Res 01-98 ORB 10E~;L'~ P§ 996 RESOLUTION NO. 1-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A FIFTEEN FOOT WIDE EAST/WEST ALLEY RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN BLOCK 1, KENMONT SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20 AT PAGE 65 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LOCATED DIRECTLY WEST OF N.E. 9TH AVENUE AND NORTH OF BOND WAY, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. WHEREAS, an application for abandonment of a fifteen foot (15') wide east/west alley right-of-way lying within Block 1, Kenmont Subdivision, located directly west of N.E. 9th Avenue and north of Bond Way, as more particularly described herein, was received by the City of Delray Beach; and WHEREAS, the application for abandonment of a portion of said alley right-of-way was processed pursuant to Section 2.4.6(0), "Abandonment of Rights-of-Way", of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Delray Beach; and WHEREAS, pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.6(O) (3) (d), the Planning and Zoning Board, as Local Planning Agency, formally reviewed this matter at a public hearing on November 17, 1997, and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the abandonment, based upon positive findings pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.6(0) (5); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, finds that its interest in the described property is no longer needed for the public good and deems it to be in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach to vacate and abandon said alley right-of-way, based upon positive findings pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.6(0) (5). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That pursuant to Chapter 177.101(5) and Chapter 166 of the Florida Statutes, it is hereby determined to vacate and abandon all right and interest it holds to the following real property: That portion of the 15 foot alley right-of-way lying north of and adjacent to Lot 18, Block 1, KENMONT, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 20 Page 65 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ORB 1~;:~14 Pg 997 Containing 0.15 acre, more or less. PASSED AND ~OPTED in regular session on this the 6th day of January, 1998. ATTEST: - 2 - Res. No. 1-98 ° ORB 10814 Pg g~E~8 N.E. 14TH ST. .~ ~ LAKE AVENUE S. DENERY LANE :Y BOND WAY WlTHERSPOON LANE McKEE LN. GEORGE BUSH BOULEVARD ,.~ ~ - ABANDONMENT- Oily OF OELRAY BEACH. FL (PORTION OF ALLEYWAY WITHIN BLOCK 1, KENMONT SUBDIVISION) PLANNING & ZONING OF'PARTMENT -- O/gIT, Al. ~,4~E MAP SY~JTEI~ -- ~ REF': LWIS$ ORB 10814 ,,~,~ ~. r- ~ .~NCHOR- J-POLE (UNIMPROVED) ~' r,,~c)b ~, (~ ,0.0' ~~0°¢I-~/. -I ~oo' " 0°~ LOT 17 z, LOT ~ BLOCK I ~ / BLOCK 1 ~-~ ~ ~ ~ .. ,~o.~. ~ ,/~. ~o,~ ~.~ 60.0' _ _L~_ aE. ~TH A VfNUE 20' CITY OF I]ELARY BEACH DELRAY BEACH ~ CITY CLERK ~oo ,.~. ~ ^~,~. ~,~^~ ~^o.. ~,o~,~^ ~. ~o~/~-,ooo AII-AmericaCity DOROTHY H, HZLKEH~ CLERK PB COUHTY~ FL 1993 C ~ ~ · Z ~ Z C ~ · ~ 0 ~ I, ALISON MacGREGOR HARTY, City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached document is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1-98, as the same was passed and adopted by the Delray Beach City Commission in regular session on the 6th day of January, 1998. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 12th day of January, 1998. ~[[ison Mac~reg6r ~arty-- ! City Clerk City of Delray Beach, Florida THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS Printed on F~ecycled Paper I IIII!1111 1 I I I ~ Con ~0.~ Doc .. 70 ~ H, ~[LKEN~ CLERK ~ C~TY~ ": THIS INDENTS, made th~g l~8ay of~ 1997, by · '.. between ~RO~Y F. ~RT~, a e~ngle woman, Zocated at Z202 N.E. 9th · '- .- Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, party of the f~rst pa~, and :" to any future utility company or .e~ce locate~ ~n Palm Beach County, State of Florida, pa~y off the ~econO part: WI~ESSE~= ~at %ha par~y o~ ~he ~rs~ pa~, for aaa consideration of the sum of Ten DolZars ($10.00) an8 other goo8 an8 valuable consideration to ~t ~n hand pa~ by the sa~ party of the secon~ part, receipt of which ~s hereby ac~owZeSge~, does hereby grant~ bargain, sell eno release unto the party of the ~econd pa~, ~t~ .ucce~sors' an8 a~s~gn~, a right of way easement for the pu~osa o~: utility ~nstnllnt~on an~ maintenance with ~ull an~ free r~ght, l~b~y eno authority to enter upon to ~ns~a11, operate an~ maintain such utilities un0er, across, through eno upon, over, umber or w~n ~e follow~ng 8escr~be~ property Zocated ~n Palm Beach county, FZor~Sa, to w~t: T~T ~RTION OF THE 15 FOOT ALlY RIG~ OF WAY LYIHO NOR~ FO ~D A~ACENT TO ~T 18~ B~CK 1, ~0~, ACCORDING TO THE P~T ~E~OF AS RECORDED IN P~T BOOK 20, PAGE 65 OF ~E PUBLIC RECORDS OF PA~ BEACH CO~TY, F~RIDA. Concom~tant and coextensive w~th th~s r~ght ~s the further r~ght in the party of the second part, ~ts successors and assigns, of ingres~ and egress over and on that port,on of land de~cribed above, to effect the pu~oses of the easement, as hereinafter. These ~ghts are c~n6~tione0 on the reasonable exercise thereof for the benefit of the 8om~nant tenement aaa ~he event of excessive use, or use ~or non-8om~nant pu~oses, or use by means othe~se ~nJur~ous to the se~ent tenement, grantors ~ha11 have the r~ght to extinguish the easement. That this easement ~hall be s~ect only to ~ose easements, restrictions an~ rese~at~ons of recor6. That the par~y of the first part agrees to provi0e .for the release off any an8 all mortgages or l~ens en~ez~ng ~ ea~men~. The party of the f~rst pa~ aisc agrees to ~rect no bu~Zd~ng or effect any o~her k~n8 of aonst~ct~on or ~mprovements upon ~he abov~- described property. IN WITNESS ~E~OF, the DaVies %o th~s ~nsemen% Dee~ set the~ ~an~s eno seals the day an0 year ff~rs~ above w~tten. WITNESSES: . ~~ FIR~ STATE OF F~RZDA CO~TY OF PA~ BEACH The forego~.g ~.st~me~t was ac~owle~ge8 before ~e th~s ~ay o~, 1997. by ~ROTHY F. ~T~. who ~rsona~ to me or produced as ~e~ti~cation, who execute~ the foregoing ~nst~ent an~ ac~owle~ge before me that they execute8 same. NOT~Y PUBLIC ~; ( [;~ My co~ission expires= JAN-t4-1998 ~:t~m ~8--014778 ORB 10182 Ps 1 I !111111111111 I I! I! I III Con ]O,~ Doc .70 ~ROTHY ~ WZLKEN~ CLERK ~ C~N~ FL T~IS INDENTURE, made this I~day of~1997, by end ~.- between ~ROTHY F. ~, ~ single woman, located at 1202 N.E. 9th ' ' .~ Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, party of the first part, and -'. Florida Power and Light, a Florida co~orat~on in Palm Beach "' County, State of Florida, party of the second part: WITNESSE~: That %he pa~y of %h~ first pa~, for and consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, receipt of which is hereby acknowledgea, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and release unto the party of the second part, ~ts successors and assigns, a right of way and easement for the pu~ose of: utility installat~on and maintenance w~th full and free right, liberty and authority to enter upon to ~nsta11, operate and maintain such utilities under, across, through and upon, over, under or within the following described property located ~n Palm Beach County, Florida, to wit: ~T PORTION OF THE 15 FOOT ALlY RIGHT OF WAY LYING NORTH FO ~D A~ACENT TO ~T 18, B~CK 1, ~ONT, ACCORDING TO THE P~T THEREOF AS ~CORDED IN P~T BOOK 20, PAGE 65 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PA~ BEACH COUNTY, F~RIDA. Concomitant and coextensive with th~s r~ght ~s the further right in the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, of ingress and egress over and on that portion of land described above, to effect the purposes of the easement, as expressed hereinafter. These rights are conditioned on the reasonable exercise thereof for the benefit of the dominant tenement and the event of excessive use, or use for non-dominant purposes, or use by means othe~ise ~njurious to the se~ient tenement, grantors shall have the right to extinguish the easement. That this easement shall be subject only to those easements, restrictions and rese~ations of record. That the party of the first part agrees to provide for the release of any and mortgages or liens encu~ering this easement. The pa~y of the first part also agrees to erect no building or effect any other kind of const~ction or improvements upon the above- described property. IN WITNESS ~EREOF, the pa~es %o this Easement Dee4 set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.  ~ P~TY OF THE FIRST P~T: STATE OF F~RIDA The ~oregoJng ~nst~ment was ac~owleQge~ before m~ Uny of~, 1997, by~ROT~ F. ~T~, who to ~e or ~ro~uceQ us ~e~anQ who executed the foregoing inst~ment and acknowledge before me that ~ey executed same. NOISY PUBLIC My co~ission expires: ~" - ~ L'~'~ II,~ I II I l Il I 1111 Ill l l Ill Ill · Con lO. OOOoc .70 OOROTI.[Y ~ NILKEN~ CLERK ~ COUNTY~ FL THIS INDENTURE, made this%~4~/ day of~ 1997, by and :.. between DOROTHY F.~URTHA, a single woman, located at 1202 N.E. 9th · Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, party of the first part, and "/'~:. to ADELPHIA CABLE located in Palm Beach County, State of Florida, party of the second patti WITNESSETH= That the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a right of way and easement for the purpose of= utility installation and maintenance with full and free right, liberty and authority to enter upon and to install, operate and maintain such utilities under, across, through and upon, over, under or within the following described property located in Palm Beach County, Florida, to wit= THAT PORTION OF THE 15 FOOT ALLEY RIGHT OF WAY LYING NORTH FO AND ADJACENT TO LOT 18, BLOCK 1, KEN~ONT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 20, PAGE 65 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAI21 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. Concomitant and coextensive with this right is the further right in the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, of ingress and egress over and on that portion of land described above, to effect the purposes of the easement, as expressed hereinafter. These rights are conditioned on the reasonable exercise thereof for the benefit of the dominant tenement and in the event of excessive use, or use for non-dominant purposes, or use by means otherwise injurious to the servtent tenement, grantors shall have the right to extinguish the easement. That this easement shall be subject only to those easements, restrictions and reservations of record. That the party of the first part agrees to provide for the release of any and all mortgagee or liens encumbering this easement. The party of the first part also agrees to erect no building or effect any other kind of construction or improvements upon the above- described property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Easement Deed set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: PARTY OF THE FIRST PART= STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Thc_foregoing instrument was acknowledged before, me this day of k~_~_. , 1997, by DOROTHY F. NURTHA, who ~sonally ~ to me or produced as ident~~ion, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge before me that they executed same. NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires= MEMORANDUM ~: ~Celeste McDonough, Administrative Assistant FRO~: ~0 Alison Harry, City Clerk ~ SUBJECT: Resolution No. 1- 98 (Alley Abandonment in Kenmont Subdivision) DATE: January 12, 1998 Attached is a certified copy of Resolution No. 1-98 abandoning an alley right-of-way within Block 1 of Kenmont subdivision. It was approved by the City Commission on January 6, 1998. A condition of approval of the abandonment was that easement deeds be provided to Adelphia, BellSouth and FP&L~for existing utilities. The City has no utilities in the alley and did not ask for an easement deed. The easement deeds were provided (copy attached) and Commission action was scheduled. However, we should not record the abandonment resolution until the easement deeds are recorded. Claire tells me that she expects the applicant to provide copies of the recorded deeds sometime this week. As soon as she gets them, she will give us a copy. Once the recorded easement deeds are received, we can go ahead and record the resolution. Please return the original recorded document to me along with a copy of the recorded easement deeds, and a copy of the recorded abandonment resolution to Claire for her file. Thank you. Attachment cc: Claire Lyre-Graham, Planner THRU: DIANE DOMINGUEZ, DI-REC~R DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING FROM: CL,a, IRE LYTE:(3RAHAM, PLANNER SUBJECT: MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1998 **CONSENT AGENDA** ABANDONMENT OF AN EAST/WEST ALLEYWAY The requested of the City Commission is approval of the proposed abandonment of an unimproved east/west alley located within Block 1, Kenmont Subdivision. The subject right-of-way is located directly west of N.E. 9th Avenue and north of Bond Way. i! iiiii ~~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:::.!ii i ii::ii ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: g ii i gi :::i !i: ~: i: i: i: i: i: i: i~iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiilfliiiiiiiiiiiiilfiiifii~ii~i~i i i i ii iii iii ii:: i::iii~i~iiiiii:: .................. ~:: ::: :~i:: :: :: ?:? i:=.::: i: :: :: :: :: ~:: ::: .:: ~!:: :: ::: ::: :: :: ?:: !.=. ::: ~i i i iii iii iii !!! i!~ ~:: ~gi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ii ii:: i g! if:: !g~ iii i gi ::ii ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! The area proposed for abandonment is approximately 1,980 sq. ft. (15'x 132'), and was dedicated with the recordation of the Kenmont Subdivision in December, 1945. Since the entire dedication was made by this subdivision, once abandoned the entire alley will revert back to Lot 18 directly to the south. The subject abandonment is being requested to enlarge Lot 18 and make it conforming with respect to lot area and lot width. The attached P & Z staff report contains additional background and analysis of the request. The Planning and Zoning Board considered this request at its meeting of November 17, 1997, and unanimously recommended approval on a 5-0 vote, with conditions that a replacement easement be provided to cover an existing east/west utility line adjacent the north side of the alley and the survey be revised to show this utility line. Replacement easements and a revised survey have been provided. ~ By motion, approve the abandonment of the east/west alley through the enactment of Resolution 1-98. Attachment: · Revised Survey, Planning and Zoning Staff Report PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ---STAFF REPORT--- MEETING DATE: November 17, 1997 AGENDA ITEM: V.C. ITEM: Abandonment of an east/west 15 foot alley, located in the Kenmont subdivision, west of N.E. 9th Avenue and north of Bond Way. llll/ GENE~L DATA: Owner ........................................ City of Delray Beach Applicant Dorothy Murtha Agent .................................... L. Diana Hileman, Esq. Location ..................................... Directly west of N.E. 9th Avenue, north of Bond Way and south of Denery Lane Property Size ............................. 0.15 acre Future Land Use Map ................ Medium 'Density Residential Current Zoning ........................... RL (Low Density Residential) Adjacent Zoning ............... North: RL East: RL South: RL West: RL Existing Land Use ...................... Unimproved alley right-of-way. Proposed Land Use ................... Abandonment of east/west 15' alley right-of-way, to add acreage to Lot 18 to the south to make lot conforming with respect to width and to accommodate future development. Water Service ............................ n/a Sewer Service ........................... nla The item before the Board is the recommendation to the City Commission for the proposed abandonment of an east/west alley located within Block 1, Kenmont Subdivision. The subject right-of-way is located directly west of N.E. 9th Avenue and north of Bond Way. This right-of-way abandonment is being processed pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.6(O), Abandonment of Rights-of-Way. The area proposed for abandonment is approximately 1,980 sq. ft. (15' x 132'). It was dedicated with the recordation of the Kenmont Subdivision in December, 1945, and has not been improved. The unimproved alley runs along the north line of Lot 18, which is currently vacant. Since the entire dedication was made by this subdivision, once abandoned the entire alley will revert back to Lot 18 directly to the south. The alley is surrounded by residential development to the north, east, and west, and an undeveloped lot to the south. In addition, a north/south 15' alley right-of-way connects to the west end of the subject alley. A transmission pole line with Florida Power and Light, Adelphia Cable, and Bellsouth services extends from the southwest corner of the abandonment area to the southwest corner of Lot 6 (lot located at southwest corner of Denery Lane and N.E. 9th Avenue). This utility line does not appear on the survey submitted by the applicant. The north/south alley is unimproved and contains overhead utilities. Nonconforming Lot: Lot 18 located immediately to the south is zoned RL (Low Density Residential). The minimum lot area and lot frontage/width requirements in the RL district are 8,000 sq. ft. and 60', respectively. Lot 18 is 50' x 132.5' (6,625 sq. ft.) and is therefore nonconforming with respect to lot width and lot area. The reason for the abandonment request is to enlarge adjacent Lot 18 making the lot conforming for any future development. The addition of the alley to Lot 18 would increase the lot width to 65' and the lot area to 8,605 sq. ft., meeting the RL district dimension requirements. Legal Access: A finding that an abandonment will not prevent access to a lot of record must be made with any abandonment request. In addition, it is City policy to encourage the abandonment of all alleys within a block where feasible. Normally the abandonment of the north/south alley would also be encouraged as it is located within the same block as the subject east/west alley. Directly north of the east/west and north/south alleys are two residential homes (Lots 5.5 and 6) within the Harry Seemiller Subdivision. Both homes take access from Denery Lane west of N.E. 9th Avenue on Planning and Zoning Board Staff Report Kenmont Alley Abandonment Page 2 a driveway which appears to be private property. This driveway from Denery Lane was not dedicated with the Harry Seemiller Subdivision (subdivision in which Lots 5.5 and 6 are located), nor the Denery Lane Subdivision that dedicated the remaining Denery Lane right-of-way to the east. Lot 6 is a corner lot and has legal access to N.E. 9th Avenue. However, the only other possible access for Lot 5.5. is the north/south alley directly south which, if improved, would provide legal access south to Bond Way. In order to determine if Lot 5.5 has legal access to Denery Lane, the applicant was required to provide documentation proving legal access. The applicant's attorney submitted an easement deed for this portion of right-of-way, however, the City Attorney's Office concluded the easement was dedicated for utility purposes and not right-of-way. Subsequent research conducted by the applicant's attorney could not prove the legal dedication of Denery Lane extension. Thus, in order to ensure that legal access to Lot 5.5 is maintained, the north/south alley cannot be abandoned. At such time recorded documentation proving the west portion of Denery Lane right-of- way was dedicated legally and Lot 5.5 has legal access, abandonment of the north/south alley could be considered. Review by City Departments and Utility_ Companies: The City's Environmental Services Department has indicated there are no city facilities within the subject alley and has no objection to the abandonment. The Fire Department has reviewed the request and has no objection to the abandonment. The utility companies that reviewed the request (Adelphia Cable, BellSouth, Florida Public Utilities, and Florida Power and Light) indicated no objections to the proposed abandonment. As previously discussed, the survey submitted with the application does not show the existing transmission pole line. A revised survey showing this utility line and a replacement easement covering existing services must be provided, and is attached as a condition of approval. Pursuant to LDR Section 2.4.6(0)(5), prior to any right-of-way abandonment being approved, the following findings must be made: A) That there is not, nor will there be a need for the use of the right-of-way for any public purposes. A transmission pole line exists within a portion of the subject alley, but was not shown on the submitted survey. Replacement easements must be provided to cover FPL, BellSouth, and cable services, and is attached as a condition of approval. Planning and Zoning Board Staff Report Kenmont Alley Abandonment Page 3 B) That the abandonment does not, nor will not, prevent access to a lot of record. The abandonment of the east/west alley will not prevent access to a lot of record. Upon development, Lot 18 will take access from N.E. 9th Avenue. As previously discussed under the Analysis section of this report, Lots 5.5 and 6 are located directly north of the subject east/west alley and currently take access from the portion of Denery Lane west of N.E. 9th Avenue. Based upon research conducted by the applicant's attorney, it is not clear if the western portion of Denery Lane was legally dedicated. However, access to Lot 5.5 will still be available from the north/south alley, and Lot 6 has direct access to N.E. 9th Avenue. Therefore, the abandonment does not prevent access to a lot of record. C) That the abandonment will not result in detriment for the provision of access and/or of utility services to adjacent properties or the general area. No access is taken from the subject alley. Replacement easements will be required to cover the existing and future BellSouth, FPL, and cable facilties within the alley. Thus, no detriment will therefore result for the provision of the above services. ......................................................................................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......................................................................................................................................... The subject abandonment is being requested to enlarge Lot 18 and make it conforming with respect to lot area and lot width. By abandoning the area to private interests, the property will be improved upon and properly maintained. The survey submitted must be revised to show the existing transmission pole line extending from the southwest corner of the abandonment area to the southwest corner of Lot 6. Replacement easements must be provided to cover services on this line. The north/south alley within the same block must be maintained to ensure that Lot 5.5 has legal access. Upon provision of documentation verifying legal access via Denery Lane to the east the abandonment of the north/south alley may be sought. i ii~iiif~!iiii!!iiii!!ii iii i~iiii~iiiii~iii N iiiii!~iiii!~:::::::::~::::. :~:::ii i:.:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i:::! ! ~ ::: i!i!:.:~ ~i i::::. :~!ii!!~i! :::::::::::::::::::::: i:.:! ! i ::::::::::::::::::::::::: i::i:::.:::: i i:.:! ! i i i i::i!~ii i::i::i~iiiiii~ii iiii~iii!i~iii f:i~iiii!~iiiiii~iilJ 1. Continue with direction. 2. Recommend approval of the abandonment based upon positive findings with respect to required findings. 3. Recommend approval of the abandonment, pursuant to conditions. Planning and Zoning Board Staff Report Kenmont Alley Abandonment Page 4 4. Recommend denial of the abandonment with reasons stated. By motion, recommend approval of the abandonment of the east/west alley located within Block 1, Kenmont Subdivision based upon positive findings with respect to LDR Section LDR Section 2.4.6(0)(5), subject to the following conditions: 1. That replacement easements be provided cover FPL, BellSouth, cable, and any other future services on the transmission pole line within the alley prior to scheduling the abandonment for City Commission. 2. That a revised survey indicating the existing transmission pole line be submitted prior to scheduling the abandonment for City Commission. Attachment: · Location Map and Reduced Survey filename: u:\grahamc~pzrep~kenabd.doc