09-17-64SpMtg 527
SEPTEMBER 17, 1964.
A Special meeting of the City Council of the City of DplFay
Beach w~s held in the Council Chambers at 9:00 A.M., Thursday,
September ~7th, 1964, with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City
Manager Robert J. Holland, City Attorney John Ross Adams, a~d Council-
men Emo~ J. Barrow, J. LeRoy.'C=oft, 'Jack L. Saunders and ~e0rge
Talboti ~, being present.
Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announced ~.t~hat same
had be%q called for the purpose of considering Federal DiSa~er Funds
relati~ to Hurricane Cleo, and for any other business whi~ may come
before~h~ meeting. ''
A~ op~ning prayer was delivered by City Clerk R. D. WoNthing.
May~r Avery commented as follows: "The City Manager asked me
to call this meeting because three members of the City personnel, Mr.
Fleming, Mr. Weber and Mr. Woodard, went to west Palm Beach to a meet-
ing with the Civil Defense people and representatives of the Federal
government concerning the procedures to get Federal funds, a gift as
it were, for the clean up and repairs as a result of Hurricane Cleo.
We Will ask the City Manager and his personnel to orientate us, and
we will then give each Councilman a chance to express his views and
then make any motions that are necessary."
City Clerk Worthing read the following memorandum to the City
Manager from the City Engineer, dated September 16th, 1964:
"Subject: Federal Aid for Hurricane Damage.
In accordance with your instructions, Mr. Woodard, Mr. Weber
and myself attended a meeting at West Palm Beach at 1:30 P.M.
September 15th, 1964, which meeting was called by the Federal
Office of Emergency Planning for the purpose of explaining
applications for federal aid due to hurricane damage.
This meeting was conducted/Col. Tuckington, State Civil De-
fense Director, assisted by Mr. Vandane from the office of
Emergency Planning. It was explained that federal aid was
made available to municipalities and other political sub-
divisions in the area under the provisions of Public Law
No. 875.
In general, municipalities will be refunded any 'out of
pocket' expenditures (expenditures Over and above the normal
operating expense) which were incurred in repairing damage
done by the recent hurricane.
Six catagories of work are listed for which funds will be
made available as follows~ A. debris clearance. B. protec-
tive health and sanitation measures. C. streets, roads and
bridges. D. dikes, levees and drainage facilities. E.
public buildings and related equipment. P. public utilities.
Probably the chief catagory under which reimbursement would
be claimed by this city would be Debris Clearance. 'under
this item the city would be refunded for any monies spent
for overtime work of city employees, the hiring of a~6itional
equipment, overtime.use of city equipment, hiring of addi-
tional labor, etc. Eligible costs also include any work done
by contract.
"The city also may recoup any expenditures for repairs to
~ublic buildings, streets, sewers, traffic signs and various
operating devices for traffic control. An emergency joint
office to assist municipalities in their investigation of
damage has been set up in West Palm Beach and may be ad-
dressed as follows~
S. Area Disaster Field Office.
State Civil Defense Agency
1000 Lake Avenue, West Palm Beach
Telephones 832-8460 and 8]2-8469
Instruction booklets and applioation forms were issued to
each municipality. It was also requested that a resolution
be adopted by Council appointing a certain person (in this
case probably the City Manager) to execute the application
on behalf of the city.
A sample ~orm of this resolution has been given to City
Clerk Worthing and will be available at the council meeting
Xt was stated that ~out of pocket~ expenditures for debris
clearance were allowable when the debris constituted a health
or safety hazard. In answer to specific inquiry it was stated
that the large piles of debris still remaining to be cleared
would come under this catagory. No reimbursement will be made
for employees taken from their regular Job to assist in' debris
clearance unless such employees were worked overtime involv-
ing additional expense to the city. Reimbursement will be
made however for any and all overtime, additional equipment
and so forth which will be used to complete the cleanup.
If the city desires to take advantage of this offer for
federal funds, it would seem logical that we proceed full
speed, hiring equipment and working necessary overtime to
clean up the city as quickly as possible to avoid the health
hazard and possible safety hazard of fire due to the accumu-
lation of pil~s of dry trash."
Mr. Talbot asked if out of pocket expense for. this City in this
regard would be retroactive, to which City Engineer Fleming said that
it could be.
Mr. Barrow asked how long it would take to get the City back in
shape with work progressing as it is at this time. City Engineer
Fleming said it would be approximately the middle of October and
should be very close to the amount of money the Council allotted for
City Engineer Fleming explained that the only thing the City
could claim would be the overtime that had already been worked,
materials that have been damaged and any extra trucks, equipment or
crews that had been hired. Further, for any equipment that worked
overtime, they have a schedule that shows how much will be allowed
for cranes, trucks, etc.
City Engineer Fleming explained further: "We specifically asked
the question. The piles, etc. in West 'Palm Beach are very similar to
the condition we have in the City here now. We asked the man if the
piles .that are laying around in Palm Beach would be considered as a
health hazard and if funds would be available if it was picked up un
an overtime basis. The answer was yes. "He also made the statement
that we would have to keep a very Strict accounting of all money ex-
pended. The City has to pay the money first and show where they have
expended it, and it is subject to an audit~ however, he said their
investigation of it, in many cases, pointed out where the City could
have collected additional funds rather than try to cut
What they had claimed. It is my understanding that there is-very
little guestion but what the City could collect anything.that it
spent in the way of overtime and additional expense, out of pocket
expense; for this clean-up. The City has-to pay it first, so'every-
thing will be retroactive."
Mr. Saunders said he did not see where DelrayBeach had an em-
ergency, and he felt it was a step in the right direction if the
Federal money was refused.
Mr. Talbot said he felt the City should recover what money they
could that is spent for this hurricane clean-up, over and above their
normal woFk0
Mayor Avery asked what amount of money the City would be consid-
ering from the Federal government, to which City Engineer Fleming
answered as followsz "For the debris clean-up, ! presented the coun-
cil figures in which we would have expended some $8,000.00 or a little
over if we~'continue as we did, and it would have been $12,000.00 if
we went into the additional overtime work. I would assume somewhere
in the v~cinity of $12,000.00 for debris clean-up. I know ~ $2,000.00
worth of:traffiC control material and I believe these gentlemen have
been working on damage to buildings, etc. This, of course, will only
cover what is not covered by insurance. As I understand it, each in-
dividual case is subject to $100.00 deductible on insurance."
Mayor Avery asked if it was safe to consider Somewhere in the
vicinity of $15,000.00 recovery from the Federal funds, to Which the
City Engineer agreed.
City EngineerFleming said his estimate of expense, as reported
to the Council, was over and above the normal operating expense.
Further, that he did not include any cost for the City trucks and
equipment that worked those extra hours.
Mayor Avery said he would like to direct a question to the
Director of Finance for verification, as follOws: "If you asked for
this money, it would not affect this year's budget money at all. It
would come in, when it 'finally came in, if you get it, it would come
in as revenues for next year and then would be considered as extra
money out of this year's budget, somewhere and then readjust next year's
budget, if the next Council so chose. Is that correct, Mr. Weber?"
Mr. Weber agreed that it was correct.
Mayor Avery said the Council had set up a budget which had suf-
ficient money in it for emergency or disaster purposes, and he did not
feel the Federal funds should be accepted.
City Attorney Adams commented: "Mayor Avery, while I agree with
the policy that*you have expressed, and I am not making a policy state-
ment, the only thing I would want to admonish you to watch out for is
that you are dealing with taxpayers' money, - $15,000.00, which some-
body might accuse you of mor~ or'leSs.refusing to take advantage of.
I think probably you can make this application any time within a year.
As an alternative, you might have a straw vote at the next general
election and let the people say whether they want to take advantage of
it or not."
Mr. Talbot moved as follows: "I move you that the City Manager
be directed to bring back to this Council a figure, an amount of money,
that will necessarily have to be expended by the City to clean up this
City, over and above the regular working hours of the Public works
Mr. Barrow suggested that along with that same report, a report
be made on the difference in time that it would take to continue with
the present setup or to' go ahead and hire more trucks and men and get
it done sooner. The motion died for the lack of a second.
Following lengthy discussion concerning ~peed of clean up, cost,
and use of Federal money for same, Mr. Barrow moved as follows: "I
move that the City Manager.be instructed to go full speed ahead, using
the trucks on the weekend at no additional over'time, at regular pay,
as fast as he can, and at the next Council meeting, that he bring back
to us the estimated cost of the amount of money it is going to take,
and then we will decide whether we want to go for the Federal funds or
not." The motion was seconded by Mr. Saun0ers.
Mayor Avery explained asfollows~ "It has been moved and se-
conded that the City Manager .be directed to Proceed' at.the fullest
possiblespeed, using the.City forces oB five days andusing outside
.forces on the weekend ...... "
Mr. Barrow said it was okay. to use City forces on the weekend
if he wanted to.~
Mr. Saunders withdrew his second to the motion as ~e did not'
understand it to be as was explained.
To make the motion clear,~Mr~. Barrow ask~.:%he City Attorney to
rephrase.same.. CitY Attorney Adams-commented a~ followst ~iYou want
a motion that the City'Managerproceed full speed in an eQ~nomical
fashion, to be determined by him, to effect the clean~/p as soon as
possible at no overtime pay, but using cityforces and outside forces
where he determines." Mr..Barrow added to the motion= "At the next
~eeting~--b~ing back to ue the estimated cost over and above what the
hurricane has cost us."
City Manager Holland commented as follows~ "It-is my understand-
ing~a~u are instructing me. to proceed economically full speed
ahead u~r my own judgment, using any outside crews as I so desire,
weekdays, Saturday or Sunday, on a daily Or hourly basis, and if I so
choose, this coming Saturday or any Saturday or Sunday to use City
forces, and they will be paid on the hourly basis that they receive
during their work week."
The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and upon call of ro11, Mr.
Barrow, Mr. Croft and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion and Mr.
Saunders and Mayor: Avery were opposed.
city Clerk Worthing read RESOLUTION NO. 1485~
BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Palm Beach County, Florida, t~at ROBERT J. HOLLAND, C~ty Manager in
and for the City of Delray Beach, Florlda, he an~ he is hereby author-
ized to execute for and in behalf of the C~ty of Delray Beach, a pub-
lic entity established under the laws of the Stat~ of ~lorda0 this
application and file it in the appropriate State office for the pur-
pose of ob~aining certain Federal financial assistance u~der the
Federal Disaster Act (Public Law 875, 81st Congress~ 42 U.S.C. 1855-
PASSED AND ADOPTED in Special session on this day of
September, A.D. 1964.
Mr. Barrow moved to adopt Resolution No. 1485 on this first and
final reading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. Upon ~11 of
roll, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Croft and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the
motion and Mr~ Saunders a~d Mayor Avery were opposed.
City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that on August 24th,
they had referred a request for Permissive Use of certain land for
construction of a Child care Center, to the PLanning Board. The City
clerk then read the fo~owing Planning Board r~port, dated September
"On S~ptember 15th, 1964 a public hearing was held on a
reqv~t for permissive use to operate a CHILD CARE CENTER
a~ 115 S. W. llth Avenue on Lot 4, Block 9., Atlantic Park
Ga=~ns, by the Planning Board. Twenty-two property owners
-4- 9-17-64
"were notified. There were no objections .to the request.
After reviewof the application, on a motion by Mr. Kabler
aNd'seconded by Mr. Lankton, the board unanimously approved
to recommend to Council that the request be granted."
Mr. Saunders moved' to approve the recommendation of the Planning
Board, the motion being seconded by Mr. Croft and unanimously carried.
City Manager'Holland referred to the pending potential purchase
of a ten acre tract of land by the.Palm Beach County Board of Public
Instruction, which lies between S. W. 2nd and 3rd Streets an~ 8th anO
loth Avenues.
On motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Barrow, the Council
unanimously sustaine~ the recommen~ation of the City Manager that the
cost of drainage of this tract should be shared equally by~.th~ Board
of Public Instruction, estimated cost being $4,800.00, and a dedica-
tion shoul~ be obtained from said BOard of the West 25 feet of said
tract of land for street right-of-way purposes in exchange for the
abandonment of a north-south 50 foot right-of~way through the center
of the property.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 A.M.. by order of Mayor Avery.
_ ~.R~, D.. WORTHING
City Clerk
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