02-24-64 ,2i3 FEBRUARY 24, 1964. A regular meeting Of the City COuncil of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8=00 P.M., with Mayor. Al. C. Avery in the C~.'~ City Attorney John Ross Adams, City Manager Robert J, ~lo%land, a~'!~.0uncilmen Emory J. Barrow, J. LeRoy Croft, Jack L. Saunters and Gi~r~ Talbot, Jr., being present. 1~ ~ opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Robert G. More~. 2,' ~e Council minutes ct the regular meeting of February 10th, 1964 w~r~ ~nanimously approved on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. 3! ...~:. Robert L. Richwagen, a home owner and businessmaa., in Delray Be~ asked for a clarification of the City policy on surfbo~ing in:~lray Beach, and made a plea to the Council that surfboarding b~.. ~ ~9 mitred in Delray Beach as it is a ver~ good sport and there are s~..,~y few attractions here for the youth. - ' ~'~ing lengthy comments, Mr. Richwagen said there seemed to be more of a parking problem than a surfboarding problem, further, that he would like to get · clarification of the area the surfers would be permitted to use, and suggested that it be a variable area that would vary with the surf, and a lifeguard be provided for that area for the protection of the bathers. Mr. Rlchwagen said it had been questioned whether the ocean was a matte~ for the Coast Guard instead of the City of Delray Beach. Ci~¥Manager Holland informed the Council that there had been a considerable problem Sunday afternoon with the surfers at the South end of the beach and on the private property at the Seagate Club, also that there had been a serious traffic and parking problem as a result of the surfboarders in that area. Mr. Holland further informed the Council that the surfers had been informed they were to use areas one hundred feet north of, and one hundred feet South of the Pavilion. Mr. Saunders said he had done some surfing and that it could only be done under certain conditions, and suggested a flexible setup that would permit the surfers to use different areas at different times as the wave conditions were satisfactory. Miss Dorothea Galvin, an officer of the Beach Taxpayers League, questioned the amount of room per surfboard that would be needed, and commented on what she had observed on Sunday. Mr. Talbot suggested that the surfboarders appoint a committee of their own to work with City Manager Holland and in that way, police themselves. Mr. Richwagen offered his help or assistance in any way he could serve, if a committee was appointed, to try to work out a satisfactory conclusion of this matter. Mr. Barrow moved that a commi~tee from: the surfboarders, including Mr. Richwagen, work with City Manager Holland as suggested by Mr. Talbot, and recommendations be submitted to Council, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 4. There was no Beautification Committee Report. ~.a. A rolI call showed the following civic Organizations and re- presentatives to' be in attendance.= Beach Taxpaye~s League, and Business & Pro'fessional Women's Club Miss Dorothea Galvin Delray Beach Board of Read,ors Mr~ Andrew Gent Breezy Ridge Estates Mr. John Sword Kiwanis Club Mr. Keith Richter Tropic Is.le Civic.As~fat~n . Mr. John Halstead 2-24-64 5. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Florida State Road Department, dated Pebruary 5th, 19645 . "I have scheduled,, and will 'advertise that RelocatiOn Assist- ance will be available to persons being displaced by constr~C- tion on SRD Pro~ect No. 9355.0-2601, (DelrayWest), st the Delray Beach City ~a11, between the hours of l0 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 1964. Thanks for your splendid cooperation and assistance in this matter." 5. The City Clerk read a letter of appreciation from Rev. J. Marvin Sweat, Jr. of the Caeon Memorial Methodist Church to City Manager Holland regarding the services of a traffic officer Iast Sunday morning. 5. City Clerk Worthing read a letter from Mr. John R. Tallentire, President of the Community Chest,to City Manager Holland,thanking him and the City ~ployees for their wonderful cooperation in said Community Chest Drive. 5. TheCity Clerk read the following letter from the Beach Taxpayers League, signed by Mr. John Thayer, Secretary, and dated February 20th= "The.Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. respectfully requests that, at the next Council meeting, the Council make a derail'ed review as to the uses of the Munic~pal Beach as to regulations and that a committee be appointed to review the serious situation. we note that, for instance, surf riding in certain areas is conspicuously dangerous to the bathing public. Weask that a committee be appointed tom, ks a thorough study of this dangerous situation, and report to us, at the earliest possible moment, as the dangers mentioned are eminently present and must be corrected in the interests of public safety." Mayor Avery mentioned that there is a definite request from the Beach Taxpayers League that the Council make a detailed review of the Municipal Beach es to regulations, in addition to the surfboarding problem, and suggested that this item be tabled and the City Manager be asked to confer with representatives of the Beach Taxpayers League in order to clearly define their request, and reCOmmendations be made to the.Council, it.being so moved by Mr. Talbot. The motionwas se- conded by Mr~ Barrow. and carried unanimously. $. City Clerk Worthlng read the following report from the COmmunity Relations Committee, signed by C. Spencer Pompey, Chairman~ and date~ February 3, 1964= "We submit a brief report of our activities during the year 1963. We have tried to bear in mind our functions and goals= ~To foster mutual understanding and friendly relations which will minimize tensions among the various groups of the city~ to in- quire into causes of inter-group tension and make other perti- Dpnt studies and investigations~ to ~suourage and prevent discriminatory practices against any group~ to recommend the enactment of legislation or other actions that will benefit the entire community.~ we have continued to seek the establishment of a technical high school in south Palm Beach County, and the Delray Beach City Council has joined with other city councils in urging this project. -2- 2-24-64 "We.helped to stage a clean-up campaign in the City, with considerable success. ~ approved the plans~for~he Westside COmmunityCenter ~ the reqUeS% of the City Council, preparer a' list of ~e~,for board membership of'the Cente~. · '' ~ an open meeting with the City Council, held at their ~t~on on September 16, Committee members made presentations 0~various aspects of the work of the committee,'with sgggestions for legislative and other action to resolve tensions 9~assure better representation of our citizens in the ~¥~n- ~ of our city, ~e meeting was very well received ~ticipated, in an atmoSPhere 'of'understa,di,g a,d good ~X'the recom~endations of the committeewere adoPt6dby 0~y Council, either at the meeting or within a short tim*! : ~erwards. The proposals were as follows: the inclusig~ 9f ~9~ified Negroes on= city advisory boards' and committees~::~$~ ~a"i~g of be~ter promotion and Job oPportunitiei for Negr'O~:~' in city employment= the backing of efforts to secure a technical school for the south Palm Beach County area~ the repeal of a discriminatory curfew ordinance. we feel deep sorrow at the dea%h Of Mrs. Ca~herine strong, a long-time member of this committee, who ably served Delray Beach in bettering community'relations. We"feel the~'loss-of Mrs. Strong acutely. We think that naming'of the new Westside Community Center in her mem$ry is a most fitting tribute. We believe that Delray Beach has had a good year in community relations. We are glad'to have had a 'part in this, and hope to be of help in the future," Mr. Croft moved that said report be received and filed, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 5. Mayor Avery requested that all reports, whenever possible; be placed on the Agenda under Reports and that a copy of same be sent to each Councilman with the Agenda. 5. Mayor Avery announced that the World's Fair Authority had request- ed each partiCipati~g Oommunity to appoint.someone who would' be re- sponsible for the coordination of information of the. various, communi- ties into the world's Fair Exhibit, and the..councilhad ~uthorized him to appoint Mr. Andrew Gent,who iS also 'Chairman of the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor A%ery then introduced Mr. Gent and thanked him for this wonderful public service. 5. Mayor Avery invite~ Mr. John R. Tallentire, President of the Community Chest to the Council table and read the following PROCLAMATION: "'WHEREAS= We have been taught from childhood Christ's Second Commandment, "THOU SHALT'LOVE THY'NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF" AND WHEREAS}'This is a powerful directive to' the individual and to the Community AND WHEREAS:- The traditions of O~r communities - of doing things well - of meeting high s%andards-'of going the second mile - are nowhere more exemplified than in the UNITED CO~JNITY SERVICES CAMPAIGN AND WHEREAS: The ~NITED CAMPAIGN is guided by men and women whose judgment and hOneSty-we resp%C~, who,-find out:where each ~ *-24-64 dollar is needed most and watch to see that it is spent wisely, making s~re that no one special appeal gets favored treatment at the expense of others AND WHERSAS~.~ Our ~XTYCH~ST Supports all important national services, such as disaster relief'and medical research, and also serves our ow~ day-to-day hometown health agencies and community activities AND WHERF2~S= We k~ow the precious contributions in health, security, con£idenoe,, happiness and self-fulfillment which these agencies provide AND WHEREAS: Every American should be proud to serve and Support the COMMUNITY CHEST in his or her city, this being the finest ex- pression of neighbor helpin~ neighbor in the tradition of this country AND ~tERPJ%S~ The best way to meet the health and w~lfare needs of our respective communities is through a cooperative approach - A go-it-together crusade NOW, THEREPORE, WE A~PHONSO.C. AVBRy. M~YOR OF DBLRAYB~CH CURTIS H. DODSON, MAYOR OF GULF STREAM ARTHUR EYPEL, MAYOR OF HIGHLAND BEACH CARLETON BLUNT, MAYOR OF VILLAGE OF GOLF do proclaim that the dates of February 20 through March 5 shall be COMMUNITY CHEST days in our four Communities." Mayor Avery asked Mr. Tallentire to comment on this campaign which he did, as follows: "Our Community Chest is unique in that for eleven con~ecu~ive years ~have gone over the top in a very short campaign, usually less than two weeks. Not many communities can boast of that record. This w£11 be the twelfth year and we feel certain that we will go over the top~ As to distribution of the money, about one half of it goes to organi~ations furnishing direct help to people in trouble, the Salvation Army, the local Welfare Community Council, Red Cross and organizations of that type.~ About one fifth goes'to boys and girls work such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and organizations like that, and about one fifth goes into medical research such as Heart Associ-' ation and Damon Run¥on Cancer Fund, while the remaining one tenth goes to a group of smaller organizations with small needs like the USO and a fewother organizations. As the growth of our community increases, the demand on these organizations increases and this year it will re- quire'~50,000.O0 to meet the needs of the ~wenty agencies involved and we feel certain that we will be over the top in a few more days. We are now at 60%." Itwas announced that Mr. Robert Frs!tag of the Delray Beach National Bank is the Community Chest Drive Chairman this year. 5.a. Mr. Saunders said he would like to see the City take the proper action to include within the City Limits the ocean outfall for at least a mile, and asked what the proper action would be, to which City At- torney Adams replied that there would be an ordinance of a~nexation prepared for presentation to. Council at their next regular meeting. 5.a.. Mr. Saunders asked concerning the Plaque for the PAUL KNOWLES ~ARK and Mr. Talbot informed him that same is being taken care of by Mr. Kenneth Jacobson and Mrs. Knowles, and that he hopes to have a re- port for council at the next meeting. 5.a. Mayor Avery said he under~tood the.-West $~ Community Center dedicat~on would be held beforethe next.regular Council meeting and there had been discussion concerning items that would have to be acted 2-24-64 on by the Council. Mr. Croft reported that said Committee had met last week and planned to meet again Wednesday to finalize the plans. M~yor Avery reported that Mrs. George M. ~apham, Chairman ~ that Committee° had indicated there-would be some funds needed and :~hat Mr. Woodard had prepared some i~formation to present to Council concerning same. !~. Woodard informed the Council that said Committee had recom- m~a~9~ four items that would require additional Council appropriation, f~r~er, o~ funds appropriated to ~ate, there'~e a 'balance. of ~2S.89. '~; Woodard further informed the Council ghat the Committe~ had re- commended a printed program for the Ceremony which would be held at 3~00"P.M., on March 8th, also a small plaque to be placed on the build- ing stating that the building was dedicated in the memory o£ the late M~S. Catherine E. Strong, and e sign to be lettered across tbe en- trance of the building which would read= "CATHERINE B. STRON~ CQ ,M~,.~ITY CENTER". Mr. Woodard commented on the different types of p~ng and costs, and estimated that the cost of appropriat9 ~ign, p~a~e and programs would be approximately $200,06. ' Following lengthy discussion as to the cost of the suggested ~tems for dedication of said Community Center, Mr. Saunders moved that the. City print the progra~s0which would be a saving, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. It was mede known to the Council that the Committee~wished to have a printed program~with a picture of catherine E. Strong and also a picture of the Community Center, andit was suggested that a special meeting be held later in the week after definite prices had been ob- tained on the items in question. Mr. Saunders and Mr. Talbot then withdrew their motion and second, and Mr. Croft moved that a special meeting be called for the purpose of settling the details on the Community Center dedication after the Committee meets and makes recommendations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and carried unanimously. 6.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that the Barbers~ Board of Delray Beach recommended names of'barbers to serve on 'said Board for the year 1964, and that a list of BOards and-Committees with in- dividuals and organizations comprising them had been furnished to each of the Councilmen for their consideration, further,.that:there were two vacancies on the Community Relatio~s Committee and one vacancy on the Financial Advisory Board. The City Clerk informed the Council that these being annually ap- pointed committees,.~he Council Should consider providing for such Boards and Committees in,compliance with Section 23 of the Charter. On motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded hyMn. saunders, the following were appointed to serve on the BARBEI~' BOARD OF EXAMINERS as submitted N. G. Dea~'~ Chairman Arthur James Gertrude Carter Mayor Avery announced that the two vacancies on the Community Relations Committee resulted from the death of Mrs. Catherine E. Strong and Mr. TOm .Kt~cai~!.s. feeling he could not devote enough:'time to it on account of his business,'f~rther, that 'since said Committee had expressed their desire to have as a member anyone that was willing to serve, suggested Mrs. Gertrude Mudge be appointe~ to that Committee. Mr. Talbot suggested that any appointment of new members to the Community Relatio~s Comm~ee be recommended by the Committee for ap- pointment,' end'MaYor"Avery reminded the C~uncil that sa~d Committee had expressed their ~esire that they ~rantad any public minded citizen that wouldbe wil'li~g to se=veon'said Com~it~ee. Mayor ~very then relinquished the gave1 to '~ice-MayOr Croft and moved that the COMMU~ITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE elect '£t~"Dwn Cha£rman -5- ' 2~-64 and consist of the following members, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried: John Van Sweden Floronae Barnes Margaret WaISmith LeRoy Baine Virginia Meyers C. Spencer Pompey Dr. Stiles B. Lines Lula Baldwin Gertrude Mudge Rosetta Rolle On motion by Mr. Talbot and secor~ed by Mr. Saunders, the following were appointed as members of the ~LECTRICAL E~%MI,_NIN~ BOARD for 1964 and Gaylen Goodwin Electrical Inspector C. W. Trieste General Contractor J. William Gearhart Florida Power & Light Company Matt Gracey, Joseph Outnn Chief of Fire Prevention Richard T. Hanna Architect R. C. 'Keen Master Electrician City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that Mr. C. Weldon Evaul did not wish to be reappointed as a member of the Financial Advisory Board for 1964, and on motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded by Mr. Croft, the following .~were appointed as members of the FI~%,NC~,,~ ADVISORY BOARD,, said Board to select its own Chairman: Nathan Sharp Rhea Whitley John M. Reagan Louis D. Tenerelli On motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded-by Mr. Saunders, the following were unanimou*ly appointed to serve as HEALTH D0CTOP~,.: Dr. Jerry Cox Dr. William Earnhart On motion by Mrs. Talbot and seconded by 'Mr. Barrow, the following were appointed as members of the ~LUMBXNG BOARD~for 1964: Robert Crego Plumbing Inspector Dr. Jerry COx City Physician Charles Clark ~ourneYman Plumber Robert Barnwell, Jr. Master Plumber Quentin Bishop Master Plumber On motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded by Mr. Saunders0the following were appointed as members of the _R~_CREATIONAL TENNIS COMMI~TEE: Dr. Monroe Farber Paul Speicher Kenneth Jacobson Dr. Thomas Shoal On motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr~ Talbot°the following were appointed as members of the ~FF!C AND PARKING,~0MMITTEB~ James Sinks Planning/Zoning Board LeRoy Merritt Beautification Committee Kenneth Ellingsworth Chamber of Commerce James Love Merchant' O. W. WOodard, Jr. City Purchasing Agent Robert J. Holland City Manager R. C. Croft Chief of Police -6- 2-24-64 John Gregory~ Fire Chief John Kabler Richard Jebb Joe Kern ~.~ Concerning the ~inal Plat of Unit A of Sudan Subdivisi~ City Cl~rk worthing reported to Council as follows= ' ~!~n April of 1962, approximately 53' acres of land in Sec~iO~ ~"were annexed to the City and a PreIiminary Plat for .t~ velopment ereof. t0 be kno as 9PProved by the Planning/Zoning Board and subsequently the ~ is no~ the ~n~en~ion of the developer to imprOve this pro- '~ty in three stages. Final Plat for the'first 'stage, namely ~t A, is submitted to Council for approval, having bee~'ap- ~Ovedby the Planning Board, as evidenced by the =Board ~ecution thereon, subject to the developer providing fo~!Skde- walk construction on both sides of Poinsettia Boulevard, and on the west side o~ Davis Road. if it be the pleasure o£ the Council to accept this Final Plat of Unit A, and sustain the recommendation of'the Planning/Zoning Board, approval of, and authorization for the pro,er City offi- cials to' execute same, should'be made-subject to it being Under- stood and agreed that sidewalk construction shall be provided on both sides of Poinsettia Boulevard, and on the west side of Davis Road~ and further subject to compliance with sub-pe~a~rapha (a) and (b) of Section 23A-4 (7) in the City's Code of Ordinances. However, prior to Council consideration of the Final Plat, the developer thereof, namely Judge John B. Ambrose, desires to be heard in connection therewith." Judge AmbroSe informed the Council that he planned to develop less than one third of the 161 lots of his subdivision and that ir'would cost approximately $9,000.00 to install the sidewalks that had been recommended by the Planning Board. Further, that he felt if he was compelled ~o install ~he sidewalks, with the cost of the land and all the improvements and engineering costs, the~cos= of the individual lots would be too high. Also, that he did not feel there was a need for sidewalks in that area as ~t was not close to a business area or schools, and asked the Council to waive that provi- sion. City Engineer Fleming ~nformed the Council that he was in favor of the Planning Board recommendation on sidewal~s and ~o~nted out that sidewalks are not being required in front of all of the lots that are to be developed at this time. ~. Croft moved to sUsta£n the recommendation of the Planning Board, the motiOn being second~d by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. 6.c. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that Mr. Robert Taylor had made an offer of $2,000.00 for the purchase of City owned Lots through 24, Block 47, and that the Council may direct the return of such offer or authorize public auction of said land in compliance with Section 7 of th.e City Char~er~ Mr. sau~ders moved t~a~ the offer be rejected and the $2,000.00 returned to Mr. Taylor, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimouslycarried~ 7.a. CityClerk Wo~g p~ented the following-letter ~rom St. Vincent'Ferret's Ch~,'s~ed by Reverend John A. Skehan, Pastor, and dated ~ebruary I2th~ - "As pastor of St. Vincent Ferret Catholic Church, Delray Beach, I ask the abandonment of that property of North East Seventh Street that lies east of North East Eighth Avenue within the properties of the Ohuroh." Mr. Barrow moved that this item be referred to the planning/Zoning Board for their study and recommendation and that they hold a public hearing on same. The motionwae seconded b~Mr. Talbot and carrie~ unanimously. ?.b. City Clerk Worthing presented the following letter from Mr. P. G. Herig, Acting Chairman of the Building Code Appeal Board, dated Pebruary 13~h~ "The terms of R. C. Keen and Paul Myers, serving as Members of the Building Code Appeal Board, expired February 12, 1964. Acting as Chairman on the a~orementioned Board, and in behalf of its active.members, it is recommended that .R.C. Keen be reappoin%ed for a period of four years, said period being made retroactive to February 12, 1964. It is further recommended that James J. Priest be appointed for four years~ said period being made retroactive to February 12, 1964, to replace Paul Myers. Mr. Myers has advised that, due ~o the urgency of business, he will be unable to continue to serve as a ~oard Member. Pau~ Myers has served in-the capacity.of a Committee Member since %he inception.of this Board and it is felt that his services should'be recognized at this time." Mr. Croft moved that Mr. R. C. Keen and Mr. James J. Priest be appo£nted as members of the Building Code Appeal Board, as recommended, the motion being seconded by Mr. saunders and unanimously carried. Mr. Talbot then move~ that thanks, and appreciation for his past service on the Building Code-Appeal Board be expressed to Mr. Paul Myers by'Better from the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Mr. B~'~ and carried unanimously.. ?.c. C$~ ~lerk Worthing informed the Council that the Contractors' Board.o~ ~aminers had advised ,of the resignation from said Board of Mr. Bert Boldt= withdrawal of Mr.-.R. Bird from this area,thereby necessitating termination of his membership~ and Mr. C. H. Hammond, due to health c~atances0desiring, to be relieved of his regular board membership.,~ut willing to serve as an alternate. Further, that the Board.ts remaining members recommend the appointment of Mr. Thomas E. Woolbright to fill the unexpired term, of Mr. Bird, to terminate on October 9, 1966~ Mr, John E. Dugger to fill the unexpired term of Mr Hammond, which terminates-on October 9, 1964= and Mr. Julian wells to fill the unexpired term ,of Mr. Boldt,which terminates on October 9, 1965. The recommended appointments were unanimously approved as outli~ed on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 7.d. Concerning a request 'for abandonmen~ of s portion of Casuarina ~oad and gra~t of easement over the remaining part of said road to '~'~he beach,, to provide for disposal of canal dredged material, City Clerk Worthing informed the Council .that Attorney John Moore had asked that this item b~ deferred until~the next regular meeting in order that a previously appointed committee may meet with City Attorney Adams and himself and make their report to Council, it being so moved by Mr; Barrow; The motion was seconded by Mr. Saunders and carried unanimously, -8- 2-24-64 7.e. The Council was informed that the Trustees Of the b~oenezer wesleyan'Methodist Church had requested a permit to rebuild their Church on~'Lot 13, Block 23, and the following letter concerning same had been received from Building Official Hughson, dated February l?th: "I have checked the plans and plot plan of the:Ebenezer WeSleyan Methodist Church'and find. that-they meet all re- quirements of structural stability, setbacks, etc. The parking on their own property will meet the minhuum re- quirements as set forth An the zoning, ordinance.~~ The request to rebuild the Ebenezer Wesleyan Methodist Church on Lot 13, Block 23, was unanimously granted on motion by Mr. Saunders and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 7.f. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that members of the St. Johns Primitive Baptist Church request permit to construct a church, service room and church home on a tract of la~ in Block 11, which parcel of land extends from N. W. 6th Avenue through to N. W. 7th Avenue, and aloe being a "T" shaped property has frontage of sixty feet on N. W. 1st Street, and comprises 22,470 square feet. Mr~ Barrow moved that this request be referred, to the Planning/ Zoning Board for their consideration and'a Public Hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. 7.g. Concerning Tract One of the Country Club, City Clerk Worthing reported to the Council as follows: - *'The official notice of intent to sell Tract One of the Gountry Club was forwarded to Council members with the Agenda for the meeting of Februaryl0th. Optionperiod, within which time the City of Delray Beach may repurchase Tract One on terms of the alleged bona fade acceptable offer, expires %Friday, March 6, 1964. Council may: 1. Express its intent to exercise option of repurchase, 2. Express its intent not to exercise option of repUrchase.- 3. Table the issue for .further study. 4. Take no action." City Manager Holland suggested that t~is item be tabled for further study,subject .%o a S~ecial Meeting being called prior to March 6th, a~ter he has receivedCerta~n reports the Councilmen had requested. .FollOwing d~scussiOn, Mr. Barrow moved that-this item be tabled until all of t~e reports are received and it be considered-ara special Council meeting on March 2nd, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft. Following d~scuasion and upon call of roll,Mr. Barrow, Mr. Croft and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Sau~ders was opposed and Mr. Talbot abstained from voting. The motion carried.. Attorney Clinton Scott infor~ed'th~ Council that in the. event the City did not intend to exercise the option of repurchase,theywould be pleased to 'know as soon as possible, as March 2nd. had been set as a tentative date for the closing of the sale to Mr. McDowell. Attorney Scott asked as to the nature of the reports that had been mentioned concerning the Golf Course, and City Manager Holland said he had been instructed '~¥'the 'Council ~to explore al~ pos~ibilitiea and give them compl~tede~a~fl relative to the, sale-or repurchase of the golf course, as there are others.interested, and that he would give 'the Counc~i that 'in£SrmationM~ndaY night', March ~nd at the special Council meeting. . . 7.h. Concerning an application forex~neion of water service outside the City limits, City Clerk Worthing r~rted to the Council as follows -9- 2-24-64 "An application has been ~eceived for water s~rvioe to be fur- nished to Lot 17, Lake Ida Manor. The Water Superi~ltendent, Mr. Paul Nicolls, advises of there being a sufficient supply of water in this area. The applicant has .executed an agreement whereby the said Lot 17, in Lake Ida Manor, may be annexed .to the City of Delray Beach~ if and when such.land becomes annexable by virtue of bei.ng contiguous to the City's boundaries. Council mey..deny or grant this request, as it deems proper to The City Clerk further reported that the address of this proporty was-521 N..~W. 7th street.r The a~plication for water extension was unanimously .approved on motion by Mr. T&lbot and seconded by Mr. Croft,. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented ORdINaNCE NO.. G-526. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .... DE~J~Y BEACH, FI~ORIDA, ANNE-"XING TO THE CITY OF ~DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN ~AND, NAMELY-LOTS 56 and 58, DELRAY BEACH SHORES, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF ~AID CITY~. REDEFINING · THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID .CITY .TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING ~OR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIOATIONS OF SAID LAND~-AND ~ROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No. G-526 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by Mr~ Talbot and seconded by Mr. Croft. 7.b. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-527. AN ORDI~NCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA~ ANNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN SECTION 18, TOWHSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGU- .. .OUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPALs. LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CXTY TO. IN- . CLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND pROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. (Industrial) Ordinance No. G-527 wa~ unanimouslyPla~ed on first reading on motion by Mr. Seunders and seconded by Mr. Barrow. 8.c. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANN~NG TO THE CITY OF D~LRAy BEACH CERTAIN LAND LOCATED"I~ S. ECTION 28,~ TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS .OF SAID CITY,' REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID .CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ 'PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHT~ AND OBLIGATIONS ~OF SAID LAND= AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. (Irene..Moore~South AiA) Ordinance No. G-528 was unanimou~sly placed on first reading on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 9.a. The Council was informed that the City Manager had invest!gered the ~esent status of proposed Interstate 95, as directed by ~Dcil a~ ~ last meeting,' and that his report as a result of such ~sti- ga~ had been fo~rd~ to ~ch ~uncilman. .owing co~nts, Mr. Talbot ~ved ~at ~e City ~nageF ~ in- to specif~cally appoint and make responsible one me~ ~r of administration to check into the matter of the rea~9~ ';Why been nothing done on Road 1-95, as the right-of-w~' ~ ~om ~lm ~ach to Fort Laud~rdale had been obtained for ma~ ~grs. AI~ '~hmt ~e ~.d~vidual ~e City Manager i.str~ ~.~ ,to get ade~at· ~nfo=mation, collab0rate' and C. Y. Byr~, and that reco~ndation be ma~e to ~e ~~' il a~ at mess=es ~ey may take to f~rther facilitate mO~ ~f~ing seconded by ~. Barrow and' unanimously carr!ed,~~ ~ Talbot asked ~at this be expedited and proceeded wi~ q9 ~ as ~8sible. limited parking time on a portion of South Ocean Boulevard, Manager Holland info.ed ~e ~uncil that he had given this careful study wi~ the Police Depar~ent and both Safety Divisions, that they had considered using t~lve parking places, and ~estio~d whether it would be best to mark the curb "30 minute parki~", and who would police the time, or to install parking meters. ~. Bar~w reminded ~e Council that their ins~rudtion concerning ~is item was to e~lore ~e feasibility of estabIishing "0~ HOUR F~E" parking' at ~e beach for four h~dred feet sou~h from A~lantic Avenue, and make reco~endationS"c6n6e~ning same at~ ~e next regular Council meeting, to which the~City Manager reported ~at it was not feasible. - Following disuuSsi0n, ~. Croft 'moved that a 'SpeCial Study Co~ittee be ap~inted by Mayor ' Avery concerning this item, and ~at they come back to ~e Council with' a report. ~e motion was seconded by ~. Barrow and carried-unanimousIy. Mayor ~very ~en appointed said Special Study Co~ittee wi~ Emory Barrow as ~a!rman, ~ ~Roy croft, city Manager Holland and any o~er person in the Cit~ admi~istration ~at'thoSe three may desire. Miss Dorothea Galvin ~nformed the' Council that ~ke Wor~ meters installed at ~eir beach but the 'repa!~' had been so costly ~ey had to remo~e ~em. Miss ~lvin'aIso ~nformed '~e Council that it m~y not be possible at times 'for '~Ogle to be se~d at a restaurant' at the bea~ and ret~n %o ~%~= car wi~in one hour. Mayor AVery asked~e Co~ittee to take Miss ~lvin'S remarks unde= advisement.' 9.c. Concerning the Sale of house trailers within the 'City, 'City Clerk ~r~In~ 'read th· 'fol16wing planni'hg ~ard repo=t, da~ed February 20~. ~ "Re~ Trailer Ordinance~ '- ' ' On Novem~r 12~, ~9~3 a re.est was submitted by Nichols. 'for a license to h~dls New ~nd Used House Trailers. re~e~a'~iOn ~o."C6Uhc~l, as ~l-lo~s= '~at h~ e~eption to · the p~'sent ~trailir ordin~nce' be '~de~' - it is ~e "feeling off the ~ard that ~e sale or display Of house trailers in an en~I6se~"b~i~d~g-°f' gara~ ~uld ~ot vioIa~e ~e present .ordinance. ' ~is 'action was unan~ous,' -11- 2-24-64 "A't the January 27~h, 1964 Council meeting, this item was again referred tothe Planning. Board for study a~d recommendation. At the regular PlanningBoerd meeting on February llth, 1964, after considerable discussion it was moved and,unanimously passed, to again recommend to Council, that no change be made to the ing Trailer Ordinance." Mr. Talbot moved to sustain the recommendations of the Planning Board, 'the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders. Mr. Croft said he did not want the trailer ordinance broken down, but had hoped there would be some .solution found whereby control of limited display for sale purposes could be established without jeop- ardizing the effectiveness of the present ordinance, as he had been informed that if this request was denied, it may be tested in court. Upon call of roll, Mr. Croft, Mr. Talbot and Mr. Saunders voted in favor of the motion, end Mr. Barrow ~and Mayor Avery were opposed. The motion carried. 10.a. The Council was info~med that the Delray Beach Community Chest had requested a permit to erect a banner sign, in connection .with their drive, on East Atlantic Avenue at the corner of ~rd Avenue, with waiver of any fee, for the duration of the c~mpaign. The banner sign was unanimously granted as requested on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Barrow. 10.b. City Clerk Worthtng presented a bill from City Attorney Adams in the amount of $200.00 dated,February 24th, covering l~gal services in connection with exchange of property between the City and Earl G. Brown and C. H. Dodson, and a court case in connection with the Sanitary Sewer Project, also' Bills for Approval aa follows: General Fund $ 125,378.84 Water Fund - Operating Fund 237~625.89 Refundable Deposits Fund 10987.83 Beach Disaster & Improvement FUnd 8,596.89 Beautification Fund 84.50 Improvement Fund . 2,700.00 Special Trust Account - First National Bank of D.B. 3,514.98 Special Trust Account - D.B. National Bank 79,729.14 paYments from the Beach Disaster & Improvement Fund were questioned and Finance Director Weber explained they represented final paYments to the Contractor and Architect of the West Side Community Center, and further explained that the money that had been set aside for the improvement of the North beach had been placed in the Beach Disaster & Improvement Fund and was used to build said Community Center. Various bills were mentioned and satisfactory explanation made by the City Manager and Finance Director. Mr. Talbot moved that the bi'11s be paid, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Croft, Mr. Saunders, Mr. Talbot and Mayor Avery voted in favor of the motion, and Mr. Barrow was opposed. Mr. Barrow qualified his vote in that he was employed by a firm represented in the bills. 10.x. Concerning the Beach Erosion Committee, Mr. Talbot reported that it had been impossible to date to get all of that Committee to- gether for the initial meeting, but they plan to meet in the near future, The City Manager reported that he felt the work that had been done on the North beach concerning beach erosion would be effective. 2- 4'64 255 10.x. City Manager Holland informed the Council that the Director of Finance advisedi~ ~as ~ecesssry to ~rovide funds :for the s~lar¥ of Mr. O. W. Woodard, Jr., and asked that Council authorize the transfer of $5~270.00 from "Transfer tO Special AsSeSSment Fund" No. 910 900 920 to "City Manager*~ Account' 910 121 102 and "Purchasing.Account" 910 154 101, it being so moved by Mr. Talbot. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30. P.M., by order of Mayor Avery. R. D.'.WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: MAyoR · -13- 2-24-64