10-25-62SpMtg 289
A special meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M.,
with Mayor Walter Dietz in the Chair, City Manager Robert j. Holland,
City Attorney John Ross Adams and Councilmen A1 C. Avery, George
Talbot, Jr., and Oliver w. Woodard, Jr., being present.
Mayor Dietz called the meeting to order stating that same had
been called pursuant to Section 20 of the City of Delray Beach
Charter, for the purpose of considering the Civil Defense Program
for the C£ty of Delray Beach, and for any other business that may
come before the Council.
An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk Worthtng.
Mayor Dietz reported that he had been in West Palm Beach at the
headquarters of the Civil Defense Director this week along with Fire
Chief Gregory and Police Chief Croft, and that he had been given an
outline of an organization that they would be satisfied with. M~For
Dtetz explained that Civil Defense is really Civilian Survival and
has no connection with the military, and quoted the following from
a newspaper article of a statement made by the Civil Defense Director
Col. Ellis Altman. "I would rather be in Florida than any place in
the United States in a nucle&r attack, the Col. said Wednesday at a
meeting of Municipal Civil'Defense Officials. His reasons~ there are
no prime nuclear attack targets in Florida. Enemy miseles would be
aimed at ~enselypopulated and heavy industry areas and the prevailing
wind currents in the State are south to southeast, which means that
nuclear fallout would endanger Cuba, the cause of eminent U. S. --
Soviet crisis." Further that they are not anticipating a nuclear
attack, but the County must be ready~ that the home is the best
place to be in Florida and arrangements have been made w~th the
County for evacuation of children from school in the same manner that
they get to s'chool. That Civil Defense is really Government during
an emergency, and more particularly a Government which the United
States Government would recognize, as they wouldn't recognize the
present local government in an emergency, and that a man of adminis-
trative ability was preferred as a 1ocs1 director.
Mayor Dietz presented the following memorandum concerning Civil
Defense Organization, and a chart g~ving the names that he proposes
as Deputy D~rectors0 and explained'how this program would be carried
"Given to me by Major ~ullerton at the direction of Colonel
Altman by telephone Thursday October 25, 1962, at 4:40 P.M.
"C. D. D~rector shoUld be a man of good administrator not
necessary a military man. Use regular city employees if
"Six Deputy Directors Proposed.
1. Communications Oliver W. Woodard, Jr.
2. Ptmblic safety. Robert j. Holland
3. Social services James Johnston
4. Logistical Robert J. Holland
5. Resources management Ralph Hughson
6. Administrat~ve Thomas Weber
"Some of the responsibilities of each of the above: 1. POlice frequencies, Sheriff f~equencies, amateures, etc.
2. Police, fire, rescue, radiological, warningpubltc.
3. Medical, food, welfare, religious, mortuary.
4. Transportation, Suppiy, engineering.
· 29O
October 25, 1962
5. To have available or request purchaa, e or commandeer for
civilian use anything required for the common good.
6. Fiscal (script), records, registrations,, manpower,
training, and education.
"It was felt that if we organized along the above lines our
community would be well in line with national .Florida policy."
It was reported that there is no ALERT and that this program
will only be used if there is an ALERT, and that in. the absence of
a~ appointment of_ a local Civil Defense Director ~hat .the Mayor is
the Director.
Following discussion, Mr. Avery moved that this Council, as
the properly legalized body approving. ~ivil Defense, approve the
suggestions as made bY:the Mayor, the motion being seconded by Mr.
Mayo= Dietz asked if it would be pr~oper to direct him to
proceed and submit this program with the names of the Directors and
personnel to Col. Altman for approval, and then it would be .brought
back to the next Council meeting for action. The motion and second
were then Withdrawn.
There was lengthy ~discussion concern'lng temporary approval
of this ,proposed plan until Such time as further legislation would
be forthcoming, and rescinding of Resolution.No. 1349, passed
September 2S, 1961 which adopted, an Operational Survival Plan.
The~e ~.8 ~.is0.-discussion regarding Resolution No. 1348
concerning 'des~gnatiOn of add£tional 0fficials t° serve for the ...
duly elected.or appointed officials of the City of Delray Beach
when Such ~ected or .aPpOinted officials ~are unavailable.
.It .~Was ~ade~.known that the plans and 'procedures set up in
Reso!~ti0ns. · .i.~48 and No. '134~ Were incomplete in that appoint-
ment~s set up. same ~ad never been med~,
Mr. Talb~t'm~ved that 'Resolution No. 1349 be rescinded, The
motion was seconded by~ Mr. Woodard_ and carried unanimously.
and shall remain effective until such ~.t~me as further legislation
shall be~.for~thcoming..- The.motion was. 4s~ded ~yMr. T~lbot and
carried 'unanim0uSly.
Mr. Avery s~te.d that~in view of ~the fact that there is a
kitchen at the. comm~u~ity Ce~te= and recognizing the fact that when
it was originally planned, it was to serve as a multi-purpose0 in-
cluding a disaster situation, moved that the City Manager be in~
struc~ed to see that all of the kitchen equipment is hooked up, in-
cluding the ~xiliary power unit which exists at the city hall ~or
that purPos~hd was received from the Federal Government for that
purpose, and that at each regular Council meeting he will certify to
the Council that that equipment had been checked within 24 hours be-
fore the meeting of tha9 council and found to be in working order.
The motion was seconded'by Mr. Woodard. City Manager Holland reported
that all of said equipme~t was in working order and Mr. Woodard then
withdrew his second.~o the motion. City Manager Holland.further re-
ported that the emergency power units were checked once each week to
see that they were in proper working'condition.
"-2- 10-25-62
October 25, 1962
Concernxng sale of' the kitchen equipment at the community
Center, Mr. Avery stated that he felt the Bethesda Hospital should
be notified that the City does not intend' to sell said equipment,
and moved that the subject of disposing of the kitchen equipment
be dropped. Following comments, Mr. Avery changed his motion, that
the subject of kitchen equipment be taken from the table and be
brought before the CounCil. The motion was seconded by Mr. Taibot
and carried unanimously.
Mr. Woodard then moved that said kitchen equipment be retained,
the motion being seconded by Mr. Avery and unanimously carried.
There was some general discussion concerning moving the Palm
Beach International Air.mort and a proposed jet airport in the Pompano,
Deerfield Beach area. Mr. Woodard reported that the Tri-County
MuniCipal League airport subject had been ~ompletely dropped at thi~
time. It was noted that there would be a straw vote on moving of the
Palm Beach International Airport on the forthcoming County election
Concerning the problem of removal of 'sand from an area in
Tropic Palms SUbdivision, Mr. Avery stated that Mr. Berger had a
contract to supply fill for an area in Hidden Valley and after a
meeting with the City Manager and other interested parties, Mr.
Berger, Mr. Berry, Mr. Snyder and Mr. Cleaves, that it is agreeable
for the trucks hauling this fill to use a road through the City Trash
Dump, and moved that the City Council give Tropic Buildere 'permission
to use the access across the City Dump to remove the fill from the
area in North Tropic Palms between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M.,
from Monday thru Priday. The motion was Seconded by Mr. woodard and
carried unanimouslY.
It was reported by the City Clerk that whereas Council Was
given to understand a month ago, that there were no Government F,mds
available for sharing the cost of 'CommUnication Equipment in connec?
tion 'with Civil DefenSe Operation, the sitUatiOn has changed and
matching funds are now available from the ~overnment for. approved
equipment and where warranted.
City Manager Holland reported that as a result of a surve'y
made this week it was found that Delray Beach has sufficient
emergency'equipment' in working condition, if it is n'ee~e~ under the
Civil Defense Program. ~ ~':
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.-, on motion by Mr. Woodard','
.. R.. D, W. ORTHING ....
City Clerk
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