03-30-64SpMtg MARCH 30, 1964 A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach.. wp.e. held i~ She council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., Monday, March $0th, 19641 with N.a~9~ Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager Robert J. Holl~, ~¥ Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen Emery J. Bar=oW~ J, ~. Croft, Week Lo Sau~ders, and ~eorge Talbot, Jr., bei"~ ~esent. Mayor Avery called the meeting to order an~ announced tibet same ha~ been called for the purpose of cons~dering the request fo= pos- s~b%.~ development of a portion of the Yacht Basin immediatel~orth o~?~euarina Road and east of the waterway, any othe~ bus- i,~ which may come before the meeting, and for . An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk Worthing. Mayor Avery sa~d that Dr. Robert Reborn had asked that iS be anB~ced that this coming Sunday, April 5th, the third dose o~ Sabin Oral Vaccine would be given between the hours of 12 noon to 5..00 P.M. at the same locations the other two doses had been g~ven, and asked that everyone keep this date in mind. Mayor Avery announced that the subject to be discussed tonight is a very important one and rather controversial and in the interest of taking care of this ~tem as quickly as possible,aske~ that the Councilmen and the public not be repetitious ~n their remarks end comments. Mayor Avery asked Attorney John Moore, representing Mr. Frank DeRice, if he wished to make any presentation to the Council at this time concerning development of said Yacht Basin. Attorney John Moore commented as follows.. "There have been two rather important changes in this matter since ~t was lest pre- sented to the Zoning Board, whiCh made a unanimous recommendation, which ! th~k at this time would be well to have read." City Clerk Worthing read the following Planning ~oard report, dated March 11th, 1964t "Re: Request by Attorney John Moore to abandon the CasuarLna Road R/W west of the northerly projection of the w~st boundary line of Seasage Drive. After discussion, on a motion by Mr. Sinks, seconded by Mr. Kabler, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, we recommend' to the City Council that the City abandon the Casuarina Road R/W adjacent to Lot X, providing the owner Mr. De ~ice w~11 deed, simultaneously to the City, all of Blooke 136 and 144, Less, ~erce! A to be filled by Mr. De Rice, the area to be filled, not to exceed 200~ by 450~ as submitted in Exhibit B, w~th a curved radius of 2~0~ on the N.E. eor~er, for the benefit of Lots 7 and 8, Block K, John B. Rei~s ~illege. On roll call the Board voted una/limously." Attorney Moore COnt~ed as follows~ "~entlemen, under the present proposal, Mr. DeRl'~'sti11 proposes to deed to the City of Delray Beach that which he proposed to do before. That ia, to deed to the City more than 223,000 square feet of .l~roperty. FOr that he wishes the abandonment of Casuarine Road which is under water, and for the City of DeIray Beach to help him~ with the C .~g~s of Engineers, .~bandon as a spoil area that portion of the South ha~ of Blocks 136 &Rd 144 which Will only be. 50 feet north of the north boundary line ,Pr existing Cas~arina Road. That still will leave 130 feet between : , 3-30-64 "the property to be filled and Col. Balliet's property, In other words, if this ia filled,it would only affect' Lot 8, which is owned by Col. Balliat, not Lot 7, not Lots 6, $ and 4 owned by Mr. Bredin, whois represented by Mr. Whitley. Col."Balliet's lot is 100 feet, so this would go up half way through Col. Bslliet's lot, but never- theless, maintaining 150 feet between the fill and Col. Bmlliet's lot for a distance of 50. feet. The other .half of Col. Balliet's lot wouldn't be affected, and none of the other property at a11. Also, may I say that Mr. DeRice will abandon all that he agreed to abandon before, taking it up north of the originally pro~osed 200 feet,but also taking into effect an abandonment northeast of the 200 foot radius on the northeast part of the south half of the two blocks." Mr. Talbot said it was not his understanding that this meeting was to consider a new proposal, but only to act on the recommendation of the Planning Board on this matter. Mr. Avery reminded the Council that' this meeting had been call- ed for the purpose of considering the request for possible develop · ment of a portion of said Yacht Basin, and he felt all facets of .any important issue should be considered. Attorney Rhea Whitley addressed the Council as follows~ "I am Rhea Whitley of Delray Beach,rePresenting Mr. John Bruce Bredin. Gentlemen, this subject and various proposals and revised proposals have kicked around now for over a year, during which time probably many people have become confused as to the issues Involved. I am not sure but what I am one of those. I wili give a quick run-down of the background of this. In 1947, John B. Reid platted John B. Reid' s ~Village. Subsequently, there were certain corporations that same into the picture, but for practical purposes,they were all John B. Reid,~ and in order to clarify, I will just refer to John B. Reid in- stead of various corporations. In that plat, Block K, consisting of Lots ~1 to 8, is' adjacent to the east side of the basin, south of Atlantic Avenue, and ! think we are all familiar with the location of what I am talking about. During the period of the early 1950's, Mr. John B. Reid COnveyed out all of those lots in Block K, which are adjacent to the east boundary of that basin. All of those lots were conveyed out to purchasers who bought those properties in good faith, thinking they had waterfront property, and those deeds all carried riparian rights from John B. Reid. Riparian right means that each property owner had the right out to the ~hannel between the north and south boundaries of their respective properties. Subse- quently,the purchasers have improved those properties with various types of buildings, mostly apartment' houses. Mr. Bredin, who pur- chased Lots 4, 5 and 6 many years ago, built a very.nice and expensive apartment building known as Tahiti Cove. others have done l£kewise. During 'that time, they have paid taxes as waterfront owners and pro- party owners, and aside from that aspect of it, the basin as a whole, in my opinion, and if anyone disagrees I would like to know oh what basis, is a public asset-an asset to this town. A great many people see this town from the canal. They also can have access to that from the land side. In my mind, it is comparable to a park, a park area that is valuable to this City. From the v%ry beginning, Florida In- land Navigation District, and I will r6fer to them as F.I.N.D., had a spoil d~sposal easement on the so~t~!ihal£ of ']~locks 136 and 144. Again, that is the South several hundred feet of this basin immediate- IY north of, Lot X in Seagate and immediately north of the right-of- way of Caauarina Road. The property owners acquiring those properties knew about this spoil disposal easement. They also knew the policy of F.I.N~D,, which 'is not to fill up an area of that kind except as a last resort, and ! know of no instances in this area where they have considered it a last resort. : They always seek other outlets for spoil and they try, and are Just as' much interested in preserving that type of an asset, because it makes their waterway more attrac- tive, more valuable and more useable~ That easement has been there since before the time John~ B..R~id's Vi. liege, wes platted. The pro- party owners knew that, but they were not concerned about it because -2- 3-30-64 "in the last analysis, certainly F.I.N.D. would not use that unless the City had refused to give them some other outlet for their spoil whe~ they had to use it. " In July, 1962, Mr. John B. Reid sold the south half 9f ~locks l~ ,,d 144 to Mr. Frank DeRice. ~e sold him, by.~uit claim ~ed, whig~means whatever I have there I will sell it to you, for $%;000. .CO~dering the fact that the area comprises probably 20 ac~e~ Or mprp{ that gives you a rough idea of how good Mr. John B. Hei~ thought s~m~eed,-this is a matter of information,-Mr. Reid deeded ~ Mr. De~ig%'the right-of-way of Casuarina Road, which is a dedicate~ right- Of~W~~.:, ~,~' .That would be comparable,, i might say, to. deeding'h~' Part..~ of'~antic Avenue,as far as him havingany right to do th~t,'o~ as fa~99 Mr.,DeRice having any right to exercise any dominion'0VeN the right,of-way, but that was included in the deed. This que~tign came up'~a~t a year ago and at that time, it was discussed, and acommittee was'~ppointed to make recommendations. A~ thts time,M~. DeR!~e Wanted s:~.,'.~ntially, the same thing.' He"~anted:the Cityto cooper~.~."With h~6 fill part of that basin; the submerged part of it, ~h~t~tle to which he had obtained from Mr. Reid in the deed I just referred to. At that time,the City Council of Delray Beach adopted this resolution. This iS Resolution No. 1443 of. the City of Delray Beach, adopted March 11, 1963.(Mr. Whitley read Resolution No. 1443, urging the F.I.N.D. to not deposit the spoil on the public beach.) A copy of that reso- lution was furnished to the District Manager, the Local Manager of F.I.N.D. and'he replied that they would acquiesce in the City's re- quest and not put any fill in those submerged lands. As I understand it, Mr. DeRics wants the City to cooperate with him, and bear in mind, in my opinion, he can't do anything he proposes to do there unless the City cooperates. It is not a case of the City saying 'go ahead. We won't object'.. The City is going to actually have to cooperate for him to accomplish his purpose. No. 1. He wants the City to abandon the right-of-way of Casuarina along the south edge of that basin. No. 2. He Wants the spoil from dredging operations. Instead of putting it up on the beach whsre it is very much needed, he wants it used to fill this area which has been designated different sizes and shapes, but anyway, he proposes stil! that some of it be filled. No, 3. He 'wants the City to cooperate, and it cannot be accomplished otherwise, neither could No% 2 without the spoil, to cooperate with him and have F.I.N.D. release this permanent spoil area which they have, and which the City could get released by fur.nishing a substitute if they wanted to. As far as the Zoning Board report is concerned, it doesn't g~ into these things about whether the City should or should not do-these three things to cooperate in having part of that basin filled. I have heard that if the City didn't cooperate, there was danger of the whole thing being filled. I' personally don't think anybody could afford to haul fill in unless they can get it from this dredging operation, I think the basin will remain as is until the dredge comes through again on a widening operation twenty years from now. The Zoning Board report didn't go into these angles, and inci-- dentally, in that connection, and I think everybody knows I have been interested in this for over a year, I would like to know if notices went out to anyone concerning this Zoning Board meeting or the purpose of it. Did the property owners have an opportunity to be heard? I know that I received no notice, and I thought it was a policy that on any hearing affecting propprty rights and property ownership that notices did go out. (City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that notices did not go out to property owners concerning said Planning Board meeting.). One other point I want to make is this, which re- flects the attitude, at least of prio~ Councils regarding these basins and the value o£them. T~e first basin-north 6f Atl~ntic, with Basin'Drive oh'the south, Seabreeze Avenue. on the east and Vista Del Mar on thelnorth, that basin is-much sma!let than the basin we are re- ferring to. In 1960, Fi~'.N..D.'did~'t just onl~ bays a spoil easement there, they owned.the title, andes good title'~to the under- ' ~-30-64 lying submerged land,, and they decided that they didn't need that for spoil 'purposes and they were going to put it on the market and sell it.. It consisted of something like six acres or a little more. They had At appraised and put a price of $6,000.00 on that land. They were talked to by. representatives of various interests and they said that under their method Of operation and their responsibilities, they couldn't give it t° the City.. It was an asset they owned and they had to dispose of it for a cOnsideration, and to whoever would pay the price they had on it. After that had been considered, over a period of a number of weeks, and. afterhearings with the F.I.N.D. Board itself, the City Council, rather than have some adverse in- terest, or some'misuse made ofthatbasin, by reason of it. being sold to someone who m~ght want to develop it, bought that property for $6,000.00 and they own it. They own the title. The deed from F.I,N.D. to the City recites definitely that ~t can never be filled. It would have to be retained forever as a public asset and a recreation area for the public and for the benefit of the public. ! think we have the same problem here as far as the basin is concerned. I leave you with thiaone question, should the City Council of Delray Beach cooperate with a private interest and a private promoter in an action which would, in effect, if not completely, destroy, certainly detract from the value of what is now a public asset? No. 2. Can this Coun- cil, or should it, cooperate for the same purpose in using spoil, or designating spoil which is badly-needed on the Beach, designating or permitting such spoil to be used to fill Private lands? Thank you." Mr. John Thayer, speaking as Secretary of the Beach Taxpayers League, addressed the Council as follows= "I am reading my few marks instead of speaking t° you without .script since I want to be sure to cover the subject to the best of my ability. I have given the s~bject of Mr. DeRicems project a great deal of thought. I have talked to many about it. I am reading to you as Secretary of the Beach Taxpayers League. This City, to date, has beengrowing well and soundly, and has remained a rather uniqUe Florida community. No effort hasbeen made by this Council to have the City become some- thing radically different than it has been. The City Council has made many improvements toward the City's development. It has worked to retain the general and rather different character of Delray Beach. Firstof a11, I would like to point out that the property owners who live across the Inland waterway are neither stuffy or demanding. Like you, ~hey want what is. best for the City. as a whole. It is true that almost one third of the City Real Estate taxes are paid by those who own property East of the Canal.- Many thousands of people from the North spend their winter holidays there, bringing high additional income to the merchants and other businessmen and women all over the City. It is true that many of our Delray Beach winter residents are not voters.. A great many of them would like to be, however, for economic reasons it is advisable for them to vote in their northern location. ,Despite this fact these people are taxpayers and big ones, and they help our City enormouslM and, of course, should be consider- ed. To build some land on the weBtern side of a yacht basin of the Inland Waterway would be objectionable to many. Would obstruct view of existing-properties now on the waterway. Further, it might well lead to the fil. ling partially or in toro of other spots along the canal.'-If this shoul~ happen, Delray BeaCh cou~ eventually become very much like some other winter resorts. Delr~y is different, and is famous for its difference. ! will certainly concede that our Planning Board usually recommends sound programs, but after the pro- perty owners in various areas have been. heard at a public hea~ing. Please correct me if X am wrong in stating that the property owners in the affected area were not asked to atSend any public hearing on the subject of Mr. DeRice's application. The cOntemplated step is one which might affect, not only P~operty °w~ers on the East side of the canal at that particular locati~n, but might lead to requests in other areas along the waterway which W~uld also have to be given con- sideration. Delray Beach has been growing soundly and w~11. There .-4- 3-30-64 315 "is nohurry about this City becoming just like other places when it is doing so well as it is today. Therefore~ I ask you, as Secretary of the Beach Taxpayers League, to refrain from permitting this basin filling project at this time. ws do not believe that it is t~ the best interests of the City to take steps which may change its chara- c~9F ~t this time. As the City continues to grow, some Co~n~ may de~9 it is advisable to change the character of this City, but that ti~e has not come. It is doing beautifully and we ask you to continue ~9 sound program that you have been following. Please leave ~he I~9~ Waterway as it is and conti,us to examine any proje=tW~ich w~possibly cha,ge the unique and extremelypopular character of t~ fine community. We respectfully urge that our natural resources n~t be exploited." Col. Dugal G. Campbell of 415 Andrews Avenue said he W~pted to g9 ~ record as a Councilman of four years ago as-to why th~'i~rth Y~ Basin was considered of value to the City asa whole. Mr. ca~Pbell said that yacht basin had been offered to Mr. Whitl~y and h~9 neighbors, who in turn gave the City the first choice of ~rchase, w~he understanding that the City would purchase same an~ ~old it f6r~e~e City as a whole, believing it would be a beautiful ~p~t in the same category as this basin South of the AtlanticAvenue bridge. Further, the City paid $6,000.00 for that Yacht Basin and felt it was money well spent. Mr. Campbell informed the Council that he lieved the Inland waterway, its appearance and the yacht basins were a great asset to the City. Mr. Frits Woehle, formerly of Delray Beach, presently of Birmingham, Alabama, informed the Council that he was representing the owners of Lot 7, Block K, John B. Reid~s Village~ further, that the lot had originally, been sold to Mrs. Barber of Birmingham, Ala- bama, and read from the deed as follows~ "Ali of that_certain parcel . of land contiguous to and lying west of the west boundary of Lot 7, Block K, John B. Reid's Village, Delray Beach, Florida according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 95 of ~alm Beach County, Florida, together with riparian rights." Mr. Woshle said this was in addition to said Lot ?, and commented further as follows= "~hat this would ~ndi~ate to me is that if the City would desire to give away the r.ightTof~way of Casuarina,-they would hav~ to split that down the middle and give. half of that right-of-way to the Cove Apartments, because I believe that this deed ~ould read that if this land were filled, the~ both of those lots would own this property that is in the basin. I think it might take some legal work to clear that up, but that is the purpose it was put in the deed, and as far as am concerned, both LOt ? and Lot 8 are very anxious to keep things as they are, but if the land were filled in, I believe both of them would want to share in owning that land, not the land adjacent to Casuarina." Col. K. E. Balliet, owner of Lot 8, on which the Cove Apartments are located,.informed the Council that he .was against the filling of said submerged land, a~d urged them to reject the findings of the Planning/zoning Board. Further~ ~f Casuarina right-of-way was aban, doned, the City should receive title to the two blocks of submerged land, and a se&wa11~ to retain that strip ~f land north of Lot X should be extended to his corner seawall, also, that the submerged.' land-shoul~ be retathe~ by the City as a Yacht Basin. Mr. Ross Tenny, representingMrs. N. M. Ankeny, owner of LOt 1, Block 14, Seagate "A", objected to the abandonment of Casuarina-Road. Mr. Mario De V~t~lis, 1016 ~asuarina Road, Waterview Apartments, also objected to the abandonment of Casuarina Road and the filling of the submerged land~ -5- 3-30-64 Attorney John' Moore commented as follows= "Mr. Idayor,~ there has b~en a great deal' said here tonight about this property being considered as & public recreation area. That is" very false in its premise. This is' personally-owned property. The property is owned by Mr. Frank DeRice and the only other person or persons who. may have any right to that property would be the owners of Lot 8 under the present proposal. Due to what may. or may not be'any riparian rights, and Mr. Whitley said the riparian rights were the rights of the owner to have direct access to the chan~el, which is true, but whether these riParianrights exist or do not exist is a legal matter and can only be decided' by a court,'that is No. 1. The second POint is that heretofore we have been working on the premise that the City of Delray Beach has no choice of fill. That was purely optional with the Norfolk Dredging Company as to whether they put fill on the beach, and ~hey would not'put fill on the beach unless they took the entire northern end of'the existing reach, so there is going to be no fill put on the beach whether this goes~'thrOugh or does not go. May I say, for a third point, that it is a very easy matter for people who live in that area to get up and object to something of this nature. Yet on the other hand, Mr. DeRice has offered to give to the City of DelrayBeach in perpetuity approximately five or six acres of land, over 224,000 square feet, and for that he only wishes an abandonment of 25 feet plus the ability to fill an additional 50 feet, with the help of the City,' and for that help he is willing to give the property to the City to be maintained as open water, that which has been scribed heretofore." Attorney Rhea ~hitley asked if Mr. DeRice proposed to deed to the City and dedicate for public use everything he owned in tBat location except"fifty fee~ plus the right-of-way of Casuarina Road. AttOL~ley Moore said that exact question had not arisen before, but he could get an answer. Mr. Frank DeRice asked if there were any questions, and - · Attorney. Moore replied as fo110ws= "Mr. DeRice, the-question that was askea would be that if the-City were to abandon the 25 foot ~ight-of=way of Casuarina Road and cooperate with you in filling the next northerly 50 feet, but leaving 130 feet between your fill and Col. Balliet's property, would you deed the rest of your property to the City?" Mr. DeRice answered~ "I would deed the rest of the property to the City under the cond~ti°n that the City would al~ays own this pro- perty without filling ~t and poss~biy dispos£ng of it." Attorney MOOre~ "In other words, to be Used in perpetuity for boating purposes." Mr. DeR~ce answered that was correct. Mr. Croft said,as he understood the situation, what the City had to determine was whether or not it was in ~he best interest of the c~ty as a whole to have the submerged lands adjacent to'Casuarina Raod filled in and developed.' Mr. Talbot said he considered'the proposal an exploitation of the natural r~sources of Delray Beach, and that he considered this area as a recreational area, and is opposed to filling in any waterway land or basins. Mr. Barrow said he was. in agreement with Mr. Talbot and would like to see that basin stay as it ~a, and Mr. Saunders said ha'would also like to see it remain aa it Mayor Avery, after listening to the public and each Councilman on this subject, commente~ as ~ollows= "I am concerned, as I have said before and for many years,?with the sword of Damocles hanging -6- 3-30-64 over these property owners with the need to go into court to defend riparian rights. I think that the City should do everything in its power to get full title to these underground lands and end this subject once and for all and forever. I think, that we should con-' side~ any means possible to get title to these underwater la~d~ and p~o~¢t these property owners so they don't have this in th~ to ~e with heirs and assigns and all that comes forward. i~ ~0~ leave it just status quo, leave it open to future fu~e t~mes, future heirs, to go through the same thing..tha~ ~ou h~..:~e. ~ere:~ ~, . tonight, and if you can get ...... title to these underwP~'. .... ~ 1ands. on~ ~nd for a11, I think, you should give every possible co~eration t~:.~:whether it is the trading of the right, of-way of Cas~k whe{~er it is the trading of 50 feet, I th~nk you should.at!:~*~st give i&~ome consideration. I don't want to see any views cut of~.~'and I d~ ~t to retain the open arms effect, because Delray Beach!~n be m~d~i'i~' Yacht~man~paradise if we retain this open arms h~ve'kt within your means, Gentlemen, if you so choose, to':~et'title oho~ and for al~ and I ask that you consider every ~acet to y0~'~11 have to exercise your pleasure on it." Mr. Croft asked about the remark that was made tha~here would be no fill from the dredging operation deposited on the beach. Attorney Moore reported to Council that on Saturday and again today he had been ~n touch with the Superintendent of the Norfolk Dredging Company who had been very positive and emphatic that there wou~d be no fill put on the beach at this time. That had been purely optional with the dredging company and they would have considered it only ~f they could not get.enough Spoil areas along the northern por- tion of their contract which goes to Atlantic Avenue, Attorney Moore named properties that have been filled in this area, and said there would be no fill put on the beach, at this time. regardless of the decision on the DeRiCe proposal. Following discussion concerning the amount of fill there would be available to be pumped to the beach from the dredging operation, Mayor Avery asked the City Manager if any fill would be pumped over the Casuarina easement to ~he beach, and City Manager Holland referred this to the City Engineer for a replyas City Engineer Fleming was the person who had conversation with the ~.I.N.D. authorities. City Engineer Fleming reported as follows= "I talked to Col. Schull the latter part of last week, not with the superintendent of the dredging company. Mr. Moore is correct that he has the option of where he will place this fil~. As you know, the City gave two easements, one on Ingraham and one on Casuarina, to the beach. At Ingraham we were primarily interested in obtaining the fill there. There was some 20,000 yards available there, which I believe has now been reduced tO someWhere around 5,000 yards due to the deposits of surrounding lots there, and also we would have to give perm~ssion for them to dredge'it there immediately_rather than waiting until April 15th which is the Council desire. That 5,000 presumably will now go to the Miramarend or ~he Casua=~na end. There is an additional 20,00° yards and Col. Schu11 indicated to me tha~' he had some influ- ence with the contractor ~f the C~t~ wished to have it placed on the beach at Casuarina he would see if, in the public interest, he could have it placed there rather than' to the benefit of a private individu- al. As you know, it has been brought out that sand and material de- posited on the beach, and is not all sand, it is rather rough ma- terial, as. you.can see from what has been deposited on,private proper- ty, will work south. ~t wi~l not work north, and the public beach- will not benefit a great deal fromdepoeit~ng it on the south, end of the beach." City Manager Holiand-in~ormed..the'cou~c~! that,~after checking into this's~tuation, it'.had beendec~ded that S, 000 yards of fill aT- 3-30-64 818 would ~ot be enough to be benef~cial to the beach, and that deposits at the south end of the public beach would not benefit said beach. Mayor Avery spoke to the Council as follows~ "The time has come that you have to exercise your pleasure. You have a choice of acCepting the Planning Board recommenda~ion. You have ~he choice of offering any alternate that you want to. You have an offer from Hr. DeR/ce that he will giveyou the title to the underground lands if you abandon Casuarina, He willgive you all except 50 feet. You have the privilege of giving him an alternative p£opoaal of abandon- ing Caauarina if he gives you the full title, or whatever your pleas- ure is~ or you have the Pleasure Of turning down the Zoning Board report, and forgetting the whole matter'. I"would like a motion as to your pleasures" Hr. Talbot moved that the recommendations of the Planning/ Zoning Board be denied, the motion being seconded by Hr. Barrow and unanimously carried. Mayor Avery asked if the Council washed to make an alternate proposal to Hr. DeRiae concerning obtaining said underwater ground, and Hr. Talbot suggested that Hr. DeRice be offered the abandonment of a portion of Casuarina Road in exchange for placing the seawall where it is desired and deeding to the City, for perpetuity, Blocks 136 and 144. Attorney Moore informed the Council that Hr. DeRice would not accept that proposal, and asked if there was. another alternative whereby the City would accept all the land north of the 50 foot stri~ as offered tonight. .Mayor Avery explained that this 50 foot strip that Hr. DeRice wished to fill north of the Casuarina Road right-of-way would only be filled to a point 13'0 feet west of Lot 8, owned by Mr. Balliet. It was pointed out that if a portion of Casuarina Road was abandoned, it would only be that portion lying west of sea Sage Drive. Mayor Avery informed the Council that Attorney Moore had asked that consideration be given to the offer of Mr. DeRlce to give the City title to all of said underwater lands ~n exchange for the abandonment of Caauarina Road, west of Sea sage Drive, and that he would retain title to 50 feet north thereo~ starting at a point 130 feet west of LOt 8. Following le~jthy discussion and comments, Mr. Barrow moved that this last proposal be reduced to writing, together with drawings, and placed on the agenda of the next regular COuncil meeting, the motion being seconded by Hr. Saunders and unanimously carried. Mayor Avery referred to the two undergrOUnd lift stations lo- cated in MacFarlane Avenue and Andrews Avenuet and informed the Coun- cil that, according to Hr. Neff of Russell & Axon,Consulting Engineers~ those lift stations presented landscaping problems. Further, that professiOnal landscape architects would be needed, and hehad been assured by Mr. Neff that this could be taken care of from the Sewer Project funds. Following discussion, Mr. Croft moved to employ the services of a landscape architect to design the landscaping of those two lift stations, and if possible, the cost to come from the Sewer Project funds, the motion being seconded by Mr. Scudders. Mayor Avery said it had been moved and seconded that the services of a professional landscape architect be employed for the landscaping of said sewage lift stations. Mayor Avery then asked if .~ ,B= 3-30-64 they would add to the motion that the Beautification Committee be called into consultation with saidarchitect, and same wasacuepted as a part of the motion. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter receiv~ ~romMr. G. ~, ~rost', Palm Beach County Engineer, dated March 18th, I964: "Subject= Additional In~racoastal Waterway Crossing Between Palmetto Park Road and Atlantic Ave~9. The Board of County Commissioners, at a recent meeting, received a resolution and request from the City of Boca Raton, asking the Board of County Commissioners' support for t~.e provision of an additional intracoastal waterway crossing between the existing crossings, to be provided by the Florida State Road Department. It is my verb~l understanding that the City of Boca Raton has requested this crossing to be studied for a 40th Street location. I have been asked to seek from the City of Delray Beach, their thoughts on this matter, as to location. As you are aware, our current ~raffic study and transportation plan' anticipated the provision of a new crossing between the two cities in the 1968-73 period. Any information you can offer on this matter will be of assistance to the Board." Mr. Croft moved that this item be referred to the Planning/ Zoning Board for their study and report, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and Unanimously carried" Mayor Avery asked that a letter be written to'Mr. Frost in- forming him that this matter had been referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for their report and that he coUld expect s reply from the Council in the very near future. Concerning the widening of West Atlantic ·Avenue, City Clerk Worthing reported to the Council as follows= "A memorandum-of facts, relating to the State Road Departmentrs impending projector improv- ing west Atlantic Avenue from Swinton Avenue to the turnpike, under date of March 18th, prepared by the City Engineer, wa-s forwarded to Council with the previous agenda. The matter was deferred last ~onday night for clarification of road construction and traffic lanes. on May 6th, i963,.'it was~determined by Council to endorse and provide for a 106 foot:right-of~way, comprising 4 traffic lanes0 2 parking lands, a center'grassed ·area, .w~th curb being provided on the-outside of the parking lanes as well as on the outside of the center grassed area, followed by a grassed strip of 4% feet and then a 5 foot side- wa.lk to extend from swinton Avenue'westward for two miles, beyond which point, and~tO the turnpike, the area beyond the traffic lanes will merely be a 19% foot strip of 1and, the. first 8 feet of which is shoulder, the balance 'grass and mulch, as is clearly indicated on Mr. Fleming's sketch showing a cross Section of the proposed Atlantic Avenue widening project'by the State Road Department, and concurred in, during h~s recent contact with Mr. John Grant, the consulting engineer on the job for the State Highway people. As Mr. Fleming previously pointed out, the State Highway De- partment will not consider letting construction contracts without first having certain utility agreements, as submitted to Council last Monday night, executed, by the City. It iS therefore-suggested that Resolutions Nos. 147~ and 1478, providing for authorization to exe- cute such a~reements, be. considered at.this time." -9- 3-30-64 820 City Attorney Adams aaked' if these were the authori~ilig execution of the contracts, ~to ~h~ C~ sa~d ~ha~ ~as co~ec~. C~7 A~orne7 Adams sa~d i~as~.po~n~ed' ou~ a~ ~e las~ mee~n~ that ~e City ~ad ~ ~n~r in~ contracts with Southern Bell Tele- phone Company and Florida Po~r · Light Company concerning ~is, and commented fur~er as follows: "~e thing that bo~ers me~ at the time we ~re not only ~aranteeing that ~ey ~uld move ~eir lines, but they would move ~em at certain ti~s, and ~e City would be liable if ~ey didn't move them within the t~ s~edule. If that not true as ~. Holland info~s ,~ ....... Following discussion, C~ty Clerk Wor~ng read copies of letters to the State ~ad ~partment f~m Florida Po~r & Light ~mpany, datea July 9~h, 196~, and Southern ~11 ~lepho~ C~any, dated July 5th, 1963, which letters had ~en read by C~ty Engineer Fleming at the March 23rd Council ~eting and are printed in full in said ~nutes under Item 9.b. City E~g~neer Fleming ~nfo~ed ~e Council ~at the City had ~it~en to the t~ utility compani~e ~volved, asking them ~ send a letter directly ~e City of ~lr%y Beach making the same statement as reflecte~ in the let~ers just read. ~. Flying f~ther informed the Counuil that the City was coVe=ed by the franchise of each of sa~d utility companies, and their utilities being ~n t~ dedicated rights-of-way, ~ey ~re re~ir~ to move ~e facil~ties without cost to the City if a road construction ~s undertaken. City Attorney Adams co~ented= "My point ~s, ~n this agree- ment with ~ State, we are ask~ ~ hold ~e State harmless for any damages cause~ on ~e part of ~e contractors due to delays of any party. If ~e Florida Power a L~ght Company would delay ~he perform- ance of one of ~ese con,acts, ~e City ~s liable to that contractor for any'damages ~ey su~fer as I recall the contra~ read last ~ek. I think Florida Po~r & Light and Southern Bell should bo~ agree to hold the City ,harmless fo= the same ~ng ~at we a=e holding the State harmless for. ~at =equires at least a letter. I think a lette= of intent from two p~l~c utllit~es ~uld be sufficient, but from ~at ~. ~=th~ng read, I don~t think ~t ~te ~vers don~t want to hold up ~e p=0Ject. You can ~ss it subject to receipt of those letters." City Clerk Worthing read ~SO~ION NO. 1477. A ~SOL~ON OP ~ CITY CO~CIL OF ~ ~ OF DEL~Y B~, F~ORZ~, A~ORZZZ~ E~ION OF A ~ILITY AG~ ~ ~ ~ATE R~D DEPART- ~ ~BY T~ CITY ASSU~S ~AIN ~S~NSI- BILITIES FOR ~LO~TION OR A~S~ OF FACILI- TIES and/or UTILITIES ~IN ~T PART OF STATE R~D S-806 L~N~ ~EN ~N A~ A~ 24th A~E. (SEC. 935S0-6601) ~S, the state Road ~pa~ment of Florida has located and proposes to ~nstruct or reconstruut a part of State Road S-806 (~lray Beach Road) from 24~ Avenue East to Sw~nton Avenue~ and ~S, in order for ~he state ~ad Depar~ent to f~er and complete sai~ project, it ~s ~ecess~ry ~at certain ut~l~ties and/or facilities w~th~n the r~ght-of-~y i~m~ts of said State Road S-806, be a~justed, changed, or relocated~ and ~S, the State Road DePartment having re~ested the City of Delray Bea~, Florida, to execute, and deliver to the State.Road De- partment a Utilities Agreement, agreeing to make or cause to be made -10- 3-30-64 such adjustments, changes, or relocations of said utilities and/or facilities as set out in said Agreement, and said requesthaving been duly considered~ NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the city of ~9~ray Beach, Florida, that the Mayor and Clerk (City Ma~qer) be and.'t~ey are hereby authorized and directed to make, execut~ ~d de- liver to the State Road Department a Utilities Agreement for the justment, change or relocation of certain utilities within th~ right- of~w~¥ limits of said State Road S-806, Section 93550-6601 (2601)~ BE IT FURTHER HSSOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be ~Orwarded to the State Road Department at Tallshassee, Florida. PASSED and adopted on this the __day of , 1964. Mr. Croft moved that Resolution No. 1477 be passed and adopted, subject to the receipt of the agreements from the two utility compa- nies being to the satisfaction of the City Attorney. The motion was s~o~nded by Mr. Saunders and carried unanimously. City Clerk Worthing then read RESOLUTION NO. 1478. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A UTILITY AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE ROAD DEPART- MENT WHEREBY THE CITY ASSUMES CERTAIN RESPONSI- BILITIES FOR RELOCATION OR ADJUSTMENT OF FACILI- TIES and/or UTILITIES WITHIN T~{AT PART OF STATE ROAD S-806 LYING BETWEEN 24th AVENUE AND THE SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY. (SEC.93550-6602) WHEREAS, the State Road Department of Florida has located and proposes to construct or reconstruct a part of State Road S-806 (Delray Beach Road} from Sunshine State Par~way East to 24th Avenue: and WHEREAS, in order for the state Road Department to further and complete said project, it is necessary that certain utilities and/or facilities within the right,of-way limits of said state Road S-806, be adjusted, changed, or relocated; and WHERP2%S, the State Road Department having requested the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to execute and deliver to the State Road De- partment a Utilities Agreement, agreeing to make or cause to be made such adjustments, changes, or relocations of said utilities and/or facilities as set out in said Agreement, and said request having been duly considered; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.~D by the City'council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the :.Mayor and Clerk (City Manager} be and they are hereby authorized and directed to~ make, execute and deliver to the State Road Department a Utilities Agreement for the adjustment, change or relocation of certain utilities within the right,of-way limits of said state. Road S-806, Section 93550-6602 (2601); BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED'that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the State Road Department at Tallahassee, .Florida. PASSED and adopted on this 'the ' .. day of... . , 1964. Mr. Croft moved that ResolUtion No. 1478 be passed and adopted, subject to. thereceipt of ~he.a~reements from the two Utilities companies, being .to .the satisfaction of the City AttorneY. The motion was seconded by Mr..Saunders and carried unanimc~sly. -11- 3-30-64 Mr, Croft informed the CounctZ that he would like to hear from the City Manager regarding a design and change concerning beautifi- cation in the City Cemetery. City Manager Holland informed the Council that~ in his opinion, this was a very good change, further, that Mr. Wade Cartee of the Parks Department had* discussed this change with the' Beautification Committee which was'in agreement with same. Mr. Cartee displayed a sketch of a portion~cf the old cemetery which showed a circle at the intersection of two roads where the 1.8 foot roads narrowed down to 8:fee~ around ~he circle. Mr. Cartee informed the Council that it was impossible for an ambulance to go around said circle without hitting the curb, further, that said cir- cle made it difficult to park when there was a funeral. Mr. Cartee explained to Council that they propose to correct the condition by cutting said circle into four parts and moving it back, thus allowing the roads to Cross each other, and that the four areas be beautified by plantings, etc. Mr. Croft informed the Council that he h&d been.assured this change would not interfere with anygraves]"*~and moved that the Council accept said proposed change to the Cemetery, the' motion being seconded by Mr.. Barrow and unanimously carried. The meettng.adJottrned at 9=45 P2M.*, by order of Mayor Avery. R~D~ WORTH.ING City Clerk APPROVED: ~aYo~ ( -12- 3-30-64