04-23-62 APRIL 23, 1962.
A regular meeting of the City Council of-Delray Beach was held
in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor Walter Dietz in the
Chair, City Manager Louis J. Smitzes, City Attorney John Ross Adams
and Councilmen A1C. Avery, George Talbot, Jr., George V. Warren and
Oliver W. Woodard, Jr., being present,
1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend Ralph Johnson.
2. Regarding the appointment of a Fiscal Agent, the April 12th,
1962, minutes were amended as follows: Mr. Avery moved that
Goodbedy & Company and B. J. Van Ingen & Company, Inc., be appointed
as the Fiscal Agent for the City. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Woodard and carried unanimously.~
Concerning Item 9.a. on Page 8 of the April 9th, 1962, Council
Minutes regarding Permissive Use for s Day Nursery for pre-school
age children on Lot 26, Block 10, Del Ida Park, Mr. Woodard moved
that in addition to accepting the Planning Board Report, to authorize
and instruct the City to issue a license in accordance with the Plan,
ning Board recommendation. The motion was seconded by I~. Talbot and
carried unanimously.
On motion by Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Woodard, the minutes
of April 9th and 12th Council meetings were unanimoUsly approved as
3. Mr. Harry Brock, who lives at the intersection of N. E. 2nd
Street and Swinton Avenue, asked for the traffic situation to be
studied and endeavor to alleviate some of the traffic hazard at that
location. Ma~or Dietz informed. Mr. Brock that this subject had been
discussed today at the preliminary Council meeting and that the
Council has put in motion, at least the first step, of having a
traffic light installed at this location.
3. Mayor Dietz announced that Agenda Item 8.c. regarding further
consideration of second and final reading of. Ordinance No. G-437
concerning drainage assessments, deferred .at the previous meeting, :-
' would be considered at this time. ~.
Mayor Dietz stated that .it has turned out that the Engineers
had. not included a portion of the designated drainage area in the
description and map. that wasfurntshed to the city, and thm~ mistake
would be paid for by the Engineers which would somewhat reduce the
· 'cost per square foot of assessment. Also that the Council. is looking
into the possibility of a 40-60.percent of cost-sharing instead of
the 20-80 percent that had 'been set up and further that they would
endeavor to work something out on the interest charge that would
benefit the property owners.
Mr. C. W. Hill presented a written protest concerning the as-
sessments for this ~torm Drainage Project and also objected Vorbally~'
Mr. Woodard moved that Ordinance No. G-437 be brought from the
table and said motion be rescinded. The motion was seconded by Mr.
A'very and carried unanimously.
Mr. Avery then moved that Council action on March 26th, 1962,
placing Ordinance No, G-437 on first reading,.be rescinded. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and-carried unanimously.
Many people were present to protest the proposed drainage as-
sessments, but rather than each individual register their complaint
they were asked to stand ~nd be recognized as a body.
Mayor Dietz pointed out that there would necessarily be an as-
sessment against property owners for this drainage project, but that
the Councll is trying to work it out in the best interest of the
April 23, 1962
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Max Woehle, Roy Brady, ~
Paul Herig, Grover Baker, J. L. Patterson, Harry McKean, Harry Brock
and Walter Seymour, did make comments, the majority of whom objected
to the proposed drainage assessment roll, and felt that the city as
a whole should bear thecost of this'improvement through the general
fund. '
Mr. McKean 'displayed amap showing the:drainage district and
other data and brought to 0ouncil attention numerous'questions that
had been presented to him by property owners, as well as other drain-
age information.
Mr. Seymour stated that ~the basic problem was along N. E. 2nd
Avenue and felt that it was no more his problem than 'any other
resident, but that he was willing to pay his share. Mr. Seymour
further commented: "I'think the crux of the thing is that the town
is growing up, and we do have good engineering facilities now, but.
it wasn't very long ago that it was no problem for anyone to throw
a little rock on the street and call it a street, and dedicate that
street, and sell lots on that street, so the fact remains that the
problem area that has been the problem for previouScommissions was
a result of no engineering. The people'came in, they pick a low area,
they put a little rock on it, and suddenLy'it grew up into something
without engineering of any type. ~Now, you are asking the immediate
surrounding people to pay for what we didn't get at that time. When
that area was developed it was Just another street and it was a va-
cant lot Just a few years ago, but now it suddenly developed and
you've got lots more outfall and it drained into that particular
area. You are picking Just a little area around here
problem." Following further comments, Mr. Seymour stated that he
felt this was a community problem.
Mr. Paul Herig of 218 N. E. 12th Street, who does not live or
have property in the designated drainage area, stated that he felt
the property values in the area would he definitely increased where
the people benefit by the drainage, bmr did feel that all properties
in the drainage benefited equally'. Mr. HePig questioned whether the
Council would consider basing the d~ainage cost on the value of the
property instead of the square footage, and in that way place the
greater cost on the ones who derive more benefit instead of the un-
improved property on the outskirts of the.drainage area sharing
equally in the cost.
Mr. Baker expressed his opinion that the property owners who
have lawns or unimproved property should not pay the aame~mount on
a square foot ~rate as a developed shopping center or imp~ed busi-
ness property where all the' water iS shed lnto~the streets.
The CityManager stated that the Engineers are going'into this
matter in detail, and that a report wiX1 bebrought to'the council
on May 14th,
Mayor Dietz stated that he was interested in the final solution
being one thatDelray will be pleased with.
3.a. A roll call showed that the following organizations and repre-
sentatives were in attendance:
Chamber of Commerce Kenneth Ellingsworth
Optimist Club WllliamH. Cahoon
Kiwanis Club Martin Livingston
Seagrape Garden Club I~s. James Bowen
Delray Beach Elementary P.T~A. i~rs. Richie Knapp
Business & Professional Women's Club. Mrs. Clarence Bingham
V.P.~W. Clarence Bingham
League of Women Voters Mrs. Charles Cross
Jaycees Charles Gwynn
Plumosa P.T.A. Bryant }~ers
~mmn,s Club ~.Mrs. L. E. Buel
-2- 4-23-62
Aoril 23, 1962 ~
4. Mr. Warren read She following Beautification Committee meeting
minutes of Thursday, April 19th, 1962.
"~mbers present were: Lora Britt, Bud Merritt, Wade Cartee,
George Warren, MarJorie Evaul, Jim Smith, Clarence Galinat
and guest, Dorothy Stollenwerck.
1. "A discussion was held concerning the installation of parking
area adjoining the lawn bowling lanes. ~. Warren indicated
that he would look into this matter.
2. "A motion was made by P~. Galinat, seconded by Mrs. Evaul that
a recommcendation be made of the city to remove and replace the
royal palm located in city right of way near the residence of
Mr. Norman Patch, 1014 Seagate. Motion passed.
3. "A request from Dorothy Stollenwerck that a.base be added to
the blue star memorial sign in the north island was tabled on
motion by ~. Merritt, seconded by t~r. Galinat. ~,~. Merritt
and Mrs. Evaul were to report back to the committee at its
next meeting.
~. "A motion was made by Mr. Galinat, seconded by ~.~. Merritt
that a recommendation be made to the city to purchase the
trash cans now located in the beach area. Motion passed."
Concerning paragraph 1, Mr. Warren reported that the Engineering
Department was waiting for the winter season to be over before pro-
viding the paved parking area.
Concerning paragraph 2, it was reported that this would be taken
under consideration for further study.
Concerning paragraph $, it was moved by M~. Warren that the six
trash cans that have been tried on the beach and found very satisfac-
tory be p~rchased and paid for by the Beautification Committee, in
accordance with the lease-purchase contract. The motion was seconded
by ~. Avery and carried unanimously.
6.a. City ~ianager Smitzes presented a request for. Beer & Wine License, ~
consumption off the premises, for a new store ~nown as Al,s Thrift
'~arket, located at 1028 West Atlantic Avenue, by the owner, Joseph J.
DiMarzio. The City Manager stated that the usual investigation of
all parties concerned had been completed and approved by the local
Police Department, as well as the State Beverage Department, and re-
commended that such license be granted.
On motion by Mr. Avery and seconded by Mr. Talbot, said request
for Beer and Wine license was unanimously granted.
6.b. The City Manager presented a request from Tastee-Freez to operate
a mobile unit in the West Sector of town during evening hours.
Council attention was called to Section 18vl4, Peddlers limited to
daylight hours. The request was unanimously denied on motion by Mr.
Avery and seconded~by Mr. Woodard.
6.c. City Manager Smitzes presented a survey report of alleged
Nuisances existing in violation of Chapter 15 of the City's Code of
Ordinances that had.been furnished by the Fire Department.
It was moved by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Woodard and unani-
mously carried to direct the City Clerk to comply with Ordinance No.
G-388 as applicable to this Nuisance survey report. ~
(copy of Nuisance survey is attached to and made a part of
the official copy of these minutes.) See Page IOOA
6.d. City Manager Smitzes informed the Council that Terminal Transport
Company, Inc. had deposited $36,000.00 with the City as a base bid for
a certain t~act of City owned land in the S. E. ¼ of Section 18-46-~3.
Mr. Woodard commented and moved as follows: "Mr. Mayor, in accordance
with Terminal Transport's written and verbal guarantee that they
'3- ~-23-62
April 23, 1962
would ~tilize this property for the development of a $200,000.00
terminal to be established here ~elray Beach for a portion of a
nation wide concern, that we acc~Terminal TranSport's deposit of
$36,000.00 and that the City Administration be authorized to proceed
with legal proCeedings to make this property.available for bid, ~
that .we fUrther state at this ·time that the purpose of accepting'1~ls
is not for saleOf the property as such, but to utilize the property
for the benefit of the City." The motion Was SeCOnded by Mr. Avery.
During discussion it was stated that there was discussion with the
City Attorney about· proper procedure to follow to guarantee develop-
ment of this property·if it~ is sold. Upon call of roll, the motion
carried unanimously.
6.e. City Manager Smitzes read the following ~etter from the Florida
East Coast RailWay Company, dated April 4, 1962.
"The Florida East Coast Railway Company has a number of lease
agreements with cities and counties, at a nominal rental of
!ii. O0 per year~. ~i?~
"The Management of the Florida East coast Railway Company w~i8'·I
appreciate your agreeing to Paying 35.00 in advance to cover the
rental for a five-year period, starting in the year 1965, upon
the anniversary date of such agreement, if your municipality is
involved. For the period between 1962 and 1965, the payment
will be for a period between the anniversary date and 1965, in
the majority of cases, would be for three years.
"This is requested in order to reduce the cost of billing, ac-
counting and ~ailing, all of which would be benefiCial to both
the Railway and the go~ernzaental agency involved.
"None of the above, of course, will change the stipulation in
the agreement concerning termination, or cancellation of the
agreement and, in the event.of such te~raination, or cancel-
lation, coming after payment has been!made, refund will be
made of.the amount due.
"It is hoped you Will appreciate~the saving in time and expense,
and if you are agreeable to theabove procedure, the Accounting
Department of the Railway will be instructed tostart new billing,
upon the anniversary date of the agreement involved.
"Please sign, and return to me:, the carbon cop2 of this letter,
enclosed for that purpose, evidencing your acceptance to the
above suggestion. An early reply will be appreciated."
It was moved by ~. ~very, seconded bY Mr.·Talbot and unanimously
carried that the City Administration be directed to execute the Lease
Agreements as requested.
~.. Kenneth Ellingsworth asked if the Council would consider
writing to the F.E.C. Railway Coz~any at this time·asking them to
provide better service at'their Sta~Jf6n~here in Delray Beach, that
the Ch~aber of Cozmaeroe~had made'severaI-attemptS with no results
as yet. It was suggested 'that the Chamber of Commerc~ give the City
a-letter specifying their request in~0rder~that the City raay be
specific in their request.
6.f. City Manager Smitzes lrLformed the Council that it Was the re-
commendahion of the remaining Civit.serwi'ce Board members that Mr.
King Cone be reappointed to the Civil Service Board for a four year
term. ~. Woodard moved for the reappOintment of ~, Cone to the
Civil Service Board for a'four~year term, the motion being seconded
hy Mr. Avery and unanimoUsly carried.
?.a. City·Clerk Worthing presented a request from ~. Warren R.
Williams for the rezoning °f Lots 38 and 39, Haller-Grootman S/D
fromR-2 to R-3 Zone, and stated that in accordance with Charter
provisions, the Council may deny .said request, or refer same to the
Planning/Zoning Board for Publichearing ~o be held thereon. Mr,
Avery moved'that the request be referre~ to the Planning/Zoning Board.
The motion was seconded bY ~. Woodard and carried unanimously.
-4- 4-23-62
Aoril 23, 1962
7.b. The City Clerk read the following letter from the Fl~ida State
Road Department, dated April 9, 1962.
"You have no doubt observed, with gratification, press notices
of the Governor's orders to enforce outdoor advertising laws.
You will appreciate that this decislon~is a result of public
safety demands that only official signs be allowed within right
of way limits. Also, that other, flagrant violations of the ad-
vertising laws must be prevented. The safety of the motoring
public is seriously endangered by illegally erected signs on
highway right,of-way. These laws were passed for safeSy reasons
and every effort will be made to carry them out.
"Clean-up will begin on the primary highway system April ll, 1962,
starting with U. S. # l, from Sebastian, Florida in Indian River
County, to Key West, Florida inMonroe 0ounty. Legally erected
and license8 signs will not be disturbed.
"The enforcement procedure will be broken down into three phases
as shown below:
1. The cleaning up of Florida's primary highway rights
of way by removing commercial signs that require no
notices, together with portable signs.
2. The reworking of the primary highways and the inspection
of all signs for correct distance from the right of way
and the proper license.
3. Follow-up action by-the inspectors to determine whether
notices have been complied with.
'~/our wholehearted cooperation in this.endeavor is solicited."
It was moved by Mr. Avery that the Florida State Road Department
be apprised of the Council's wholehearted cooperation in their en-
deavor. The motion was seconded by ~. Warren and carried unanimous-
7.c, City Clerk Worthing read the following letter fron~ Mrs. Jean
H. Tiedt, dated April 17, 1962.
"Due to a sudden illness on Saturday, April 14, it became
necessary to call for help from the Delray Emergency Unit.
"Within two minUtes the policemen.and firemen were there
and we wish to thank and commend both units for their prompt-
ness and efficiency in answer to our call."
Pk. Avery moved that the City Manager be directed to not only
commend the departments, but to see that the individuals are singled
out. and cmumended for this good publicity that they gave the City.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot and carried unanimously.
7.d. The City Clerk read the following letter that had been received
from Mr. John Banting, Commodore of the Delray Beach Boating & Sports-
man's.Club, dated April 18, 1962.
"The Delray Beach BOating and Sportsman's Club wishes to ex-
press their great appreciation for the splendid improvement
for the S. E. 10th Street Intercoastal boat ramps. The
splendid spirit of cooperation shown to us is most commend-
able to say the least.
"A special thanks should be extended to County Commissioner
Ben Sundy, Paul Goss and Roy Roseke without whose cooperation
this wonderful improvement would not have been possible."
Mr. Talbot moved that the same action be taken on this matter as
on the.last motion. The motion was seconde~ .by Mr. Woodard and
carried. ,unanimous ly.
-5- ~-~3-6~
April 23, 1962
8.a. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE NO. G-440.
Ordinance Fo. G-440 was unanimously placed on first reading on
motion by ~ir. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Warren.
9.a. See last page of minutes.
9.b. The City Clerk read the following Planning Board Report dated
April 7, 1962 and then read ORDINANCE NO. G-4~l.
"On March 30, 1962 the Planning and Zoning Board held a hearing
on a request from Mr. D. E. Colman to rezone Lots 21 and 22,
Block D, Palm Beach Shore Acres (known as the Roig property)
from R-IAAA to R-3 together with a request for a conditional
use of said premises as a private club.
"Thirty two people were notified to appear. Four letters of
objection were received. ·A letter of Objection from the Beach
Tax Payers League was also admitted. Two or three objections
were received from the floor. One person approved for himself
and stated that seventeen residents ~of the Southampton also
"At a ·special meeting on April 6, 1962 the Board voted Six in
favor, and one opposed to recommend that Lots 21 and 22 be
zoned to R-3 under the conditions that the City will grant the
permissive use of the property for a private club and also
specify that club shall be completed and operating prior to
~.~,n. 1, 1963. ~f. these conditions above are not met by this
~'te the property shall remain as R-1AAA. (The Board recommends
the permi~sive use be granted.)
"The Board as a whole feel that it is very much in the public
interest to have a clUb of this type available to the citizens
of Delray Beach which can be a source of pleasure and benefit
to the membership. There are very few available sites for
such a club available and this appears to be well suited for
such use. We would fully expect that the management of a club
of this nature would operate in an orderly manner and establish
necessary by laws and regulations for the pro~ection of its
members as well as the surrounding area.
"Should the club in time cease to operate as a club we feel
now that the property shoUld logically remain as R-3. The club
has every indication of success and this should carry on for
· many years to come and remain much as is."
Ordinance No. G-441 was unanimously placed on first reading on
motion by Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Avery.
9.c. The ·City Clerk read the following Planning Board Report dated
April 7, 1962.
"On March 30, 1962 the Planning and Zoning Board held a hearing
on a request for permissive use to permit limited sales of
Marine supplies at the city yacht basin and for the expansion
of the improvement located on the following described land:
-6- 4-23-62
April 23, 1962
"That tract of city owned land lying between S E. 1st and
2nd Streets, and bounded on the West by Block i26 and on the
East by the Intercoastal Waterway.~
"Twenty people were notified. Thre~ letters objecting were
received and fiveI Objections were received from the floor.
"At a special meeting on April6, 1962 the seven members
present voted unanimously to recommend that the amendment
to lease subrmitted .by Mr. John W. Spinner, attorney for
Jarman and Maryon Smith, and ~dated January 24, 1962 be~
"Since this is the only existing boat dock in the City limits
the Board feels that it is in the public interest that s~ch a
dock be made as attractive and convenient as possible for boat
owners visiting our city."
~. Woodard moved for acceptanbe of the Planning Board Report and
granting the Permissive Use as indicated per their request. The
motion was seconded by Mr. A4very and upon call of roll, ~lr. Avery,
Mayor Dietz, Mr.. Talbot and ~ir. Woodard voted in favor of the motion
and Mr. Warren was opposed.
I.~. James Bowen, who owns property at 110 Marine Way, questioned
whether a better procedure could be worked out in the way that public
hearings are conducted by the Planning Board in that the person, or
their representative, making the request that the public hearing is
being held on should be present at said hearing, in order that ques-
tions may be answered.
It was suggested that the Planning Board be apprised of this
citizen's objection, and it be referred to them for their Judgment
and action in the future.
X.' City Clerk Wot'thing informed the Council that thru the efforts
of the City Attorney, a petition for' annexation of prOPert2 between
AIA and the Ocean had been received, and the following Annexation'
Ordinance had been prepared.
It was moved by ~. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Avery that Ordi-
nance No. G-~d~3 be placed on first reading. ~. Warren questioned
the conditions as set forth in Section 5 of said Ordinance concerning
the existing bonded indebtedness. Upon call of roll, ~. Avery,
Mayor Dietz, ~. Talbot and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the motion
and Mr. Warren was opposed.
X. Mr. Woodard commented as follows: "As a result of the City's
effort, and the City's committeeS, and the efforts of individuals
in the City to provide a broader economic face for the town, to
attract business to our community, there has been a number of zoning
ordinances which have come to our attention, and in order to bring
several of these zoning ordinances up to dat~, I would like to have
the following items referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for their
consideration at their earliest convenience, and if at all possible,
referred back to us for action at our next regular Council meeting.
Item 1. I would like to see provided in our zoning an ordinance
which would enable the city to rezone any specified property at such
time as specific developments, which would require rezoning, would
be completed. This would be in line withexiSting County Zoning
-?- 4-23-62
April 23, 1962
Ordinances and would provide ue for a positive development in such
areas and along specific lines which would be acceptable" &tom 2.
Clarification of our 0-2 Zone which provides for service industries.
There are now industries as such which exist that did not exist at
the time of our setting forth of our C-2 zone such as electronic
concerns. We need to provide an area in town in which these concerns
can be located. Item 3. I would like the Board to consider elimi-
nating from Our OrdinAnces 29-?.5 Subparagraph (12) (b) specifically,
and I quote:'Trade shops but no more than five craftsmen or mechanics
on the premises.. In other words, in our C-2 Zone, we are limiting
trade shops to a maximum of five employees. This rather arbitrarily
limits the growth of existing businesses, and also prohibits many
larger concerns from locating in the town."
The m0t~on was seconded by Mr. Avery. When asked ab'out the
motion, Hr. ~oodard stated: "The motion iS that the items which I
have Just mentioned be referred to the Planning/Zoning Board for their
consideration at their next meeting, and that they submit to us by our
next meeting, their recommendation on these-specific matters." Upon
call of roll, the motion carried unanimously.
X. City Manager Smitzes Pead the following letter from Mr. William
F. Koch, Jr., dated April 23, 1962.
"In conjunction with the. two program~ being undertaken by the
City of Delray Beach and the Chamber of Commerce to obtain in-
dustry and to plan for the future growth .westward of the cit~,
I would llke to. offer a tract of undeveloped acreage located
on the attache~ map for industrial purposes. We all realize
to bring in industry to Delray that we must have land at a
price that will compete w~th neighboring areas. Therefgre, I
am willing to sell the subject property at a figure of.$3,000.00
an acre to desirable industries that will come into the area.
This is subject to my obtaining an.option on the said property
from the owners who have already indicated their willingness to
help our community and I am sure the option will be forthcoming
as long as the city feels that this is the desirable location
for induStry and will recommend the same to the County."
Mr. Woodard commented on what had been presented and discussed
at a meeting concerning this subject, and then moved that the Council
express a favorable opinion to the development of these areas in line
with the overall .expansion and groWthplans .for the. westward area,
~ and that it:be indicated to this individual that th~' Council is re-
ceptive to his develoPment Of the. area. Mayor Die~z reIinquished
the chair and Seconded the motion with the stipulation~that Mr.
Woodard, together with the City Hanager~ write the letter. Mayor
Dletz further stated that the purpose of the.letter, as he under-
stands it, is to give encouragement to the gentleman that represents
the Industrial.Division of ~he chamber of Commerce so that when he
is in New York talking to executives that he can overcome the feeling
that is generally'prevelent now that the environment of Delray Beach
is not a happy place to look intO. The motion carried unanimously.
X. Mr. Avery moved that the Council be instructed to execute an
agreement to a stipulatio~ 6riginated by Ocean Ridge that an appeal
instituted by Ocean Ridgebe dismisse~, further that mandamus action
before court also be dismissed per verbal agreement including zoning
change. The moti~n.was seconded by Mr. Woodard and carried unani-
10.a. CitY Manager smitzes presented bills for approval as follows:
General Fund ~96, ~0~. 09
· On~otion by ~. Avery a~d seconded by Mr. Woodard, ithe bills
were unanimously ordered paid.~
CityManager Smitz~s then presented the following bills for
Water Fund -~ OPerating FUnd. ~ 15,4~9.20
Water RevenUe Cert.-Series 19%7
. Interest & Sinking.Fired. %6,~442.53
Special Trust'A~count'Delray
Beach National Bank. 225,000.00
~8~ 4-23-62
April 23, 1962
Special Trust Account,Flrs$ ~i~
National Bank. ' 225,150. O0
Special 'Assessment Fund. 3,981.90
Refundable Deposit Fund. 8,976.80
Beach Disaster Fund. 1,114.44
Improvement ~und. 1,982.96
On motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by ~r. Avery, the above
bills were unanimously Ordered paid.
9.a. The City Clerk read the following Planning Board Report dated
April 8, 1962, and then read RESOLUTION NO. 1397.
"I wish to advise you that the Planning and Zoning Board approves
of completing So E. 6th Street from Federal Highway th~u to S. E.
4th Avenue.
"The Board has a number of high priority street improvement pro-
Jects, but there appears to be no funds available for these at
this time and work cannot logically be done until the sewer pro-
Ject is determined°"
"The above work on S. E. 6th Street will make a good addition
to the street system."
WHEREAS, 'the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida,
may deem it to be necessary for the safety and convenience of the
public to open, grade and pave that part of Southeast Sixth Street
lying between Southeast Fifth and Sixth Avenues to a width of twenty-
four (24) feet, the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida,
to share in the cost of such improvement with the owners of lands a-
butting thereon;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida as follows:
SECTION 1. That the City Manager be required to submit plans,
specifications and an estimate of the Cost of such improvemen~ to be
made, and that the same shall be placed on file in the office of the
City Manager.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida on this the 23rd day of April, 1962.
Resolution No. 1397 was unanimously passed and adopted on motion
by ~Lr. Warren and seconded by PLr. Avery.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. on motion by Mr. Avery.
City Cl~rk
-9-. 4-23-62
~ ~D~SS L~, ~K a $~ CODE
M~le M. Ra~h~ 1619 Hill S~ree~ L~s 9 & 10, BI~.
et ~ MoKe.eapo~, ~a~. -- pal ~ Park
Charles A. ~ ~ 7~ Smallwo~d Drive ~. ~0.,
Ele~ M. Keller Sneer ~1, N.Y. ~ropic ~sle
A~a ~M. Sola JeSse7 '~i~y, N. ~.
Mario &"Elizabe~h ..82 Sc~aalenbU=g 'Rd~ ~t 398~'
Si~inolfi ~wor~h, ~. J~ ~r~i~ Isle
Elsie ~p~eir ~ew S~ews~ry, N. ~, ~ropic Isle
No~h Tropic Isle, 3~O~ S. Pe~. H~. ~ta ~01,~0~,~03,~06,
Inc. Del~ay Bea~, FIi. ~07~.~,~82~3,~,
C. S. Pr~o 1122 S~. Cat~rine Lo~ ~O~,
o/o Fr~ D~ioe St., West T~opio Isle
M~ay a Bla~he Z~O West 57th St., ~t ~0~,
Silver a Her~rt New Yo~k, N.Y. Tropic Isle
a Barb,s Berger
~mas R. & Z3~35 Marshall St, ~ts ~,~15,~16,
Gladys L. ~phy .~ear~o~,~ ~iOh~ T~opio Isle
Arth~ a ~a ~ok ~3 LeRoY AVe. ~t ~77,
Darien, ~o~; TrOpic Isle
Jo~ P. Huok 53 ~Roy Avenue Lot ~78,
c/o A. Huok Darien, Co~. Tropic Isle
Marko a Albino ' 681 Blvd, East. ~t k79
B~atovioh Wee~en, N. J~ Tropi~ Isle
Fred A. & 119 Hague Street ~t ~80
Artemisia Blde~. Jersey. City, N.J. Tropic Isle
Thomas J~ a P~ovinoe Li'he Roa~ Lots~ 1 &
Rose O~er ' . Princeton, .N~ J~ Block 17
c/o Oerama B. .... '
~ber~, :Esq. ' ""
~hed~Iok Faahaw ~1 S~W. 5th Aven~ Lot 4~
De~ay Beaoh, Pla, Block 17
Charles Cart~igh~ P.o. Box 109 ~t 7~
Delray Beae~, ~la. Block 17
J~ea · a~e Ha~o~ ~2~ N.W. 5th Avenue L~ts 8 · 9,
De~ay Beach, Fla. Block 17
~te Bry~ 1529 Wes~ Ad~s St. ~ 13,
Ocala, Florid a Paradise
Lizzie a R~setta c/~ Gen. Del. Let 17,
McDowell Delray Beach, Fla~ Paradise He~h~s
Del~ay Beach ~rov~ Bo~ 1~33~ . ~ts 19
merit, Co~p. De~ay ~acn~ Fla. ~aradise
........ {ViOlation.
Su~it~ed to the City Co~cil by the
Ci~2 M~ager this 23rd day of April,
n~S~t~TZO~ ~o~ %399
~ets the~ ~o~eBo$~ .qualt~tcations. and
Beach fr~.SUeh'."ippli~;~on the f~Xl~w-
~hit S~c~on 3...o~.R~o~ut$on No.. 1390 'be~ and
s~e,. ia herebF ~ende~: to ~6a~~ hs. fello~:
~ndat$o~, t0 ~o'.~'$ty Co~o~t fo~ deOi-
sio~ and upon ap~Oval, ~s autho~iz~'d tO
e~e~ into .an a~e~t with Such