ruction or' acquisition.:of ~ .oce:~ fro~2 pub.~o. ~k~ .... ' t~ther with ~ovements thereon and works ~o~oteo$. theis~e ~om e~osion, or somethi~ ~e that. ~e bonds als~ had several p~poses--vaXid municipal purposes~ :for which' '~he funds o'o~ be. used. [n ~we~ to.~is first question, you c~ sell the bonds. ~ere has been no contract at the p~esent t~e to ~y ~he beac:h~ ~ .y~ sell ~he bonds ~e~dless cf ~7thing t~the is ~efer~tng to as far as deed rest~ictions~ ~e ~e'deed ~est~ic2ions.,'th~ ~ don~t ~ow if the Council has Been a~e of, bu~ I thi~mk y~ will ~ecall we have discussed i2' briefly ~a7. M~. I~ you~ deed st~ictions? ~iginall7, When ~this prope~'. ~a''~ sold f~om ~ryl -Smith to a ~. ~o~ll~he ~ole 1~0 foot' t~a~~e~s .a. ~ the deed ~Ch e~ires on ~y I, 1~0'.. ~e ~estrIctt~ that the premises shall'be used ~ly for one o~ .more of ~e f~XlOwing p~poses= hotels, clubs, apartment houses., 'motets, vil~s, cottages, shop~lng centers, ~d/or r. eSldences~ .~oge~P wi~ cus~om~y ~d accepted a~pu~ten~ ~ses. (:~. BenJ~ ~ !J~d '~s ' · . differently, b~'t' ~ay, St does prOvide: ~An he~.~-~he ~tcr the gr~ee c~,'~by a~e~e~t, mod~f7, ~end.,~ ~ e~el eithe~ whole cr tn p~t,' all rest~iCtio~s abo~e ~efe~red ~. ~p~entl2~ his afford7 has taken the posi~ion-(1) that ~ose ~est~ictl~ns ~ld'not pe~tt ~ public p~k to be used on it.~ (2) ~ ~he ~.~to~ ~ted. ~e in that .oP~ginal !!00 foot ~raet ra~r '.~ ~dA~g th~.pe~' mo , F~ e~le, a c~a and ~e ~PP~'~t~'~ a~d use th~eof; you mi~t com~Xu~e from that tha~' it ~ al~w a ~oip'al they ~e ~o2 especially rest~ic~ive,. But im '~tte~si~v~lvi~g things l~ke ~s, a~thou~ we Wil~ .~n~ually make them pubic,  efer to d~scuss' the_.~ifferent le~t ~.ica~ions in a p~A~ate pd~lic'lY ~S~ted; ~2 before the 0Ontrac2 is e~ecu~ed, .'fha2 the~e be"~other PUbic he~ing ~d eve~y' Wil~ have a chloe heaPd." ~. ~nJ~i~= "~e only thi~ that I'~ do,g---these Deople up here to.bid 6n this. I th~ they should.. ~ow ~At. . ,the p~lems a~ ~d I think all of you peoPl~ ~e ho~es~ ~d fair. City Attorney Ad~: "~. ~nJ'~n, they coul~ t~ke ~htS $1~20~000.00 ~d us~ the whole t~ing for~. beach 'erosi'~' ~. ~ey to, 0r they could build a $1,200,000 'J'atl if they wac%ed ~. Ben~n~ "I ~st asked .the-~quest~on; I don~t ~o~; I ~ no Vlce-~yor Sa~de~s: "~e p~,~t~ X ~k~ is ~elt taken~ BenJ~ln, ~d the fact is that ~se Bonds are being issued a CapfUl ~provem~nt ~nd. We ~e not .he~e 20 debate ~at to be '~one With it," 11-30-65 "885 ~m. Benjamin: ~Tha~,!s the only ~estton that I asked, ~nd ~ni,n. f~om the ~.ity Attorney that that ~ no way ~fects the Reso!ution No.; 5~65 stated that .aald ~o~S were-: se~ to John Nuveen & Comply, Inc.,~ ~ Associates W~th ~. average interest cost rat~ 0f .-3.9869,' ~ity Glgrk .,~thing'~en'preaented ~SOL~ION N0. 53-65.' "~ ' DE~Y ~ACH~ PLORIDA~ .AWNING $1,2~,000 CIG~TTE. T~ BONDS OF T~ CITY OP ~L~Y BEACE, these m~u~es).' See pages &, Co~y J~i~ly wit~ B. ~. V~ Ingen & Co~y, Inc. ~th an firs~ ~d fina~ rearing on'm~ion by ~. Talbot ~d seconded by ~rovement Pro~ as o~tliDed' In ou~ DreVious meetings, but in no ~nel~ Opl~ons and s~ate ~he~p vtews~' all?f"th'ese restPiet~s that open and above bo~d, ~d ~vemybod~ will ~'ave .a chloe to talk; res% but .u~e~.~d.~. that he would be b:ack ~ the 7~ o~' Dec:emb~r. Ju~e~:D*~:'~oeding the election,. ~d feels that he has ~ho~'he is the Church Revival being conducted im a ten% at the Pony League Ball Field, but. at this time feels it is necessary to do so. The City ~a~e. ~!I"Pf~ld" fe~ -a · tent ~ev~val 'f~ a~wo wee~ ~e~aod. ~ion beg~ 8~d'A~~ ~d 'sal6 ~eqU~S~ was ~te~ ~by O~c!l. · ~u~the~, ~at it was not ~ at th~ t~ that t~ailers-a~e a portion of ~e ope~att0n off'said te~t ~evivat meeting~ o~ tmat!er being ~sed t~spo~%a%ion of the tent, c~s, etc. 'that a~e neceasary, fo~ the meeting~ ~d the~e is also a trailer for office use. ~"0fty.~ ~age~ said that he had-Just been advised said traile~ ~esi~a~ted fo~ office use is being use~ fo= sleeping .q~$ers~ which iS def~i~ely against the omdin~ces in~ effect in_ D~y-Beaeh~ Following review~of or~e' ~equirements .for use..o$, tmailers within De~ay Beach~ ~d lengthy discussion, ~.. ~urney moved that the t~aile~ facility in conJuetion with the tent ~evival meeting be pe~ibted so tong as it is used only as an office. The motion was seconded by ~ Talbot ~d ca, tied ~ously. Vice-~yo~ Saunders said that if there ~ a violation of this, the city M~age~ does no~ need to bring this item back to Council ~:~ ' attentionS'but to e~ry ~ut the.wishes of the O~cil as stated. The meeting adjourned at 2:40 P.M. R.: .D. WORTHI~_ G ....... CitY Clerk APPROVED: ,,/S,/.J: L. Saunders ~ . _ MAYOR ' ' -6- 11-30-6% 336-~ RESOLUTION NO. 52-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING $2,000,000 WATER AND sEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1965 OF THE CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA WHEREAS, pursuant to notice'heretofore duly published for the sale of $2,000,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1965 of the City 9f Delray Beach, Florida, dated June 1, 1965, the fol- lowing sealed proposals have been received: The proposal of JOHN NUVEEN & COMPANY (INC.) AND ASSOCI- ATES, offering to pay the sum of One million nine hundred eighty- one thousand seven hundred seventy and no/100 Dollars ($1,981,770.00), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of three and 75/100 per centu/n (3.75 %) per annum on the Bonds ma- turing in the years 1967 to 1984, inclusive, at the rate of three and 90/100 per centum (3.90 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1985 to 1990, inclusive and at the rate of four and no/ 100 per centum (4.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1991 to 1998, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,921,482.50. The proposal of KU~, LOEB & COMPANY AND B. J. VAR INGEN & COMPANY, INC., offering to pay the sum of One million nine hundred eighty-one thousand three hundred twenty-six and no/100 Dollars ($1,981,326.00), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of three and 90/100 per centum (3.90 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1992, inclusive, at the rate of four and no/100 per cent~m (4°00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1993 to 1998, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,925,024.00. The proposal 'of WH/TE, W~r.~ & C01~PANYAND SOIX)MON BROTHERS & H~3Tg~R, offering to pay the s%~ of One million nine hundred 336-B eighty thousand five hundred thirty-two and no/100 Dollars ($1,980,532.00), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of four and 75/100 per centum (4.75 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1971, inclusive, at the rate of three and 90/100 per centum (3.90 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1972 to 1989, inclusive and at the rate of four and no/100 per centum (4.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1990 to 1998, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,937,328.00. The proposal of PHELPS, FENN & COMPANY AND ASSOCIATES, offering to pay the sum of One million nine hundred eighty thousand and no/100 Dollars ($1,980,000.00), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of five and no/100 per cen- tum (5.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1973, inclusive, at the rate of three and 90/100 per centum (3.90 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1974 to 1986, inclus~e, and at the rate of four and no/100 per cent~m (4.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1987 to 1998, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,947,295.00. The proposal of GOOD~ODY &COMPANYANDASSOCIATES, offer- ing to pay the sum of One million nine hundred eighty thousand sixty- six and 40/100 Dollars ($1,980,066.40), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of four and no/100 per centum (4.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1994, inclusive, at the rate of four and 10/100 per centum (4.10 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1995 to 1998, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,969,974.60. The proposal of KID~R, PEABODY &COMPANY, INC. AND AS- SOCIATES, offering to pay the s~m of One million nine hundred --2-- 336-0 eighty-one thousand eight hundred and no/lO0 Dollars ($1,981,800.00), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of three and 90/100 per centum (3.90 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1984, inclusive, at the rate of four and no/100 per centum (4.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1985 to 1990, inclusive and at the rate of four and 10/100 per centum (4.10 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1991 to 1998, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,973,110.00. WFIEREAS, the proposal of JOHN NUVEEN & COMPANY (INC.) AND ASSOCIATES, referred to in the preambles hereof, is the highest and most advantageous of said bids, and in all other respects complies with said notice of sale; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF DELI{AY BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the proposal of JOHN NUVEEN & COMPANY (INC.) AND ASSOCIATES, referred to in the preambles hereof, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the following described Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1965 of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and they are hereby awarded and sold to the said pur- chaser, referred to in the preambles hereof~ $2,000,000 - ~TERAND SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1965, dated June 1, 1965, numbered 1 to 400, inclusive, in the denomination of $5,000 each, bearing interest and maturing on June 1 in the years and amounts as follows: Interest Rate Interest Rate Year Amount Per Annum Year Amount Per Annum 1967 $10,000 3.75 % 1976 $35,000 3.75 % 1968 10.000 3.75 % 1977 35,000 3.75 % 1969 10~000 3.75 % 1978 35,000 3.75 % 1970 10.000 3.75 % 1979 40,000 3.75 1971 30.000 3.75 % 1980 40,000 3.75 % 1972 30.000 3.75 % 1981 40,000 3.75 % 1973 30.000 3.75 % 1982 45,000 3.75 % 1974 30.000 3.75 % 1983 45,000 3.75 1975 30 000 3.75 % 1984 50,000 3.75 -3- 336-D Interest Rate Interest Rate Yea~ Amount Per Annum Year Amount Per Annum 1985 $50,000 3.90 % 1992 $140,000 4.00 % 1986 50,000 3.90 % 1993 70,000 4.00 % 1987 50,000 3.90 % 1994 75,000 4.00 % 1988 55,000 3.90 % 1995 75,000 4.00 % 1989 55,000 3.90 % 1996 80,000 4.00 % 1990 60,000 3.90 % 1997 270,000 4.00 % 1991 135,000 4.00 % 1998 280,000 4.00 % Section 2. That the proper officers of the City be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Bonds when prepared and to deliver same to said purchaser upon payment of the purchase price pursuant to the conditions stated in the notice of sale, without further authority from this Council. Section 3. That the Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to return fort]r~ith the good faith checks of all unsuccessful bidders. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect imediately. ADOPTED this 30th day of November, 1965. ~/ ' Vice Mayor ATTEST: · City~ -4- 336-E RESOLUTION NO. 53-65. A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AWARDING $1,200,000 CIGARETTE TAX BONDS OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORI DA. WHEREAS, pursuant to notice heretofore duly published for the sale of $1,200,000 Cigarette Tax Bonds of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, dated September 1, 1965, the following sealed pro- posals have been received: The proposal of KUHN, LOEB & COMPANY AND B. J. VAN INGEN & COMPANY, INC., offering to pay the sum of One million one hundred eighty-eight thousand one hundred sixteen and 40/100 Dollars ($1,188,116.40), together with accrued interest fro~ the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of four and 10/100 per centum (4.10 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1969 to 1982, inclusive, at the rate of four and no/lO0 per centum (4.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1983 to 1988, inclusive, and at the rate of four and 10/100 per centum (4.10 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1989 to 1995, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $963,153.60. The proposal of JOHN NUVEEN & O0~PANY (INC.) AND AS- SOCIATES, offering to pay the sum of One million one hundred eighty-eight thousand one hundred fifteen and no/100 Dollars ($1,188,115.00), together with accrued interest froea the date of said Bonds to the date to delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of four and 25/100 per centum (4.25 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1969 to 1971, inclusive, at the rate of four and 10/100 per centum (4.10 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1972 to 1987, inclusive and at the rate of four and 20/100 per centum (4.20 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1988 to 1995, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $983,147.50. 336-F The proposal of GOODBODY & COMPANY ANDASSOCIATES, offer- ing to pay the sum of One million one hundred eighty-eight thousand and no/100 Dollars ($1,188,000.00), together with accrued interest from the date of said Bonds to the date of delivery thereof for said Bonds bearing interest at the rate of five and no/100 per centum (5.00 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1969 to 1974, inclusive, at the rate of four and 50/100 per centum (4.50 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the year 1975, and at the rate of four and 25/100 per centum (4.25 %) per annum on the Bonds maturing in the years 1976 to 1995, inclusive, being a net interest cost of $1,013,075.00. WHEREAS, the proposal of KUHNe LOEB & COMPANY AND B. J. VAN INGEN & COMPANY, INC., referred to in the preambles hereof, is the highest and most advantageous of said bids, and in all other respects complies with said notice of sale; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the proposal of KUHN, LOEB & COMPANY AND B. J. VAN INGEN & OO~4PANY, INC., referred to in the preambles hereof, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the following de- scribed Cigarette Tax Bonds of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and they are hereby awarded and sold to the said purchaser, re- ferred to in the preambles hereof: $1,200,000 - CIGARE'A-£~ TAX BONDS, dated September 1, 1965, numbered 1 to 240, inclusive, in the denomination of $5,000 each, bearing interest and maturing September 1 in the years and amounts as follows: Interest Rate Interest Rate Year Amount Per Annum Year Amount Per Annum 1969 $25,000 4.10 % 1974 $30,000 4.10 % 1970 25,000 4.10 % 1975 30,000 4.10 % 1971 25,000 4.10 % 1976 35,000 4.10 % 1972 25,000 4.10 % 1977 35,000 4.10 1973 30,000 4.10 % 1978 35,000 4.10 % -2- 336-(; Interest Rate Interest Rate Year Amount Per Annum Year Amount Per Annum 1979 $40,000 4.10 % 1988 $55,000 4.00 % 1980 40 000 4.10 % 1989 55,000 4.10 % 1981 40 000 4.10 % 1990 60,000 4.10 % 1982 45 000 4.10 % 1991 60,000 4.10 % 1983 45 000 4.00 % 1992 65,000 4.10 % 1984 45 000 4.00 % 1993 65,000 4.10 % 1985 50 000 4.00 %' 1994 70,000 4.10 % 1986 50 000 4.00 % 1995 70,000 4.10 % 1987 50 000 4.00 % Section 2. That the proper officers of the City be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Bonds when prepared and to deliver same to said purchaser upon payment of the purchase price pursuant to the conditions stated in the notice of sale, without further authority fro~ this Council. Section 3. That the Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith the good faith checks of all unsuccessful bidders. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. ADOPTED this 30th day of November, 1965. ~/ Vice Mayor ATTEST: Ci.t-y. Cterk J -3-