12-07-62SpMtg DBCE~gR 7, 1962. A special meeting was held in the Council Chambers at 8~00 P.M., with Ma~or Walter DietZ in the Chair, City.Manager Robert 7, Holland, City Attorney. John RosS.Adams and Co~natlm~n A1 C. Avery and Oliver w. Woodard, Jr., being present. Mayor Dietz anhounced that Mr. Warren was absent on account of his wife being operated on at Duke Hospital today and that Mr. Talbot had a previous engagement that could not be broken. An opening prayer was delivered by City Clerk Worthing. City Clerk W°rthing reported that in compliance with Spction 155 of the City Charter, the result of the DeCember 4th election is submitted ~o Council, and in lieu* of any declaration of a contest by any of the candidates the'Council should declare the result of the Election as shown by the return submitted.by Clerk and l~spectors of said Election. FOR COUNCILMEN FOR TWO YEAR TERM. A1 C, Avery 1424 gmory J. Barrow 1198 Dugai G. Campbell 909 Hugh W. Vogl 881 STRAW VOTE Do you feel the City council should give further consideration to charge9 a fee for the use of our Public Beach? For Against 1265 Mr. Woodard moved that the results of the December 4th Election be approved, the mot£on being seconded by Mr.-Avery and unanimously carried. Mayor Dtetz commented on the high number of votes cast for Councilman Avery sponsoring are no doubt the things that the Communitywants, and that he will try to be mo~e cooperative in that respect. City Clerk Worthing read the following recommendation that had been presented for Council consideration. "1_=.Two p~trol cars assigned to the western section of the city on weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and Holidays. 2, T~o men to each patrol car on th~-two night shifts. AA. If regula~ officers are no, available to afford two men to a car, put special officers on paying status and Use them to double in patrol cars: B. Special officers be used to work fairs and carnivals held in the western section instead of off-duty police officers." Chief of Police R. C. Croft was called upon for his comments and he stated that he did not like to turn down additional men or equip- ment if he thought it was possible to get them but that he did not feel the western sector is large enough to warrant two patrol cars at this t/me. Chief Croft did recommend one additional colored patrolman and stated that it would take $3,272.00 for salary and equipment for this additional man for the remainder of this fiscal year and explained how this additional man could relieve the other colored patrolmen on their days off and that there would then be two men to work weekends, further that h e had already appointed three additional special colored police, and uniforms have been ordered for them. 12-7-62 ===================== - .o~ - ~ ' ' a~ea at ~.~eY ~ave ~one ~Tea · . for ~ , ca~e~ ( t62 · square 333 ~ecember 7, 1962 The City Clerk then read' the following memorandum from the Director of. public Works to.-City Manager Hol'land0 dated. De,Camber 6th. "Subject: Sidewalk at'Luthera~ ~hurch School. Attached is a letter from Mr..Albert L. Miller, Jr., in. re- gard to subject sidewalk, which I believe is self explanatory. "You will remember we requested that Mr. Miller obtain tWO bids for construction of the sidewalk, which was done, the lower of the two bids averaging 37¢ per square foot which is a very =easonable price. "As you know, Mr. Miller has been instructed to proceed with the construction of this sidewalk, with the engineeri~g 9ro- vided by city forces~ however the city's portion, 50% of 'the total, should be approved by Council~" Mr. Woodard moved that the City participate on a 50-50 basis with the Lutheran Church for the installation of their sidewalk at a cost of .37¢ per square foot, total cost $342.25, each-participating in the amount of $171.12, funds to come from the account set up for this purpoae~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimous- ly. City Manager Holland stated that he would like for the Council to institute a new policy in that no s~dewalks or driveways be permitted to be constructe~ without first consulting the Engineering Department and the Building InsPector for their approval and in that way the drainage problem can be better controlled. Mr. Avery moved that said recommended Policy be approved, the motion being seconded by Mr. woodard and carrie~ unanimously. City Clerk W-rthing stated that it is his understandin~ that certain agreements have been tentatively reached concerning the Post Office Block and then read ORDINANCE NO. ~-473. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELPJIY BEACH, FLORIDA, CONCERNING BLOCK 73, IN SAID CITY: AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND T~E CiTY CLERK ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, TO ENTER INTO A WRITTEN AGREE- MEN~~ WITH WXLLIAM R. NAGGART AND VIRGINIA L. HA~GART, HIS WIFE~ RESCINDING THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN WILLIAM R. HAC~ART AND SAID CITY STlq~ED, "AGREEMENT RESTRICTING USE OF- CERTAIN ~ANDS, ETC.," (WHICH AGREEMENT IS DATED JUNE 12, 1961, AND HAS BEEN RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 643, AT PAGE 609, PALM BEACH COUNTY, F~ORIDA, PUBLIC RECORDS) , RESCINDIN~ :THE WRITTEN AGREE- MENT WILLIAM R. HACd'~ART AND VIRGINIA L, HAG~ART, HIS WIPE, AND SAID CITY S?I~_~,D, "MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION WITH MR.'WILLIAM R. HAG~ART, BY PHONE, ET'CETERA," (WHICH AGREEMENT WAS EXECUTED BY WILLIAM R. HACk]ART AND VIRGINIA L. HAG~ART, HIS WIFE, AND IS DATED AUGUST 10, 1961) AND RESCINDING THE WRITTEN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN WI~.LIAM R. HACk]ART AND VIRGINIA L. HAGGART, HIS WIFE, STYLED, "AGREEMENT," (WHICH AGREEMENT WAS EXECUTED BY WILLIAM R. ~%C~ART AND VIRGINIA L. HAC~IART, HIS WIFE, AND IS DATED ' AUGUST 19, 1961) ALL OF WHICH AGREEMENTS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS ORDINANCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE: VACATING AND ABANDONING AN. EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF SUCH BLOCK. 73~ AU- THORI~.IN~ THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, TO ACCEPT AN EA.SEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER A PORTION OF SUCH BLOCK 73; ZONING A PORTION OF SUCH BLOCK 73 FOR PARKING USES ONLY; IMPOSING CERTAIN USE LIMITATIONS UPON ALL OF SUCH BLOCK 73; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. City Clerk worthing then read the following letter from Mr. William R. Haggart, dated December 7, 1962. -3- 12-7-62 December 7, 1962 "Re: Block 73, Delray Beach, Florida. It is my u~derstanding that you intend to sass an ordinance rescinding certain agreements concerning B10ck 73, Delray Beach, Florida and placing certain restrictions on said block. "AlthoUgh most of the following are expressly covered in the': proposed ordinance, I also wish to go, on record as the owner of the property, in giving you my assurance that I will agree to be bound as follows= "1. That the South 81 feet of the North 244.50 feet of the East half of Block 73 shall be maintained as a parking lot for patrons of the Post Office for the period of Post Office tenancy within the confines of Block 73~ provided, however that the owners of such pwoperty and persons under him shall have the right to make use of such property for temporary parking in common witch patrons of such Post Office. In the event.buildings other than the Post Office .are erected on said Block, each shai1~then be required to conform to the usual off street parking requirements of this City, and the space now provided shall not be considered in meeting this requirement. "2. That the ooncrete louver fence .as now,erected within the confines of Block 73 'shall be maintained by. the property owners an~ sh~! ~g~.be removed, varied, or altered-without the 'written consen~ of the City. "3. ~,.~,.~ ~.th 128.50 feet of the,Nort~ 143.50 ~eet of Block 73 shall be maintained as presently laid out and in use for ~@~ ,~iue ~s&ge .for the period of Post Office tenancy wit~h~,~onf~nes of Block 7-3. "4. That the,~ar~a occupied .by the Post Office, including the ~ub~.i~a,r~.~awea~..~hall be properly landscaped by'the owner. ~t~!~J~:~l:~t~40;*~ ~e~Z',~f.~.~',~.,18'4.20 feet'of the west ~t~~o~k?3-,~Or-~'p~i~&~g'~"~g~%'~s',to Northeast ~irst ~r~i a~d. wi~l ~e~t,~ ~' w~e'~ pOrtion of the concrete ~.~v~=..fenue to acc~p~i~h~s:~S~, ~s lat~er oonsent ~ ~en for.a~per~ s~W~ ~,=der to enable Tou to us~:~is ~rtion of ~e~p~e=~y ~ur~n~?'~at period~'prior to w~n ~he agreement c~ be finally exec, uted. If for some reason ~he ordinance ~s~not passed on second ~ading, I will, naturally, withdraw this ,consent at the te~ination o~said six ~eks. "= ~ust ~his ~rrangement will meet wi~ ~ur satisfaction." Fo!~owing discussion, ~d~na~e NO. ~473'~s ~animously placed on fi~rat~reading on motion bye. Avery and seconded by~.'.~odard. City Manager Holland asked for ~.un~i~ pe~ission to provide as many ~king spaces as pos~sible.on ~he~grass st=~p North of the Post Offi~a~ building and Sou~ o~ N. E, ~ S~e~ ~'~ being so moved by ~. Avery, ~e-motion was seconded by Mr..~odard and~carried unani- mously, ~. ~. Woodard asked that Councilman Elect ~ory ~, .~a=~ow b~ s~t the Agenda, minutes, and all o~er in~o~ation ~at the present council is now ~c~ivi~,. 12-7~62. 335 December 7, 1962 It was noted that the~Council had approved use of the building~ behind the City Hall by the County Welfare Department and that the Recreation Department had also been granted use of said building for some of their activitY, but the Welfare. people only want it on Monday and ThurBday afternoons which does not conflict with the use by the Recreation Department. Mr. John Sword of Breezy Ridge Estates stated that he h~d noticed at. different times a number of people congregated around the police car in the western section of town and did not think that was good practice, and also stated that there was a lot of debris and trash thrown from cars along the right-of~way in that area. The meeting adjourned at 9=00 P.M., on motion by Mr. Woodard. R. D. WORTHING City Clerk APPROVED: MAYOR -5- 12-7-62