01-02-62SpMtg O'ANU~RY 2, 196~. A special meeting of the City Council of DeL~ay Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P..M., it al~e bei~ the A~ual Meet- ing, with ~yer George V. W~ren in the Ckair, City M~age~ Leuim S~tze~, ~it~ Attorney ~o~ Ros~ Ad~s ~d Co~ci~en A1 C. Avery, ~gal G. C~be~l, -Gle~ B. S~y and ~o~ A. Thaye~ being An o~ening ~aye~ wa~ delivered by Elde~ Hoyt B. On motion by ~. ~dy ~d ~econded by ~. ~aye~, the m~ute~ of Decem~e~ 26th, l~61 Council meetly.were a~oved. ~ity Clerk Wo~thing ~ead ~O~ION NO. ability aea City Councl~an F.o~' ~e ~a~t two yea~s, ~e~ving In 1960 as Mayo~, NOW, ~ER~0~, BE IT ~SOL~D ~ ~ CI~ C0~CIL OF ~ 0F DE~AY B~CH: ~at Gle~ B. gundy be an~ is he~eb~ co--ended for hi~ g~eat contribution to the general we~e o~ the City of Del~ay Beach, ~lo~ida as City Ceunci~ and Mayo~. Unanimously adopte8 this ~ day of Janu~y, 1962. Resolution No. 136~was unanimously adopted on motion by Thaye~ and secon~e~ by ~. Ca, bell. ~e City Clerk ~ead RE~OL~ION N0. 1~68. ~S, DUGAL G, CA,BELL has unme~ishly given of his time and ability as a City Counci~ fo~ the pa~t two ye~e, ~ NOW, ~E~ORE, BE IT RESOL~ BY ~E CITY CO~CIL OF T~ CI~ OF DE~AY B~CH: ~at Dugal G. C~bell be and i~ hereby co,ended for his great contribution to the general welfare of the City of Del~ay Beach, Florida as City Counci~an. Resolution No. 1368 was ~anl~ou~ly adopted on ~otion by ~. Sundy ~d seconded by ~. Thaye~. ~e City Clerk ~ead ~OL~ION N0. 1~69. ~EAS, JO~ A THeiR ha~ unse~ishly given of his ti~e ability as a City Counci~an fo~ the ~ast two years, NOW, ~E~0~, BE IT ~O'L~D BY ~E CI~ C0~0IL OF T~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH: That Jo~ A. ~aye~ be ~d is hereby co,ended for hi~ great contribution to the general we~e o~ the City of De~ay Beach~ Florida as City Ceunci~. Eesolution No. 1~69 was ~l~ously a~oDted on motion by C~bell ~ seconde~ by ~. Sun~y. ~s. Lora B~itt, ~r~.an cf the Civic Beautifieation Co~ttee addressed the Council as follow~: "~. Mayor rand Me~ber~ of the City Co~cil: A~ the 'year 1961 co~es to a close, the Civic Beautification Co~ttee would like to bring to the attention of the people oF Delr~y Beach the i~ortant part that yo~ .the City Co~cil, and other city offlciala had i~ ~he Beautification P~o~ of this city and the valuable ~oie that you played in ~egene~ating this co~unity~s outlook t~ou~ your support. ~en you, Mayo~ W~ren, and you othe~ Co~cl~en, last F~bruary, a~ost simult~eously with the Chmuber of Co~e~ce, called fo~ a Beautification program, s~ely none could have for~een the re~ult~. January 2, 1962 "None of us dreamed that so much would be accomplished in eight months. This beautiful City Hall and the Civic Center grounds, the traffic islands on ~.S. 1, the Tenth Street boat landing, park, the 600 feet of experimental.planting at the.beach, the fast growing city nursery on 8. W. 4th ~treet and many other smaller projects have all come aboutwithin the past eight months. Through the impetus and funds supplied by theCity, many organ- izations, many individuals and the County have Joined forces to give Delray Beach a city-wide beautification program. We would like 'to especially commend here in public the City's coordinator of its beautification projects, Joe.Dante. He has done an excellent job, devoting many hours each week to this work, and all without pay, The nursery that he began for the City should serve particularly well in the years to come. We of the Beautification Committee ~ow that most of these things hate been made possible only because of the splendid cooper- ation of the City Council of 1961. As a token of the appreciation which the Civic Beautification Committee has for your fine cooperative spirit and.help, we want to present to the Council of 1961 a Certificate of Merit. We hope that someone will see fit to have it hung on a wall of the City Hall as a permanent reminder of this year's City Council which helped stir this city to new vision and accomplishments. And to each of you, Mrs. Gladys Little, Chairman of the Awards Committee of the Civic Beautification Committee, will present a certi- ficate made out in~your name. The Beautification Committee and the people of De]ray Beach thank you for your fores!ght In endorsing this community's beautifi- cation program and your continued support. May 1962 be a happy one for all of you." Said certificates were presented to the Councilmen and Mayor ~arren pr~esented the City's Certificate to City Manager Smitzes. Mayor Warren introduced and welcomed Councilman J. W. Pipes and City Administrator Jack Henderson of Boynton Beach; Mayor J. J. MacDonald of Ocean Ridge and Mayor James C. Michell of Deerfield Beach. Mayor Warren expressed his appreciation for having had the privilege of serving as Mayor during the past year and thanked the Councilmen for their fine work and cooperation. The four Councilmen expressed their appreciation of working with Mayor Warren, the City Administration and the City of Delray Beach during the past year and for the fine cooperation that they received, and Mr. Avery said that he felt the 1961 Council should be particular- ly remembered for getting the City Beautification project started under the excellent leadership of Mayor Warren and trusts that the future Councils will carry this project further and also maintain what has already been accomplished. On motion by Mr. Thayer and seconded by Mr. Campbell and unanimously carried, the 1961 Council adjourned sinedie at 8:20 P.M. -2- 1-2-62 january 2, ~962 Mayor Elect Walter DietZ and Councilmen Elect George Talbot, Jr. and Oliver W. Woodard, Jr. were invited to the Council table and subscribed to the Oath of Office given by City Clerk Worthing.. At the request of Mayor Dietz, Councilman Aver~y delivered an opening prayer for the first meeting of the newly seated Mayor and Council. Mayor Dietz then spoke as follows: "Inbehalf of the~oitizens of Delray, I wish to thank the outgoing Councilmen Dugal Campbell, Glenn Sundy and John Thayer for the work they have done. We know that they worked hard and gave generously of their timeandwe will try to continue onfrom the point that they have left off. According to our agenda this evening the first order of :~usiness is recognition of public requests from the-floor and I thought that I would like to say a word of how the new Council will handle that during the coming year. Anyone presenting any material to the CoUncil, either written or oral, will come to the microphone and~ give his name and address and state whether or not he is a voter in Delray. The City Manager will receive the written material presented. The person presenting the written material or the request will be asked to come back at the next meeting for the answer, and, if it is not to be ready by the next meeting, the City Manager will inform you privately prior to the meeting that the answer is not available so that you will come to the followingmeeting. There will be no decisions given the same night as the question is presented. The reason for this is that often some of the questions that~seem so easy to answer have many conflictingramifications and everybodyts interest must be pro- tected. There is a method available in the city for citizens to pre- sent anything that they have and that is thru our regular constituted form of City Government. We have a form of City Government, City Management, and at any time any citizen may present to the City Manager any of the problems that he may have. The citizens are always welcome to present their material to the CounCil but itmust be clearly understood that there will be no quick decisions, .that the matter will be gmven° very thorough study,, and the answer will be forth- coming, I hope, the following meeting. There being no public requests from the floeP~, Mayor Dietz con- tinued: "We have one legal matter tonight, Genti~e~, that must be taken care of at this meeting, and this is the queS%ion~ ,The tempo- rary extension by this Council of the City Judge, the C~.,Jy Attorney and the City Manager until such~ time as this Council can act on thi~ matter as required by the CharterS." ~There being no objections, it was so ordered by unanimous consent. Mayor Dietz continued: "I think some people arena little c°nfus- ed as to what the duties of a Council is. Above all the City Council is something, as I understand it, superimposed on top of the City Manager to formulate policy and see that the city operates in the most efficient and happy manner for its citizens. A Council is a policy making organization. A Council is not an organization that reaches down into the employees of the city, that is done by the City Manager~ and we hope to establish a very efficient method of operation along those lines, but it is pretty hard to run an organization if people are continually interfering ~ith the employees. I am very hopeful that the present Council will. understand that. However, so that the Council willbe in close touCh and quickly informed at all times re- garding all the phases of the City's activity, there is being estab- lished a special area of interest from a policy Standpoint for each Councilman and the Mayor. This special area of interest means that that is that particular Councilman's special area of interest. It is he that becomes the source of information for the CoUncil, not for the employees, so that the Council at all times will be fully informed and also that he will do the leg work on those particular projects for the Council." Mayor Dletz then designated the Councilman and his special area of interest from a policy standpoint as follows: Councilman Warren, tofurther Beautification of Delray Beach and the establishment of a Cinema for DelmaY Beach. -3- 1'2-62 January 2, 1962 Councilman Avery, the Sewer and Incineration Projects. Councilman Talbot, the Beach. Co~.'~manWoodard as Liaison between Em~loyees, Committees, Departments and..Press~ ~ Each Councilman expressed their appreciation for their appoint- ment concerning these special ~reas of Iuterest and their desire to accomplish what was best for Delray Beach. Councilman Woodard informed the Council that thefirm by which he is employed, has, during the past years had the opportunity of supplying the City with office furniture, machines and supplies, and that during his term on the Council, said firm will pass up the opportunity of supplying these items on a competitive basis. CoUncilman Woodard then outlined the establishment of a com- prehensive Public Relations and Information Program, and further stated that the following A~reas of Interest, he believed, require prompt Council attention: Establishment of an active program of Economic Diversification and Industrial Attraction, A review of existing Subdivision Ordinance and clarification of COuncil authori- ty regarding.subdivisions accepted into the City prior to passage of the existing 1957 Ordinance; Continued negotiations with Boca Raton regarding Joint Incinerator; Analysis of the Water Department; In- vestigation of the feasibility of improving access to and from the Turnpike; Review of LOt .Clearing Policy and Investigation of the possibility of establishing a Pension Program for City Employees. Mayor Dietz thanked the Councilmen for their expressions of interest in their Area of Interest and commented further. "I can't stress too much that it doesn't matter what the Council is doing, whether the Council is efficient, whether they are accomDlishing things, unless we Iet the people know what we are doing, we are Just working in the dark." Mayor Dietz thanked the neighboring city officials for their presence and assured them that the most friendly relations possible are desired. The Mayor then stated that his special areas of interest, from a policy standpoint, are: Street lights on all inhabited streets in Delray Beach; Streets, improvement, etc., and Construction and Build- ing. Mayor Di~z commented £u~ther: "~lnOe the people ha~e decided to elsct their Mayor directly, and they also voted the Ma~or fifty per- cen.t more salary than the Councilmen, it is apparent that the people eXPebt greater responsibility of the Mayor's office, therefore the Mayor will see ~that the Council's wishes are promptly and properly executed. That, also, will be a special Area of Interest that I will undertake. These special areas of interest are not a conflict with the regular duties of the Council and each Councilman has these obli- gations and duties that he had before he had the special area. The special area is Just added, it is not taking anything away, it's giving him a little more. You can readily see that if you want to know what we are doing with s certain group of streets, I'm supposed to be able to tell you from a policy standpoin~ what we are going to do. If you want ~o know something about the Beach, Mr. Talbot will be the best informed man on that, for the Council. He will not make decisions on the Beach, I won't mak~.;decisions, The de'cisions, I hope, are going to be five men for something and as many unanimous decisions as we o~n.~ FolloKing further comments the COuncil meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M., on mention by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Talbot and so ordered by Mayor ~Di%tz. ROBERT O~ W0H~ ....... City Clerk APPROVED: