03-11-63 MARCH 11~, 1963. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Walter Dietz in the Chair, .City Manager Robert. J. Holland, City At~orgey JOh~ Ross Adams and Councilmen A1 .C. Avery, Emory J. Barrow, G~orge Talbot, Jr. and Oliver W. Woodard, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend Ralph B. Johnson. 2. The minutes of February 25th, 1963 regular meeting were unani- mously approved on motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 3. Mr. John A. Dittrich of 1152-Lowry Street commented on the ~xist- ence of two parking lots in his area and read the following letter that he had written to the City Council concerning same. "Confirming my remarks at the meeting of the Delray Beach Taxpayers, there are two parking lots on West side of Andrews Avenue - one N. W. corner of Lpwry and the other about 150' north. "These lots take care of the overflow.parking from several Apartments on east si~e of Andrews Avenue, not only for the tenants but for visitors, help and supply people. "It is evident that.your present zoning laws do not require sufficient area tO provide the necessary parking area as many tenants have several cars. These lots are very un- sightly and are not paved nor do they meet requirements of Section 11 (1~ of your code that requires they be paved and made dust proof. A number of old trucks park there not only all day but sometimes over the weekend, and this present condition is a detriment to the neighborhood. "If we have to live with such a condition perhaps the apartment house owner would co-operate pave and try to beautify these lots with some proper planting such as a high hedge to serve as a screen so as to eliminate the eye-sore these lots now are. Trust you as the council will win their co,operation." It was explained that said private parking lots were on the West side of Andrews Avenue across from the Manor House and Grosvenor House on private property. It was suggested that this item be re- ferred to the Director of Zoning and to the Beautification Committee, that they consult with the owners of the property and make a report to Council. Following other comments, Mr. Avery moved that the Zoning Director contact the owners of this property and get them to meet with him and the City Beautification Committee and discuss this and give the Council a report at the next meeting so that the Council may know what to do in the way of leadership to help improve the beauty and the serviceability of said area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and upon call of roll, Mr. Avery, Mr, Barrow, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Talbot abstained from voting. Mr. Talbot said that he felt said action was not the proper ap- proach to correct the situation and that the property owners had plans for future improvement of said parking areas. By unanimous consent of the Council the portion of the previous motion concerning the Beautification Committee was eliminated from the motion. 3-11-63 3. Mr. John Halstead of 951Alamanda Drive, Tropic Isle Subdivision, i~lformed the Council that he is a Council Delegate for Tropic Isle Civic Association, and presented the following public request to the Council. "REPORT ON CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DUMP Request made by Tropic Isle~CivicAssociation on March 11, 1963 for clarification on the following: 1. Legal1 description-'of Dslray Beach City Dump, lying just westerly of South D~xie Highway and Florida East Coast Railway. 2. Maximum, ultimate area of the dump in square feet.. 3. Estimated volume in Cubic yards of the dump site still remain- ing to be filled. 4. If garbage is deposited in the dump, what is its estimated accumulation i~ eddic yards peraverage month? 5. %~at'~is the estima~ed volume of trash deposited, after com- pression, in cubic yards per average month? 6. At the present rate of accumulation and deposit, approximate- lY how many months wi~l elapse before the dump site will be completely filIed up to grade level? 7, Is smoking prohibited at the dump? 8. What precautions are taken to prevent spontaneous combustion? 9. ~at precautions are taken in the disposal of paints and other poSsibl~ eXpI~siVe 'chemicals? 10. What are the possible penalties for arson at-the city dump? 11. What is the estimated cost to the City of Delray Beach for extinguishing fires at the dump during the last fiscal year? 12. Have treeand hedgep~ah'tings on its'Outer perimeters ever been attempted to~disguiSe or beautify the d~mp site? 13. Has the City of Delray Beach any plans to start a new or re- pI&C'ement dump'in an isolated area in the nea~ future? 14. Has theCityof Delray Beach explored-the possibility of acqUiring an isolated s,~te for a new dump from the Flood Contro! District or theState Of Florida?" Mr. Avery'moved that the Clty Manager be instructed to furnish the Tropic Isle CiVic Association the reques~e~ information. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard andCa~rried ;~manimouely, Ma~or Dietz asked that a copy of the information furnished, to said Ass~ciation also be furnished to each Councilman.' It.was'also s~ggested that Mr~ Halstead discuss these~tems with the Ci]ty Manager. 3. Miss Dorothea ~. Galvin, Preeident',of~the Beach-Taxpayers League, Inc., read the following letter addressed to the City council, from Said OrganizatiOn, dated March 11, 1963. "The Annual Meeting of the Beach Ta~xpayers League,'Inc. was held at CityRecr%ational Center, Tuesday evening March 5, 1963.~ Over o~e hundred members-attended'. Xt'was t~e larqest a~tendance in the history of'theB~aCh Taxpayers ~L~ague, Inc. The League was formed in 1948. "At the meeting the following motion was unani~us~y .passed. 'I move that the Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. be ~n record as opposed tO an ordinance, permitting~igh riseb~dings such as those proposed o~South AIA bdt which by ~ wording of the present ordinanc6 are permitted in other a~S, such as, part of Andrews Avenue, and further request ~aat .this ordinance be revoked.' "It,was also broUght to 'the attent,ion of the ~Lma,9~e ~ha~. ~he present ~C~ty Ordinance' r~quiring ~e, ~ark'ing s~e f~r apar=tment was inadequa~ It wa~'"°~n~' '~" the m~ers that this ordinance should be reviewed by the Planning Board, and the City Commission in the light that many tenants and/or -2- 3,!1-63 owners of individual apartments have more than on~ car, also ~hat adequate parking be provided for visitors, maids and service personnel. "The Members of the League know that the Maygr and Commission- ers will do all in their power to keep the present character of Delray Beach. "The Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. offers its assistance and cooperation to the Commission at all times and in all areas of the City." Miss Galvin commented on construction of high-rise apartments and stated that she thinks the ordinance concerning same needs review and possible revision. 4. There was no Beautification Committee Report. 4.a. A roll call showed that the following Civic Organizations and representatives were in attendance. Chamber of Commerce Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth League of Women 'Voters Mrs. Charles Cross Business & PrOfessional ~men's Club Mrs. Alyce Husa Beta Sigma Phi Mrs. Gary Gooder Beach Taxpayers League, Inc. Miss Dorothea Galvin Tropic Isle Civic AssoCiation Mr. John Halstead Planning Board Mr. Kenneth Jacobson and Mr. Stuart Lankton 5. The City Clerk reminded the Council that a month ago 'they had passed Resolution No. 1436, urging the Palm Beach Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction to consider steps to al- leviate the overtaxed school facilities in'this area. The city. Clerk then read the following letter from the Board of PUblic Instruction of Palm BeaCh Coul~ty, signed by Howell L. Watkins, County SUperin- tendent, dated March 1~ 1963. "At the meeting of the Board of Public Instruction on February 19 your Resolution No. 1436 concerning school facilities in the Delray Beach area was read for their action. They wanted me to tell you that they sincerely appreciate your interest, and will make this resolution a part of our minutes. "A copy of the resolution will be given to the survey team which will be working here next week. "I would also like to add tha~we have recommended to the Board that we have a survey of the-vocational.problems in the county. I imagine that this survey will be in the very near futura, since the survey staff for vocational education is now working in Broward County. "I will keep you advised as to the time they plan to be here." 5. Mayor Dietz said that he had a communication from the Florida League of Municipalities asking that the council designate an in- dividual to whom they could forward all material during the time the Legislature is in session, and suggested that City Clerk Worthing be designated as such person, and upon receipt of all such communi- cations the City Clerk would furnish each Councilman with copies of same, it being so moved by Mr. Woodard. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously. -3- 3-11-63 5.a. Mr. Avery stated, for the information of the public, that each of the Councilmen and City Manager had received confidential report and request from the Chief of Police, and that the reason this re- port was confidential was that the information therein, if revealed, would tend to undermine the effectiveness of .the Police Department and seriously effect the security of Delray Beach; ~urther, that there was a need for three Clerk-Dispatchers, one to be paid for from the budget of the City. Clerk and two from the budget of the Police Department, and that the cost of these three employees for the remainder of the fiscal year would be $6,108.00. Mayor Dietz said that, before he was asked to vote on an item like this, he would like to have an administrative meeting of the Council with the City Manager and Police Chief, that all.fully under- stand what the situation is, and then appropriate action be taken. Further, that he would desire that the press not be present at such meeting as he feels that a matter o~ the Police Depart~_e~t or the Fire Department is not something that is discusse~ in public. Mr. Avery said that he had ~iscussed this problem with the Chief of Police and the City Manager and feels that the need is critical and should not be put off, and then moved that the addition of three Police Clerk-Dispatchers, one to be paid from the budget of the City Clerk and two to be paid from the budget of the Police Department, be authorized imme~iately and that ~he sum of $6,108.00 be trans- ferred to the Police Department from the Contingency Fund for this purpose. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot.who _stated that he felt this is a very critical situation. Th&~.he,,t.~s the absence of Policemen on the street~ of Delray'BeaCh~'s '~e'=y noticeable, ~hat he is concerned with the crime element and the lack of Police cover- age over'the city~ Further, that he feels something is needed on Ocean Boulev&rd to keep traffic moving. Mr. Talbotfurther said that upon .inves~igation, after receiving said commUni~t~On from the Police Chief, h~ found that the absence of the patrolmen around tow~ was due to them having to be called into the police station to do the clerical work. Mr. Woodard referred to the communications from t~,~olice Chief an~ said that he felt same was not complete inform~, that he fails 'to, see that there is any change in the opera~'~pf'the Police Departme"t Since b~get time of last year, an~ t~at'h~ ~aS .not had sufficient ~ormation t° prove to him that the "add,!~% employees ' are'needed, also that there shoul~ be additional in~0~on ~n this item. Mr. Barrowsaid that in checking with the Finance Director it was found that the.fines of the Police Department were up over $8,000.00 from last year, which fac~ could not have ~een known at budget time last year, that he did some.investigating a~ter receiving the memorandum from the Police Department and felt tha~ additional employees are warranted. Mayor Dietz said that before a decision is made on this matter, that the entire Council should be present an~ have the opport~nity of asking question~ of the Chief of Police a~d the City Manager, and afte~ such a meeting the Council should act accordingly.' ~pon question by Mr. woodard, the Police chief repor't~ that there were twenty-seven full time employees of the Police Department. City Manager Holland stated that he did not advocate private or secret ~ee~ngs, but that problems develop daily that he needs the assista~=~ of the Council on. City Manager Holland ~sked for per- mission ~r authority from the Council to call meetings, when it is ~nven~ wi~ the Co~,l, for conditions l~e th.~ Polioe ~tua- tion,.an~ ~thers ~.~at occur, That he feels there .are many items that ~e ~ daiiY?W~ere ~a ~olicy should be Set by Council0 and that these items should not be aired publicly, or in the new~B~..p~.rs, until the COuncil has set the policy. The City Manager f~r ~ated that there wou~d be no okficial action taken ~t~said su~,~eeting , but what'he is asking for is a cl~rifi=a~0~ of a ~~"~ti~n of Council policy, and that cannot satisfaG~0r~ly be d~e p~licly. -4- 3-11-63 Mr. Avery commented as follows= "I would like t~ amend my mqticn to this extent. That $2,036.00 go to the City Cl~rk'~i, Account and $4,072.00 to the Police Department." It was explained that by charter provision, th~_~.City Clerk is the Clerk of the Municipal Court. Upon Call of_roll, Mr. Avery, Mr. Barrow and Mr~ Talbot voted in favor of the motion, MayorDie~ abstained from voting a~d Mr. Woodard was opposed. The motion carried.' Mr. Avery said t. hat he recommends that consideration be given to the employment 'of~three. additional patrolmen; to 'be effective October 1, which is the next budget year,.that this would not quire an additional patrol car as these men would be filling in-on days-off. That'he further~recommend.s that.the co~tents of the P01ice Chief's report referring to the manpower Shortage in the patrol personnel not be published as it w0uld undermine the ~ecurit~ of the City. Mr. Talbot said that he would take that suggestion to m~an that this Council sh0uld get active in this matter in whatever way ~hey deem necessary so that this situation does not occur again. Mayor Dietz said he thought there should be a meeting .of the City Manager, the Police Chief and the counciImen in order t6 get.the necessary information regarding the state and condition of the Police Department 5.a. Mr. Avery ~emin~ed the Council that the problems of the jail had been referred tO~the Planning/zoning Board for a comprehens'ive report. Further, that he had been to the jail and thinks it is a.deplorable condition when the inmates have to sleep on the floor. It was re- ported that there Were thirty males and four colored femaIessleep- ing on the floor last night. Mayor Dietz asked for a repOrtOf the same date last Year, for a comparison. Following further lengthy Comments, Mr. Avery requested t~at the Planning/Zoning B~ard give ~he Council a report as quickly as poSsi- bls on this critical matter. Mayor Dietz commented as follows: "If it is so critical it should have been anticipated quite some time bac~. You don't jump into these things here, an~'it's ridiculous to think that a Planning Board can come up in two weeks time and give you a solution to a problem of this type. This is a problem that needs study. I~ needs administration and it is utterly ridiculous for a city of this size to be making the kind of decisions that are being made here tonight on something having to do with so important a thing as a Police Department." 5.a. Mr. Avery informed the Council that he had received complaints from citizens living in the vicinity of the Florida East Coast Rail- road of a train going through town during the night and blowing the whistle so loud that it is disturbing. Following comments and dis- cussion regarding speed, disturbance, etc., of trains, Mr. Avery moved that the Florida East Coast Railway Company be requested to soft-pedal tho'se horns in the middle of the night. The motion died for the lack of a seCOnd. 5.a. Mr. Avery stated that in regard to the upcoming sewer program it is obvious that the city is very much bebind in the legislation that is necessary to be up to date in said program, concerning location of septic tanks, hook-in on the ,sewer, etc., and requested that the City Attorneyconsult with the Engineers, with other towns, and with the State Board of Health, in order to bring the city legis- lation up to date as soon as it is possible to do so. Mr. Avery reported that he had made a trip to Jacksonville con- cerning'~his sewer project and that the State. Board of Health is soon going to give approval of the plans which would step up the program from two to three weeks with anticipation that work can be started by the latter part of Apr~i or the first of May. Mayor Diet.z a.sked the City Manager ~hen he could expect to re- ceive a complete copy of everything pertaining to the sewer project. CitTAttorney Adams sa%d that as far as the contract and specifi- cations, that Russell & Axon are sending, copies for the Council this week. Attornet~ Adams suggested that the Council should meet with the Engineer~s again prior to letting,of, bids. Mayor Dietz stated that anything that is. give~ to ~che Contractors to bid on, he wants a copy of same, further, that he had re- ceived an invitation from Mayor Carpenter of Lake Worth to meet with him and .their City Clerk .for advice concerning things De.l,ray Beach should be aware of in regard to Russell & Axon and the .sanitary sewer program.. , · Mr. Avery recl~ested that 'the specifications...'f6r b~dding should in- clude.the names of the sub-contractors,and suppliers., and the state- ment that the City of Delray Beach wants, as near as possible, local sub-contractors, suppliers and labor to be used on this job and that the Council will use the extent of the amount of money that they spend in Delray Beach in determining the-qualified bidder. City Attorney Adams said that he had received the 'rough draft of the specifications over the weekend and that the Councilmen would receive their copies ~by Wednesday. City Engineer Fleming stated that the various requests that have been made are in the process of being changed, so far as specifi. cations are concerned, further, that there are some changes in the plans. That same have been gone over in the field to determine the location of, easements, and where property could be p~urchased for lift stations, etc. ~,~,.,,l,"~r~,~ Talbot referred to the Russell & Axon Analysis Of the Delray Bea_.~h Waker Facilities Report and ~:~ha~t at the prel~minary Council meeting of October 22, 1962 he had .~equested that this re- pt be studied and the City Manager make recommendation to the ~ncil, upon advice of ~is staff, as to what portions of this ~nalysis should be embarked upon. That said analysis recommends capital improvements of approximately $500,000.00-and since the city water works would play an important part i~ the sewe=,~roject ~t is ~the obligation of the Council to. see that the .,~y waker works t~ 'kept up as it should be. Following lengthy discussion concer4~g this item, it was decided to hg!d a special Council meeting consuming same at 2:00 Wednesday, March 20, 1963 in the conference room at.~the City ~Ia11. ~.a. Mr. Talbot mentioned a communication fo~rm the Florida League of M~nic,ipalities under date of February 8th and asked if there had been any action taken on it, or if .any,..act~on was~neceesary. This ib~m was ~n reference to uniform traffic ~l~bol~ ~and devices. The City Manager in-formed the ,Coun-c~l t/%at he has contacted various state .a~enc~es .with a recommendation tha-t ~ey miql~t ~e- commend to:~.:,~e Florida ~eague of MUni~.cipa'litie~. ,~.- ull-i~m code for~ .~he ~_~a~e of F~orida .and, all of its mun,.~cipal S~!~&v, isions r'elative ~-o establishment of traffic symbols and devi, ces,~ 5.a., .4~r. Woodard infort~e~_.the ,.Council thai,he was presen~e'd with a petition signed by thirteen property owner, s of-,Breez~ Ridge sst~tes as fo lloyd :, ".We,,~.t~e ..~ople ,of Breezy-Ridge Estates w~i~h ~iS .~.now c&l~ed SW 23rd, and 24th Avenues and located ~O. rth of A~an~c A~enue, wou~ld lik9 the Council to change the address t~ read Northwest rather than .~.~uthwest." Mr? '~:.~':~,~pr~.' ~ed that there are seventy fo~w lots ~n said subd/~! ~e~n of, :th~; be'/~ng~ improved ~operty,, fUrther, that this pr~p.e~Ai ~s .North. of .~,~ay West -6- 3-11-6.3 Following-diScussion,'Buildi'ng InSpector-Ralph,-Hugh~oW'exp~ained that 'Atlantic Avenue paving ends at the'"S~aboard"Airl~n~ ~ailroad- a~d ~hat it is Delray West Road that lies South of B~ee'z,y--Ridge" Estates. That:the North' street right~-Of-wa~ in Br~ezy Ridge 'is Atlantic Avenue. but thatit has never been opened~and'paVed; This petition was referred' to the'City=~d~iniS~ration~With a ,request for s report on same a~ thenext,meet~n~.~ 5.a. Mayor Dietz reported that he had been working On .theSPianS of the Recreation Center for the West Sector with Architect Di~k Hanna, the Community Relations Committee and'-the Barnes Committee,, who. were all unanimous, at their last meeting, in their approval' of the plans. Further, that he now has the final drawings~andspe'cificatfons, and asked for Council permission to refer to the Architect.the right to make a bid list a~give this'project out for"bidS~'if~a~ t~ir meet- ing.'of March 18th, the'two committees are still unanimous ~n the~- approval of said.plans. ~ '~' It was noted tha~' the amount of money to be spe~t in Delray B~ch wou!d be used ss a'factor in determining the qualifications of ~he bidders on this project. -' Mr. Talbot moved that Mayor Dietz be authorized tO.'permi't Archi- tect Hanna to solicit bids on said'WeStSide RecreationCenter co~- struction. The motion was' seconded'bFMr.-Barrow 'and?ca~ried','unani- mously. ' ~-- 5.a. Mayor Dietz asked City Manager Hollan~the Status of th~ Work at the City Docks that the Plym company waw a.uthor~Zed-tO~'do,'~'%6 completion of the work, if it meets city specifications and ,if~t~re is an approval in the city files.by the.City..Engineer that,t~,~rk has been d~le'satisfactorily. City~g~eer Fleming informed the Council. that when-he receives notice to inspect same for final approval, that,'~ewil~'do so. Mayor Dietz requested that each COuncilman receive 'a"cOpy Of ,said written report of approval by the city E~gineer-~ when 'g~m~'has,~been made. 6.a. Mr. Avery provided this item on the agenda for'possible con- sideration by Council of his proposed policy procedure as read in full at the Council meeting of February 25th. Mr. Avery commen~ed at length on t~e type 'of industry th~ .~wo,uld give economic balance to Delray Seach., No 'action thereon was taken. 6.b. Concerning the nuisance abatement at the Southwest corner of intersection of N. E. 1st Avenue an~ 2nd Street, Mayor Dietz'thanked City Manager-Holland for taking care of same. 6.c. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that an application had been received for water service to be furnished Lot 41, 'Lake Shore Estates, and that the Water Superintendent, Mr. Paul N~colls, advises of there being a su.fficient supply of water in thi~"area. Further, that the applicant has executed an agreement whereb~ said Lot 41, Lake Shore Estates may be annexed 2o the City of Delray Beach, if and when such land becomes annexable by virtue of being contiguous to the city's boundaries. Said request for water service to Lot 41, Lake Shore Estates, was unanimously granted on motion'byMr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 6.d. An Assessment Roll covering the cost of authorized~ment on the South side of S. W. 1st street between 3rd and 4th Avenues and on the West side of S. W. 3rd Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets, was presented to Council ,and same was unanimously approved on motion byMr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Talbot~ -7- 3-11-~3 6.e. Regarding further considerationof petition for annexation of Lots I and 2,, Delray Beach Shores, City Clerk Worthing reviewed this itemas follows~ ~ - "Ordinance~No. G-448, providing for possible annexation of Lots 1 and 2 in Delray~Beach Shores, was ~abledat.Council meeting .held on February 25th. The Planning/Zoning.Board held a specialmeeting on Monday, March 4th, With the ,Co~nci-t being present, and discussed the nature of protests from many owners of properties in the general area of said Lots 1 and 2 relative to.the annexation of those lands under the conditions,,contained in proposed Ordinance No. G-448, namely, allowing multi-family dwelling unit construction thereon.with building height, as limited on May 24, 1962, the date of petition for annexation, .being waived. "The Planning/Zoning Board determined the advisability of reviewing the possible effect of Ordinance No. G.468, .passed and adopted by Council on November 26, 1962, which increased the building height limit from 45 feet, as then in e~fect, to 100 feet in R-3 zone (Multi-Family Dwelling District)and it issuggested that further consideration of annexation, as set forth in said Ordinance NO. ~-448, be deferred until report is received from the Planning/Zoning Board as a ~.result of the ,Board's study pertaining .to height of con- str.uction to be considered,.~in the best interests of the city,~ with- in R-3 zoned areas throughout thecity." The City Clerk ,~hen read the following Planning Board report con- cerning same., dated March~llth, 1963, and also read aletter dated, March 9, 1963 from Mr. John A..Dittrich in regard to ,high-rise apartmentsand the~present zoning laws. "In,reference to,a~nexa~ion request or, Lots. 1 &~2,~Delray Beach Shores, the Planning Board respectfully recomme~ds that this re- quest be held ~ia.abeyance un~il a review o~ height limitations as .p~rtai.ni~.to 'R~3.,-zone can be made by the.Planning Board ~n that the objections expressed by-adjoining county residents seemed ~to reflect an objection to possible 100 foot heights~ only, J~a~e,be a~ise~ that the ~lanning Boar~ has commenced such review as stated above, and~.reports att~$&me.a.~s~Ort hiStory .of height~!&m~tatipns,as has~ been ap~lie~by.~r~ance,since. 1948. ~nttl 1956, 100 foot .high b~ildings, w~re~ermitted on ocean front property in the R-3 zone. ordereR-3 zoning, limit- ed heights ~to 35 feet or 2% stories. "~pon p~a~e of Zoning Ordinance No.-~-234, 195'6, this same, height limitation was continued. In 1961 the Zoning .Ordinance was revised to permit, buildings of 100 feet in any R-3 zone. ~r~o~idiDg =e=ta~,.,additional yard set backs be,.~pp~ied for that height mxceed~ng ,~5 feet. In November of~.!~6'~i, the Ordinance was again revised to permit buil~ing~ of 100 foot height i~ al~ R~3 zones~ b~t,providing for an ad~t.~nal 5 feet offset backs at si~e and rear yards for all buildingsexceeding three stories or 45~ feet in height. "All of the foregoing Ordinance ch~q.eaw. er~,ado~tedonly after public hearing~ No~s~bstantial ob~t~ons~.~ere received from residents of .Delra~ ~Bea~h. "The Planning Board is continuing review of height limitation in all R~3.Zones with the purpose of concluding if other limi- tations are advisable in certai~ar~as. "Until this review is.concluded it is recommeaOed that no in- terim restrict,ions be placed' on the present R-a.zoning." -8- 3-11-6~ It was suggested that the Council may~wish ,to cons~er directing the Building Inspector-to temporarily with-hold consideration of ~y requested construction permit in R-3 zoned districtsfor a p~Fiod of 45 days. :, It was mentioned..that, manyowners of R~] zonedlproperties now have plans for construction on same and that such a moratorium would not be to the best interest of construction ~n Delray Beach. Mayor-Dietz informed--the Council that~Atterney George Pink, present&tire of the owners of.~:Lots I & 2, Delray,Beach Shores,,had planned to consult with said owners to ascertain if they could con- struct the building that they wished to construct, but have ~ in line with the Zoning Ordinance as it was prior to the height,being increased to 100 feet. Attorney George Pink informed the Council that said proposed apartment building height was 65 feet. Attorney Clinton,Scott, representing a delegation of 21 property owners in Delray Beach Shores present tonight, stated that th~ objection is that a high-rise apartment, which would be somethi~g in excess of 35 feet, would depreciate the value of their singl~ family one story residence dwellings which are all of ~ubstantial value, and that many of ,these people are considering amnexation to DelrayBeach0 but some are withholding their-de~ision pending the city's decision concerning Lots 1.a 2 of said subdivision., Mr. Fred M. Spinner, developer of Delray Beach Shores-..Subdivision commented on the zoning and deed restrictions of said subdivision. Following discussion on zoning and deed restrictio,ns, Mr. Talbot moved that Ordinance No, G-448 be removed from the~le~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. Mr. Talbot then moved that Ordinance No. G-448 be denied. Mayor Dietz relinquished the Chair to Vice-Mayor ,Avery and seconded'the motion. Mr. Wood&rd said that hefelt the properuse of the subjec%~prop- erty is R-3 zone but that there should be. a limit of height~of build- ings in such an R-3 zone adjacent to R-IAAA and R-XAA zones, and commented on a-possible sub-cat&gory in R-3 zoned districts~',-so that you would not go immedia.~e~y from a single family residence to a 100 foot building, FUrther, thatwhen he votes in.favor of accepting the request for the building that has been requested, that he is vot- ing for it on the basis that.it is a 65 foot, height building and that the proper use of this land is R-3, also that the City has no alter- native in an R-3 zone. Upon call of roll that Ordinance No. G-448 be denied, Mr. Barrow, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Avery&nd Mr. Woodard were opposed. The motion-carried. Mayor Dietz then st&red,that the Chair would entertain a motion that Ordinance No. G-4~8 stay the Building '~nspector from issuing any permits for~a period of 45 days on high-rise buildings, it being so moved by Mr~ Talbot. The mo~ion was seconded by,Mr. Barrow. Following discussion~ a~d upon call of roll, Mr. Barrow, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Talbot voted in favor off_the motion and Mr. Avery and Mr. Wood&rd were opposed. The motion carried. 6.f. For consideration o~ bids received for construction of Water Supply Well No. 5, Cit~Clerk Worth~ng presented the following re- capitulation of bids received for construction of said well at the north water plant site, followed by the recommendation of the City Engineer as a result of his review of the bids. For 12" Gravel Alternate - A 10" T~De Wel~., . ~avel P~ked~We11, Layne-Atlantic Company $7,385.00 .$10,500¥00 J. P. Carroll, Inc. 8,403~00 6,3~9.00 Vickere Well Drilling 9,375.00 :6,985.00 -9- 3-11-63 "Three bids have been received by the city for the con- ~struction of-a ~roposed new ~ater well at the north.plant si~e.~. Specifiuations':for this wellincluded a specified · typ~ of constr~ction, and PrOvision. for an alternate bid, by the-contractor,,in which he would guarantee 1,000 gallons perminute with the well being built on the city's~specifi- cations.' ' ~. "It' is the~recommendation of the~ City,Engineer, as well as the Water Oepar~ment Superintendent, that ,'the bid of J. P. Carroll0 ~nc., for Alternate No.~. 1, which is for the construc- tion of one 10" Gravel Packed Well as specified with a guaran- tee~ total yield.of 1,000 G. P. M,~ at the total cost to the city of $6,379.00 be accepted, this being the low bid for this item." It was reported that the City Manager concurred with ~he City Engineer?s recommendation, and that fundsfor said water ,well con- struction are inthe current budget. I.t was moved by Mr. Barrow, seconded by Mr. Woodard and unanimously Carried that the recommend- ation of the City Engineerand the City Manager be accepted. 7.a. It was reported'that on March 15th, 19630 the, terms of the following members and their respective alternates, on the Board'of Adjustment would expire= Member Al~ernat~ Mr. Ward M. Robinson Mrs. Eleanor Gringle Mr. C. J. Manson Mr. J. LeRoy. Croft. Further, that it had been recommended by the remaining members of.the Board, of, A~Ust~ent~lat the above listed members and their alternates be reappointed for a three year term commencing on the ,above mentioned date, it being so moved by. Mr& Woodard. The motion was. aeConded by Mr~. Barrow and carried unanimously. 7.b.-The Council was informed that the agreement from Florida East CoastRail~ayl Company relative to a 10 ~ ~mter, pipe crossing £m- ~ed~ately East of Lot 106, Plumosa Park Subdivision, had been re- ~'~eived, and also proposed Resolution No. 1445, concerning same. TheC£ty~Manager asked-that paragraphs 20 and 2! of said agree- ment be read, which are as follows: "20. Licensee agrees that upon completion of insta,11ation of'the carrier pipe and casing pipe, a pressure test for the maximum, pressure to~'be carried in~.said p~pe .l~ne shall be made, the results thereof shall be to the entire satis- faction of an authorized representative~of the~ailway. Casing pipe~'may be open at~bOth, ertds if-~ocal~.cOn~itions permit water from possible leaks ~o dis0~ge into. a drein- age ditch off Railway's right-of-way, o~!'if this is not practical the casing pipe Sh~ll be sealed atb0th.-.~nds and provided witha relief~vent w~ch will disch&~ge 'water from possible, leaks.into a di~tch o~ sewe~ off~.~Ra~lw~.y'~s right- of-~ay . The trench excavation on the Ra~Way's right-of-way sba1! be-backfi~ ~be~ in layers of a sU~e,~&~al thoroughly compacted to the proper 's~T~ace of.'.~Ound0 all~ at the ex- pense of Licensee. and subject to ~heagp~oyal of an au~ized representative off,the Railway. ~ ~21. ~t ~s ag=ced between the ,parties hereto that certain em- ~.~.~ 9~.,~.t~.~Railway~ar~.,~n.~e an~ th~ on account of s~cb ~trike Railway. Company may not for a considerable perio~ of time be able'to provide'a~,'the,91ace whe~e,.th~.%tOrk will. be performed a representative of the Railway company to super- vise the installation of t~e appliances, devices or equipment -10- 3-11-63 of the LiCensee hereinabsVe described; If RaiLway, ~company is so-unabIe~ to ·prOvide su:ch rep~e~ntative, at the site of the work, then at the 'e~ld' O'f months from date hef~of, the Licensee may demand that Railway refund to Licensee any sum of money he,sro;fore 'P&id Railway by Licensee pUrSuant to this instrumentJ Upon refund being made all furth~r'.'liability of either party to the other-shalL' cease and terminate:" During discussion, t~e use of an. alternate proposed.' 'route was mentioned. City Engineer Fleming stated-that it would .b~ difficult to obtain an easement in connection with-said alternate proposed route'. Following further discussion; Mr. Avery moved, to authorize the City~Administration to procee~ with' the water line0 .to and from the railroad property and get that part. in. as qUickly as possible, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot. City Clerk Worthing informed ~e CoUncil Of ReSolution N~. 144~ which should be acted upon as part of the. reqUirements of the~ F. B. C. Railway. Company and Mr. Avery and Mr. Talbot withdrew their.mo- tion and second. City Clerk Worthing then read RESO~UT~ON,.NO. i-4.45'; Upon motion duly made 'and se'conded, the f=11owin-g resolution was passed and adopted.- BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the' City of Delray Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida= 1. That the ~aid City of Delray Beach, Florida, consents to and agrees to enter 'i:nt~ .'an":'agfe~meh2. with Florida Bast Coast Railway Company, wherein and ~wherebY' Said City o[' Delray-Beach', F~o=ida; is given the right and privill.ege' of ins2alLing a~'mainta[n~g, a"ten inch cast iron water pipe across and under t~e tracks of the Railway in the C~ty of Delr~y Beach,'~ Pa'Ifii~g~h county, Florida, at the locatio~ ~o~e particularly d~Scrib~d ~ ~f~em~nt attached hereto and as per' Railway's Plan Corr. File 315-4 dated February.~20th, 1963, ai1 accordin~ to the' further te~- ~nd tions of said proposed agreement attached hereto and made a paTt hereof. - ·. 2. That the City Manager, with the attestation of the City Clerk, be and thee.each are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Delray Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida% 3. That this resolUti0n shall take effect '~mmed'ia'tely'upoh its passage, this llth day of March, 1963. Resolution No. 1445 was. u~animously pa~'sed and adopted on motion by Mr. Avery a~d seconded by Mr. Talbot. Mr. Avery then moved that the City Administration be i~Str~cted to proceed with the water line to and from the railroad track, and connect through the railroad tract if. a~d when the~ representative of the railroad company can come down. The motion was secOnded by Mr. Talbot anW carried unanimously. 7.c. Concerning bridge opening time control; City Clerk Worthing read the following con~unication addressed to Mr. Mark Fleming, City Engineer, from L. N. Landry of the Florida State . Road Depart~ ment, dated February 28, 1963~ ' ·" ' ofi!~ebruary 25, 1963 to M~. J. L. Papy, Mainten- letter ance Engineer, h~s been transmitted to this offiC~ for handling. '-11- ' 3-11-63 ,Any municipality which desires to control the time at which bridges within that municipality wLll be opened must apply to the United Skates Army Corps of Engineers for permission. "We believe that if you.have a peak vehicular-traffic con- dition, which is creating excessive congestion, and bring these facts before the Corps of Engineers, that it will be possible to place regulations on bridge openings as other municipalities.have done. I trust that this information will be of some assistance to you." Mr. Talbot complimented the city employee responsible for start- ing this investigation as it is of terrific interest to the city, and moved that the City Manager be, instructed to proceed with a study of the peak vehicular traffic condition, and see what can be done about making application to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers fo~ 'relief by the' timing of the open+ng and c%.osing of the bridges. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that ~ .compliance with Sect/on 191 of the City's Charter, notice .has/~been legally provided that a public hearing will be held by council at this meet- ing, for -the purpose of final'consideration of proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as reflected in the sixteen BILLS recommended to be submitted to the 1963 Session of the State Legislature. RESOLUTION NO. 1442. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY-COUNCIL OF DELRAYi~EACH, FLORIDA, REOUESTING THE LEGISLATIVE ,DELEGATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO PRESENT CERTAIN ~EFORE TH~' 1963 SESSION OF TfIE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE A~END~NG T~E CHAR, TER OF 'DELRAY BEAC~{, AND VALIDATING AND,.-CONFIRMING' ORDXNANCES AND ,RESOLUTIONS. {[c'o~F of Reso-lu~ion, No. 1442 is attached to and made a part of the Offici~.l ~Copy of these minutes) (See PaEes 6~-0 %h~u There being no objections to Resolution No.. 1442, _said Resolution was unanimously passed and adopted on motion by Mr. Avery and second- ed by ,Mr. Woodard. 8.b. City Clerk presented ORDINANCE NO. G-48D. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEV~fING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN.~Y THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY T~E CITY MANA~C~ER OF SAID C~TY, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SIDEWALK FIVE (5) FEET IN WIDTH ON THE soUTf{:SIDE OF S. W. 1ST STREET BE- TWE~N S. W. 3RD AND 4TH AVENUES: ALSO ON THE WEST SIDE OF S. W. 3RD AVENUE BETWEEN S. W. 1ST AND 2ND STREETS. Ordinance No. G-480 wa.s ~n~,mously-placed on first reading, on motion by ,Mr,. Talbot an~ seconded by Mr. Woodard. 9. Concerning abandonment of a 10 foot alley in Block 85, which item had been~$eferred to the Planning. Board,-~C~ty Clerk Worthing read the following 'Planning, B~ ,~ep~rt da~,MaE~h 4, 1963. "On February 4, 1963 the Council referred to the ,,~anning Board, the request of W. C. Williams III, to pave or dis- claim ownership to a ten foot alley in, ~lock 85. "On February 22, 1963 the Planning. Board met ~d 'voted unanimously to .recommend to ;tl~e C~u~ ~iL. that the .ten foot.alley in ,Block 85 be, abandoned, subject to review and approval of the City Manager and Enginee~.!Rg Department." Mr. Talbot said that after inspecting said~property he was not in favor of abandoning a ~ght~of-way !~a,t location. Mr. Talbot suggested paving-the alley'~igh~-Of-way along the F~10ri,da~ast ~oast Railroad, ~outh. of' Atlanti'c 'Avenue i,~.O=der to help take care ~ the traffic problem, It was explained that said 10 foot alley did.~ot extend Northward to'Atlant£c Avenue and lay west of, the .F.E.C. Railroad property, .which railroad property, was .of s~fficient width to be paved and help take care of some traffic~ in. that area., City Manager Holland said that he would not recommen4 paving a 10 foot alley as that was not of sufficient width to be beneficial. The City Manager informed the Council ~t~h. at he had tai-ked with an official of the F. E. C. Railway Company who had agreed that ,~ City could use the railroad alley South from A~lantic Avenue to 'the. first East-West alley in Block 85, but that he would not co, mit himself further than that. City Clerk Worthing then read HESOLUTION NO. 1441. .~ .. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~COUNC~IL..O1~, THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VA~ATI-NG AND ABANDONING THE_ TEN FOOT NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK- 85 LYING BE- TWEEN LOTS 1 THRU 18 OF SAID BLOCK, 85 AND THE WEST- ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILg~AY COMPANY AS APPEARS IN PLAT BOOK 4 PAGE 14, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, ~FLO~OA. (Copy of Resolution No. 1441 is a. ttached to and made;,.a p~rt of the official copy of these minutes. ) (.See pa~e.'~) Mr. Avery moved for adoption of Re'solution No. 1441,. the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow. Upon call of ro11, Mr. Avery., Mr. Barrow, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Talbot was opposed. X. City Manager Holland informed the Council that he had a list of alleys in town that he would like to have opened sometime in the, future, and that he had used one- alley as an experiment and garbage pickup had saved 80-minutes, three times a _week for. a crew of four, which kept the trash off. of the streets and was a '.consider- able saving in time and money. 9.b, City Clerk Worth~ng reminded tha Council that on January 28th, they had appointed, a., .committee consi~t, ing Of the City~ Manager as Chairman, Col. K. E..-Ba,ll.iet and Attorney Rhea ~itley, to review the spoil area easements in the Yacht Basin lying between. Block K of John B. Raid's Village and the Intracoastal Waterway. City Clerk Worthing then read the following report and proposed Resolution No~ 1443, from aaid ~ommittee, dated March.8, 1963. "Your Committee, appointed to make recommendations regarding possible deposit of atto_ il by Florida Inland Navigation Dis- trict on certain submerged lands in the City of Delray Beach, Florida in connection with proposed dredging operations in this area, met Thursday, March 7, 1963. "Present were Harry W. Gerquest, representing City Manager Robert J. Holland, Colonel ~.. E. Balliet and Rhea Whitley, Committee members. Also present for advisory purposes was John Ross Adams, City Attorney. -13- 3-11-63 "After discussion of the various possibilities the following proposals are made= "1. That the City Co~mcil~'adop~.-'a resolution requesting Florida InlandNavigation D~str£ct~not to use the'area in question for deposit of spoil. Copy of suggested ~esolution is attached hereto. "2; That the City Council make an'offer to Mr. Frank DeRice to abandon the 25 foot right of. way of Casuarina Road jacen~'to the North boundary of Lot "X"', ..BloCk 14, Seagate Section "A", wh~ch'.is owned, by Mr. DeRice, in.exchange for a deed from Frank DeRice to the City of Delray Beach, con- veying such title, as he might have to the Southone-half Of Blocks 136 and '144~ "It is believed that the above recommendations, if im- plemented by the City ~council, will be' effective in preserv- ing the present character of the.basin as'an attractive City asset and recreation area." RESOLUTION NO. 1443. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL' OF TH~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING A~D URGING FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DIS~RI'CT NOT'TO DEPOSIT SPOIL 'FROM DR~DGING.. 0PE~ATION~ 'ON-CEHTA~N SUBMERGED - LANDS IN~THE CITY OF DELRAY' BEACH, ~O~DA. (copy of Resolution No. 144.3 isYattache~ to and made a part of the.official copy of these minutes.)~ ~(See Pa~e Mr. Avery stated that he is in'favor~.~ ~he city acquiring said property but there is also other proper~y N~r.th of this piece', further, .that he would' like.to see thi~'~te~ tabled until the'next meeting and the Committee instructed to contact Mr. DeRice. Mayor Dietz 'stated that he had talked'.with Mr. DeRice who is aware'of-ReSolution' No. 1443., a~d that .sa.id resolution should be act~ upon'~ton~ght. Mr. Talbot moved that Res~ution N~. 1443 be pas~ed and. adopted, the motion being .seconded by Mr.. Barrow. Upon call of roll, Mr. · Barrow', May°~ Die,z; Mr. Talbot and Mr'~ Woc~ard' vot'e~ in favor of the motion:andM~. Avery abstained .f~om v~ng. Mr. AVery-mo~ed"that the Committee sit ~with Mr. DeR[ce as soon as possible and Start di~cussingthis thi~g, and~'also research the title on the property to th~-~North of his. .Mr;'.Avery further stressed the importance of obtaining all of this sub,erred Ia~d and of getting the fill easement lifted as soon as possible. Mayor Dietz said that ~e had talked to At~e~ ~itle~ who thoUght~ that the" imPOrtant th:i'ng ~o p~ect~h~6~ property owners was to pass the resolution' that-had }'us~ been passe~, and that the othermatter was q~ite invol%ed and wOUld take a lot of time and suggested that it not be.rushed into, but t~'ha~dle the. whole ~hing as one piece. ~fter being questioned concerning th~S .mat.~erduring the lengthy discussion, City-Clerk'W0rth~g.~tated,-,:~hat~t w~uld be well to consider Paragraph 2 of the Committee's letter that was rea~ tonight. FOllowing discUSs~on,'CitY Manager iHo:~l~'~sa~d that he would in- struct Mr. Worth~ng, Mr; HarMy. Gerquest', 'C~'A~rBey Adams and Attorney Rhea'Whitle7 ~ .h~.Ve a meeti~g'a~'~.~y"tosolve'th~s~ problem and come to the COuncil-Wi.th a.':recO~mend-a't£~n~,: 10. Concerning an item that was referred ~o the Planning Board re- lative to permiseive use exPansion 'of ~:Oad~s~ng station'.activity to Lot '1, Go~fView Eetates, City Clerk:'Wo~th~ng'~'~'the f0~lowing report from the. Pla~ninu~oard~date~Mar~h,'~l, -14'- ~ 3-11-63 "The Planning Board received a request from the Chamber of Commerce for expanding a permissive use to Golfview sub-division. "The Board recommends to Council that the permissive, use be expanded to Lot 1, ~olfview sub-division, for parking use only." City Clerk Worthing recommended to the Council, if they sustain this recommendation, that it be subject to dedication of the North 15 feet' of said Lot 10 GOlfview.Estates for right-of-wa~pUrposes. It was noted by City Attorney Adams that a Public He,ring should be provided on this item and it was so moved by Mr. Woodard~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. 10.a.A.bill in the amount of $800.00 from City Attorney Adams for legal services rendered in connection with-Legislative Bills was presented. The following b~lls for approval were also presented: General Fund $62,491.95 Water Fund - OPerating Fund 2,812.26 The bills were unanimously ordered paid on motion by'Mr, woodard and seconded by Mr. Talbot. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M% on motion by l~r. Woodard. R. D. ,~WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -15- 3-11-63 64'A A TL~O~,I~ION OF T~, CI~T COUNCIL CI~ ~ DE~Y ~CH, F~I~, VACATING AND A~NDONING T~ T~ FOOT NORTH-BO~H ~ST COAST ~I~AY C0~ AS App~ IN P~T BOOK 4 PAGE ~, P~LIC ~0~ 0F PA~ ~CH C0~. F~RIDA ~S. the fiSt-or'way described above has not been opened or developed, and s.m III the o~e~s of ~ts 1 t~u 9, BlOck 85 abUtt'i~ said ~i~-~--way requested ~e vacation and ah~do~ent there- cf, as said ri~twe~-way is ne lo.er ~equired fOr,providing egress and l~ess .to' any lands ~d:should therefore revert to the o~iginal o~ers or their successors or assign. OF T~ OI~ OF DE~Y ~CH, FLORI~: ~at P~suant to Section Seven(7), paragraph T~ee (3) of the Charter for the City of De~aY Beach. Florida, we herebY-declare the. following ri~t~of~way in' the City of De~ay Beach, Florida, to be ~acated and abandoned: ~e ten foot North-South Alley in Bl~k 85 lying between ~ts 1 t~u 18. of S~id Block 85 and: the westerly ri~-of-WaY line ~ the Florida East Coast Railway CO--any as app~ears in Plat BOok 4, page ~,~ Public Records of Pa~ Beach County, Florida. PASSED AND A~PTED in re~lar session this the llth day of ~rch, 1963. MA YOR', ATT~T: ROBERT .p, WORTHING OXt~ Clerk' ' ' 64-B RESOLUTXON NO. 1443. A RESOLUTION OF THE CXTY COUNCIL OF THE CXTY OF DEL~AY BEACH, FLORIDA, REOUESTXNG AND URGING FLORIDA INLAND h~ATION DISTRICT NOT TO DE- POSIT SPOIL FROM 'DREDGING OPERATIONS ON CERTAIN SUBMER~ED LANDS IN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ~LORIDA ~' V~EREAS, the Florida Inland Navigation District owns an easement for the deposit of spoil on a portio~ of certain submerged lands ~n the City of'Delray Beach described as follows: Blocks 136 and 144 lYin~ East of East Right of Way line of Intracoastal Waterway; and a parcel of land bounde~ as follows: O~ the North by the South boundary of Block L, John B. Raid's Village, extended Westerly to East Right of Way of I,ntracoastal Waterway; on the East by the East line of said Block 144 extended Northerly~ on the South by the North li~e of said Blocks 136 and 144 and on the West by East Right of Way line of the Intra- coastal Waterway. ~EREAS, the water covering the submerged land forms a large' basin which is an attractive and valuable civic asset and is available to and ,enjoyed by the public for boating, fishing and other recreational uses~ and W~EP~EAS, the City of Delray Beach.has given Florida Inland Navigation District an easement to deposit spoil on the public beach, opposite the East end of Casuarins Road and the use of the said sulanerged land should not be required in conjunction with proposed dredgingoperations; and WHEREAS, due to extensive erosion, fill is very much needed on the said public beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delra¥ Beach, Florida that Plorida Inland Navigation District is hereby requeste~ and urged not to use any part of the said subm~..rged land for the deposit of spoil from proposed dredging operations, thereby preserving the basin as an attrac- tive recreation area for the use and enjoyment of the public~ and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be furnished to appropriate officials of Florida Inland Navi- gation Distriot. PASSED AND ADOPTED this llth day of March, 1963. - /S/ W~LTER DIETZ , ....... MAYOR ATTEST: /S/..ROBERT_ I~. WO_RTHING City Clerk 64-0 RESOLUTION NO. 1442 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO PRESENT C.~RTA~N BILLS BEFORE TH~ 1963 SESSION .' ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. BE IT RESOLVED C6 CIL OF THE'CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS..~OLLOWS -' SECTION 1. That the legislative delegation of palm Beach County, Florida, is hereby requested by the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, to present to the 1963 session of the Florida Legislature for passage, the following bills which are described herein by title for identification, the f011owing titles being those that appear on the bills to be presented, and'%~hich accurately describe the subject of each bill: AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, SPECIAL LAWS OF FLORIDA; ACTS OF 1949, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY BE AMENDING SECTION 63 THEREOF BY ADDING A .SECOND UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH THERETO EMPOWERe II~ EVERY POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, TO~URSUE ACROSS AND BEYOND THE CORPORATE LIMITS TO ANY POINT IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, AND ARREST WITHOUT A WARRANT, ANY PERSON WHO HAS COMMITTED A VIOLATION OF THE CITY ORDI- NANCES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS, PROVIDED THE VIOLATION IS COMMITTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE POLICE OFFICER AND PURSUIT OF THE ALLEGED vIOLATOR IS ~CONTINUOUS AND SS MADE II~4EDIATELY THEREAFTER~ ~ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AN ACT RELATINO TO T~ CITY OF DE,HAY BF~CH~ AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, .SPECIAL LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACT~ OF 1949, AS A~ENDED, SAID CHAPTER BEING TH~'.-CHARTER OF SAID CITY, BY ADDING SECTION 6 A, DESIGNATING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GREATER DELRAY BEACH AREA~ PROVIDING METHODS FOR ANNEXATION OF ANY REAL PROP- ERTY LOCATED IN THE GREATER DELHAY BEACH AREA THAT IS NOT IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY~ RESERV- ING SAID AREA FOR THE FUTURE GROWTH OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AN ACT RELATING ~ THE C~TY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM. B~ACH ~UNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2578~, SPECIAL LAWS OF F~ORIDA, ACTS OF 1949, AS EEING CHAR R OF SAID CIT BY REpF~ING SECTION 179~THEREOF SO AS TO ELIMI- NATE TB~ PROVISION PROV~DIN~.~ A ~0LF~-..~0MMISSION~ - AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE ~A~E~ ~ ' 64-0 AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, SPECIAL LAWS OF'FLORIDA, ACTS OF '1949, CITY BY R~PEALING SECTION 185 ,TBEREOF SO AS TO ELIMINATE THAT PARTICULAR pROViSION' PRO-" VIDING FOR A METHOD OF ANNEXATION r AND PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '~ AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, SPECIAL LAWS OF FLORIDA, .ACTS OF 1949, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING THE CHARTER :OF :SAID CITY BY AMENDING SUB-SECTION 19 OF SECTION 7 THEREOF BY SUBSTITUTING THE WORD "REOUIRE" FOR TH~ WORD "AOU~RE" AS IT APPEARS BETWEEN THE WORDS '"TO" AND "THE" IN SAID SUB-SECTION~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AN ACT RELATING _/~ THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, SPECIAL LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1949, A~ .AMENDED, .SAME BEING T~E CHARTER OF SAID CITY B~ AMENDING SECTION 44 THEREOF BY SUB- STITUTING THE WORD "REMOVe" FOR THE WORD "MOVE" AS IT APPEARS IN. SAID SECTION~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 'AN ACT RATIFYING, VALIDATING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING ALL RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES HERETOFORE ADOPTED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH,~ IN.PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA7 AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY~ FLORIDA., ~MBNDING CHAPTER 25786; SPECIAL LAWS OFf FLORIDA, ACTS OF AS AMENDED, SAME BEING T~E CHARTER OF SAID CITY BY REPEALING SECTION 64 THEREOF. SO AS' ~TO ELIMINATE TH~ PROVISION PROVIDING FOR THE TABLISHM~NT OF ~THE 'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY.'OF DE~RAYfBEACH,. PLORIDA~ AND PROViDING PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25786. SPECIAL-LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1949, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING THE ~TER OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FIRST UNNUNBERED PARA- GRAPH OF SECTION 13 OF SAID C~ARTER BY STRIK- ING THE WORDS i "A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS" IN SAID PARAGRAFH~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF. DELRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, ~LORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, SPECIAL LAWS OF~ FLORIDA, ACTS OF AS AMENDED~ SAME BEING THE .CH~d~TER ~0F-SAID CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 12 THEREOF PROVIDING THAT THE CITY. COUNCIL SHALr: BE THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY, BEING COMPOSED ~ OF FIVE MEM- BERS, ONE OF WHOM SHALL 'BE THE ,DULY ELECTED~ MAYOR~ CREATING THE: POS~TION' OF .VIC~iMAyoR~ PROVIDING FO%, THE DUTIES DP THE OPFICE,, AND ~ DAT~ ~bR Co~crU~-~ ~0 ASSU~ 64-E PROVIDING THAT THE PRESENT MAYOR-COUNCILMAN C~W BY ~D~ SE~ION 21 T~OF S~ BE ELECTED IN ODD ~E~D ~S, T~T ~ CO~CI~N S~ BE E~CTED IN ~E~D ~.~S~ ~T ALL ~ERS OF ~ ~TY CO~CIL S~ BE BLECT~ ~R A ~ ACT ~TiNG. ~ ~ CITY .OF D~Y 25786,. SPEC~. ~WS. OF FLORIDA,' ACTS` O~.(1949, AS ~, .S~ .BEINg' ~ ~RTER OF SAID T~ PRO.~U~ FOR FILLING A VA~CY OCC~ING IN T~ ~ERSHIP OF ~ CI~ CO~C~ ~R ~ ~T SEAT OC~PI~ BY ~T~ D~Y ELEC~D ~YOR~ ~ PROVIDING ~ E~E~I~ DATE ~; A~ ~LATING TO T~ CI~ OF DEL~Y B~, P~ B~CH CO~ FLORa, ~NDING C~ER 25786, SPECI~ LAWS OF ~ORIDA, A~S OF 1949, AS ~NDED, S~ BEING ~ C~R OF SAID CI~ BY ~ING SECTION 18 T~OF BY S~IK- ~ ~ST ~O SE~NCES OF SAID SE~ION PERTAINING TO T~ SELE~ION OF ~OT~R OF T~ CiTY CO~CIL ~ PE~ T~ D~IES OF ~YOR IN T~ ~SEN~ OR DI~IFI~TION OF SAID ~R~ ~ PR~IDING ~ EF~CTI~ DATE. ~ ACT ~TING TO T~ CI~ OF DEL~Y B~CH, 25786, SPECI~ ~WS OF ~RIDA, ACTS OF 1949, AS ~ED, S~ BEING ~ ~R~R OF SAID CI~ BY ~ING SECTION 143 ~OF BY PR~ VIDING T~T PRIVY E~CTIONS FOR ~ OFFI~ OF ~R S~L BE DISPENSED WI~ IN .~ EVENT ~T MO~ T~N ~O ~I~S Q~IFY FOR T~ PR~RY ELECTION A~ ~L ~IDA~S D~Y Q~IFIED S~L BE DE~D ~ NOMI~S E~IT~D TO ~ T~IR N~S PRINTED ON T~ GE~L ELECTION B~L~ T~T IN BOTH T~ ODD ~E~D ~S ~ E~N ~E~D ~RS ~N ~ CO~C~N OT~R T~ TO BE E~CTED, T~ HOLDING OF A PR~RY E~C- TION S~L DISPENSED WI~ IF NOT MO~ T~N FO~ ~I~TES QU~IFY FOR-T~ PRIORY E~C- TION.FOR T~ ~O ~O~ID ~CIL VA~NCIES, ~ ~ ~I~TES D~Y O~IFIED S~L BE ~C~ ~ NOMI~S AND E~ITLED .T~IR ~S PRIED ON T~ ~ ELECTION 64-F AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PALM. BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA~ AMENDING CHAPTER 25786, SPEC/AL LAW80P FLORIDA~ ACTS OP 1949, AS AMENDED, SANE BRING THE CHARTER OP SAID CITY BY AMSND/NG SECTION 144 THEREOF PROVIDING T~AT THE CANDIDATE RECEIVING TH~ HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES .CAST FOR MAYOR IN TH~ GENSPa%L ELECTION HE~D FOR' THAT PURPOSE, SHALL BE. DECLARED ELECT- ED~ AND TEAT THE TWO CANDIDATES RE~ZVZNG T~ HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES-CAST. FOR THE TWO COUNCIL VACANCIES OTHER THAN THE OFFICE OF MAYOR IN THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD FOR THAT PURPOSE, SHALL BE DECLARED ~CTEDI AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AN ACT P~LATING TO THE CITY OF ~gLRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA* AMENDING C~APTER 25?86, SPECIAL LAWS OF PLORIDA~ ACTS OF 1949, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING TBS CHARTER OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 146 THEREOF BY ADDING A SECOND ~NUMBERED PARAGRAPH THERETO EMPOWEltTNG THE. CITY COUNCIL TO SPEND PUBLIC-FUNDS FOR THE CONDUCT OF STRAW VOTE ELECTIONS AT ANY TIME UP- ON A DETERMINATION BY THE COUNCIL THAT IT IS IN TH~ BEST INTEREST OF TBS CITY TO OBTAIN AN EX- PRESSION OF THE P~OPLB WITH RESPECT TO SOM~ MUNICIPAL QUESTION~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PAS'SED AND ADOPTED ,on ..this . 1.1.t.h day Of M~rchL , 1963. /S/ WALTER DIETZ ATTEST~ City Clerk