01-14-63 JANUARY 14, 1963. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at'8:00 P.M., with Mayor walter DietZ in the Chair, City Manager Robert J. Holland, City Attorney J~hn Ross Adams and Oouncilmen A1 C. Avery, ~ory J. Barrow, George .Talbot, Jr.,'and Oliver W. Woodard, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend J. William Nabors. 2. The minutes of January 7th, 1963 special meeting were unanimously approved on motion hymn. Avery and seconded by Mr. ~odard. 3. There were no public requests from the floor. 4. Mr. Barrow was asked to read the Beautification Committee Meeting minutes ~f~Thursday, Jenua~10, 1963 which are as follows= "Those present were= Bud Merritt, Gla~ys. Little, Clarence Galinat, Stuart Lankton, Charles Toth, Wade Cartee,.Peg Bowen.~ Mrs. Frank Carey, Marjorie Evaul and visitor, Mrs. Canning. 1. "Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected to read;~ 'The Allamanda Club awarded a scholarship 'to Wade Cartee to attend the Short Course in Landscaping at the University of Florida.' 2. "A motion was made by Mrs. Little, seconded by Mr. Galinat to ask Mr. Barrow as a member of the City Council, to be- come a regular member of the Beautification Committee." Mr. Avery then moved that Councilman Emory J. Barrow be appointed as a regular member of the Beautification Committee, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. Concerning Item 1 of said minutes, Mr. Talbot moved that the City extend most sincere thanks and compliments to the' Allamanda Club for' this worthwhile civic project. The motion was se~gnded by Mr.. Avery and carried unanimously. ~ 4.a. A roll call showed that the following Civic'Organizations and representatives were in attendance. - Chamber of Commerce Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth League of Women Voters Mrs. Frank Carey Business & Professional Women's Club Mrs. Alyce Husa Kiwanis Club Mr. Keith Richter 5. There were no public releases. 6.a. It was reported that Mr. Donald E.' Seeley, operator of the Dixie Quality Market at 445 West Atlantic Avenue had applied for a beer and wine license, consumption off the premises, in conjunction with the retail sales of the market, further that the necessary in- vestigation of the applicant, in compliance with Code of Ordinance requirements, had been made, resulting in his approval, an~ that it is recommended the request be granted. Mr. Talbot moved that the rec$/est be granted, it being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. 6.b. It was reported that Mr. F~ward A. Petosa, vice president of Helper, Inc., had applied for a liquor license in conjunction with the operation of the Arcade Tap Room at 415 East Atlantic Avenue. Further, that the usualinvestigation had been ma~e in compliance with local and state regulations, resulting in ~'~e applicant~s ap- proval by Chief of Police R. C. Croft, as well as the State Beverage 1-14-63 Department, and that authorization is requested to issue the license applied for, all requirements having been met. Mr. Avery moved that said license be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and carried unanimously. ~.c. It was reported that with reference to the temporary pipe line and beach disposal easement, dated November 20, 1962,-between the city and the United States of America through its U, S. Army Engineering District's office in Jacksonville, as approved by Council on November 12, 1962, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers have re- quested aa'follows: 1, That the time limit of 30 days for possible activity on the beach relative to ~isposal of waterway dredged material be extended to 60 days, and 2. That the City of Delray Beach agree to provide ramps and safety precautions, and maintenance thereof, for vehicular traffic over'the various pipelines located upon the rights of way, as set forth in the easement deed and established for the trahsmission of dredged material from the waterway to the MuniciDal'Beach. Following lengthy discussion and comments COncerning the disposal of the dredged material from this operation of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mr. Talbot moved that theCo~ncil approve the amend- ments to the original easement d~d dated November 20,'1962, the motion being seconded by Mr. wo~Tar~ and unanimously carried. 6.d. AuthoriZation was requested for effecting the following transfer of funds. 1. From Recreation Director's salary, 910-710-101 to City Manager account 910-121-629, to cover purchase .of radio for City Manager. $822.00 2. From Contingency account 910-858-800 to City Hall account 910-351-629, to cover purchase of night depository.. $360.00 3. From Contingency account, 910-858-800 to Fire Department account 910~230-302, to cove~ cos~ of overtime"and volunteer salaries to extinguish fire of City's sanitary land fill. $596.00 Mr. Avery moved that item 1 be approved, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. Following a question by Mr. Avery, Finance DireCtorWebe~~ informed the Council that the pre~ent balance in the Contingency Fu~d is $30,144.00 and that the original amount had been $52,090°00. Mr. Avery then moved for approval of item 2. The motion was seconded byMr. Woodard and carried unanimously. It was reporte~ that the night depository was being used. .~r. Talbot moved for approval of Item 3, the motion being seconded by'~4r.~Barrow and unanimouSly carried. 6.e. Regarding consideration for operational change concerning Lawn Bowling activities,~ City Manager Holland informed the Council that it had come to his attention from~r~.~..B~. ,GOrdon, who is now sponsoring Lawn Bowling, that this s£~aticn where the City has a large investment in an operation ~at th~¥hav~.'control over, and that there is no specified appropriation in the budget for this project. It was reported that three sets of bowling balls, a cabinet to store them in and lights are necessary equipment for the operation of the Delray Beach Bowling Club, which items would c~t approximately $500.00 to $600.00 to.provide. City Manager Holland stated that what he was interested in is the policy that the Council may want to set as to how he is to operate this function, that he is willing to continue as Recreational Director -2- 1-14-63 in order that the salary budgeted for same may be used for other needs such as the Lawn BOwling. That if this is a City function, he will see that it is taken care of. Mr. Avery then moved that the City Manager be instructed that. the policy of this Council-is to keep this Lawn Bowling facility in as fine condition as possible in keeping with the money available and good business practice, and the recognition of the Delray Beach Lawn Bowling Club as such. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot. It was suggested that this operation be placed on the same basis as tennis and that the Lawn Bowling Club be designated as the Advisory Group for same and that the Shuffleboard Courts be placed on the same status. Mr. Woodard stated that the Recreational Advisory Board had dis- cussed the Lawn Bowling and Shuffleboard programs, that they are com- ulex, the status of them is not clear and that they should be looked into. Further, that he felt that these operations should be referred to the Recreational Advisory BOard for their investigation and report to Council, There was lengthy discussion and comments by the Council, Mr. Gordon and Mr. Keith Richter. Mr. Avery and Mr. Talbot withdrew their motion and second previousl~ made concerning this matter and Mr. Talbot then moved that the City Manager be authorized to cooperate with these gentlemen ongetting the equipment and the work in play. The motion was seconded byMr. Barrow and carried unanimously. Mr. Avery then moved that the City Manager be instructed to come to the Council with a suggestion as to the mechanics of the future administration of this in cooperation with the Lawn Bowling Club, the Recreation Department and anyone else that he deems necessary in order to iron out this and the Shuffleboard situation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 6.f. Concerning consideration relative to a Director of Recreation, Mr. Woodard stated that he has felt for some time that the City Manager should have some additional help to carry out the programs that he has undertaken. That the Recreational Program is far in. excess of what it h~s ever been and with much less personnel, and that the one man who has been carrying the load of this has been puttingin endless hours. That this should be discussed by the Recreational Advisory Board with the City Manager, with a report of same to the Council, and that this would give the City' Manager more time to devote to other activities in the City Administration. Further, that he feels there is a need for that Department Head. CitY Manager Holland reported that the Community Center is oper. ating only five days a week now, that the guard, authorized by Council, has been hired and there is no problem there, further, that he sees no reason for a Recreational Director except for the summerprogram, and that there is the need of saving that salary to cover expenses such as those that have .come.up at the Lawn Bowling and Shuffleboard Courts. Mayor Dietz stated that he agrees with City Manager Holland that it would be premature at this time to appoint a Director of Recreation. Mayor Dietzthen asked City Manager Holland to inspect the merry- go-round at the City Park, also the hobby horse rides. Also, that two "Dogs Prohibited" signs should be placed in the park and that a ride known as the "Cyclone" needs cables in order for it to be oper- ated. Mr. Woodard stated that he feels Mr. Hansen is a very valuable man in the Recreation Department and is fearful of losing him to another community. City Manager Holland stated that Mr. Hansen is doing a terrific job as Supervisor at the Community Center, but that job is all that one person can handle. Mr. Woodard then moved that this, subject be referred to the Recreational Advisory Board. The motion was not seconded. -3- 1-14-63 6.g. Regarding ~onsi~eration of Purchase of used garbage packer, ~ty Manager Hotland informed the Council that on account of break down'of garbage pa~kers a couple of weeks ago it had been necessary to rent a pack~, and he is now desirous of purchasing said rented packer at a pri~e Of $3,500.00 and feels that it Us a necessary purchase. Further, that ~e considers the equipment well worth that price, and that there are s~fficient budgeted funds that can be transferred from other ac- cou~ts to cover purchase of same, and that the body would be guarantee~ for one year. Upon being informed that a new garbage packer would cost $15,000.00 Mr. Barrow moved that said used garbage packer, recommended by City Manager Holland, be purchased. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tatbot' and carried unanimously. 6.h. City Clerk Worthing reported that taxes, levied on Lots 250 through 253, 255 through 260, 271 through 281, and 323 through 330, Tropic Isle Subdivision, for the years 1958 through 1961, having been determined, after original platting of said Tropic Isle Subdivision, to lie within a government spoil area, and unpaid, ha=e resulted in outstanding tax sale certificates thereon~ for which cost of redemp- tion is $1,302.37. In the best interests of the city, and-a~l parties involved, it is deemed advisable to cancel the tax obligations on said lots for the~ears 1960 and 1961, and authorization is there~o~e~re- quested to e~force collection of the 19S8 and 1959 taxes on.the here- inabove identified lots and parcels of la~d., p~lus any penalties 'appli- cable thereto, total to January 1, 1963 amounting to $643.72, and abatement of the 1960 and 1961 tax liability on said lots and parcels of land. Mr. Avery moved to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously ca,tied. 7.a. Concerning a letter from the Chamber of Commerce, dated December 7, 1962, relative to funds remaining in the account.established by the City fo~ industrial promotion, the Chamber of Comme=ce~a~ed that they des~xed that said funds be put to use by the Indum~rtal Committee for active continuation of an exDanded industrie~l~promo~ion program. The preface 'itemon this subject stated that it iS,~recom- mended thatthe balance of funds originally provided by Council fo~ salary and'expenses in connection with the employment of Mr-. Harry Gerqueet by the Chamber, be returned to the Contingency account of the General Pund. City Manager Holland informed the Council that he had hi,ed Mr. Gerquest .the~;~rst of JanUary~ on a temporary basis, as Director of Public Relations, with the desire that the Coun~l wou~d ~et him con- tinue ~ith his industrial program, be a coordinator for ~he~ity Manager and City Clerk on rights-of-way, and ~other d~$~-~hat he. could take care of~ and that he may ha~e s~me ~ti~e'~"~wc~k, w~h the Planning/Zoning Boar~ The City Manager further sta,t~d'~that there was no appropriation to continue .Mr. ~erq, me~t's~ employment; but that he desired the Council to create, on a temporary basis, the office of Director of Public Relations, using the funds remaining in~$aid, in~ dustrial promotion account to further this project. Zt was reported that there remained $3,050.00 in said indust=ial promotion account, $1,000.00 of Which had..been allocated to pay..~for an industrial survey. During lengthy discussion and comments, Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth explained how the industrial survey was being conducted. Mr. Avery moved to transfer $2,050.00 from the amount allocated to the Chamber of Commerce, to the City's General Fund and that $1,000.00 'be left for the purpose of the Industrial Survey. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and~a~ried unanimously. City Manager Holland aske~the Council if they approved of this temporary creation of a Director of Public Relations. Mr. Avery asked that this position be called S~ecial Coordinator for the City, and moved that the City ManageT be informed that the Council approves -4- 1-14-63 the use of a Special Coordinator at this time. The motion .was sec- onded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. There was further discussion concerning the name of the new Posi- tion and it was suggested that it remain as is for a couple of weeks. ?.b. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter of resignation fromM r. L. L. You~gblood concerning his membership on the Committee on Community Relations, dated December 8, 1962. "For the best interest of the Community in the Western Sector, and the Interracial Committee appointed by you, as a member of said committee I hereby submit my resig- nation as of December 31, 1962." It was suggested that a replacement of Mr. Youngblood could be provided at the time when Council establishes Committees for. t963. It was also noted that the Committee on Community Relations would like to Submit a list of names to the Council for appointment on said ~ommittee. Mr. Avery moved that the resignation of Mr. L. L. Yo~ngblood be accepted, the motion being seconded by Mr. Woodard and unanimously carried. City Clerk Worthing read the following letter to the Council, signed by C. Spencer Pompey, Chairman of the Delray Beach Commlttee on Community Relations, and then read their Annual Report, which re- port is attached to and made a part of the official copy of these minutes. ( See Pages llA thru lld) "We are honored to 9resent to you the Annual Report of the Delray Beach Committee on Community Relations for the year 1962~" Mr. Avery moved that the Council request the Community Relations Committee to submit to Council the name or names of~anyone they might wish, if they wish a replacement of Mr. Youngblood, the motionbeing seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried Mr. Avery then moved that said Annual Report be accepted and re- ceipt of same be acknowledged. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 9.a. It was reported that as a result of Council request at its meet- ing on December l?, 1962, the City Manager has provided for granting vacation with pay for non-CAvil Service employees of the-City of Delray Beach, comparable to and on the same basis as now extended to Civil Service employees, and will not require any need for an ~ap- propriation of added funds. The City Manager explained the procedure that was plsnned to take care of said vacations and was complimented by the COuncil on his plan. 9ih. City Clerk Worthing read the following report from City;Manager Holland, dated January 11, 1963, concerning Analysis of Section IV (Proposed Water Facilities'Improvements) in Russell & Axon~s Water. Facilities Analysis.' "Having reviewed Section IV of Russell & Axon's Water Analysis, it has been determined that Items 22, 23, 24 and 25, as appear on Page 24 of Russell & Axon's Analysis, should be provided at this time. The estimated total cost, as reflected in said Analysis, is $53,500.00. However, of that amount there is, in the current budget, $20,000.00 to cover Item 23, thereby leaving approximately $33,500.00 necessary to be provided if Council ap- proves the recommended Water Supply Improvements referred to said Items 22, 24, and 25. -5- 1-14-63 view of Pages 1,7 through 22,..~COns~ituting II _of~ RuSSell & Axon's Analysis iS being made in .order ccurate t.ime ~sched~le reflecting the need for!~the~variouS.~improvements reco. mme~ded therein, and based .on informa~i6n ~h~ich such' review',will disclosed I shall submit to Council,.. not later than February 11th, a revised, report concern- ing '~i~ Sections III and IV, together with my recommendation. "With~refer'e~ce~ to ~,Water Rate Schedule'-.and Section V~ of the Analys£s~ and believing the city's: present ~rate schedule to be without foundation, it is my urgent recommendation that the following ' Rate Schedule', for wa~er consumption wi,thin ,the citYi,~eundari~s, as recommended by Russell & Axon, be es.tab- lis~ed~at the earliest possible date: 3/4" Meter 1" Meter 1-1/2" Meter 2"' Meter Min. ~3.00 Min. $3.75 Min. $,6.,00 M~'~.'~?,00 · ~5 .25 Min., $6.00 Min. $?.00 · 25 .25 .25 .25 "Rates for service OUTSIDE the City Limits to be 125% of the above, rates. this .recOmmendatio~ t3~e be directed to prepare an Ordinance pro- ,27-3 of the ~City's Code of ~..recommended ' Rate -S~hedule.' " M~i 'T~bo~ moved that this matter 'be tab~ed.,'until ~.~eet~ng of .~Fesr%ary llth and in the 'interim the C~y 'Manager submlt a more de- tailed review -thru' 22 .as he ~a~s'~en.t~oned and a ~1~ o .that a ¢ for the charge Of,~et~e ~.~utsi~e~ the~ree~ecT :om West Palm Beach to Miami, %he,mot~on~be~-ng~sec- ~ Mrl Woodard. Mayor Die~z informed Mr. Talbot that this item ..... 17·t 3 of RusseLl .& ~lth meeting; -.~the motion being 'and c and that in- y~ City Attg~ney Adams reported the~Bond.Validation Suits were heard on JanUary 7th and the judge then gave-a period of twenty days for any i~rterested parties to appear before the Supreme Court. That the bonds actually become valid, if no one a9peals, on January 28th. Further, that the Engineers testified at the court hearing that the plans were 80~ completed and expected them to be completed in approxi- mately a month and then they would be presented to the State Board of -6- 1-14-63 COUnCil~ ~ 'Fne 10.a. City Clerk worthing present~e b~lls 7~ General Fund $ Water Fund - Operati F~.und 51 said bills be ,f the The meetingadj'0urned at 9:55 P~M. on motioz City APPRGV~-D, M 'YO R " -7- 1-14-63