08-24-63SpMtg AUGUST 24,' 1963.
A sppc~l meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 1~00 P.M.,
SatUrd~'~August 24th, 1963, with ~ayor Walter Dietz in the Chair,
city Ma~er Robert J~ ~Ho~l*and, C~t~A~rne~ John Rose A~S. and
Counc~n A1 C. Avery. Emory J. Barrow, 'George Talbo&, ==~, and
Oliver'.W~'WoOdard, Jr.~ei~g present.~
MayorD~etz called the meeting to order and announced ~hat same
had bee~ ~alled~for the purpose of consideration ofthe proposed.
Budget!fo~ 1963-64 Year, and for any other businesswh~hmaycome
before ~he meeting.
Mayor Dietz said that he felt it was the privilege of each Council-
man to ~ake anY kind of a statement that he wishes ~o make prior to
considered!on of the budget.
Vice~M~or AVery Saidthat after going through the budget that he
is cOnV%~, and feels.~t all of the Councilmen are ~n ~favor of
holding~!~e line as tight as possible and that he sees ~ reason why
this budget can't be brought into line so that there will not be an
increase in taxes for the next year.
The other Councilmen were in agreement with ViceMayor Avery, and
Mr. Woodard added that this year~s millage could be held and include
in the budget'all of the major programs that are necessary for next
Mayor Dietz made the following statement: "I would like to make
this as a foreword to our Budge~ Meeting for the 1963-64 Budget.
Many people feel that the taxes in the City of Delray Beach are
too highnow'for the services we get and consequently should not be
increased now and I do heartily agree.
Under the admi~istration of Mr. Robert Holland, City Manager, the
efficiency of the city has been materially ~nCreased. I thank you
for that Bob. It looks cleaner, the outside employees seem to be
busier, and the outside work is well organized. Much has been aco
complished through his outside management. It was not too long ago
when city outside workers were not organized for work but there is a
difference now. I used to feel that the city was getting about one
hour of work per day per outside employee.
Particularly, the garbage department under Mr. Frank Pierce is to
be commended for its efficiency of operation and the realistic budget
that it submitted to the council.
Thanks and commendations to the following departments for their
realistic budgets submitted~ Mr. Rober~ Worth~ng and the departments
that come under him. Mr. Tom weber and the departments that come
under him. Mr. Ralph Hughson and departments and the Parks Department
under Wade Cartee.
Of the fiftythree categories I stud~ed in the budget, twenty-eight
are acceptable to me'as an individual as submitted. Howe%er, twenty-.
five catagories'Will have to be revised and made real, afdc.
This years job should be easier because we have the complete list
of all cash transfers that Mr. Holland made during the budget year.
They amount to $109,~59.00 {these are transfers of $200.00 or more)
o~which approximately $45,000.00 was from the contingency fund pro-
vided for this purpose so the difference roughly is the excess in
the accounts from which'they were withdrawn.
I will not vute PersonalIy for' any increase in the number of em-
ployees above those now on the City pay roll except Police and Fire.
When we complete the budget ! will offer some resolutions to safe-
guard operations in the 63-64 budget year.
"Here are some pertinent figures~
$ 123,422.00 in the increase asked, for in Employee's Pay.
$ 64,258.00 of this is'fOr ~ol'ice & Fire.
$ 817,989.00 Personal Services asked for (63-64)
$ 657,101.00..Totals 400-500-600
$ -5~010.00 Increase.40Q-500-600 (63~,64).oVer (6,2-63) Police & Fir,
$ 20,000.00 Special~E~pment Contingency Fund for Holland.
$ 1,500,100.00 TOtal ·
$1~526,828.00 income shown in {63-64) BUdget adjusted, to 12 mills tax
rate for operating budget, So it should be very simple to balance
the budget to the 13½ mills, Mr. Holland has done a good Job and he
has responsibilities and if we can .cut this budget sufficiently, I am
going to recommend thet a $20,~000..00 Special ~Eq~ipment Contingency
Fund be set aside for his use for any equipment that he wishes to
purchase. I find by law, however, that he must come to the Council
for the authorization, butthat will be set aside for such'equipment
that he decides is in the best interest of-the Cityof.Del. ray Beach,
and his, in my opinion, should be the sole decision, but legally we
have to approve that as a Council because our Charter calls for that.
With those provisions we still h&ve a surplus over and above and so I
think that it is a very easything to approach this. Thank you."
City Clerk Worthing read letters fromM rs. Anne F. Magnusson,
Delray 'Beach Chamber 'of Commerce, Boardof Realtors and Mr. R. R.
Bonnell, all requesting the Council to keep the 1963-64 tax millage
as low as possible.
The foI1owing is unanimous action of Council on detailed functions
of the proposed 1963-64 Budget.
Page Numb. er Division and Function Amount
42 210 Police Administration $ 206,?63.00 as submitted
50 230 -Fire Administration 150,186.00 as submitted
45 215 Police - Jail 21~750.00 deleted
Amount de]eted is from Capital ImproVement $20,000.00
Fund and it was Stated that the Jail would
be improved from the new Capital. Improvement Fund.
29 161 Law - Counsel &.Legal 9,565.00 as submitted
53 241 Building a Structures 22,390.00 as submitte~
31 171 Planning & Zoning Board : 832.00 deleted
Mr. Stuart Lankton, a member of the $3°000.00
planning/Zoning Board discussed with Council
the cost of professional services concerning
a study of Westward expansion which Study would
cost $5,000.00 and that there is $2,.500.00 un-
expended in the present Budget that is intended
to be used for half of that study. Mayor Dietz
said that he felt a future Council would go
along with the,PlanningBo~Fd.for additional
necessary money and take same from the Con-
,tingency Reserve.Fund. .
5 1il City C0~n~l- 8,590.00 as submitted
7 121 ~City Man~ger. .. 26,241.00 deleted
Deletion was from th~City.Manager's $300.00
salary as his car allowance was increased
in the amount of $300.00.
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10 131 City Court 2,900.00 as submitted
12 141 Elections - registration. 75.00 as submitted
13 142 Elections 610.00 as submitted
16 151 Finance - Accounting and
Internal Control 30,284.00 as submitted
19 152 Finance - External Audit 4,600.00 as submitted
21 153 Assessment & Licenses 34,231.00 as submitted
24 154 Purchase & C~stody~f Supplies 5,713.00 as submitted
27 155 Finance - Treasury 8,615.00 as submitted
34 17~ Community Promotion -
chamber of Commerce 21,485.00 To~al was
Change f~detail as follows: approved as
Chamber of Commerce Promotion 14,900.00 submitted.
Direct City Promotion 5,200.00
Christmas lights 1,385.00
35 174 Advisory Boards & Offices
Civic Betterment deleted
36 175 Advisory Boards & Offices 725.00 deleted
City Memberships & organizations $1,000.00
Deletion was fo~ Palm Beach County F~eight
Rate Bureau. It w~s reported that this only
helps the merchants of the City and should
not be a City function.
39 178 Civil Service Board 350.00 deleted
40 180 Board' of Adjustment 100.00 as submitted
47 220 Public Works - Traffic 21,620.00 deleted
Engineering $5,400.00
Change in detail as follows:
Material & Supplies $7,550.00
Capital Outlay 3,195.00
56 251 Animals 3,825.00 as submitted
58 252 Civil Defense 200.00 deleted
,~ $1,300.00
60 310 Engineering Administration 18,975.00 as submitted
63 321 S~reets, Alleys and Sidewalks 106,116.00 deleted
Change in detail as follows:
Personal services 40,986.00
Contractu~al services 3,625.00
Material & supplies 61,505.00
66 322 Street Lighting 50,833.00 deleted
Amount deleted was the proposed expense for
liphting West Atlantic Avenue.
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69 331 Sewer System 9,075.00 deleted
Detail as follows:
Personal services 6,000.00
Contractu~al services 700.00
Material & supplies 2,-375.00
72 332 Street Cleaning 6,862~00 deleted
Detail as follows:
Personal services 4,267.00
The other items in line with
· the 1962-63 budget.
74 333 Garbage Collection 101,583.00 deleted
Deletion is from Personal Services.
77 334 Trash Collection 43,324.00 deleting
Detail as follows:
Personal services 37,574.00
Contractu~al services 825.00
Material & supplies 4,925.00
80 335 Waste Disposal 12,438.00 as submitted
83 336 Mosquito Control 2,270.00 as submitted
85 340 Central Garage Maintenance 22;347.00 deleted
SS, 100.00
Deletion was all of Capital Outlay with
the exception of $750.00 for radio.
88 351 City Hall 24,691.00 as submitted
93 600 Libraries 44.800.00 as submitted
95 710 Recreation Administration 1,600.00 deleted
Detail as follows:
Personal services 780.00
Contractumal services 470.00
Material & Suppiies 350~00
98 720 Recreation - Playgrounds & 9,418.00 deleted
Playfields $8,507.00
Detail as follows:
Personal services 1,600100
Contractu~al services 5,543.00
Material & supplies 1,675.00
capital outlay 600.00
101 731 Eastside Pool & Beach 47,911.00 deleted
The amount deleted is from Personal services.
104 732 Teen Town Pool 15,131.00 deleted
The amount deleted is from Capital Outlay.
110 740 Tennis <Courts 12,645.00 deleted
The amountdeleted is from Contractu~al services.
-4- 8-24-63
113 750 COl~'~u~it~ centerr 20,~10.00 deleted
The amount deleted is the Capital Outlay.
ll6 ?6D Teen Town Center ~ . 3o690,00 ~s submitted
119 .-,~65 West Side ~o~u~ity Center 10,581.00 as submitted
It was mentioned that there may need to be
additional money during ~he year for Capita~
Outlay as this is a new unfurnished building..
122 770 Parks, Parkways & Streets &' '79,625.00 deleted
Trees $1,475.00
Detail as follows:
Personal services 60,215.00
Contractuwal services 8,740.00
Material& supplies : 7,665.00
Capital OUtlay 3,005.00
125 771 Beautificati6n.:. 1, 0O0.00 deleted
Mr. Stuart Lankton, a member of the
Beautification Committee informed the
Council that the $2,500.00 item at N. E.
13th Street & 3rd Avenue had been changed
to the beautification of another section
of the Beach. Further, that the amount for
the Cemetery was intended for entrance gates.
The items that were appro.ved were $500.00 each
for the Cemetery and the Sprinkler System at
N. E. 5th Avenue south of 8th Street.
127 775 Nursery 9,910.00 deleted
The $1,000.00 deletion is from Capital Outlay.
130 851 Cemetery 17,495.00 deleted
Detail as follows=
Personal services 6,625.00
Contractu~al services ?,925.00
Material & supplies_ 1,980.00
Capital Outlay 962.00
133 852 Insurance 21,500.00 deleted
134 853 Taxes 27,890.00 as submitted
137 876 Hospitalization & Life Insurance 5,300.00 as submitted
139 880 Communications System 5,575.00 as submitted
141 800 Debt Service, Bonds & Interest 67,697.00 as submitted
143 900 Transfers 158,120.00 Deleted
This deletion of $60,000.00 was in the Special
Assessment .Fund and was explained at length by
Mayor Dietz and Finance Director Weber.
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In trying to determine whereadditional money could be taken from
in order to have a 12 mill levy for operating, Mr. Weber explained
.that $30,000.00 could be from the reduction of .paying this years
amount to the Special Assessment F~nd~and in that way the.Reserve
fo= Contingency would not have to be lowered. Mr.. Weber explained:
"By taking another $30,000.00 from this years surplus to finance
next years budget, which is what you did when you approved paying
$20,000.00 to the S~ecial Assessment Fund instead of $50,000.00
you made available $30,000.'00 more surplus."
Mr. Woodard asked: "What specificallyis this transfer that we
should make?"
Mr. Weber= "Itts from the unappropriated surplus in the Special
ASsessment Fund."
Mr. Woodard then moved for the transfer of $30-,000.00 from the
unappropriated surplus in the Special Assessment Fund to the Reserve
for City's share of Improvements in the~Special Assessment Fund. The
motion was seconded and carried unanimo~sl~.
Page 135, Function No. 858, Reserve fo= Contingency.
Mayor Dietz said that he would like to have $20,000.00 or
$25,000.00 of Contingency Reserve set up as a City Manager's Equip-
ment Contingency Fund, out of which he C0'uldbuy the equipment that
is most essential, in his opinion, and that the Council would O.K.
his expenditure in order to make it legal, further, that it would
be expressly understood that said money would not be used for anything
but equipment. Further, that the $50,000.00 be the regular Contingency
Reserve Fund.
Mr. Weber assured the Council that there had been sufficient money
deleted and transferred i~ order that there would be a 12 mil! Oper-
ating levy, and that the $75,000.00 in the Reserve for Contingency
could besplit up anyway that the Council desired.
Mr. John Kabler asked what amount of money it took to increase the
number of employees of the Police and Fire Departments that the Counci]
had approved earlier in the meeting and why such increase was approved~
That he felt the Police and Fire Departments had done excellent jobs,
and wondered"if the departments here' were in line With Boca Raton and
Boynton Beach.
Mr. Avery explained that there had been a detailed study of the
PoliceDepartment conducted throughout the year and that it was felt
necessary to increase the number of employees for better coverage and
protection. Mr. Avery further stated that the F.B.I. averages show
that Delray Beach is below the average for a town of this size and
that with the additional men Delray Beach will stil! be below their
Concerning the Fire Department, it was explained that there were
certain specifications to be lived up to if the City kept it's Class
5 Insurance Rate, which benefited all residents in a lower fire in-
surance premium than ~uld be charged if the rate classific&tion was
Mr. Kabler was informed that the budget was increased approximately
$55,000.00 for the saIaries of the addit£onal P~I£ce and Fire Depart-
ment employees.
Mayor Dietz complimented Mr. Woodard in particular for his assist-
ance in getting the budget cut down as ~t had been today.
The meeting adjourned at 5:05 P.M. By order of'Ma~0=.Dietz.
City Clerk .
'' M A Y O R
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