06-08,09,10-64 390-F JI~NE 8, 9, 10, 1964. The BOARD OF EOUALIZATION for the City of Delray BeaCh, Palm Beac.h County, Florida, convened at 10:00 A.M., on Monday J~e 8th, 1964~ in the Council Chambers at the City Hall in complia~ with SectiOn 86, Article XVI of the City Charter, followlig 'le~I news- paper Public NOtiCeS of such Annual Meeting to be held h~.v~g been provided in accordance with Charter provision contained Sn' said SeCtion 86. An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. ~uthing. Mayor Avery acted as Chairman of the Board of Bc~uali~a~ion Meeting and all Councilmen, Barrow, Croft, Saunders and Ta!bOt, were present. There being no requests to appear before the Board of Equali- zation today, the meeting was adjourned u~til 10:30 A.M., i~eeday, June 9th, 1964. The BOARD OF EOL~LIZATION reco~vened at 10:30 A.M., Tuesday, June 9th, 1964, and Tax Assessor Worthing commented as follows: "This annual meeting is for the purpose of hearing complaints, if any, pertaining to assessed valuations of properties, and for providing equa~ization o~ such assessments as may be considered fair and just by this Board of Equalization, however, the following communication from Mr. &Mrs. Eugene Bobrovnichy, dated June 4, 1964, has been received with the request that it be submitted to this Board.. "Having checked ~ith the City Clerk's officeregardingthis year's taxes on our new Duplex on the corner of Ingraham Ave. and MacFarlane Drive we have found that the value of said property has been set'at a rather high figure. Being fully aware oft he high cost of property in that location we wouldn't, ordinarily, even think of raising any objection. However, ours is a special case. Unfortuantely, through circumstances beyond our control an~ certainly through no fault of ours, our investment there has greatly depreciated in value. As we already have pointed out to the City Council in our letter from August 16, 1963, when construction of lift station # 17 was in full swing, that the unexpected emerging of the unsightiy above ground cement structure, placed right in front of the main living quarters of our high class luxury apartment which is a rental unitwould depreciate the value of our property considerably. It seems we were right ~n our estimation. We were unable to rent the apartment for the season which meant for us a total lees. Moreover, granting that the sewer project will be com- pleted before the next season arrives, with that lift station right in front, we certainly will not be able to get the rental which with the t~pe and quality of the apartment we are offer- ing and the amount'of monty involved, we could surely have counted on. with the added aggravation of having that huge dredge spoil mounted OhM rs. James' property, across the street, obscuring the viewer the waterway, the prospect of renting for the next season is dim indeed. All this constitutes a real hardship 390-G for us. Rentil~ is our main source of income. How can we pay high taxes if no money is:coming in? If we had know, before hand what was coming we would certainly have postponed building at least for a y~ar and probably would have built differently, thereby saving money on interest and taxes. In view of .this we respectfully submit to'the City Counc/1 or the Board of EqualizatiOn our petiti°n to suspend for this year that portion of the amount of tax which per- tains to the value of the building, we also ask to consider to lower somewhat the valuation figure of our property for futUre taxation in order that taxes would be more in line with potential income. It is often being said that progress should~no~ be blocked by any /nd/v/dual. As far as we are concerned we certainly did our part in cooperating with the sewer construction crew as much as we possibly could, lett/ng them use our water, having machinery and tools put on our p£operty, riding over it~ etc., not to mention contending with all that dirt and dust flying directly into our windows. We never complained. We too are for progress but when this progress puts one in. danger of heading towards financial ruin, that certainly is asking too much. In that case, in all fairness, ways ~nd means should be found to alleviate ~the burden, of the individual and ways and means most certainly 9an be found. We earnest'~y hope that our City Council will lend a sympathetic ear to our problem." During discussion, the Board of Equalization asked the Tax Assessor to produce various tax assessment,cards of properties in the vicinity of the Bobrovnichy property in order that they may com- pare same. and Chairman Avery stressed the fact that the Board of ~gualization is co~erned purely with ascertaining the fact that property is taxed equitably with similar properties in the community, further, that it is ~ot the power of the Board of Equalization to forgive taxes, as that can only be done by the City Council. ~ollowing discuss/on, Chairman Avery asked City Clerk Worthing to ~lace the Bobr~chy request for tax relief on the agenda of the next regular CounCil meeting. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Croft said the Tax Assessor had assured the'Board that all the tax assessments were equitable, and moved that the Boar~ accept his recommendation and deny the re- quest for change of valuat/on, the motion being seconded hymn. Barrow. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Croft and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion, and Mr. Saunders and Mayor Averywere opposed. The motion carried. Mr. Talbot then moved that the Tax Assessor be requested to make a survey of all the sewer lift stations in conRection with the de- preciation of the value of property that might have been caused by the location of said lift stations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Croft. Mayor Avery explained that it had been moved that the Tax Assessor be directed to survey the properties at the locations of all 1/ft stations and ascertain ~f any properties are being taxed unequitably in relationship to the properties in each general area, and if ascertained, to give them some equitable relief. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. ~2- 6-1964 BOARD OF EQUALIZATIO~ 39o-H There being no other request, or persons to appear before this session of the Board of Equalizat~on, on motion by Mr. Croft, the Board unanimously agreed to recess and reconvene on Wedensday, June 10th, 1964 at 10:00 A.M. ~NE 10, 1964. The Board of Equalization reoonvened at 10:00 A4M., Wednesday, June 10th, 19640 and ?axAssessor Worthing informed them that no one had requested to appear before~them'today ...... ' .'~ '. ~" The annual Board of Equalization meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:05 A.M., on ~otion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Barrow. City Clerk -3- 6-1964 BOARD OF E~UALIZATXO! JUNE 8, 1964.. ~ ~egular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach waa ~d in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Al. C. Avery iB~he Cha~, City Attorney John Ross Adams, Acting CityManager R0b~Ft D. wo~,g, and councilmen ~mory z. Barrow, J. ~eRoy'Croft, Sa,~, and C~orge Talbot, Jr., being present. 1. ~ opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. N. A. Jenkips~ 2. ~e minutes of the regular meeting of May 25th, 1964, weFe unani- mously!approved on ~otion by Mr. Saunders and seconded 3. There were no public requests from the floor. 4.~, i~ roll call showed the following Civic Organizations 5~d Ne- presentatives to be in attendance~ Delray. Beach Board'of RealtorS';~' Mr. Andrew Gent Beach Taxpayers League, and Business & Professional Women's Club Miss Dorothea Galvin V. F. W. Post No. 4141 Mr. Paul Cummins Planning/Zoning Board Col. Andrew L. Fabens 5. Mayor Avery said it had been brought to the attention of the Coun- cil that Mr. Robert E. Brenner is a candidate for theoffice of Depart- ment Junior Vice Commander Of the V. F. W. of Florida, and that his activity has reflected, muchcredit to Delray Beach. Mayor Avery then read the following Proclamation: "The City CoUncil Of the City of~Delray Beach, Florida, has been informed'that RobertE. Brenner is a candidate for the office of Department Junior Vice Commander. On the 8th day of June, 1964, the City Council unanimously adopted the' following Proclamation: WHEREAS, Robert E. Brenner has unselfishly and tireless- ly devoted his time and ability to numerous civic activities in this City; and WHEREAS, The City Council, on behalf of the citizens of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, being desirou~s that his civic achievements be re- cognized, acclaimed andpermanently recorded! NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Delray Beach, in honor and deep appreciation of his dis- tinguished.servioe, herebycommends ROBERT E. BRENNER for. his contributionsto the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach. In passing this Proclamation~ the City Council heartily endorses Mr. Brenner's candidaoyfor the office of Department Junior Vice Cormmander." The P~oclamation was unanimously adopted on motion by Mr. Croft'and seconded by blt. Talbot. Mayor Avery invited Commander Paul Cummins of the V. F. W. Post No. 4141 to the Council ~able and presented him with the Proclamation. for Mt. Brenner. ...... 6-8-64 5.a. Mr. Barrow informed the Council that the Committee appointed on naming the C-15 Canal had contacted the City of Boca Raton concerning same, and that Boca Raton was supposed to report back to the Committee later this week, after wh.ich a report would be. made to the Council. 5.a. Mr. Croft reported that with the permission of Mayor Avery, he had requested the CityAttorney to prepare a proposed ordinance amend- ing Chapter.s23 of the Code of Ordinances, and was sorry this had not been accomplished in time for same to appear on the Agenda of this meeting. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE NO. G-556. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY REACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 23 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES 'OF THIS CITY BY ADDING SECTION 23-16 PER- TAINING TO NEW AND REBUILT STREETS IN THIS CITY. Mr. Croft moved that Ordinance No. 6-556 be placed on firstr~ading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Barrow. Mr. Croft, Mr. Saunders and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion, and Mayor Avery abstainedfrom voting. $.a. Mr. Talbot reported that he had received inquiries as to what is going to be done at-the Boynton InLet regarding .jetties, and what effect that would have on beach erosion all the way down to Delray Beach. Further, that he would get mor® information on this item and same would be placed on the Agenda of a later Councilmeeting, and that it was his desire to unite the Councils of Delra¥ Beach, Boca Raton and Boynton Beach, either for or against the work to be done at the inlet, after it had been determined what the results might be. 5.a. Mayor Avery referred to the C~uncil havin~ given permission to the Palm Beach County Board of Public Instruction for their use ofthe City Hall on Saturday, June 6th, for a public hearing concerning Mr. Anthony H. Holliday, suspended Principal of Carver High School. Mayor Avery commented on the excellent conduct of the audience at said hear- ing and.highly commended Acting City Manager worthing and his staff of employees on the fine wa~ such a large crowd was handled and taken care of during Such a lengthy hearing. 6.a. Concerning a request for permission toauthorize sewer service connection to certain property, City Clerk Worthing informed the coun- uil that a petition had been received for providing annexation of the HorizonApartment propert~ located at 1375 Sou~h Ocean Boulevard, and that such request was being considered. Therefore, anticipating ulti- mate annexation of said property, Council approval for authorization of sewer service connection extension to said land is requested. Mr. Saunders asked the approximate cost for such connection and where 'the money would be obtained for~ same, andwas informed the cost would be approximately $120.00 and would bepaid for from the Sewer Fund. Mr. Saunders moved to authorize said sewer service connection, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 7.a. Concerning petition for rezoning of certain lands at N. E. 8th Street and 3rd Avenue, City Clerk Worthing reported as follows: "At council meeting of April 27th, there was presented the Petition of severe1 property owners for reclassification of Lots 1, 2, 3, 30, 31 and 32 in Block 12, Dell Park .Subdivision; also Lots 32, 33 and 34 in Block 13, Del-Ida Park Subdivision, from R-2 (One and Two Family Dwelling District) to C-2 (General Commercial District). -2- 6~8-64 89.3 "Planning and Zoning Board's report pertaining to a-public hearing, hel~ at request of Council on thie petition, was submitted t~ ~d con- side~e~ by Council on May 25th. Action thereon was deferred ~til thiSl~eting of June 8th. However, a request from all prope~.owners inv~d, expressing their desire for with~rawal of the pet~ion, has been ~eceived. Council acceptance of this withdrawal notice Will con- clu~e.~he issue." ~. Croft thanked the property owners involved in this pet$~ion for their cooperation and desire to be reasonable a~d"~heir respeCt'for the views of others, and moved that the Councll ~c~pt the withdrawal of their petition. The motion was seconded hymn; ~Frow and ~FFied unanimously. ?.b. ~ity Clerk worthi~g info~med the Council of an applicSt~o2 for permissive use of a portion of Lots 4 & 50 Block 1, Ocean Par~ ;36-40 Sou~B 0~ean Boulevard, more specifical-ly to provide for enclosing an open ar%a for many years having been used as a dining area. :F~ther, that it is recommended this petition be referred to the ~lanning/~oning Board for a public hearing thereon and recommendation. It was so moved by Mr. Barrow, seconded by Mr. Talbot, and unanimously carried. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE NO. G-548. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTE~ 29, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY, BY ADDIN~ SUBSECTIONS (e) AND (f) TO SECTION 29-7.5 PERTAINING TO SET BACK REQUIREMENTS FOR THAT REAL PROPERTY WEST OF AND BORDERING ON SOUTHWEST EIGHTH AVENUE BETWEEN WEST ATLANTIC AVENUE.AND SOUTHWEST FIRST STREET. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS= Section 1. Section 29-7,5, Chapter 29, Code of Ordinances of the City of De.lray Beach, Florida,-[s hereby amended by the a~dition of subsections (e) and' (f), which shall read as follows: "(e) within the business ~istrict along the west side of Southwest Eighth Avenue between West Atlantic'Avenue and .Southwest First Street, all bui~ding~ shalI be set back not less than thirty-five feet from the east property l~ne, and no structure shall be' erected, altered or reconstructed within the area between such setback line and the west right-of-way line of Southwest E~ghth Avenue. "(f) Within th~ residential district along the west side of South- west Eighth Avenue betwee~ West Atlantic Avenue and Southwest-First Street, all buildings shall be set back not less than fifty feet from the east prOpertY line, and no structure sh~i1 be erected, altered or reconstructed within the area between such "'wtback~ line and the west' right-of-way line of Southwest Eighth Avenue'. Passed on second and final reading in regular session on this day of ., 1964. There being no objection to Ordinance No. G-548, said Ordinance was unanimously passed.,and adopted on this second and final ~eading, on motion by Mr. SaUnders and seconded by Mr. Barrow. -3- 6-8-64 · 394 8.b. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE NO. G-$49. AN OAOZ~ANe.~ O~' ~ -Cl~TY COUNCIL OF ~ CZ~ O~ ~ .~ ~ SE~ION 91, ~SHIP 46 S~H, PAL L~ITS OF SAID CI~ ~D~FI~N~ ~ BO~RIES OF ~ID CITY TO IN~UDE ~ID ~ PRO~D~ FOR RIGHTS A~ OBLI~TIONS ~F ~ID ~ A~ PRO~DI~ FOR ~ ZONI~ ~OF. (~apman, ~ Bever~dge, ' Hone~an and B~ckle) (~py of Ordinance No. '6-549 is arrayed official copy of ~ese minutes.} (See Pa~es 398-A & 398-B) ~ere being no-objection to Ordinance No. G-549, said Ordinance~ was unanimously pass~ and adopted on se~nd and f~nal reading, on motion by ~. Croft and seconded by ~. Barrow. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing presented O~I~NC~ NO. G-550. AN O~I~E OF T~ CI~ CO~CIL OF ~ CI~ OF DEL~Y B~CH, FLORI~, ~I~ ~PT~R 18 (P~D~RS A~ SO- ~CITORS) OF T~ CODE OF T~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~ BY ~DING T~TO A ~W ARTICLE III (C~RITAB~ SOLICITA- TIONS) CO~AINING ~W SECTIONS 18-31 ~OUGH 18-38, ~G~TIN~ SOLICI~TIONS ~R ~RI~B~, PATRIOTIC, ~LIGIOUS~ ~~L A~ ~R S~I~R ~OSES~ PRO- ~DING A PE~L~ ~OR A~ ~O~TION ~0~ A~RITY ~ CODIFY, ~ '~P~LING A~ O~INAN~S OR PARTS O~I~N~S IN CO~LI~ ~TH. (Copy of Ordinance No. ~550 and Application Form fo= same are at- tached to and made a part of the off~u~al copy of ~ese minutes.) (See There being no objection to Ordinance No. G-550, said Orainance was unanimously passed and adopted on second and final reading, motion 'by ~. Talbot and seconded by ~. Croft. City C~erk wor~ing informed ~e Council that attache~ to and form- ing a pa,-of O=dinanoe No. G-550 is an Application ~or Permit To Soiicit in the C~ty of Delray Beach, and if ~t ~s ~he pleasure of the Council-to accept sa~, their approval shoul~ be given. Mr. ~Oft ~oved that ~e proposed Application Fo~ for Pe~it to Solicit in the City be approved, ~e motion being seuonded by Talbot and ~an~mously carried. 8.d. ~e City Clerk presented O~I~NCE ~, G-551. AN O~I~N~ O~ ~ CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF DEL~Y B~, FLORI~, A~I~ ~PTER 18 (PSDD~RS A~ SO- LICITORS) OF ~ ~DE OF ~ CITY OF DEL~Y B~ BY ADDING ~TO A .~ ARTIC~ II (TE~PHO~ SOLICITATIONS) ~ CO~AINI~ ~W SSCTIONS 18-21 ~OUGH 18~27, ~GU~TING ~PHO~ SOLICITATIONS, PRO~ING FOR A PE~IT A~ LI- ~NSE FOR TELEPHO~ ~LI~TORS DOING BUSI~SS IN CI~ OF D~Y B~CH~ PRO~DING FOR A ~THOD OF APPLYING FOR SUCH PE~ITS A~ LICENSES~ ~K~ IT ~WFUL TO EN- ~GE IN SUCH BUSINESS ~OUT SU~ PE~IT A~ LI~NSE~ PRO~DI~ ~NS A~ ~SONS FOR ~VO~TIONS OF SU~ PER- ~TS A~' LI~SES~ PROVIDING PE~LTIES FOR T~ ~O~TION O~ ~IS O~I~N~ ~P~LING A~ O~I~N~S OR PARTS O~I~NCES IN CONFLICT ~~ PROVIDING FOR A ~NGS C~U~ A~ORI~ TO CODIFY~ AN EFFE~I~ ~TE~ AND FOR OT~R P~SES. -4- 6-8-64 395 (Copy of Ordinance No. G-551 and Application Form for same are attached to and made a part of ~he official copy of. these mi,nu, tes.) · (~ee Pa~es 398-H th~'u 39~-L) ~ere.being` no objection to Ordinance-No. G-551, said O~di~ance was ~animOusly- passed and adopted on second aha final reaai~g, on mo~i0~ by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr; 'Saunders. · ~ity Clerk Worthing informed the Council' that attached for~i~ng, a part of Ordinance No. 0-551 ts an Application Fov' 995mit to Sol%g~t by Phone in the City of Delray Beach, and if it is tbs.'pleasure of th~ Council to accept same, their approval should be give~"~ MS, Talbot moved that the Application Form pertaining t~ telephone soli~tations as set up in Ordinance No. 0-5§1 be approved, ~he motion bei~Seconded by Mr. Saunters, and unanimously carried. : 8.e. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDI~ANCE NO. G-552. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELBAY BEACH CERTAIN LAND, NkMELY LOT 69~ DELRAY BEACH SHORES, WHICH LAND IS .CONTI~UOUS TO EXIST- ING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; R~DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND;. PRO- VIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR T~E ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No. G-552 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by' ~r..Talbot and ~econded by Mrl Croft. 8.f. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-553. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~NDING' CHAPTER 27 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIS CITY TO ESTABLISH SEWER SERVICE RATES; TO PROVIDE FOR THE METHOD _OF COLLEC- TION OF SUCH RATE. CHAR~ES; TO PROVIDE FOR MANDATORY CONNECTION 'TO THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM; TO PROVIDE PENAL- TIES FOR NON-PAYMENT OF CHAROES: RE~ARDING DAMAGED SEPTIC TANKS; PREVENTING THE DISC~AROE OF CERTAIN FOREIGN MATTER INTO THE SEWER- SYSTEM; ESTABLISHING A SEWER ADJUSTMENT ADVISORY BOARD AND PROVIDING THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF: TO REaRRANgE CERTAIN EXISTING ..PROVISIONS: REPEALIN~ ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT:~ PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND FOR OTHER ~URPOSES. Ordinance No; G-553 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by Mr. Croft and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 8. g. The City Clerk - read ORDINANCE NO. G-554. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' DELRA¥ BEACH, . FLORIDA, AMENDING SUB-SECTION (E) SECTION 29-7, CHAPTER 29 OF THE CODE-OF ORDIHANCES OF THIS CITY PERTAINING TO BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRE- HENTS IN'THE R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELDIN~ DISTRICT. During' discussion, Building .Inspector Hughson explained that this amendment is a simplification of the present ordinanUe, and was recom- mended by the Planning Board. :. Ordinance No. 'G-554.,was unanimously place~ oh first rmadiag on mo- tion by Mr. Saunders and' seconded by Mr. Barrow. -5- 6-8-64 8.h. City clerk Worthing presented Ordinanc~ No. G-555, and informed the Council that it proposes certain amendments to the .City Plumblng Code, as a result of study and recommendation by the.Sewer System Committee in a meeting with the Council, and due to property owners having been requested to provide early, connection 'from the sewer system to their septic tanks, and many already having done so, an emergency situation was deemed to exist, therefore, ORDINANCE NO. G-555, prepared by the C~ty Attorney, ia an emergency ordinance and this is its first and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. G-555. · AN ~EMER~NCY ORDZNA. NCE O~ TH~ CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21 OF TH~ CODE OF ORDINAnCES OF THIS CITY PERTAINING TO SEWER PIPE SPECIFICATIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. City Plumbing Inspector Robert Crego infOrmed the CounCil that in the past, the Plumbing Board .has always proposed or recommended any changes to the Plumbing Code, and since they had not had an opportunity to review this proposed ordina~ce, felt they should be given that opportunity before any action is taken on .said ordinance. Following discussion, Mr.-Talbot moved that this item be referred to the Plumbing Board and brought back to the Council .at a.epecial .meet- ing to be held at 10:30 A.M., Wedr~sday, June 10~h, 1964, the motion b~ing seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. 9. There were no reports. 10.x. City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "Mr. Earl G. Brown, owner of the north portion of that tract of land recently exchanged with Mr. Brown and Mr. Dodson for another parcel o~ land in town for added parking facilities, wishes ~to advance the necessary fund~, which are approximately $600.00, to extend the sewer line from its present nearest terminal to the north l~ne of his property, being a distance of 99 .feet. Col. Dan Neff, Project Manager of Russell & Axon on this sewer project, .has computed these costs from the actual unit costs contained in the contract, for the various items which are ne- cessitated to extend this line, from the Contract of Barbarossa & Sons. It now extends down between 4th and 5th Avenues in the alleyway to a point 49 feet north of the north line of S'; E. loth Street, and S. E~ 10th Street being 50 feet wide, results in a 99 foot distance. Col. Neff estimates the cost to be $612.79. In aBy event, Mr. Brown will advance the total cost accumulated in extending that sewer line and the pleasUre of the Council is requested to permit such extension." Mayor Avery asked if it was normal in this t~oe of agreement that the person who advances the money would be reimburSed through revenues produced by the facility, if and when it becomes a fact. Mr. Worthing replied: "That is'true, sir, and only from the revenue~ resulting from that extension, 'he will .be satisfied with such-reimburse- ment. only from those revenues, and no other." Mr. Talbot questioned the cost to the City in accounting procedures which would result from an agreement of this kind. Finance Director Weber informed the Council that for this one ite~ it would involve about five minutes of time every six months to compute and make reimbursement. City Clerk Worthing commented further as follows: "The urgency is this. He would like to start construction next week of a service station just south of the north line of his property, therefore, that is why he is willing to advance the necessary cost for that 99 foot extension. Should it be the pleasure of the Council to act favorably on his request, I believe the City A~torney should be directed to draft a formal agreement." Mr, Croft moved that the City Attorney be authorized to draft an agreement with Mr. Brown for that purpose, the motion being seconded City Attorney Adams asked= "That agreement would be to the effect that be'would be reimbursed from ~he sewer charges. Is that correct?" Mr Worthing replied= '*Only from the revenue resulting from that extension to his .property." Upon call of ro11, the motion ca,tied unanimously. Following discussion as to the length of time it would take for Mr. Brown to be reimbursed, City c!erk, worthing explained as follows= "I don*t believe there is any doubt in an~one*s mind but what there will be a Phase No. 2 of the sewer system tn future years, and like- wise do I believe that that area, such as Delray Isle and Ch~vy Chase, and other as equally important areas-will be included in Phase No. 2, and no doubt from the proceeds of revenue certificates, if that be the financing policy followed'at that time, a Council, for the benefit of the A~counting Department and your Director of Finance, would retire any outstanding balance of this $600.00 to Mr. Brown." 10.a. City Clerk worthing presented a bill from City Attorney Adams, in the amount of $210.0~ covering services in connection with the purchase of two pieces of property, also Bills for Approval as follows= General Fund -$ 48,374.41 Water Fund - Operating Fund 137,344.82 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 1,200.00 Interest & Sinking Fund - Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 1961, 1962, 1963. 135.655.00 Mr. Croft moved that the bills be paid, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow. Upon call of roll, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Croft, Mr. SaUnders and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion, and Mayor Avery was opposed. Mayor Avery qualified his vote in that he has an indirect connection with a firm listed in the Bills for Approval, 10.x. Mr. Talbot inquired as to the status of the property of-Dr. Victor R. Alfaro on'South ocean Boulevard, in regard to the annexation of same to the City of Delray Beach. City Clerk Worthing reported that the Planning Board is consiflering this item with Dr. Alfaro and his architec%Mr. Robert Blake, and feels that in a short tim~ a solution will be worked out to the satisfautio~ of all concerned. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. R, D. WORTHING City Clerk 6-8-64 '398 398-~ ORDINANCE NO. G-$49. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO T~E CITY CERTAIN LAND LOCATED IN SEC- TICK 21, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LAND IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MU- NICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ R~.DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND= AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONXNG ~REOF. WHEREAS, E. H. CHAPMAN; BERT B. BEVERIDGE and ARK~ T. BEVERIDGE (his wife); ROBERT B. HONEYMAN and MARIAN S. HONEI~AN (his wife)! and E. L. SICKLE and BEULAH D, BICELE (his wife) are the fee simple owners of the property hereinafter de- scribed, and WHEREAS, said E. H. C~APMAN~ BERT B. BEVERIDGE and ARE~ T, BEVERXD~E Chis wife)~ ROBERT B~: HONEYMAN and MARIAN S. HONE%2~AN (his wife}~ and E. L. SICKLE and BEULAH D. SICKLE (his wife), by their petition, have~nsented and given per- mission for the annexation of their respective properties by the City of Delray Beach, and WHEP~AS, the City of Delray ~each has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of th~ City'Charter of said City granted to it by the State of Florida~ NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of t~e City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, hereby annexes to said City the following described tracts of land located in Palm Beach County, Florida, which lie contiguous to said City, to-wit: Those tracts of land in Section 210 Town- ship 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, described as follows: That part of the South 10 feet of the North 3180 feet, lying East of State Road ~o. 140 (South ocean Boulevard). That part of the South 100 feet of the North 640 feet of Gov't. Lot 4, lying East of State Road No. 140 {South Ocean Boulevard)~ That part of the South 150 feet of the North 790 feet of Gov't. Lot 4, lying East of State Road No. 140 (South Ocean Boulevard). That part of the South 150 feet of the North 940 feet of Gov't. Lot 4, lying East of state Road No. 140 .(South Ocean Boulevard), 398-B Page 2. Ordinance No, G-549. SECTION '2.. That the-boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are. hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described tracts of landand said land is hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SRCTXO~ 3. That the tracts of land hereinabove de- scribed are hereby declared to be in ~oning District R-1A~, " as defined by existing ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 4. That the land hereinabove described shall immediately beuome subject to all of the franchises, privileges, immunities, debts. (except the existing bonded indebtedness), obligations, liabilities, ordinances and laws to which lands in the City of Delra¥ Beach are now or maybe, and persons residing thereon shall be deemed citizens of the City of Delray Beach. ~ That if any ~ord, phrase, clause, sen- tence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of competent Jurisdiction, such record of. illegality shall in no way aleut the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on, the second and final reading on thief he 8th day of Jun~, 1964. MA YO R ATTEST: City Clerk Pirst Reading Ma~2~. 1964 second Reading . June'8,.. 19.64 _ _ 398-0 ORDINANCE NO. .. 0-550 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL .OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~,YENDING CHAPTER 18 (PEDDLERS AND SOLIC- ITORS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY. OF DELRAY BEACH BY ADDING TI-~RETO A NEW ARTICLE III (CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS) CONTAINING NEW SECTIONS 18-31 THROUGH 18-38, REGULATING SOLICITATIONS FOR CHARITABLE, PATRIOTIC, RELIGIOUS, FRATERNAL AND OTHER SI~LILAR PURPOSES; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ANY VIO- LATION HEREOF; AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR :PARTS OF ORDINANCES~ IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, It is hereby found and determined by t~e City Council of the City of Delray. Beach, Palm Beach County, Ft~ida, that the public welfar~ of the City requires that the solicitation of funds for charitable purpos.es, as herein defined, be regulated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~NELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA', as follows: SECT.~ON' ~: That ~he Code of the City~ of Delray-Beach, Florida, be and it is hereby~amended by adding thereto a new Article III ICharitable Solicitations) to Chapter 18 (Peddlers and Solicitors)~which Article III shall contain the new sections 18-31 through 18-38, reading as follows: CHAR'iTAB LE ~0LIC ITAT IONS SECTION 18-31. ~:%en used in this Article, certain words and terms are hereby defined as: (a) "Solicit" and solicitations" shall mean the request, e~'ther directly or indirectly, for money, property, or financial assistance on the plea, or representation that such money, property or financial assistance will be used for a charitable purpose. '- (b) "Charitable" shall mean and include the words patrioti6, philanthropic, religious, social service, including research, welfare, benevo- lent, educational, civic, or fraternal, either actual or purported. (c) "Person" shall mean any individual, organiza- tion, firTM, copartnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, church, religious or league, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, agent or other similar representative %here of. (d) "Cost of Solicitation" shall mean all costs ~f"~natever nature incurred, directly or in- directly, whether underwritten by others or paid directly, in raising the funds solicitated. -1- 398-D SECTION18-32. Any person, firm or corporation de- siring to solicit funds ~in any manner whatsoever for charitable purposes, as herein defined, in the City of Delray Beach~ shall file an application on a form approved by the City Council on _ June 8th. , 196~. SECTION~iSr~~. The City Council shall, upon consid- eration of said aPPliCation, in its sound and sole judgment, either grant or deny the issuance of a permit for the solicitation of funds for charitable purposes in the City of Delray Beach. Said permit shall be effective for a period to be set by the City Council. ~o The information c~ntained in said application for permit to solicit f~nds, for charitable purposes shall be available to the public. The information contained therein shall bo published in a newspaper designated by the City Council, of general circulation in the City, at least two weeks before any solicitation of funds shall begin, with the fee for such publication to be borne by the applicant. SECTION 18-35.. Thirty days after the solicitation of funds is com~i6te'd~ the results of such solicitation shall be filed with the City Council, which shall be available to the public at all times. The following information shall be provided: Nama and Address of Organization Kind of Activity Dates of Solicitations RE CEIP T S: Ticket sales or admission' charges Cash contributions and pledges Membership fees Sale of advertising space Cash value of donations in kind and/or items under- written Other receipts Less Federal, S~ate and City taxes Tot ~;1 Receipts EXPENSES: Salarie s, wage s, commission s Remuneration to promoters or managers Remuneration to entertainers, musicians, etc. Rentals - auditorium, building, etc. Rental or purchase of equipment Cost of refreshments, food, merchandise, etc. Administrative costs (including printing, stationery, postage, telephone, etc.) Advertising and publicity Other expenditure s Total Expenditures NET RE~INING FOR C~%RITABLE PURPOSES DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS: Furnish detailed information. If solicitation was in behalf of another organization or association, show its name, address, date funds were released and amount. Said report of the results of the solicitation shall be signed and sworn to by an authorized official of the organization. -2 - SECTION 18-~6. The City Council shall have the right, in its discretion, at any time to require that the 'books of any organization having a permit to solicit funds for charitable pur- poses in ~he City of Delray Beach be made available for inspection and examination by ~he City Council or some person designated by the City Council. Should the City Council at any time request or require any additional information not hereinabove specifically required, upon failure of any person, firm or corporation to fur- nish such additional information upon request, the granting of any permit shall be refused until such information has been furnished or in the event a permit has been issued, the same shall be subject to cancellation because of such failure to furnish information re- quested. S$CTI0.N 18-~?. Any person, firm or corporation found guilty of a vi~lation of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTI~ 18-38. Ail established churches located within the municipal limits of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby exempted from the terms and requirements of this ordinance. SECTION 2: Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION ~: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this ordinance in the City's existing code. SEC. TION 4: This ordinance shall take effect at the time and in the manner as provided by the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 8th day of .. Ju~e .. , 1964. ATTEST: First Reading ~aw~2~. 1964 Second Reading June -3- 398-F Form approved by City Council .. ~ .T,,.._ ~ _2ink, 196~ City 'COde, Chapt~--~8 APPLICATION FOR PERhJT TO SOLICIT IN CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA N~e 6~ 0~ganiZ~ti°n ~ k~r e ss' T~'te phone 'N°. Incorporated: Yes: No: Date of Incorporation Names ~0f 0fffcehs ~n~ di'~ectors Purpose of organization Name of Local Paid Executive: KIND OF ACTIVITY: '('~eher~l' SolicitatiOn', B~lt', ~4otion Pi~'~e, etc. Y ~'~ffC Purpose of So¥ic"it'Rti~ NKme-~d Addre'ss of Local"Cha'i'rm~h or' Pe~n DireCting SOlicit~ti6n Dhte S 'of' S611'&i~atiOh ~iethods of solicitation P~id"Promoters or So~i'~it'6r~" percentage Agreement Es'ti~nbed 'Admi~is'trative Cost Items OnderWritton of Fund Raising in Delray Beach Estimated Percentage of Proceeds to be expended in Delray Beach LATEST SOLICITATION IN TH~ CITY OF DELP~%Y ~EACH: Total Amount collected in 19 . . Total Expenses in 19 Remitted ~o National--6~"State i~19 Amount of Proceeds Expended in Palm-~ach County in To this form must be attached: Copy of Charter Copy of By-Laws Statement of income and expenditures for previous year for local, regional and national organization TITLE Sworn to and subscribed be- fore m.~,, this ~ :- day.of ........ . ., 1965 Not~ry' Pub'li~ City Council:. Approved: .......... Disapproved: Minute Book: Page: -2- 398-H ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF 'FHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~NDING CHAPTER 18 (PEDDLES AND SOLICITORS) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH BY ADDING THERETO A NEW ARTICLE II (TELEPHONE SOLICIT~TIONS), CONTAINING NEW SECTIONS 18-21 THROUGH 18-27, REGULATING TELEPHONE SOLICITATIONS, PROVIDING FOR A PERS~IT AND LICENSE FOR TELEPHONE SOLICITORS DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH; PROVIDING FOR A ~.-ETHOD OF APPLYING FOR S~JCH PE~ITS AND LIC,E, NSES; ~..~KING IT UNLAWFUL TO F~G.~GE' IN .S, UCH BUSINESS WITHOUT SUCh PEF$2IT AND LICENSE; PROVIDING ~,~ANS AND REASONS FOR REVOCATIONS OF SUCH PE~2ITS AND LICENSES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; REPEALI~~ ALL 0RDINA~CES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; pROVIDING FOR A S~VINGS CItY, USE; AU~{O~ITY TO CODIFY; AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND F~R OTHER PURPOS~]S. ~E AND IT IS HEreBY ORDAINED BY T~LE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CItY OF DELHAY BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1,: That the Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and it is hereby further amended by add. lng thereto a new Article II (Telephone Solicitations) to Chapter 18 (Peddlers and Solicitors) which Article II shall contain the new sections 18-21 through 18-27, ~eading as follows: ARTICLE ti TELEPHONE SOLICITATIONS Sec. 18-21. Telephone Solicitations, license required, It shall be unlawful for any person in his own name or on behalf of another person, company or organi- zation to solicit funds or contributions for a charity or purported charity or %o solicit a sale of merchan- dise or service by use of the telephone without having firs~ obtained a telephone solicitor's license as re- quired by this Chapter and Chapter 16 of this Code. Sec. 18-22. Telephone solicitation license, appli- cation. Applicants for telephone solicitation license shall file with the tax collector application upon forms prescribed and furnished by the tax collector, approved by the City Council on June _8~h, 1964. Sec. 18-23. Telephone Solicitations - Identification. Telephone solicitors must, at the beginning of each telephone solicitation message, state to the recipient of such telephone call, "This is a telephone solici- tation''. Sec. 18-24. Same - l"/isleading sales message. It shall be unlawful to represent in any telephone solicitation message that the recipient of ~ch message has won a contest, is to be given a prize or gift or otherwise mislead the recipient of such message as to the object of such solicitation. -1- 398-I Sec. 18,25. Same - Text of solicitor's messages to be submitted to City Council. The text of every telephone $ol'icitation message must be submitted tO the City Council and approved by them prior to being used in any solicitation campaign. Use of telephone solicitation messages which have not been approved by the City Council shall be grounds for revocation of the solicitor's license of the person making such call and of the employer of such person. Sec. 18-26. List of persons not wishing to be solicited by telephone. The tax collector shall maintain a list of persons who do not wish to receive telephone solicitation messages. Persons desiring to have their names placed on such li~st must come to the office of the tax collec- tor and sign a register ~aintained by the tax collector for such purpose. A current copy of such list shall be furnished each licensee a~ the time ~,~s telephone solicitor's license is issued and ~he tax collector, as m~mes are added to such list or removed therefrom, shall notify all licensed telephone solicitors, by mail, of such new names added to the list or names removed therefrom. (a) It shall be unlawful fc~ any telephone solicitor licensed by this city to telephone a person whose nsme appears on such list from this city for any of the purposes ~listed in section 18-21 hereof. Sec. 18-2~. Penalties. An~ person convicted of violating any portion of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or By imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than sixty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2: All laws or Ordinances or par~s of laws or ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION ~: Should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid. SE..C. TION ~: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify this ordinanc e. - 2 - 398-J SECTION 2: This ordinance s~mlt become effective immediately upon its passage, FIRST READING THIS ~_ 25~b DAY OF ~y ........... ,A.D., 196~. SECOND, FINAL READING I3~ FULL AND PASSAGE THE , .,gth DAY OF , June ........ , A.D., 196&. ( CORPORATE SEAL) MAYOR ATTEST: ~Tr ~LE~ ....... -3- 398-K Form Approved by City Council ~ June 8th. , 196~ City Code, Chapter 18 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR APPLICATION FOR LICENSE RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Application must be completed in full, otherwise it will not be con sidere d. 2. Application must be addressed to and be filed with the 0ity Tax ~Ollector. If the completed appllca%ion complies with these Pules and regulations, the Tax CollectOr shall thereupon ~trans- mit the same to the City ~nager for submission to the Otty Council for consideration. 3. No license will be issued by the Tax Collector until after the application has been submitted to and approved by the City Council and all required inspeCoions are c~npleted. The license issued hereunder shall not extend beyond the date stated in the application. 5. In the event of a violation or serious infraction, such license may be cancelled, revoked or suspended by the City ~.'4~nager. Such cancellation, revocation or suspension, with the reasons therefor~ shall be reported to the City Council for confirmation or rejection. 6. Applicant shall file with application a statemen~ describing in detail the service or com~odity to be sold by telephone solici- tation. 7. Name, location and date of last solicitation by ~elephone. 8. Statement or copy of guarantee of merchandise, commodity or ser- vice to be rendered. 9. Name and permanent address of party making the guarantee. lO. Attach a list of all telephone solicitors or workers, and addre ss e s. ll. A~tach a nationally recognized credi~ agency report on the per- son, firm, corporation or organization being represented. 12. Date(s) telephone solicitation is to be conducted. 13. No permit will be granted for any solicitation by telephone to be conducted between the hours of 8:00 P.~,i. and 8:00 A.M. of the following day. APPLICATION FOR .TELEPHONE SOLICITORS LICENSE Da~e To:City Tax Collector City Hall Delray Beach, Florida 1. Name of Applicant 2. Nailing Address ~, Tel, No. , ........ 3. Business Location 398-L Application for Telephone Solicitors License (Continued) 4. Describe in detail.the services or commodity 5. Have you ever used telephone solicitation before? Yes No~. If so: Name Lo cat i on Date 6. Copy of guarantee of satisfaction attached.~ If none, please so state Name and perman~ent address of party making such guarantee 7. Date(s) telephone solicitation is' to be conducted: 8. Attached list of all telephone solicitors or workers and addresses. Attached ~ ,,. . ,, 9. Attach a nationally recognized credit agency repor~ on the person, firm, corporation or organization being represented. Attact~ed If none please so' state lO. We agree to solicit by telephone only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. Yes No Name'of Applicanb By: Title City Council: Approved ...... Disapproved Minute Book Page 399 O'~ 10, 1964. A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 10=30 A.M., Wednesday, June loth, 1964~ with Mayo~ Al. C. Avery in.the Chair, Acting City Manager RobertD. Worthing, and Councilmen Emory J. Barrow, J. LeRoy Croft, Jack L. Saunders and Geoyge Talbot, Jr., being present. Mayor'Avery called the meeting to order and announced that same had be~n called for the purpose of consideration concerning an amend- ment ~o Chapter 21 of the Code of Ordinances pertaining to Sewer Pipe Spec~f~cations, and for any other business that may come before the meeting. An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk Worthing. Mayor Avery asked Mr. Worthing to bring before the Council the business for which this meeting was called, and Mr. Worthing:reported to council as follows= "I regret the inconvenience caused by bringing this meeting to a head for reconsideration of Ordinance No. G-55§, sub- mitted last Monday night. I recommend that the proposed Ordinance be forgotten in its entirety. Since. Monday high, the contents thereof were considered by the Plumbing Board, and the report of that Board, received a few moments ago, without sufficient time to furnish you gentlemen with a copy, is as follows= ~It is the recommendation of thePlumbing Commission that for the health, welfare, safety and least cost to the users, cast iron pipe with oakum and lead joints is still far superior to any substitute, therafore~ we recommend that there be no changes to the Plumbing Code except the following= Sec. 21-12, paragraph (d) Sewers shall be of cast iron pipe and all joints shall be caulked with oakum and lead. When any labor repairs &re to be made to terra cotta sewers connected with city sewer, such repairs shall be made with cast iron replacement pipes. Sec. 21-I8..S°il and Waste Pipe - Miscellaneous Provisions Governing. (b) All soil and waste lines must be direct as possible, and shall have a proper fall to the. sewer. Soil, waste and vent stack shall extend at least one foot above the highest opening in the main roof. All soil stacks carried to the second floor must be extended full size through the roof. Stacks shall be flashed with an approved flashing or with a roof collar of lead or copper, and then counter-flashed by a sleeve caulked on the stack. All stacks must be left open at the top. Provide a cleanout or test tee in the sewer ~ine within the last three feet before entering the septic tank. When connected to City Sewer, provide a cleanout three feet from building and every fifty feet thereafter, and bring ~leanout and test tees to finish grade. So~1 pipes from house to septic tank shall not be over ten (10) inches below finished grade at septic tank.'" City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that these recommended amendments could be incorporated in a normal ordinance for submission to the Council at the regular meeting of June 22nd. At the request of City Clerk Worthi~g, Plumbing ~nspector Crego ex- plained the proposed change in the ordinance concerning bringing the test tees to finish grade. 6-10-64 Mr. Croft said he had'been asked why props, try owners w~re =equire~ to use cast iron pipe when the City sewer lines are terra cotta. Mr. Cxego explained that the sewer iines in the streets are deep in the ground and not as subject to damage by~ roots as the lines on private property that are much nearer the surface of the ground. Mayor Avery asked for a statement from the ~lumbing Board as to why they do not consider a mechanical jointas satisfactory as the lead and oakum. Mr. ~ego informed the Council that after investi- gation through plumbers and plumbing boards throughout the County and State that have accepted the percussion joints, mechanical joints, and slip joints, ~ it has been-., found there is more chance of an imperfect seal and therefore more difficulty with roots getting into the sewer line. Mr. Crego also informed the Council that:all the sewer lines were tested after being installed~ Therefore, there was no great seepage into the sewer system, but there would always be a small amount of seepage. City Engineer ~leming informed the~ Council that he had written a set of specifications in accordance with the cast iron research book which defines the various types of pipe, and continued as follows: "There is also specified a proof soil pipe by the Southern Building Code and by the United States Department of Commerce. This type of pipe is used in buildings normally in this part of the stat~ although it is not mentioned in the standard hand book. I find, which I didn't know until yesterday, that manufacturers of this type of pipe also manufacture.what they =all a compression joint. It is a joint with a rubber gasket which can be forced together to make a decent seal. The ~ost of the pipe is probably about 10~ higher, somewhere about .90¢ per foot for 4" pipe, with this type of joint. Let me read to you here from our own. Code of Ordinances from Section 21-1,(d) 'No person who engages in plumbing work on his own home or the premises thereof shall be required to comply with the provisions of this chapter requiring him to be a licensed plumbe~ provided such' work is actually performed by hi, but in all cases, must comply with the pro- visions of this chapter z~lating to the securing of permits, the in- spection and performance of the work and the materials used therein.' I didn't write that paragraph. That's the. law. It is bypassed by this statement that says for all practical purposes, the joints must be lead and oakum. No private property owner has the equipment, and few the ability, to pour h~ lead into a joint and make a.good joint, so for all practical purpose~this means that your plumbers must be employed. in putting in this pipe, whereas the code says it can be done by the property owner himself if he wants to save a littIe money. That has been the basis of my attempt to specify types of pipe that could be used. As I say, i didn't write that paragraph. I am not sure I agree with it, bu~ ~ is there." '. Mayor Avery asked: "Now as to the mechanical joint. The statement that the burr on the pipe will pull up the neoprene and will cause a leak. Will you comment ~n that," City Engineer Fleming: "We have installed water mains many times and tested them. I have been completely satisfied with the test of mechanical type joints. There.have been very few failures, bqt I can't think of one now except in an asbestos cement pipe where it was used, and it failed because the wa~ had rolled up in the joint. Leaded joints are perfectly satisfactory, although.there is more likely to be leaks found in them in the first testing than in standard gasket Joints." During comments, Mr. Talbot said he was in favor of the lead and oakum joints and in the protection of the City and the public, felt it was a plumber's. Job. -2- 6-10-64 'Mayor Avery asked for an opinion from the City Attorne~ who re- plied as foliows= "As long as a man is equipped and qualified and can ~eet the inspections, I donet think you can pass a law which can '~hibit him from doing his own work at his own house, bug ~t has to b@ s~bJect to inspection." . ~yor Avery asked the Plumbing Inspector how the lines were tested fo[ leaks from the house to the City ~ewer Line, and Mr. C~ego ex- p~ed that all l~nes are tested with a head of water which:creates a pressure and shows any tesks. Mr. Ouinton Bishop, a member of the PlumbingBoard, informed the C~u~i that he was in favor of the le&d and oakum joints, and that the~"'had ~roven satisfactory. ~or Avery commented as follows= "You have had the facts pre- sensed to' you, pro and con. ~hat is yottr pleasure? I th~ the pFoper motion, if you want to stick with the old specifications of lead and oakum, that you make a motion that the ordinance be drawn to accept the recommendations of the City Manager, and you will dis- pose of it." It was so moved by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Barrow, and unanimously carried. City Attorney Adams asked if City Clerk'WOrthing had sufficient directions as tO whether the new ordinance would 'be prepared as a regular or an emergency ordinance, and Mayor Avery pointed out that Mr. worthin~ had~said same could be prepared as a normal ordinance and be presented for first reading at the June 22nd ~eeting. It was mentioned that the plumbers doing business in Delray Beach should be advised of the proposed changes to the Plumbing Code, and the PlUmbing Inspector informed the Council that the plumbers are- aware of the proposed changes and that all new sewer line instal- lations have been in accordance with the proposed amendment ~oncern- lng br%nging the test tees to finish grade. Plumbing Inspector Crego informed the Council there were other minor amendments that have been proposed for the Plumbing Code, in- cluding insuranCe requirements.~- City Attorney Adams asked if it was proper for him to include minor amendments thatwere non-controversial in said code,in addition to the two amendments that had been presented to the Council today, and pre- sent them to the'Couhctl in one ordinance. '' · Mayor Avery asked that any minor changes recommended by the Plumb- ing Board be included in said ordinance for presentation to the Council. Concerning the summer recreational program, City Clerk Worthing informed the Council of an offer from Mr. Jimmte Jackson, and comment- ed as follows: "We have arranged for an eight week program involving the services of J~mmie Jackson, otherwise known as ~lea Jackson, on the basis of an offer made by him,which in brief is as follows: This program,which will start on T~esday, July ?th,an~ end approximate- ly August 27'th, being a~ eight Week program, will cover instruct~ons from beginners to experts, three days a week, on TueSday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 9=00 tO 12~00 A.M., ~nd from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. The program will be partially self-~upporting through a nominal ac- tivity fee, such as the fee charged at the city swimming pools and tennis courts. He shall arrange to furnish himself all necessary equipment,which in~lud~ boats, motors, skis, ropes, and water ski life saver jacketS'that'everyone shall be required to wear. The pro- spective students must only bring ~[s or her bathing suit and a 'towel. 6-10-64 The funds necessary to meet this expense are available from existing Recreational DePartmentbudget &nd'no appr~riation is being requested. However, your approval fo= such temporary employment, which the ad- ministration considers &'golden opportunity lot"further good will and public relationship for Delray Beach, Florida, nationwide, will be appreciated." Mayor Avery said since this would be done with City funds, there would be some City l~ebil~ty, and asked'if'the City would be-protected as far as insurance is concerned, to which Mr.' Worthing said that it would be protected through the current liability insurance coverage. Mayo= Avery said this was normally an administrative matter, but since the A=ting City Manager had asked for Council appro~al, he.felt, he should receive that approval. Mr. Saundere asked the a~ount of money involved in this program and Mr. worthing stated that the salary for Mr. Jackson would be $400.00 for the eight weeks, and that there may be a slight additional expense for gasoline. Following comments, Mr. Talbot moved to aPProve the recommendations of the City Manager concerning this program, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. Mayor Avery commended the Chamber of Commerce for their part in planning this program after Mr. Jackson had contacted them concerning same. Mr. Talbot said he-understands the sporting goods companies who are furnishing the equipment for this ski program will take pictures of same for their advertisement, and hopes this will further advertise and promote Delray Beach. ~ayor Avery commented as folloWs: "The press should know this, if it ie true, that this is the first program of this sort conducted by any public group, municipal, county, state or othe~wiee, that has been attempted in the country." Mr. Ellingsworth, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, said that was t~ue, according to jimmie Jackson. City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "At the request of RusSell & Axon, the City Council on April 27, 1964, assigned the contract of ~ilbert W. Clifford & Associates for resident supervision of construction of the two bridges over the C-15 Canal to Russell & Axon, subject to the approval of the Central and Southern Florida Floo~ Control District. During Council discussion, it was brought out that Clifford's contract called for actual salaries plus 2§%, whereas RuSsell a Axon's present contract calls for actual salaries plus 50%. City Engineer Mark Fleming subsequently contacted Mr. Frank Osteen of Russell & Axon, who suggested that the contract be allowed to re- main with Clifford & Associates. This is also the recommendation o~ the city administration, and a motion would be in order~ subje6t to Council sustaining such recommendation, to rescind its assignment of April 27th ,as previously mentioned ,and direct the City Manager to notify Mr. Clifford that the City expects him to complete his contract.' Mr. Saunders move~ to rescind Council action of ~pril 27, 1964, assigning the contract of Gilbert W. Clifford & Associates to Russell a Axon, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow'and unanimously carried. For a matter of information, City Attorney Adams said that the assignment of that contract had not actually been completed., as it had been assigned subject to the approval of the Central and South Florida Flood Control District, and theyhad not been contacted concerning same 6-10-64 t03 Concerning lifting of permanent spoil easements, City. Clerk worthing reported that City Attorney Adams had written to. Col. Herman W. Schull, Jr. of the Florida Inland. Navigation District, an~ the following letter, dated June 8th, .was in reply= "Re= MSAs 648-A and 648-D. I have your letter of June 4th in which you ask. whether the united States would release or quitclaim the easements on Blocks 136 and 144 of the City of Delray Beach in exchange for an easement along the Casuarina Road right-of-way. The easements on Blocks 136 and 144 are designated in our re- cords as MSAs 648-A and 649-D. .~ The permanent pipeline easement over Casuarina Road to be granted by the City should also include permanent easements to permit the laying of pipelines throughout the area of MSAs 648-A and 648-D to be quitclaimed.. It would also be desirable if the City woul~ grant the use of Nassau Street and the extension of Nassau Street through the City yacht basin as a permanent pipeline easement to the municipal beach. It would also be necessary for the City to grant permanent beech disposal easements on the municipal beach at the foot of these streets. The granting of both easements would provide flexibility to the dredging operations of the United States and would provide an opportunity for disposal ' of material on the municipal beach' where it could be of the most benefit." City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that the yacht basin re- ferred to is the 200' City owned yacht basin deeded to the City in 1952 by John B. Reid. Mayor Avery pointed out that permanent spoil easements to the beach would haveto be granted to the government before they would lift the spoil easements now existing in BloCks 136 and 144, and agreement with Mr. DeRice would then be completed in the deeding of said yacht~basin for perpetual use as a yacht basin. City Attorney Adams informed the Counci!.this had beenbrought be- fore them at this time as it is impossible for the City to grant an easement over an extension of Nassau street as there is private proper- ty involved at ~hat location. Further, that there exists a 10' ease- ment extending West from In~raham Avenue and south of the P15am Yacht Basin, over which a pe.rmanen, t easement could be granted to the govern- ment, if the Council desired him to contact Col. Schull concerning same The City Attorney said he did not know whether the Council, at this stage, wanted to specify whether the spoil could be placed on the off- shore or on the beach itself. Following discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to negotiate, with0ol. Schull in.the manner suggested, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. City Attorney Adams referred to the DeRice and James properties on which there is dredged materials from the Intracoastal Waterway, and said if it is the feeling of the Council that those areas are a,public nuisance, suggested as follows: "What we might' do, if it is the feel- ing of the CoUncil that those areas are~'presently a nuisance, we could write the people. Notify each one that by August 1st, unless they have told us specificallyin writing that they were going to level or ~emove those areas, that we would have to take action and secure a mandatory injunction and have it removed by November 1st. The problemwith pass- ing an ordinance is .that it loo~s arbitrary if YoU set a certain level or grade that it has to be removed to, unless you want to get int° -51 6-10-64 ground level controls all over the City. ! think i£ ~e can't get assurancoa from ~oae ~oplo b~ Auger 1st ~a~ ~t ~uld ~ ~e~ed by Nove~ 1st, ~ ~ld ,e~er ha~ to ~o ~n~ our lot cloar~n~ ordinance and ~y ~o ost~l~oh o~ k~nd of l~en ~at way, or else qec a ~ndatoF7 ~nJunct~on ~n co~ ~ch probably ~uldn*t ~, too hard to do," Mr. Taler ~ved ~at ~O C~ty At~or~ be ~nstruc~ed 2o ~ such letters, and also go fforwa~d ~ith an ord~nan~, ~he ~on be[n~ seconded by ~. ~rrow. ~. ~1~ referred ~o other pieces of property wi~ the unsightly dredged ~rial on ~em, said protrudes being ab Atlantic Avenue and at N. E. 8~ Steer, and s~d ~e feels ~is ~tem should be ap~ proa~ ~r~ every ~ssible angle in an attest to impr~e ~e con- dit~on, of' the properties. ~on call of roll, the motion carried ~animously. ~e meeting adjo~n~ at 11=40 A.M. City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -6- 6-10-64