12-02-64SpMtg 611 DECEMBER 2, 1964. A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 2nd, 1964, with Mayor Al. C. Avery in the Chair, City Manager Robert J. Holland, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen Emory J. Barrow, J. LeRoy Croft, and George Talbot, Jr., being present. Mayor Avery called the meeting to order and announced that same had been called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the General Election held on Tuesday, December first, 1964, as re- quired by Section 12-7 of the Code of Ordinances, and for any other business that may come before the meeting. Mayor Avery commended City Clerk Worthing on obtaining voting machines from Dade County, since the ones in Palm Beach County had not been available for this General Election, and stated that this meeting for canvassing the returns had been called at this early date in order that said machines may be released. City Clerk Worthing reported to Council as follows: "For the purpose of canvassing the 'returns' and in compliance with Section 155..of the City Charter, and the laws of the State of F10rida]' the following is the official result of the General Election held in and for"~he City of'Delray. Beach'on December 1st, 196~ TOTAL vOTERS 1209 For 2-Year Term as Councilman to commence on the let Monday in january, 1965 ' JACK L. SAUNDER$ 820 JAMES H. JURNEY 718 EMORy J. BARROW 648 TOTAL VOTES CAST 2186 in' the absence .~'f'a declarati0n Of contest b~.a.ny.: - candidate Of said election, coUn6il should d6Clare _ the result of the Ele6tiOn as submitted." T~er® Wer~ no pr°te~'~s ~ the re~0rted results of the election, and Mrs. Talbot moved that the returns of the election, as submitted by the Cit¥ Clerk, be ~Pp~6Jed~. The ~o~ion~ was se~0~dea by Barrow and carried unan£m~VS!y. ~a?o~.~ery~ intr0d~ced~M~. James H. Ju~ney, and i~formed the Counc.~l. that~Mr. Jurney had ~et~ ~i~'~a~ the City'Hal! this morning and had.~e~h'~roduc&~ tO!~a,i~ th® =~tY. Hall perS0n~el..~urther, the Department heads had been i:Structed to give Mr. Jurney infor- mation on budget, pen~ionpl.an,..etc. Mayor Avery said bel felt it would be proper that a. motion be made that the pol~cy..of this council be set that Mr. Jurney would be given all of the 'i~formati0n, in~i~ding the'agenda, and that all doors be open-to him for any. information he should desire in prepar- ing himself for his off:ice as a codncilman~; It was mo moved by Mr. Croft, seconded by Mr. Talbot a~d unanimously carried. 12'2'64 09'~' Mayor Avery informed the press thag"alett~r had been received from the Palm Beach County Commission co~cerning General MUnicipal Meeting Urbanized Area Transportation Planning Program, and they could obtain a copy of said letter from 'the office of the City Manager if they so desired, and that copies of said letter would be furnished the Council and Planning/ZOning Board. The meeting adjourned at 2=12 P.M., by order of Mayor Avery. R, D. WORTHING City Clerk : A P PROVED: ' MA~OR