07-19-62SpMtg ~ 19th, 196~.. ~ special meeting was he~d in the Council Chambers at 2500 with Mayor Walter Dietz in the Chair, City Manager Robert J. Holland, City Attorney Jo~l Ross-Adams and Co~i~en ~1 O. Avery, George Warren and Oliver W. Woo~ard, J~., bel~ present. ~n openi~ prayer was delivered b2 City Clerk Woet~. Mayo~' Dietz called the meeting to order stati~ that s~e had been called pursuit to Section 20 of the City of Delray Beach tar for the pu~ose of considering specific requests of. the City Manager ~d that no other busi~ss shall come before ~e Council. City Mana~er Holl~d thawed the Council and ~e audience foe- attending t~s ~et~g and stated that he felt considerable prog~es~ had been made this week ~d the on~ way to keep ~e ~eels turning was to have the Council deter~e policy in order to continue with ~udget preparation. City Manager Holland f~er stated that he~ad $~ver seen a ~oup more effieient and worki~ a~ harder th~ al! ~ty e~loyees so f~ this week, ~ that he is very proud to be ' associated with such a ~oup. 1. City Clerk Wort~ng read ~e following letter of resi~ation from the ~nter-RaCial Co~ttee sub. trod by ~. R. ~. Holland. "I resp~tfully sub~t ~ ~esl~ation as a member of the Inter-Racial Co. tree as I feel that ~ven thou~ ~e~e would be no collier of inte~eSts, I will not be able to give t~s proper thou~t and time. "I appreciate having served on this c~itt.ee and ~ vitally interested in our beac'h, However I will have to give all my time to the ~etalls of Acti~ City M~ager." ~. Avery ~ved that the. letter of resignation be accepted wi~ appreciation for the m~2 hours served,' ~d with all the tribute that can be paid for the wonderful Job that has been ~one. ~e motion was seconded b2 ~. Woodard ~d carried ~ously. ~. Regarding consideration of the ~eb' ~aluation ~urvey, City Holland co.anted as.follo~ws: "Concerning the Job Evaluation Survey and Wage · Sala~ Pay PI~, recently c~leted ~ submitted to Co.oil by the Frank C, Bro~ Oo., Inc., and following a meeting.'held wi~ various department, heads at ~ch time c~eful ~alysis of the survey was made.,~ it is ~ec~ended that the c~rent Merit System be conti~ed, as reflected In ~d approved by' the F~ C, Br~ Co~y~ ~d. that distribution of i~ividual l~reases be ~e respo~ibility'of the City Manager, not gover~d by'a ~%.~tation of individual'pay i~rease bu~ with the definite ~derstanding t~t the total of all deter~ned, ~d p~ovlded for, increases, subject to Co.oil ad~ption cf the New Plan, Will .not.. exceed ~ of ~e ~e ,12th, 156~ payroll. I ~t ad~ that we have spent considerable time-. We agree with the pl~ except we can hardly see how ~we can adopt it at this ti~ and be fair. It is ~ t~ki~ that if the Council goes alo~ with this we c~ a~Just the pay scale and:get a fi~ foundation to start ~n and dist~ibute the money to those who p~oduce." ' ~e~e was discussion conce~ni~ placing the p~esent e~loyee~ their ~nim~ bra-cket of paF even thou$ it took mere tkan ~e 5% to do so. City Manage~ Noll~ stated that the ~in reason for bri~ing this ~ to day ls to el~nate extra work in ~udget prep~atlon. ~. Ave~ moved that the reco~enAation of the Ol~ Manager be accepted, that the current Me~i~ System be continued, as reflected in and approved by the F~ C. B~o~ Oo~y, and that distribution individual increases-be the ~esponsibility 'of the City M~ager, not governed b2 a '5% l~tation of individual pay increase But with the defi~te ~derst~ding that the total of all deter~ned., and p~ovide~ for, increases, 'subJee~':to Co~ci.1 ad.rich of the New.~Pl~, will 'not exceed 5% of ~e ~ne 12th, 1962 payroll. ~e motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and carried un~usly. 7-19-6~ . July 19, 1962 There was discussion concerning a motion directing the City Manager..tO give .consideratl.on. to the as'etgnment of' ~art t~me :duties to some City. employee as a pereor~e! technician but it ~was suggested that this be*left .~o .~he.~goo~:~u~'~,~ent~of the City Hana~er~. -., 3. ~e City ~nager ~d the Mayor e~ressed their pleasure in re- ceiving the lis~. of Ioeall~ licensed ~A.rc~tec.~s..with places., of busi- ness within the City of Delta2 'Beach, as recently requested bF the Co~il. · · 4. ConOerning intent of O~o. ii relatiwe to Westside O0~uni~y ~e~t:e~ and ~lston of funds .thePe~oP, City Nana~e~ Holland said that he understood that the C~uncll had intentions of doing something toMerd a COmity ~enter in .~he .Wests~de, and if- s~ ~as'. it. a budget ' ~0~ '~Z ~O~e~ ~h~ C!~' M~.~· ~h~_~ ~erCO~'~' authorized a Co. tree t0 s~udy ..t~s~ situation in the '~est see~on 02 toE. That,~co~ttee ~de it's .report which .w~as', s'Ubm~tted ~tc the.Co, cji,.. ~d from the Council to t~he· Recreational ~d~so~F ~,' which Board approved it unan~ously and eo~limented.~.~he.'co~tee;' :~eJ was then asked to be referred to the Pl~i~ Board, also that a list of A~chitec~s .be-prcvide~ the COunclt:~n o~er that some, concrete in- fo~atlon could, be obtained., concer:ni~~ cost~.. May~r Dietz ~er stated that there is~ $~3,000.00 that was Set aside for the ~ovement of the N~th Beach, which money ~s: in reserve now, .~ :it is.consider- ed that thoee, f.~s :may ~be sufficient;, tO.: 6e,t...the.~es~sl~e C~nity Center we.ll: ~derway, however, She~e. w~ul~ need; to be..~cney, provided for main~en~ce and personal,...,~t,, wa~ also men~me~.t~at: there should be budget provision for equippl~ said 0o~nl~y Center. ~.' ~arren suggested that the $63,~0.:00 c~ulated Pl~S.~interest that has ac be earm~ked fon ~e Westside Recreation:Center..'.~ol~owing discussion, ~. Warren'~mcve~ ~at the Cl~y~ M~age2 ~e a~thcrize, d ~.O~use the~ $63,000.00 plus interest, f~om the original beach fund, ae building f~d, for ~e W~side 2ec~eatign ~enter.. ' ~e~mot~om:was seConded ~; Ave~ and-c~ried unan~o~.Z~ . . ':~ 5. Regarding consider~ion~of ~He nee~f~r Beach Patrol, . City Manager Holland i~o~ed the 0o~cil that he had discussed this w~th Police ,Chief 0ro~t w~ was.~a~l~p~oble~ ~oth ~wiae ~d~money-wisa, and 0~ief~0r~ft stated that he, person~ly,~ could not see the need for ~he. Beach ~trol, since the~ beach iS ~e~~c~ns~pat~ol ~d~.that ~he 11fe~dS a~e~also very~ cooperative in~ nc~fying the~Pct~ce con- cerml~g anySh~ng that may ~requi~e ~olice su~ve1~ence. ~C~ef Croft fur~er ~s~ated tha~his'~ only regula~~police. effiee~a tha~cc~ld work t~$~ extra' d~ty were t~e ~es~ working $~ 11~00' R~M~~ ~o ~:00 ~.M. s~ft, and if~these officers;have :to.~ke court.appearances, there is lt~tleti~e left for mest~befe~e ~heir~nex~shift of d~ty~ ~ Further, t~t~ he felt ~ ~uld~take~ane~e~lenced ma~ fo~ this~ob, ~d he wo~ld~ prefer no one at all r~her~ t~ an ine~erience~ person, a~ this time he didn, t believe tha~ a m~ ~s ~neeess~y.. Mayer Die~Z co4~ented om the Daily News,Jou~nal~ Headline "Foot Patrol .~is waste~ says Holland", dated ~12 i~, X962, ~d gave his opinion as follews~ ~'~ ~OR~ OPINION, '~at ~-is ~he~Oity-of De~ay ~Beach, s ~T~ VA~B~ Answer, the ~B~CE.~ As ~ individual would you leave 2our Jewels ~d cash unguarded? ~nswer, NO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.0~ BEAOH~ T~ ~L OF ~F~RYDA~ ,,~e safe~y o~ the Beach of the 01fy of ~Delra2 ~each is of concern ~o all the citizens ef ~e ~0it2 of ~De~a~ Beach. Woul~y~ne d~e sa2 its value ~was~ net ~wOrth ~e~additlcnal cost~ef tw~ patro~en daily. ~ ~S~ ~Y WO~ BE ~ -2- 7-19-62 177'] July 19, 1962 "The time to put out a fire is when it is about to start, NOT after the flames are leaplr~ high in the airi "The time to stop trouble on the Beach of the City of Delray Beach is before it starts, NOT after it becomes ef large portions I "Many police cars going along AIA at ten miles per hour could only see the flames leaping high in the air! "Patrolmen on the beach can see when things are about to happen and act to prevent ~ncidents, to 'say nothing of the effect of their presence on the undisciplined individual. "Changing' social conditions can not be handled in old fashioned ways. History already Shows the wisdom of ,DELRAY~S BEACH ADMINISTRATION' this year.. "Re:aoval of the guards or patrolmen WILL NOT DENY CITIZENS. T~EIR RIGHTS! Removal of the patrolmen. MIGHT CREATE INOIDEN~$ Incidents MIGHT PUT' OUR MOST VALUABLE ~SSET IN FEDERAL C0UR~, WHERE WE WOULD BE POWERLESS TO AOTI ~' "THINE, TH~NK AND THINS TWICE AGAIN GENTLEMEN BEFORE YOU DPON Y0~ELVES SUCH TERRI~I0 RESPONSIBILITIES! -- "Sec. 62 police, c.m.?176~" Mayor Dietz said-that he feels very strongly ,that i~ l.a a decided advantage, for the ~ity o£ Delray Beach that the beach be patrolled. City Manager Holland-stated. that the statement 'he made-to the newspapem was that .the patrolman was a waste of time under the.o~n- dition thet that eemvice is being performed, but that he does go along with the Mayor's thinking, and definitely thinks that the Beach should be partoled., and tha~ he is high~- in favor of there being bu$~eted an additional car and man for this purpose. Mayor D!etz stated that he was net interested in an additional car, but'was ~nterested in a regular patrolman or two, who would operate un~r Chief, C~oft and who meet the high standards of his present ~epartment. Mr. Woodard stated that he would accept Chief Croft,s recommen, ~at+~nn in regard te this situation. M~., Aver~mOved that the City Manager be directed to use .his own Jud~er~. in' seeing that the beach is ~$trol!ed proper~y.. ~. Warren seconded the motion with the provision that in the good Judgment of the .Chief ef~Police _as well .as that of the City. Manager,, tha$ .they determine what parse1 is needed. The motion carried unanimously,, 6. Concerning Council'~ete~mination,relative to ass'essment for the e~ompleted N. E. 2nd-~St~eet Outfall Drainage Project, Mr. Avery moved that the City assurae .80% of the asses'SmartS and the property owners pay 20%. The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard who added that the Engineers 'Brockway, Webs~ ,& Brockway will participate and share'a cost on the are& which-was lent'out of the program due to thel~ error, and that. on the~ area which was. Included, that the city participate 80% and the residents ~0%. Mr....~Avery accepted this addition~ to the motion. City Cle~ Worthing stated that the' ~etermination of the. Council would be refleCSed in a revised proposed Assessment Roi1 which woul~ follow the usual procedure and public hearing thereon before it,s final- adoption. It was mentioned that there would have to be ~udget provision to replace the funds that. the 'city will ex~en~ on this project. City Manager-Holland stated that was one of the reasons this subject was brought up. today.' Mayor Dietz reviewed the budget.appropriations for the Special Assessment l~und over.the pastI few years, and suggested that the in- creased participation of the city in this project be taken care of in the 1962-63 and the-1963-6~ budgets. -3- ?-19-62 July 19, 1962 Following lengthy discussion~. ~'~. Aver~y restated his.mo.tion cor~o~rning ~assessment of the completed N.~ E, P_nd Street-Outfall Drainage Project, that the City assume 80% of the .assessment and the property ow~ers pay 20%. The motion was seconded by }.~. Woodard and~ carried unanimously. 7. Concerning Council authorization to transfer certain funds, Mr. Weber, Director of Finance stated that the recent sale of city pro- perty to 'the Tez~minal Transport Company resulted in income to the City in the amount of $47,'.000.00 of which $30,000.00 plus an amount for title tranJT;er, etc., has been earmarked for purchase of the "Davis Prop'ert~y" from the Trinity Lutheran Church, and that the un- encumbered Portion Of almost $17,000.00 has been unofficially ear- marked for acquiring rig~'of~Way fO~ %he widening of west Atlantic Avenue. Mr. Weber stated that if it is Council intention to use this money for the widening of West Atlantic Aven~e, h~e would like per- ' " ' o m ret mission 'to ~ami~er. it i:nto, the :Tm~r ye ent T u . Fund", stipulated for the widening of West Atlanti~ A~nue, and that sum could be in- vested until the time it is needed. Mr. Woodard then moved that the 1remaining funds that the city ac ~uired.. through: .~he~ aa~e ~ ~f' 'property :t'o. '~e~a'l T~spor t Company be Placed in the fund Just described by the Finance Director. The motion was seconded by ~, ~very and carried unanimously. 8.Concerning ov'er~expend$~re of .,~he Cit~mncil Account, M~. Weber eXp;lained that th~ou~Out the 7ear t~e~e"had been an over- expenditure of certain objects within the City Council Account, and toques.ted 'authoriZation for transfer from. the unexpended Civil Defense Acoo~n~t~to· the C.i'ty Co~no£1--Acoount.in~he~amou~t of $1,~64.O0 be made. Further: th~t this transfer be made and .Specifically-c~edlted as follows Salaries,:~0~t~04~.O0; 'Printing ac'count,. ~320.001; Training School Aceount $~'O~00;.,a~d Office Sm~lies., '$-~0.00. I~ was e~plained that the in- crease in salary for the O'o~nc~lmen and Mayor had not been included in the budget, as it had not been considered before budget preparation. Mr..Warren moved for approval of the' r~ommendation of the City Manage~ ~d~:~?~$~ance Director. The motl'~.:was seconded by ]~r. Woodard and carried unanimously. 9. Concerr~ing Over-expenditure of the, City Manager's Account', Mr. Weber requested that funds totaling,$1.~600'~OO-'be transferred from the Street Lighting Electric Current Account to the 0ity Manager,s Account be provided as~ follows: cit~ Manage~ talar7,-'$640,00; 0'let!cai help, $42~.;00; Training'Sohool~'..$.10~.OOj'and 0ffl~e~ Supplies, $430,00, There- was'. questions and. discuss~$n comoePni.~g ~a Over-expendi.ture of these acooumts, a~'Mrl Weber Anfo~m~d ~he;Co~L~cil that the Finan- cial Report of J~ne 30th would be sent to them tomorrow. ~ollowing further discussion, }ir. WOodard :moved ~.-'$t~600,00 be transferred ~rom the Street Lighting Electric Our.~em~ Aoco..unt..to the City Manager,s Account. The motlon,waB, seconded by M~::' A~e~ and carried unanimously. 10. City Manager Holland reported that ~Di .~e,o~or of Recreation W. ,.Bake~ .had resigned, to be effective ~ly. l$~h; 1The City Manager fur- ther 'ropo~ted that he had been ir~formed" ~ha~'.a Mr.' Harold Hanson has made applicatiom fo~ the JOb of Co~unIty.0~nter ~upervisor and has passed the. Civil ~er.viCe Requirements~ ~and would like permission to put Mr. ~Hansen.to work so that the Community Center would not have to be cIosed. Concerning the recreational matters,. Mr. Woodard stated that Mr. ..,Baker had a number of recommendations..t~at .he is leav~*~g with the City and 'that one i of .his rec,omme~ations is.:~at Mr."Hans:e'm:,be appointed as S~perV~Sor of the Rec~eation".'B~tldi:rAg~ .Fu~.~he~, that it ..is the commemoration from the Chairman of the RecreatiOnal AdVisory BOard ~hat this ~p~o~u~ment be made and that the addltiona~ .~eco~m~endatio.n,s of Mr. July 19, 1962 There wee lengthy discussion and co~tmmats concerning employees of the Recreation Department who had left the e~loyraent of the C~ du~i~ the past yea~ o~ so. ~. Ave~ then move~ ~at the City M~ager be euthomized to hl~e ~. Harold H~sen, the motion Being secondeO by }~. Warren ~d ~l- mously carrie~. Ci~ Manager Holl~ l~o~med the Council that there were ~pli- cations fo~ the position of Dl~ecto~ of ~ecmeation ~d that was a problem that.would take a little lo,er, but that he would have some- ~ing concerning the Te~is Ccu~ta next MonOay ni~t. Further, that he feltt~t Rec~eation had been o~e~ e~hasized ~d is bei~ pushed too fast, an~ that he felt ~s co~ttee could adjust the salary and hire a Rec~eational Director with no problem. The meet~ adjourned at 3:05 P.M., on motion by ~. ~very ~ seconded by ~,*~. Wa~en. R. D. WORTEING C t ty Cle~*k APPROVED:. MAYOR