Res 30-96 RESOLUTI(~ NO. 30-96 A RESOLUTI(~ OF THE CIT~ CC~94ISSIC~ OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY CC~TI~E, PURSUANT TO STATE LAW; PROV/DING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State of Florida, under specific authority established by State Statute, has est_~blished the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program, which requires the City to establish an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee was est_~blished pursuant to Ordinance No. 2-93, Passed and adopted on second and final reading by the City Commission on February 23, 1993; WHEREAS, four of the nine membership positions on the Affor~sh~le Housing Advisory Committee became vacant on March 31, 1996, due to the expiration of terms; and WHERF~, three of the four vacancies w~re filled through the adoption of Resolution No. 28-96 on March 19, 1996; add WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to appoint a member t~ the Affor~h_le Housing Advisory Committee to fill the remaining vacancy created by the expiration of these terms. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY Cf~MISSI(IN OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BE~H, FLORIDA, AS FOLLC~S: Section 1. That the follow/rig member of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee is hereby appointed by the City Cc~mission to a term commencing on April 1, 1996, and e~ng on March 31, 1998: George Maso Jones, a citizen-at-large Section 2. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon Passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 2nd day- ~ity ¢lerl~ ~ MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER ~'l SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM % ~'/~' - MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1996 APPOINTMENT TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND ADOPTION OF APPOINTING RESOLUTION NO. 30-96 DATE: MARCH 29, 1996 The terms for four members on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee expired on March 31, 1996. Three of the four vacancies were filled by the Commission at the March 19th meeting. The fourth appointment was postponed to a later date. The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee meets on a bi-monthly basis for the purpose of developing strategies to provide housing to meet a wide range of economic abilities. The term is for two years, beginning April 1, 1996, and ending March 31, 1998. Pursuant to Commission direction, a check for code violations and municipal liens has been conducted. There are none. The remaining vacancy is for a citizen-at-large. Applications have been received from the following: Edward Aptaker David I. Cohen Joseph Farkas Herbert Freese Sylvia Gilbert Thomas G. Hinners Sherry Johnson Edward McCall The appointment will be made by Commissioner Egan (Seat %2). Appointments to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee are formalized by resolution. Therefore, staff recommends appointment of a citizen-at-large to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. Once the appointment is made, formal adoption of Resolution No. 30-96 is requested. PWDADW PO ~ · Ct~ OF t)tt, l~Y LtI~ ~ t~ ~tOftSStO~ CEITtfI~T~O"S ~ ~tCt. StS ~t~ Yo~ ~_ ./ ~tvE Y~ f~st~, OI ~1~ ~c~ ~LOYzl, ~ fOSXTIO. ~~ PWD,~W FO~ RESUME GEORGE MASO, JONES, EDUCATION: ' ' Undergraduate Degr. in Law University of Uruguay ih.U} it ~o~ial ~¢ienca University of Uruguay POSt Doctoral gtudlel in t~ stream of Businmsm Admini~tra~ou, International ~ ~ub ~rnaHonal ASSO~ati~, ~ard of Dira~o~ ~nr~ ~std0nt of United NaHo~ Lions ~Bn Amebean Fmdmration of ~blic R~la~ons, Membtr of Board U~v~.it~...~ lilieS{, ChiCago, Hlin0i{-Depar~ent of CHmina{ ~oHda ABanHe Uuiwrslty, ~a ~ton, ~ori~a-lnternational ~NOUAG~ ~UENCY~ PItot:rssSIONAL I~XPI~RIENCE~ A1 consult&at, advisor, evaluator, neg0tistor, and lmpalementor with e. xtettsive and diversified experience in both public and priva~ sector, in the Middle :ast, ]~urope, North America, and Latin America with~ for and on b~hslf of clients involved in international business ventures. P~DADP? POS Special appointed negotiator for barter of Uruguay sheep/mutton for Kuwait c~'ude oil. Conciucled and implemented two cc)ntracts ir~ 1978 a~d 1979, ~go~i~ted Jo[~t V~n~ure for pro~uction e~,antl-pollut~o~ chemicals between G~ Chemic~1 Corpora~on, New Je~y.a~d Brazil (Petro~ras), ~ego~ated ~es~ll~i~tion pla~t contracts, between Royal Commission Oubail)'~ingdom o[ 8~udi Arabia, Plant completed and Central figure in dlYelopinS 1~000 unit apartmen~ house project for the ' Munldpality of GuayaquB, Ecuador (Ban~ de'la Vivienda).' Special assignment with ITEL Corporation, San Francisco, California conjunction with Mexlcan'Governmbnt (CO~.ASUPO) to locate and retrieve ~64 railroa~ ~x ~rl which had. ~n missing (or two years in Mexico. Special conaul'tant ~ President Rold~ o~.~cua, dor to arrang~ barter ~twee~ ~ador and IndiL . ~,ttange trot seafood products of Mitsui C:orpor. ation, Os. aka, {span by Trane-o- Rah Company, NYC for comprehend., ye U.$, dl~tr~laution ~ · Arranged finat~cing for AMESA, Uruguay, for its sugar refinery..(USD 27 mlllion, completed in three phases). Also AMESA, Uruguay have arranged UGD 12 million loa~ with OPIC, Washington, ,DC ~uarantee: This tra~action wu mmple~ within first qu~rter o~ 19~. lntertec S.A., special consultant to ~razll,. Argentina and Uruguay i~ iea~na~on~l finance, ~ankin~ free trade ~onea, for the new common market. .. S~c[al adv[sor to the C~ch ~publlc In the areas of International Ba~king, International Trade, and International Relations with Latin America. PWDADW PO 4 Areas et experience and experti** are well grounded and idemified in International finance, ~anklng, lnternational'bartering, international trade, commerce, developer of Industrial prO~ctg and commercial contracts. Troubl~ lhoot~r for gov,rnm,nts ~nd }nd~pendent business in important ~l,ted ~ put~ng together ~OPA~OL '~6up 'between Uruguay, Paraguay ~nd ~llvl~.. ~oll~r~t~d ~nd d~v~lo~d orlgtn~l ~ch~me and implemented ~m, ~p~Senting the government ~ Uruguay. Personal advisor to Bolivian '~es'ldent Berflentos. Arranged fin,nclng ~nd luppll~d ~ tra~ors to 86vernment of ~lvla by Titan Tractor~°~ratlon, ~w York. ' C~inated ~nd Implemented i'proJ~ct o~ h~.sing ~nd apartment complexes for the Muni~pality of Mo~t~video,'UrU~'~Y', Over...a period of five year~, mo~ th~n 80,000 per~ont were able to.upgrade their housing stand~rd, ~nd ~e~nll llvlns condition." ~il project Was a jol~t effort ~tw~*n ~ter Ama~can Development ~ and t~ City of Montevid~. ~~ntatlve of uruguay ~ ~~0 Paris/~nce. Conduced ~nars t~ I~sllsm, ma~ comm~ication and media stra~. Rep~ntaflv. ~ ~O 70 Osak~ I~pa~. Led priva~ and official sectors. Publisher of NeWlp~per ~XTRA for "Edlclones Orientales Cooperatlvt P,HodlsflCa" M~vi~, Umsuay.. S~al adviffir to ~. J~e Morn Otero, Mln~te~ of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay. '" Unit~ Nltlon~, NY~ - Information ~nd pr~ ~dvisot to government o~ U~guiy. Special Advi~r to A~O~S~?or of Uruguay to the United Na~om,