11-04-03 ResultsCity of Delray Beach Regular Commission Meeting ***AGENDA RESULTS*** Tuesday, November 4, 2003 Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. Public Hearings 7:00 p.m. Commission Chambers Delray Beach City Hall 100 NW 1st Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone: (561) 243-7000 Fax: (561) 243-3774 RULES FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is encouraged to offer comments with the order of presentation being as follows: City Staff, public comments, Commission discussion and official action. City Commission meetings are business meetings and the right to limit discussion rests with the Commission. Generally, remarks by an individual will be limited to three minutes or less. The Mayor or presiding officer has discretion to adjust the amount of time allocated. A. Public Hearings: Any citizen is entitled to speak on items under this section. Bo Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items from the Public: Any citizen is entitled to be heard concerning any matter within the scope of jurisdiction of the Commission under this section. The Commission may withhold comment or direct the City Manager to take action on requests or comments. Co Regular Agenda and First Reading Items: When extraordinary circumstances or reasons exist and at the discretion of the Commission, citizens may speak on any official agenda item under these sections. 2. SIGN IN SHEET: Prior to the start of the Commission Meeting, individuals wishing to address public hearing or non-agendaed items should sign in on the sheet located on the right side of the dais. If you are not able to do so prior to the start of the meeting, you may still address the Commission on an appropriate item. The primary purpose of the sign-in sheet is to assist staff with record keeping. Therefore, when you come up to the podium to speak, please complete the sign-in sheet if you have not already done so. 3. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION: At the appropriate time, please step up to the podium and state your name and address for the record. All comments must be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to individuals. Any person making impertinent or slanderous remarks or who becomes boisterous while addressing the Commission shall be barred by the presiding officer from speaking further, unless permission to continue or again address the Commission is granted by a majority vote of the Commission members present. APPELLATE PROCEDURES Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City neither provides nor prepares such record. The City will furnish auxilialT aids and services to afford an indMdual with a disability an opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243- 7127 ¢oice) or 243-7199 (TDD), 24 hours prior to the event in order for the City to accommodate your request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetinas in the Commission Chambers. 2. 3. 4. ROLL CALL. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. AGENDA APPROVAL. (Mayor noted the addition of Item 9.J, Direction Regarding the Recreation Centers, Parks and Cultural Facilities Bond Issue, to the agenda by addendum; Item 9.C, Request to Reduce Liens/Community Redevelopment Agency, withdrawn due to a request from the CRA; Item 10.D, Ordinance No. 43-03, postponed due to a request from staff; Item 10.E, Ordinance No. 44-03, postponed due to a request from staff; Approved as amended, 5-0) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 21, 2003 - Regular Meeting (Approved, 5-0) PROCLAMATIONS: Recognizing and commending Brittany Roxbury Recognizing Rainberry Bay's 25th Anniversary "Keeping the Charm Month" - November 2003 PRESENTATIONS: A. "Spotlight on Education" -Judy Fdinek, Achievement (AAA) Plan B. Lights On After School Program -Joe Weldon Director of Accelerated Academic CONSENT AGENDA: City Manager Recommends Approval. (Approved, 5-0) A. RATIFICATION OF THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTIONS: Approve and ratify the actions of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board at their Quarter Annual Meeting of October 16, 2003. SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD/RESOLUTION NO. 1-03: Approve South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board's (SCRWTD) Resolution No. 1-03 modifying Resolution No. 9-81 to allow SCRWTD to retain the collected Sinking Fund user charges rather than distributing them to the Cities of Delray Beach and Boynton Beach. FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPROVAL/HAMILTON PLACE: Approve the subdivision plat for Hamilton Place, located on the northeast corner of S.E. 6~ Avenue and S.E. yd Street. -2- 11-04-2003 D. FDOT GENERAL USE PERMIT & HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT/ HAMILTON PLACE: Authorize the City to act as the utility permit applicant for the construction of a ~vater main extension ~vithin the state right-of-~vay (located at the northeast corner of S.E. yd Street and northbound Federal High~vay) and approve a Hold Harmless Agreement ~vith the developer (Savion Devdopers at Park Place, L.L.C.). ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEED/LONE PINE ROAD: Approve and accept an easement deed betxveen Fine Built Construction, Inc. and the Cit7 to alloxv for the extension of a water main onto Lone Pine Road, located west of Davis Road and just south of the northern City boundary. RESOLUTION NO. 74-03: Approve Resolution No. 74-03 assessing costs for abatement action required for the emergency board-up of an unsafe structure located at 2655 Dorson Way. RESOLUTION NO. 75-03: Approve Resolution No. 75-03 assessing costs for abatement action required to remove nuisances on twenty (20) properties throughout the City. RESOLUTION NO. 76-03: Approve Resolution No. 76-03 assessing costs for action necessary to remove junked and/or abandoned vehicles from five (5) properties within the City. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1/FINAL PAYMENT/RPM GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC.: Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of a $310.36 decrease, and final payment in the amount of $4,545.69 to RPM General Contractors, Inc. for completion of the Pompey Park Interior Improvements Project. Funding is available from 334-4172-572-46.10 (General Construction Fund/Building Maintenance). SERVICE AUTHORIZATION NO. 18/MATHEWS CONSULTING, INC.: Approve Service Authorization No. 18 to Mathexvs Consulting, Inc. in the amount of $126,827.00 for engineering design services regarding Area 1 of the City's reclaimed water system. Funding is available from 441-5181-536-65.96 (Reclaimed Water Transmission). RESOLUTION NO. 73-03: Approve Resolution No. 73-03 authorizing the City to purchase property for drainage retention located at Lot 14, Block B, Carver Memorial Park (N.W. 15~ Avenue), and Contract for Sale and Purchase between the City and the Rufus Norman Estate in the amount of $17,597.00. 11-04-2003 SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST/ART & JAZZ ON THE AVENUE: Approve and endorse the Art & Jazz on the Avenue scheduled for December 11, 2003 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., granting a temporary use permit per LDR Section 2.4.6(H) for the closure of Atlantic Avenue from S~vinton to N.E. 7th Avenue, the south side of Atlantic Avenue from N.E. 7th Avenue to just past the Blue Anchor Pub, Railroad Drive from Atlantic Avenue to N.E. 1st Street, N.E. 2nd Avenue from Atlantic Avenue to N.E. 2nd Street, and authorize staff support for security and traffic control, banner hanging and removal, barricade set-up/removal, trash removal and clean up, and use/set-up of City stages. SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST/17th ANNUAL TURKEY TROT: Approve a special event request to allow the 1T~ Annual Turkey Trot to be held on Saturday, November 22, 2003 from 7:30 a.m. until approximately 8:30 a.m., including temporary use permit per LDR Section 2.4.6(H) for the closure and use of A-1-A from Casurina to George Bush Boulevard and Casurina from Gleason to A-1-A from 5:00 a.m. to approximately 10:00 a.m., and authorize staff support for security and traffic control, barricade set-up/removal, trash removal and clean up, use of small stage, and waiver of parking meter fees for Sandoway, Ingraham, and Anchor Park as well as along Atlantic Avenue from Venetian to A-1-A from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 10:00 a.m. CHRIS EVERT PRO-CELEBRITY TENNIS CLASSIC: Approve an agreement between the City of Delray Beach and Chris Evert Charities, Inc. for the Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic to be held at the Tennis Center on December 6-7, 2003. APPOINTMENT OF OUTSIDE COUNSEL ON CASES RELATING TO MATTERS RAISED IN HOFFERT AND OTHER RELATED CASES: City Attorney seeks approval for outside counsel on above named cases. DEVELOPER AGREEMENT/YORK BUILDERS, INC.: Approve an agreement between the City and York Builders, Inc. in the amount of $10,600.00 for roadway improvements in the 1000 Block of S.W. 8~ Avenue. REQUEST FROM THE DELRAY BEACH GARLIC FESTIVAL: Approve a request from The Delray Beach Garlic Festival for the utilization of the parking lot owned by Dharma Holdings, LTD., located on Block 86 for a special event (Garlic Fest) to be held November 7, 2003 through November 9, 2003. PAYMENT OF RETAINAGE/FLORIDA BLACKTOP: Approve payment of retainage plus interest to Florida Blacktop. The final payment for the N.E./N.W. project is $101,816.38; final payment for the S.E./S.W. project is $28,254.54. REVIEW OF APPEALABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD ACTIONS: Accept the actions and decisions made by the Land Devdopment Boards for the period October 20, 2003 through October 31, 2003. -4- 11-04-2003 T. AWARD OF BIDS AND CONTRACTS: Contract a;vard to Mora Engineering Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $109,773.37 for the construction of approximately 1200 feet of 24 inch reclaimed ;vater main along the ;vest side of the LWDD E-4 Canal north of Atlantic Avenue. Funding is available from 441-5181-536-65.96 (Reclaimed Water Transmission). Purchase a;vard to R.B. Grove Inc. in the amount of $31,400.00 for a 100 KVA trailer mounted generator. Funding is available from 442-5178-536-64.90 (Water/Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund/Other Machinery/Equipment). Purchase award to IBM Business Partner, Midrange Support and Service, Inc. in the amount of $582,932.00 via State Contract #250-000-031 for the purchase of txvo (2) IBM iSeries Servers, Model 9406-810. Funding is available from 334- 6112-519-64.11 and 334-6112-519-66.10 (Repair and Replacement Fund). REGULAR AGENDA: APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE INTERPRETATION/ATLANTIC PALMS: Consider an appeal of an administrative interpretation regarding the direction to the Planning and Zoning Board that a site plan xvhether or not it meets the criteria under Section 4.4.6(1) should not be considered given the nature of the development proposal i.e.: a rezoning. (Quasi-JudiciM Hearing) (Motion to approve appeal; Appeal denied, 5- 0) CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST/EXCEL RESTAURANT: Consider a request for conditional use approval to allow the establishment of a 24-Hour or Late Night Business to be located within 300 feet of residentially-zoned property for Excel Restaurant, to be located within the Linton Square Shopping Center at the northeast corner of Linton Boulevard and Congress Avenue. (Quasi-JudiciM Hearing) (Motion to approve conditional use request subject to conditions; Denied, 5-0) C. REQUEST TO REDUCE LIENS/COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Consider a request from the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to waive liens including the interest and administrative fees in the amount of $8,435.23 assessed for abating nuisances on property located on S.W. 7~ Avenue. (WITHDRAWN due to a request from the Community Redevelopment Agency) SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST/CULTURAL LOOP: Consider approval for the establishment of the Cultural Loop, the Loop kick off day, and activities proposed for November 22, 2003 including waiver of LDR Section 4.6.7(L) to allow artwork to be hung on light poles, grant a temporary use permit per LDR Section 2.4.6(H) to allow the placement of art work in the Cit3T's right-of-way for up to six (6) months, and the use of the drainage retention area at S.W. 4~ Avenue and S.W. 1~ Street for the event day, and authorize amendment to our banner hanging agreement xvith FPL for hanging artwork on their light poles. Staff assistance is also requested for transport of art work, post hole digging, and hanging art~vork. (Approved subject to staff conditions, 5-0) 11-04-2003 E. SETTLEMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (DEP) RULE CHALLENGE: Consider dropping the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) rule challenge regarding Rate Making by Water Management Districts and accept the settlement language. (Approved settlement based on language proposed, 5-0) PROPOSAL FOR SETTLEMENT/IDA AND LOUIS BARTOLOTTA v. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: Consider acceptance of proposal for settlement subject to the receipt of appropriate releases in the Ida and Louis Bartolotta v. City of Delray Beach case. Staff recommends acceptance. (Approved, 5-0) APPOINTMENT TO THE DELRAY BEACH HOUSING AUTHORITY: Appoint one (1) regz//ar member to the Delray Beach Housing Authorit7 for a four (4) year term ending October 27, 2007. Based on the rotation system, the appointment xvill be made by Commissioner Costin (Seat #1). (Appointed Gary Rosen and approved, 5-0) APPOINTMENT TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: Appoint one (1) member to the Historic Preservation Board for an unexpired term ending August 31, 2005. Based upon the rotation system, the appointment will be made by Mayor Perlman (Seat #5). (Appointed Jeffrey Silberstein and approved, 4-1; Commissioner Archer dissenting) APPOINTMENTS TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COUNCIL: Appoint (15) members and t~vo (2) s/z/den/members to the Neighborhood Advisory Council for specified expiration dates as listed in the backup material for this agenda item. The appointments xvill be made based on the rotation system xvith each Commissioner appointing three (3) members, beginning xvith Commissioner Costin. The txvo student members xvill be appointed by Commissioners Costin and Archer. (Appointed George Braverman and approved, 5-0; appointed Sandra Keener and approved, 5-0; appointed Robert A. Gillespie and approved, 5-0; appointed Charles Stravino and approved, 5- 0; appointed Sheldon Well and approved, 5-0; appointed Susan Kay and approved, 5-0; appointed Karen Lustgarten and approved, 5-0; appointed Cory (Caroline) Cassidy and approved, 5-0; appointed Mike Cruz and approved, 5-0; appointed Evelyn Dobson and approved, 5-0; appointed Gall Lee McDermott and approved, 5-0; appointed Fred Fetzer and approved, 5-0; appointed Harvey Starin and approved, 5-0; appointed Rim Ellis and approved, 5-0; appointed Roy Fraker and approved, 5-0; appointed student member Allison Mattocks and approved; 5-0; appointed student member Aaron Ussery and approved, 5-0) DIRECTION REGARDING THE RECREATION CENTERS, PARKS AND CULTURAL FACILITIES BOND ISSUE: Commission approval of support members of the community to promote the bond issue and direction regarding the translation of the ballot into Creole. (Direction to staff to proceed with list and to translate ballot into Creole) 11-04-2003 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 11. ORDINANCE NO. 41-03 (SECOND READING/SECOND PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Chapter 2, "Administrative Provisions", of the Land Development Regulations by amending Section 2.4.6(H), "Temporary Use Permit" to add horse drawn carriage rides, ice skating rink, carousel and other related holiday/seasonal temporary uses authorized by the City Commission. (Approved, 5-0) ORDINANCE NO. 21-03: An ordinance amending Chapter 99, "Noise Control" of the City Code of Ordinances to clarify distance requirements for noise emanating from vehicles and buildings; and to provide a time limit on outdoor playing of musical instruments, phonographs and similar devices in residential zoning districts. (Approved, 5-0) ORDINANCE NO. 42-03 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Chapter 4, "Zoning Regulations", of the Land Development Regulations, Section 4.3.3(V) "Uses Involving Alcoholic Beverages" to provide for a definition of alcoholic beverage that is consistent ~vith State Statutes and a distance limitation bet~veen Stand Alone Bars. If passed, a second public hearing ~vill be scheduled for November 18, 2003. (Approved, 4-1; Commissioner McCarthy dissenting) ORDINANCE NO. 43-03 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Chapter 4, "Zoning Regulations", of the Land Development Regulations, Section 4.3.3(AA) "Adult Entertainment Establishments" to amend the distance limitation bet~veen any adult entertainment establishment and alcoholic beverage establishment. If passed, a second public hearing ~vill be scheduled for November 18, 2003. (POSTPONED) ORDINANCE NO. 44-03 (FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARING): An ordinance amending Chapter 113, "Alcoholic Beverages", of the City Code of Ordinances, Section 113.20 "Prohibition of Nudity, Partial Nudity and Sexual Conduct at Alcoholic Beverage Establishments" to change distance limitations and include Stand Alone Bars. If passed, a second public hearing ~vill be scheduled for November 18, 2003. (POSTPONED) COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC- IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARINGS. A. City Manager's response to prior public comments and inquiries. B. From the Public. 11-04-2003 12. FIRST READINGS: 13. ORDINANCE NO. 45-03: An ordinance rezoning from AC (Automotive Commercial) to GC (General Commercial) for a 0.73 acre parcel of land located at the south~vest corner of S.E. 6~ Avenue (northbound Federal High~vay) and S.E. 9~ Street (550 S.E. 9~ Street). If passed, a quasi-judicial public hearing ~vill be scheduled for November 18, 2003. (Approved, 5-0) COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS. A. City Manager B. City Attorney C. City Commission POSTED: OCTOBER 31, 2003 11-04-2003