09-01-64SpMtg --SEPTEMBER 1, 1964. A sP~e~al meetingof~the City Council'of DelraY Beach Wa~ held in ,the. ChamberS'at 7,30 r.M., Tuesday, Septem r with Ma~!~l. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager Robert J~!H011and, City At%~y John RoSs Adams, and CoUncilmen Emory J. Barr~w~J. LeRoy CrOf~ Jack L. Saundera, and GeorgeTalbot, Jr.,being present. Mal~.~i~¥ery called the meeting to order and announced ~.~ same had for p=poSe!of considerin bids reoei. ? ncern- lng swim~!Pool and Tennis CoUrt reconstruction, and for ~n~i Other business!!~ch may come before the meeting. An O~i[ ng prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. Wo~ipg. Cit~ ~anager Holland asked that City Clerk Worthing readthe followin~:~pmorandum from City Engineer Fleming. dated sept~,r lst: "Subject~ Repairs to Municipal SwimmingPool. Bids for repairs to the East Side Pool were received ~n the office of the City Engineer at 4 PM, Monday Aug. 31, 1964. Repairs included the installation of a new circulatory system, replacement of wall and'fence, repairs to floor of pool. Invitations were sent to 23 prospective bidders to pick up plans and specifications at City Hall with no deposit required. Only three sets of drawingswere picked up and only two bids received, as follows2 1. Oelray ~oo.l~a Inc., a local firm, bid $3,767.00, will star~ work 10 ~ays after execution of contract and com- plete in 30 days thereafter. 2. Pace Industries Inc. of Fort Lauderdale, bid $8,011.06, will start work 10 days after execution of contract and com- plete in '30 days thereafter. It ~s recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Delray ~poOls Inc." Mayor Avery asked if bid bonds were specified and submitted, to which the City Engineer said that bid bonds had been required and sub- mitted with the bids, and a performance bond in the amount of 100 per- cent of the bid price is required in the specifications. The vastdifference in the two bids was mentioned, and City Engineer Fleming said the bids had been rechecked. ~urther, th~ iow bidder felt confident he could do the work for that figure. City Engineer Fleming said his own estimate had been much closer to the low bid than the high one, and it was possible the high bidder had erred in his calculations. During discussion, City Engineer Fleming informed the Council that the County Health Department had agreed to let the City recon, struct the pool in exactlY the manner that it was originally con- structed. Further, it would cost considerably more if they had re- quired the conStrUction to be the same as the present specifications for a new pool. Mr. Barrow moved that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Delray Pools, Inc., in the amount of '$3,767.00, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried. 9-1-64 494 City Manager Holland asked that City Clerk Worthing read a letter dated September 1, 1964, explaining the.relocation of. the Municipal Tennis Courts. (Copy of said letter from the office of the City Manager to the Council is attached to and made a part of the official Copy of these minutes.) A~ excerpt f~om the letter .is as f°11ows: .%~Copv, of F.C. F~*s 'letter attached to these minutes.) (See PaEes ~96-A thru The identifiable expenses ~o date are: Frank C Feise ~96-D for two ' letters) Company - $14,198; Jim Womack's Sprinkler Service - $1,316.80; Total Expense - $15,514.80. Expenses not yet determined: architect's fee, cost of the building, pine hedge replacement, repaving of parking area with ingress and egress." There was discussion concerningthe bid of the Frank C. Feise Company and it was explained that this company had constructed the tennis courts and the bowling on the green, and had been the low bidder at that time; also, is the .best in that business in this area. During discu~wion, City ManagerHolland said it was his desire to proceed with the courtsand sprinkler ~ystem at this time, and when Mr. Jacobson returned to Delray Beach,an architect's fee would be submitted to Council for consideration, also the cost of the hedge and paving of the parking area. Purchasing Agent O. W. Woodard, Jr. informed the council that bids on the sprinkler system had been received as Jim Womack's Sprinkler Service $1,316.80 National Sprinkler Service $1,344.45. Trieste Construction COmpany $1,373.00 Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager ~e instructed to proceed with the relocation of the Municipal Tennis Cour~a with the Frank c. ~eice Company at the maximum expense of $14,198~00. The motionwas seconded By Mr. Croft and carried unanimously. Mr. Saunders moved that the sprinkler systembid be awarded to Jim Womack's Sprinkler Service in the amount of $1,316,80, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. Finance Director Weber said that to satisfy the auditors,it would be well to specify that the expense for relocation of the Municipal Tennis ~ourts would be paid from the Reserve for Improvement of West Atlantic Avenue in the Improvement Fund, into which fund would be de- posited the money received from the County for this purpose. It was so moved.by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. City Manager Holland reminded the Council that he had received their permission to advertise fgr the ~urc~ase Of two trucks, one for the sewer program and one for the wa~er department, and bids were received as shown in the following memorandum from the ~urchasing Agent, dated August 24, 1964~ "Bids were opened at 10 o'clock this morning on two each · 1965 3/4 ton pick-up trucks with utility bodies, one with hydraulic lift gate. The body selected to be supplied on this vehicle is a McCabe-Powers. Bids received as follows: Morr£son McCabe- or e~ual Power~ Adams Chevrolet Company $4,736.20 $5,390.20 Hauser Motor Company $5,221.02 Earl Wallace Ford, Inc. $4;639.92 $5,363.92 I will await your instructions to place the order. Obviously, the low bid from Earl Wallace Ford, with the McCabe-Powers body, is my recommendation." -2- 9-1-64 It was reported that' the heavy duty body was more serviceable and more desirable," and it was recommended that the bid of $5,363.9~ to Earl Wallace Ford for 'the two trucks be accepted. Finance Director weber said the funds forthis purchase would come from the 1964-65 Budget. Mr. Croft moved that ~he aWard be made to Earl Wallace Ford, Inc.~ as ~ae low bidder on two trucks, in the amount of $5,363.92, said amount to be paid from the 1964-65 Budget. The. motion was seconded by Mr. Saunders and carried unanimously. · Purchasing Agent Woodard presented the following memorandum, dated August 21, 1964: "Firms solicited: Adams ChevrOlet Company, Delray Lincoln- Mercury Inc., Earl wallace Ford Inc., Hoyle Cadillac-Oldsmobile Inc., Hauser Motor Company, Jerry Earl Pontiac Inc., and Joe Rose Motors. Quotations on 1965 vehicles. Estimateddelivery date between November 1, 1964 and November 15, 1964, based on early delivery of order. COMPAP~.TIVE ANALYSI CHEVROLET FORD MERCURy PLYMOUTH NET PRICE (7): $15,322.58 $15,697.78 $19,161.98 $17,514.00 TRADE-IN PRICES Car % 4 250.00 150.00 200.00 Car ~ 5 525.00 700.00 450,00 Car ~ 6 500.00 700.00 450.00 Car % 7 500.00 700.00 450.00 Car ~ 8 350.00 400.00 350.00 Car ~ 9 500.00 400.00 350.00 Car % 14 ..500.00 700,00 450.00 · 3,125.00 3,750.00 2;700.00 4,00a,00 NET DIFFERENCE 12,197.58 11,947.78 16,561.98 13,514.00 I recommend, prior to awarding this order, that an auction be held on these vehicles, that we place a 'cap' on each vehicle or a price below which we will not sell this vehicle. This price WOuld be the high trade-in price shown. In this way, if we receive more at the auction than by trading these vehicles in, we should take the low net figure. If we are unable to match the trade-in values at auction, we should accept the low net difference figure. Auction based on one price for all above vehicles." The CounCil was informed there was an amount of $11,950.00 in the 1964-65 Budget for the purchase of police cars. Mr. Barrow moved to accept the loW bid, using the trade-ins, and award same to Earl waliace Ford, Inc., in the sum of $11,947.78, said amount of money to be paid from the 1964-65 Budget. The motion was seconded byMr. Talbot and carried unanimously, The meeting adjourned at 8~00 P.M., by order of Mayor Avery. City Clerk MAYOR ' -3- 9-1~64 496 Honorable Mayor and City Council Delray Beach, Florida Re: Relocation of Municipal Tennis Courts Gentlemen: As you know, due to the widening of Atlantic Avenue (State Road 806), it has become ~ecessary to relocate the municipal tennis courts. We are currently in a position 'to proceed with this project and submit to you for your consideration the following information: 1. County commissioner George V. Warren will submit to the City Council at its next regular meeting the sum of $16,500 to defray this relocation expense. This $16,500 will consist of $14,300 from the State Road Department and an additional $2,200 from the Board of County Com- missioners. This sum was the negotiated amount based on appraisals and cost estimates for returning the courts to a condition comparable to what now exists. 2. Attached please find letter dated August 25, 1964, from Mr. Frank C~ Feise, in response to plans and specifica- tions prepaked by the City for said relocation. Price quotation consists of $13,148 for relocating existing courts, fence with extension, curbing, and sodding, as per specifications; price to include all supervision, labor, materials, tools and freight. In this figure, he has substituted a concrete block curb in place of a poured concrete curb. Additionally, there would be the cost of new lead marking tape with copper nails, instal- led - $600; and $75 per court for new net posts on those courts where existing posts are not reuseable - maximum expense here - $450, although we do not expect to replace all of these posts. Maximum expense for Frank C. Feise Company - $14,198. 3. Expense of sprinkler system installation, as per Engi- neering Department drawings - aWard should be made to Mayor and City Council September 1, 1964 Page 2 the low bidder, Jim Womack's Sprinkler Service, in the amount of $1,316.80. 4. The City has been reimbursed for an appraised value of its existing tennis building. The relocation of the courts will necessitate demolishing this building and erecting a new structure. This expense is over and above the existing value, but becomes necessary. The City Manager recommends Council authorization to re- quest a local architect on the Tennis Committee, Mr. Kenneth Jacobson, who is familiar with the problem and who has done numerous sketches for this project at no cost to the City, to prepare plans and specifications for this structure to submit to the City Council for its consideration. It is felt that an expense of be- tween $10,000 and $15,000 is involved. Mr. Jacobson would perform this service for a minimum fee to the City, which would, of course, in part depend on the final building cost. The identifiable expenses to date are: Frank C. Feise Com- pany - $14,198; Jim Womack's Sprinkler Service - $1,316.80; Total expense - $15,514.80. Expenses not yet determined: architect's fee, cost of the building, pine hedge replacement, repaying of parking area with ingress and egress. In view of the tennis tournaments scheduled for the fall, the upcoming season, and the highway construction, we re- spectfully request Council authorization to proceed with the project. Sincerely yours, O. ~. ~oodard, ~r. OWW/le For the City Manager cc: Tennis Committee Commissioner George V. Warren City Engineer City Clerk Finance Director 496-~ COU~ ~U~ACtN~ - TOP OR~SlN~6 - ~UI~T - ENCLOSURES August the Twenty-fifth, 1964 .~,e~r., P~NN~LW.~A Mr. R. J. Holland City Manager City of De]ray Beach Delray Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Holland: Re: Tennis Courts I have been out of the office for approximately a week and have just had the opportunity of working out costs for the re-construction of your tennis court layout for the city of De]ray Beach as per plans and specifications. In speaking with Mr. Woodard, we advised him that we, up to the present time, had been unable to obtain prices for the sprinkler system which we would have to get through a local sprinkler man. ! suggested that this portion of the work be carried out as a separate item which would probably be more economical and also give you a local many who would be available at all times for adjustments and repairs. For the balance of the construction which would include the re-location of the tennis courts, the re-installation of the fencing and a four foot extension on the fence as specified, curbing and sodding of the spectators area with our furnishing all supervision, labor, materials, tools and freight, the cost would be Thirteen Thousand One Hundred Forty Eight Dollars ($13,148.00). Here again, we were unable to obtain specific costs for the concrete curb and and I would substitute a concrete block curb in its place which we have been using on many of our installations including the city of Hollywood. We note that specifications did not Include new lead marking tapes and new net posts w~ch would be a separate item broken down into cost of $75.00 per court for new deluxe removable steel net posts, furnished and installed in concrete footings and $100.00 per court for new lead marking tapes and copper nails installed. and Build®Pm o~the 1~64 DAVIS CUP Chollong® Round Tenni. Coup., CleYeland Oh;o Mr. R. J. Holland August the Twanty-fifth, 1964 Page 2 - Outside of the sprinkler system, I believe this just about gives you the cost for this complete reconstruction of your layout. We have available at the present time personnel who could start removal of net posts, tapes, etc., and will have one of our regular construction superintendents, either Mr. Angellcchio or Mr. Winkler, in Florida within the next couple of week who could start actual construction of the courts. Should you require any adclltional mrorma~on, piea~ con,dot us and we wish to thank you for the opportunity of submitting our bid. FCF:ph