Res 76-97 RESOLUTION NO. 76-97
WHEREAS, Matthew "Bump" Mitchell, Jr. was hired by the
City of Delray Beach on October 1, 1967; and
WHEREAS, on October 1, 1997, "Bump" Mitchell reached a
milestone in his career, having achieved thirty (30) years of
full-time public service with the City of Delray Beach; and
WHEREAS, Sergeant Mitchell was hired to head the Police
Department's Juvenile Division, a position he still holds, and
has been a faithful and dedicated employee in the Police
Department these past thirty (30) years; and
WHEREAS, he has consistently performed any and all
duties required of him in an exceptionally mature and
professional manner, exhibiting competence and loyalty,
especially his involvement with the City's youth; and
WHEREAS, the services and knowledge provided by this
dedicated employee are sincerely appreciated.
Section 1: The City Commission of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, hereby recognizes and commends Sergeant Matthew
Mitchell, Jr. for thirty (30) years of dedicated and faithful
public service in the Juvenile Division of the Police Department.
Section 2: The Delray Beach City Commission hereby
expresses sincere thanks and appreciation to Sergeant Mitchell
and wishes him the best of health and happiness as he continues
his career with the City of Delray Beach.
PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this 21st day
of October, 1997. ~~M ~'
~y C~e~k -
CITY OF DELRAY BEACH October 3, 1997
Volume X, Issue IX ~00 NW. ls'~ AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444
by Doug Randolph, Human Resources
The annual United Way campaign is under way What makes you more alert, able to function learned of the city's
for 1998. This is my sixth year serving as the city's better, less prone to injuries, and more productive'? deal. He immediately
campaign coordinator and I am very proud of the Exercise. joined the Palm Beach
way you have responded to those in our commu- Exercise is also a great stress reliever. Gym and now, he's a
nity who need our help. With last year's pledges When there are so many benefits to be derived regular. Ed concen-
of $21,416 we have a five year total of over from exercise, why is it so hard for many of us to trates on weight training
$100,000. get off the couch and into the gym? and visits the gym sev-
While we have done well, we could do more. Is it lack of motivation, not enough time, lazi- eral times a week.
Last year, 46% of our employees made pledges, ness, or all of the above? "You just can't beat
If every employee donated only $1 per week If you answered "all of the above," have we the rate," said Ed, "and
through payroll deduction (the cost of two sodas) got a deal for you! Join the Palm Beach Gym since it is automatically
we would raise $36,000 for those in our commu- Beverly Wright (Police Department) wanted deducted from your
nity needing our help. This year when your de-
to get involved in a regular exercise routine. She paycheck, you don't
partment chairperson gives you a pledge card and began by working out at the department's gym even miss the money."
Contributor's Guide, take a few minutes to review
the agencies which are supported by your dollars. Beverly liked it, but felt she would be better moti- Some employees Gar~' Bigart (M.I.S.) visits
These agencies do some excellent work and de- vated if there were more people around doing the joined the club many the -Paint Beach Grin dur-
serveyoursupport. Ifyouhavegiveninthepast, samething. Whentheopportunitycameuptojoin yearsagowhentherates ing his lunch h~ur and
please consider increasing your contribution. If the Palm Beach Gym at a group rate, Beverly were lower. These em- watches television while
you have never given, please consider doing so. signed up, and she has been happily working out ployees were able to re- working out on a Li~t&'ycle.
You can designate where you want your money to ever since, rain their original rate.
go, or not to go, by writing in the name of the Beverly is one of many employees who has Raul Rivera (Parks and Recreation) joined two
agency or agencies on the pledge card. Your developed a healthier lifestyle by joining the Palm years ago at a rate higher than the city's discounted
wishes will be honored. Beach Gym & Fitness Center, on Linton Boule- rate. Raul was able to drop the membership as of
Remember, your money supports specific pro- vard. The gym offers full-time city employees a his anniversary date, and rejoin under the city's
grams, not entire agency budgets. Eighty-five special corporate fitness membership rate. Get- plan.
cents of every dollar goes directly to services, ting this discount rate for employees was a project The gym's convenient hours are a real "plus"
United Way is volunteer driven to keep adminis- of the city's Labor Management Committee. Nor- for Raul, who likes to go there directly after work.
trative costs low. mally, new members pay an initiation fee of $300- The gym is open Monday-Friday from 5:30am-
Over the years, most of you have attended one $500, plus a monthly rate of $10-$25, depending 10:00pm, Saturdays from 9am-6pm, and Sundays
or more of my United Way presentations and have on the terms of the contract. Full-time city em- from 10am-6pm. Thousands of members belong
a clear understanding of the program and the good ployees pay $15 per month/per person via a pay- to the Palm Beach Gym but it seldom seems
that it does. I have heard that many of you are roll deduction, with no initiation fee. crowded. The busiest time is Mondays and Tues-
happy to give, but are not overly excited about Ed Gast (Community Improvement) was a days from 5-7pm.
sitting through yet another United Way presenta- member of a Boca Raton health club until he (continued on page 4)
tion. In order to be responsive, this year we will
only have four presentations. These will be for
new employees (since October 1996) who have
not attended a previous United Way presentation, 30 YEARS, AND STILL LOVING THE JOB!
or for those employees who want more informa-
tion about the United Way or the campaign. Rep- Imagine getting up in the morning and ea~ a Delray Beach police officer."
resentatives from United Way and some of the gerly anticipating going to a job you have held "Bump," as he is affectionately known, had
agencies who receive funds will be on hand to an- for three decades! If you want to know what it worked five years as a volunteer (auxiliary)
swer your questions, feels like, just ask Sergeant Matthew Mitchell police officer prior to that October afternoon
If you are interested in attending one of the Jr. He has worked for the Delray Beach Po- when he joined the force. He had been earn-
presentations, please inform your supervisor and
lice Department for thirty years, and he still lng a living doing maintenance at Carver High
your department chairperson when they give you feels a sense of pride and School and helping to coach the football team.
your pledge card. if you cannot attend one of the
presentations and have questions, please call me ll~/~/ excitement when he puts His reputation for working well with youth
at extension 7127. Overtime pay should not be on his uniform to go to caught the attention of police department staff
requested to attend one of these presentations. The 1~ work. Sgt. Mitchell cel- who recognized a need for getting more po-
presentations will be held in the Commission ebrated his 30th anniver- lice officers involved with the youth of the
Chambers, City Hall. The dates and times are: sary with the city on Oc- community. Sgt. Mitchell was hired to head
Oct. 8, 4-5pm; Oct. 9, 8:30-9:30am; Oct. 15, 5:30- tober 1. He remembers the department's Juvenile Division, a position
6:30pm; and Oct. 16, 8:30-9:30am. his first day on the job as he still holds.
I ask that you join with me in making certain if it were yesterday: Sgt. Mitchell has been described as a
that we do our part in making life a little better for "It was a Sunday, at coach, mentor, and a friend to the youth of
those in our community who need our help. Thank Sgt. Mitchell 3:00 P.M., when I became (continued on page 3)
TO: DTH, City Manager DATE: 10/7/97
FROM: City Clerk~
O:~ O Q SUB~: Resolution for S~t Mitchell
oe ooi ·
~~(~,OO%~ Res. No. 76-97 recognizing Sgt. Mitchell
, for his years of service to the City is
scheduled for presentation this evening.
(Item 7.A.)
The Police Department just informed us
that Sgt. Mitchell is out of town and
is not expected to be at tonight' s. meeting.
In view of this, you may want to suggest
postponing the item until a future meeting.