11-23-64 591 NOV~4BER 23, 1964. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Vice-Mayor J. LeRoy Croft in the Chair, City Attorney John Ross Adams, City Manager Robert J. Holland, and Councilmen Emory J. Barrow, Jack L. Saunders and George Talbot, Jr., being present. Vice-Mayor Croft announced that Mayor Avery had been called out of town because of sickness. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. N. A. Jenkins. 1.a. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of. the United states of America was given. 2. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 9th, 1964, were unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 3. Mr. Arthur C. Nelson, 819 S. E. 2nd Avenue, thanked City Manager Holland for having the bees removed from his area. Mr. Nelson had appeared at the Council meeting of November 9th with a petition and personal complaints of the nuisance and destruction caused by bees kept in that vicinity. 3. Mr. Chester Wright, 216 N. W. 4th Avenue, informed the Council of whstl he C0nsider~da d~Pl6rable"conditio 3rd~Str~et~'~ statin~he=e'was a ia~ge Pii~ o~Con=Fe%e'blockS]"weeds and rUbbiSh which' harbored 'snaKes', ~ ~unks' ~n~ other Wright' informed'the:'Cou'ncil that the elimination of this condition wouldbe very muchappreciated Vice-MAgor 6~o~t asked'City Ma~age~"Hol~&nd 't~'investigate: this complaint.. ': .._ 3. Mr. Harry Voss, 820 S. Ei 2nd Ave&ue,~ihf0rm~d the c0un~il that his sewer connection hadbeen p.lace.d.at the north side. of.~his property andit, would be of very much less expense to him if it had beeh placed at the south side of his property, and asked if it would be possible to cut into the sewer main at the south side of his property, thus relieving him of the extra cost Of placknghiS'sewer lineacro~'his property. Mr. voss said he had been out of the City on vacation at the time of the sewer line installation in that area and had not known at that time anything about where, the connection to_his property was placed-. Following discussion, this item of the sewer Connection was re~ ferrea ~o Mr. D. R. Ne~f~' Project~Manager for Russell'&-Axbn. ' .~. 3. Mr. George W. Stewart, 823 N. E. 1st Court, informed the Council there was an undesirable..dra~na.ge condition in their ar~a as a result of sanitary sewer installation and impr0P~rrePiac~ment Surfacing. of!t~e'i's~re~t~'I~ ' ' ~ ' "".. ~ ' ~' ~ ' '' ~t~y. Mana~er'H~lta~d..i~formed the .CounCil 'thiS"~tem h'ad been re- ferred .to. Mr. Neff, and that he would remind him of same. 3. Mrs. Agnes. G~ve adares~ed:i~he c6uncii and commenCed'as'foilers: "The Zonta ~lubo'f the beiray Beach area is ~nthe.proce~s of making plans "spOnsor' . omm it: tree ro ra ' the do - town area of our City. ~e have the approval of the Chamber o~ Com- merce, and the ~irstAmtional Bank'gf.Delray-Beagh has given us per- ~ission 'to piace the tree in theirpaFking !~ a~ ~he corner of. East Atlantic AvenUe'~an~'s~' E. ~3rd Avenue, The ~xchangei'Club of Delra¥ ~each has. agr6edi~o.heSp US'~la'ce and'decorate.the tree. Mrs, 11-23-64' Gertrude K. Stroh, choral director of Seacrest High School, and members of her chorus will present a program of Christmas music. We would like to have Mayor Al. C. Avery participate by throwing the switch to officially light the tree during the ceremony. We hope to make this an annual community project tohelp promote the true spirit .of Chr~s~mas, and submit.the above program for your approval, and earnestly requestyour support." Mr. Saunders moved to approve said Christmas program, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. Vice-Mayor Croft said he felt that Mayor Avery would be happy to participate in said program, as requested by the Zonta Club. 4.a. A roll call .showed the following Civic Organizations and re- presentatives to be in attendance= League of Women Voters Mrs. PhyllisPlume Civitan Club Mr. Wm. N. Johnson Seagrape Garden Club Mrs..Margaret Bowen Zonta Club _. Mrs. Agnes G°ve 5. City Clerk worthing read a letter from the Palm Beach Habilitation Center, signed by Business Manager Robert R. Benedict, dated November 4, 1964, concerning the work they were doing with the handicapped, and asking that the City of Delray Beach give consideration to the employment, where practical, of handicapped persons. 5. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Delray Beach Community Blood Bank, dated November 23rd, 1964: "Tomorrow, November 24, The Community Blood Bank of Delray Beach will have a Special Drive to secure blood for the late Bill Webb. Young Mr. Webb used a total of 77 pints during his recent illness, and are hoping to replenish the supply, and also to credit his account. The drive will be '. at the Delray Beach Recreation Center from 9 until 1 p.m. We hope the people of this area, Delray, Boynton, and Boca will assist by donating to this .fund. Thank you." Vice-Mayor Croft stated this was a very worthy cause and that all should help any way they could. 5. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Polo Un- limited Magazine, signed by Eva Tucker, Advertising Salesman, dated November 10, 1964: "For your information we are enclosing copy of PreSs Release announcing the merger of Gulfstream.Polo Club and'Royal Palm Polo Club, of Boca Raton, Florida. Inasmuch as the City of Boynton, the City of Gulfstream and the City of Boca Raton have each taken space in POLO UNLIMITED, we are most anxious to have the City of Delray represented also. I will appreciate your bringing up the matter of advertising in POLO UNLIMITED at your next Council Meeting, November 23rd. If you would be kind enough to inform me of your decision, (which we sincerely hope will be favorable), I will be happy to assist you in any way possible in preparing your copy. Please call Boca Raton - 395-3611. Thank you for your consideration." -2- 11-23-64 Mr. Saunders moved that this organization be informed there are no budgeted funds for the pUrpose this year,'but the Council would be glad to consider it in-the preparation of next year's budget, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 5. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from the Delray Beach Power Squadron, dated November 10th: "In behalf of the Delray Beach Power Squadron I want to thank you, your Commissioners and the City Manager for the room assigned to us in the Old City Hall. This is something we have needed for years and will help us to advance our boating educational program. We are now moved into these quarters and on Wednesday 11 November we will hold our first class there. Again I want to express our appreciation for your efforts and I hope that several of the City employees will take our Piloting Course when it is given in January. We look forward to in- creasing our membership in the Delray area and so expand our instructions in boating." 5. City Clerk Worthing read a letter from the Zonta Club of Delray Beach, signed by Etha C. Merritt, dated November 23rd, thanking the Council for the use of the Community Center on Sunday, November 15th, for the zonta Club.:T~a,.'and e~plain£ng ~m~'of the work of'the zohta Club with high school g£rlS. 5. The City Clerk read the following letter ~r0m:MrS.'James Bowen, Chairman of the Beautification Committee, dated November 20th: "The Seedling Garden Club of Delray Beach wishes to donate to the City, a planting of Pa-lm trees, and. equipment for lighting them, to be located at the end of Atlantic'Avenue, on A1A. 'If this could be apprOved by the council at their meeting on November 23, the project Could be Completed for Christmas. Members of the Beautification Co~ittee have'met with'Mrs. Roy King of the Seedling Oarden'Club, Mk. Lloyd Mangus of Boone's Nursery, Mr. Gearhart of Florida Power & Light Co., and Mr. Wade Cartee of the City's Park Department. The following report is offered for your consideration: I. The effectiveness of this planting would be' greatly. d~iminished unless the state road sign facing Atlantic Avenue is' removed, to another location, we hope this could be accomplishe~. 2. The garden club asks that the city remove and use elSe- where, as they see fit~ 'three Of the four existing Palms'. THe entire cost of moving the;remaining tree, and the planting of four new trees,, as well as the installation of necessary wiring and fixtures for lighting~ ~ill be borne by the garden club. 3. The pl0t of grassed land which now exists and the present sprinkler system, are adequate for this planting. 4. The cost of electricity would be pa-id by'the City, at an eSlt~mate of $8.00-$1'0.00 per month. 5' Adequate access to--the beach, for a bulldozer or'Other equipment, will be provided between the pavillon and the planting. "The Beautification Committee therefore recommends as out- lined .... We feel that this would be a very worthwhile and effective way of beautifying on~ of the main intersections of Delray Beach... one that is seen by every tourist and visitor to the city." Vice-Mayor Croft asked the City Manager if this request could be accomplished with very little work or expense on the 9art of the City and City Manager Holland informed the Council the City could use the trees they desired to have removed,.and there possibly would be a total cost of $40.00 to $50°00 to complete the project; further, the sign could not be removed f=om the beach, but it could be placed in a different location. The request of the .Beautification Committee was unanimously ap- proved on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Barrow. 5.a. Mr. Saunders asked the status of the plantlngs, etc. at the Woman's Club. City Manager Holland replied that as a result of a meeting to- day with the Woman's Club, there was tentative agreement to revise the existing lease to reflect certain obligations of the City, as well as the Woman's Club, which Club agreed to contact the City Attorney in order that a proposed revised lease could be prepared. 5.a. Mr..TalbOt referred to the n~isance condition of Lot X, Block 14, Seagate, and asked what could be done to get said nuisance abated. City Attorney Adams informed the Council if said nuisance had not been abated by December 1st, it would then be turned over to the City Prosecutor for action. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Talbot mowed that CityManager Holland be instructed, as of December first, to proceed with the abatement of the nuisance on Lot X in any and every manner possible, if said nuisance still exists, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried. 5.a. Mr. Talbot mentionedAgenda Item 8.a. concerning the acceptance of the ocean outfall sewer system, and asked if the survey had been completed on all the house fixtures for billing purposes. Mr. Tom Weber, Finance Director, informed the Council that they did have a survey on all of the houses-to be connected to the sanitary sewer, but not on all of the fixtures at this time, but they would have a complete survey soon, as the first bills would go out about the second week in December. Mr. Talbot commented further as follows: "In connection with that, I believe that the public should be made aware of the fact that the sewer is now operational, and I would like to suggest, with the approv- al of this Council, that the City Manager be instructed to make such information available to the public by two means. One, by space no~ tices'in the'newspapers, the other .by a. letter'to all of 't~e .water customers or sewer connections. I think that Zetter should set forth that the sewer is now operational, that the service charges on the sewer wilI start as of December first and that it is mandatory to be hooked up to the sewer within 60 days after December first. With your permission, I would like to suggest that the two means be used in mak- ing the public aware of the facts." 5.a. Mr. Talbot mentioned the preliminary study of the beach erosion program, and said this program had moved slowly, but he hoped to give the Council a progress report on same at the next Council meeting. Further, that it is difficult to do much in that respect at this time of the year, but there would be much progress made after the middle of March. Mr. Talbot read aS follows from the ~lorida Trend Magazine of November, 1964= "Col. H. R. Parfitt, Chief of the Jacksonville District of the Corps of Engineers, said the 1962 Rivers & Harbors Act provides local communities with Federal money to finance beach -4- 11-23-64 ~Z[ 595 protection projects, but local communities must foot part of the bill, and Parfitt said willingness and ability to 'pay the local cost share is the greatest stumbling block to bringing such funds to Florida." Mr. Talbot said that if Delray Beach could receive any help on this 1962 Rivers & Harbors Act, he is personally in favor of seeing what can be accomplished. Fol'lowing further comments, Mr. Talbot moved as follows: "I would move that the City Manager be instructed to write to Col. H. R. Parfitt, Chief of the Jacksonville District of the Corps of Engineers, getting such information as is possible regarding the 1962 Rivers & Harbors Act, with regard to the government participation and the City partici- pation in such a beach erosion program." The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and carried unanimously. 6.a. city Clerk Worthing read the following letter from Russell & Axon, dated October 21, 1964: "Subject: Barbarossa Contract. ~Change Orders No. 10, 11 & 12. 1. There are attached for formal approval Change Orders No. 10, 11 and 12 to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Contract with the City of Delray Beach for the construction of a sewerage works.project. 2. Change order No. 10 provides for partial reimbursement for unforseen costs in connection with the Federal Highway crossing, at S. E. 4th Street. Here Barbarossa. made a 'force account' claim ~or $8,372, 'T~is~ was fina'lly negotiated t~ '& . lump sum 'settlement of $2500. · Your consd~ting'eng~nee~S'be~leve this set~ieme~'t0 he'fair: and eqUitable,' and recommend approvalS' (It"sh'0uid be n~ted that this is Barbarossa's only claim on this entire contract~) 31 Change order No. ll.prgvides payment' for a neg0tkated settlemen~ of $25002 for an original 'force account'order, ' to remove those portions' of the old reinforced con~rete sewerage tanks which conflicted with the primary influent pipes at the Master Lift Station. When the force account reco~ds mo~nted' abo~e, '$30'00 Wfth considerable' '~ork ~aining to be done, I negotiated a lump sum price to protect the best interests of the City. This settlement is considered to be fair and 'equitable and approval' is recommended. 4. Change order No. 12 provides for. payment for the cast iron tops for 22 concrete manholes, at :~50~00 eachj for a'total'0f' $110O. This payment was approved by'the City Counc~ during thglCpurse. Ofthe'mee'tin~ on Pcb'.~ i0th~'~96'4'~ ~i%h %he 'uhaer£ stahdin~ that-the"'d~st0f%~e manholes Pr0~e~'w~i~'be'de'leted from the payment estimate. The actions then ordered by the City CoUncil have been completed. 5'. It is considered~that a final Wind~'Up'of this contract, .(covering all sewers wes'~ ~ ..... ': ...... ~:"' ..... ' . of the ~aterwayj and ali force mains ..in the' City) as -c.o=ered by these .change. grders.,...represents a ~e'rx 'fav6rable'outcom9 (fFOm ~hg. viewpg'int 0f~ the citY), of: a -Com icate .P=o lemi' '' '. ' ..' 'i '" Mr..' Talbot moved.that the recommendation of Mr. Neff, Project Manager, 5e':~ccgpted. d0nce~ni~g C~ange 6rders. N0.s~ '%6~ 1!.and 12, on the. Barbaros'sa WOntract.. The. motiOn Was se¢6ndedlbYMr,i Saunders and carried ' .¢0~trac~. ~re- attac~ed 'to. the-' off£c~al, c°Py 'of"these' miff~U~es. ) ~eff, project Manager 0f"~us~'~ll'& AXon, dated N°vember 17, 1964= -5- .- 11-23-64 596 "Subject=. Pepper Contract Change orders No. 6 and 7. 1. Herewith change orders No. 6 and 7 to the Harry Pepper Contract for the construction of sewerage lift stations in the City of Delray Beach, Fla. 2. Change order No. 6 carries 11 small miscellaneous extra work items which could not be forseen at the time the contract was awarded. As this is a 'lump sum' Contract, any minor de- partures from the plans and specifications must be so recorded. The total of the 11 items covered is $2565. 3. Change orderNo. 7 provides for partial reimbursement of ~nusual and unexpected costs incurred by the contractor during the construction of Lift Station No. 18. Par. ~.C. 6-h of the specifications provides for this action, when and as approved by the City. Council. Negotiations have been carried on over a period of months, and the sum of $21,500 is recommended by your consulting engineers as a fair and equitable adjudication of this claim. 'Approval is recommended. 4. With the settlement of these change;orders, this rather complicated contract, can be completed ahead of schedule, and in the best interest of the City." City Attorney Adamssuggested that Agenda Item 6.c. be considered with Item 6~b... 6.c. The City Clerk then read the following letter from Mr. D. R. Neff, Project Manager of Russell & Axon, dated November 17th: "Subject: Final settlement and acceptance Harry Pepper Contract. 1. Your consulting engineers recommend final acceptance of, and final payment for the Harry Pepper Contract with the City of Delray Beach, Pla. dated June 4, 1963. 2. Change order No. 8 is attached for. formal approval. This document provides for a final reconciliation of the differences between the 'as-built' quantities and the bid quantities. It also provides for final acceptance of the work by the City. 3. All necessary 'final contract documents have been prepared in close cooperation with the City Attorney. Required perform- ance and maintenance bonds are in hand and in order. 4. All work performed under this contract has been carefully inspected, and found to be substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications. All Lift Stations are now in use and pumping sewerage to the outfall. 5. Harry Pepper has agreed to promptly handle any legitimate and reasonable complaints which may arise during the ensuing year. 6. I would like to state that since taking over responsibility for the sewer program, Harry Pepper has cooperated with the under- signed and the City, to the fullest possible extent." City Attorney Adams commented as follows: "This is different in that this is a final reconciliation in authorizing final payment, more or less, to the Harry Pepper Company. The reason I thought you should make a Motion to authorize the execution of Change Orders Nos. 6, 7 and 8, subject to the receipt of final releases and other closing papers, approved as to form by the City Attorney, was that in that way, 'me will see that we get the final reconciliation paDers before the Mayor is authorized to sign them." It was so moved by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. -6- 59,~ .. (Copy of Change Orders Nos. 6, 7 and 8, of the Harry Pepper Contract are attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (See Pages 606-G thru 606-0) 6.d. The City Clerk read the following letter from Mr. D. R. Neff, Project Manager for Russell & Axon, dated November 17th, 1964= "Subject: cleary Brothers Contract - reduction in retainage. 1. It is recommended that authority be granted to reduce the retainage under Cleary Brothers Contract for the construction of Sewerage Works in Section III City of Delray Beach, from 10% to :5%. 2. Cleary has now completed 99% of his contract work. All sewers have been inspected, and found to meet specification requirements. 3. Par. G.C. ?-a of the specifications governing this contract, provide for a reduction in retainage percentage to 5%, upon satisfactory completion of 50% of the contract. 4. In view of the above facts, favorable action is recommended." The request concerning Cleary Brothers' contract was unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 6.e. 'Concerning 4' pr0p~Sed'Ch=iStmas b6nUs ~or City empl0yees, the followingrecommendation was presented: "The £olioWingrecommendation is made relative to issuanceof a Christmas bonus t° regular City employees: Salaried Employees: . 9.2% of m0nthly s.alar¥. This is equiva- · ' lent ~to~tWo days' pay for all salaried . employees working 5 daYs per week: Hourly Empl0Yees: .Two (2)days! PaY. :,- , The above is subject to regular'employees with the City 'less than 90 days from December 31, 1964, to receive prorated bonus with minimum amount fixed at $15.00. Part-time .and Temporary .Employees: $15.00 Subject"to council approval of this Christmas bonus an ap- propriation would be made from the Contingency Fund with actual final amount to be determ'ined by payrolls as of December 15, 1964." City Manager Holland reported this was the usual procedure, only slightly higher than last year. The Christmas bonus, as recommended, was unanimously approved on motion by Mr.' TalbOt and'seConded bY Mr. Saunaers.' City Manager Holland reported.that an appropriation from the Con- tingency. Fund in the amount of $6,92:5.00 to Account No. gl0 503 490 was needed to cover Said Christmas bonus, and it was so moved by Mr. Saunders. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. 6.f. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that in compliance with Chapter .15 of the City's code of 'Ordinances, the City Manager submits a survey of various propert~e'S'Within the City which are in violation of Ordinance No. G-l~7, and that Council should direct the City Clerk to comply with Chapter. 15 of the Code, as applicable to. this report, in order to provid~.for abatement of such nuisances. (Copy of the nuisance violation, list :is attached, to the Official copy of these minutes.) (See Pages':'6'~6hS'~ 606-T) Mr. Talbot moved that the listed properties in violation of Ordinance No. G-147 be processed in the Usual' manner, the motion being, seconded byMr. Barrow and unanimously, carried. -7- 11-23-'64 6.g. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that an application for water service had been received from Mr~ &Mrs. Bruce Wenzel, owners of Lot 31, Lake Shore Estates, located at 2005 N. W. 3rd Avenue. Further, a sufficient supply of water had been determined by the Super- intendent of the Water Department to exist in the general area and no additional extension of distribution line. is necessary, and it is re- commended that this application be approved. Vice-Mayor Croft asked if this was in full compliance with the established policy of the Council, and CityClerk Worthing informed him that. it was in compliance with the established policy, and later tonight there would be an ordinance providing for annexation of this property to the City of Delray Beach. The application for water service to Lot 31, Lake Shore Estates, was unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded byMr. Talbot. 7.a. City Clerk Worghing presented the following request forassist- ance in providing for possible development of an abnormal tract of land by Mr. Jean Cloutier, dated November 18th, and informed the Council it is recommended that this request be referred to the Plan- ning/Zoning Board for its reviewof same and recommendation thereon: "I am the owner of a _parcel of land identified as Tract "A" of 'Amended Plat of SUNNY HEIGHTS' as recorded in Plat BOok 27, Page 221. This parcel is located on S. W. 4th Avenue about 112 feet North of S. W. 8th Street and has a frontage of 112.46 feet and a depth of 306 feet. I would like to develop this parcel but I am prevented from so doing due to a lack of road right-of-way. The only access Go the property is at the 'West where it borders S. w. 4th Avenue. Under the building code I could obtain only two per- mits since property must have street frontage in order for a permit to be issued. This would mean two lots with a frontage of about 56 feet and a depth of 306 feet. This does not seem practical and would not be making the maximum use of the land. I would like to know if you would permit the parcel to be divided into five lots with a ~r~vate-road provided by Ease- ment dedication to give access to the interior lots. This has been done in other instances in the past and'I feel that it could be done in this case. The manner in which land has been subdivided in this general area has created this problem over which I have no control. In order that I.may put my land to .its highest and best use, which is the basis for your taxation, I believe you can justin fy this request. Should this prove unsatisfactory to you I would appreciate it if you would allow the appropriate City official or officials to go over this situation with me in order to come up with some solution that would be acceptable to both the City and myself. Thank you for your consideration." Said request was unanimously referred to the Planning/Zoning Board, as recommended, on motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 7.b. The City Clerk informed the Council that a local resident questions the regulations contained in Ordinance No. G-505 as being applicable to a camper-trailer desired to be parked onhomesteaded property, which lies within the City limits. Mr. Cliff Van Treese, 113 North Swinton Circle, informed the Council that he has a travel trailer that he believes is now covered -8- 11-23-64 59g' by an existing ordinance, as are numerous other travel trailers, camper trailers and truck campers within the City. Mr. van Treese said he believed the intent and purpose of said ordinance was not to rule out the posession and use of camping equipment, as such~ that it was intentionally passed concerning mobile homes. Mr. Van Treese commented further, as follows= "I think that the campers and travel trailers serve a very useful purpose in the fact that it is good Clean wholesome family recreation. I believe our divorce courts and juve- nile courts are ample proof that we need more of this today. So. I don~t think it is the intent and purpose of the law to cause undue hardship in Dgesession and use of a very fine clean form of recreation- al equipment~ therefore, I ask that the Council clarify this and take this matter under advisement and see if we can't straighten it up so that the several hundred that are in the City can be used without' breaking the laws, as it is not the intent and purpose of any of us to infringe upon the law. we just want to enjoy Florida to its fullest." Vice-Mayor Croft asked the City Attorney to enlighten the Council on said trailer ordinance. City Attorney Adams said in his opinion it doesn't call for clari- fication of the Ordinance, and commented further= "I believe it clear- ly prohibits campers at the present time and if the Council feels that ~onsideration should be given to allow for parking of campers, par- ticularly in residential areas or other places, I think they should refer it to the Planning Board and ask for their reconsideration of the ~issue. I thi'nk i't ~aS'I ~ef~'ni~[y dra~wn with the idea o~ elimi- nating all,,typesof. trail6rs and. camperS~' withlthe exception~of mobile offices, which are per~.i.tted by Council." Mr.i van~Treese said'these,trailers are not de~igne~ as~ a mobile home or residence, but designed specifically for a certain function and that is for overnight camping or vacation Use only, and as the ordinance reads, eve~ ab0at with sleepiDg or cooking, fa¢'~li~ies that is located on. a trailer in the city' is directly covered under said ordinance. Mr..,Ba.rr0w moved tha~his i~em be referred .... to the Planning/zoning Board for 'thei~is.tudy and reuommendatio~ to the.Cguncil, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. City Attorney Adams ~aid he didn't believe the existing ordinance applied to boat'tra~le~s. . Mr. William N.' Johns0~, 2208 E~st Pineridge Court, called CounCil attention to Ignition 66,. whichis a pr?Jeer of the National Govern- ment, for the improvement, construction 'and buiiding of'new national parks in the United'States, for which the government is.spending in excess Of fifty Or, sixty million dollars..Mr. Johnson referred to legislation ~f a'~o~ple .of years ago increasing t~e recreatiRnal facilities' in ~ ~ate 0~ Fi0r~da i~ ~ta~e parks'fOr. t~ Us~ o~ such c~mp~ng ~quipm~t~~ Furthers' there'' Were-'s0~e~ha~ ove~ three million visitors to YellOwstone N~iiO~al Park last year us!n'~ Suc~ eq~ipmeni~' and'that he th~nks it would be a. wonderfUl thing-if the City of Delray. ~each would be 0ut in'front in setting'an exampl~ so that thi~.:sort .9~ th£~g ~a~e"'carried on j: notified 'of..~he'~planning Board meeting'at which this item is to be considered, in o~de~'t~a~thiy'm~y:app~a~ b~fo~'-.fihe Planning,'Board concerning ~ame. , . Mr. Barrow and Mr. Tal~6't accepted that t~ thei~ m~tion and Second concerning this item:being referred to the Planninq Board, and upon ca!l'of, ro~L .~h~ti°n ca=~ed UnanimouslY. - ~.&.. City C~r~ W~rth-i~. ~n~o~ed the .Co~c~.l ~at. ~S. ~oUis.? B~rt, a 10ca.1' res'~'~t] 're~c~!,~estS permission tO display drawings by artist students of a locaI. Cultural Art League within the parking area in front of the .shopping. center .in Reid.'s. Village, owned by Ya.rgates.,Inc., -9- 11-23-64 such drawings and sketches to be displayed against the north-south wall at the east side of said parking area, Further, such display is desired to be held on Saturday, December 12, I964~' weather being favorable, and the waiving of any'license fee is requested. It was pointed out that permission must be obtained from Mr. Yargates before this display could be conducted, and if there was any selling of pictures or sketches, they would be in competition to licensed merchants. Mr. Barrow moved that the request be granted for one day for dis- play purposes only, subject to the approval of Mr. Yargates, and if there are any sales, that permission for the display be cancelled until a license has been obtained. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. ?.d. City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows= "Rev. James Maharaj of West Palm Beach requests permission tO hold a gospel meeting for a ten day period in December on prop erty of Miss Beverlyann G. Bassie, being a vacant lot at the northeast corner of West Atlantic and 11th Avenues. Such meet- ing requires erection of a tent, approximately 60'N100' for the purpose of conducting religious services alleged to be sponsor- ed by the Church of ~od. Council may grant or deny such request. If it.be the pleasure of the council to grant this petition, such action should be s~bject to the tent being approved by Fire Chief John R. Gregory, as being properly treated for fire-proofing, and possibly a de- posit of $25.00, to be refunded if grounds are left clear of all debris upon conclusion of the meeting." Mr. Barrow moved that this item be referred to the Ministerial Alliance Association, and their recommendations be submitted to the Council, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. Building Official Hughson said he felt there should be some con- trol of the type of electric wiring that is used in such a tent. Upon call of roll0 the motion carried unanimously. 7.e. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that the following organizations have submitted applications for permit to seek charita- ble solicitations, net proceeds from which are used who11¥ for chari- table and welfare purposes, considered most worthy projects, and that Council may grant or deny such requests. 1. Civitan Club of Delray Beach (Annual Christmas Claxton fruit cake sale) 2. Community Chest (Annual solicitation of funds for 22 health, welfare and recreational agencies serving our community) Mr. Barrow moved that said requests be granted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders. Vice-Mayor Croft asked if the dates of these different charitable solicitations are being checked, as he had been asked if same was being done in order that there would be no conflicting dates. The City Clerk informed the Council that the Community Chest mail Solicitation would be in December and January, and the door to door ~olicitation would be from February llth thru the 25th, 1965, and 'that such dates would be checked in order that there would be no con~ flict. Upon call of roll that said requests be granted, the motion carried unanimously. 8.a. City Cler~ Worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 1494. -10- 11-23-64 601 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING SANITARY SEWER PROJECT NO. 5964-8 (a) AS OPERATIONAL AND SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE INITIAL SCHEDULE OF RATES, FEES AND OTHER C~ARGES TO BE IMPOSED FOR THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES FURNISHED BY THE SEWER SYSTEM. (Copy of Resolution No. 1494 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (See Page 606-P) City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from Mr. D. R. Neff, Project Manager of Russell & Axon, dated November 17th: "In accordance with the requirements of ORDINANCE NO. G-553 of the City Council of Delray Beach, Fla., your consulting engineers hereby formally certify that the entire Ocean Outfall Sewer Project, otherwise known as Project No. 5964-8a, is now ready for use." Mr. Talbot moved that Resolution No. 1494 be passed and adopted on this first and final reading, the motion being seconded by Mr. Saunders. City Attorney Adams commented as follows: "This Resolution is strictly for tbePUrP~Se Of the. ra.te, sch~dule, b~sed on the certifi- cation that isjr~qui~ed, by, a bgndin~. ordinance. Y0u..might point out that nothing herein contained is..to be d'onstrued as discharging any of the contractors from the. full ~er,formance ~any clean up. They are still responsible in.all respects uBti! theyare released by the City. We have'a year,s'bUt we. also have a period until the final acceptance, then one year." ........ It was stated that this is Operational acceptance only. Upon call ofroll, the motion carried unanimously.- 8.b. Cit~ Clerk worthing presented RESOLUTION NO. 1495. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE NAME OF THAT PORTION OF DIXIE BOULEVAPd~ LYING BE- TWEEN SOUTH SWINTON AVENUE AND S. W. 4th AVENUE TO SOUTHRID~E ROAD.. ~' Mr. Talbot asked if this item had been cleared with the Post Office and City Clerk Worthing read the following Planning Board report, ~dated November 18th, 1964: . "The P~0st 0~fice department in De'ray Beach made a request to · theC!t~ to clarify the confusion, of having, two DIXIE, BOULE- .,m'~s~ ~n"t~e' ~t~.-', · ..... The,.Planni.ng Board ,unanimously recommends that from South SOu.t~.~ West 'dth Avenue,. the City limits, ,that this street be renamed ~OUTHRIDGE ROAD." ~Vi~erMay~ri:crO.ft a~'ked if the residents !lying on said street had been contaCted?Concerning, the p~0P~,ea ~treet"n'~e change, and was in- formed by CityCier~ Worthing that they had not bee~ contacted. Follow~ng further d.!.sc~ssion, City. Clerk Worthing commented as follows: "It might be the pleasure of this Council to defer action on this until the ~e~t meetinq,~nd.during the interim period all of the residents of. the Dixie..~o~l~vard to ~he.~S~uth of her",be notified that such Resolution will' be presented for CounCil cohsideration at the next meeti~.,~t~.be held on'Dec~mber 14thl"'~ ' It was so mOVed'~,byMr. SaunderS'and secondedby Mr.' Barrow. -11- 11-23-64 602 It was suggested that the Post Office be "informed of said pro- posed Resolution, and Mr. Saunders and Mr. Barrow accepted that to their motion and second, and upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-576. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO.THE CITY CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTIONS 4 and'8, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EX!STINGMUNICIpAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ AND RE- DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAiD'CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS. (Part of N, W. 4th Avenue lying East of 2nd · Addition to High Acres, and part of N. Eo 22nd Street lying West of Northridge Road) (Copy of Ordinance No. G-576 is attached to the official copy of these minutes.) (See PaEes 606-Q a 606-R) There being no objection to Ordinance No. G-576, said Ordinance was unanimously passed and adopted on this second and final reading, on motion bY Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Barrow. 8.d. City clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-577. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, ~ANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING'THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF.' (Lot 31, Lake Shore Estates, and a portion of Swinton Avenue lying tO the east of the S/D of Lake Shore Estates) Ordinance No. G-577 was unanimously placed On first reading on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Barrow. 9.a. City Clerk Worthing reminded the Council that at their last regular meeting, the request of Mr. Jay P. Callaway for possible leasing of a five acre tract of City owned land immediately east of the Pioneer Boys' Association (Boy Scouts) grounds on the north side of N. W. 4th Street at 5th Avenue was referred to the Planning Board for its review and comment thereon. The City Clerk then read the following Planning Board report concerning same, dated November 18th~ "On the petition of Jay P. Callaway that was referred to the Planning Board by the Council, it was unanimously approved to recommend that if the Council and the City Attorney desire to lease Lot (2) in Section 8, on North West 4th Street for the purpose of raising tomatoes and flowers, a public hearing should be held by the Planning Board for a Conditional Use on the R-2 zoned property." City Attorney Adams commented as follows: "This seems to recom- mend that if the Council desires to dO this, ~there should be a zoning change. I believe the purpose in referring it to the Planning Board in the first place was~to find out if this area, in their opinion, was suitable for such an operation. We know that before something like this is allowed, there would have to be provision made for per- 603 missive use to allow a nursery or possible small scale agriculture in a residential zone. With this understanding, I believe you would turn it down or refer it back to the Planning Board with a request for study.and their recommendation as to whether the character of the neighborhood is suitable for such an operation." City Attorney Adams stated that before a lease was granted, a proposedlease would have to be advertised for public bids. It was also pointed outthat if said City property was leased it would be subject to county taxes. City Manager Holland informed the Council that Mr. Callaway had advised that he would be willing to pay the taxes if it was included in the lease. Mr. Barrow moved that this item be referred back to the Planning Board for public hearing, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. Vice-Mayor Croft said the Council should also be apprised of the amount of taxes that this property would become liable for. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 10.a. City Attorney Adams informed the Council that a problem had been brought to the attention of the City Manager by other City Attorneys, where their city has been faced with the problem of com- petitive private individuals coming into town and contracting to haul garbage. Further, the Ordinance that has been prepared is similar to the one passed by the Boynton Beach Council recently. City Clerk worthing then presented ORDINANCE NOi G-578. AN. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE EXCLUSIVE REMOVAL OF~ GARBAGE AND TRASH WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY. BY THE MUNICIPAL FORcEs OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, .FLORIDA, OR ITS DULY DESIGNATED CONTRACTOR: FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE EX- 'CLUSIVE USE OF THE PUBLICLY DEDICATED. STREETS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY SAID MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OR ITS DESIGNATED CONTRACTOR FOR THE- PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING THE GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION OF GARBAGE AND TRASH COL- LECTION; REPEALING' SECTION l~A-9, SECTION 14A-11 and SECTION !4A-!2 OF THE .CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING'.A PENALTY CLAUSE; AUTHORITY TO CODIFY'; A SAVINGS CLAUSE= EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. (Copy of .Ordinance No. G-578 is attached to the official copy of the minutes of. this meeting.) (See Pagss.606-U & 606-V) Fo~!owing discussign, ~.ergency Ordinance No'. G-578 was passed on this firs't and fina'I reading on motion by Mr. Talbot and' SecOnded by Mr. Barrow. 10.b. The City;Clerk informed .the Counci!,-that at their last regular meeting, the proposal of the WYatt' COmpany' for performing certain services, a's set~fort~ in said.proposal,.was referred to ~the PeNsion Committee for r~VieW'.a~d re~0mme~da, ti6n, andrep0rted further: "This Committee met on Nove~berl 16th at i0:00 a.m. in'the City Hall. The previously Council appointed'pensi0n, co~mittee thereupon unanimously approved the ~Ppointment of. CouncilmanJack, L. Saun~ersas Chairman of a Retirement.committe~/ such committee being for, the p~rpose of administering ~e ci~y, empioyees''retirement plan,_in accordance with mitted bYlMri.~m~S,., i~hiveiY]~...~he Committ~e.'~nanimouslY approved recommending t~Co~nd!! the~-emPloyment of the wyatt' c0mpan~ to act as actuarial~,~ltants..for.~he.c$!~ndar, yeax 1965,". Mr. saunaers moged.lt0 Susta~n..~the r"Co~mendation of"th~ Retirement Committee as ,S.ubmitted,~the~motion,be~Bg seconded by. Mr~ Bar~ow'and unanimously-carried.. ,'.~..~' ~137 i1~23~64. 60~. 10.x. City Manager Holland brought to Council attention the fact that the Occupational Licenses within the City were due on the first of October, followed by a thirty day grace period, after.which there was a fifteen day period during which a ten percent penalty was added. After that time, the 15th of November, anyone doing business within the City without a license is subject to having a warrant issued for their arrest. The City Manager asked if this ordinance should be enforced, or handled as it had been in the past. It was pointed out that this ordinance had been amended, in part, last April, and City Attorney read the following section of said Ordinance: "Sec. 16-9. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person, firm or corporation violating section 1 of this chapter Shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding two hUndred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment for each offense, and further providing that, unless the license shall have been procured from the city tax collector of the city within thirty days from the day same becomes due,there shall be a penalty of ten per cent of the amount of the occu- pational license. It shall be the duty of the tax collector to enforce the payment of any~licensetaxes not paid within forty-five days from the day same becomes due by securing a warrant for the arrest of the person,, firm or corporation illegally engaging in such trade, business, profession or occupation." Vice-Mayor Croft said that since the ordinance had been amended recently, he would suggest the City Manager notify the individuals and also make a press release and inform the public they would have a Short additional grace period~in which to obtain their license be- fore the ordinance was enforced. Mr. Talbot also suggested that the individuals be sent a letter that if their license was not obtainedby December first, the ordi- nance would be enforced. Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the collection of all past due licenses not later'than December first or invoke such penalties as the ordinance provides. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and carried unanimously. 10.x. City Clerk Worthing presented the'following letter from Mr. O. W. Woodard, Jr., Civil Defense Director, dated November 23rd: "The City of'DelraY Beach, Florida Operational Survival Plan, which became effective September 25, 1961, upon the adoption of Resolution No. 1349, has been formally amended only once since that time, in 1962 by Resolution No. 1425, which, in effect, only revised the organizational chart as of that date. Since that date, Civil Defense concepts have changed exten- sively and have necessitated changing the entire basic plan. Between our pressing day to day problems, with the help of the Palm Beach County Civil Defense office, I have revised the entire basic document, some twenty-odd pages, which as of November 16th has been approved by the County, South Florida Area, and State Civil Defense offices. Attached please find letters relative to this approval. With your permission, I will have stencils cut, approximately 50 copies of this revised plan mimeographed, and a resolution prepared, which would place this new plan in effect as of the. date of your next Council meeting. Due to the volume of this plan, I have not attempted to duplicate it at this time. If you have any questions relative to this document, I stand ready to discuss them with you at your convenience." 605 The Council unanimously agreed to the request of Mr. Woodard. 10.x. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council he had prepared an Ordinance covering the annexation of several improved properties in Delray Beach Shores, the petitions for said annexations having been received too late for the ordinance to be included in the Agenda. City Clerk worthing then presented ORDI~NCE NO. G-579. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAy BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, W~ICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING THE BO%TNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No. G-579 was unanimously placed on first reading, on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Saunders. 10.x. Mr. Talbot referred to the following report submitted by the City Manager, Building Official, City Engineer, and approved by the City Attorney, dated November 20th: "Re: Letter from property owners in Sec. 17-46S-43E, also known as O. D. Priest's waterfront lots on S. W. 8th Avenue between S. W. 3rd Street and S. W. 3rd Court, that was re- ferred'tora committee to answer. 1. The City' Building codes do not require the construction of seawalls or fences on private property. If an owner or develop- er elects to construct this type of improvement, the Building Department will issue a permit for .the same, providing that all seawaIls orbulkheads are designed'by an .engineer, we then make the required 'inSPections to ascertain if the 'structure has been constructed according to plans and specifications, 2. The City has no requirement that would cause a developer to bulkhead or fence.any waterfront property, 3. The development in question was approved by the Council in January, 1964 and. then the homes were constructed and sold individuals, ana each"pr0Derty owner was aware that the parCel of land together with the improvements, did include a portion of the lake, but there were no fences or seawalls included. 4. Therefore'it is the responsibility of'each property' owner to control an~' prote~t his own property, and further Sec. 17-30 of the code of ordinances indicates, it is unlawful to maintain a well, swimming pool or dangerous excavation in the earth, un- covered, unprotected, unfenced or otherwise dangerous or unsafe conditioh within the City." City Manager Holland.said that with Council approval he desired to mail a copy of Said rep~rt"to'.the'property owners signing said letter of inquirY. Following discussion', Mr~ Talbot moyed that the Council acknowl- edge receipt of the report, f~om said-committee~and that the City. Manager ShOuld so advise the property 9Wners as to the recommendgtions therein,' The motion'Was seconded'by Mrl Barrow and carried unani- mously. -15- 11-23-64 60~ 10.x. City Attorney Adams informed the Council that City Clerk Worthing should be highly commended for obtaining the petitions for annexation of properties reflected in Ordinance No. G-579. 10.c. Bills for Approval were presented as follows: General Fund $ 165,008.62 Water Operating & Maintenance Fund 3,771.98 Water Revenue Fund 2,430.00 Special Trust Account - First National Bank of Delray Beach 49,441.18 Special Trust Account - Delray Beach National Bank 61,466.27 Interest & Sinking Fund - &_Sewer_Rev~ue Bonds 28,836.25 eries 1957, 6i, 62 &63. The bills were unanimously ordered paid on motion by Mr. Barrow and seconded by Mr, Saunders. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M., bY order of Vice-Mayor Croft. R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: ,,, C'-,. :'-~,. t'-~" /SZ J¥~e~oy cr~ft fA MAYOR ~ '~ : -16- 11-23-64 6o6-~ C~TY OF DELI~AY BEAC~ Pro~ect Nc. 596~-~ ~ O~ ~. 10 ~ ~a ~nt en~ in~ ~s ~y of -P~ ~ O~, ~, ~ ~rty of ~e ~I~T ~, a~ ~~ & ~, I~., O~c~r, ~ ~ty of ~e S~O~ ~t, ~e s~ ~i~ a c~e or s~pl~nt ~ a cer~n con,ct ~ ~ ~z ~e ~r~es ~o~s~d, ~ ed ~ ~y 1~3, for ~e c~s~oa of ~e Wor~ ~Ject, Oity of ~ ~h, ~ ~h O~nty, ~1o~. WI~~ I. ~A~, ~e ~ty of ~e ~I~T ~t desi~s ~ ~ ~e coz~t ~ p~de for ~ ~e~ equable ~ ~ent ~ cover cos~ ~ ~e c~c~r of ~ors~ co~on e~ coun~ in ~e cons~on of ~ ~e~er~ ~gh~y c~ssi~in l ~tween S~ons t~ pl~ ze~ a~ ~ pl~ se~nt~, a~ ~ ~ese ~orseez ~o~o~ ~ in f~ct a S.~D. 36 i~h R.C.P. sto~ se~r ~t ~e an ab~t c~e in ~e a~ el~ ~tion ~e~o~, a~ ~ ~ca~e of ~s si~ti~ ~t . ~s ~ces~ ~ low~ o~ ~ ~r ~ ~e ex,mt ~at it b~ht it ~1~ ~e ~r ~vel, a~ in~ sold ~ (It shoed . be ~ted ~t ~e sa~ ~ ~ in a ~n~) a~ ~ ~is low~ of ~e ~ i~ ~r a~ ~k st~k a~ b~ke ~e tun~ ~c~, so ~t it ~s ~cess~ to c~le~ ~e Job ~ ~re ~ensive ~s. (~ it ~ ~ d~ to co~le~ ins~ of a ~1 5 ~) 606-.B City Clerk F~j~r Approved as to for~ City City Attorney " :i!;:i'. .:; :: 6o6-c CITY OF ~EL~A! NEACH PAI~ NE~CH COU~T~, FXONIDA P~T ~. 5~ ~is ~re~t en~ in~ ~s ~y of a~ ~~ & ~, I~., 0~r, aa ~ty of ~e S~O~ ~t, ~e s~ ~i~ a c~e or ~pl~nt ~ a cer~n con,ct ~ a~ ~en ~e ~r~ea ~o~e~d, ~ ed ~ ~y 1~3, for ~e coercion of ~e Works ~J~t, City of ~y ~ch, ~ ~ch C~ty, Flori~. WI~~ I. ~, ~ ~ty of ~e FI~T ~rt desires ~ ~ ~e con~act ~ p~de for ~e ~1 of ~r~o~of ~e o~ rei~o~ co~re~ se~ge ~a ~ch co~ct ~ ~e pr~ i~luent s~c~es ~ ~e ~s~r ~ft ~on, a~ ~ereas ~is w~k ~s ~t i~l~ in ~e o~ml Con~act, as ~e ~a~r ~ft 8~on ~s ~ in~ ~s ~a ~r ~e contact ~s let. II. ~~, ~e ~ty of ~ ~0~ ~t ~ea ~ fu~sh all p~nt, ~r, ~s, a~ ~pliea ~cess~ ~ rem~ o~y ~t por~on of ~e o~ ~ ~ch ~c~y in~ fete ~ ~e placement of ~e i~uent pipes. ~e ~rk ~11 ~ acco~ aa direc~ ~ ~e e~ineer. ~e ~ty of ~e S~0~ ~rt ~er ag~es ~ c~ out ~s work for ~e ~ s~ p~ce of $ 25~. · 6o6-D III. It is further agreed ax~ madereto~d that this cha~ge shall ~ot alter in a~y mm~r the force am~ effect of the original 0~%ra~t ~ate~ 2A Ma~ 1963, a~ t~e ~ shall sta~ in full force a~l effect i~ all r~pect, except a~ a~em~ed ~y thi~ Agreea~t~ By ~ Accepteds Project ~mAger Attests DELRAY City Clerk Mayor Approved as to forms City Manager~, City Attorney 6o6-~ PALM ~ACH COUNTY, FLORIDA SEWAGE ~D~S P~0~CT Project No. 5964 -8a CHA~GE 0~-~ ~0. 12 This Agreement entered into this day of 196~ by and betw~ez the CITY 0F DELPAY BEACH, PALM HEACH COUNT~, F~O~IDA, as party of the FIRST part, and BAR~A~0SSA & SON, IN~., Contractor, as party of the S~O~D part, The same being a cha~ge or ~u~le~ent %0 a certa/n contract by a~ between the parties afore~aid, dated 24 ~y 1963, for the construction of Sewage W~rks Project, City of D~lr~y Beach, p~lm Beach County~Florida. I. %~E~A~, the party of the FIRST part desires to amend the con- tract to provide omly for the payment of the actual coet of 22 cast-iron ma~bole covers, amd ~HE~EAS this situation developed from the placement by the party of the $~O~D part of 22 precast concrete manholes without proper authority, and W~ the p~rty of the ~I~ST part has agreed to Permit these precast concrete ~a~oles to remain in place, at no cost to the party of the FIRST part other than for the specified cast-iron covers. II. THE~0~E, the party of the S~00ND part agrees to accept as compensation for the 2~ precast concrete manholes the sum of $ 1100, w~ieh sum represents the co~t of 22 cast-iron manhole covers at $ 50.00 e&Che 606-~ CITT OF DELRAY ~TACN - CHA~E 0~DER ~0. 12 Page ~I~. 2 III. It ia further agreed amd understood that this change shall ~ot alter in any mam~r the force amd effect of the original Comtraet dated 24 M~y 1963, a~d the same shall stand in full force and effect iz ~ amended this Agreemen%. ~tec~m~ed for A~s ~ARBAROS~A & ~0~S, I~E., CON3ULTII~ E~GINEFJ~ ~y. City 01erk Mayor Approved as to rata, City Manager City Attoru~y 6o6-~ ~is Agreement entered into this ~ . ~ ..L day of Nove~r£oer .1964 by and between the CIT~ OF DELPAY BEACH, PA~M BEACH COUNTY, FI~IDA, hereinafter referred to as the party of the FIRST PART, and ~ HARRY PEPPER COMPANY, CO~TP~C~R, hereinafter referred to as party of the ~ECO~ PART, the same being a change or supplement to a certain Contract by and between the parties aforesaid, dated A'~,1963, for the construction of Sewerage Lift Stations, City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach Oounty, Florida. WIT~ET~: 1. WHerEAS, the party of the FIRST PART desires to amend the contract to provide for payment for extra items of ~rk to be carried out by the Party of the SECOND PART at the direction of, and under supervision of the Consulting Engineers, amd Wh~ these items of extra work could not be foreeen at the time the contract ~as awarded, and WH~2~AS these items are essential to the proper completion and fuzctioning of the project. 2. THErEFOrE, the party of the SECOND PART agrees to furnish all labor, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to carry out the following items of work, at the agreed prices as specified~ a. Move DAVO0 package lift station ~. 3 from Palm Trail to City property for the winter season, a~d ret~trn this station to the proper location in the spring. Agreed cost - $ 305. b. Increase weight (gauge) of aluminum f&cia for master lift station frown .032 to .050 - Ag~d cost - $ 133. c. Widen asphalt transition paving on the West Side of Andrews Avenue adjacent to Lift Station - 18 - Agreed cost - $ 110. d. Make ~,~1 revisions in architectural treatment of master lift station to provide i~ro-~rd appearance on south and east face - Agreed cost - $ ~$. e. E~tra asphalt paving resulting frem moving lift Station ~. 9 west, off government canal right-of-way to city owned right- of-way. Agreed cost - $ 490. ?: 6o6-~ f. Extra manhole and cover for wet well at Lift Station ~D. 5 to provide for future ins~ll~tion of 2nd basket strainer. Agreed cost - $ 10% g. Extra underground electrical work at Lift Station ~. 8 as authorized by City Council Item 6-G, minutes of meeting on April 27, 1~. Agreed cost - $ 760. h. Increase size of gasoline storage tank for the motor genera- tot set at the ~azter Lift Station from 120 Gel. to 250 Gal. Agreed cost - $ 75. i. Install wood louvers in zolid doors to wet wells at Lift Stations 1 - 4 and 6. Agreed cost - $ 200. J. Install aluminum louvers in wall frame in side wall of generator rocm and in wall of influent room at Master Lift Station. Agreed cost - $ 254. k. Install additional paving at Master Lift Station for turn- around. Agreed cost - $ 56. ~e party of the 3EOOND PART further agrees that the total addition to this contract as a result of ~his Change Order is $ Two ~ousand five hnr~ed ~,~ _~tv fiVe DO1]'~S ( ~ 2565 ) III. It is further agreed and understood that Appendix #Am is an integral part of this change order, and $2~ts change order does not alter in any manner the force and effect of the original contract dated 4 June, 1963, amd the same shall stand in fttll force and effect in all respects, except as amended by this Agreement. Recommended for Approval~ ~SSELL & AXON HARR~ PEPPER COMPANY CONSULTING ENG INF~P~ ~cepted~ CITY OF DELPAY BEACH PAI.M BEACH COUNTY Attest: DELRAY BEACH, FIDRIDA Mayor Approved as to form~ City Attorney City Manager 606-z APPENDIX mA" to Oha~ge Order ~0. 6 to HA~ PEPPER COMPANY OOFT~ACT 1. The purpose of this Appe~tY is to clea~ly define the reasons for the changes carried on the subject Change Order. 2. ~tsm II-a. The city manager directed that DAVCO package Lift Station ~0. 3 be moved from the constructio~ sits to city property, for the duratio~ of the wintsr season. The contractor was restrained from working on this station during the tourist season. The station was moved away and brought back in the spring. The costs a~e those ac~,a~y incurred by Pepper. The station weighs apprc~t,~tsly 15 tons. 3. ~tsm II-b. Pepper's roofing contractor, (Tropical Roofing) advised that they strongly recommended this increase in gauge of the aluminum facia, in order to assure a 20 year bonded roof. They stated that the lighter gauge alu- minum had given trouble in the past. The change was authorized, and Hurricane ~ilda" proved it out. The cost is the actual difference in cost of the t~ weights of metal. 4. ~tem II-c. ~xis pavement at Lift Station ~o. 18 was requested by the city manager in order to provide a safer trax~ition around the lift station which is located in the center of A~ Avenue. The w~rk was in excess of plan quantities, and payment of actual costs is , therefore, Justified. 5. ~tem II-d. This covers the net extra cost of a major rearrangement cf the a~chitectural treatment of the west, south and east facades of the Mastsr Lift Station. The result will be a more pleasing appearance of the areas viewed fr~n Atlantic Avenue. The necessity for this action arose from the several changes in location of the lift station, 6. Item II-e. Lift Station ~o. 9 at the east-end of N.E. 1st Court was sited east of the end of the existing pavement tttr~around. ~hen staked out, it was found to be on the corps of engineerts intracoastal waterway, right-of-way. It was, therefore, necensaA-y to move it west to the City right-of-way, ~hich was paved. As this is a lump sum bid ite~, it was a matter of equity to pay the cost of the extra pavement. 7. ~tem II-f. There are 2 sewer mains entering Lift Station No. 5 from the east and the west. Only one manhole and one strainer basket was provided ini- tially. It was considered sound econcs~ to provide for ~uture installation of a second basket s~rainer ~hen flow conditions would dictate it. Payment is for a second manhole. 8. ~tem II-~. The City Council considered several locations for the electrical service pole and circuits to .serve Lift Station No. 8 (SE 1st St. & Marine Way). The present location was authorized by the city council during the course of the April 27, 196~ meeting, at a~ agreed cost of $ 760. (item 6-g Mi~tss) 606-J ~ppe~dix 'a" Charge ~rder ~3~6 Page 2 9. Item II - h. ~he specificatione call for a 120 Gal. gaso- Line storage tank for the motor generator set at the F~ster Lift Station -Engine consumes 23 Gal. per hour. It was considered prudent to provide a 250 Gal. tank which will operate generator for 10 hours in an emergency. 10. Item II - i. It was found that the wet well ventilation System could be greatly improved if the solid wood docks were louvared at Lift Stations 1 - 4 and 6. 11. Item II - _t. It was necessary to provide a constant floe of air into the influent s~ction of the MAster Lift Station, in order to clear out heavy chlorine fumese 12. ~ ~e paving was revised ~hen the Master Lift Station. was moved to its final location. ~is small increase in pavement was necess- ary to provide a turn-~-round. 606-~ ¢IT~ OF DEL~AY ~H PAI~ "~.~ COUNTY~ FLORIDA Project NO. 596~-8a CHANGE O~R NO. 7 Ibis Agreement entered into this ~,. · .~ f. day of November 1964 by and between the CITY OF DEI~AY B~ACH, PAI~ BEACN COUntY, .FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as the party of the FIRST PART, and ?HE HARP~ PEPPER COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, hereinafter referred to as party of the SECOND PART, the same being a change or aunplement to a certain Contract by and between the parties aforesaid, dated ~ .~ 1963, for the eonstruction of Sewerage Lift Stations, City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. 1. WHF~UAS, the party of the FIRST PART desires to amend the contract to provide payment for ex~ra costs insured by the oozt~actor, in the construction of Lift Station 15, and ~TEREAS these extra costs resulted from unknown and unexpected underground condition in the foundation area wi~ieh consisted of heavy flows of water under pressure, in a previously undiscovered rock fissure, WEE~AS these unusual flows of water required expensive and time consuming methods of grouting and sealing in order to permit the e~nstruction to proceed and WHEREAS the contractor worked 5 months, from Ju~y to December 1963 on this one excavation and WHEREAS the contractor notified the party of the FIRST PART of this unusual underground conditions in accordance with the terms of the governing contract and specifications WHEreAS it has been determined that the contractor made normal and prudent investigations of the underground conditions at Lift Station 18, as required by the specifications and ~S these prudent investigations did not reveal the presence of the rock fissure, bearing water under pressure and cont ~ d.... 6o6-~, WHEREAS it appears that the party of the FIP~T PART may have a certain amount of legal liability for reimbmraement to the contractor, ~hen un- expected underground conditions of '~s ~a'l~m'e are encountered, and WHEREAS the contractor claims that he incure~ excess costs of apprcx&mately · $ 28,000 in this excavation and ~ the contractor mast be require~ to Bear an equitable portion of these costs as a normal and prudent contingency, inherent in work of this nature. II. THERefOrE, the party of the $~OND PART~ after due negotiation, agrees to accept as equitable settlement of the extra costs incured at Lift Station 18, and the party of the FIRST PART agrees to pay the stea of: ~. Twenty one 1~ousend five httudred Dollars ( ~ 21.500~ ) III. It is f~rther agreed and understood that this Change Order does not alter in any manner the force and effect of the original contract dated 4 ~ 1963, and the same shall stand in full force and effect in all re- spects, except as amended by this agreement. Recc~mended for Approval: RUSSELL & AXON COR~ULTI~ E~I~INEEP~ HARF~ PEPPER COMPANY Ac cep ted: CITY OF DELRAY BF~CH PALM BEACH 0OUNTY Attest DELRAY BFADN, FIDKIDA City Clerk Mayor City Manager City Attorney PALM BEACH COUNT~, FIDRII~ SEH~E ~D]HS P~DJ~T C~u~E o~ ~, 8 ~is Agreement en%ered into ~kis '~,. ;~;:.'~ '~ _.~ ~y of ~H ~, ~, as ~ ~f ~e ~I~T P~, a~ ~ ~ C~A~, Oon~c~r, ~ ~ of ~ ~ P~, ~e s~ ~i~ a c~e or ~pple~nt ~ a cern con~t ~ ~ ~n ~e ~e, ~o~s~d, dasd A ~ 1~3, for ~e coercion of ~e ~ft S~ons, in ~e Oity of ~ ~h, P~ ~ 0~ty, Flo~. I. ~, ~e ~ty of ~e FI~T P~ desire ~ ~ ~e co~ tract ~ reco~ile ~e ~ q~a~es, as co~c~ ~ ~e q~n~es as o~i~ly bid, ~ ~ ~e f~ cous~c~d q~n~ea ~ set for~ in ~e fi~ es~ (~r 17~, ~ ~ a ~s~sAo~ of ~e ~ffe~es ~ich ~st ~t~e= ~e ~d q~u~ee ~ ~e cons~ q~es is at~ c~e o~er, ~eu s~u~ ~ ~ ~es ~e~, co~s ~ ~oep~e of ~1 ~rk c~ ~t ~er ~s con~t, ~ ~e Oi~ of ~ ~, ~o~. II. ~~, ~e ~ty of ~e ~O~ P~T ~r~l ~t ~s fi~ r~ cogitation cha~e o~er s~s~es ~ a~ ~ pre~ oo~s~e~e or ver~ ~reemen~ reg~ dele~o~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~e sc~e of ~e work c~ed out ~er ~s con~act. ~ ~:4, 1~3 f~ ~e co~t~c~on of ~r~e ~ft S~o~ in ~e City of ~ay ~ach, ~ ~ach C~, Flori~, a~ ~e p~ty of ~e ~ P~T ~ ~ees ~t ~ q~es a~ p~ces sho~ on ~e at~ch~ fi~ ese~ ~e co~t, a~ ~t ~e ~t of $ Forty eight ~o~e~ ~ se~z~ ~e ~11=~s ~ s~ty ~e cents constitutes final payment, including retAinage, for ~ materials furnished, work performed, amd claims made uz~er thim contract, all in accordance with the terms of the original contracte cont'd...... 606-N III. It is further agreed and um~erstood that this change order shall not alter in a~y man.er ~e maintenesce, az~ performance guaran- ties of ~be original contract ~ated A ~ 1963, &~4 ~be same ~ stand in ~ for~e a~ effect in all r~spects. ~commended for approvall E~SSELL & AX~ CO~SULTI~ ~I~E~S HAPJ~ PEPPER COMPANY D.R. ~eff~_~ ' ProJect~a~er ~ ' ~'"~ Accepted~ CITY OF DELRAY PAL~ B~ACH COUNT~ Attest~ DEL~AY B~ACH, FLORIDA 'City 01erk Mayor City Manager Approved as to form~ City Attorney 6o~-o APPENDIX To Change Order ~. 8 to contract with HARRY PEPPER COMPANY for constructiom of Lift Stations for the City of Delray Beach, Florida. 1. ~he purpose of this appemiix is to explain the reason for variations in quantities and payments between those carried on the origi- nal contract, amd those carried on the final estimate. 2. As all items were bid on a lump sum basis, and were completed in substantial accordance with the plans and specifications, there are no variations in bid items. However an item for rock excavation was carried in the specifications (Sec.II- Par. 3 - Page II-l) to be paid for, when and if encountered, at the set price of $ 15. per c.y. 3. Harry Pepper, as shown on Page 3 of the final estimate, did remove ~O;O.$c.y~s. cf solid rock at a total cost of $/~ ! ~' ¥, ~ $ Fifteen ~housemi one hundred fift~ four Dol_!ers ~0/00 ~ese quantities were mesUred by the consulting engineers am ~e v~me the excavation was open, and are certified correct ~S~ELL & AXON CONSI~LTI~ E~I~I NEERS 6o6-? ~OLU~Z0~N0. 1494o A~SSOLUTIO~ OF THE CITY COUnCiL OF ~ CITY OF DE~Y B~, AC~PTING ~NITARY S~R PR~ NO. 5964-8(a) AS OPE~O~L A~ T~ E~FE~I~ ~ FOR T~ INITIAL S~ OF ~TES, FEES A~ ~R ~R~S TO BE I~SED FOR ~ A~ PACILITI~S ~S~D BY~ SYS~M. ~S, the City entere~ ~nto a con.act for engi~er- ing semites with Russell a Axon, ~suAt~ng Engineers, on the 30th day o~ Septets=, 1~S~, and ~S, pursuant to said contract, ~ussell ~signe~ an ocea~ outfall se~r syste~ toge~er wi~ l~ft stations an~ other san~ta~ sewer i~rovements, hereinafter referr~ to Project No. 5~64-8(a), a~d ~S, Russell a Axon was hired to perfor~ ~nsult- i~g and resident insDection servi~s for saia Project No. ~, by Resolution NO. 1359, d~te~ Nove~r 6, 1961, and ord~an~ No. ~-553, effective July 22, 1964, ~e ~nitial ule of rates, fees a~ o~er cha~ges to ~ impos~ for the and facilities furnished by the sewer syste~ are to ~o~ effective the first day of ~e mon~ following the date ~en the system ~nstructe~, CeTtifi~ for use by ~e consulting engi~ers, and accepted ~ ~e C~t~ and ~S, Russell & ~n has re~ntl~ certified aforesaid system as ~perational~ ~W, ~E~FOP~, BE IT RESOL~ BY T~ CI~ CO~CZL OF T~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~, F~, AS FOLLOWS: 1. ~at ~e sanitary se~r system, heretofore desig- nated Project ~. 5964-8(a), ~s hereby accepted by ~e C~ty as operational and the initial schedule of rates, fees and o~er charges previously'established s~11 bec~ effective ~c~er 1, 1964. 2. ~at no~ng herein co,tanned shall be cons~ued as dis~arging ~e contractors fr~ the strict performan~ of their rema~ning contractual duties. ~at each of ~e ~ntrac~rs, and their ~nding ~n~es, remain responsible in all res~cts until released in accordance wi~ their agre~en~ w!~ ~e C~ty. ~SS~ a~d ~P~D this . .~3rd day of ~ve~er, 1964. MAYOR City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. G-$76. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTIONS 4 and 8, TOWN- SHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTI~UOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID L~NDS. (P~t of N. W. ~th Ave. lying East of 2nd Addition to High Acres - and - part of N. E. 22nd Street lying West of Northridge Road) WHEREAS, it is deemed for the best interest, safety, health, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the hereinafter describe~ real property be annexed to the City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, said lands are contiguous to the present boundary of territorial limits of the City, and that, when annexed, will constitute a reasonably compact addition to the incorporated territory with which it is combined, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has heretofore been authorized to annex lands in accordance with Section 185.1 of the City Charter of said City granted to it by the state of Florida: Now', T~FORE,. B~ I,T..:OaDa~mn BY .THE, :CZ?Y~'COUNCIL OF Those parcels o~ land lying and being in the 4Mo~de.l. Land company~.p Subdivision Df ~ foll0ws = 1. The, .So~th..twenty-f, ive ..(25). feet..o,f off'the S i65 fe'~t~of "the E 660: fe'et"of .... the '~% ~ 'the N½"6f i:t~e ~SW~ 0f"%he '~W% ~f :.." E~'st~-' LESs.the ~W~sE.~i~'5 feet the~eo~,' as recorded in the~Public Eecords 0£ Palm of the ~-~% of the,~NE% of Section ,8, Town- ship 46 SOu,th, R~nge 43_East;. otherwise described .a.s ~[tBe ~.E.. ~2.5 'fee~/of .~the~ ',S~- ~ · ACP~S' ~s. sho~. on ,P!a~..~ereof :file~ in page 2. ordinance No. 0-5?6. SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described parcels of land, and said lands are hereby declared to be within the corporate limits of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. SECTION 3. That if any wordy phrase, clause, sentence or part of this ordinance shall be declared illegal by a court of comgetent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in no way affect the remaining portion. Passed in regular session on the second and final read- ing on this the 23rd day of November, 1964. /s/~ J. LEROY CROFT VICE-MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ R. D. WORTHING . ......... City Clerk 1st Reading November 9, 1964 2nd Reading November 23, .!~6~ ,' 6o6-s PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. O-147 AND SECTIONS 15-3 & 15-4 OF THE CITY CODE PROPERTY CITY O.W R .ADD,ESS O SC C ODS 1. Beach Park Corporation 435 Hialeah Dr. 5900' of W250' 15-3 & Hialeah, Florida of E750' of. W3/~ 15-4 of S~ of NW~ Sec. 20-46-43 Sea Fields Inc. 212 Kings Lynn ~125' of N88.2' 15-3 & % Herbert F. Johnson Delray Bea~h,~ less W'150' .of 15-4 Flori~da Ocean Beach Lot ~a Fields Inc. 212 Kings I~Jnn W125' of S66.2' 15-3 % Herbert F. Johnson Delray Beach, less ~150' of 15-4 Florida Ocean Beach Lot 29 4. James I. Sinks P. 0. Box 1774 UnimProved part of 15-3 Delray Beach, Lot 46, '~Del~ay 15-4 Florida Beach Esplanade 5. Owen A. & Margaret 950 No. Hunter Lot 45, Delray 15-3 & S. Luckenbach Boulevard Beach Esplanade 15-4 Birmingham, Mich. % Mrs. Alice Soper Crown Trust Co. Seagate Sec. B. 7. ::.~'::'-~ :"., '";'-.:--' '- Santa Rita Land 702 Comeau Bldg. ,~Ot:.'23;:'Blk~; .'l~:,, 15-3 Company West Palm Beach, ,D~ll~ Park 15-4 Florida :~eter'~ns Affairs 'Lo~:47~ 'Jefferson 15-4 9. Henry · Haze~ Clem %;~tti:e. I~ U~i~p~ed.:po~tion 15-3 :& .... · "- .231' S; -~.-5~h Ave.of:; W5011':'. 0f S150' of De lr-ay Beach, B'lk-. Florid a 10. Delta2 ~ach, ~ 0f Blk/~159 I15-4 Florida 11. Elizabeth Bv~odes 2~'2 :~leasom.Bt. W~ vacant' .12. · .Cr~ach~r. ~ .... ':"~?:' Delray'-Beaeh, &~.'Ng~5"'of Lot 15-4 · 606-T Page 2 - PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. G-147 A~U) SECTIONS 15-3 & 15'4 of the CITY CODE Violations 15-3'an'~ 15-4 as concerns this report of above' listed properties are as follows: ITE___~N 1. East central part has High Growth and Debris 2. & 3, All Pine Trees on Property to.be reduced to safe height. All undergrowth, debris and high vegetation to be removed. 4. Storm debris and high vegetation. 5. Storm debris and high vegetation. 6. Damaged trees and storm debris on S. E. Part of property. 7. Very iarge Pine tree to be reduced to safe height and trash on property. High vegetation. 8. High weeds and broken tree limbs, trash etc. 9. Broken tree limbs, t~ash, high weeds and undergrowth. 10. Tree limbs, storm debris and high vegetation. ll. Pine trees to be reduced .to safe height, uprooted trees~ broken .limbs, high vegetation, etc. 12. High vegetation and loose building trash. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager on this 23rd day of November, 1964. 6o6-U O~Z~ANCm NO. AN "-~NC¥ O~IN~SC". OF ~' C~ c~C~ OF ~E CI~ OF DEL~Y B~CH. F~RIDA. PRO- VIDING FOR ~ EXCLUSI~ ~O~L OF ~GE A~ T~SH WIT~N ~ M~ICIPAL LIMITS OF ~XD CI~ BY ~E M~ICIPAL FOR~S OF ~ CITY OF DE~Y B~. FLORI~, OR ITS ~Y D~SIG~TED CO~OR~ ~T~R PRO~DING FOR T~ ~USI~ USE OF ~ P~LICLY DEDI- ~TED ST~ETS OF ~ID M~cI~A~ BY ~ID ~ ~ICIPAL ~~ OR ITS DESIG~TED CO~OR FOR ~ PURPOSE OF ~U~ING ~ ~~N~L ~ION OF ~GE A~ T~SH COLd. ION; ~P~LING SECTION 1~-9, SE~ION 1~-11 and SE~ION 14A-12 OF THE CODIFI~ O~I~N~S OF ~ID CITY~ PRO~DING A ~E~L~ C~USE= A~HORI~ TO ~DIFY~ A ~S C~USE~ EFFE~I~ ~TE~ A~ FOR ~R ~pSES. ~reamble se~tiDq forth ~q~slative Findinqs ~S, ~e collection and disgosal of garbage, trash and waste products are no~only a lawful but an affirmative duty i~osed upon ~e City of"DelraY BeaCh,~' FlOrida, and w~th~n the 9olice ~wers of s~id mu~lciga!ity~ and has for many ye~=~ ~as~ pqs-~]~j 9e~f6~e~ .saia ~r.v~e ko.r'/~e inAab~tan~$ of ~" C~y.~i~'~a.A ~f~cieA~' ~n~ "&Cofi~m'ieai-'~nn.=; and is a nuisance p~r .'se:::and .~h~ ~.:;~.umuXa~Og .th'~i~-:~ not mental to the p~!'ie heaI~h' 'an~' E~a'~' ~e m~"~t~l :g~v~&ent, acting for the c~mon g.~d'..:O~. ~.%i;':~':'.inSu~e ~t ~e &o~ction, trans- portation ~rough~ ~ "s~re~" a~8 2~al diSDoSitio~ o:~ ~uch items be ~ ~S, the Ci~x' P~sentiy'has a sUbs~an~iaX investme.t of Xts garbage servXce charges, all of which could ~ serXously .- paired or jeopardized: i~'.~:~imi'ted auth6=:~ ~r aU'thor~Zati0n were granted to XndividUals or ~eting private concerns to engage i~ or conduct a garbage'a,d t~ash c011ee~on business: Wi~ht, '~he Ci~; 'and 'flabttan~S of ~e ~E~-~' in-.0r~,er 't~: insure a continuity of sound, effective, and economic garbage collection service,, ~at the munici- ':pal. government of ~e C~ty (Of De!'=ay ~au~, 'Fiori~, be vested~W[th .the sole and exclus~ a~or~t~ .and4duty of ~rformtng this function wi~in the m~icipa'l limits of ~e' City of Delray Beach, Florida, provided, hoover,, that if it should ag~ear, that such~serv~ce can be perfo~eU more 'effeCt[Vely-ann 'e&~n~[6ax~y b~ P~[%a~e ~'~terPr'iSe :~hat '~aid 'funet[bn may be dont~a~ted/-ff~= 'b~ 'th~ ~i~y.:On'an exC[uskVe fr'ang 'ch:~se, basis afte~' c~e~'t~e' b[~' ha~e :been .O~a'i~e~ ~here'~or'; and .... ~S, "th'is action' is' d'eemed ~0'. b~ an e~rgency meas~e ;enacted ~f°r the i~edia~7~Prese~Vat~A' of the: P~liC ~a'c~, ~o~rty, ,heal~ and sa~et~ ~f ~' i~abi.%~n~S: of t~e ~itY' Of ~lraY' Beach, Page 2 - ORDINANCE NO. G-578 Sanitation Department of said City. NOW, THERE,)RE, be it ordained b~the City Council of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That Section 14A~9, Section 14A-11 and Section 14A-12 of the codified ordinances of the CITY OF DET~AY ~EACH, FLORIDA, are hereby repealed in their respective entireties. ~ECTI,ON 2: That the governmental function of collec- tion, removal'and disposition of all garbage, trash and refuse (except garden trash) within the municipal limits of the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, F~ORIDA, is hereby exclusively vested in themunicipa! government of said City and all other individuals, persons° firms or corporations are hereby specifically prohibited from'engaging in such practice or business within the corporate limits of said municipality, and from utilizing the publicly dedicated streets, alleys or thoroughfares for said purposes, provided, however, that in the event the City Council should determine that said functions can be performed by private enterprise on s more economical and efficient basis, said Council may, after receiving competitive bids therefor, award an exclusive fran- chise to a private concern ~or the performance of said functions upon such terms and conditions as are determined by the City Council, in their judgment, to be most beneficial to the Citizens of the munici- paiity. SECTIgN 3: Repealinq ProviSions, All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. S$CT~0N 4: Au.thoritV to_~odifv. This ordinance maybe codified and incorporated into ~he City's existing co~e. SECTION 5: Ppnalt¥. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance sh~ll upon con- viction thereof be punished in accordance with section 14A-13 of the Code o$ Ordinances of this City. SECTION 6} separability. Each of the provisions of this ordinance are separable inclu~ingword, clause, phrase, or sentence, and if any portion hereof'~Sha11' be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7: selective Date. This ordinance is deemed to be an emergency ordinance and shall become effective immediately. PASSED and ADOPTED on this 23r$ day of N9vembpF, 1964. MAYOR .' ATTEST: