09-05-62SpMtg SSp~VlBSR 5, 1962. A special meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Waltz= Dietz,.in the,C~air,.City Manager ~obert J. Holland, ¢lty Attorney John Ross Adams end, Councilmen George Talbot, Jr., George V. Warren and Oliver W. Woodard, Jr., being present. Mayor Dietz called the-meeting to order stating that same had been called pursuant to Section 20 of the City of,Delray Beach Charter for the purpose of a public hearing on the proposed budget for 1962-63, and.that no other business would come before the Council. An opening prayer was delivered bY City Clerk Worthing. It was announced that the proposed budget for 1962-63 had been publicized and advertised and the public was invited to discuss or comment on same. Mr. James Pignato, 108 North Swinton Avenue requested that the position in the Recreation part of the budget, that of the position of the Assistant Su~rvisor, not be eliminated from the budget. Mayor Dletz informed Mr. Pignato that the Council was very careful and ~ld not in any way reduce any salaries of any employees in the City of Delray Beach and that the budget was no~ changed in any way relative'to'the number of employees, that all positions are ztlll in ~he budget.. Mr, Warren stated that all positions in the budget were subject to the Clty Manage.r's discretion. City Ma.nager Holland said that there was no abolishment as far as the amotmt of money involved, but that it was the Recreational Advisory Board's decislo~ to dispense with an Assistant Supervisor. Mayor Dletz said this was getting away from the budget and stated again that the budget s. till has in it all the positions that it had when it was presented to the Council and that no salaries of any employees oS the City of Delray Beach were cut and every raise that was indicated in the budget that Mr. Holland submitted to the Council ~ approved'without ..question. Mayor Dietz further stated that there may be a matter, of~olicy that comes under the City k~anager as to who he does or doss not employ, but that does not con- cern the budget discussion at this time. Mrs. Alice Husa read the following letter that had been written to her by Acting City Manager Holland, dated August 22nd. Mrs. Hus& said that she did have respect for the Acting City Manager in his efforts to curtail the budget. "Yesterday the Recreation Advisory Board met in session and conaluded that since the City Council has elim~nated so many ite~ from the 1~62-63 budget, they are in accord with further reductions in the Recreation program. "As an economy measure, there has been no Director of Recreation appointed and I doubt that there will be any time soon as the Recreation Department has cost the taxpayers a considerable amount of money, namely, .15¢ on the tax dollar. It is the Board's recommendation thatwe further economize and declare the position of Assistant Community Center Supervisor vacant. "It is ~heir feeling that since most of the program at ~he Center will be curtailed to some extent during the winter ~ season, ~his might bet~erbehandled with temporary personnel, hired as needed. -1- 9=5~62 Septembe~ 5, 1962 '"~his is to a0vise you that your position as Assistant supervisor will be terminated October 1, 1962 when the budget goes into effect. #~ay I at this time thank you for the good ]ob you have done in behalf of th~ city~ I wish tO assure you that this is purely an economy measure in '~ine ~i~h the Council's ~dget reductions in &ll. city departments and does'not in any way reflect upon your performance. "I am enclosing your persona~l refe=ence~.which I .am sure you would IiXe~to~r~ta~n for your files%" Mayor Diet= stated that the budget,' on which there is a public hearing tonight] has to do with appropriating money, but that it is the City ~anager's prerogratl~e to ,hire,employees of the city, 'and further that the recommen~ations of City Committees shoul~ carry a lot of weight. Mrs. W. Thomas.~leming informe~ the Council that there ~ad been suc~ an improvement at the Community Center since there ~ad been-an AeSista~t Supervisor and asked if the Acting City Manager was famil- iar w~th the City ~mPlOyee:'Civil Service Ru~es. It was then made k~i0w~ that Mrs. Flem~ng'~ha~ presented a tion to' the council a~ a prior meeting-which petition w~ld be a~- ~wered at the Count'{1 ~eeting of September 10th. Mrs. Helen VOit of M~ramar Drive bro~ght,atte~ion ~ · council of what she considered a waste of taxpayers m~ne~ in~.t~e man* nor in which the grass along.ocean Bl~d. was. being wa~er~, also that she ha~ recently counted 39 defective sprl,~kle=', head~ &~ ~tat area. City Ma~ageT Holland 1nfo=mod the Co~c~l.~t..th~ de~ective sprinkier hee~e were being taken care of,'~a~~ s~prin~ler'sYstem the' ~ime taken to water could be City At~r~e~ ~%fl~ms info,mod~ the Co~nct~ ~ta£ a ~dget Resolu- ~ion ~0uid ~'~]~re~ar~ ~or acceptance at ~ ~e~ular meeting of · eptember 10th'. :Ma1~or .1~tz ~xpressed h~s p~e~eure, t~l&~,,~he propose~ budget The meeting .a~Joun~e~' at 8,25-;.~. ~ motion of Mr..Warren and seconded ?~ Mr. Woc~ard. A~PROVED: -2- * 9=5"62