03-26-62 MARCH 26,~ ~.962. A regular meeting of the City Council of De]may Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Walter Dietm in the Chair, City Manager Louis J. Smitzes, City Attorney John Eoss Adams and Councilmen A1 C. Avery, George Talbot, Jr., George V. Warren and Oliver W. Woodard, Jr., beingpresent. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend H. Stewart Austin. 2. On motion by Mm. Warren and seconded by Mm. Talbot, the minutes of the March 12th, 1962 Council meeting were unanimously approved. X. City Clerk Worthing read the following memorial. IN ~EMORIUM: E. H. SCOTT. We, the City Council of Delray Beach, received the news of the recent death of Mr. E. H. Scott with great regret. His valuable contributions to this City were many, but perhaps he was best known insofar as his contributions to this City for his valued leadership, as Mayor for the years 1918 and 1942. His varied interests encompassed many business and civic activi- ties~ but this tribute is especially directed to him for being a dedicated and loyal supporter of Del~ay Beach. We shall miss his wise counsel and firm support. For the Council, Walter Dietz, Mayor. 3. There were no public requests from the floor and Mayor Dletz announced that at the last meeting a petition was presented to the Council and that petition is denied. 4- Mm. Warren read the minutes of the March 15th, 1962, Beautifi- cation Committee Meeting. 6.b. City Manager Smitzes informed the Council that a petition had been received for opening, grading and paving of that part of S. E. 6th Street lyinG between North and South Federal Highways and signed by owners of 50% of the lands abutting thereon, all of which land would share in the major portion of the total cost of such improve- ments, and that if it was Council pleasure,, recommended that this item be referred to the City Manager for recommendation as to the cost of improvements, it being so moved by Mr. Talbot. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery. Attorney Paul Gringle, representing Edwin Anderson, owner of the entire south side of this proposed S. E. 6th Street paving, strenuously objected to said paving at this time as it was felt it was not necessary, and ~0uld be very costly to Mr. Anderson Further that S. E. 6th Street R/W does not extend furthme~ to the EaSt and said R/W is not ~mproved to the West between 4t~mand 5th Avenues. Also tkat 5th and ?th Streets to the North and South of this proposed paving are improved. Attorney Gringle further stated that he did not feel that it was necessary for the good or welfare of the City, or any benefit to said property owner to pave said street at this time, and asked that the Council not consiOer said petition at this time, Following general diScussion, Mr. Talbot and Mr. Avery withdrew thei~ motion and second and Mr. Talbot then moved that'thia be re- ferred to the City Manager and 'Planning Board for study and report. The motion was seconded by Mm. Ave~ a~d ca~ie~ u~enimmus.l$. Attorney Grlngle asked to be notified of any meeting concern- ing same in order that his client may be able to protest. 3-26-62 · 70 March 26, 1962 6.c. ·City Manager Smitzes presented a survey report of alleged nuisances existing in violati~n of Chapter 15 of the City's Code of 0rdina~es that had been furnished..'b~ the Fire DePartment. It was moved by Mr. Woodard, seconded by Mr. Avery and unani- mously ca,tied to direct the City Clerk to comply with Ordinance No. G-~88 as applicable to this nuisance survey report. (Copy of nuisance aurvoy report is attached to and made a part of the official Copy of these minutes.) See Page 76A~7~6~B~ ~ 6.d. City Manager Smitzes reported that proposals were requested from the following three firms to conduct a survey of Water Facili- ties and Policies relating thereto. The scope of the proposed survey includes analysis of technical engineering data and rate structure data and copies of the proposal were sent to the Council at an earli- er date. (1) Public Administration Service, Chicago, Illinois, does not have qualified engineering consultants on their staff, but would be interested in submitting a proposal for the rate structure data. (2) Russell & Axon Engineers indicate they are more interested in performing the engineering data analysis. (3) Dawson and McKone, Fort Lauderdale, are interested in. performing both analysis. The City Manager recommended that the services of Russell and Axon be retained to perform this survey at a cost of $1,000o00 which would include both the business analysis and the technical engineering data. It was explained to ~he public that the City Council is con- cerned with the availability of water and feels the need of a study ~o show the adequacy of the system, the efficiency with which it is being operated and the future needs of the City. Also, that since the Water and Sewer Revenue Certific.ates are inter-related, and that to proceed with further improvements said information would be needed, it is desired to have such a survey made at this time. Mr. Avery then moved that the City Manager be authorized to execute a contract with Russell & Axon for ~he sum of $1,000.00 as pres~ented in their proposal. Also to execute the supplemental a~eement mentioned in their proposal which verifies the business analysis portion of it and ties it into the o~erall sewer program,. and t~at said $1,000.00 be paid from the Water Department Contingency Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and unanimously carried. 6.e. Concerning considerat~ion of whether ~he city wi~ endorse pro- posed resolution by the.League of Municipal!~ie~ re~ng ti.gazette and.~as Gax increase, Mr. Talbot moved that~hiS De'~a~ml~d until the nex~ stated Council. Meeting for furtheE Conslderation~ The motion was seconded by Mr.. Woodard and car~l~ una~s'ly, 6.f. City Manager Smitzes informed the Coundii that an application has been received for a Liquor License at I~AL'S PY~ACE, 625 West Atlantic Avenue and has been a~proved hy th~. State Beverage Depart- ment as well as the local au.th0rities in ~he.us~al manner. It was further reported that all requirements for such have been met and it is recommended that such a~lication be approved by the Council. Said application was unamr~m~im~ouSly approved on motion by ~. Woodard and seconded by I~. Talbot. 6.g. City Manager Smitzes read the foilowi~g legal opinion requested concerning certain items related ~to~the current sewer project. "Re: Opinion - Sewer Contracts "This 'opinion is responsive to a requ~s$ made by Councilman George-V. Warren at the PreliminarY~oe~cil Meeting on March 12, 1962. I have reviaed the questions someWhat,.and am re- peating them in this opinion in an attemptto mak~ this opinion more coherent. "QUESTION # 1. Does this Council have a right to declare a moratorium on the sewer contracts entered into by the previous Council? Does the fac~ that the Bonds have now been validated affect this right? -2- 3-26-62 March 26, 1962 "When th~ posaibility of the moratorium idea was originally suggested, it was my opinion that it should be done only with the written consent of the contractors; otherwise, it WOUld have constituted_ a sUspension of work order which might~ ~ave obligated the City for additional costs incurred by the con- tractors. An amendment to the contract (Addendum# 6) was then drafted, and all parties executed it providing that the work will commence within l0 days upon written fNotice to Proceed' from the City, and that such notice shall be issued on or before six months from the date of the Addendum. T~e contractors further agreed that they would incur no costs as a result of the agreed extension of time. "It is my opinion that the Council did have a right to amend the contract insofar as the time of commencement. The action can undoubtedly be Justified on the basis that the Counci~ feels that it is in the best interests of the citizens So'in- vestigate the fiscal posslbil~ties further in order ~to deter- mine whether a larger system would be more feasible. "The fact that the bonds have been validated does not alter the City's right to amend the contract. "QD'ESTION # 2. Does the City have the right to hold the funds in a special trust account during the moratorium period even though interest is accruing on said proceeds? "The law firm of Chapman & Cutler of Chicago, Illinois, has assured me that the proceeds of the $500,000 bond issue can legally be incorporated with other funds to construct a larger system if the same is deemed feasible; and Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, the purchaser of the bonds, raised no objections to the delay, and Joined in the execut~QD of an escrow agmeement which allows the City to invest the'~ds from the re~t bond issue while the same are held in the special trust'ac~t. While the funds cannot be reinvested at an interest ra~e equivalent to the interest being paid on the bonds, th~e is no legal impediment to investing these funds, and the decision is thus one of business policy rather than one involving the legality of the act. "QUESTION # 3. Did the City have the right to pay the engineers, Russell & Axon, $19,000 for their services for the contract which was approved by the City since the new council has amended the commencement date? "The fees paid to Russell & Axon are for services rendered pur- suant to a contract with that firm whereby they were to design a sanitary sewer ~ystem.for the City which would be acceptable to the Florida State Board of Health. The firm has completed its services for the first phase of the contract, and there is no legal reason why the firm Should not have been paid upon the completion of the aforesaid services. "I have attempted to answer all of the questions propounded by Councilman Warren; however, if in revising the questions, I have left anything unanswered, I willbe happy to submit a subsequent opinion. "Dated this 26th day of March, 1962. Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Ross Adams City Attorney" 6.h. Regarding the Tri-County Municipal League, Mr. T~lbet moved that this item be carried cver until the next meeting for further consideration,, the motion being seconded by ~. Woodard and unani- mously carried. -3- 3-26-62 '72 March 26, 1962 7.a. ~City Clerk Worthing read the following letter from Mr. W. R. Haggart regarding an Agreement concerning Block 73. "It is hereby requested that the agreement between the CIT~ 0F DELRA¥ BEACH and W. R. PLAGGART dated June'i2, 1961 be amended to permit the fence mentioned in paragraph 2 (d) to be constructed on the west property line of Block 73 instead of on the west side of the North-South alley in that block. "Affirmative action upon this request would r~sult in one con- tinuous fence along the entire west.line of the block, the north side of the Post C~fice property would be fenced from a point 40 feet from the center line of let Avenue to a point 40 feet from the center line of 2nd Avenue, and the south side of the property would be fenced from the west property line of the block to the southwest corner of the Post Office building. "Furthermore such action will Perm!~ the full use of the property in Block 73 south of the Post 0f£ice building and the off-street parking area to be provlde~" Mr. Avery moved that said request be-granted and that Mayor Dietz be authorized to execute the amended Agreement~ the motion being seconded by Mr. Wooda~d andun~hLmously 7.b. The City Clerk informed the Council that Mr. Bruce B. Wenzel, President of the Community Chest, has requested office spaoe for this organization at the Police Buil~ihg. ~I~ was reported that the office formerly occupied by the City Manager's secretary is available, and there is no objection to grantir~ said request on a temporary basis with the understa~ding that if the space is neel~ed by the city, it would have to be relinquished. Mr. Woodard moved that said space be provided on a temporary basis to the Community Chest. The motion was seconded by ~. Warren and carried unanimously. 8.a. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT~ COUNCIL OF THE ~!TY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ~ ~AMENDING S~ECTION 7~, SECTION 16-11, CHAPTER 16, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY PERTAINING TO LICENSE FEES FOR CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS, VAUDEVILLES AND MINSTREl. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~THE C~TY OF DELRAY BEACH~ FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That subsection 71, Section 16~11, Chapter 16, Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Flori~, be ~nd is hereby amended to read as follows: "7~. Circuses, Carnivals, Vaude~llle$, Minstrels. ~1 Theatrical performances a~ other show$ ~nder canvas. Not to ~xceed one week ~ . . ~ . o~ ~ $~500o00 Subject to approval of CSuncil. Parade for show given outside city limits.. $ 50.00" PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of March, 1962. There being no objections to Ordinance No. G-4~4, same was unanimouely adopted on.,this second and final reading on motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 6.a. City Manager Smitzes presented the following request from Milton-Myers Post No. 65, American Legion. ~The Milton-Myers Poa~ 65 American Legion 'hereby requests per- mission to hold a carnival on S. W. 2nd Avenue at Atlantic Avenue on property owned by DugalG. Campbell (permiSsion has been granted by the owner) on April 17th thru the 22nd. -4- 3-26-62 March 26, 1962 "As the American Legion is a non-profit organization the pro- ceeds from this carnival are to be used in our charity and community service projects. "It is further'requeste~ that the fee for caEnival permits (when established)~be waivered in this case. · Following lengthy discussion, it was moved by Mr. Warren that said ~equest be granted, and it be specified that the clOSing hours be 10.30 P.M. The motion was'seconded bY ~.' Woodard. ~0h'call of roll, Mayor Dletz, I%r. Talbot, Mr. Warre~ and Mr-. Woodard v~ted in favor of the motion and Mr. Avery abstained from voting. 8.b. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE NO. G-435. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION (d), SECTION 3-7, CHAPTER 3, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CIT~, AND PROVIDING THAT ANY SIGNS MADE NONCONFORMING BY THIS AMEND~ENT .ARE TO BE RE- MOVED ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER l, 1962. WHEREAS, the City Council of this City passed Ordinanoe No. G-374 on November 7', 1960, which prohibited any sign i~ t~e city which involves motion or rotation of any part of the structure or display; and WHEREAS, .it was the intention of the City at that time to pro- hibit all suc~ sig. ns even where the motion consisted of lights flash- ing on and off; and WHEREAS, the present City Council feels that this intention should be more clearly expressed; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. That Subsection (d), Section 3-7, Chapter 3, Code of Ordinances of the City..of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "(d} Except that any signwhich involves motion, rotation, or flashing of any part of the structure or display is prohibited." Section 2. Any signs made nonconforming by this amendment are to be removed on or before Decembem l, 1962. There was lengthy discussion concerning moving and flashing signs and the interpretation of the wording, of the sign ordinance concerning same. Mrs. Ival Stirrup asked for an explanation as to why there would not be £1ashing signs, and explanations were given. Mr. Ben Adams, a member of a committee to study the sign ordinance, commented on same, and asked the Council if said ordinance would have control over a flashing sign located inside a building. Mr~ Adams further~stated that said committee would be glad to study this and make recommendations. Mr. Wood.smd moved that this amendment to the sign ordinance be tabled, referred back to the sign committee for further clarifi- cation and discussion and returned to the Council for further con- sideration. Also, that the Merchants Committee of the Chamber of Commerce be consUlted, and it be coordinated with the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by }~. Avery. Upon call of roll, ~. Avery, Mayor Dietz, ~.~. Warren and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the motion and ~.~. Talbot was opposed. '74 March 26, 1962 8.c. City Clerk Worthi~g read ORDINANCE NO. G-436,' AN 0~DINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY ~OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SAID CITY; REDEFINING'THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCLUDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Ordinance No. G-436 was unanimously placed on this first read- ing on motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by ~ir. Avery. 8.d. City Clerk Worthing reviewed the Assessment Roll for Construc- tion of Storm Drains for the improvement known as "Storm Drainage Symstem---N. E. Seco.nd Street 0utfall" as shown on Storm Drainage System Survey File T.F. 1868 KK-i, together With 'installation of catch basinS, man-holes and appurtenahces in conjunction with such storm drains. He stated that the parcels Of land reflected in this proposed Assessment Roll that shared in the cost of a Drainage Pro- Ject in 1951 known as the N. E. 1st Street Drainage Project will be given credit against the current improvement assessments upon such parcels of t'and to the extent of 100% of any payment that such prop- erties may have made in the 1951 drainage improvement. Th6 City Clerk further stated that the Assessment Roll would be published in its entirety and a public hearing thereon is scheduled for Council meeting to be held on April 9th.- The Council accepted said Report without exception and City Clerk Worthing then read 'ORDINANCE NO. G-437. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCER/~ING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS FOR THE AREA KNOWN AS "STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM - N, E, SECOND STREET OUTFALL", AS SHOWN ON STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM SURVEY FILE T.F~ 1868 KK~i, TOGETHER WITH INSTALLATION OF CATCH BASINS, MAN-HOLES AND'APPURTE- NANCES IN CONJUNCTION WiTH-SUCH STORM DRAINS, SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL BEING.ATTACHED HERETO AND FORMING A PART HEREOF. Ordinance No. G-437 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by ~L~. ~oodard and seconded by M~. Warren. 9. City Manager Smitzes read the fbllOwing report from th~ .Cit~ Attorney, John Ross A'dams. ~"Re: Opinion &~ Municipal Court fines;' method of remitting same. "This opinion is responsive to a request by th~ COuncil as to hat action of the CoUncil ia necessar~y ~o remit a MUnicipal Court fine. · "As you know, our City Charter allows the Judge to suspend a fine at the time of imposition, but e~press-ly provides that Council action is neoe~ssary to alSer or vary the fine or sentence once it is imposed by the J~dge. ~ "The applicable section reads as follows: 'Section 57. Fines and penalties - Remittance. No fine or other penalty imposed by the muni- cipal court-shall be remitted except by action ~ of the city counc~il upon the recommendation of the municipal Judge;. provided, however, that this shall not be construed as precluding the municipal Judge from suspending sentences im- posed by such court, if such~ suspension is ma~e at the time the sentence is lmposed~, -6- 3-26-62 March 26, 1962 "In past years the general practice was that a fine could be remitted upon the written recommendation of th~ Judge plus the written endorsement of any thmee Councilmen. This saved time in extreme hardship cases;.however, in view of the clear lan- guage of Section 57 of our Charter, it is my opinion that official Council action is definitely required. "If a serious hardship occurs making immediate action ir~perative, a special Council meeting can be called for this purpose. Actu- ally this may serve the purpose of a deterent to incarcerated persons, and eliminate all such requests except those considered absolutely imperative. "In any event, if another system is deemed desirable, it can be adopted only by a change in the City Charter.'! 9. . Mayor Dietz announced that there will be a brochure printed for circulation in which the CoUncil will~.t~y to enlighten the citizens of Delray Beach as to what has been done during the past three months, and that Mm. Woodard had suggested that credit be given in this brochure to the civic organizations who, during this period, have attended the Council meetings. The Mayor acknowledged the presence of, and expressed appreciation to, the members of the following local organizations and encouraged their continued re- presentation: American Legion, Beta Sigma Phi, Business and Pro- fessional Womens Club, Chamber of Commerce. Kiwanis, League of Women Voters,. Mens Garden Club, Optimist Club, Plumosa P.T.A., Rotary and Seag~ape Garden Club. Ma~O~ Dietz also announced that it had been finally decided what the official boundaries of the City of Delray Beach shall be as an objective, and that a comprehensive plan is being outlined by the Planning Board and others, which will include schools~, parks, streets, picnic grounds, shopping centers, churches, zoning and all of the th!~s that will make for orderly development. It was point- ed out tha~ this is merely a program of proposed expansion and area planning. X. M~. Avery reported that he had received a call from Mr. Roy Diggaas, Jr.-concerning drainage in the vicinity of Seacrest Circle, and since this is in a drainage district and assessments will be made against properties for same, asked the City Manager to contact Mr, Diggans and othe~ residents of Seacrest Circle and report to the Counicl what should be done. City Engineer Fleming explained what needed to be done and what would be done within a few days to correct the condition. City Manager SmitZes stated that said drainage project had not been finished, and the problems that had been mentioned would be taken care of. . 10.a, City Manager Smitzes presented bills for approval as follows: General Fund $66,516.53 Water Fund - Operating Fund 2,769.58 Also a bill for a "Cage" in the Finance Department in the amount of $27~.00 and a request that this amount be paid'f~om the Contingency Fund. The bil~ were unanimously ordered paid on motion by Mr. Avery and seconded'by Mr. Woodard. The meeting adjourned'at 9:20 P.M. on motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Avery. ,, ,R. D. WORTHI~. APPROVED: City' Clerk -7- 3-26 -62 '/6 PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE G-147 AND SECTION 15-3 & 4 OF THE CITY CODE OWNER ADDRESS .LOT, BLOCK & S/D CODE City of Delray City Hall Lot ~, Blo0k .,'A", 4 Beach Delray Beach, .Fla. West Side Heights ¢ Seaboard Airline Norfolk 10, Va, The N vacant pt. 3 & 4 Railway (Approximately 1200' ) of parcel of land wide by 2000' M/L in length~ E o.f and .adj. sA.5 R/~ ~/W in E~ NE~, Sec. 18-46-43 Byron R. Cameron & 130 S.W. 24th St, That pt. of NE~ of NE¼ 3&4 H. F, Jenne Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. of NE~. whi. ch lies E of SAL ~ R/W lees S75' Of~12~' thereof & EI~" R/W for Hwy. 9, Sec. 18-46-43 Fred Scott 804 Truman Ave. S7~' of E125'.of E~ of Lake Worth, Fla. NE~ of NE~ of sec. City of Delray City Hall E~.of SE~ of NE~ of · 3&4 Beach, Delray Beach, Fla. NF~, less W66' & less ..... ' El5' State R/W, Sec. Elbridge W. & Yvonne 3332 N.W. 51st St. Lot 1, N~ of Blk. 2F Rolle Scavellm Miami, Florida Fern Mossina Rolle 1141 Fox Street Lot 2, N~ of Blk. 22 4 Apt. 3C Bronx, N. Y. Matthew Rahming P.O. Box 1708 Lot 3, N~ of Blk. 22 . Detray Beach, Fla. Ann Allen 1871 N.~W. 6~th St. Lot '~, N~ of Blk. 22 Miami 47, Fla. John R Mamie L. 225 W. 138th Street W vacant pt. of N50' 4 Young New York 30, N.Y. of S30b'of S~ of Blk. 22 · O. D. Priest, Sr~ 214 S.W. ist Ave. S50~ of NlO0~ of Delray Beach, Fla, W. oD5' of S~ cf Blk. 2~ Paul E. & Eleanor N~ Box 1066 W~, vac~.nt pro of Gringle Deiray Beach, Fla. N166.o' of Wk56,)' of F~89.3: of Lot 7, Sec, 8-46-43 Bushman & Ruth~ Inc, PoO, Box 1703 W189,7, of N~ of NE~ 4 Delray Beach, Fla. of Lot 7, less W25' ..R/W, Sec. 8-46-43 Cornelia Robb 1402 N. Swinton Ave. W vacant pt. of S~ of 4 Thompson Delray Beach, Fla. N~.~ of Lot 7 less E33' & less W200~, Sec. 8-46-4~ Donald B. & Gold& M. _32580 Romsey Rd. Lot 9, Blk. ~, 4 Hogue Franklin, M~h. Ida Lake Terrace Martha B. Brassell P.O. Box 8~1 Lot 18, Blk 5, 4 Delray Beach, :~tm, T~l~terdale Add_u. J. A. & UI~ M. 34102 Alta Loma Dr. Lot 19~.'.~lk. 5' Theobald. Farmington, Mich. T~t.te~ale OWNER ADDRESS LOT, BLOCK & $/D CODE City of Delray City Hall Ei~' of W35' of ~135', Beach DeIray Beach, Fla~ Btk. 1~ Frances Farrington 1812 N.W. 68th St, N%0' of S235' of E135', c/o Alfreda Got'don Miami 47, Fla. Blk. 14 Bertram Fashaw 2hO N.W. 6th Ave. NSO"of S285' of E135', Delray Beach, Fla. Blk. 14 Lorenzo & Hester 25 N.W. ~th Ave. .N%0' of S335' of E135', Stralnge Delray Beach, Fla. Blko 14 Elliot No Jr. & 11~1 Fox St., Apt. 3C S77' of N277' of E135', Catherine Mae Rolle Bronx, N.Y. Blk. 1~ 850' of N~00' of E135', Catherine .Lewis 1~41 Fox St. c/o Rolle Apt. 3E Blk. 14 Bronx, N.Y. Rosa Campbell 1012 N.W. 1st Ave. N100' of E135', Miami 36, Fla. Blk. 1~ Wm. & Gertrude 1~2 S.W. ~th Ave, NS0' of E135', Greene Delray Beach, Fla. Blk. 35 E. E. ~ordan Suite 218, Lang Bldg, S50' of NiO0' of E135', 370 S.E. 2nd'St. Blk. 33 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Wm. & Gertrude 142 S.W. 4th Avenue S50' of N150' of E135~, 4 Greene Deiray Beach, Fla. Blk. 33 Marlen Stralng 42 S.W. 5th Avenue S50' of N200' of E135' 4 Delrey Beach, Fla. less S25t of ESO' thereof, Blk. 33 Charles & Lee B. Box 203 SiO0' of N300' of E135'-4 Clark Delray Beach, Fla. less S75' of N27~ of ES0', Blk. 33 Agnes Clark 25 N.W. 3rd Ave. BlO0' of N275' of ES0', 4 Delray Beach, Fla~ Blk. 33 Howard Bart 231 N.W. 5th Ave. S50' of N350' of E135', Delray Beach, Fla. BIk. 33 B.G. & Edythe V~ 202 N.W. 5th Ave. N50' of S350' of E135', 4 Cockett ~elray Beach, Fla. Blk. 33 Lonnie & Ma~y Lee 3~ N.W. 6th Avenue NS0' of S300' of E135', Griffin - c/o Delray Beach, Fla. Blk. 33 Will Albert Marion Straing 42 S~W. 5th Ave. N49' of S200' of E135', Delray Beach, Fla. Blk. 33 N25' of S151' of E135', Kenneth Bethel 42'S.W. 5th Av~. Delray Beach, Fla. Blk. 33 Julius & Laur~.~ 27 NoW. ~rd Ave. N%0' of S126' of~E135', Nobles Delray Beach, Fla. Blk. 33 Figes A. Hart ~80~ Cordry Dr, S100' of N165' of Boulder, Col. E1~4.5' of W298' of Lot 10, ~ec. 21-~6-~3 N65' of EI~.$' of Irving G. Bohrman 1469 E. Bay Point Rd. ~ilwaukee 17, Wis. W298' of Lot 10 & ~.35 ' of El~d~. 5' of W298' of Lot 9, Sec. .... OWNER ADDRESS LOT, BLOCK & S/D CODE Marion W. Rede 602 Golf Bldg., Nlll.13' of S1~6.13' Clarksburg, W. Va. of E144.5' of W2q8' of Lot 9, Section 21-46-43 Florence A. Brown Candlewood Isle,. Lots 16 & 17, Blk. 13,- New Fairfield, Conn. OsCeola Park Mrs. Tillie ' 7401 West Eight Mile R~ Lots lB& 19, Blk 13,-4 Goldb~g Detroit 21, Mich. 0soeola Park Leo & Gertrude c/o Causeway Package Lots 10 tha~u 13, Schagrin Store Blk.. 13, 1617 E. Sunrise Blvd. Osceola Park Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Jules & Yvonne 210 N.E. 18th Ave. ~ Lots 14 & 15, Briche Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Block 13, 0sceola Park F. A. Currie 127-128 Court House F~ of N55' M/L of Nest Palm Beach, Fla. S165' M/L of Lot 9, Blko 1 as shown by plat of Model Land Co's. S/D of W~ of Sec. 21-46-43 lying E of S.E. ~th Ave. Jaraes Kirkwood, Jr. Rra. 402 Professional Eh of N330' of S495' Bldg., Sunrise Center of Lot 9, Blk. 1, ~-Ft, Lauderdale, Fla. lying E of SE 5th Ave. & S of Alley lying S of Lots lO- 15 inc. of Blk. 13, 0sceola Park & that pt. of Lot 21, Blk. lying W of US ~wy. 1 IS.E. 6th AVe.) less ~/w, Sec. 21-46-4~ Fairfax of c/o J. Jay Si~maon~ Lots 1 tha~u 12, 4 Hollywood Dev. Inc.~ 1909 Tyler Street Sanborn Stone Hollywood, Fla.. Moore-Hertz, Inc. P.O. Box i452 Overgrown yack_ut pt. 3&.~ Delray Beach, Fla. of Lots 1 & ~, Esquire S/D; Lot 21 & W¼ of Lot 29 less a parcel 70' x 155" in SE corner thereo~' Sec. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager this 26th day of March, 1962. 60~',