09-24-62 SEPTEMBER24, 1962. A regular meeting 'of the City CounCil of. Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8=00 P.M., with Mayor Walter Dletz in the Chair, Clty Manager Robert J. Holland, Cit~ Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen A1 C. Avery, GeorgeTalbot0J~., Geogre V. Warren and OliverW. Woodard, Jr., being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by the Reverend Glen A. Hargrave. 2. On motiOn ~. Talbot .and. seconded bY Mr. wo°dard, the minutes of th· regular-meeting of September 10th were unanimously approved. 4. Mr. Warren readthe Beautification Committee Meeting minutes of Thursday, September 20th, 1962 as follows: '!Members present were:- Bud Merritt, Mfs. Frank Carey, Mrs. Peg Bowen, Clarence Galinat, .Stuart han~ton, J. B. Smith, Mrs. Gladys L~ttle,.~rs. MarJorie B~auland guests.iMrs. Ertckson. and Lauren Hand. "Minutes of the last meeting were approved. 1 "Mr. Hand made aPresentatio~ to the Committee outlining planned activities of the merchant's division which included a clean-up, fix-up and ~aint-up program during the month of October. Mr. Hand suggested that this could be tied in with a city wide program of clean-up. 2 "On motion by Mr. El!lngsworth, seconded by~r. Lankton, the Comtttee voted unanimously to request that the Mayor proclaim the month of October as uity-wide 'Clean-up, FtK-up and Paint- up month.~ (Council action) 3 "A motion was made by Mrs. Bowen, seconded by Mr. Lankton, that the City be as]ced tO cooperate wi~h the clean-up pro- gram by offering pickeup of all types of trash during October on request by citizens. Motion paSsed. (Council action) 4 "Committee members were asked to submit, at the next meeting, a list of projects they felt needed consideration by the Committee. 5 'Dh motion by~r. Lankton, seconded by Mr. Galinat, the 'mitres voted to request the city to ~ake steps to improve the appearance of the junk yard at N. E- Fourth street and the F.E.C. Railroad. (Council action) 6 "A motion was made by Mr. Lankton, seconded by Mr. Galinat, that Mr. RUSsell Rennet, publisher of the Daily News Journal, be proposed as an addltion to the Beautification Committee. Motion passe~...~ (council, action) 7 "It was a~nounced that Mrs. Little would represent the Com- mittee at the Florida State Chamber of Commerce Beautifi=ation Meeting,' to be held in Orlando~ September 21st. 8 '!A motion was made by Mr. Galinat, seconded by Mrs. Bowen, that the iecretar~be instructed to write a ~etter of appreciation to City Manager Robert'.Holland, for hie excellent lot clean~ng program. Motion ~assed." 9-24-62 Se~tembeu 2~, 1~62 Pertaining to Item 2. Mr, Talbot moved that the Council instruct the Mayor-to proclaim the month of October as city-wide "Clean-up, Fix-up and Paint-up Month". The motion was seconded by Mr. Woodard and carried unanimously. Pe~taining to item 3. Mr. Avery moved that said recommendation be referrmd to the City Manager for recommendation to the Council] the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously 6arried. Pertaining to Item 5. City Manager Holland reported that this area is being cleaned up considerably at this tim9 and the plane are to remove some trees~-and b~k%ld'a ramp d6wn the t~acks' to the drain that noW exists on 3rd Avenue to~el~minate~he~e~ p~0blem. It was pointed out that the junk yard is a nonconforming use that exists at that location. Pertaining to Item 6. Mr. Russell Rennet, publisher of the Daily News Journal, being present, was introduc~d and expressed his pleasure in being i'h D~lray'B'each. ~. R~nn~k-~as un~nimously ap- point~ed'as a 'membek O~=~he Be~utifiUht~on committee on motion by Mr. Talbot and seconded by Mr. Avery. Pertaining to Item 8. Mr. lWarren read the~l~etter of appreci- ation, for his excellent lot clearing program, to City Manager Holland from the BeaUtification committee. 4.a. A roll call showed that the ~fol'~owingorga~izations and repre- sentatives were in a~tendance% '~' ~ Chamber of commerce Mr. Kenneth Ellingsworth seagrape Garden Club Mre.~ameS BOwe~ League'of Women Voters Mrs. P~aD~k' ~arey & 4 members. Beta stgma~'Phi Mrs. O~ W~'~Wooda~d,"Jr~ &'Mrs. Adams. Kiwanis Club Mr. Russell Rennet 5. The City Clerk reported that the council had requested that the Florid&~ast'~COaSt R~l~Way COmpany be contacted concerning the cross- ing at S. E.'Tth Street and read~their reply aS' follows, dated 'September ~gth, 1962. "Please'refe~o'your letter of septemberllth, 1962 con- cerning'ro~ ~Sing over FIOrida'E~st'coast Railway Company's tracks at S. E. 7th Street in Delray Beach. "As you say,'the Railway has allowed some cities ~o prorate cost On road crossings in the past; however, this was done in'~Connection wi~h'crossing proteetio~f~r existing cross- ings. In doing so, the Railway has o~er~extended"itsel~ to the pgint that, I am sorry to advise, we are ~nable to com- mit the Railway to a propOSition such as you request, and you~ request mu'st be declined." It was suggested that this matter'be'taken into abeyance for fur- ther consideration. ~.a..The Cityclerk:reported that there was $15~'000.00 provided in the current budget for a new well and 'header at the North Water Plant, which additional well has been recommended by Russell &Axon, and Council approval is requested forthe employment of Smi~/~ & Gillespie to furnish 'Professionai engineering services in accordance with con- ditions and ~er~s set forth ~n their proposal, copy of which has' here- tofore been furnished each CoUncil member. The City Manager stated that this well would balance out the scheduled program for maximum production in each plant. -2- 9-24-62 253 Septembe~ 24, 1962 Mr. Avery moved that this be tabled until the next meeting and the money in the 1941-62 Water F~nd. Budget be encumbered for that purpose and stated that he recognized the fact that a new well was needed, but challenged the necessity for the city to spend the money for an engineer when they had a registered engineer on their payroll fully capable of providing the same service. The motion was seconded by Mr. warren and carried unanimously. 6.b.' The proposed Assessment Roll for opening, grading and paving of the South 476 feet of the North-South Alley in Block 73, was pre- sented to the Council in compliance with Section 169 of the City Charter, said work having been approved by the Council earlier this year. The Assessment Roll was unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Avery and seconded by Mr. Woodard. 6.c. The proposed Assessment Roll for the Construction of Storm Drains for the area known as the N. E. 22nd Street and Seacrest Boulevard Drainage project, together with lnstallation~of catch basins, man-holes and appurtenances in conjunction with. such storm drains in compliance with Section 169 of the City Charter, said im- provement having been approved by the Council in November, 1961. Said Assessment Roll was unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Warren and seconded by Mr. Woodard. 6.d. It was re~orted that the City Manager has arranged with the Telephone Company for installation of a line from the City Hall switchboard to the Police Station for use at night and on weekends when the City Hall is closed, during which period all calls to the City Hall would automatically be channeled to the Police Department. Further, that's list of employees in each department who may be called in case of emergency, along with their telephone numbers, has been provided for the Police dispatcher's use in cha~neling calls to the proper persons, and that this improvement is already in effect. The city Manager was commended for his prompt action in this matter. 6.e. It was reported that for the convenience of various citizens, the City Manager has provided for a night depository receptacle to be installed in the very near future at the entrance to the City Hall so that payments of bills by deposit therein may be made When the City Hall is closed. b.f. The City Clerk read the following letter from Mr. HarOld Hansen, Community. Center SupervisOr, dated September 12th,. i962. . "I would like tO have you consider a recommendation I have regards to our kitchen equipment. It has never been used and is deteriorating fast, and in ~y estimation it will never be used. "I .would like to suggest that we contact some Restaurant Supply Companies and dispose of this equipment. Our investment is proF, lmately $10,000.00 and we could use this money for urgently needed improvements in this building. "By eliminating this equipment we gal~another conference room. There ia an offset in this kitchen where we could have our coffee perculator, hot plate and small refrigerator. This will suffice for any food served at the center. "The money derived from this sale could provide for installing acoustical tile in the conference rooms. This noise factor a constant complaint of the various groups using these facll'~%~es. -3- 9-24-62 September 2i~, 1962 "Our patio is beautiful, but it could be used for another room. By installing a fiber-glass roof we could completely enclose this area and still preserve this picturesque area. 'With this fund we could also purchase &'ceramic oven which would benefit many age groups in our program. "We would be able to furnish our gymnasium with athletic equip- ment needed to give us a well rounded Physical Education Program. "~h~se are a few of the ma]or areas .where we could use this money. I would like to have you give'this recommendation of mine much thought. ~In this way we could utilize the building to the best advantage. .LIST 0F KITCHEN EOUIPMENT 1. Stainless Steel Combination oven, plate and french fryer 2. Commercial refrigerator 3. Dishwasher 4. Range HOOd 5. Stainless steel tray and food cart 6. A f%w,hundred dishes, ~aucers, cups, knives, forks~ gla~ses~.~et~. see the inventory sheet ~ the exact quantities." Mr. Talbot stated that he felt the Council is in full approval of Mr. Hansen'~S recommendation but so that the public would not be misled it ehoukd be explained that the approximate amount of money involved in this equipment is $3,600.00, which is somewhat different than the $10~000.00 mentioned inth'e letter. Mr. Talbot then moved that ~he Councii inStruCt the City Manager to give the Council the in- ventory on cost of this equipment and i~vestigate the market to see what can be obtained from disposing of it. The motionwas seconded by Mr. Avery, and carried unanimously. D~ring d~scussion it was mentioned-that the Bethesda Hospital may be interested in obtaining this equipment for their use. 6.g. It~was reported that at its last regular meetin~ the council re- que~e~ the City Manager to co~sider the ne~d of & traffic light at t~t~h' Swinto~ A~e'nu~ and 8th Street intersectio~, and it is re- commended by the City Manager that no such light is deemed necessary at this time inasmuch as it is not considered warranted as the prin- ciple h'azards at this point of iDtersection have been eliminate~ by cutting back of hedges aln~' trimming of .s~ubb~ry. However, Council consideration and authorization, if approved, is requested for in- stall~on of-a traffic light at the intersect~on of N. E. 4th Street and SwintOn Avenue at such time as th~ Lutheran Church and its affili- ated bUil~ings..are completed and ready ~or occupancy, further that such installation, at the time indicated, meets wit~ the approval of the Chief of Police. '~'~r. Avery~l~oved~ that the recommendation of the City Manager be a~p'~&d~o~th~ttme being and~that he be ~rected to cause the proper t'Taf.fiu-studies 'tobemade to ascertain whether they are needed from the Yardstick as applied by people'who ~knowthis business. The motion was seconded by Mr. Talbot. Mayof~D~Z'said that h~ understands'the motion to be that the City Ma~ager~s-authorizedto go-ahead an~ install the light on Sw£nton Avenu~'~at~4th ~treet bu~ to also make a study on 8th Street and Swinton as well as'a study at 4th .Street and Swinton. Mr. Avery said that the City Manager recommended that there be no no'~i~ht at 8th Street and Swinton, and-further'recommended that a light be authOri~ed for the intersection of 4th street and Sw&nton Avenue at Such'~as the Lutheran Church and its affiliated build- ings are comple~ and ready for occupancy, and we accept his re- commendation wh~C~ authorizes him to ~eave the light off at 8th Street -4- 9~24-62 .255 Septembe~ 24, 1962 and Swinton, to put the light on at 4th Street and Swinton, but to cause the necessary traffic studies to be made to prove or disprove to Council that lights are needed at both of these intersections. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 6.h. It was reported that the City Manager has received requests to move the traffic light presently located at the intersection of Gleason street and East Atlantic Avenue, to Venetian Drive and Atlantic Avenue, at which point there appears to be more traffic due to Venetian Drive being a more commonly used thoroughfare and also due to the fact that the Delray Beach National Bank is located on Atlant~:Avenue at this point-, HOWever,. it is possible that such a light can be tied into the bridge electrical system which might prove too ex~ensive and the City Manager recommended that the present traf- fic light at Gleason Street remain as is, although if it is the pleasure of the Co~ulcll0 he would be happy to provid~ for a change of sai~'~traffic l~ht to Venetian Drive and Atlantic Avenue for a reasonable and ~eed upon temporary basis. During discussion, former surveys of this location were mention- ed and City Eng,:neet Fleming said that the last survey report had not been received from Tallahassee. Following general discussion, Mr. Woodard moved that no action be t~en on moving the street light unt~ the Council hears from the pro, er authorities. Mr. Avery said he would second the motion if Mr. Woodard would add that the City m~nistra~ton be directed, ordered .and begged to expedite this matter as quickly as~ossib~le. Mr'. Woo~ard accepted this addition to his motion, andupon Uall,o~'~oll the motion carried unanimously. 6.1. Conc~rni.ng the proposed reoponing of the alley ~ocated at the rear of Hoyle Cadillac to provide egress'into N. E. 7th Avenue, Mr. Warren moved' that' this proposal be rejected. The motion was seconde~ by Mr.. Woodard and carried unanimously' 6~j. It was reported~that Mr. W. J. Snow has submitted-an~.offer to sell' to the City a five acre tract of land in ~ot l0 of Model Subdivision, in the NW~ of S~ction 29-4~-43, said tract being jacent to and immediately south of the city owned ten acre tract now beir~/~used as a tra~d~. That this is offered for $?,500.00 and that t~e City Man&ge~-recommends that such 'tract of land. be purchased by the City, furthe~ that if Co~1¢il approves~suc~ purchase,~.uthori- zation should be g~ven for necessary funds, namely $?,500.'00 to be provided fr0~ the ~°ntingency F~nd of the coming .fiscal year. Mr. Avery moved that this be tabled until, the City. Manager can re=urn to the Council with information if and wher~ the money can be obtaine~0 other t/~an the~C0ntingency Fun~. The motion was seconde~ by Mr. Talbot-and carried unanimously. 6.~. Concerning revision of lot clearing procedure, it was reported that having temporarily abated vegetation nuisan~es on various lots in Tropic Isle Subdivision as well as on East 5th and 6th Avenues North of Atlantic Avenue, the. City Manager requests Council approval for completely revising the past a~d present lot clearing procedure to one of city. maintenance without aesessments, as such improvements are obviously in the best interest of the entire city. Further, that if it is the pleasure of the Council to sustain the City Manager's recommen~ations for such revision of nuisance,abatement procedure, the City Attorney should be diTected to prepare anordinance amending the present or~inan~es and Chapter 1~ of the Code of Ordinances per- talning thereto, to reflect, such revised procedure, 'and that subject to adoption of such amended ordinan~e, authorization is requested for the purchase of an additional tractor, ap~roximate cost of which will be $4,500.00, funds for which are available withou~ any appropriation therefor. -5- 9-24-62 September 2~, 1962 Mr. Warren explained the lengthy usual procedure of lot clearing andcommended City Manager Holland on his plan, further that the Council is agreeable for the City Manager to continue this plan through the month of O~tober and see what can be offered. Mayor Dietz added "provided all of the f~nds c~ae out of the 1941-02 money". Mr. Warren said that would involve an additional $500.00 for extra employees. Mr. Avery-moved that the necessary funds be encumbered to take care of this lot clearing, program through the month of October, in- cluding the $4,§00.00 for the tractor, and the $500.00 for extra employees. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren. It was ~uestione~ as to what reaction there might be from the local landscape con, hies and At was stated that this would be brought out in the cltyManager's study and recommendation at the end of O~tober. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 6.1. Concerning proposed drainage and clean-up of Property located on the South side of N. E. 4thStreet0 from 3rd Avenue Eastward to the F.E.C'. Railroad tracks, it was reported that this is in refer- ence to the area known as Max'Auto Parts and Wrecking Yard and de- scribed as Lots 18 thru 28, Block 89. That the drains in this location are on the North side of 4th Street and that City~Engineer Flemi/~g and City~anag~rHolland, in studying this area and need for drainage relief0 have determined that excess water should be funneled lnto~the catch basin on 3rd Avenue, eliminating any possible addi- tional catchbasin at this location, by running a pipe under the street to sa~d mash'die tocated, on.-~rd Avenue, andCouncil approval for such lmproveme~ by city forces is requested. Mr. Avery asked i.f there was money, available for this improve- ment an~ when he was assured that there was,. moved that the Council authorize this recommended improvement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Warren and carried unanimously~ 6.m.'Regarding request for appropriation~transfers, the C~ty Clerk read'the following memorandum from Finance Director T. E. Weber, dated Septemb~r'.t~, "To eliminate overages in various ac~unt~, request is made for the City Council to make the following?appropriations transfers et~-its meetin~ of Soptemb~r 24~th.,.1962. "From: Street Lighting, Electric Current. $185..00 To: -.~ City~Counci~, Printing $18~.00 "From': -Playgrounds'& ~layfields, Fertilize~100.O0~ 100 Ft. Beach, Water Service $70.00 and ~ele~one $?0.00 To: Counsel and Legal~ Expert &.Consultant Services $150.00~ Postage $5.00, Travel Expense $60.00, Publications $25.00 "From: Contingent Accoun. t $1,510.00 To: Jail, ~arding of Prisoners "From: 100 Ft. Beach, Electric current $42.00 To: Christmas~onus, Contributions $~2J00 "From: Street Lighting, Electric Current $675.00~ Playgrounds and Pl&yfiel~s, water Service $!50.00, Electric Current $400.00; Ac=ou~ting & Internal Control, Clerical Salaries $1,100,00, Fin%ace Director Salary, $500.00 To: Cemetery, Ex~ert & Cons~ult!ng Services $615.00, Construction Material,_$250.00= Water Service $1,960.00. 9-2~-62 257 September 2~, 1962 "~rom: Communications Systems, Repairs ~600,00~. Hospita.liz- ation and:Life Insurance $650.00; 100 Ft. Beach, Repairs-Grounds-S200.00; Playgrounds & Playfields,~ Grass Seed $100.00 To: Taxes, Social Security $1,550.00 "From; Tennis Courts, Travel.Expense $45.00; Repairs-Grounds $100;00~ Wearing Apparel ~50.00:; Chemical Supplies $50.00; construction Material $.50.00= Insurance, General Liability $2,400.00; Fire $800.00 TO: City Hall, water Service $760.00; Electric Current $2,735.00 "Reference is made to appropriation transfer request dated September 19, 1962. As a result of the City Attorneys trip to Tallahassee in regards to the beach, an additional trans- fer is requested as follows "From: Treasury, Office Supplies $125.00 To: Couneel and Legal, Travel expenses $125.00 "Should theCity Council approve purchase to-night Of an additional tractor to be used in the lot clearing program, they should also approve transfer of funds to co.,er its purchase as follows: "From: S~reet Lighting, E~ec~ric Current. S1,000.00 Continge~t.Account $3~,5D0..'00 To: Pa~ks', Parkways&.Str~et'Trees, Automotive Equipment $4~500.00" Mr. Woodard stated that he believed there needed to be an aOditionaX amount for~the salaries ofthe ln~lviduals that will be involved in'the lot clearing program for~the next few weeks, in the amount of $500.00. Mr. Avery.movedthat transfers be authorize0 as.requested. ~The motion wasseconded by Mr. Talbot andr. Carried unanimouslY. It.was make known that the Contingency Fund referred to is for.the-fiscal year o~ ~961-62. 6.n. It was reported that the City~anager and City Attorney had completed final settlement with-Dargel Construction Company for termi- nation of its Sewage Works Project ~ontract, Job No. 5964-8, for the sum of $1,000.00 Mr. woodard moved that Construction Company for the sum of $1,000.~-for'~Ob No. 596518~'~the motion being seconded by Mr, Warren. After being la~ormed, that~t~e Council had taken action to terminate, this contract, the motion and second were withdrawn. Mayor Dietz explained that the City had termjLnated three con- tracts on the Sewage wo~{s Project for a total of $~,050.00 and in doing so had saved a considerable amount of money ~or thec.£tyin the proposed sewage works proJewt, an~ thanked.the City Manager and City Attorney for settling these contracts. 6.0. Concerning membershi~ o~ the Plan"ing/zoningB0ard it was re- ported that .the terms of office on said Board of Mr. L. Stuart Lankton and Mr. Richard T. Jebb expire on September 28th, 1962, and that the remaining Boardmembers. recommend the rea~pointment of. Messrs. Jebb and Lankton for a five year term. It was moved by..Mr. Talbot that said recommendation be accepted, with commendation, ~he motion, being, seconded by. Mr~ Avery and.unani- mously carried, . . . .. · , . 7.a. The City Clerk read the ~ollowing letter received from Mrs. Helen L-S. ~oit, dated September 10th, 1962. -7, 9-24-62 SeDtembe~ 2~, "The following proposition would reduce the expenses of the Recreation Department considerably and, I believe, would make it POssible to realise the latent tennis court potential, all for the advancement a~d betterment of our community. "I propose to lease the tennis courts for a period of two years on the following basis: a. The city will turnthe courts over to me in,A-1 condition on an'agreed date -,, or~w£11 authorize · e to obtain ~ estimates on this work for their approval. b. In return, I :shall. assume full responsibility for the administration, operation and mai~tenance of said courts and will pay the City 10~ of any and all profits, above .and beyond expenses and exclusive of fees received for lessons given or for personal ~nstruction. I promise to maintain the courts in as. good or better condition than they have been maintained in, on a year round basis. "In no'way does this proposal come under Civil Service, rather it is a sound business proposition and in the interest of our community, its taxpayers and businessmen. "I trust that'.you and'each member of the Council will seriously consider this new proposal." City Manager Holland explained that the tennis courts are in the process of being rebuilt and that the City has made commitments for the coming year ~-two tennis professionals, the first one being on the ]ob now and the second one will be here on the lSth of November. FUrther, that'the program has bemn~ set up through, the Recreational Advisory Board and t~e-Special Tenn&s Committee, and a tournament p~a~e~~ for ~h'~ 2$th'of October at which time they hope to. have the courtS, ready~ for Use~d,,~ at,'the present ti~e, there, ks.no way to accept a propo~ltio~ Mr. WoOdard~mo~ed~.'to ~e~t ,, the reco~mendationuf the City Manager, the motion being seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried. 7.b. The~Ci't~ cle.rk',, =ea~'~a'.le~er from Attorney J. W. Nowlin, re- presentin9 Samuel JJ & Nad~me~R~ .~'obee, re~uesting abandonment., of a. 10' easement across the west end of Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block A, Pineridge He~ghtS~-an~,9~e~ ~at whlle~'~t~;is true that there ks no curren~ kn~w~l~ge ~ o~ '~ ~hl~ 'Mr, ~ .said'.'t'~h%% he felt~'-the=e should, be personal ~nvesti- gation of this ~matter an~ moved that this be tabled until ~e Council- men can investigate ~h~s/,a~d conSUlt~ with the' C'ity Attorney for his reCommendatiOn, .a~d~-;it~ be ~laced on:. the' agenda fo= the next meeting. The mOtiOn was M:r ations to make at 'this time. city A~ney~ A~ams sa'~d that the city usually reserves such easements, but in exceptional cases it could merit abandonment, further, that i.,~ w~ not a ~d .on the ~tle but it wo~ld::P~event*butld~ng on th~ port~on,of properay, covered by the Upon,:U&l~l 0~ roll, 'the motion u~=rl'ed tun&~m~usly. 7 .c. T~e~ ~uncil~ was informed .that' the, Pl'ertda 'I~l&nd. Navigation Dts~.lCt re,/meets an, easemen~ ~.,~raat' ever ~orti~ns of Evergreen, Fern, Mulberry and Nafa Drives in TrOpic Isle Subdivision for disposal of dredged material resultin~ from the widening and deepening of the IntracoastalYWaterway, which 'mh~Ukd hapPen[~early in, 1965'~and~ that 259 September 2~, 1962 it is recommended that this "temporary spoil disposal easement" be made ~ossible by authorizing execution of the easement grant instru- me~s prepared by the Florida Inland Navigation District. It was .f~ther reported that these streets and the lots' abutting thereon could possibly be raised two and a half feet. Mr. Talbot moved that the easement be granted the Florida Inland 'Navigation District as'requested, the motion being seconded by Mr. Woodard. It was questioned as to Mr. Mellon's benefit or interest in this easement grant, and it was made known that the fill would benefit the developer of the property but that the. easement was requested by F.I. N.D. Upon call of roll, the motion carried unanimously. 7.d. The City Clerk ~nformed the council that a petition had been received for extension of water service to a tract of land fronting on the West-sideof AIA and. lying 200" SOuth of the present/city limits. On this p~r~y will be constructed a 14 unit co-op building, and it is recon~ended that such extension of water service, as petitioned, be granted subject to annexation of this property being reflected in an ordinance presentedto the Council for first reading two weeks from tonight? Further that the City Engineer advises that a. 6" main lies on the Easterly side of AIA directly across the road from this peti- tioner's property and therefore no main extension is necessary to furnish water to said property. Also that pressure tests indicate that there is a surp'lus of water at. this location suffiqient to serve this property.. Mr. Aver~moved that the petition for water service be granted upon t he-condition that an agreement.b~ executed that-this p~operty be annexed ifa~d~when it becomes contiguous. City Attorney Adams stated that the property was contiguous at this time. It was pointed out that the motion did not con£orm to the re- c~m~endat~ons~ that' the City Clerk had. stated, that the water service b~-granted sUbject to the annexation of ~hi~ property ,being reflected in.an Ordinance .presented to the Council for first reading at the' next meeting. Mr.. Avery accepted the correction to his motion. -The motion was second~d.~byMr~ Talbot and carried unanimously. 7.e. The City Clerk explainedthe request for easemen~ grants for certain s~reets in connection with the extension of the C-15 Canal as follows: "A. The Central and Southern Florida Flood COntrol District requests a temporary easemen~ over a portion of Span~s~'Trail in Tropic Isle Subdivision for the purpose of laying and operating dredging pipe iines and other operations incidental thereto. Such temporary easement, if granted, shall terminate no later than August "B. Said Flood Control District further requests a perpetual license to us~-& port,on Of Brant Drive in Tropic Palms Subdivision for the purpose of constructio~ and maintenance of Canal C-15. "Inasmuch as the city does not own the fee title to any public right of way, being vested only with easements thereto for public street purposes, Council approval is requested for Resolution No. 1416, which provides the Control District with a perpetual permit to use that portion of Brant Drive, as shown on plat of Tropic Palms Subdi- vision, as recorde~ i~ Plat'BOOk 25, Page 1010 p~blic records of Palm Beach county a~d-lylng within the South I00~ of~Section 29-46-43. For purposes h~r~nabove stated, such license perm/t shall be given, sub- ]ec= to CounCil adoption of said ResOlution'No. 14~6~ upon the con- ditions, and with the express understanding that ~heuse thereof shall not in anywise impede or interfere 'with the public u~ of said street and further, shall provide reversion~ry rights. -9- 9-24-62 Septembe~ 2~, 1962 "C. Also re~t ~ Florida Flood Control District for re- lease, by'the city, of any interest to Perdido Canal, located in the southern portion of '~ropic Isle S~i~ision, to fur~er proviSe Eot const~ction an~ ~lntenance of Canal C-15 (~teral 38 Extension) an~ Co~cil authorization for execution of a Quitclaim Dee~, releasing to said Flo~ Control District any r~ght,.'~le or interest which the city may have in an~ to saiO PerdiOo Canal am sh~ an~ ~e~icate~ on Plat of 4th Section of Tropic Isle, as recorded in p$1ic records of Palm Beach Co~y ~er Plat' BoO~ 25, Pages 69 an~ 70. "~ese lnstru~nts have bee~ revi~e~ by the City Attorney who approves of ~eir ~ecution." It was rego~e~ that this Canal was nee~e~ for ~rainage 0f the entire Southwest se~ion of ~lray Beach. Mr. Taler mov$~ ~at the re,est for these various easemen=s b~' grante~ ~o the Florida F~o~ control Distriu~ and for a~option of ~SOLUTION NO. 1416, the motion ~ng seuon~e~ by Mr. Woo~ar~ an~ unanimously carrie~ .. (CO~ of R~so~ution No. 1416 is attache~ te an~ ~e a par~ of the official copy of these' ~utes.) S%e~ge 26~ 8.a. city Cler~ read RESOL~ION NO. 1413. A~ ~LUTION OF ~E CI~ CO--IL OF T~ CITY OF DEL~B~CH, F~IDA, REQUIRING P~S, SPECIFICATIONS ~D EST~ OF ~OST TO G~E ~D PA~ '~T PART OF NOR~EST N~. A~ LYE~' ~E~EEN NO--EST SECOND ~D THIRD ST~ETS~ A~O ~-~RUCT 'SID~ ON T~ ~T ~D ~ST S~DES OF T~ VART OF NORT~ST NINTH A~ HE~I~O~ DESCRIBED. ~R~S, ~ ~ty Co~ o~ ~e c~.ty o~ Delray Beach, Florida .ma~ ~dm~t~ tO"be aecessa~ .for the safety, welfare and c~enience o~.~h~ ~lC to g~ade and ~ve ~at part of Northwest Ninth A~enue ~yi~g be~ Sec~d and ~rd Streets to a ~dth of twenty ~our~ (24) feetl also to C-~S~truc~ s~dewa&ks, five (5} feet in wtd~, on the East and West sides of that part of Northwest Ninth Avenue herein- $ove,,desczib~, the City of Del,~ay Beach, Palm Beach C~ty, Florida, to sh~re ~n ~e ~s~ af s.~h ~rove~nt w~h ~e ~er~ of lands abutting thereon; N~, ,'~E~.~. BE_ IT ~SO~VED by the City Couacil of the City of,,~lray ~aeh,:~ ~PaZm.~Beauh cowry, F~or~da as foll~s: SECTION 1, l~at~-~e ~ty ~anage~ be red,red =o s~mit p~ns, sgec!f~eations and~. esters mf the .~ost of suuh improve~nt to be ~de, and ~hat the sa~ shall be placed on file in-the office of the City ~nager. ~$E.D ,~D.~B~by ~he C~t~'=o~o~ ~$f~ City of Delray Beach, ~q$~da on thl~s~,~e 2~h day of~t~r, 1962. Re~l~t,!on No. t~!3 w~ ~~m~l~. paseed and adogted on ~tion b~ ~. W~rren a~d s~onded 8.b. ~he Cit~Clerk re~ ~SO~VI~ NO, A ~SQ~TION ~OF TH~ ~ITY C~CXL OF ~E ~CI~ OF LYING' BE~EN- NOa~ST .SECOND* ~ ~I~ S~ETS = A~O ~E C~STa~TI~ OF SID~A~S ON ~ ~ST ~D -- -10- 9-24-62 26i September 2~, 1962 (COpy of Resolution No. 1414 is attached to and made a part of the officia'l copy o£ these minutes. } See pages 264B & 2640 Resolution No. 1414 was unanimously passed and adopted on-motion by ~r. Warren and seconded by Mr. Talbot. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing read RESOLUTION NO. 1415. A RESO,'.~F~ION OW THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF DELRAY 8EACH, Fr,ORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY= SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATF2~ENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATF24ENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A f.IEN UPON SAID PROPER~Y IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (Copy. of Resolution NO. 1415 is attached to and made a part of the official copy of these minutes.) Seed p~ges 264D 264E Resolution No. 1415 was unanimously adopted on motion bY Mr. Warre, n and seconded by Mr. ,Talbot. 8.d. The City Clerk read ORDINANCE NO. G-460. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY .BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF DELRAY SEACH :CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED. IN SECTIONS 20 and 21, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, WHICH LANDS ARE CONTIGUOUS TO EXISTING MUNICIPAL LIi4ITS OF SAID CITY;. REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY TO INCI~UDE SAID LANDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF SAID LANDS; AND PRO- rIDING FOR THE ZONING REOF. Ordinance NO. G-460 was unanimously placed on first reading on motion by ~r. Avery and seconded by Mr. woodard. 8.e. The City,. Clerk read ORDINANCE NO. G-461. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BKACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESS~4ENT ROLL SUBMITTED BY THE CITY ~/~AGER OF SAID CITY CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINS FOR THE AREA KNOWN AS THE N. E. 22ND STREET AND SEACREST . BOULEVARD DRAINAGE PROJECT, TOGETHER WITH INSTALLATION OF CATCH BASINS, MAN-HOLES AND APPURTENANCES. IN CON- JUNCTION WITH SUCH STOP~4 DRAINS. On motion by Mr. Woodard and seconded by Mr. Avery, Ordinance Nd.G-461 was unanimously placed on first reading. 8.f. City Clerk Worthi~g read ORDINANCE NO. G-462. A~ ORDINANCE OF T~E CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOWN BY THE ASSESSMENT ROr,L SUB~4ITTED BY THE CITY MANAGER OF SAID CITY, CONCERNING THE OPENING, GRADING AND PA~ING OF THE SOUTH 476 FEET OF THE NORTH SOUTH ALLEY IN BLOCK ?S, TO A WIDTH OF SIXTEEN FEET, SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND FORMING A PART On motion by, Mr. Avery..and seconded by Mr. TaLbot, Ordinance No. G-46~- ~as unanimously placed on first reading.. -11- 9-24-82 September 24, 1962 9.a. It was reported that at a previous Council meeting, letters from the Kiwanis Club and also ~he Chamber of Commerce concerning health problems within the area were read and Council instructed · the City Manager to s'~udy the possible need for renewing the mosquito spraying. City Manager Holland reported that it had been decided after Council instruction, to see if the weeds could be eliminated first and then spray, otherwise, it would be a waste of money. Further, that he had made inspection in di£ferent areas in the city and found no mosquito complaints, and actually didn't find any mosquitoes. 9.b. The City Clerk read the following Planning Board report dated September 13, 1962: "Please be advised that the request of Lawrence J. Plym for a permissive use, as is more particularly described in letter from John Moore, Attorney, to the City Council, such-letter being dated JUly 10, 1962, was considered by the Cit~ Planning Board at a specially called meeting of-such Board' on'September 13, 1962. "It was the 'unanimous recommendation of the five members present that such petition for permissive use, as more particularly shown by artist's sketch prepared by Ricklefs, and site plan designated as petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, be granted for the following scribed property:- "Lot 6, Blo~l¢ "M", replat of.Blocks "L", "M" an~ "N", John B. Re~d'sVlllage,-accOrding to the plat thereof on~f~le in the office of the Cle=k Of the Circuit COurt in and for Palm Beach County, Florida° r~c0rded in Pla~ Book 23 at '~age 137, and "A striP%~f land lying West o~ the 'aforesaid LOt 6, Block "M", and East of the Easterly rtght-of-wayline of the Intracoastal Waterway, be~een the WeSterly extension of the North and South lines of said Lot 6." Mr. Warren moved that the request of Lawrence J. Plym for a permissive use, as more particularly shown by the site plan desig- nated as petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, ~ated September 13, 1962, signed by John Moore, his attorney, be granted as recommended by the Planning Board, on Septe~berl3, 1962., provided, however, that prior to any construCt!lOn, final plans therefor shall be submitted to the City C~uncil in detail for Council approval ~ollowing public hearing thereon, and furthermore, that unless said pl&~s are submitted to the Council within eighteen months from today this permissive use shall be ~Ull and void. The motion wes seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously. 10. Mr. Avery stated that inasmuch as the City membership of the Florida League of Municipalities ks very valuable to the Citizens of Delray Beach, he would move that the City underwrite any of the repis- tration fees required for any City Commissioner or the City Manager who wish to attend the 36th Annual Convention of the Florida League of Municipalities to be held in Miami on October 21st, 22nd and 23rd. The motion was secondeO by Mr. Warren and upon call of roll, Mr. Avery, Mayor Dietz, Mr. Warrenand Mr. WoOdar~ voted in favor of the motion and' Mr. Talbot abs~ained from voting. 10. Concerning the proposal submitted to the Council by Cleansweep Corporation regarding equipment for-Cleaning the beach, Mr. Woodard said he felt that sufficient time had elapse~ and asked if the City Administration should be requested to correspond with said company in order to determine what the status of their proposal is. The Cl~y Manager reported that he had called them consistently'and gets -12- 9-24-62 263 September 24, 1962 no results, and that their instructions were to wait until the first of October.- Mr. Woodard again asked if there might be a letter sent and ask them specifically what the status of their, equipment ks and what the City can anticipate from them inasmuch as plans will have to be made, which the City Manager agreed to do. 10.a. The C~ty Clerk presented bills for approval as follows: General Fund $ 1'89,528.42 Water Fund - Operating Fund 23,105.99 Special Assessment Fund 1,418.92 Refundable DepOSitS Fund 3,098.10 Beach Disaster & Improvement Fund 5,000.00 Beautification Fund 1,000.00 Improvement Fund 30,128.67 It was moved by Mr. Woodard and seconded by ~4r. Warren that said bills be paid., Upon Call of roll, Mayor Dietz,'Mr. Talbot, Mr. Warren and Mr. WoOdard voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Avery abStainedfrom voting. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. by order of Mayor Dietz. R...D~ WORTHING ...... City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -13- 9-24-62 264. RESOr.UTION NO. 1414. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~OUNC~n OF THE CITY OF DE~RAY BKACH, F~ORIDA, ORDERING THE GRADING AND PAVING OF THAT PART OF NORTHWEST NINTH AVENUE LYING ~ETWEEN NORTHWEST SECOND AND THIRD STREETS~ ALSO THE CONSTRUCTTON OF SIDEWALKS ON 'ZTZE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF T~AT PART OF NORTH- WEST NINTH AVENUE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED. WHERFd%S, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, FlOrida, did, on the 24th day of September, 19~2, adopt Resolution ~Q~ 1413 ordering the City Manager to prepare plans and specifica- ~ions, together with estimate of cost of grading and paving of that ~t of Northwest Ninth Avenue lying between Northwest Second and ~%rd Streets to a width of twenty four (24) feet; also for the ~struction of sidewalks, five (5) feet in width, on the East and West sides Of that. part of Northwest Ninth Avenue hereinabove de- scribed, and requiring said plans, specifications and estimate of cost of such improvement to be placed on file in the office of the City Manager, and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be necessary for the safety, welfare and convenience of the public to grade and pave said street; also to construct said sidewalks, NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that it is determined to make the fol- lowing described improvement, to-vl~: £o grade and-pave that part of NorthweSt Ninth Avenue l~lng between NorthweSt Second and Third Streets to a width of twenty four (24) feet; also to construct sidewalks, five (5) feet in width, on the East and West sides of that part of.Northw~S~ Ninth Avenue hereinabove described, the total cost, as estimated, for Such ~mprovement-~eing $~,600.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha~ the entire cost of such ~rovement Shall be shared by the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and t~e following described .properties i~'Delray Bea=h, Palm Beach Coun- ty, Florida, on s basis of the City of Delray'Beach paying ~ per cent Of the cost of'said improvement and the abutting prop- ertyowners, Said properties shown below, ~aying ~dn~((~)) per cent of e~id t6tal cost, by special assessment. ,su~v~s~o~ ' ~LOCK LOT Tourist NOok A 17, 18 & 19. " " '' " 20 & ' 22 & 23. ...... 24, 25 & 26. 28. " " " 29. · * 30~' " " " 3'1, " " ;" .... ~ · 32 '. SUBDIViSiON ~LOCK LOT TOUriSt NOOk B 1. ' " " 2 & 3. ' " " 5 & ~. ...... lQ. " " " 11. " " " 12. ..... 13. ...... 14, 15 & 1~. sa~ benef£=s to be determined an~ p=o=ated according to the' fro.t ~oot&ge of the respective properties as set ~orth ~L~e4~Lately above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said special assessments against all the parcels of lands as set forth' above which are specially benefited, shall be and remain liens superior in dignity to all other liens, except liens for taxes, until paid, from the date of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land assessed, and which shall hear interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum, and which may be paid in three (3) e~lal yearly in- stallments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Payment shall be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid, namely the office of the City Tax Collector, and upon failure of any property owner to pay the annual installment due, or any annual interest .upon deferred payments, the City of Delray Beach may bring necessary legal proceedings by a Bill in Chancery to enforce payment thereof with all accured interest, to- gether with all legal costs incurred, including a reasonable attor- ney's fee. The total amount, of any Ilen may be paid in full at any t~me with interest from the date of assessment. BE IT ORDERED that the City Council shall sit at the City Hall in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at 8:00 P.M., on the 8th day of October, 1962, 'for the purpose :of hearing objections, if any, on said proposed improvement, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 24th day of september, 19~2. .... MAYOR- ATTEST. City clerk RES0~.UTIO~ N0. A RE~OLUTION OF THE C~TY COUNCIL OF T~ CI~ O~ DEL~Y B~CH, F~RI~, AS~S~G C0~TS FOR A~TIN~ ~SANC~ ~N CE~AIN ~S LOCA~ ~IN SA~ CITY~ S~TING 0~ ACTUAL COSTS INO~ BY SA~ CI~ T0 ACCO~LISH S~H A~TE~ A~ ~ING ~E C~T 0F SUCH A~TE~ OF 3A~ NU~ANC~, A~ DE0~RIN~ ~ ~ TO ~ ~A ~ ~N SA~ P~0~R~ IN AN AM0~ A8 8HO~ ~ ~PO~ OP T~ 0ITY ~GER OF DE~Y ~OH, F~RIDA, ~AS, .the City Co.oil of %he City .~ DelP~y Beach.~did~ in and/~ regular session held On ~May ~, June 25 July .9,~1962_ _declaPe t~ existence of a nui- s~ce upon certain lots om parcels of l~d, desomibed in a list sub- mitted to ~them, for violation of ~e provisions of 0Pdin~ce ~S, pursuit to such decimation, the City Clerk of sa~id City did f~nish each of the respective o~e~s of the lands described in said list with a no,ice descmibing ~e ~t~e of ~e nuis~ce that they ~st abate said nuis~oe wi~ ~irty (30) days., failing_ in which the City 0ouncil would have it d~ne, ~d the cost would be levied as an assessment aga~st said pmoperty; ~d ~S, the o~ers herei~teP n~ed did fail ~d neglect to abate the nuisance e~s~ing upon thei~ respective l~ds within the t~e prescPIbed in said notice ~d' OPdi~ce G-~7, ~d. the City of DelPay Beach was ~equi~ed to and did enteP upon the following l~ds and incu~ costs in abati~ ~e hUla.ce e~Sting ~ePeOn' as deScPibed in'the ~o~said list; · ~d ~S, ~e City M~a~er of the Ci~ of Delray Beach, has, p~- suant to said 0~dina~e G-~7 ~d t~ City Ch~teP su~tted 'to the City CoUnCil a ~epoPt of t~ costs inc~ed in abati~ ~e nu~ce as afoPesald, said PepoPt indloati~ ~e costs per paPcel of. land inv o1~ ed, NOW, T~O~, ~ IT ~OL~ ~ THE CI~ CO.OIL ~ T~ OF DE~Y ~OH, F~R~A, AS ~0~ 1. That assess~nts In ~ individual ~o~$s as sh~ by repoPt of ~e Oity ~ge~ of ~e City of Delray Beach, involvi~ the City~s cost ~f abatin~ ~he aforesaid nuis~es upon ~e lots hereto ~d made a p~t he~eof, ~e levied aga~st the p~els of land described on said report ~d in ~e ~o~ts indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective lots and pa~oels of land described In said report, of ~e natume and to the s~ extent as the lien fo~ genemal city t~es and shall be collectible In ~ s~e ~er ~d with the s~e penalties and ~der ~e s~e provisions as to sale ~d forecloses as city taxes ~e collectible. 2. ~at the Ci~ Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible afte~ the effective date, ~ecord a certified c~y of this mesolution In the office of the C~rk of the Ci~uit Court in ~d fora Palm Beach Cowry, Florida, ~d shall f~ish to each of the owners n~ed in ~d upon said report a notice that the Ci~ Council of the Ci~ of Delray Beach, did, on ~ Ma~ ~.. June 25 & July 9~ 1962 order ~e abatement of a c$~taXn'~ul~c% e~st~' on~the~' descrk~ed property ~d property o~ ~ving failed to abate such nuisance, within ~e 30 day period, w~reupon it was abate~' by ~e City. at costs sho~ in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligati~s upon the propemty against w~ch said assessments are levied. This resolution shall be~o~ effective 30 days f~om the date of adoption, ~d the assessments contained herein shall become due ~d payable ~imty days ~ter ~e ~ili~ date of the notice of said assessment, ~tem which ~terest shall accrue at the ~ate of 6% pe~ a~ on ~2 ~paid portion thereof. PA~ A~ ADO~ in" re~l~ sessi~' on the ~th d~ of COSTi ~ ABATING ~N~ES UNDER ORDINANOE NO. PROPERTY DES~R~TION OWNER May ~,. 1962 W 125' of N 160' of S~ of Lo~ 5, less W Section 8-~6-~3 Hazel A. S~ewar~ $ a5.00 E~0' of w"aaS'-'of'N't60~ of SW% of Lo~ 5, Section 8'46e43~ ~ily EdgecOmb 17.00 E 50~ of W 400~ ef S 160~ of S~% of Lot ~, J.G. & Hattie Section 8~46-43 ~ ~ 20.00 E 100' of W 350' of S 13~~ Section 8-46 43' ~aee ~s 40.00 w 50, of S ~35' o~ S~ ~ Lot 5, Section 8-46-~$ $$~;, ~'-~e~1Ine Falrm~ 13.00 J~e 25, 1962 ~ist Lots 11 th~u 20, Bellehaven Unit "~ K~ ~, $~. 95.00 July 9~ 1962 list' Seagate "Af' EUa:nita H. Briese F~agle~ 10.15 Lot 4, B~. ~, ~egate "A" Luc7 MacLeod~ He~- 5. ~8 S ~.7' of ~o% ~3, ~ts ~, A~. H. & Borghlld 15, & 16', BI~i ~3 M. H~gesen 10.15 Lot 17, Block 63 .Adelheid Sc~idt 5.58 Lots ~ & 15, Block~63 'Ha~ry A. &.Genevle~e T. ~ ~aylo~ 10.15 Lot 13,' Btock:63 Re~er~ C~ & I~ Ea~od 5.58 Lot 19, Block 55 ~Ale~ ~aylo~ '~ 5.58 Noon'Vacant ~t of W 0f S 200~ of ~B~k 56 Paul A. & Rozi%la Oarlin 5.58 Lots 1 & '2, Biock~.6l Joa~a U. & Havelock Eubbard & ~y~K. ~&:Ke~eth M~ray 10.15 Lots 1 a 6, Bl~k..~!, C. E~wtn..B~e~.~& L. B. Colonial HeightS & Ve~a Cupps 10.15 Lots 2, 3~ 4 & ~ Blk. I & Lots 5 &'6,: Blk. Z, Colonial HeiSts HaP4~ive's of De'l~ay Inc. 19.31 Lots t · 2, Blk. 2, Colonial Hel~ts C.. Edwin 'B~em 10.15 Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 2, Colonial HeiSts L.B. & Vema Lee Cupps 10.15 Lots 5 t~"9,"B~. 3, D;~ ~¥B.' ~olea~e Builders Colonial Heights Su~ly Co~a~ ~9.31