12-06-63SpMtg DECEMBER 6, 1963. A ~pecial meeting was held in the Council Ch~m~era at 2=00 P.M., Eriday, December 6th, 1963, with Ma~or ~lter Dietz ~n the ~air, City Manager Robe=t J. HoIIan~, 'City Atto~FJohn Ross A~ams, an~ A1 C. Avery, EmOry J. Barro~ an~-~ Talbot, Jr., being 9resent, Mawr Dietz called the meeting to order and announce~ ~at same had been calle~ for the purpose of Council canvassing the returns of the ~eneral Elect~on he,ld on ~esday, Dece~er 3r~, 1963, and for any other bus~ness that may ~ before ~e meeting. An o~enLng prayer ~s ~el~ve~d by C~ty Clerk worthing. City ~erk ~rthtng state~ that ~n the absence of any ~eclaratton of contest by any of ~e candidates, Cocci1 shoul~ ~eclare ~e results of the electLon, as follows, ~ be final. "GE~L ELECTZON - DEC~ER 3r~, 1963. MA~HI'NES ~T~AL A~SE~E 3~249 35250 35251 35252 35253 g.L' C. A~RY 14 279 388 363 282 ~ 1454 :,WA ~TgR D~ 11 114 247 368 306 168 1214 J. ~ROY CROFT . 16 2?2 391 358 ~02 131 14~0 JA~S H. S~ZF~Y , 8 , . 121 24~ 39~ 324 ,164 _ 1258 GEORGE TA~, ~. ~5 ', ,25~. 35~ 342 274 ~ 1369 HUGH VOGL 11 109 232 350 26~ TOTAL ~S 2737 /~/ ~. P. Wor~tn9 City Clerk" On ~tton by ~. Barrow ~a seconded by ~. Talbot, the Council una~mously declared the results of the elect/on as submitted to be final. ~e meeting adjourned at 2:05 P.M., by order of Mayor Dfetz. ~ty Clerk A~PRO~D ~ MAYOR 12-6-63 "Colonel Fabens Richard Jebb Stuart Lankton Re= A request by the City Council relative to rezoning lots 18 through 22 and 26 and 27, Mc~inley~osman sub-division from R-2, (one and two family dwelling districts) to R-3 (multiple family dwelling district). Twenty-four property owners were notified~ there were no Objections voiced. On a motion by K. Jacobson, seconded by S. Lankton and .unanimously passed, to recommend that the above mentioned lots, be rezoned to R-3, multiple family dwelling district." The Clerk informed the Council that if they sustain the recommend- ation of the Planning Board, they should direct that an Ordinance be prepared and s~tbmitted to the~ for consideration Providing for such rezoning, it being so moved by Mr~ Woodard. The motion wasseconded byMr. Talbot and carried unanimously. City Clerk Wo~thing informed the Council that by their action on October 14~h, 1963 Ordinance N. G-$10 providing for the rezoning of Lots 23, 24 and 25, McGinley & Gosman Subdivision had beentabled, further,' when an ordinance is submitted for Council consideration for the r~Zoning of these many lots it would be in order to lift Ordinance No. G-510 from the table to be acted upon at the same time. 9.g. It was reported that the following recommendations were made concerning a Christmas Bonus for City employees= Two days pay for all full time regular employees. Regular employees with city less than 90 days from December 31, 1963 to receive prorated bonus with minimum amount fixed at $15.00. Part time and temporary employees to be given minimum flat rate of $15.00. Appropriation to be made from Contingency Fund with actual final amount to be determined by payrolls as of December 15, 1963. It was further reported that should the City Council approve pay- ment of a Christmas bonus to all City employees it is estimated that the approximate total cost would be $5,825.00 andthat an appropriatio~= should be made by transfer of funds from the Contingent Account %910- 858-800 to Christmas Bonus Account ~910-503-490, it being so moved by Mr. Talbot. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unani- mously. 10. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council it was necessary for them, in compliance with Section 154 of the City Charter, to provide for appointment of a Clerk and Inspectors for the coming General Election to be held on Tuesday, December 3rd, 1963, with the polling place being at the Central Fire Station, 101 west Atlantic Avenue. The City Clerk submitted a list of local residents qualified for rendering such service and recommended that one Clerk and ten Inspectors be appointed. Mr. Barrow moved that the same Clerk and Inspectors be used as w~re used in the recent Primary Election. Mr. Woodard seconded the motion with the st~pulation that if any of the individuals contacted are unable to serve, the City Clerk has the authority to provide a person ' ' -10- 11-26-63 Further, that a petition for installation of miniature golf course on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 61 had been referred to the Planning Board, and the following report had been received from said Board: "A ~%1= hearing was hela on October 25, 1963 in th9 ~ouncil Fiv. m.mb.rs of th. Planning Board w. re Chairman pro rem, Kenneth Jacobson Richard Hanna. Colonel Fabens Richard Jebb Stuart Lankton Re: a request for permissive use of lots 1, 2, 3 a~ 4, Block 6~i to utilize this property for a Miniature ~I~':Course. On a ~uest by the applicant, the Board unanimous~y~pr~ed tabling:the request, for thirty days, before makingi:~ ~commend- .~lr. ~a~.Do~ moved to approve the recommendation of ~i~!anning ~oard, ~91motion~eing seconded by Mr. Woodard and carried~~:~ :. . · 9.e. City Clerk Worthing reminded the Councilthat on. October 30th they ha~ referred a letter from James A. Irwin, offering %o sell property in Blocks 33 and 41 to the City, to the~planning Board for its review and recommendation, andread the fOllowingPlanning Board report concerning same: "Re: Letter of OCtober 21, 1963 from JamesA. Irwinoffering lots 26-27-28, Block 41, and the S. 50' of the N. 100' of E. 135' of Block 33. · he Planning Board recommends thatafter a definite price is established for the land, and the City Engineer feels that the property could be utilized at some future date for a public utilities operation, it should be purchased." City Clerk worthing informed the Council that Mr. Irwin had today requested that the 50 foot parcel of land in Block 33 be deleted from his request, but he was still interested An dispos~ng of Lots 26, 27 and 28, Block 41. During discussion about the location of said property in Block 41, City Manager Holland informed the Council that the only interest the City may have in the property_at the present time is fora water well field, but he had not had an opportunity to check the conditions pertinent to that use in order to gave a proper answer at this time. Mr. Avery~mOved that the City Manager be instructed t° investigate the possibilitY of the City's need.for'this property and if he finds a need,to a~C~rtain a firm and proper price as recommended,, and re- port back to the Council. The motion was seconded hymn-. Talbot and carried unanimously, 9.f. City Clerk Worthing reported that on recent directive..of Council, the Planning Board held a public hearing .on the rezoning, of Lots.18 through 22 and Lots 2.6 and.27, MCGinley & Gosman SubdSvision, and read the following Planning:BOard report dated November 15th: "A public hearing was held on October 25;. 1963 in the Council Chamber. Five: members of the Plann~g'Board were present: Chairman pro. tem, Kenneth Jacobson Richard Hanna -9- 11-26-63 "Chamber. Five members of the Planning Board were present: Chairman pro rem, Kenneth Jacobson Richard Hanna Colonel Fabens Richard Jebb~ Stuart Lankton Re: A request to rezone lot 5, Nichols 1st Addition, from R-1-A (single family dwelling district) to R-2, (one and two family dwelling district). Nineteen property owners were notified. The Planning Board unanimously recommends that the request be denied. The Board also recommends that another public hearing be held for property owners in the area to determine the feasibility of rezoning the entire 1st Addition to Nichols subdivision from R-1-A to R-2." Mr. Avery moved that the Planning Board report be accepted and a Public Hearing be held for property owners imthe area to determine the feasibility of rezoning the entire 1st Addition~to Nichols Sub- division from R-lA to R-2 as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and carried unanimously.' 9.c. City Clerk Worthing read the following Planning Board report which resulted from a rezoning application that had recently been referred to them: "A public hearing was held on October 25, 1963 in the Council Chamber. Five members of the Planning Board were present: Chairman-pro rem, Kenneth Jacobson Richard Hanna Colonel Fabens Richard Jebb Stuart Lankton Re: A request to rezone lots B, C and D, Tropic Palms, Plat one, from C-1 and C-2 (commercial district) to R-1-A(single family dwelling district). The Planning Board,. by a majority vote, recommend that the re- quest be granted." The City clerk reminded Council of a letter from Mr. John Halstead read earlier this evening, and informed them that sa,id letter ex~ pressed Mr. Halstead's objection to the rezoning of ~ots B, C and D, Tropic Palms.. Mr. Woodard said he respected Mr. Halsteades opinion but felt he would have to go along with the Planning Board recommendation, and moved that Council accept said Planning Board recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Barrow and carried Unanimously. City Attorney Adams reminded the Council and public that an ordi- nance would be prepared providing for the rezoning~of this property on which there would be a public hearing before.~twas passed and adopted. 9.a. The Council was reminded that during the current year they had adopted an ordinanceproviding for M~niature Golf Courses, Bowling Alleys and other types of entertainment establishments to be allowed in C-1 Zoned areas following a'public hearing on such permissive use. -8- 11-26-63 41, I~KE SHOR~ ESTATES, ~HICH LOTS ARE CON- TIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID C~TY TO INCLUDE SAID LOTS~ PROVIDING FOR THE ~GHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LOTS~ AND PROV~G FOR THE ZONIN~ THEREOF. ordinance No. G-517 was unanimously placed on first rpad~Dg on motion by Mr~ ~¥ery and seconded by Mr. Woodard. 8.b. gi~ Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-518. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ ~ITY oF DELm~Y Bm~CH, ~LORIn~, Am,~XING TO CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN L~ND, NAMelY LOT 64, DELRAY BEACH SHORES, WHICH LAN~.~ IS CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMIT~ SAID CITY~ REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES QF ~D CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LAND~ PROVIDING RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LAND~ AND PRO- VIDING FOR TH~ ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No. G-418 was u~animously placed on firs~ reading on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Avery. 9.a.. ~ The Council was reminded that they had p~evtouslY requested the Planning Board to make a study and reCommendation concerning a proper and suitable dedication in commemoration of the late Mr. Pa~l KnOwles;:th~ Board's long-time Chairman, and that the following was their recommendation= "The Planning Board unanimously recommends that the City owned property at S. E. 10th Street and s. E. 6th Avenue now being developed as a recreational area, be dedicated as ~PAUL S. KNOWLES PARK~." City Clerk Worthing explained this was the City property just East of S. E. 6th Avenue and South of 10th Street on which in part is lo- cated the Boat Ramp, and if Council should act favorably upon this recommendation of the Planning Boar~ he belieVed it would be in order to direct that a Resolution be prepared to so provide. Mr. Avery ~nforme~ the Council that Mr. LeRoy Merritt, Chairman of the Beautification Committee, had asked that the Council be in- formed of the Beautification Committee being one hundred percent in favor of the endorsement of the naming of said area "PAUL S. KNOWLES PARK". Mr. Talbot said he was. very proud of having been a personal friend of Mr. Knowles, and moved that a Resolution be drawn and~accepted as recommended by the Planning Board. ~?he motion was seconded by Mr. Avery. Mr. Woodard suggested incorporating in the motion provision for an appropriate permanent plaque to' be placed in the ~park With a properly worded inscription. Mr. Avery suggested that the City Manager be directed to consult with the Eeautif~cation Committee and present a recommended design to the' Council. Mr. Talbot and Mr. Avery included these suggestions.as part of the-mOt'ion and second, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. 9.b. The COuncil'was reminded they-had recently referred to the Planning/Zoning'Board a request from Mr~ Forreat Weaver for the re- zoning of L~t 5, :Nic~o~ls 1st Addition fr~m R-lA to R-2, and the following Planning"Bo&rd report was read: "A public hearing was held on October~250 i963 in the Council -7- 11-26-63 shall stand in full force and effec~ in all respects, except as amended by this Agreement. CLEARY BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. ATTEST: Authorized Officer Recommended for Approval: RUSSELL & AXON CONSULTING ENGINEERS By Accepted: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA BY,, Mayor By ~TTEST: City Manager Approved as to form: City. Clerk By City Attorney Mr. Woodard moved that Change Order No. 2 of Cleary Brothers Construction Company be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimousXy~ 6.e. Concerning a request for City instaXlation of a seawall on the right-of-way of the Easterly projection of S. E. 4th Street, City Manager Holland informed the Council there was approximately 25 feet involved, and since there would be a lift station installed in the 4th Street right-of-way near the Xntra~oastal Waterway, felt the sea- wall should be constructed. ~urther, that property owners to the North and South of this right-of-way are having a seawall constructed along their property, and to have the same Company construct the sea- wall. for the City would cost $325.00. Mr. Talbot.said he felt the cost of the seawall should come from the sewer fund. Mayor Dietz asked if the Council wished to make a motion authorizing the construction of the 25 feet of seawall providing the cost of same comes from the sewer- funds, it being so moved by Mr. Ta lbo t. City Manager Holland explained this had been discussed and there had been no specific need for the seawall until the engineers deemed it was necessary to place a lift station, at that location, therefore, the seawall is necessary to protect said sewer installation and it is .perfectly in order to charge same to the sewer fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously. 7. There were no petitions and communications. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-517. AN ORDI~NCE OF THE- CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEnRAy BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH LOTS 24, 27,. 29,. 36 AND -6- 11-26-63 "I. WHEREAS, the City on the 24th day of October, 1963, by and through Russell &Axon, its con- sulting engineers, ordered an altered work schedule for the Contractor, the speciftO de- tails of which are contained in said lat~er; and II. WHEREAS, the Contractor disputed.the leg~l authority of the City to authorize such a~tion, contending that the instructions thereiB w~re, in substance, an order to cease work ratb~ than a re-scheduling~ and III.WHEREAS, the parties hereto wish to amicably settle any such disputer NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mu~ual- covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agr~as 1. The City agrees to extend the Contracto~'s.gompletion date to and through September 1, 1964. The Contractor agrees to comply with the following altered work schedule: (a) Complete sanitary sewer main 17 and Lateral 17C on Venetian Drive by November 1, 1963. In the event that work cannot be completed by November 1, 1963, the sewer line should be terminated at the nearest manhole in order that the construction area may be cleaned up by November 1, 1963. (b) Complete all sanitary sewers in Systems 15, 16, and 17 by December l, 1963. In the event, that the sewers in this area cannot be completed by December 1, 1963, the sewers should be terminated at the nearest manhole in order that the clean up can be' accomplished by December 1, 1963. (c) Resume work that is incomplete in areas listed above and complete System 18 beginning March 30, 1964. (d) For purposes of this reschedule, the term CLEAN UP should be cons'trued as to include: (1) Permanent type pavement replacement. (2) Sidewalk and driveway repair or replacement. (3) Repair of parkages. ~ (4) Replacement of shrubs and sod. (5) Removal of construction materials. (6) Removal of construction debris. 3~ The City agrees to pay the Contractor the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred ($6,500.00) Dollars as an addition to the Contract, and the Contractor a~cepts that amount in full satisfaction of any.claim for any increased costs and/or damages due to the aforesaid altered work schedule. 4. It is further agreed and understood that this change shall not alter in any manner the force and effect of the original Contract dated May 24, 1963, and the same -5- 11-26-63 Mr. Woodard moved that these letters be referred to the Parking Committee for their consideration, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 6.b. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that Russell &Axon, the City's consulting engineers on ~he Sewage Works Project, re- quest approval of the following suppliers and subcontractors peti- tioned for by the Harry Pepper Company, lift station contractor on said project, in accordance with General Conditions, Paragraph 6, sub-paragraph c: Rinker Material Corp. Concrete Delray Beach Florida Steel Corp. Reinforcements West Palm Bch. Yeoman Bros. Co. Ejectors Illinois American Cast Iron Pipe Co. Pipe & Fittings Birmingham Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co. Check Valves Elmira,. N.Y. Homestead Valve Co. Plug Valves Corapolis, Pa. Orange Plbg. & Heating Co. Electric Work Orlando, Fla. Modern Roofing Co. Roofing-Sheet Mt1. Delray Beach Liberty Iron Works 'Misc. Metals Jacksonville Clayton Foundry Cast Iron Castgs. Daytona Bch. It was reported that Russell & Axon had approved said sub- contractors, and Mr. Woodard moved for the approval of same. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. 6.c. The City Clerk reported an application for citywater service had been received from Brenco, Inc., to be furnished Lot 23, Lake Shore Estates, and that a City water distribution line currently passes this property and the City E~glneer has advised of there being a sufficient supply of water in this area. Further, it is recommended this request be granted, and if so an ordinance for annexation of said Lot 23 would be submitted to the Cotmcil at their next regular meeting. Mr. Talbot moved that the application be accepted under the terms and conditions as are regular with regard to annexation, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow and unanimously carried. 6.d. City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that authorization is requested for execution of the following proposed Change Order No. 2, for cleary Brothers Construction Company, which provides for re- scheduling of certain work in connection with the Sewage Works Pro- ject, and other consideration noted therein, as recently agreed upon between the City of Delray Beach and said Company: "CIT~ OF DELRAY BEACH PALM BEACH CO .UN~Y~. FLORIDA SEWAGE WORKS pROJECT Project No. 59~8a CHANGE 0RDE~..NO~ .2 This Agreement entered into this __day of 1963, by and between the CITY OF DEDRAY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, as party of the FIRST part, and CLEARY BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO., .Contractor, as party of the SECOND part, the same being a change or supplement to a certain Contract by and between the parties aforesaid, dated May 24, 1963, for the construction of Sewage Works Project, City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. WITNESSETH: Mayor Dietz informed the Council he had observed where sod was being 1~ over loose sand instead of compacted sand alg~g the sides of the ~9~eets, and did not feel-thatwould prove satisfactory. 6~a.Co~9~ing offers to lease and sell certain lands t0 ~he City of Delra . h followin three letters were referre Letger of November 11, 1.963 to the Council, from Mrs. Edna W. Delin o~ p~astridge, Inc.: "~Bl~e with the present interest that the City ~g~0i% has i"i~viding parking space on or nearAtlantic Av~B~ to fau~l~tate downtown shopping, I feel that it migh~'~ to your ad¥~tage to consider the following property: Lots 1, 2 & 3 Block 77 City of Delray Beach T~ iS the corner of N. E. 1st Avenue and Atlantic, ~onsisting of!l~} feet on Atlantic, adjacent and West of the Bon Aire I have every reason to believe that the owners would consider leasing the property for one year with an option to purchase. at the end of the year at a figure of $50,000. The. lease of course would be based on 1/10 of the sale price. A definite answer on this could be had'in two days if we have a bona fide offer. I will be pleased to sit down with any or all of you together with the Parking committee at any time that will suit your convenience. Thank you for your consideration." Letter from Irene Moore, dated November 15, 1963: "I offer Lot 18, Block'100, of the city of Delray Beach, Fla., to the city upon the following terms: (A) $75.00 per month for 1 year. (B) On or before 1 year, the city may purchase the lot for $15,000.00. (¢) During the term of the lease as in (A) above, there shall be no city taxes assessed against the lot. This offer shall be good for 14 days from the date here-of." Letter from Paul Myers, dated November 18th, 1963: "I am writing this letter as Agent for my step-mother Bernice Myers, who has a life estate in Lot 19, Block 100, City of Delray Beach. This will confirm that she is interested in leasing the same to the City at $75.00 per month subject to the City assuming the cost of improving the same and removing any structures presently thereon. Further this is or would be a net lease with the city paying all future taxes, city and county, including any assessments made during the term of the lease. If this is acceptable, it is believed that possession could be made just as soon as arrangments can be made for the tenant to re-locate who is presently occupying the same. .All expenses involved in drawing the lease would be at the City's expense." -3- 11-26-63 "to the Delray Beach City limits, along both of these frontages and is zoned C-1 by Palm Beach County. Lindell Boulevard directly connects with Avenue.L as' it crosses U. S. No. I Highway. This creates a direct link between Tropic Isle and Tropic Palms. Del Raton Boulevard also connects the Old Dixie Highway, Linde11 Boulevard and U. S. No. 1 Highway at this point. Linde11 Boulevard is a main traffic artery for the southwest section of Delray Beach and also the northwest Section of Boca Raton. In the next few decades, Lindell Boule- vard could possibly carrythe flow of 5,000 automobiles per day. The immediate area adjacent to this proposed rezoning could become the 'Times Square' of Delray Beach before the turn of the century. ~Times Scluare~ was probably zoned R-lA when the Indians sold Manhattan Island for a handful of silver coins and a gallon of whiskey. If the City of Delray Beach is to fulfill its destiny, ~our old men must dream dreams and our young men must see visions~.'' The City Clerk informed the Council they may want to refer to this letter later tonight under Agenda item 9.c. 5.a. Mr. Woodard referred to a letter received from Colby Design indicating that as a result of sewer construction in the 300 block on N~ E. 3rd Avenue there was damage done to the off-street paved parking area 'in front of their business, and the extent of the damage. Mr. Woodard gave Mr. George Switzer of Russell & Axon the letter in order that same may be taken care of. 5.a. Concerning a conference which has been set up with the City Fiscal Agents,~Mr. Woodard asked if there was any Council objection to his being absent from said conference as he desired to attend an annual Plaruling/Zoning Conference in Sarasota, Florida on the 6th, 7th and 8th of December, 1963, and that he could be informed of what transpired at the conference with the P!scal Agents from the minutes of said conference. 5.a. Mayor Dietzannounced that there had been a Civil Defense Alert from Washington today at 2:05 P.M. which came through to DelrayBeach satisfactorily, that Gulfstream received it via Delray Beach at 3:05 P.M., and everything in this area had responded wello 5.a. Mr. Barrow commented about a tractor being left in the middle of the alley lying between N. E. 4th and 5~h streets and 7th and 8th Avenues for a three week period of time, Mr. Jack Steinhilper of Russell & Axon, Consulting Engineers, said he would check this item and give an answer tomorrow. City Manager Holland informed the Council the tractor had been left at that location for that period of t/me due to repairs that were necessary before it could be moved. City Manager Holland then asked if the contractor was to put the alley back i~n shape or would the City do that. Mr. Barrow said that since the alley could be driven through before the sewer con- struction, he felt the contractor should leave the alley in good enough condition that it could be driven through. During comments, Mr. Avery explained that there were many areas in town that were parkable before the sewer installation that were not parkable now, and since the specifications were that conditions should be left equal to or better than they had been, it may be necessary that some other material be added by the contractor in ~rder to get the necessary compaction. -2- 11-26-63 NOVEMBER'26, 1963. A ~gular meeting of the City Council of Delray 8%9~b was held ~yo~:~er D~etz tn the .~air, C~t7 Manager aobe~ ~.:,~11and, City A~ey John Ross A~ams, and Co~ilmen Al. C. AverY, Emory J. ~a~F~]:~George Talbot, Jr, and Oliver W. Woodard, Jr;~ being ~e r~u~ar co~c~ meeting had been sche~ule~ ~ ~e U~!~gd States, was postponed until the 26th. 1. An opening 9rayer was delivered by Dr. Stiles B, Lin~s. 2. ~9 Cocci1 minutes of ~e reeler meeting of Noisier 12th a~ SD~i meeti, g of Novels= 18th, 1963 were unan~&O~y approve~ 3. ~e~e were no public requests from the floor. 4.a. Aroll ~all showed ~e ~ollowing Civic Organizations an~ presentatives to be in attendance= Tropic Isle Civic AssoCiation ~. John ~. Andrew L. Fabens Plannin~/Zoning 5. City Clerk worrying rea~ ~e following le~ter from ~s J.H. Shellenbezgez to C~y Manager Ho~lan~, date~ Nove~e~ 20, "~. S~ellenbe~ge= and I want ~u to ~ow how very much we appreciate ~. AverY*s an~ your efforts and cooperation in zepavin~ t~e s~rae~ in ~ront of ou~ house, aha to i~ that our water situation will s~n ~e correcte~. In general, t~e improvements that you have ma~e on ouz street ~n ~e past year, have g=eatlY enhance~ the at.actiVeness of ~s a~ea. It makes us ~appy to ~ that you are not paz~ial, and are interes~e~ in imp=ov~n~ all areas o~ Delray Beach. ~ank ~u very much." 5. City Clerk Wort~ng rea~ ~e follow~ng lette~ from ~. jo~n D. Ha~stea~, ~ate~ Nove~er 26, 1963= "On October 18, 1~63 I proteste~ a~ains~ the proposed o~ Lots ~. C aha D, ~op~c Palms Plat No. 1, ~rom C-1 and (co~ercial ~strict) to R-~ (single family dwelling to ~e C~ty of Delray ~ach m~a~tng and Zoning I am again Protesting t~is sa~ propose~ rezon~ng, since it woul~ constitute a flagrant example of 'Spot Zoning** a~d~tion, all of t~e property between ~. S. No. ~ Highway and ~e Old Dixie H~ghway, from Canal ~5 north~rd ~0~ a minim~ ~istance of one m~le ~s zone~ C-1 by Palm Beach..County, in of Delray Beach. I am the preset o~er of ~ts 21 through 36 incluSiVe~ .(16 lotS), in Block 32 of Delraton Park, which have almOS~ 300' feet of frontage on Linde11 BouleVard and 125 feet of frontage 0n U. S. No. I Highway. ~is parcel is contiguous 11-26-63 fron the list submitted to fill said vacancy. Mr. Barrow accepted that stipulation to the motion, which carried unanimously. 10.a. Bills for approval were submitted as follows= General Fund $25?,863.65 Water Fund - Operating Fund -- 62,502.83 Interest & Sinking Fund - Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds 85,025.25 Mr. Talbot moved that the bills be paid, the motion being seconded by Mr. Barrow. Upon call of roll, Mr. Avery, Mr. Barrow, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Talbot voted in favor of the motion and Mr.' Woodard abstained from voting~ 10.X. City Clerk Worthing asked the Council if they wished to provide for a Special Meeting either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of next _ wee~ to receive the results of the General Election to be held on Tuesday, December 3rd, and reminded them that they had an informal meeting planned with the Fiscal Agents concerning possible provision for refunding of certain bonds, at 2:00 P.M~, on Friday, December 6th. Following discussion, Mr. Woodard moved that a Special Council Meeting be held at 2:00 P.M., Friday, December 6th for the purpose of receiving the results of the December 3rd General Election. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M., by order of Mayor Dietz. Rf ,D., WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: J MAYOR -11- 11-26-63