05-28-62 i~AY 28, 1962. A regu~a~ m~eeting of the City Council of Delra~ ~each was held in the Courl~i~ Chambers at 8:00 p.'M,, with MaYor Wa.$t~ Diet~ in the Chair, oit~'~'M~Dage~ Louis J. S~itze~, city Att0~ne~,~ an~ CoUncl~A1 C. ~ve~y, G~orge V. War~en ~d 0~ W. ~., being ~$ent. 1. An o~e~ng p~aYm~ wmm ~elivere~ by CoUnci~ ~G. Avemy. X. Mayor ~etz' a~o~ced that Co~ci~an Talbot i~ a~a~t evening-on ~$ 0~' lllnems in him ~ly. 2. On mo'~D'by ~. Wooda~d and seconded by ~, ~¥e~, the minutes of May ~th;:~.~96'2 seething w~e ~an~ously app~ove~. 3. ~. ~ll~.G~%n~,~ 100~ ~wis Cove,' Del~ay Be~eh !~ormed the Council t~'~,.~' h~e 'D~oh'~ed a hOUse on South Ooe~.'~evaPd, the n~be~ on t~e'fho~e ~%In6 416, bu.~ that the city d~.~ents had told him the 0o~9~ hour,, n~b~ was 3~0. Purthe~ tha$ '~$~eP houses in that bl~k ~a~ied a ~00 n~be~, ,, ~ At~en~i~'W~S o~lled to the fact that an OPdina=e had been passed in 1960 pe~talning to the n~bePing of buildin~s and struc- tures ah8 t~t p~ops~ty o~e~s had been notified of t~'~r correct house n~e~s foll~ing passage of said Opdin~ce, but theme were some pe~;l~ LSh~% h~ ho~,changed thet~ house. n~Ps accordingly. ~ ~%~ M~$'9 w~s' inst~ucted that lettePs~be sent bo Property ownems on $~th 00~9~ Bouleva~., l~luding the liP.st ei~t blocks South ~ ~l~.~c ~ge~'~. i~o~ming them of their correct street n~- heP, ~ 1~'9 ~ ~'~ %~ d~91'i~ate' with a ~equest that 2 copYtbe signed a~,~~'~O' %~m'~C~ty~Hail ~for the ~ec°rds in mder. hat there ma~.'~'~ ~6~9~' On the/ones that did not Petu~n said 'letter. ' ~hg dSs6~S~?, t~ Ci'~ Attorney stated that this .mi~t be approached ln~i~ec~'l~ ih D~sSing a law Pequi~lng a~one who has an i~rope~ n~b~ to' ?~ove 'S~e. ~ - 4.a. A roll ca~l S~Wed that ~he following organizations and repre- sentatives were ln'~A~%endance. Delray Beach Woman's Club ~s. ~E, Buel ~& ~s. J..W.Pa~brother Seagrape G~n Olub ~s. ~. W, Evaul ~wanis Club Ben Ad~s Ch~ber -of Co~erce Ke~eth Ellingsworth 0pti~s~ ~G!ub. Ben Hoxsie League of '.Wo~en 9oters ~s. C~rles Cross Lion,s O~b Dr. A. L. Rln~ette Pla~ln~Oning~Board Col. A. L. Fabens 6.a. C~y Na~ger~S~$Z~s pre~ented a request fo~ a Beer & Wine Lioe~%~ o~tion~$ff t~e~pre~ses,, fr°m ~. ~o~ z. Pa~ker~ o~e~ a~ op~l~' of Par-Pak ~Market, 5 N. W~ 5th Avenue, ~ be In conJunctio~ Wi~.'h~ ~e~aii grocery market occupational license, and i~o~med ~e Council ~hat investigations of the induvidual have been co~leted ~ aD,moved ~.~y the Police Department. 0n m0~'~ ~'. A~"~d seCo~ed by ~. Warren said request for Beer ah~iHe License*aS ~animouaIy granted. 6.b. City Manager Smitzes r~ad a letter from M~. EdWin H. ~ng, signing as a Director of the Pa~ Beach Reso~ces Developmen~ Board, representl~ $e~ay 'Beach. 1;m. W~n m~ed that the resl~ation be accepted wi.th regrets. The mo~ion was seconded by Mr. Ave~ a~ carried un~imously. 6.0. City Mana~r Smitzes read the following letter received from Attorney J. Clint~ ~ott, ~ated May E3rd ~d reco~ended ~hat s~e be r~ferred to the Pta~in~Z. oning Board for their review and re- c o~endation. "I represent ~. Fr~k DeRice who is the o~er of Lot X, Sea Gate ~ectl~ A, which ls l~ated at the westemly extension of Casuarina Road and t~ Intracoastal Wate~ay; Lot X is made MAY 28, 1962 up of two parcels of land, .one being 100~ x 300', and the other being.s neck of land 25' x 175' lying West of the intersection of Sea 8age Drive and Casuarlna Road, and is the access for the first parcel. "Part of~the City's right-of-way for Casuarina Road is a parcel cf land 25' x 4?5', which lies adjacent and North of Mm. DeRice's property, and South of lands owned by the Del Ocean Come, any. I~ client requests the City abandon this strip of land on condition ~that he begin construction of apartment buildings on his property prior to July 1, 1963. "The reason for this request is that the land actually is worthless to the City and M~. DeRice,s proposed apartment buildings will greatly enhance the area and provide taxes to the Clty. At present this n~rrow strip of City land is subject to spoilage which makes it even more worthless; however, FIND has indicated-to ~,~. DeRice that if the City will abandon fhis piece of land and he will build a sea-wall along the 'entire 475' of this land North of the property, that FIND will abandon its spoil right. "This property on the Westerly extension of casuamina Road, which Mr. DeRice is asking to be abandoned, serves no pur- pose except access to Lot X." On motion by Mm. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Warren this item was unanimously referred to *the Planning/Zoning Board as recomms~ded. 6.d. The City Manager stated that the Council had received a memo- randum concerning a request for consideration of modification of present requi~embnts for issuance of' occUpatlOni~l license to con- tractors and sub,contraCtors, from the llbense ~epartment. Mr. Avery stated that this proCedure'had'beeR e~'~*Ablished last year at the request of 'contract~rs~ s~b-con$~p~O~S.~and.citizens of De]may Beach, a~ moved that a c0mmi?ee of~o~a~' Wbolbright, Chairman; W. J. Snow, III; Julian Wells, Ralph HughS0n and R. D. Worthing be appointed to consider this matter and make recommendations to the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. ~oodard and carried unani- mously. 6~3. A survey report of alIege~ Nuisances existin~i, in*violation of Chapter 15 of the City's Code of Ordinances that ~d been furnished by the Fire Department WaS presented. ' It was moved bY~. Woodard, seconded by Mr. Warren and unani- mously carried to accept sai~ report and that the City Administration take appropriate action. (copy of Nuisance-survey report is attached to and made a part of the official copy cf these minutes.) 6.f. Regarding a proposed Wage and Salary S~P~y' City ~anager Smitzes informed the Councilthat proposals Were-re~i~!~l~h~ee firms for performing Such'services, based on the f01~wing".~ ~aragraphs of a letter mailed to each. * ~ ?" '~ "The City of Delray Beach.desires to'ha~e-asUPv[e~ m~de covering emPloyeePosition elassi~'~.~,'/~~'~o- sitions into classes on the ~iS ~f;:'~i~ :~"~nd responsibilities, integrated with apa~ ~lan.Jm~nSlstent with such work performed. "Please submit in detail a proposal i~$ifYi~g ~he basic services you would perform in.'~eve~epi~['a~h a.finished plan. One of the serViCe~ to be i~C.lUd'e~ WOul~ be a fl- nancial breakdown of app~.opriations needed to put the f~ished p~an:lnto oP~ioh.'' The proposais~received are as foI1OWs: "1. Dawson & MoKone, Port Lauderdale, presented a proposal in ae~%r~ance with cilty,'s request,' ~r ~ 'fee o~ $3,3~o. 0o, Th~ T'~rm ~ecent'!y c~m~ie~e~a ~urVeY for BOca Ra$on which has b~en accepted b~ ~b~ City Commission and put into effect. The City states it is pleased with results. -2- 5-28-62 MAY 28,' 1962 "2. Public Administl~ation Service, Chicago~ presented a proposal fo~ a fee of ~2,500.00, plus city to p~o¥1de off~ce space and ~quipmen~, office.'.sUpplieS, stenograp.h~' l~d cl.eri- cal hel~'~~ .Estimating the p~oJect 9o last 45 t.o-.~ days, it is esti~$e4 this could ~ou~t. to :$900.00,' makin~est~ated ' fee $3,~0,00~ ~ls is the firm that made. a sU~gY' for the city about 7 ye~s ago. · "3. Fr~k 0. Bro~ & Co~y, New York, with a~ office in Mi~, p~ented a Pr~osal for $3,150.00.' ~e~ ~eve made studies $~ such large .cities as Mi~, T~a ~:~0~l~do, all of w~eh seem to be satisfie~ ~is firm ~e?a study for the ~$~Y of Lake Worth in 1961 but it w~ ndt~ ~fft into operatio~ $~ the city." Mr. Ave~ moved that the awar~ be ma~e to the low b~dder, Frank C. Bro~ & Gem~y in.the ~o~t of $3,150.00 and tha~'~he funds be taken from the"'Water Fun8 and Genera1 F~d In 8irec~ ~roportion of the e~loyee~'~nvolved. '~e motion Was seconde~.By ~, Woodard. ~. Wa~e~ sbated t~t be'felt there had been ~ adequate wage scale put i~tO effeet la. St~..yea~,. ~d if it wes not e~t!rely satis- factc~ it ~OWi~ be adJus~e~. Fur~er that he felt'~het money should be saved an~ :~hat De~AY BeaCh possibly use the Boc~ Eaton wage scheO- ule which i~ Ve~' slmll~ to the p~esent schedule,' }~. Ave~ State8 ~t, he felt the report made last yea~ was very good but nee~e~ to be ~re detailed'~d the need of professional help was obvious. Mayor Dietz stat.ed 'that he would &ike fc~ Del~ay Beach to have a wage scale that everyone wou~O have 'CO~lOence in and that money spent for s~ue would be a gooO investment In public ~elations with the em- ployees. ' Upon call Cf ~o1~, Mr. Avery, Mayo~ Dietz, ~d ~. Weodar~ voted in favor of the ~etion end ~. Warren was opposed. 6.g. Regarding cl~ification of Co~cil action taken December 26, 1961, concerning S~doway East suit against the City o~ De~ay Beach,' the following lette~ r~om City Attorney Jo~ Ross Ad~s, dated May 22nd was presented. "Attached~ hereto is a.Memor~d~ which I sub~tted to the last City C~i'l in December, 1961. ~e problem, remains unsolved due to the wo~ding 'q~ a Motion ~ade and carried at a meeting on the 26th of Dece~e~." "I believe that I can s~ely state that the CoUncil felt that ~e City was under a strong mo~al obligatio~ due to ~e mis- take, and they also a~eed with me that the~e is a possibility that a Cou~t could also hold the lien void d~e to said ~stake. The lien was in t~e ~ou~t of $657.49, and: ~he Oo~Cil author- ized a "settlement of 50% of the ~ount inv~.lved." ~e attor- ney representing ~e ~ti~le insurance cc~ then tendered a check in the ~ou~ of ~328.75 in full settlement of the claim." "~.~ Is 'stiI1~ holding the check, and ~. Wor~hing feels that~s~hee interest had accrued in the ~ount of $181.91 at the time th~ e~ro~ was ~de 'that the ~ount involved should be at least ene-ha~ ~Of '~839~40 rather than ~6~.49. My recollection is that the s~e~ific"s~ of ~6'57.49 was ~entlone~ as being that involved, and' ~y pu~ose in bringing this baC~ before the Council is for ~further a~tiOn Cf clari'fication." "~is suit was instituSed 'by AttOrney Ha~ry T. Newett long before I bec~e associated with him, ~d if the City refuses to accept the check heretofore tendered, he has i~o~e~ me that the Co~y wishes to pursue the suit, ~. Newett will natur- ally ref.e~' ~e suit te;~oiher attorney due to o~ association, an~ I wll'l be ha~pY ~o~esent the City if it is yo~ wish not to settle The City Attorne~viewed the history of this. case for the benefit of the Dubiic." ~.~ ~e~ then.moved that this~ action be settled for the s~ of $~8.Y5. ~e motion was seconded by c e~ tied' ~animous ly. -3- 5-28-62 '11 MAY 28, 1962 6.h. City Manager Smitzes presented a request for a transfer of liquor license NO. 1528 from Rene Chardain to Henry. N.* Whitney, per- taining to 'the ~0peratton of the Arcade Tap. Room, and s~$ated that Mr. Whitney had been checked in the usual manner and aPProved by the Police Department. Mr. W°odard mov~e~ that the'licenSe be transferred per said request. The motion being seconded by Mr. Warren and un- animous ly carried. 6.i. The City Manager presented a request for transfer of liquor license No. 1053. due .to change in ownership from Arvida Corporation to Seagate Beach Club, and that the applicant, Alexander Thomson had been checked in the usual manner and approved by the Police Depart- ment. The transfer 'of liquor license NO. 1053 Was unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Avery. 8.a. :City Cleflc ~orthing read RESO~ION NO. 14OO~ .o~ .~L~Y B~C~, FLORZDA, ~TmOR~:Z~O TH C L~NG BET~ SO--BT FIF~ AN$'~TH A~. ~E~8, ~e .City Oo~c~' cftC. 0i}7 of .~elra2 B~ach, .Florida, did on ~the 14th day of May, 1962, by~e~°t~tiOn No. 1398, 'determmne to proceed with the ogening, ~ad~ ~ paving of that part of .Southeast Sixth Street lying between. 8~e~t Fifth ~d Sixth ~ve- nues to a width of tWentk, four~ .~a~) fee~. ~s, the Resolution providin& therefore has been dul2 published as require~ .by the City 0he~teP~, together with a notice that objections' to sa~O i~rovem~nt ~uid be heard, and ~AS, no sufficient objections have been .made to such posed i~rovement. NOW, T~ORE, BE IT RESOL~ by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the City Manager be and he is hereby instructed to pr~eed witb the opening, gp~ding/and paving of that par~ of Southeas~ Sixth~S~reet lying~t~n ~theast Fifth and S~xth ~venues~ ~o a ~h o~'~we~-fo~r '~) ~fee~..aocord~ng ~o the plus and specifications heretofore filled ~$h. the 0~$y Clerk, and a copy thereof filed in ~e office of the Oi~Y M~a~6r and kept open for the inspection .of ~the public. PASSED IN ~G~.R ~SION on this the ~ day ef May 1962. The O*t~ZF. Cler~ .t~°~med *the, O~ouncil tha~. a' pU~c hearing .had been scheduled ~*and adVertiSed '60~5e held at ~ *time/on Reso~ution 1398~/conCe~ni~. p~o~sed ~i~.rovemeh~ ~ef ~h~ p~t Of S.E~ 6th Str&*et'* !y~ng be~we~ S*.E.** 5th and etn ~.~..~ Attorney Paul Gringle, representing ~. Edwin Anderson who owns fifty perce~t of the Property affected in thts~S~eet t~rovement, objected to the paving ~ said street at this ~ti~ as they feel that it ts not needed at ~is ti~. Follo~ng general discussion con- cerning the need. of this s.treet between no~th~und and southbound hi,ways, percentage of City partici~tion In this p~oject and read- ing of the Pla~ing Board. report concerning s~, ~.. Warre~ moved that RESOL~ION NO. 1~00 be passed '~d adopted. The motion was seconded by ~. Woodard and carried .~imously. 8.b. ~e City Clerk read R~OL~I-0N N01.~01 cx~. s~e o~ ~C~VAL COSTS m~e~ ~Y CITY ~O AOCOI~LZSH s~H A.~NT A:~. ~ING ~ c0S~. oP such A~~ op s~X~:~N~s~c~, ~ O~- IN AN AMO~ AS SH0~ ~ ~PORT OF~ CI~ ~NAGER OF DE~Y B~CH, FLORIDA. MAY 28~, 1962 (~opy of Resolution Is attached to and made a part of the ~/~/~olal c°~y~ of tl~ese minutes.) on ~ot~on ~S~TION (d), S~TION 3-7, C~P~R 3, 0~D~ 0F 0~INANC~ OF S~ID CI~, AND RE, ~ING O~A~E er~39 OF ~ CI~ OF ~8, 'She .Cl~y ~C,uncil of this City passed 0r~nance ~o. G-374 on No~e~er ~, 1960, ~ch prohibited any sig~ Sn the.'City w~ch involveS'~motion o~ rotation of any part of t~9 ~tructure or display; and ~S, l} was the intention of the City at t~a.$ $ime to pro- hibit all sUc~.s~ns even wh~e the motion consist6~ of ll~ts flashing on ~ o~f; a~ ~, the present City Council feels that this intention should be mome cle~ly e~ressed; NOW T~ORE, BE IT O~AI~ BY T~ CI~ CO~CIL OF DE~Y B~CH, F~RI~: Section 1.' That Subsection (d), Section 3-7, Chapter 3, Code of 0rdin~ces of t~ Oit~ of Del~ay Beach, Florida, be ~d the s~e is hereby ~ended to read as follows: "(d) E~ept that any sl~ or light which involves motion, rotation, or flash- i~ ~'a~ part of ~the atruct~e display la prohibited.." Section 2. This ~dmemt shall not_~equire the removal of any e~sting flashing sl~ w~ch are made nonco~or~ng by ~e passage of this Ordin~ce. Section 3. ~din~e G-439 is hereby repealed. PAS~ED AND ADOPTED on ~his the 28th day of May, 1962. There being no objections to Ordinate No. G-~2, it was moved by Nr. Warren and seconde~ by ~. WoOdard ~hat said Ordinance be passed and adopted on this second ~d final reading. ~on call of roll, Mayor Dletz, ~.~. Warren ~d ~. Woodard voted in favor of the motion and ~. Avery abstained from voting. 8.d. City Clerk Wort~ng read 'ORDINANCE N0.- G~6. AN ORDINANCE 0F ~E CI~ OO~OIL OF CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH, FLORI~, A~ING TO T~ CI~ C~TA.IN ~N~ L~ATED IN SEC- TION 9, T0~SHIP 46 S0~H, ~NGE 43 ~ICH ~ A~. CONTIGUOUS T0 ~ISTING ~ BO~RIES OF SAID CI~ TO INCL~E SAID ~; PROVIDING FOR ~E ZONING AND TA~TION OF A PORTION OF SAID ~S AND CONDITIONS OF LI~ATIONS OF A P0~ION OF SAID ~S. ~.WoOdard moved that 0~d~nance No. G-~6 be placed on first reading, the motion being seconded by I'~, Mayo~ Dletz oo~ented on ~exattons ~d zoning ~d sta~ed that he will vote in the ~firmative_on t~s motion, but ~at he would ~Ote oonditio~ll7, .gl~.~ng ~mse~ the pr~vilege, to ~econside~ ~t the ~uture meeting if ~he ~la~lng Bo~d ~s not aEreeable to the zo~ng that has been set forth ~n Ordinance No. ~-~6. -5- 5'28-62 MAY 25~ 1962 Following questions as to certain terms and conditions set forth in said Ordinance No. G-446, the public was .informed that said Ordi' Dance would be published in full in the newspaper. Upon~call of roll the motion ca,tied un~mimously, Mayor'Dietz stating that his vote was conditional as stated previoUsly. Mm. Warren stated that the recommendation of ~the Planning Board would be considered at time of second and final reading of said Ordi- nanc e. lir. Woodard then moved that this-item be referred to the Planning Board for their consideration, the motion being seconded by Mr. Avery and Unanimously carried~ X. 0ity Clerk Worthing informed the 0ouncil that a'petition for annexation had been received from the owner of Lots 1 and 2, Delray Beach Shores, which land is contiguous to the City of Delray Beach, and that said .owner had submitted a sketch.of proposed construction on said land. The City Clerk then read ORDINANCE NO. G-448. · AN ORDINANCE OF .THE CITY COUNCIL OF "TEE ' CITY OF DELRAY :BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE C~TY OF DELRAY BEACH CERTAIN LAN~S LOCATED IN SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF SATD ~Dm,~INING TH~ BO~ARI~S 0~ SAID CI~O~ INCLUDE S~ZO L~NDS'; ~OVIDi~G~OR TSW~ ~ AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS, AND PRO~N~ FOR THE ZONING THEREOF. Mr; Ave~ moved that Ordinance No.. ~-~8 ~s .~ated' On first reading, the motion being s~oonded b~ 'Fir.' '~t~o6'8a~'~?~8 u~lanimously carried. M.ayor Dietz qualified his vote as he di~. en placing Ordi- Mr. Avery' tM~ ~oved t~at O?dinanc/~.N~;j ~8 be referred to the Planning Board for their ~yecomm~a~iC~. ~t~!Me~onding the motion }ir. Woodard called attention to the fact that the zoning ordinance now in effect would allow a s~A~ s~y ~~e~ ~ a .footage standpoint, h~wever there is a ~rea~r~e'~i"~'.~h~' a=~t~'~st~ ~{St exceed three stories and that the Council is requesting ~the ~I~g Board to con- sider allowing a six story building. The motion carried unanimously. 8.e. City Clerk Worthing read ORDINANCE NO. G-~47,- A~ ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY CO~CI~ OF' T~ (l~) (b) SEOTI~ 2~-7.~, C~'~- OC~E '0RDINANOES' OFS,~ ID .C~TY, · ~0 ~HE ~I~CAL BE EMPLOYED IN' TRADE BH'0PB .IN" T~E"f~-~--.~" COM~.RCIAL DISTRICTS, .WI.~THtN ONE ~D~J~D~(100) FEET OF THE FLORIDa' EAST COAST ~~ WAY BEn,tN NORTH FOURTH STREET AND SODTH FOURTH STR~'.~D'~.~$ PROVIDING T~T ANY T~DE~ SHOP LOCATED IN SA'lb AREA IS REQUIRED-To PRO~E ONE e0FF STREET PARKING SPACE" ~0~ F~H'~ERB~N EMPLOYED ON'THE PREMISES. Ordinance No. G'447 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion, by }~. Woodard and see°nde4 b~ Mb. AVep~y. 10. Supplemental Agenda. Item '1; Conce~.ning th~ eye,ting sanitary sewer improvement contracts, the:OitF-Ma~ge~ oO~'=a~$ed as follows: "As per instructions at Preliminary Council meeting May14~ 19$2,:the City Manager~ City A~o~ney, City Clerk met with Russell & Axon, Engineg~s to~t~¢uss 'current status of sewer contracts. "It was determined at that meeting held May 21, 1962-that the City- M~nager ask £or official authorization [rom the Council to negotiate with the thmee contractors along the following~three coffees: -6- 5-28-62 li9 . MAT 28, 1962 "1. Leave contracts as they are. ~, ~d~' c~tz,a~ts. 3- ToSS,ate contracts, and rett~$o Council with recommendations." I, ir. War~ ~oved that the City M~ager be inst~$t~ ~o follow this prooe~ tAe motion being seconded by ~. W~d and carried unanimousl~ ~ · 10. Supple~$~$ai Agenda. ' Item 2. City Manager S~$~s reported that in accorda~'~th inSt~ctions from the Council a'$ ~/~evi. ous pre- liminary'0~ $1 Mee~l~ regarding modification .of,~ired height of the Pos~'~fice fence' he had contacted Property ~srs and have received c~t from the property o~ers involved ~H~t a five foot fence' in~:t~ a six foo~ f~nce is acceptable to ~. Mr. ~ moved for approval of the action co~O$~ing said fence, the'~$on being seconded by ~. Woodard an~ ~nanimously carried. 10. Supple~*~al ~genda. Item 3. Regarding i~reve~nt of areas located l~ ~t~f-WaY su~e~ing the new Post 0~ the City Manager 8~a~'~-hat the fot!Owi~ rego~endations ~ ma~e by the City Engi~e~: in Which he concurred: "1. Co~t2 be requested to re-bUild existing sidewalk alo~ count2 o~ed ri~t-of-way of N. E. 2nd Avenue a distance of approximately 2~ Q "2. Cowry be reqmested to pave 'par~age strip, adjacent to ~hs a~e sidewalk a distance of approx~ately 250'. 3. City to i~ro~e 15' strip of recently acquired rift-of- way along N~ E. ~th Street on north side of Post Office. "F~ds are available for city's portion of this improvement. "4~ City to coordinate with cowry to install as soon as ossi ble a treffic sisal at N. E. 2nd Avenue ~d N. E. th Street intepsection." The City Ma~age~ i~ormed the Co~cil that f~ds are a~ailable for the tr~fic sinai at N. E. 4th Street and that since this after- noon's meeting it has been determined that the light can be installed within ten days if it is the Co~cil's pleas~e t'o do so. F~. Avery moved that the City M~ager be ordered to proceed with the action as reco~ended. ~e motion was seconded by ~oodard and carr'ie~ unanimously. X. ~. Woodard rec'o~ended to the Council t~t ~ey continue their participation in the Tri-Oo~ty Lea~e as the purpose of the Lea~e is to study the si~l~ pro~a~ and problems that member co~nities have. ~." ~ood~ then ~ved that the City of ~e!~2'Bea~h partici- pate and s~ated. ~a~' the dues are '$~5b.00. ~e ~ot~n'W~ seconded by ~. Aver~ '~d c~.ed, un~imously. ' ~. WOodar~ o~e~te'8:t0 serve as a representative fo~ DeWey Beach in this Tri-Oounty Lc~gue. lO.X. Counoi~ Woo~d ~o~nt.ed as follows; ~Dq I .~ correctly' that the Co~i~'~d co~ider fa~ ~$~A~ot ~atl~s during the next week~.o~ ~ ~i~H '~e,idents in" ~'~$~J west of to~..~at we:~Xd ~o~sider e~endi~ $~:~$~ ~o~ of appro~mately ~10,000.00 for eXtendi~ city ~ $$~.~1'-~,,$~,i~ mate 65 acres cE 'ind~st=ial property. I would i~'~ '~'~C!~ action of the 'Uo~oi~i~in re~ard to this, became "~$~ ~p~r~aching these, individuals I would like to be .able .to a~ ~ ~e~ .~at if they do petition for a~exation into the city' that"W ~'~$~.~ ~ ~.h a posi~ tion to' ~arantee them that these city service~ W~$?h~ ~o~ided. My understanding is that it .would cost appro~~.~ ?.00 extend fire protection to this area and it w6u~"~$~%~ ~ximately ~5,0oo,oo.to surface the streets that would prg~'?~ egress to this area. The residents of this services would be sufficient to .enco~age th~ to c~'.~ ~ .~e Cit~ li~ts. I und~stand fur~er .that the funds for the $~:, -7- 5-2~ ~2 120 MAy ~8~ 1962 be available from the water surplus, and that the funds for the street im~rovement would be available from Ilnappropriated Surplus." Nm. Woodard explained further for the benefit of the public: "There is a large area. to the West which is now in the County that we have been negotiating with. These people-feel that it would save them money in the long run. and would also be of great benefit to them to come into the corporate 'limits of the city and receive city Ser- vices. They have not been able to receive these benefits by being in the county and this approximate 65 acres, I feel would be re- ceptive if this action is taken. It would give us a very fine in- dustrial area and is contiguous to the City." Mr. Warren stated that he did not feel the Council should commit themselves' definitely but that it would be in the realm of possibility. Mr. Aver~y moved that Councilman Woodard be authorized to tell these people that this Council is sympathetic to this and are in general in favor, Subject to refinements. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and carried unanimously. lO.X. Mayor Dietz commented as follows: "W.hen I was camgaigning for my office as Mayor, to which I was elected by the majority of voters in the City of Delray Beach, I soon found out ~tha~ t2~e ~eop~le I con- tacted did not have confidence in the Inter,Rac£al Committee. I t'alked to many people...aboUt this and November 2?th before the Women, s Republican Club at the Rockwell Center Country Club i again mentioned it and was applauded more at that meeting ~han any other I attended. At my acceptanc~e speach'Alan Duncan h~d a ~tre recorder from the Post-Times & I mentioned the Inter-Hac&a~ ~.emmltte~. There was some action taken at ~ho Council meeting two ~eeks ago render miscellaneous busine.~o It Has. been said that I do not _~F~.derstand..all of the things- that h~?V~, been done. I am the kind of an ~$~$v%d~".~h0 likes ~to educate ~fmself, and so i am now asking 'official~ i~ Mayor of the City of Delray 'Beach, elected by the ma~p~F ~f~,~'m~.voters, that I wish to see a~d ,~t~y ,the minutes, g~aCk ~ii~,e$ five years up to thePresenb t~m~i, of' the InterLRa~la'X"~e~e~"?'i{ot' anything to do with .the iCit~/,~ut. ~o 'do wi~h the ~~~$~tee that was appointed by th~ ~arious' Councils., ~,~ .~C~j~.~r~' How do I go' about that in a 'legal way?" City Manager: "I belle~,e you b~Ve ~,~. ~es~.ary step by asking for it and if such is avai. lab.~e ~J~}i~$~ 'ft to you." City Manage~ 5~$$~$ "I,. Worthl~, ~~.ltke to elabo- rate on that'" ~. Wor.~ing: "I couldn't for your co~ent covers the entire area. ~ ~ sure that ~ou will be able, as City ~ is merely a question of finding out if .e." Mayor Dietz: "I got a Xett~.~ ~o~ttee and it'was Si~d by a ~s. MiriAm surer for the. Inter'Rabial Oo~ittee. I ~urer woul~ be the custodian 0f the any co~ttee In ~y part of t~ w0vld I want to check such thins as attendanc~ when they had their meetings, what they conclude~ ~.~$ In other words, as an elected ~o~fLcial of the m~Jor&~t~ ~,~f I ~ e~itled ~t~° ~ what is .behind all of 't~ib ' only way to.get ~hi~S secrecy is t0 get~ ~heSe ~nU~es I ~ as~king, Since the Co~lttee comeS ~de~ t~e the Council to vote the .authority ~o the the Iht~er-Racial Co~ittee and pr'.od~ce .thoa ~. e~natlon." · ~. Avery moved that the MayOr's ~equest be ta~d.f~ f~ther atudy, the motion being seco~ed by ~ Warren. ~. ~~ stated tHa~~ he felt it altogether p~pa~ fo~ these ~nu~es~provided the 'MiYOr,.' Mayo~ Dietz ~again r~quested that the the O!~nager p~pduce said' records for him. ~n call of roll, ~.. AVery .and ~.. W~r.en vo~ed in favor of the mo~i~' and Mayor Diet~ ~d ~. W~odard were 'Opposed~ ~e motion did not carry. -8- 5-28-62 Mayor Dietz relinquished the Chair and moved that this Council authorize the'City Manager to contact the Secretary, Treasurer of Inter-Racial Committee for the purpose of obtaining the minutes of all of their meetings back five years to the present time. ~. Woodard asked if it was necessary to have official Council action for the Mayor to be provided with said minutes'. City Manager Smitzes stated that under the present circumstances it is preferable to have it that way. Councilman Woodard returned the gavel to Mayor' Dietz and second- ed the motion. Upon call of roll, Mayor Dietz and Mr. Woodard voted in favor of the motion and Mr~~ Avery and ~. Warren were opposed. Mayor Dietz stated that the motion did not carry, but the records were crystal clear. 10.X Mr. Avery called attention to the Bosmd of Equalization on Tax Valuations, the COuncil being said Board, and stated that he felt that the Council needed as a Board of Equalization the services of a qualified i~artial a~praiser from Palm Beach county, that knows the situation here, to act as counsel to the Council as a Board of EquaIization, Mm;Avex,y then moved that Councilmen Woodard and Warren be authorized tO Select and direct the City Manager to 'employ such a qualified person to serve with the Council on the Board of Equalization. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard. ~M. Warren asked that he not be included in selecting said appraiser and stated that he would like to see the whole reappraisal set aside and the City go back to it~ former assessment value and appreciate the in- creased valuation over the past year of some 4 to $ million dollars which would more than take care of the needed money for the next budget. ~M. AveZ~J and ~M. Woodard accepted Mr. Warrants request that he not be i~elUde~-in selecting an appraiser. Mayor Dlet~ atated that from reports he has received the re- appraisal firm has done a very fine Job, that yOU Cannot spot zone and you cannot sp~t assess, and that he does n~t feel it is necessary to have s~eSne ~l'Se appraise the work of the appraisal firm. Warren state~.that he would accept a third party but that he-dl~ not want to be a part of appointing him. Mr. Woodard staSed that When an individual appears' before the Board of Equalization Zhat he appears because he feels his assessment is not equitable, therefore he feels that a qualified appraiser is needed to assist the Council. Mr. ~arren asked the procedure regarding the Board of Equaliza- tion which was explained by Mr. Worthing. UDenroll call on the m~ti.o~tl~at an impartial appraiser be emplo~ye~ as counsel for the Boars of Equalization, Mr. Avery, Mr. Warren and Hr. Weodard voted in fav~ ~f the motion and Mayor Dietz abstained from voting. Mr. Avex~y urged that all people who feel .their assessments are not equitable.shoulg appear before the Board of Equalization. 10.a.Clty Manager Sm/$$es presented Bills for ~pproval ~s General ~ ' $ 13~,399.66 Water F~ - Ope~atin$ Fund 16,914.4~ I~tere~ & $i~$~S FuCk'-Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds 59,845.2~ Specl~i ~ea~e~ FrOnd 56~. 7~ Re~U~ ~e~e~ta Fund 10,11~. ~ ~e ~$~.~ ~e~e ~lmously ordered ~aid on motion by Mr.Woodarc and se~onS~d b2 ~ ~en. The meeting adJ~wrned at 9~30 o'clock P.M. on motion by Mr. Warfare R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED; -9- 5-28-62 ~[22 pRO?ERTIES IN VIOLATION OF OROINANOE G-l~7 AND SEOTION 15-3"& ~ OF THE CITY 00DE ·" ' Lot 5, Blko2, John Edward &,Rose Box'Il3 D~lray Beach, Fla. Northridge Ann Pilkim Lots-6 & 8, Blk.2, 4 Lowell & Dorothy P.O. Box 7h3 R. Kern Delray Beach,Fl'a, Norbhridge Robt. & .Martha A. 401 Locust Lane Lot 1, Blko 1, 4 West Chester, Pa. Swinton Heights Jamison L~t 2, Blk.1, John & Mary B. P.O.. Box 2154 Weigand, Jr. De!ray Beach, Fla. Swinton Heights Wm.P.Dunn, Jr., 511 Boston Blvd. Lots 12 & iF, Blk.l~ 4 Sea Girt, N.J. Swinton Heights '". et al Lots 1-& 14, Blk. 2, A.G. Pruyser, Jr. ~lSDelraUneacn'Pal~ Tr~ilFla. Swinton Heights J.M. & Grace w. P.O, Box 1795 Lots 9,10,15,16,19, DelraU Beach, Fl&, 20,21,2~, 23, & 2~ Portman Bonnicrest 3rd Addn. Garrett & Irene E. 109 N.E. 16th St. Lots ll & 12, Mulva Delray Beach, Fla. Bonnicrest ~d Addn. Addn. 'Citizens Buildings' BeaCheS West Palm Beach, Fla. Fred C. Maurer I06,Waterway Lane. Lot "A", Less N~~ & Delray Beach, Fla. Less N5' of W35', .also Lots i & 2, Blue Seas Lots.6,7, & 8, Canterbury Inc. ~50 5t~'Ave' ~.Y, 1, N. ¥. Blue Seas %EoD. Bransome / 25~0~So. Ocean BlvdA Beg._38,5~,W df:SE Ger. David H.'Annan of N~ of Lot 28 for P.O.B., Palm Beach, Fla. th run W200', N135~0~-'~ E200' S135.O$'.t° sec. Jean Cleaver P.O. Box 152 .N~ ef Lot 29,Less .'Boynton Beach, Fla. Sec. 9-46-h3'(63 Studio Road Lot 2, - Crestwood Carl & Rcsa_Lang Stamford, C cnn. Wm. & Anne Mooney 8400 Wooster Pike Lot 3, Cincinnati 27, Ohio Crestwood J.A. &' $,V. Minch ~102 Garden Estates Lot 12 & El6' of Lot 11~ Apt.l,Toledo 13, Ohio Crestwood Martha P. Phillips MoL&in St. ~ot 2, Mount-K~sco, NjY. Waterway Dane Thomas & Frances '101~ Miramar Dr. Lot 10, Blk. 5, ~itehead Delray Beach, ~la. Seagate Ext. John W. McElwain ' · 365 Broadway ' ' "L~t ,Amityville, L.I~,N,Y. Delra¥ Bea~hEs~ianade J.W, & Adele Rt.#l Box 56H Lot, 30 & E3:5~ of Lot Richardson Indic, California, Delray Ha&ch Esplanade L.S,&Lillian ~315 Hathaway Ave. E30,02~ of Lot ~2 & Hedgecock Lakewood 7, Ohio W$5' of Lot ~3, Delra~ BeaCh Esplanade ~ ADDRESS LO,T, BLOC, K'& S/D Owen & Margaret 9~0 NO. Hunter Bl~d. ~°t.~5,. , Duckenbach Birming~ham, Mich. DelrayBeacn Esnlanade Louis & Ester Clay ~St. ~E 60" of W186" of" 4 Meyers H~ntsburg, Ohio -Dot .9, Blk. 1, Osceola Park Leonard S~rles,,,' ..','258;'S.E. 6th Ave'. S14' ',of Lot .~ &~36..2' et al Delray Beach, Fla, of Loth, Less 5' R/W,. · Blk. 117. ~( Loose garden' t~ash,~. etc. ). Earle & Esther .I~ngley Dell 'Lot 14, 4 Oriswold Palmer, Mass. SeaSpray Estates Jeannette Resor 22 Seabreeze. Ave, Lot 2 , 4 Del~ay Beach, .Fla. SeaSpray Estates '" Fontain Fox . 20 S.E. 5th Av~e. W400 of LotS~ .& S~. 4 % Nowlin & 'Adams Delray Beach, Fla. Less SiO' of. ~,t:~".& Palm Beach -Shore ~Acres Ann C. Hart ~606, No. Ocean Blvd l~OO' of the SiO' .of ' 4 Detray Beach, Fla. Lot 3 & W~O0' of'~he N~ of Lot 4, LessW~~' " Palm Beach Shore Acres Dr. Frank.Strlckler 417 Heyburn Bldg. Lot 8, Blk. E, ~ .4 Louisville 2,, Ky. Palm Beach Shore Acres. Fairf.ax ef Holly- 190'9 Tyler §t'. ~. Lot 8 & S 5.5' of Lo~t Wo'od, ~nc.%Jay Simons Hollywood, Fla.. 7, .Ocean Beach. Lots .... 'Nort~h ' Robert E., McCa~e .Box 191 Jef£erson Ct, W400~ of Lot 9 and Chartesto~n, W.V,a. Lot 10. 'Less E ~00~,i. " . . .0qean Beach Lots North:i AvOids Realty ~Co, P,0.~ Box 100 '-~ That,part' of' Bi'ock , Boca Raton, ~Fla., ' 140 ~!ying East of Intracoastal Wa~.erway & L~ss Street R/W, Muck Lots Florence Sheldon· "2612' Oakgrove Place LOt.2, Less S5~ & Lc_t . 'Toledo, 0htb 28~Less N10~, .... Seabreeze Park Wray & ~ilma ~ 1806~ Sant'a Barbara "~Lot '10 & S33.3! Of i Seabreeze Park Manor House, Inc. 100 No. Ocean Blvd. Lot 1 & S25~ of Lot Delray ,Beach, Fla. Ocean Breeze Estates ~eorge W. Talbo%,Jr. P.O. Box 1157 Lot ~ & N25' of Lot 3, -~. ,Dolt, ay Beach, Fla.' '.Ocean Breeze Estates Sara E. Twyefg~ ~.36 5th Ave. Lot 5, I~,Y;: '21, N.Y. O~an Breeze Estates Delray Beach ~7 ~N .E. 2nd Ave. Lots 30 & 31, Development Caf , Belr~.~~, Beach, Fla. Ocean Breeze Estates Raymond & Helen SchUE~' ' ' 1628 Geneses St. Lots 38 & 39, ' Buffalo 11~ N.Y.- Ocean Breeze Estates ~ehn H. F~ey 550[~ Mater,s Rd, Let "0", · Richra. ond, va. Delray Isle .. ............... ,OWNER. ADDRESS LgT,BLOCK & 3/D VIOLAT~ON R.C.& Bobble 902 Harbor Drive Lot 1 , Westerman Delray Beach, Fla.. Delray Isle Franklin & Sarah 405 Belmont Rd. Lot 2, Thomas~ III Butler, Parma. Delray Isle Fredri~k.& Rachel 1451 Bennt~gton Ave. Lot 7, Gwinner Pittsbmrg, Pa. Delray Isle Preston ~ Dorothy 293 Ridge ave~_ Lot 8, Holliday Winnetka, Ill. Delray Wiliard F. Henoch 1'~2~, 27th St.. Lot 16, Milwaukee 8, Wis. Delray Isle Robt. Curran % City 710 N. Plankinton Lot l?, Lean-'Come.any Milwaukee, Wis. D~lray Isle I~. R.& Catherine #1 Crescent Place Lot 21, Strelow Short Hills, N.J. Delray Isle Margaret Randolph P.O. Box 571 Lot 22, Ponte Vedra Beach, '~ Delray Isle Florida Mary & F.E. Byers 368/)Peachtree Rd Lot 25, Apt. A4 Delray Isle Atlanta 19, Ga. F~Lr~y & Annis 219 Grays Lane Lot 26, Pierson Haverford, Pa. Delray Isle Mildred~ E. Bazter 904 No, Swinton Ave. Lot 27, ' Delray Beach, Fla. Delray Isle Ernest &: Elizabeth 10515 Carnegie Ave. Lot 42, Bright Cleveland, Ohio Detray Isle Robt. & Elizabeth lP83 Wyclif£ Rd,,N.W~ Lot 46, Hunt Atlanta 9, Ga. Delray Isle John& Barbara H. 179 Cooper St. Lot 47, Hess Montclair, N.J. Delray Isle Margaret & Wilson ~609 Bayard St, Lot Bailey Pittsburg 1~ Pa. Delray Isle Arthur Shafer~ 37 1~. 7th St. S80.4', less W550' Trustee Cincinnati 2, Ohio of Lot Nc. Ocean Beach LOTS' (2 trees, overha~.ging neighbors house} George &Marie P.O. Box 1688 Lot 6, Blk. "D" Egan Delray Beach,Fla' High Acres 3rd Addn. Ruth E. Ennis 806 N ..W,7th St. Lot 8, Blk. "D" Boynton Beach, ~a, High Acres 3rd Addn. Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager this 28th day of May, 1962. P~OL~TION M0. 14ol A RE~OL~TION OF THE CITY COUSCIL OF TBE CITY OF DELRAY BE~CH, FLORZDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCF2 UPON CF~TAIN lANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY~ SETTING OOT ACTUAL COST~ INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATE~ A~D LEVY~O THE COST OF SUCH .A~AT~EFT OF &AID ~ASANCE3, AND DECLARING SAID ~ TO ~'2 LIE~ UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AM~ AS SHOWN TBE CITY MAN~OER OP DELRAY BEACH, I~LORIDA. WHERF~S, the City Council of t~'s City of D. elray Beach, did, in ..... _~ .. and/~ session heTd on the 14th,.o~f Augu~st, ._1761.a.nd . .!2.~h. of_February, 1962 .... declare the existanoe of a nui- sance upon certain lots or parcels of land, described in a list sub- mitted to them, fo~ violation of the provielor~ of Or~inance WHEREAS, pursuant to such declaration, the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective ownel-s of the lands described in said list with a notioa desoPibing the nat~u~e of the nuisance and that they must abate said nuisance within thirty (30) days, failing in which thc City Council would have it dona, and thc cost thereof would be levied as an assessment against said proper~y~ and WHEREAS, thc ownars hereinafter named did fail and neglect to abate the nuisance existing upon their respective lands within the time prescribed in said notice and Ordinance G-l~7, end the City of Delray Beach was required to and did enter upon the following lands and incur costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as described in'the aforesaid list~ and WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Delray Beach, has, pur- suant to said Ordinance G-I~? and tb~ City Charter submit, tted to the 0ity Council a report of the coats incurred in abating the nuisance as aforesaid, said report indisating the coats-per parcel of land involved, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI~"/ OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLO .W8~ 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City Manager of the City of-Delray Beach, involving the City's cost of abating the afo~esaid nuisances upon the Iota er par- cels of land described in said report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are levied against the ~arce'ls of land described on said report and in the amounts indicated ~hereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lOts and parcels of' land .deserilhed in said. report, of the sa~e natuPe and to the same .extent ~a the lien for general city taxas and 'shall be Collectible in the sams manner and with the same penalties and undar the same provisions as to sale and fareolOatu~e as city taxes · a~a' c'ollcc tible. 2. That the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified oep2 of this resolution in ~the office of the C~rk of the Circuit Cou~t in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish to each of the owners named in and upon said report a notice that the 0itt Council of th~. Ci~v of order the abatement-of a certain hu~sa~' ~xl~tl~ ~' "chair' de~c~lbed property and property o~ ~ving~failed' to abate such nuisan~e, within ~e 30 d~ pe~i~, ~eupon it was abated b~ ~e Cit~ at costa sho~ in said repomt and such asseas~nts sha~ be legal, valid and binding obligatio~ upon ~e property agal~t whi~ said assess~nts ~e levied. This ~esolu~ion shall bec~ effective 30 days from the date of adoption, ~d 'the assessments contained herein shall become due ~d payable ~mty days ~te~ the ~ili~ date of ~e notice of said assess~nt, ~te~ ~ich interest ehall acc~e at the ~ate-of 6% pe~ a~ on ~2 ~aid portion t~eof. 'PA~S~ A~ ADO~ ~ re~l~ session on the 2$th day of /s/ Wal~er Dte~z · A~s~, ' ~ ~ ~"o ~ ..... - : . /.~/ R.~D. Worthing -' cit~ '~k ........- ~ "- COST OP ABATING NUISANCES UNDER ORDINANCE NO. ~l~7. PROPERTY DESCRIPT;9~ OWNER ASSESSMENT Lots 26, Z7 & 29, Block Atlantic Gardens Rosa Campbell ~75.00 Lot 28, Block 5, Atlantlo Gardens -- A~nie Lee Session 25.00 February Lot 23, De'ray Isle. R,D. & Ruth C. Campbell 5.58 Lot 171, Tropic Palms McKinney~ Inc. 5.58 Lot 172, Tropic Palms Emerson C. & Unie Church 5.58 LOt 173, Tropic Palms Reid P & Edythe Crippen 5.58 LOts 182 thru 186, Tropic Palms Mellon Land Corp. 23.89 Lots 187, 188 & 189 Tropic Palms Joseph & Virginia Sirhal 15.73 Lots 190, 191, Tropic Palms William J. Kaye 10.15 Lots 1, ~ & 5, Carver Square Katherine & Anna Lou Kittinger &'Georgie Jennings 1~.73 Lots 32 & 3), Block 15. Sandolfon E. Gibson 10.15 Lots 49,50,51 & 52, Block 15. H.G. & Celestine Poitier 19.31 Lot 36, Block 70sceola Park Edgar & Elsie May Dean 5.58 Lots 38 & 39, Block 7, Osceola Park Oscar B. Sabin 10.15 Lot 31, Lincoln Park. Hanna Hankerson 5.58 Lot 33, Lincoln Park. Eleanor Johnson 5.58 Lot 10, Block 8, Osceola Park Adam Olivteri 5.58 Lot 1, Block 9, Osceola Park Melvin B. & Edith Denend ~.58 Lots 8~ 9 & 10, Block 1 Totterdale Addition. Dorothy M. Sprayberry 11.99 Lots 13 & 1~, Block 95e Mary Menosk-J 10.15 Lot 1~ Block 10~ Evelyn A.K. Dicker.son 5.58 Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Osceola Park W. Scott Peirsol 7.~2 Lot ~, Block 8, Osceola Park Roy E. &Olga Lee 5.~8 LOt 3, Block 1, Seagate Extension ~larence C. a Violet Prentice 5.~8 Lot ~, Block 1, Seagate Extension J. William Tiernan 5.0~ Lot 5, Block 1, Seagate Extension Franklin Wedge 5.08 ~t 9, Block 1, Seagate Richard W, ~ ~- Extension Ele~o~ Nelson $5. ~8 ~t 2, Block ~ Seagate Extension Edgar M. a ~lo~en~e C. Tutwiler, Jr. 5,58