01-28-63'.1; An opening prayer was delivered bY the
minutes of Januar.y 14th,
· approved.:on motio~byMr.. Talbot andseconded
3. ~rewere. no Rublic requests from the, fl~or.
Barrow read the fOil°wingBeautification , 1963.
Kiwanis Club Mr. ling~ Jr.
Chamber of Commerce Mr. Vince Canning, Jr.
Business & Prof. Women's Club Mrs. Alyce Husa
5. Mr. Avery stated that it is very obvious that the Council has ,
neglected to recognize a committee that has performed very well for
the city, this committee being 'the Planning/Zoning Board and that
the Council should publicly commend them 'for .their work as each
member of said Board is outstanding in this line of work. Mr. Avery
· ~',~ ~ ¥: ~ ~ :~ . .-4.
the"' 'f~ low~'~g 'o f'
,lic ~lations ~ai~an.
~ague of w~en voters of Delray ~mach
compiled and issued a booklet entitled
f~ctions, ~erVices'. ~t~ is
ever made'of our county.
was highly praised_by teaain~ cit~=ens of our
hundreds were sold~ two Of p~C~as~ 200 copies
~ .~ Dew cus
CountyCo~issioners ordered 5,000 copies for distribution
ls, junior colleges, ~ries, main~-~nt~ offiUes;
distribution to all coll~¥~hroUghout
~-Atla~tic"University is to use our booklet
as a~S~mrce reference for their students. ~ery
tizen of ~e unSted States in th~s
as the ~ift of the ~C~lssioners-~ presentation
~ the ~ague of women Voters'.
pre~nted gift
the council ~u14 purchase som
voter,s,? We
discussion,'Mr. Avery moved that 500
! ca,tied unan~mdmsi~Y.
e~gr,a~dressed-to.M~yOr Ch~.
"The dedication of this buitding will take place on Sunday,
~ebruary 3, 1963, at 3 p.m. and I am writing to invite you and
the citizens~f your city to this ceremony. We are particularly
anx&ous for T~u to invite the members of your City Commission,
your Chamber of Commerce. civic leaders, and anyone you think
would be interested in the operation:of this program. We would
appreciate it very much if you would'let ~ know:when you arrive
at the place of dedication in order'that~u may be properly in-
troduced.'' ~2- 1-28-63
6.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the-Council that the prelimin~ry
plat of "Sudan" Subdivision, reflecting R-IAA deYel~pment of
proximately 52 acres lyi.ng West ~f~the E~4 CaNal ~and~,immediat~!~,?'
south of Delray Shores Subdiwision, has been approved by.-'the
ning/Zoning Board, the Building Inspector, and that the.f911owi~
is the report of the C~y ~ngineer as a result of his study of
plat o
"I had previously reviewedthe subject Preliminary Plat with
,the developer's engineer and my suggestions and changes are
already incorporated in the Plat which is to be presented to
the Council for approval.
"There is some question as to the status of the road leadin~;~-
from Delray Road to this subdivis~on, as it is presently lo~ated
on Lake Worth Drainage District property. I am conv£nced~that
there is very slight possibility that.this road will ever be
closed, however, and have, in fact, located an excerpt
County Commission minutes which has declared this to be
lic road.
"It is presumed that the developer intends to install the .main
extensio~ from Delray Road to the subdivision,, and some definite
determination as to who will bear the cost of this should proba-
bly be ma~e before final approval of this PreliminaryPlat? ~-
asmuch as this ~ubdivision is already within the city limits.'~f
Delray Beach, I quote for your convenience, item 4 of the
'Agreement for Extension of Water Main! which has.previously
been used for determination of thiS cost, but is not at all
binding upon the Council.
"'4. The cost of any extension between the present system,and
the entrance to the subdivision will be shared, with
paying that portion of the costs equal to 3-% times the antici-
pated annual revenues from the subdivision, as determined by the,~
city manager and the CUSTOMER., subject to the approval of the
City Council except that the CITY shall assume the full cost of
that portion of such main extension .necessary to the crosSin,~
of cross streets an~ public areas.'
"Estimated cost of this extension, as well as estimated amount
of anticipated revenue are available if Council so desires."
Mr. Avery asked if this subdivision would have sidewalks and. Ctt~
Engineer Fleming stated that it would ha%e, according to the subdi-
vision ordinance, untess the Council recommends otherwise,.
City Engineer Fleming informed the Council that his estimate~
cost for extending the water main from West Atlantic Avenue to said
subdivision approximately 2300 linea! feet would be apP=0Xi~ate!y
$12,000.00. Further, that--the developer proposes to install said
water main.'and then deal with the Council as to the refund or what
pOrtion the city will accept.
There was ~engthy discussion concerning the installation of
sanitary sewer lines in said subdivision instead of septic tanks
being installed, which sewerage would be delivered into a system
of minimum specifications until such time as it could be tied into
the overall sewerage system of Delray Beach.
Mr. Avery moved for the approval of the preliminary Plat of Sudan
Subdivision, subject to the inclusion of a sewerage collection system,
the motion being seconded by Mr. Woodard an~ unanimously carried.
It was suggested that the developer of Su~an Subdivision be re-
ferred to Russell &Axon Consulting Engineers concerning the sewer-
age system.
-3- 1~28-63
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his catering service at 286 N. E. 3rd Avenue. Investigation of the
applicant has resulted in the approval thereof by the'Chief of
Police, and it is recommended that the request be granted.
Following an inquiry concerning said sale of beer,'City Clerk
Worthing commented as follows: ':.In order that there may be no
misunderstanding, I beIieve ~ heard inquired if this was the-gentle-
man who operates on the beach at times. It is, however, there will
be no consumption for off the premises from that location. It would
only be at 286 N. E. 3rd Avenue.'~
Mr. Woodard moved that said application be approved, the motion
being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried.
6.f. City Clerk Worthing reported that Miss Clara Boddie has ap-
plied for license to dispense beer and wine for consumption off the
premises, in conjunction with business located at 53 S. w. 5th Avenue
and known as "Due Drop In~'. .Investigation of the applicant has been
made, resulting in the approval thereof by the Chief of Police, and
it is recommended that the request be granted, ft beSng so moved by
Mr. Barrow. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unani-
6.g. It was reported that the following is a Fecapitulation of bids
received for cast iron pipe necessary for providing extension of
Water Distribution Lines to recently annexed lands and other areas
in need of additional water services:
2,124 ft. of 6"; 2,160 ft. of 8"; 306 ft. of 10,:
James B. Clow & Sons $ 8,.447.40
U. S. Pipe Company 9,006.45
American Cast Iron Pipe 10,144.98
McWane Cast Iron Pipe Co. 10.167.93
Alabama Pipe Company 10.296.72
Mr. Avery moved to award the bid to James B. Clow & Sons the Iow
bidder, in the amount of $8,447.40~ the motion being seconded by
Mr. Woodard and unanimously carried.
6.h. Concerning bids received for various street improvements,'the
following memorandum concerning same, datedJanuary 25th, and signed
by Mark C. Fleming, Director of Public Works was presented:
"Sealed bids were opened in the office of the Director of Public
WOrks for:
Item I Construction of SW 5th Avenue from SW
7th Street to SW 6th Street.
Item II Construction of NW 10th Avenue from
Atlantic Avenue to NW2nd Street.
Item III Construction of NW 9th Avenue from
2nd Street to NW 3rd Street and con-
struction of sidewalk on both sides of
NW 9th Avenue.
Following is a tabulation of the bids:
Days Days
Bidder ~t~ t.. Item II . Item III Total Start Comb
Hardrives of
Delray, Inc. $5,364.38 $ 6,869.05 $5,590.79 $15,823.79 10 45
Constr. Co. 3,706.60 7,310.00 6,050.00 17,066.00 10 75
R.H. Wright
Inc. 4,395.52 8,795.50 6,130.59 19,921.61 10 45
Ru~in Constr. 4,7~9.95 10,409.95 7,503.60 22,100.00 10 60
-5- 1-28-63
B. B. Boldt,
Inc. $5,073.36 $12,779.89 $7,402.61 $25~255,86 10 60
"F~ items one, two and three, as well as the total, are
lower than the other bidders, it is recon~ended that the
a~ard be made to the tow bidder, Hardrives of.Delray, Inc."
It was noted that the solicitation of bids and notice to contrac-
tors included a condition that the city reserved the right to award
the various projects individually or collectively, however, Hardrives
of DelraV, Inc. were low on all p~ojects.
City Attorney Adams asked if ~nese were assessment jobs or t.f it
came under street improvement, to which City Clerk Worthing stated
that items I and III were assessment jobs, that item II had not been
so provided. City Manager Holland stated that these street jobs
were supposed to be on an as~essment'basis. City Clerk Worthing
staked that would be impossible legally,., that item %1 has been pro-
vided to be. an assessment through.proper legal procedure and,
based on it being a dead-end street, 90% is to be assessed to the
property owners abutting thereon and 10% to be absorbed by the City.
That item %3 was legally processed in proper manner and will be
assessed on a 40-60 basis, and that item ~2 could not be handled in
connection with consideration of these bids as an assessment
and that ifit is so desired, these bids as such and as pertains to
item 2 must be .rejected. Concerning item 2 it was ~entioned that
this was possibly an assessment project years ago and could not be
assessed aga/n, but City Manager Holland informed the Council that
it had never been an assessment job that wh~ improvement that-hsd
existed there was put in with city labor ~ rock f~rnishe~b~'the
County. ~'~. '
There was lengthy discussion concern~ ~.the a~N..~sls~n~ status of
said item 2. Mr. Avery then moved that ~ntract .i~em. 1. be awarded
to Hardrives of Delray, Inc. as low bidd~ in. the amount of .~3, 364. 38;
that the bid for item 3 be awarded to Hardrive~'of Delray, Inc. as
low bidder in the amount of $5,590.79 to ~ .~.~.~rk within ten~ays
and forty-five days completion;'and thatching .~repr, esented
here tonight on item 2 be considered ~he, off'~':~-iC~T~:h~dd~ i~ .~nd when
the proper reso!utions have been passed and that-proper resol~Xons
be instituted at the next meeting. Mr. Avery stated that his reason
for that stipulation is that it is not fair to the contractors for
it to be put out for re-bid. The motion was seconded by.Pit. Talbot.
and carried una~imouely.
6.i. Concerning prov~ding truck routes through the City, Mayor Dietz
said that he Would 1X~/for ~he City Manager to be directed
informatio~ to the CoUncil as to just what has to be d~ne to qet a
truck route around ths~ity and present same at the ne~tmeeting or
the meeting thereafter, it bei~ so moved by Mrs. Talbot. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Avery and ,carried unanimously.
6.j. Concerning pay to city employees for expenses incurred in
taking Civil Defense courses in West Palm ~each, Ma~or Dietz ~tated
that these employees are called upon to g$~e~of:~b~$r own ~ime for
these courses and felt that reasonable pa~:~ou~d be provided for
such~i=iduals~..~, for services rendered,;~'~t~nere~were 35 .or..37
men th'~ had taken the firs~'~Ourse in'~a~logicax .detection that
would go to West Palm Beach for the second course.
Following discussion, Mr. Avery moved that these people be paid,
including the eleven who have already taken the course and the 26
more that will go, for one triP, the total sum not to exceed $350.00
and said money to come from the Civil Defense Fund. The motion was
seconded by Mr.. Barrow and carried unanimously.
6.k. Mayor Dietz requested Council consideration for authorizing a
uniform color for all posts suDporting signs, traffic directions,
street designations and all other such supporting 9osts, instead of
-6- 1-28-63
the manner in which they are now, and that beautification as well
as uniformity would be ~11 served by such provision. Further,
that the new trash cans on the beach have a blue color which he
does not approve of.
Following further comments and discussioh, Mr. Talbot moved that
the City Manager be instructed to re,ore'at the n~xt m~eting his
recommendations for a uniform system of color and materia! for
supporting such signs. The motion was seconded byMr. Woodard and
carried unanimously.
Concerning the color of ~he garbage cans that had been placed on
Ocean. Blvd., the City Manager reported that he had bought what
garbage cans he could get and if they were to be painted he would
suggest aluminum as it would be more durable. Fol~owing lengthy
discussion, Mr. Talbot moved that the City Manager be instructed
that the flaps of the garbage cans be painted grass green and that
the cans be white. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and
carried unanimously.
?.a. It was reported that Miss Marian R. Day has applied for water
service to be extended to Lot 27, Delray Beach Shores, 1006 White
Drive, upon which parcel of land a new home is to be constructed.
.That a city water distribution line now exists on ~ite.Dri~.in
front of and beyond said Lot 27, and water is being suppIie~by the
city to the adjoin~ng lot. -Further, that Council has previously
been informed of'a ~urplus of water being available in .this area,
and agreement.for a~exation of said Lot 27, 'When ~etermined to be
contiguous to city limits, has been executed, and it is recommended
this request be granted and~S~r%ice ex~ended to Said LOt 2?.
Mr. Woodard moved to grant sai~ extension of water service,.the
motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried%
7.b. City Clerk worthing read the following letter from the Kiwanis
Club of Delray Beach, signed by Robert J. Babione, President, and
dated January.19, 1963.
"One of the prime purposes of the Delray Beach Kiwanis Club
.is to sponsor programs helpful to'the boys and girls of our
community, particularly those classified as under-privileged.
"The financing for this worthy cause is done, in large part,
through fund-building drives held at various times of the year.
"We would like to hold such a ~und drive on Saturday, February
9th and ask permission to use the facilities of the City's
Community Center and its 'grounds on this day ~nd for.this purpose.
"The first annual Kiwanis Valentine Festival will be directe~
mostly toward child an~'youth entertainment, with a series of
booths devoted to the sale of soft drinks, sandwiches, and to
games having adult as well as child appeal. The Festival will
start about midTmorning and will carry on throughearly evening.
"The. approval of the Mayor, City Manager and Council to this re-
quest will be greatly appreciated by the officers and members of
local Kiwanis Club."
City Manager Holland said that he did not approve of the date
set for this Valentine Festival as there is an extensive program
being conducted at ~he Community Center, and Saturday is one of
their largest days, but that he had no objection to it being held
on any Sunday or Monday during the month of February.
Mr. Vince Canning, Jr., reported that he had gone to the Community
Center about two months ago and proposed said program to Mr. Hansen
the Supervisor who had informed Mr. Canning that February 9th would
be reserved for the Kiwanis Valentine 'Festival. The City Manager
said that there had been changes made at the Community Center since
that time.
Mr. Canning informed the Council that the Kiwanis Club would con-
duct the whole program themselves, and that they had spent approxi-
mately $250.00 for programs, advertising, tickets, etc.,, using the
date of February.9th, and that they had not 'been advised that said
date was not reserved for them.
Following further discussion, Mr. Barrow moved that the Kiwanis
Club be given the date of February 9th for their Festival, the
motion being seconded by Mr. Avery and unanimously carried.
City Clerk Worth. lng informed the Council that the Kiwanis Club
had contacted him, too late for it to be placed on the agenda, con-
cerning the use of a sound truck to advertise the Valentine Festival,
that they would tone down the loud speaker and go around in the resi-
dential areas and advertise said Festival, and would like Council
permission to do same, and that time for such advertising would be
from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on the day of the Festival.
City Clerk Worthing quoted the following from Section 19-19 of the
Code of Ordinances. "It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly
or wantonly to use or operate, or cause to be used or operated, any
mechanical device, machine, apparatus, or instrument for intensifi-
cation or amplification of the human. ~oice or any sound or noise in
any public or private place in such manner that the peace and good
order of the neighborhood is disturbed or that persons owning, using
or occupying property in the neighborhood are disturbed or annoyed."
Mr. Alfons Bach commented on this pro.gram and purpose of same and
the need for advertising with the sound truck. City Manager Holland
reminded the Council of the ordinance concerning the use of a sound
truck~ Mrs Catherine Strong asked Police Chief Croft if it was
true that sound trucks may be used with special perau~ ssion from the
Police Chief, to which Chief Croft replied that it had always been
permitted for community and charity projects.
Mr. Avery t~hen moved that this request be granted with the under-
standing that the sound truck would be toned down an~ also with the
understanding that the Chief of Police has the authority to discon-~
tinue it if there, is a significant number of complaints from the
public. The motion was seconded by Mr.. Barrow and carried unani-
8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-478.
THE ZONING THEREOF. (13.28 acres industrial)
Ordinance No. G-478 was unanimously placed on first reading on
mo~ion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Avery.
8.~. The City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. G-479.
-8- 1-28-63
Ordinance No. G-479 was unanimousl~'.placed on first reading on
motion, by Mr. Woodard' and seconded ,by .Mr. Barrow.
8.c. .Concerning ORDINANCE NO. G-448, Mr. Wo6dard stated that this
Ordinance had been tabled on June~25, 1962,-after being placed on
first reading, ~ich ordinance relates to the annexation of Lots 1
& 2, Delray Beach Shores Subdivision, and moved that said item be.
removed from the table in order that at the next Council meeting
there might be consideration of second and final reading and p~bl~c
hearing on this request for annexation into ~he city. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Avery.
City Clerk Worthing reviewed this item for the Council from the
date of petition for annexation, concerning all correspondance,
complaints, Planning Board report, and also read a letter of. objec-
tion to the annexation, dated January .28, lg63, from Mr. C. D.
Pollowing further comments, Mr. Avery requested that the Planning/
Zoning Board be asked to be properly represented at the public hear-
ing on said Ordinance in order to present their thinking on the
Mr. Woodard asked that the Council have distribution of the past
history of this item in order that they may be compIetely current at
time of public hearing.
Mr. C. D. Russell stated his objection to the annexation of said
property if it was zoned other than residential and asked~the City
Clerk to read a letter from Attorney J. Clinton Scott to the Council
dated last July.
Upon call of roll on removing said Ordinance from the-table, Mr.
Avery, Mr. Barrow, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the
motion and Mr. Talbot abstained from voting.
City Clerk Worthing then read the letter from Attorney J. Clinton
Scott to the Council, dated July 2, I962.
10. Mayor Dietz informed the Council that he had a couple of
suggestions for the next agenda having to do with proposed Charter
amendments, one of the items being the manner in which referendum
or opinion votes are called, and the other item having.tO do with
an incumbent of the City Council running for a Federal, State or
County office.
10. Mr. Talbot called Council attention to ORDINANCE NO. G-46~
providing for and regulating and restricting the locations of
gasoline and oil filling stations or service stat'ions, which Ordi-
nance was placed on first reading on November I2~, 1962, and on
November 26th was tabled for further study. Mr. T~lb6t~then moved
to'lift this Ordinance from the table for further, consideration and
that the City Clerk be directed to provide for a public hearing
thereon at the next Council meeting. Mr. Talbot stated that this
ordinance had b~en highly recommended by the Planning Board and that
many citizens had eXPressed their approval of same. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Woodard and carried unanimously.
10. Mr. Talbot informed the Council that he had received some in-
quiries concerning cross-walks for pedestrians on Ocean Blvd., and
moved that the City Manager be instructed to make a study concerning
same, along with the Police Chief, as to if'and where tkese strategic
cross-walks should be placed and report back to the Council at the
next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard.
city clerk Worthing read letters concerning said cross-walks from
the Sandoway East Hotel, Delray Beach Hotel and The Talbot House.
Following discussion concerning ocean Blvd., being a State Road,
location of cross-walks and establishing Council policY, the motion
carried unanimously.
-9= 1-28-63
10. Mayor Dietz announced that a letter had been received from the
Woman's Auxiliary of the Bethesde Memorial Hospital thanking the
Council for their suppOrt of ~/~' Third Annual Horse Show, and' ~hat
the troPhy~ from Delray ,Beach, covering the fine harness championship
stake, is scheduled to be presented on Saturday, February 2nd at
the 7:00 P.M. show. Further, that City Manager Holland, also the
Council and their wives are to be guests at that show.
Mr. Talbot then moved that Mr~ Barrow present said trophy in be-
half of the City of Delray Beach, the motion being seconded by Mr.
Avery and unanimously carried.
10. Mr. Avery commented and moved as follows: "I think we should -
clarify, as a matter of policy, so that it doesn't happen again, the
thing that happened to the Kiwanis Club. ! think we should set the
policy With the City Manager and inform him and tell him to inform
the DireCtor of the Community Center that this is the typ~ of thing
which the Council wants to approve and before any permission isever
given for a thing like this again,_ that it will be subject to the
Council~s 'approVal. This will save any other group being subjected
to same, and I move that that be set as a matter of policy."
The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously.
't0.a. B'ills for approval were presented as follows:
General Fund $136,612.75
Water Fund - Operating Fund 2,658.15
Special Assessment Fund 30,000.00
Mr. W6odard moved that said bills be paid, the motio~being
seconded by Mr. Talbot. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Barrow, Mayor Dietz,
Mr. Talbot and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the motion and Mr.
Avery abstained from voting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.
ROBERT D. WORT~N~, .....
City C~erk
-10- 1-28-63