07-09-62 A regular meeting of the City Council of Del~ay Beach was held in the Com~cil Chambers at §~00 P.M., with Mayor ~alter D~etz in the Chair, City Manager Louis ~. S~tzes, City Atto~ey ~o~ R~ss' ~. Co~ci~en A1 C. Avery, George V. W~ren ~ Oliver.:W. Uo~dard, J~., bei~ present. 1. An ope~ng praye~ was dell~red by Dr. D. ~las ~chivner~ 2. ~ motion by ~, Avey2 and second~ by ~. ~e~d, ~e ~nu~es ~ ~ ~th Co~il meetin~ were ~animously ap~. 3, ~s~. ~ .E. Buel of t~ Delray Beach Wom~'s Club p~esented fo~ ~ei~ ~opoaed p~king lot at ~e ~o~' s Club leased p~e~'~ ~ asked f~ Co~cil approval of said pl~s. - ~. Ave~ moved ~at ~he City Manage~ be asked to check these proposed plus and ~ -they ~:e found to be tn a~ord~ee with policy to 'approve s~e. ~e ~tion was seco~ed'by ~'. Wo~ard and ~ried ~a~mo~s 12 .~ ~. ~. ~ar~en reported that ~ Beautification CO, tree ~t on July ~th ~d made a to~ of pend~ng and active p~oJects, i~luding the city n~ery where plants ~d trees ~e being ~ fo~ city. beautification; the Tent~ Street Boat ~nding ~epe It has been proposed to provide addit~o~l parki~ space, additional landsoapimg ahd possibly a picnic area,' ~c.~enda~lon for s~e ~ill be ~de by ~he co, tree at a later date, the City p~oper~2 ~ S~ S~nton ~venue; ~d ~e .Little League Ball Park area on S. U. ~d AvenUe where it kas ~een suggested t~t ~ere be s~e beautification, Othe~ practice baseball fie~'d, and possibly a park~ and '~at plans ~d a ~equest for f~ds to :e~oe' the whole a~ea would be presented later. ~.a. 'A roll cal~ showed t~t the follo~ o~ganiZ:~ions sentatives were ~n attenda~e.~ Ch~ber of Corette ~e~eth Ellinga~orth ~w~is Club ~ROy Croft Bo~d of Re~tors H. ~n Ad~ Seagate Garden Club ~. J~s Bowe~:~ League of ~o~n Vo~s ~.~s. Fr~k Cape2 Wom~.s Club ~s. L~ E. BueX Beta Siva ~i ~s. O. ~. Wood~d, ~. Pla~in~Zo~ng Bo~d Col. A. L. Fabens. ~. City Clerk Wo~thing read t~ foll~ing letters addressed Mayor ~al~er Dietz: "~e 26, 1962 "I wish to co,end you for your co~ageous co~o~ sense stud regarding ~he racial problem as it c~rently e~sts in De~ay Beach. You~ view point has the s~port of eve~one with whom ~ ~ve discussed it.. Ke. ep ~ t~e good work. "JUly 6, 1~62 "We Just ~t you to ~ow- that we a~ee wi~ 2ou' ~at the Municipal Beach should be restricted to local residents. ~e two e~g~C20~ces ~at the Co~cil passed should ~e ~e the ~ ~ of ~ beach, a~d we ~ow the n~ber · f ~f-oo~~ o'~s ~ use ~:t e~ of ~e bea~, "~ ~ve ealled th~[ty M~ag~s O~fl~ in re~ard ~o needA~ a st~e~ li~t at Beth ~ive .~ O~.e~ B~lev~d (AIA), but Se far noting has been dena. ~ ~ ~ ~ea d~ net ~ant this tabled. July 9, 1962 "We want you to know that we think you are doin~ a wonderful Job as tMayort· /s/ Henr~ H. 'McNeill" "~e want you ko know ~ha.~ we'believe' ~ou' 'are doing a' good' Job as mayor of this little '~our attitude to the various problems - sewer, streets, a~exation~d racial is co~rect ~d~o ~the best interests of the city. ,,We hope~' tha~ me~ loud ~ v~ease~a~le vgi~es of some members of your council will not bother you ~oo "We also ho~e yom wlil de all you can~ ~o keep taxes do~ and e-~e~$s held to an ecOno~c level. /s/ He~y~A~ & Mari~' P; Libbey" 6.a. City ~nager S~tzes presented a r~Ues~ from ~. Reuben Oliver for~ transfer O~~ ~e Beer ~d Wime license previo~ issued to W~us I~, 1337 West Atl~tic Avenue, to h~ as he has purchased said busi- ness. It was repo~te~ t~t~ the usual investigation had been made by the Police Department of ~. oliver ~ ~pp~Ov~l~ given by the 0hief of Police. ~ The t~er ~ s~d Beer. ~d W~ne' License Was unanimously approved on'm0~&n ~Y ~ Warren and Sec,nded by ~. Woodard. 6.b. ~$ City M~age~ p~esented a smrv~2 repor~t of alleged Nuia~ces exiat!~ in via~tion of O~pter 15 ef the 0i~'s Code of Ordihances that ~had ~been~f~shed ~2 the Fire Department. ~ ~t ~s~ moved by ~, Warren, aeoe~ded b~ 4~.. Ave~ and un~imously carrie~~ t° dAreC'~ ~the~Oi~ Clerk to c~ly~i~0rdinanco No. G-388 as applloable:~to t~s.~uisance survey .repOrt..' . ' (C6~y of NuisAnce` a~rvey ~eport ~is a~taC~d to and made a par~ of the official copy of these ~nutes.) See 166A and 166B 6.c. City Manager S~tzes referred to a request from ~. Haggart asking the City to participate in the paving Of sketch was displayed showin$ .the proposed p~king spaces south Of the Post Office Buildkng~ i~esS fr94 N, E. 2nd Avenue a~d egv'eSs t~.ou~ the alley tO 3rd Street~~and it W~S made ~o~ that ~th!s pa~l~ ~ea is in co~li~ce ~lth all' a~emen~s that }~. Haggart had maoe .cOn- 'rnin e ~ ~'.~'~ :ieSZ~c0~limented ~. H~agg~'~ on taking care of the proble~ that ~e .arisen concerning City Clerk W~ing ~e~ read ~OL~!.ON S~C~ICATIONS A~ ~TI~TE OF COST TO OP~, may deem it to 'Be necees~ ~er tBe safe~y anc convenlen of the public' to cpen, ~ade.and pave the nor~-south alleU' ~n Bl~k 73 less the nor~, ~3~ .feet th'ereof, t.o a width of sixteen (1) feet.' De~ay Beachi Pa'~ Beach Oo~ty, ~lorida as ~ECTION 1.. That ~he Ol~y I~ana~er be required %o submit p!a~s, speclftcatio~ and an es~ima~e':o~.' the" 'cos% of"s~oh' i~rovemen% ~o be made; .and'~ha't %he s'~e s~all' be piaoeO"o~ file in the Offic'e of ~he City Manager. PABS~ ~ND ADOP~ bY She 0i~y 0o~ncil of ~he Oi~ of Delta7 Resolution No.. ~0~ w~s un~imoumly passed and adopted on motion?.,,,., by ~. Warren and seconded by ~. Avery. -2- 7-9-6~ i6i July 9. 1962 City Cleric Worthtng read P~SOLUTION NO. i~0S. A RE$0LUTION OF T~ C~ C0~ClL 0F ~E CI~ OF D~Y B~CH, F~IDA, 0~E~IN~ ~ 0P~NG, G~DING A~ ~AVING 0F T~ NORTH-80~ A~ IN B~K 73 P~T BOOK 12, PAGE 62, ~S ~ NOR~ ~3~ F~ ~OP TO A ~ ~ SIX~ (16) F~. (copy of Resolution No. ~0~ ~ls attached to ~d mad~ a part of the ~ficial copy 'of these minutes.) .. See 166 C .a~ 166 D Resolu$ion No. ~0% was un~imously adopted on mo~ion ~ ~. Warren and seconded by ~. Woodard. 6.d. Supplement. Oo~em~ ~he selection of a fin~ci~ pl~ ~o s~por~ ~e ~v~osed s~i~ sewer p~oJecg, City M~ager Smi~zes repo~ed ~ha~ four plus had been submitted by ~he 01~y~s Fiscal Agents, B. ~. Van Ingen · Co, any, Inc., and ~oodbody & Co, any, ~d ~ha~ said plus had been identified as A, B, C, ~d D. Further ~hag ~he issue should be for a ~o~al of $3,100,000.00,~ $~00,000.00 of which has a~eady been issued. ~. Wooded co,ended as follows: "We ~ elaborate on this for ~he benefl~ of ~he public. As ~he 0t~y M~ager pointed ou~, fo~ plans were su~ed. ~he firs~ ~wo plus, w~ch lnco~o~aged usi~ only revenues derived from ~ sewers would have necessi~aied a Junior lien series ~o o~ prior lien aeries. Plans C. ~d D. in- co~ora~ing utlligy ~ax but which, would not ~le ~hose funds ~ not m~ing ghem available for o~ ~ual revenmes. By-u~ilizing the u~ill~y ~ax In either PI~ C. or Plan D. o~ savi~ would be ap- proxima~ely $7,000.00 a ye~ for ~him~y ~wo ye~s in lnieres~ on ~he issue, ~reby we feel ~hat PI~ O. would be ~he moss acceptable from the sgandpoin~ of ~he savings on ~he ln~eres~ on the money, and I move ~ha~ the 0ity authorize o~ Fiscal A~nis ~o proceed wish Pi~ C. so ~ha~ the cuff all sewer system ~y remain on schedule." ~e mo~ion was secom~ed by ~.' ~. Warren oo~ented as follows: "~o ~he mo~ion, ~. ~2o~. ~ink ~ha~ ~. Wood~'~ in~i~e~ed ~hat I~ems C and D Bo~~ involved tying up Che utility ~ax." 2,~. Woodard: "Plus 0.~ D do no~ ~ie up ~he u~ili~y ~ax." ~. W~ren~ "~o ~he mo~ion. I ~t l~ clearly ~ders~ood, we were so advised by Fiscal Ag~a tha~-~less an emergency which gives you a yeav ov ~wo ~d.for ~he using of ~e u~ili~y ~, tha~ the utili~7 ~ la availa~each~ yearn, f~.. ~he use f~f ~he of De~ay Beach. '~a~ would ~lify ~ vo~e. I~ was also ~ln~ed ou~ ~hat ghere would be no assessmen~ ~o pmopergy o~ems for installation of the lateral sewer lines, but ~he proper~ o~ers, where ~he new lateral lines are ex~ended will ~o~elled ~o hook onto the new sewer lines ~d to pa2 for said con- nec ~lon. ~yom Die~z co~enied aa fellows: "I ~hi~ ~ha$ ~heme ~s ~ so much said ~hat before we t~e a vo~e we sh~u!d' get It clear in eve~one,s ~nd. With ~e ou~fall system l~ will be ~12 l~ge take care of ~2~hing ~ha~ De~ay p~o~ces. 80~.~~ ~e sewage ~o- d4oed daily will be tmea~ed on .She ~'f.irs~ phase .~ ~e ~tfall. Ail' o~e equipmen~ for ghe ou~all ~11-be ~er~ ~d i~ will ~a~ up ab~ She a~e space as ~hose ~wo 'bU~Xdi~s do~. in ~he p~k now. ~ose buildl~s, of course, will have to be ~en do~. I~ will operate auto, tidally Jms~ like ~e'one in ~ke Wo~h~. If you w~ ~o see 1~ you ~e ~o ge~ so~bOd2 ~o ~o~ d~ wi~h a.key and ~lock i~ because i$~s so ~le~ ~ ~ce ~ au~ic ~ha~ l~.doe~n*~ quire ~ ~ln~e~e, ~ha~ is ~ actual pemson being.'~here. Now wha~ happe~. ~e pipe~.goes ~ ~d when it goes ~em ~e' ~a~ will ~e ~welve ~o seventeen feet ~dem ~he s~ of ~he beach, ac when people say ~o you ~ha~ they don~ ,'like ~ ou~fa~.beoauSe -3- 7-9A62 July 9, 1962 will be a big pl~e on: the beach'yoU, can tell them that you heard it will be from twelve to seventeen~ feet*under the surface of the beach. As far as a pier ~i~s' COnce~ed.~ ~%re is no pier. .~s is being laid on the basis that-~there sh~ll~.be no ~pi~1~ and if there w~re a pier it would take a different kind of la~i~g 'of the pipe, It Will take two seasons to lay tha~ outf~ll ~but o~ce that is Taid ~you will never see it. You will see i~t tn ~he process of,-it will then 'be covered up and you will not see~t'again~' ~. ~he~n~ce 1~rt about this system is that you are not called upon to pay any assessment per front foot. As you recall, a lot .has been said ~B,out. front foot assessment over the last eight months, but I want t~-~asS~re you' right at this time that there is no Charge as the sewer pipe goes by your vacant lot. ~here is no charge- as the sewer pipe .g~es '~y your residence.. Vhen that sewer becomes operat/ve, you.will~hurrid'ly, connect on I'm sure for the advantages you will get, and you will go to your private plumber., a plumber'of yourown choice, ~ho-will' connect your septic tank to the.proper connection in the sewer pipe. You will pay for that, whatever your deal is. ~he' City is no part of that. I stand ~that the cost on the average runs in the -neighborhood of $3.00 a foot, that's all comprehensive. It will be a big development and it will in time be a money maker for Delray. A tax payer for Delray, because it is being built large enough to take care of~amy future ex- pansion of Delray and it can handle anything that can be produced by Ocean Ridge, Briney Breezes, Gulfstream and anything that can be handled out in the fa~'area of the City. If the people have the money to put to it they can build that; We will reimburse them out cf their service char~es so it won,t cost Delray anything and it would probably take between" seven and eight years to pay that back, and then that will all be clear p~ofit $o Delta2 in the future, and should be a helper on taXes come ten yea~rs from now. I may not be around ~to see that, .but nevertheless' those that do remember what we predicted h~re tonight; It's a','good solid Program. we have a good Fiscal Agent ~who understands our needS, and'i again Want tO.assure Mr. Warren that t~e moneys received on the Utility 'tax is only pledged as collateral. ?hat' the intereSt'and retirement and service of these bonds for which the utility tax'is collateral,., that comes out of the water and sewer revenue.. Upon that I want to compliment Mr. Woodard because wher~e he very modestly ~said' it was $?,000;00 a year that it saved, it' saves almost $400,000.00 in interest. That is a big saving over the *thirty year pert~od. There has been so much talk about utility tax that Woody was brave enough, to pur~Ue it and.b~ing it through to a successful conclusion, and I am sure the people will be very greatful to him for that. If you hear anyone say that there is going' tO be charges in connection with the sewer, let me reiterate that the only charge to any citizen in Delray where the sewer pipe passes *h~s home, the :only charge there will *be no increased taxes, there is nothin~ connected w~th the* sewer that comes,* out of taxes--- the only .c,t~arge that ~ou will*~have .will be connecting 2our septic tank, by private ~lumber, to ~the pipe and then you will pay *the same* servlce charge ~hat ~the Cl*ty had planned wtth'.the SlUdge *Plant. The *rate is* exactly the same as the previous Council had set. We are taking a big step tonight fbl~cs, and I think we ~re going ~to ts'ko *it unanimously." City Manaser Smitzes asked to hear 'the motion concerning proceed- ing ~wlth the *sewer outfall system, after which Mr. Woo'dard reworded his motion as follows~ "I so move that the City authorize the Fiscal igents to proceed with Plan O as proposed to us in the *-amount of 3,100,-000.O0 for an 0utfalZ Sewer 8ys'%em." The motion was seconded y Mr. ~v~y and una'ni'moUsly ca, tried. Ma,yor~' Dietz announced that if the time table is met, construction could be start'ed in 'April, 196~3 of this project, and due consideration would be given in. order that the streets-' would not be all torn up durinj the tourist season.** *6:e. SupplementS' COncerning Ocean Ridge zoning of certain City owned property in Ocean ,Ridge~, C.l~y· Manager':~Sm~,~tzes read the following cerpt from April 23, 1962 C~ounc'tl "Mr. Avery moved that the Council*be instructed to-execute an agreement to a stipulation orlginat~ed by. Ocean Ridge that an appeal instituted by Ocean 'R~dge be dismi'ssed, further that ?-~-6~ July 9, 1962 mandamus action before court also be diaraissed per verbal agreement inclUding 'zoning change. ,T~e motion was seconded by M~r. Woodard and Carried unanimouslY." The City Manager stated that pursuant to that action the City made application for a zoning change to the 2own of Ocean~ Ridge and such change was forthcoming from said town in the form of an R-4 Multiple Family Dwelling District. The City Manager then read the following letter from Ocean Ridge, dated June 25, 1962, clarifying that cooperative type multiple family dwellings would Se Permitte~ in said R-4 district. "Re~. Z.o~ni.ng Lot 14. ,Pa, lin. B. each Shore Ac. res. "This is to assure the City of Delray Beach, or any of its assigns, that cooperative type,"multi-family type units are pez~nitted in the classification 'R-4 Multiple Family Dwelling Dlstrict~ as your property has been so rezoned. "Thank you for your cooperation, and trust this mat.tar may be closed out in the very near future." ~. Avery moved that pursuant to the recommendati~'n of the City Attorney, ;irc Burns be informed that the Council consider the terms of the agreement having been complied with. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and carried unanimously. Mr. Warren suggested that a more realistic price for said Ocean Ridge property Se proposed as a figure of. $100,000.00 had been sug- gested at a previous counci~ meeting. A figure of $85,000.00 wa~ ~'~hen mentioned. Mayor Dietz stated that any offer tha~ is a good ~v~bstantial offer, he-felt, would receive extreme scrutiny from the' c uuncil. 7.a. City Clerk Wo~thing informed the Council that a petition had been roceived from the owners ~of Lets 4 thru 1~, Block 73~ requesting classification of~said lan~s from R-2 to 0~2 Zoning District. The City Clerk then read the following Planning Bsard Rep_crt dated June ~20, 1962, cencern~mg~ t~e ZOning of BloCk 731, "The Planning and Zoning Board met yesterday in special meeting to discuss and. review~ Conditions 'in Block 73 in Which Block the new post office is located. This same subject has been discussed informally at Several~,of our recent meetings. "It is noticeable that a p~l~anned development in this area is visibly more im~or~amt thai. ever to establish a maximum parking area and to make certain that all buildings are estabIiShed ~with as much open space for par~ing as possible. The original plans for the development of t~zis property~ubmitted to the Board ap- peared to accomplish this. "The continuation off.the s~lit zoning in this Block, and the subsequent posaibility'.of bPeaking down the remainder of the proper~y lnto~ small ~diwidual Parcels containing individual buildings would, we feel, overcrowd this area and result in considerable confusion. Should this condition occur it would g~eatly reduce open mass packing, tend to create an unsightly Block, ~a~d, in general crea~ a situation not in the beSt in- terest of the city. "Therefore the Board wishes to reef ire to the Council the re- commendations made to the Council by Mr. James I. 8irnks, Vice Chairman. in a i~tter dated Jmne 6, 1961, and specifically outlined in paragraph 3. ~This was tmanimously approved'by all seven members of the Board." Mr. Avery moved that the report of the Plarzaing Board ~be accepted and approved, the motion being weconded by Mr. Warren and unamimously carried. -5- 7-9-62 164. July 9, 1962 City Clerk Worthing ~hen read ORDINANCE NO. G-4~0. AN ORDINANUE.OF THE CI~ ~O~CIL 0F T~ 0F DE~Y ~0H, F~RIDA, ~ONIN6 A~ ~GING ~TS 4 THROUGH ~1~, INCL~I-~, BL00K 73, ~Y B~0H, F~RI~-, IN "~-~ 9~E~L CO~ROIAL DISTRICT," A~ A~NDING ZONING ~P OF DE~Y B~OH., FL0~, 1960". .o~t~st ~eadtng Omdin~ce No. G-~50 was un~imously Dlaced on motion by ~. Warren ~d seconded by ~. Wooded. 7.b. Concernln~ perkin~ on No~th and South Federal Hi,ways in ~lra~ Beach, ~i~y ClePk Wo~n~ ~ead ~e followin~ lettem ~itten to the Cit~ Manager on June 21st by l~. Rex M. l~itton of the U. S. ment of Oomeroe. '~oum lette~ of June i Dresents a ~eques,t fo~ the Bureau of ~blic Roads to 9emit D~kinE on bo.~. sides of North ~d South Fifth and Sixth Avenues heine used .as a o~-wey couplet fo~ U.S. i traffic In Delrey Beech, Florida. "The State Read D~tment of Florida Dmo~ose~ and th~ B~eau of Public Roads approved the !~rovement of Fifth ~d Sixth Avenues with Fedemal-aid f~ds matched by funds ~dem the control of the State, and the work wes co~le~ed abo.~t a yeam ~6o. "Bureau of Public Roads division en~in~e~, I~. J. S. Oall, has Ju~lsdiction of ~t%ers pertaininE to the participation of Federal-~id f~ds in h$~way i~rovements In Florida. We a~e, accomdin~y, forwaPdin6 ~o~, le~te~ tO ~. ~all with a request that he advise ~ou .concemninE the D~oDosal to ~e~t 8.a. The CltF Clerk mead ~OL~ION NO'] ~03. A ~OL~ION OF ~E CI~ CO~CIL OF ~E OF DEL~Y B~CH, F~RIDA, ASS~SING 00S~ FOR ABATI~ ~SANOES ~ON OERTAIN ~ ~CATED ~WI~IN SAID CI~; SET~N~ O~ AOT~L~0OSTS IN- ~ ~ 8A~ CI~ T0 AOCO~I~H $~H ABAT~T AND ~ING ~ COST 0F SUCH A~T~ 0F SAID - N~SANCES, A~ D~RING SAiD'~ TO BE A ~ON SAID PRO~R~ IN AN A~O~ AS SHO~ ~ RE- PORT ,OF T~ OI~ ~NA~ER 0P DE~Y B~CH, FLORIDA. (Copy of Resolution No. ~03 is attached to ~d made a of the official cody of these ~nutes.) See 166E ~d 166F Resolution No. ~03 w~s~ ~a~mously Dassed and adoDted on motion b~ ~, Avery and seconded b~ }~. 8.b. ~oncernin~ Ordinance No. ~-~1, ~rovidin6 for the ~ezonin6 of certain lands, ~. Avemy stated that s~nce the ~arties did not the a6reement as ~equested b~ the 0ouncil, he would move that Omdi, nance No. ~-~1 be tabled indefin~tely. In second,nE the motion Wooda~d requested that the Oit~ Attomney contact ~. Persifo~ F~azem, IV, concemnl~ this ,in omde~ that he ~. f~i11 ~ ebli6atio~ he cares to in. ~e~a~:~.to ~s matte~., ~, Avery accepted the ~ndment and the motion o6~mted unanimousl~. 8.c. Conce~nin6 ~equest rom ~Re~m!ssive use of lands described In Omdinance No. G-~I, ~. Ave~ ~o~ed that said request be tabled in- definitely. The motion was seconded by ~. Warren end carried ~anl- '3,d. 01t~ Clemk Wo~thin6 read O~I~ANOE N0. ~-~51, ap~rovat of which ~as un~mousl~ agmeed ~on.by 'C~uncil on June 25th. AN O~INANCE OF T~ CI~ 0F D~Y B~CH, FLORIDA, A}~NDI~ SECTION 29-4 (~F), O~PTER 29, CODE OF ORDINAI~ES 0~ T~ CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH, FLORIDA, P~TAININ6 TO ~E I~NI~,~ A~G~ATE FLOOR A~S REQ~D IN T~ R-~AAB ZONING DISTRICT. -6- 7-9-62 July 9, 1962 Ordinance No. G-451 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by I~. Avery. 8.e. The City Clerk read ORDINANCE NO. G-452. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION 5, SEG~ION 29-2, CHAPTER 29, CODE 0F ORDINANOE~ OF THE CITY OF DELP~Y BE~¢H, FLORZDA,' PER- TAINING TO THE ZONING OLASSIPICATION OF PROPERTY AN~REXED TO THIS CITY. Ordinance ~0. G-4~2 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by Mr. Warren and seconded by }ir. Woodard. X. Kr. Woodard stated that he had received inquiries as to when the N. E, 8th Street Intracoastal Waterway bridge would be reopened for use and upon investigation he had been told that it would be open Tuesday evening, July 10th. 10.a. City Manager Smit.zes presented Bills for Approval as follows: Water Fund - Operating Fund The bills were unanimously ordered paid on motion by ;~r. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Avery. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. on motion by Mr. Avery and seconded by Mr. Woodard. City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -7- 7-9-62 Jo~ WellbroCk Delray Beach, Fla. Wellb~ock Char[~sT,~Olff ~in Lakes Lot 1,1ess SO. Salem, M. Y, 100', Blk. 130 ~o~ C, · Carlotta B. 906 N.E. ~d Ave. Lo~ 2, less Wellbrock & S~uel E~ & Delra~ Beach~ Fla~.,: 100', Blk. 130 Shirley 0,Neai Garner ~elra~ Beach, Fla, S~uel E. & Shirley ~06 N.E, ~ Ave. ~t 7~ Blk, 138 0 'Neal Delray~ ~aCh, JUa~ta H. Brl~se , 30 Le~O~e Par~ay L:ots 2 ~ Flagle~ ~k Park~ Ill. Seagate "A" Delra~ BeaCh~a.. Seagate "A" Jones ~!~ Shore~ 50~..Fla~ BIM~ 53 Alf, H.. & Borghild M. 1512 S.~. Argyl Dr. S~.7' of ~t 13, Helgesen Ft. La~erdale, Fla. '~ta: 1~, l~ & 16, Delray Baa.eh, F1a. ~ 2X'~ les~8~ o~ Adelheid Sc~d~ '~i ~lltOn Place Rescale Pa~k, N.J. Block 63 Harry A, '~ Genevieve ~22 ~adsw°rth S~. ~ts 1~ & T, Taylor '~ac~e' N, Y~ Bleck Rober~ C. & IVy M. 1557 Lake~ore Roa~ ~t Ha~od ~ Brach, Toronto, Block ~3 Canada Alex Taylor ~11 ChUrch St,~m~2~. Lot 19, ~wa~sville,. ~e~eck~ Block 55 c~a~ ~a~ A.& Roz'~la Ca,lin t~ ~ Ave, ~o~th Yacht Part Bl~ton~ .~. Y, of ~00' o~ S200, of Block 56 (11) Carl R. Bro~ ..... ~X.7~6 · " Lot'~l & N~i, 'Of ~o~t°n Beach~FXa, Lot Z, Blk. 75 .Delray Beac~ ~a~ .Of ~t Seestedt-Stevens ~yce & Albe?t Husa XO2. N$~ SWinton ~Ave. S6 50' Of ~t Delra2'Beadh~ ~a~ Block 60 Je~C. & Havelock A. 945 Hibiscus ~ne ~ta 1 & ~, ~bbard · ~ry ~ & pelray Beach, Fla. Bleak 61 ~eth ~te~at~caal Chimer 0o~2804 ;~In St. ~ts 3 & 4~ ~os.A; ~ ~reee ~, S~hut~ B~falO 14, N, Y. Block ~1 ¢ON*T ~age 2 CITY C. ~n B~ep & %701 ~effepsOn Ave. Lots I & 6,Blk.1, ~rdrives Of ~lpay, .P.0e ~x ~3~ ~ts 2, 3, ~ & 5, Inc. Delra2'Beach, ~a. Blk. 1 & ~ts 5 & Colonial HeiSts C.Edwin Br~ne~ 5~01 Jefferson Ave. ~ts I & 2, Blk. 2, ~ansv~lle~ ~nd. ' Colonial Heights L. B. &Vera Lee Cupns ~701 ~e'fferson Ave. Lots 3 & ~ Evansville~ ~d. Colonlal Suppl2 .C~p~2 North ~i~-'Beach, Fla. ~loOk 3, ' Colonial Heights Submitted to the City ~en~eil by. the City Manager this 9th day of ~u12, 1962 RESOLUTION N0o1405 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFDEL~AYBEACH, FLORIDA, OP~DF~ING THE ~PEN, ING, ORADINO AND'pAVING OF THE.NORTH~S0~TH ' ALLEY IN BLOCK 73 PIAT BOOK 12, 'PA~E'62,LESS THE"NOR~H I~3~'FF~ THEP~EOF. TO A WIDTH OF SIXTEEN (16) FEET, ' ~WHEREAS, the City Council of the~lty of Delray Beach, Florida, dld~.on the 9th~day of. J21y, 1962' adopt'Resolution No, 23404 orderin~ the City Manager to prepare' plans and specific,''. atIons, together W~th estimate of cost of opening, grading psving the North-'South Alley in Block ?3, less the North feet thereof .to a"w[dth of sixteen (16) feet~ and said plsans, sp~cifications and estimate of cost of such ment to be placed on file in the Office of the City Mana~e~, and WHF~EAS, the City Council deems it to be neoessa!~ for the safety and convenience of the ~ublic to open, grade and pave saia public NOW, T~ERE~O~, B~ IT RBSOLVF~D by the City Council of the City of DelrayBeach,~'Fl'orida, that it is determined to make the followi~ described Improvement, to-wit~ To Open, ~rade and Pave the North-South Alley in Block 73, less the North feet thereof to a width of Sixteen (16) feet, the total cost, a9 estimated, ouch improvement being BE IT FU~t?HE~ RESOLVED that the entire coat of such improvement shall be shared by the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the following described properties in Delray Beach,. Palm Beach County, Florida, on a basis of the City of Del~ ~each paying fortF (~0) per cent of the cost of said improvement and the abuttl~n6 property iowners, said properties shown below, pay- ing sixty (60) per cent of said total cost, by special assessment. BLOCK_ ~OT Block.?3 3curb 36~ of lot 3,all of Lots ~5,6~7,~,9~10, 11,-12, 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 & South 29~ of Lot 21, Block 73 North ~ of Lot 21 & South 36' Of Lot 22. said benefits to be determined and prorated according to the front footage of the respective properties as set forth Lmmedi- ately above. BE IT FURTRER RESOLVED that said special assessments against all the parcels of lands as set forth above which are specially benefited, shall be and remain liens superior in dignity to all other liens, except 1.lens for taxes, until paid, from the date of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land assessed, and which shall bear interest at the rate o~ 9ight. (8) pe~ cent per annum, and which may be paid on three (3) equal yearly installments with accrued interest on all deferred ~ayments. Payment shall be made at the same place that taxes parable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid, namely the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon fallume-of any property.owner.to pay the annual installment due, or any part thereof, or any annual interest upon deferred pay- ments, the City of Delray Beach may. bring necessary legal pro- ceedings by a Bill in Chancery to.enforce payment thereof with all accrued interest, together with all legal cost incurred, ? including a ~e~sOnab~e at.torney'a' f~eo, The total amount of any lien may'be paidiB, full ~t any~ time with interest from the date of aaseesment,' -~T ZS O~E~ED that the Cit~ Council shall ~it at the City.Hall in the ~ity of Delray Beach, Florida, at §:O0 P.M., on the 23rd day of JulY, 1962, for t~e~purpose .of hearing objections, if amy, cn said p~opesed flup~ovement, aa set forth abovee. PASSES AND ADOPTED by"the Cit2 Council ~of the. City of Delray Beach, Florida, on Walter Dietz N,AYOB ATTEST: /s/ R. D. We~thing RESOLUTION NO, 1~O3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL.~AY BEAOH, PLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATIN~ NUI~ANCTM UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY~ SETTING oUT ~Ac~N~ cos~s~ ,INCmUmD~ ~.~ ~.$.ITY TO ACCOm~lsa. 0~ ~A~ KGI~ANCE~, AND D~E~NG SA~ ~ ~S, .the City Co,et.1 .~f .Yhe Cit~ of Del~au' Beaoh~ ' and/~re.gUlar ses. si~n held on the March 26,' 19~2 ~ce' Up~E~'e~talh lots oP.p~ce~' ~f l~d, desemi, bed in a list sub~ ~tted to them, for violation ~f ~e provisions of 0~din~ee ~S, p~su~t to such declaration, ~e ~l~ Clerk of said City did f~ish each of the respective e~ers of the lands described In said list. wi~ a ne.~ice describing ~e ~t~e of ~e nuis~oe and that they ~st abate said nuis~ce wi~ t~rty (30) days, failing in which the City Council would have it d~ne, ~d the cost thereof woul~ be levied as .an~assessment aga~st sala p~oDe~%y; ~, the o~e~s herei~ter n~ed did fail ~d neglect to abate ~he nuisance e~s'~i~ upon ~e~ respective l~ds Within the ti~ prescribed in said notice ~d 0~din~ee G-~7, ~ the City of De~ay Beach was mequi~ed to and did enter upon the following l~ds a~ incur costs in abating ~e nuisance e~a.~i~ ~ePeon as described in'the ~OPesaid lists ~d ~, the City M~aEer of the Ci~ of Delmay Beaeh~ has, pur- suit to said Ordin~e G-~ ~d t~ City ~teP su~tted t~ the City Oo~il a report of t~ costs incited In aba~i~ the nui~ce as ~o~esaid, said repo~t lndleati~ ~e coats pe~ inv o lv · d, NOW, T~O~, ~ IT ~OL~D ~ THE OI~ 00~OIL 1. That asseas~nts in t~ individual ~o~ts as rep~t of ~e Otty M~a~er of l~e .city ~f Delray Beach, invelvi~ 0ity~s cost of abat~ t~ ~esaid nuis~oes upon ~e lots .or p~- cels of '1~ described ~ said ~epo~t, a copy of .w~i~ ,is attached he~eto ~d ~de a p~t he, eof, ~e levied aga~t the p~oels ~ land described on Said ~eport ~d In ~e ~o~ts ~dioa.ted thereon. Said assessments so levied Shall bg a lien ~0n' the ~apeetive lots and p~cels of land described in said ~eport, of ~e sa~e nature and to the S~ extent es ~e lien fo~ general city taxes and shall :be 'collectible ~::~e s~e ~er and with the s'~e penalties and ~dem the a~e p~ovisions as to sale ~d foreclos~e as city taxes are collectible. 2. ~at the Ci~ 01erk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of ~e C~rk of the Ci~uit Co~t In ~d fo~ Palm Beach County, Florida, ~d shall furnish to each of the upon said report a notice .t~t$~e ~6~ O~l~ ~lci o%,t~%6~ of Delray Beach, did, on the March 26, an~Aprll order ~e abatement' o~ a certain' nu~%~ce ~sting oY"the~' descr'ib~8 property ~d property o~em ~ving failed to abate such nuisance, within ~e 30 day peri~, w~reupon it was abated by the City at costs sho~ in said report ~ such assesa~nts shall be legal, valid binding obligatl~s ~on the property against which said assessments a~e levied. This resolution shall beene effective 30 days from the date of adoption, ~d the assessments contained herein shall become due and payable t~rty days ~ter the ~iling date of the notice of said assessment, ~te~ which interest sh~l ace,s at the ~ate of 6% per a~ on a~ unpaid portion t~reof. A.D. 1~62 /s/ R. D.Worthing 19,31. ~oo~,.. ,, ,.-,:...~ ..- Barns ,.. ,