12-27-65 369 DECEMBER ~7, 1965. A regular meeting of th~ City'~ouncil of Delray BeaCh was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor AiL C. Ayery in Chair, City Manager David M. Gatohel, City Attorney John Ross and Councilmen J. LeRoy Croft, ~ames H. J~rney, aAl~ ~eorge Talt~o.~, being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. ~. D. EdwardS. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States America was given. 2, The mirmtes of the regular meeting ef December 13th, 1965, were unanimously approved, on motion ~y M~. Talbot and seconded by M~. ~urney. 3.. Mm. George Sherman informed the Cauncil ~%hat quite some time ago the City had used twelve, fee~' of his land te build a road on N. 8th Avenue, and tha~' he feels h~ should be ~eimbu~sed, in some another, for said 'tWelve feet of land. Further, that he had 180 feet of property facing Ne~t Atlantic AvenUe~ and of that 180 feet he sold 135 feet to the Sup~ Test Gasoline Come, any; the City of Delray Beach built a road on 1~ £~ek,of the property and requested a. nother ~13 feet which made a total of '25 f~et t~at he'.~d to give away, leaving him only 20 feet of property facing- Atlantic Avenue. Mm. ahermau said he feels the City of Delrmy Beach should pay him for that 2% f~t of property or abandon an alleyway adjacent to his remaining 20 feet of property. Mayor Avery suggested that this item be ~e~erred to ~th~"Oit'y Manager for his investigation~ with a report te Council ~at their next regular meeting. The Councilmen were agreeable t~o ~he suggestion, and it was so ordered. ~, A roll call showed the fcllmwing Civic 0rganizatl'~ and representatives to be in attendance: Breezy Ridge EStates Mm. '~$~hn Beach Taxpayers League, ~ac. ~M~ ~. ~atson Dunbar J~ycees ~M~. Carl Rhodes ~. City Clerk Worthing rea~ the following memorandum ~to City Manage~ Gatchel from Me. Carl Howard of the Sanitation~Dep~nt, dated December 21, 1965: "We in the Sewer Department express our thanks 'for the Christmas bonus. We hereby request that you e~>nYey our sincere thanks t~ the proper individuals ~o helped make it possiDle. '.Our department decided tO make UP a collection to help some needy children rather than have a cocktail party at ou~ Christmas party Thursday, I was real proud of their decision and feel the2 deserve the hig_h_.est praise. We wish you and all a Happy New Year." Mayor Avery asked that the City Manager commend that depar~"~aent and express Oouncil admiration for thei~ action. 5. City Cle~.k ~orthing read the following letter from the First ChUrCh of Chrlst~ Scientist, signed bY ..Mr. Harold GrOves~ Olerk of ttxe Board of Directors, doted December 15th". ~e wish to exten~' em~ sincere th~. ks for the facil~Jties of The Comm~iSy'~em.te~ 'e.xtended ~e us for 'our- Lecture on Deoembe~'~ ~hanks are also due to the staff ~or the excellent arrangeme$~s made for the comfort of all those attending. Our Lecturer expressed gratitude for the arrangements made for hi.~ personal comfort, and for this we are most grateful for the co-oper- ation so cheerfully given by all concerned, · ' . 12-27-6~ "With ma~y thanks, and all good wish~s," ~. City Clerk Worthing rea~ a lettep to City Manager ~at~hel from Mrs. Walter ~. Lahey'commending ~. Ray ~ Yates, Sup~vis~~ of.~e sanitation Dep~tmen~, f~r his .~ch a~pr~ciated ~d courteoUS as sistance tb ~e~ in findt~ he~ ~dd~e~'~'s contac~le~ses, two bottlea~ 0f find for s,~e., .~d her oed~a~2 eye glasses, that had accid.~t~ been placed in a trash con~ai~e~ while they were shopping in De~ay ~ach. ~or~ Avery asked that the City ~ ~e~ress to ~. Yat~s the council's c~endatio~ for his actions i~ ~hfs matter; fuPther, if all the City employees a~tempted t~ sell the O~y it w~uld be of mueh ~ssistance to the Ch'~ber of ~o~erce ~d the business c~nity'. %.'a. ~. ~rney sgid~'he hgd ~ecently ~eCelV~g a l~tte~ from ~. He,bert ~. Neils~ ~es'ident of the ~l~ay. ~aeh ~n~s ~apden 01ub, ~d ~ead a portion ,f~ the letter as follo~:~ "X ~ indeed h~py to ~ead ~he enclosed~ item in today,s ~i ~ral~,. ~ I hope that you and the' Council '~e- able to do something ab~ -~e Junk e~s,ete.~ pe~ the enclosed ~hotes tak~ by a ~a~t~ieat~o~ittee mem~, ~. Cl~ence B~, last ~y on West ~th~ ~.St~eet ~d West Atl~tic Avenue., ~. ~rney said' ~hi~ is ~ item the Council: ~d City Adm~ls~~ tration have 5e~ working on fo~ s~e t~e an~ asked for a report f~om the City ~age~. ~s to the./Drogeesa~, berg ~e on Pemoval ~f Junk ~auto~biles, ~igerate~s,~ etc. City ~nager Gatc~el repo~te.~ to Council that~ the City has, to date, re~bursed the people ~mov~g sai~ o~'s f~ tha removal 0f 115 cars, ~ that a few more cars iD additi~ t.o ~e t'15 have been . removed, but the work siow~ do~ some around C~ia.tmas; further, that there is some ~etuct~e'e on the part of ~e ind~vi~als to have these cars hauled away, but the 'people ~e being i~eme'd that'.it is necess~2 that *~e cars be removed, eithe~ by ~he~elves, or by the City, ~d-~:they ~ billed for.a~e.~.. ~e City ~ger also reported that the Junk ~s on r!~ts of way ~e bet~ ~ealt with as well as the ones on private property In ~is c~ removal pro~; f~the~, that ~is pro~ is being take~ c~e of by ~Seotions 'of the City, ~d s~e sections have not been go~e into a~ yet. 5, a. ~. ~ney said there had been'c~plaints from residents in the ~uth A1A area of the p~p~ ~u~ing ~d oth~ s~it~y sewer con- struction noises price to ~:O0 A. M. ~ ~te~'.~O i~., that had Seen taken c-~e of, but that he had receiVed- a~v~aI' phone ealls today l~ ~ega~d ~o the l~ngth of time said sewe~ ~o~truetion will c~ntinue with the residents being inconvenienced ~th the no,se from p~s, plies of sand, etc. ~e City Manager reported that the co~letion date on-~ection of the Sewer ~o~ Is ~ch 1, 196~. ~y~r Avery .said it had been the p~licy of the Council in the past to be against ~ything ~hat wOUld uDs~t ~the Winter season, ~ feels it is quite p~er to have the OltY'M~agee review ~is situation and mak~ a ~epOet on s~e, with ~ec$~endati°~ of a possible solution' to the problems, at ~e 0ouneil ~ganizatio~aI meeting on ~ary 3ed, 1966. 5.a~ ~yor AverY'reported that ~. R~be~t ~. Holl~d, forme~ Oity ~n~e~ and ~yor, is in the Bethesda Memorial ~os~ital, and Boiled had i~0rmed h~m'this evening ~at ~ BOll~d is pro~eSsing satisfactorily ~d is supposed to ~be~lis~ening to this Council meeting on the. ~adio. ~.a. ~yor Avery referred to the s~n!t~y sewe~ installation in the N. E.~ 3rd ~ue area from ~th Street morth, ~d said there ~e open ditches and haz~ds in that ~ea, ~d that he had received m~y com- pl~ts concerning s~e. ~yo~ AvePy said he would like '.t~ 'direct the City ~ageP to c~ntact .~.' Neff to get those ditches.filled ~d get a ~ep~t as to ~when those streets c~ be paved; alsp~ ~at the ~open ~ttehe'~ be closed ~edtately. ~e 0o~ci~en were ~eeable to that d~eCtiVe. 6.~.. C~ncerning a g~t' offer to the City by ~. George S. Morik~i of a ~O ac~e ~ra~t 5f. ~, ~70~ Avery said a lette~ had Been ~eceived from A~to~y ~. ~. ~iin regarding s~e, se~.~ing forth said gif~ - ' -2- and certain stipulations, and suggested that this item be refer~e~ to the City Manager for his ~ecommendatfons, at the 'next regula~ Council ~ee~l~, as to how the CitY ca~ scoops sal$ g~t~ prope~' ceremony o~ acceptance, ~d how the stipulations ~gf t~ g~c~ be ~et. '~yo~ Avery said that ~en this item had ~st co~e up m c~ouple of years ~g~ he had ~ne to look over the ~o~a~i.on missionex, ~d that there ~e some rac~t~ 'th~ ~o~l ~7 wan~'.$o take up with a County Oo~s.sioner in a .meeting plied-for ~hl~'~ursday. ~. Croft moved that this item be ref~ved~ to the~ C~ty M~ge~ as suggested,.'the motion bei~ s~conded b~'~ J~ey. ~. Talbo% suggested tha~ it be included in the motion ~at ~$he City ~age~- ac~owledge receipt of the offer of ~e. gi~t~ ~ An e~l~ation Be made' of ~at the City Co~cil is' doi~'g ~d tha~ they ~e "most gvaSe~l for t~ offer. ~. C~oft ~d ~. Jurne~. ae. cepted that addition to thel~' motion ~d second, ~d the motion c~vied un~ously. 6.b. Concern~g consideration for providing Resident ~spection ~d Supervision~in co~truotion of the .Sewe~ .Oollectlon System l~ ~ea 11, City ~agem Gatchel reported as ~ollows: "Council, earlier in this year, e~ressed its desire to :.. provide for Resident ~spection of each construction project concerning the v~ious phases of the City.s ~e~ Outfall Sewe~ System as additional contracts bec~e aW~ded. Ca~cit, at.its last re~l~ meeting, aw~ded construction of the Sewage Works Project for ~ea:No, 11, ~d should ~ the pleas~e of Council to provide for such' t~on services to be perfo~ed by the present Consulting ~gineers, ~saell · ~on, ~E~pplemental ~e~ment No. to so provide, ~11 be available, ~d S~CT to no'$h~ge of such f~ct$on being desired b7 Oo~cll, authorization should be given for Said ~eeme~. No;"8 t° be execu%bd the Rroper City officials." (Copy ~f S~plemental A~eem~nt No. 5 is :attached to these minutes.) (See pages 374-AJ3?.'~-U:. ~. Talb~ moved t~at Supplemental A~.eement .No.,: ~ be approved ' ~d authoriz.atiom'be given for. exertion by t~ p~6P~. City officials, the motion being Secodd-ed by ~ Cr0ft~ ' . ~ ~. ~rney said thA~ the Agreement shoWs ~hat the ~gineevs will base their charges ~ a cost plue'b~sAA, a~ ~ked how ~ch this has been costing the Cit~' in the past, and Who.keeps the ho~s of work put in on the Supervision. City ~agev Gatchel i~o~ed ~he O6uncil that bhe.~iD~ce Director has provided him with a bill such as Russell & ~on normall~ sub~t to the Ci~ which provides for the work c~pleted as of the statement d~e., ..by ~ea, ~d the n~ber 'of hours spent as of ~e statement date by em~.. ~vi~al employed by ~ssell a ~on who.have been a part of ~e ~st~2 ~.tl~ further, that it is billed at ac m~y hours at a cer~n v~e per ~. J~ney ask~'~he ~n~ o~ 'm~ey ~that had been paid ..tO ~ssell · ~on for tha~ work, ~d. ~in~e ~ec~r Webe~ said that .at bhe e~pletion of the first phase.of the se~ pro~.a c,omplete~ fin~mial ~alysis of the entre cost o:~ .that p~oJect had been prePPed' and p~esenSed to Co,oil, in ~ioh.the oh~ges fS~ engineerl~, eonsult~ services, engineering resident inspection, e~e, had been b~oken do~m. ~. Weber sa~d that he .would f~nish ~, Ju~ney with a copy of said t~cial ~alysis. ~on call of ~oll ~o apD~o~e S~ple~ ~eement No. 8, Crof$, ~. Talbot ~d ~yor Avemy y$ted in favor. of themotion and ~. ~ney abst~ned f~om vot~g. 6.c. Concerning ~ aDplication for gratis occupational license by a physically h~d!c~pD~d peas.on, Oi~y i~age~ Gatchel l~ormed the Co~cil as followa~$ .. "~. Pa~l E. ~oh~. Rehabilitation Cou~.elo~ fo~-Flovida Co,oil' ~Or $~ Blimd (a state a~ency)~ advises, ~der date AU~ m t "~ ~Y- 3~ Eas Atl~n%to A~enue fop one of ~ oo~l~ce ~i~h State and looal prov~s~ons~ as~ ~ofleoted in Section ~6,~ o~ the Code of ~din~c~s, application is -3- 1~-27~ 5 hex`eby made to the City Council fox, approval of a ~atis't per, it--fox`' said Eax`l E.. Pu~ to become endaged in ope~ation' of the' auto~ic ~d~ Iocat~d at ~ East Atl'~ic AvenUe, due to said t~dividual 'being physically incapable Of m~ual labor." ~yor~S?e~Y'asked if ~is~ ~pplica~ion is in o~der, ~d was ~ ~. Talbot moved that the Florida Council of the Blind ~equest be ~ted, the motion being ~econded'~by ~. ~ney.~d ~ously 6.d. ~ Concerning a a~vey. Of p~cela of l~d ~ violation of the City nuis~e ~aw~~ pres~en~ed by the City ~a~P~ ~. TalbOt ~ved ~hat Chaptep 1~ of the 0ode of :~d~ees be c0~lled with, .the motion being seconded by ~, ~ney ~ un~ouslY carr~&d. (Copy of s~vey list is attached to ~e official C~y of these minutes.) See page 37~-M. ' 6.e. City ~age~ Gatchel i~ed the Co~eil that the bids fop the City ~sur~ce Pro~'for 1966 were ~e~el~d,. ~ened a~d made'public on Decembe~ 22nd, 1965, and based upon ~J ~alysls of the bids., ~eco~endations are bei~ made to Council-. ~e City ~age~ then . viewed a~ e~lained the ~s~rance Bid ~alysie ~d co,anted' on the fOlloWing ~MOR~ t~ the City ~nag~P f~om ~. T. E. Weber~ dated ~cemb~ 27, 1965: "It is the reco~endation of the Oity~s suDervising insur~ce agents and myself, ~teP reviewing'the~bid~::'wh~ch we~e opened on December 22, 1965, that the City,s insur~c~ for 1965 be aw~ded as follows ~ I . Package policy bid ~ the ~oenix of.HartfoPd ~sur~ce'~Comp~ies ~oup Jointly to Atlantic Agency~ ~c. ~d Plastridge Agency~ ~c. for the following: a. ~o~ehensive General ~abillty~ ~cluding aut~obil~ physical d~age,' p~oducts ltabi'lityr personal ~J~ry, bodily injury liability l~its of $250,000 '/$500,090. ~d property d~ge b. Fi~e, ~bended Oove~age, Vandalism ~ ~licious ~schief on all CltY ~il~ings and contents. [$250.00 deductible on each.building'. 5, ~ployee~" ~l~ket'bo~d, $10,000, ~emi~ bid II ~ Bid ~f ~oe~ of Hartford' ~au~e G~p~ies group Jo~tly to Atl~tI6 ~suPAmce ~ncy, ~c..~d~.Pt-a~Pidge ~ency, ~$,~foP W6r~s 0ompen~ation, ~loyeps Liabili~ $100,000~ ~e~ bid' $20,027.83. Realty~Co$~ fo~. the Treasure~ Tax.C01~ectO~.Bond fop a t~ee ye~ bo~d. ~ual pPem[~' of $2%2.00- . IV Bid of St. Padl ~ire and' ~Pin~ ~s~ance 5o~y to Gr~ey ~othe~s ~er Volunteer F~e~n Accident Ins~e, weekly inde~ity fo~ l~e of $25.00 for total disability. ~emi~ bid $131.63, V Bid of St. ~ul. ~e & ~lne ~suPance .Co~y to Gracey ~othe~s ~Cr A~liary Po~ceme~. ~cl~ent ~su~ance, weekl~ inde~i~y for l~e cf ~2%.00 for total disability~ ~e~ bid $125.80. ' ~te~ o~efully review~g.the tabulati~s as p~evious~ sub- mitted we ~eeo~end the foregoing as t~e l~est and best bids sub, trod. ~e seven insu~ce azenCiea in the City su~itted bids from twentY-four different ~su~anceoo~anies. A co~lson of pre~s paid last yeaP and the above toe--ended awa~s is as follows: 1965 1966 ~roup II . 17,~87..03 Z~,oaT';83-" G~oup III .... '216.00 ~" 252;0.0 ~roup ~ ' 105.00 ~1.63 Group V 100.00 ~e award in' ~oup Y includes re~o~endA$ion of:~ ~ncrease tn bodil% ~nJnry ~Abili~y f~m $100,000 / $300,000. to '~ $250,000/$500,0b0. ~ ~eco~ending Shis package policy deductible on buildings ~d con~en~s is ~ng inopeased from $100.00 to~ $2~0~00; on pPoperty WesB Of 'the wage--ay th%s. represents .~ inorease in deductible; while on ~o~e~ty East of the waterway, wheme the ~Jo~ity o~ d~age fF~ hurric~es is sustained, the deducBible.~s reduced.~ .. ~is ~850;Q'0 deductible ~ecmeases on a sI%d~ s~ai~ uD~t~ loss, ~ter which no deductible ~pplie~. ~e Wom~s-~omp.insa~ion pre~ is increased over last year' because ~ ~he -following ~wo factors :.. -1. ~ ~l~id~. '0~ens~ion Rat~ng B~r~u has increased the 0ity~s expe~ience mod~floa%lon facto~ from .9~ to 2.' Es~a~ed ~o~1 used iD c~u~ng ~he bid h~ been ~rea~ed fro~...~908,150~. t0' ~929,.090. ~. conclusion i ~sh to ~ress my ~h~s to ~1 of the lnsur~c.e agencies in ~he City, without whose help ~d wholehearted eff.or%s %hose very good bids ~0uld ~% have been ~sible." (copy of the bid analysis is attached to She offical 'copy of these m~n~tes'.~ (See Pa~e 37~-~37~-K) ~. 0~o~t a~ked Wha~ safe~y m~asures ha~e ,been taken In trying to get the City employees-to be. mere c~reful about accide~tS. ~. Talbot aske~ if ~e ~i~r~ce' Comply c~rying t~ ' ' co~sation insilco has ~epresentatives to work With the City in s~ety progr~s, ~d the City ~er i~ovmed the Council that the Insur~ce cobbies now h~dling' the wor~s co~ensation do have such services available; further, that h~ has recently discussed this matte~ with a repr~-senta~iVe ~-the co, any ~d.has asked"h~ for a complete co~ilation of the City'e~erience rates ove~ about the t~ee ye~ period, which then can be used as ~ begi~g point fo~ e~hasizing safety to, not only the dep~t~nt heads, ~t. all of the euPe~isory ~d m~y of the laboring olasi employees. Also, that a representative of the Co, any has expressed an interest ~ providing such services, an~'the Wor~s Compensatlo$. Dl~$i°n of the ~ustr}aX C~ssion o~ the State of-Florida :prOVides. such s~ety ~a~om A~e~ suggested 'that the ~i{y'~n~ger be di~t,d to' contact the ~s~6e Oomp~y asking for~ s~ety ed~c%t$~ Se,l~. ~ ~ effo~t to get t~.~w~'s ~o~DsstiOn '~ates ~o~, ~ ~*/.~i~e$ were . a~eea~le ~o~ha$.suSge~t~Dn~, ~ ' ~ . ' ....... -~': ~' ~ . '~.. Ta~p~ ~a.~d ~e'.~e~l~'.~' to .co, end the City"~g~, his ad~niSt~at'ive ~t~f~ ~d':.t~e: supervising.i~u~an~e aseDt$, for the fine insu~cm hid pSe~'en$a~i~. _ . , _~ "~ __' _ Cit~ ~ge~' 6~t$~t' ~O~med the/council- $~at ~'x~ce ~ Weber has done 'a'~r~ 0u~tan~isg Job on ~i~, 'partioWX~lY with the supervising agentS ~/~y ~ turn with a'll ~h~ in~e 'agents in She dit~. · ~,' Talbot ~oved that the City's ~s~n~'~for 1966 be awarded in acco~d~e ~th" the'memo~d~ dated ~ce~ber 27, 1965. ~e' motion was s~cended by ~ ~ey ~d carried unanImou~ly. 7. ~ere were no Petitio~ o~ Co~nioations. 8.a. City Clerk Werthi~ ~sented' O~ANCE NO. ~"~ ~, 7, '9, 10, 11 ~d 12, SEAO~T (Copy of ~ano~ No. ~-65 ia ~aehed ~o ~ho official copy of these mitres.) (~ee Page 37~-L.) . ' ~e~e being noon, action 'to ~in~ce ~o. ~ 65, said ~din~ce vas un~ously pas~ ~d adopted on this second and final reading on motion by ~. Cro~.~ a~d seco~d'~ ~. ~rney. . 9. ~e~e were no reports. lO.x. ~. Talbot, as Chai~ of the Beach ~osion Co, tree, asked the status of ~e work ~ing done by the City Ad~stration con- c~erning '~ection II of the ~ach '~ehabllitation Pro~,'~ the . _~e~.i~o~d h~ there ~s no focal repot on the status of th~t~ p~Ject, however, that he f~ls ~easonabl2 certain that agreements ~be provided ~ .a major port~n of said p~pe~ty o~e~s in ~ction II ~or the extension of the r~e~ent ~ea north f~om the City proper~y, ~2 it is definitely ~o~ now that it will be ~ossible to Peceive a~ of the deeds from the Secti~ II area es the~e is an estate set up in t~st ~d aceording to the provisio~ of the estate it will ~e ~pcssible to ~nt the wish~ of the Ci~ In giving a deed. ~e City M~ager said ~ere would be a c~plete ~epo~t for Council on this item at thei~ Organizational meeting on J~u~ 3~d, 1966. lO.x. ~. ~ney s~id that ~. Jo~ Sword of B~eezy Ridge ~tates had contacted h~ last'.we~k about a l~t pole in ~ t~ope~ ptaee, ~1~9, s~ething in raged ~o ~ tr~fic t~cu~ ~eir Subdivision, but he ~ not had .time ~o go ~d ~o'~ ~e~it~, ~d since ~. Sword 'tS in the audience w~ed to ~ol~ize fo~ not getting out-there. City'-~~ch~l r~ed'~hat ~. 8word had been in to see him t~aF ~'~,t..~ 'is f:~ti~ wi~ these ite~ and is proceed~g 10. City Clerk WC~ p~esented Bills fo~ Approval aa follows GeneraI Fund $216~399.60 W~ ~r~ating &.~i~tenance F~d ~ ~ve:~e ~ 11~ 226.27 ~p~Xal~ ~sessment ~d 9~ I10.3~ R~d~ble ~posits ~nd 1; 8~4; 73 D$~ ~ '3~982.60 ~~ ~d 2~, 828. ~0 ~.~ ~X~Ot questioned the Pa~ ~ch Count2 ~ei~t ~fic in the ~o~t cf $300.~ '~d was i~o~med that l~ is that the ~il~ be paid~ the motion ~ing secon~d .'~ c~ll of roll, ~. O~f$.~ ~. ~albot ~d Ay. of the ~ills and ~. ~ey was opposed.' ~. vote in that the b~lls coCa,ed the $20,000.0Q ' ~ot~s ~ ~e ~chase ef 400 fee~ of beach. was adJo~ned at ~:5~ -6- I2.27-65 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 8 TO ENGINEERING CO~TRACT CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA WHEREAS, The City of Delray Beach, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER, and Russell & Axon, Consulting Engineers, here- inafter referred to as the ENGINEERS, 'entered into a contract for engineering services dated the 30th day of September, 1959, and WHEREAS, the ENGINEERS have informed the Owner that it would be in the best interest of the OWNER to provide' competent resident inspection for Area 11, Project No. 5964-8b, construc- tion of. which is immediately contemplated. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as lol- l. The OWNER will pay to the ENGINEERS on a monthly basis for providing competent resident inspection and supervision an amount equal to actual field~ cost plus 50 per cent. 2. Resident supervision of construction i~cludes, but is not limited to, laying out of work, analysis of temporary struc- tures and facilities, field supervision, field inspection of materials and work, progress reports, preparation of monthly and final estimates and final report. As part of their duties as Resident Supervisors, the ENGINEERS shall render monthly, inspec- tion and progress reports to the OWNER. 3. The chief lOCal resident engineer (or project manager) assigned to the project shall at all times remain subject to the approval of the 4. The terms and provisions of the contract between the parties dated September 30, 1959, includ/ng all supplements there- to, shall remain in full force and effect other than as modified by this Supplement No. 8. Executed this 27th day of December , 1965. CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: RU6SELL & A~DN, CONS~LTIN~ ENGINEERS  luthort s~cer 37~-D 37~-F OI~Z~I~ICB SO. 44-65 OF DB~Y BEA~ F~ZDA, ~ZONZ~ ~ P~CZ~ L~S 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12',. ~AC~ST ~Z~SION, D~Y BEA~, ~XDA, ZN "R-2 ~X~ "~O~Z~ ~P O~ DE~Y BEA~, F~RXDA, ~ IT O~AI~ BY ~ SE~ZON 1.. ~hat ~he following described pro~rty in ~e City of ~lra~ ~auh, Florida, is hereby rezoned, and plac~ in ~e ~R-2 ~e and ~ Family ~11ing District" as defined by ~ap~r 29 of the Code of Ordinances of ~e City of Delray Beach, Florida, to-wit: ~ts 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, I0,~ I1 and 12, Seacrest ~ivision, ~lray Beach, Florida, according to Plat ~ok 23, Page 3 on file in the o~fi~ of the Clerk of ~e Circuit Cou=t in and for Palm ~a0h county, .S~cTIoN 2. ~at ~e Building Inspector of said City shall upon the effective da~ of Zoning Map o~ Delray Beach,. Florida to con~o~ wi~ the pro- visions o~ Seot~on I hereof. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 27thday of ~oember, 1965. /g/ Al. C. Avery ...... ~;A W ATTEST: /S/ R. D. Wo~thing Fizst Reading , No, vembe, r 2,2, 1965 Second Reading .Dece..m,~ber 2~,, 1965 PROP~RTi~S I~1%~/OLATIO~; OF ORDI~A~cE NO. G-147. A,ND. SECTIONS 15-3 and 15-4 OF ~ CITY CODE. PROPERTY CITY O~R ~DDP~S DESCRIPTION 1. City of Delray ~ity }{ail Part of Alley in 15-4 B~ach ~ay B~aeh, Fla. · Block 59 lying T. P. & Jean R. P.O. Box 721 The South 44 feet of 15-3 Wyatt Delray Beach, Fla. W 99' of,E 287.74' of N 120.9' of E% of Lot t3~ less N 25' & less E 15' of S 65.9' thereof, and W 90' of E 293' of S 44.1' of N 165' of E% of ~t 13, Section 20-46-43 3. J.. W. & Je~li .W. P.O. B~x I510 W 175' of N 120.9' of N~lin Delray Bea~, Fla. E% of Lot 13 less N 15-4 25' & less W 10', Section 20-46~43 J. W. m. Je~ll W. P. O, Box 1510 ~S :44.1' of N% of ~% 15-3 N~I~ DeIray ~each, Fla. of ~t 13 less E 293' 15-4 ~ereof & lass W 10', section 20-46-43. VIQLAT~ONS 15-3 and 15-~ as concerns this report are as followsz 1. 15-4 Clump of underbrush. 2. 15-3 Trash, old lumber, cables., wires, assorted Junk and debris. 3. 15-4 Underbrush and weeds. 4. 15-3 Junk cars, b~oken trees and limbs. 15-4 W~as and underbrush. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on th~s 27th day of December, 1965.