Res 51-95 RESOLUTION NO. 51-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR CATASTROPHIC DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY, AND MODIFICATION #! TO SAID AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the State Emergency Management Act, Chapter 252 Florida Statutes, authorizes the State and its political subdivisions to develop and enter into mutual aid agreements for reciprocal emergency aid and assistance in the case of emergencies too extensive to be dealt with unassisted; and WHEREAS, Chapter 252 Florida Statutes, sets forth details concerning powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities of political subdivisions of the State rendering outside aid; and WHEREAS, the Florida Division of Emergency Management has promulgated a Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catastrohpic Disaster Response and Recovery, together with Modification #1 thereto; and WHEREAS, political subdivisions of the State of Florida may become a party to this agreement by execution of the agreement; and WHEREAS, each political subdivision of the State of Florida which becomes a signatory to the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catastrophic Disaster Response and Recovery is considered to be a participating government for purposes of the agreement; and WHEREAS, in response to any request for mutual aid assistance from the requesting party, all participating governments shall render assistance to the extent personnel, equipment, and resources are available. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~ That the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catastrophic Disaster Response and Recovery, and Modification #1 to said Agreement, copies of which are attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the llth day ATTEST: STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEKENT FOR CATASTROPHIC DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO BETWEEN TWE STATE OF FLORIDA, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND AMONG EACH POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE THAT EXECUTES AND ADOPTS THE TERMS ABD CONDITIONS CONTAINED H~REIN, BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING FACTS: WHEREAS, the State Emergency Management Act, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, authorizes the state and its political subdivisions to develop and enter into mutual aid agreements for reciprocal emergency aid and assistance in case of emergencies too extensive to be dealt with unassisted~ and WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, sets forth details concerning powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities of political subdivisions of the state rendering outside aid~ and WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, authorizes the State to enter into a contract on behalf of the state for the lease or loan to any political subdivision of the state.any real or personal property of the state government or the temporary transfer or employment of personnel of the state government to or by any political subdivision of the state~ and WHEREAS., cha~ter.252, Florida Statutes, authorizes the gover~ing bo~y of each political subdivision of the state to enter into such contract or lease with the state, accept any such loan, or employ such personnel, and such political subdivision may equip, maintain, utilize, and operate any such property and employ necessary personnel therefor in accordance with the purposes for which such contract is executed, and to otherwise do all things and perform any and all acts which it may deem necessary to effectuate the purpose for which such contract was entered into~ and WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Division of ~mergency Management to make available any equipment, services, or facilities owned or organized by the state or political subdivisions for use in the affected area upon request of the duly constituted authority of the area or upon the request of any recognized and accredited relief agency through such duly constituted authority~ and WHEREAS, Chapter 252, F10rida Statutes, authorizes the Division of Emergency Management to call to duty and other~ise provide, within or without the state, such suppor~ from available personnel, equipment, and other resources of state agencies and the political subdivisions of the state as may be necessary to reinforce emergency management agencies tn areas stricken by emergencies~ and WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, requires that each municipality, must coordinate requests for state or federal emergency response assistance with its county~ and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Is geographically vulnerable to hurricanes, tornadoes, freshwater floo~ing, sinkhole formatiOnS, and other natural disasters that in the past have caused severe disruption of 'essential 'human services and severe damage to public roadS, utilities, buildings, parkS, and property rnment owned faciliti:s; and ment recognize that ther gore . thxS Agree o ~e partxes to - d to mitigate WHEREAS, un -nd e~ipmen~ may be nee~e_ -~izen~ .of ~he a~di=ional manpower a _.. vital ~e~ioes - ~ damage and res%u~- - ~sterS ocCUr; an~ fur~er '. -hould such ~lsa - aid possible, ~E~AS, ~o pro~U~ ~en~, each participating G°vernthe o%h-r par%icipa~ing Governm -ween the personnel o~ 'ntories, exchange of inf°~ati°n b~ ompilatiOn o~ asset fnve ..... , to implement this ~lsi~S, c . _~ ~lans and and dewelopmen~ ~* ~ Apreemen%; parties hereto a~ree as follOWS SZ~ --,, . the state . -- ~e state ' ~er~enCY Resp°nse/Rec°Ve~ olit of Floriaa may become a~2 ~o~i~ing a copy with ori~inal_.ori~a Division oE.~er~nCY Bana~emen~' original signatUreS and copies of authorizing resolutions 3 insurance letters shall be filed and maintained at the Division headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida. B. ,,R~QUESTING PARTY" - the participating government entity requesting aid in the event of an emergency. Each municipality must coordinate requests for state or federal emergency response assistance through its county. C. "ASSISTING PARTY" - the participating government entity furnishing equipment, services and/or manpower to the Requesting Party. D. "AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE,, - an employee of a participating government authorized in writing by that government to request, offer, or provide assistance under the terms of this Agreement. The list of authorized representatives for the participating government executing this Agreement shall be attached as Appendix A to the executed copy of the Agreement supplied to the Division, and shall be updated as needed by each participating government. ~.. ,,DIVISION" - the State of Florida, Department of Co~unity Affairs, Division of Emergency Management. F. ',EMERGENCY" - any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural, or caused by man, in war or in peace, -which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property. 4 ~:~-il ~?. 1~i~. % G. "DISASTER" - any natural, technological, or civil energency that causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to result in a declaration of a state of emergency by a county,. Governor, or the President of the United States. H. ,'PARTICIPATING GOVER/TM~NT,, - the State of Florida and any political subdivision of the State of Florida'which executes th~s mutual aid agreement and supplies a complete executed co~y to '~e Division'. I. "PERIOD OF ASSIST~CE" - the perfod of time beginning with the departure of any personnel of the Assfsting Party from any point for the pu~ose of travelfng to the Re~esting Pa~y in order to provfde assistance and ending upon the retu~ of all personnel and e~fpment of the Assfsting Pa~y, after providing the assistance re~ested, to theft residence or re~lar place of work, whfchever occurs first. The perf~ of assistance shall not fnclude any po~fon of the tr~p to ~e Re~estfng Pa~y or ~e return trfp from the Re~estfng Pa~y durfng whfch the personnel of ~e Assfstfng Pa~y are engaged fna co~se of conduct not reasonably necessa~ for their safe arrival at or return from the Re~est lng Party. ~. -WO~ OR WORK-~TED PERIOD" - any perf~ of time fn whfch either ~e personnel or e~fpment of ~e Assisting Pa~y are being used by the .Re~estfng Pa~y to provfde assistance and for which the Re~estfng Pa~y wfll ref~urse the Assfsting ! Party. Specifically included within such period of time are rest breaks when the personnel of the Assisting Party will return to active work within a reasonable time. Specifically excluded from such period of time are breakfast, lunch, and dinner breaks. SECTION 2. PROCSDURES When a participating government either becomes affected by, or is under imminent threat of, an emergency or disaster, it may invoke emergency related mutual aid assistance either by: declaring a state of local'emergency and transmitting a copy of that declaration to the Assisting Party, or to the Division, or (~i) by orally communicating a request for mutual aid assistance to Assisting Party or to the Division, followed as soon as practicable by written confirmation of said request. Mutual aid shall not be requested by Participating Governments unless resources available within the stricken area are deemed inadequate by the Local Emergency Management Agency. All requests for mutual aid shall be transmitted by the Authorized Representative or the Director of the Local Emergency Management Agency. Requests for assistance may be communicated either to the Division or directly to an Assisting Party. Requests for assistance under this Agreement shall be limited to catastrophic disasters, .except where the Participating Government has no other mutual aid ~greement based upon Section 252.40 or 163.01, Florida 6 Statutes, in which case a Participating Government may request assistance pursuant to the provisions of this agreement. A. P~EQUESTB DIRECTLY TO ASSISTING PARTY: The Requesting Party may directly contact the authorized representative of the Assisting Party and shall provide them with the information in paragraph C below. All communications shall be conducted directly between the Requesting and Assisting Party. Each party shall be responsible for keeping the Division advised of the status of the response activities. The Division shall not be 'responsible for costs associated with such direct requests for assistance. However, the Division may provide, by rule, for reimbursement of eligible expenses from the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund created under Section 252.373, Florida Statutes. B. REQUESTS ROUTED THROUGH, OR ORIGINATING FROM, TM DIVISIONs The Requesting Party may directly contact the Division, in which case it shall provide the DiviSion with the information in paragraph C below. The Division may then contact other Participating Governments on behalf of the Requesting Party and coordinatethe provision of mutual aid. The Division shall not be responsible for costs associated with such indirect re~ests fo= assistance, unless the Division so indicates in writing at the time It transmits the request to the Assisting Party. In no event shall the Division or the State of Florida be respons£ble for costs associated vith &ssist&nce in the absence of appropriated funds. In &ll cases, the party receiving the mutual aid shall be primarily responsible for the costs incurred by any Assisting Party providing assistance pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. C. R~QUIRED INFORMATION: Each request for assistance shall be accompanied by the following information, to the extent 1. A general description of the damage sustained~ 2. Identification of the emergency service function for which assistance is needed (e.g. fire, law enforcement, emergency ~edical, transportation, communications, public works and engineering, build~ng, inspection, ~lanning and information assistance, mass care, resource support, health ~nd other ~edical services, search and rescue, etc.) and the particular type of assistance needed ~ 3. Identification of the public infrastructure system for which assistance is needed (e.g. sanitary sewer, potable water, streets, or storm water systems) and the type of work assistance needed ~ 4. The amount and type of personnel, equipment, materials, · and supplies needed and a reasonable estimate of the length of time they will be needed~ 8 5. The need for sites, structures or buildings outside the Requesting Party's political subdivision to serve as relief centers or staging areas for incoming emergency goods and services; and 6. A specific time and place for a representative of the Requesting Party to meet the personnel and equipment of any Assisting Party. This information may be provided on the form attached as Exhibit B, or by any other available means. The Division may revise the format of Exhibit B subsequent to the execution of this agreement, in which case it shall distribute coipies to all participating governments. D. 'ASSESSMENT OF AVAILABILITY OF RESOURCES AND ABILITY TO RENDER ASSISTANCE: When contacted by a Requesting Party or the Division the authorized representatives of any participating government agree to assess their government's situation to determine available personnel, equipment and other resources. All participating governments shall render 'assistance to the extent personnel, equipment and resources are available. Each participating government agrees to render assistance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the fullest extent possible. When t~e authorized representative determines that his Participating Government has available personnel, equipment or other resources, they shall so notify the Requesting Party or the Divis~.o~, wh~¢~eYer (::~mm~:'i. ca~.ed t~e re,est, and ,.t:)r~¥~.cle ~.~e :j. nfoL-mat'~ t::)e].~v. The D~¥~.s'ion s~al]., ~o~ response su£~"i¢.'~ent part'..i.(:::.~.~at~n~ part,es to meet the needs o~ p.e(:.L-~es'~:,in~ Pa~y, ~o~i~y the aut~or~.~ed representat£ve o~ Requesting Party and provide them with the following information, to the extent known: 1. A complete description of the personnel, equipment, and materials to be-furnished to the Requesting Party~ 2. The estimated length of t~me the personnel, equipment, and materials will be available~ 3. The areas of experience and abilities of the and the capability of the' equipment to be furnished~ 4. The name of the person or persons to be designated as supe~-~isory personnel~ and S. The estimated time when the assistance provided arrive at the location designated by the authorized representative of the .Requesting Party. I. SUPERVISION AND CONTROL~ The personnel, e~u~pment and resources of any AsSkst~g Party shall remain under operational control of the Requesting Party for the area ~n which they are serving. Dire~t super~ision and control of said personnel, e~u~pment and resources shall remain with the designated supervisory personnel of the Assist~ng Party. Representatives of the Requesting Party shall provide work tasks to the supervisory 10 personnel of the Assisting Party. The designated supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party sh&11 have the and authority for assigning work and establishing work schedules for the personnel of the Assisting Party, based on task or mission assignments provided by the Requesting Party and the Division. The designated supervisory personnel of'the Assisting Party shall: maintain daily personnel time records, material records and & log of equipment hours; be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the equipment and other resources furnished by the Assisting Party; and shall report work progress to the Requesting Party. The Assisting Party's personnel and other resources shall remain subject to recall by the Assisting Party at any time, subject to reasonable notice to the Requesting Party and the Division. At least twenty-f~ur hour advance notification of intent to withdraw personnel or resources shall be provided to the Requesting Party unless such notice ~s not practicable, in which case such notice as is reasonable shall be · provided... .. F. FOOD; HOUSING; SELF-SUFFICIENCY Unless specifically instructed otherwise, the Requesting Party shall have the responsibility of providing food and housing for the personnel of the Assisting Party from the tame of their arrival at the designated location to.the time of their departure. However, Assist~ng Party personnel and equipment should be, to the 11 -' ~:l.-lt ~?. 1,;~ '~ greatest e×tent possible, self-sufficient for operations in areas stricken by emergencies or disasters. The Requesting Party may specify only self-sufficient personnel and resources in its request for assistance. G. C~HMUNICATIONS: Unless specifically instructed othe~-~ise, the Requesting Party shall have the responsibility for coordinating communications between the personnel of the Assisting Party and the Requesting Party. Assisting Party personnel should be prepared to furnish communications equipment sufficient to maintain communications among their respective operating units. ~. RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Whenever the employees of the Assisting Party are rendering outside aid pursuant to this Agreement, such e~ployees shall have the powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities, and shall receive the compensation, incidental to their employment. Z. WRITTEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Requesting Party shall complete a written acknowledgment regarding the assistance to be rendered, setting forth the ~nformation transmitted An the rec/uest, and shall transmit it by the quickest practical means to the Assist~ng Party or the D£vision, as applicable, for approval. The form to serve as this written acknowledgement is attached as Attachment C. ~he Assisting Party/Dlvi~on shall respond to the written acknowledgement by executing an~ returning a copy to the 12 Requesting Party by the qu£ckest practical means, maintaining a copy for i~s files. SE~ION 3. ~EIMB~SABLE EXPENSES The ~e~s and conditions governing rei~ursement for any assistance provided under this Agreement shall be in accordance w~th the following provisions, unless othe~se agreed u~on by the Re~esting and Assisting Part~es and s~ec~fied In the written ac~owled~ent' executed ~n accordance w~th ~aragraph 2.I. of this Agreement. The Re~esting Party shall be ultimately responsible for re~ursemen= of all re~ursable e~enses. A. PERSO~EL - ~r~ng ~he per~od of assistance, the Assisting Party shall continue to pay ~ts employees according to ~ts then ~reva~l~ng ordinances, rules, an~ re~lat~ons. The Re~esting Party shall rei~urse the Assisting Party for all d~rect and ~nd~rect payroll costs a~d e~enses ~ncurred during the period of assistance, i~clua~ng, but not l~te~ to, employee pensions and benefits as provided by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (G~P). ~e Re~est~ng Pa~y shall reCOurse any amounts pa~d or due for compensation to employees of the Ass~s~ng Party under the te~s of the Florida Workers' Compensation Act ~ue to personal ~nJu~ or ~eath occurring while such employees ar~ engaged ~n rendering a~d un,er th~s Agreement. ~le prov~ing seduces to the Re~est~ng Pa~y, employees o~ the Assisting Party shall be considered "borrow secants" of the 13 Requesting Party and shall be cons£dered in the "dual employment" with the Requesting and Assisting Parties, subject to the supervision a'nd control of both for purpo.ses of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes. While the Requesting Party shall reimburse the Assisting Party for payments made in workers' compensation benefits required to be paid to its employees due to personal injury or death, the Division, and both the Requesting and Assisting Party"shall enjoy 'immunity from civil prosecution as provided for in the Florida Workers' Compensation Act. B. EQUIPMENT - The Assisting Party shall be reimbursed by the Requesting Party for the use of its equipment during the period of assistance according to either a pre-established local or state hourly rate or according to the actual replacement, operation, and maintenance expenses incurred. For those instances in which costs are reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the eligible direct costs shall .be determined in accordance with 44 CFR 206.228. The Assisting Party shall pay for all repairs to its equipment as determined necessary by its on-site supervisor(s) to maintain such equipment in safe and operational condition. At the request of the Assisting Party, fuels, m~scellaneous supplies, and minor repairs may be provided by the Requesting Party, if practical. The total equipment charges to the Request~.ng Party shall be reduced by the total value of the fuels, supplies, and repairs furnished by the 14 Requesting Party and by the amount of any insurance proceeds received by the Assisting Party. C. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - The Assisting Party shall be reimbursed for all materials and supplies furnished by it and used or damaged during the period of assistance, except for the costs of equipment, fuel and maintenance materials, labor and supplies, which shall be included in the equipment rate established in .3.B. above, unless such damage is caused by gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, intentional misuse, or recklessness of the Assisting Party's personnel. The Assisting Party's Personnel shall use reasonable care under the circumstances in the operation and control of all materials and supplies used by them during the period of assistance. The measure of reimbursement, shall be determined in accordance with. 44 CFR 206.228. In the alternative, the Parties may agree that the Requesting Party will replace, with like kind and quality as determined by the Assisting Party, the materials and supplies used or damaged. If such an agreement is made, it shall be reduced to writing and transmitted to the Division. D. RECORD KEEPING - The Assisting Party shall maintain records and submit invoices for reimbursement by the Requesting Party or the Division using format used or required by FEMA publicatton~, including 44 CFR part 13 and applicable Office of Management and Budget Circulars. Requesting Party and Division 15 finance personnel shall provide information, directions, and assistance for record keeping to Assisting Party personnel. E. PAYMENT - Unless otherwise mutually agreed in the written acknowledgement executed in accordance with paragraph 2.I. or a subsequent written addendum to the acknowledgement, the Assisting Party shall bill the Requesting Party for all reimbursable expenses with an itemized Notice as soon as practicable after the expenses are incurred, but not later than sixty (60) days following the period of assistance, unless the deadline for identifying damage is extended in accordance with 44 CFR part 206. The Requesting Party shall pay the bill, or advise of any disputed ~tems, not later than s~xty (60) days following the billing date. These timeframes may be modified by mutual agreement. This shall not preclude an Assisting Party or Requesting Party from assuming or donating, in whole or in par~, the costs associated with any loss, damage, expense or use of personnel, equkpmen~'and resources provided to a Requesting Party. F. PAYMENT BY OR THROUGH THE DIVISION= The Division of Emergency Management may reimburse for all actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses for personnel providing assistance pursuant to the request of the Division, to the extent of funds available, an~ contingent upon an annual appropriation from the Legislature for such purposes. The Assisting Party 16 shall be responsible for making written request to the Division for reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses, prior to submitting a request for payment to the Requesting Party; The Assisting Party's written request should be submitted as soon as possible al=er expiration of the period of assistance. The DiVision shall provide a written response to.said 'requests within ten (10) days of actual receipt. If the Division denies said request, the As~isting Party shall theh bill the Requesting Party. In the event that an affected Jurisdictio~ requests assistance without forwar6ing said request through the Division, or an assisting party'provides assistance without having been requested by the Division to do so, the D£vision shall not be liable for reimbursement of any of the cost(s) of assistance. The Divis£on may serve as the eligible entity for requesting reimbursement of eligible costs f=om FEMA. Any costs to be so reimbursed by or through the Division shall be determined in accordance with 44 CFR 206.228. The Division may authorize applications for 'rei.mbursement of eligible costs from the undeclared disaster portion of the Emergency Hanagement Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund established pursuant to Section 252.373, Florida Statutes, in the event that the disaster or emergency, even~ ks not declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended by Public Law 100-707. Such applications 17 shall be evaluated pursuant to rules established by the Division, and may be funded only to the extent of available funds. SECTION SECTION 4. INSURANCE Each participating government shall bear the risk of its own actions, as it does with its day-to-day operations, and determine for itself what kinds of insurance, and in what amounts, it should carry. If a participating government is insured, its file shall contain a' letter from its insurance carrier authorizing it to provide and receive assistance under this Agreement, and indicat'ing that there will be no lapse in its insurance coverage either on employees, vehicles, or liability. If a participating government is self-insured, its file shall contain a copy of a resolution authorizing its self-insurance program. A copy of the insurance carrier's letter or the resolution of self-insurance shall be attached to the executed, copy of this Agreement which is filed with the Division. Each Assisting Party shall be solely responsible for determining that its insurance is current and adequate prior to providing assistance under this agreement. The amount of reimbursement from the Division or the Requesting Party shall be reduced by the amount of any insurance proceeds to which the Assisting Party is entitled as a result of losses experienced in rendering assistance pursuant to this Agreement. SECTION 18 To the extent permitted by law, and without waiving sovereign immunity, each Party to this Agreement shall be responsible' for any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, damages, and causes of action related to or arising out of or in any way connected with its own actions, and the actions of its personnel, in providing mutual aid assistance rendered or performed pursuant to =he terms and conditions of this Agreement. SECTION 6. L~NGT}{ OF TIME FOR EMERGENCY The duration of such state of emergency declared by the Requesting Party is limited to seven (7) days. It may be extended, if necessary, in 7 day increments. SECTION 7. TER~ This Agreement shall be in effect for one (1) year from the date hereof and shall automatically be renewed in successive one (1) year terms unless terminated in writing by the participating government. Notice of such termination shall be .made in writing and shall be served personally or by registered mail upon the Director, Division of Emergency Management, Florida Department of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida, which shall provide copies to all other Participating Parties. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon approval by the partic, ipating government and upon proper execution hereof. 19 SECTION 9. pOLE OF DIVISION OF EMERGENCY M~WAGEMENT The responsibilities the Pivision of Emergency Management, Florida Pepartment of Community Affairs under this Agreement are to: (1) request mutual aid on behalf of &.participating government, under the circumstances identified in this Agreement; (2) coordinate the provision of mutual aid to a requesting party, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; (3) serve as the eligible entity for requesting reimbursement of eligible costs .fr~m FEMA, upon a Presidential disaster declaration; (4) serve as central depository for executed Agreements; and (5) maintain a current listing of Participating Governments with their Authorized Representative and contact information, and to provide a copy of the listing to each of the Participating Governments on an annual basis during the second quarter of the calendar year. SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY: EFFECT ON OT~FER AGREEMENTS Should any portion, section, or subsection of this Agreement be held to be invalid by a court of competent Jurisdiction, that fact shall not affect or invalidate any other portion, section or subsection; and the remaining portions of th~s Agreement shall remain in full force and affect without regard to the section, port,on, or subsection or power ~nvalidated. In the event-that any parties to this agreement have entered ~nto other mutual af~ agreements, pursuant to Section 252.40, Florida Statutes, or interlocal agreements, pursuant to Section 20 163.01, Florida Stat~es, those parties agree that said agreements are superseded by this agreement only'for emergency management assistance and activities performed in catastrophic emergencies pursuant to this agreement. In the event that two or more parties to this agreement have not entered into another mutual aid agreement, and the parties wish to engage in mutual aid, then the terms and conditions of this agreement shall apply unless otherwise"agreed between those parties. IN WITN£$$ I.lt£REOI, the' parties set forth belov have duly executed this Aqreement on the date set forth belov: ~ 9 ~ 10 5 9 ' A~EST: BO~D OF ~ard of ~unty Commi~ioners [C~nty) ~ ~~~, my :, /~ AU0 1' 6 199~ ~,, .~.. 8.-~ ',o % I CHAIR, Pl~ 3~H COUN~ ¢~, COUNT~ .== APPRO~D ~ ~ ~ OF ~UNTY COktUISSIONERS · , ~ ~ '~- Office o~ ~e Attorney ' ;" .- EXECUTED BY THE FOL~WI~G P~TICIPATIN~ ~L GOVE~NTS , COUNTY (attach authorizing resolution or ordinance and insurance letter or resolution~ach) Delray Beach, , b y ~- ' ' - -l _ Jul 11 1995 Political S~divtsion Au[~O~[zed ~~%1- Date Thomas E. ~nch, Mayor City Clerk- ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED BY THE DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Director 22 October 21, 1994 MODIFICATION ~1 TO STATEWIDE ~U~ AID AGREEKENT \ W]{EREAS, the undersigned County/Municipality (strike one), along with the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management (DEM) and various other counties and munici- palities in the State of Florida, has entered into the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for ~atastrophic Response and Recovery (the Agreement) ~ and WkfE~, the parties to the Agreement are desirous of amending the Agreement, to revise pro¥isions regarding the handling of workers' compensation claims and to clarify and correct certain other terms and conditions~ NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned signatories agree: 1. The title of the Agreement is revised to r&ad: "State- wide Mutual Aid Agreement. 2. The introductory paragraph is revised to read: "THIS AGREEKENT IS ENTERED .INTO BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEM~T, AND BY AND ~MONG EACH COUNTY AND MUNICI- PALITY THAT EXECUTES AND ADOPTS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CON- TAINED HEREIN, BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING FACTS:m. 3. The first sentence of SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS, paragraph A. "AGREEMENT" i£ revised to read: "the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement." The remainder of that paragraph is unchanged. 4. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS, paragraph D. "AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE" is revised to read: "An employee of a participat- 1 October 21, 1994 lng government authorized in writing by that government to request, offerr or provide assistance under the terms of this Agreement. The' list of authorized representatives for the particip'.ting government executing this Agreement shall be attached hereto as 'Exhibit A,' and shall be updated as needed by each participating government." 5. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS, paragraph H. "PARTICIPATING GOVERNKENT# is revised to read: "The State of Florida, any county which executes this Ag. reement and supplie's a comp'lete, executed copy to the Division, and any municipality which executes this Agreement and supplies a' complete, executed copy to th~ s ion." 6. A new paragraph K. is added to SECTION 1. pEFINITIONS, to read as follows: "K. 'MAJOR DISASTER'- a disaster that will likely exceed local capabilities and require a broad range of state and federal assistance.# 7. The initial, unn,~hered, paragraph of SECTION 2. ~, is revised to read: When a Participating Government 'either becomes affected by, or is under imminent threat of, a major disaster, it may invoke emergency related mutual aid assistance either by: (i) declaring a state of local emergency and transmitting .a c. opy of that declaration to the Assisting ~a~ty, or to the Division, or (ii) by orally communicating a request for mutual aid assis- 2 · October 21, 1994 tance to the Assisting Party or to the Division, fol- lowed as soon as practicable by written confirmation of .. said request. Mutual aid shall not be requested by any Participating Government unless resources available within the stricken area are deemed inadequate by that Participating Government. Municipalities shall coordi- nate requests for state or federal assistance with their County Emergency Management Agencies. All re- quests for mutual aid shall be transmitted by the Authorized Representative or the'Director of the LoCal .Emergency Management Agency. Requests for assistance may be communicated either to the Division or directly to an Assisting Party. Requests for assistance under this Agreement shall be limited to major disasters, except where the Participating Government has no other mutual aid agreement for the provision of assistance related to emergencies or disasters, in which Case a Participating Government may request assi~tance re!ated to any disaster or emergency, pdrsuant to the provi- sions of this Agreement. 8. SECTION 2. PROCEDURES, paragraph C. REQUIRED INFORKA- TION, subparagraph, 6 is revised to read: 6. An estimated time and a specific place for a representative of the Requesting Party to meet the ' 3 October 21, 1994 personnel and equipment of any Assisting Party. Th~s information may be provided on the form attached as Exhibit #B," or by any other available means. The Division may revl~e the format of Exhibit "B" subsequent t.o the execution of this agreement, in which case it shall distribute copies to all Partici- pating Governments. 9. SECTION 2. PROCEDURES, paragraph I. WRITTEN ACKNOWL- ZD~EMENT, is revised to read: I. WRITTEN ACKNOWLED~EKENT- The Assisting Party shall complete a written acknow16dgment regarding the assistance to be rendered, setting forth the informa- tion transmitted in the request, and shall tranDmit it by the quickest practical means to the Requesting Pa.rty or the Division, as applicabie, for approval. The form to serve as this written acknowledgement is attached as Exhibit C~ The Requesting Party/Division shall respond to the written acknowledgenment by executing and return- ing a copy to the Assisting Party by the quickest practical means, maintaining a copy for its files. 10. SECTION 3. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES, paragraph A. PERSON- NEL, is revised to read: A. PERSONNEL - During the period of assistance, 4 October 21, 1994 the Assisting Party shall continue to pay its employees according to its then prevailing ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Requesting Party shall reimburse the Assisting Party for all direct and indirect Fayroll costs and exp~nses (including travel expenses) incurred during the period of assistance, including, but not limited to, employee pensions and benefits as provided by Generally Accepted Accounting Principle~ (GAAP). However, the Requesting Party shall not be responsible for reimbursing any amounts paid or due as benefits to employees of the Assisting Party under the terms of the Florida Workers' Compensation Act due to personal injury or death occurring while such employees are engaged in rendering aid under this Agreement. .Both the Requesting Party and the Assisting Party shall be responsible for payment of such benefits only to their own employees. 11. SECTION 7. TERM, is revised to read: This Agreement shall be in effect for one (1) year from the date hereof and shall be renewed in successive one (1) year terms unless terminated upon sixty (60) days advance written notice by the Participating Gov- ernment. Notice of such termination'shall be made in writing and shall be served personally or by registered 5 mail upon the Director, Division of Emergency Manage- ment, Florida Department of Community Affairs, Talla- hassee, Florida, which shall provide copies to all other Participating Governments. Not~ce of termination. shall not relieve the withdrawing Participating Govern- ment from obligat~ons incurred hereunder prior to the effective date of the withdrawal and shall not be effective until sixty (60) days after notice thereof has been sent by the Director, Division of Emergency Management, Department of CommUnity Affairs to all · other Participating Governmehts. 12. SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY; EFFECT ON OT~$R AGREEMENTS, revised to read: Should any portion, section, or subsection o~ this Agreement b6 held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, that fact shall not affect or invalidate any other portion, section or subsection; and the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and affect without regard to the section, portion, or subsection or power invalidated. In the event that any parties to this agreement have entered into other mutual aid agreements, pursuant to Section 252.40., Florida Statutes, or interlocal agreements, pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Stat- utes, those parties agree that said agreements are 6 superseded by this agreement only for energency manage- ment assistance and activities performed in major disasters, pursuant to this agreement. In t~e event that two or more parties to this agreement have not entered into another mutual aid agreement, and the parties wish to eDgage in mutual aid, then the terms and conditions of this agreement shall apply unless otherwise agreed between those parties. 13. The document attached to the Agreement and formerly labeled "APPENDIX A," is revised to be titled -E~WIBIT A" as ~ndicated in the attached EXWIBIT A. The document attached to the Agreement entitled "REQUIRED INFORMATION" ~s revised to be titled "EXHIBIT B" as indicated in the attached "EXHIBIT B.# The document attached to the Agreement and entitled "ACKN6WLEDGMENT" is revised to be titled "EXHIBIT C" as indicated in the attached "EXHIBIT 14. This Modification shall become effective only as between those counties and municipalities, and the State of Florida, when they have actually executed a copy of the MODIFICA- TION $1 TO STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT containing identical terms, and when that copy has been executed by the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management. IN WZTHgSS WHEREO~. A~STI C~ OF THE CIR~IT ~T OF F~RID~ ~/~- ~ %~'~ Of~Ce of the County Attorne9 ~0 A~EST ~ CITY C~ P~aZDA - APm~OVED AS D~P~ENT OF CO~ITY AFfAIrS DIVISION By{ ..... ,_ 8TATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A Date: ~ Name of Government: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: . Authorized Representatives to Contact for Emergency Assistance: primar~ Repr~sentative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone: Night Phone: FAX No.: Sst A~ternate Representative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone: Night Phone: 2nd Alternate Representative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone: Night Phone: E~HIB~'T B GTATEWIDZ MUTUAL AID ~REEKENT REQUIRED INFOR/~ATION Each request for assistance shall be accompanied by .the following information, to the extent known: 1. General description of the damage sustained: 2. Identification of the emergency service function for which assistance is needed (e.g. fire, law enforcement, emergency communications, public works and engi- medical, transportation, ' " neering, building, inspection, planning and information assis- tance, mass care, resource support, health and other medical services, search and rescue, etc.) and the particular type of assistance needed: REQUIRED INFORMATION (continued) 3. Identification of the public infrastructure system for which assistance is needed (e.g. sanitary sewer, potable water, streets, or storm water systems) and the type of work assistance needed: 4. The amount and type of personnel, equipment, materials, and supplies needed and a reasonable estimate of the length of time they will be needed: 5. The need for sites, structures or buildings outside the Requesting Party's political subdivision'to serve as relief centers or Staging areas for incoming emergency goods and servic-. 11 · REQUIRED INFORMATION (continued) 6. An estimated time and specific place for a repre=entative of the Requesting Party to meet the personnel and equipment of any Assisting Party. 12 EX]{IBIT C STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT To be completed by each Assisting Party. NACRE OF ASSISTING PARTY: AUTHORIZED REP.RESENTATI~E: CONTACT NUMBER/PROCEDURES: 1. Assistance To Be Provided: Resource Type Amount Assignment Est. Time Arrival 2. Availability of Additional Resources: 3. Time Limitations, if any: 13 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM: CITY MANAGER~ SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM # ~.0. - MEETING OF JULY 11, RESOLUTION NO. 51-95/STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT CATASTROPHIC DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY & MODIFICATION ~1 TO SAID AGREEMENT DATE: JULY 6, 1995 This is before the Commission to approve Resolution No. 51-95 which authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catastrophic Disaster Response and Recovery, and Modification #1 thereto. This is an agreement between the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, and the City as a participating local government. In the event of a major or catastrophic disaster, the City may either request assistance from other local governments or may provide assistance to other participating government entities. There is no direct fiscal impact to the City in approving this agreement. As noted in Chief Rehr's memorandum, if the City were to provide assistance to an impacted area, we would do so as agents of the State. As such, we would apply directly to the State for disaster assistance reimbursement rather than to FEMA. Likewise, if we were to experience a disaster and request assistance from other jurisdictions, we would be able to recoup our costs through the State's funding reimbursement mechanism. The Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement and Modification #1 thereto have been reviewed by the City Attorney's office and approved as to form and legal sufficiency. Recommend approval of Resolution No. 51-95. ref:agmemo6 Agenda Item- No.: AGENDA REQUEST Date: J,me )1: lqq~ Request to be placed on: X Regular Agenda Special Agenda Workshop Agenda When: Next available Description of item (who, what, where, how much): The S'tatewide Mutual Aid A~reement for CataStrophic Disaster Response and Recovery is an aKreement between the State Of Florida. Division of Emergency Management and thiD There {~ nm d{reet f~.~eal imnact in anprov~nm thJ.~ (Example: .Request from Atlantic High School for $2,000 to fund project graduation). ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION REQUIRED: YES/NO Draft Attached: YES/NO Recommendation: Recommend approval of the Agreement which in the event of a major or catastrophic disaster of the City may either request assistance from other locak governments or may provide assistance to other local 8overnments (Example: Recommend approval with funding from Special Events Account No. 001-3333-555-44.55).~ ~~ Department Hea~ Signature: City Attorney Review/ Recommendation (if applicable): Budget Director Review (required on all items involving expenditure of funds}: Funding available: YES/ NO Funding alternatives: (if applicable) Account No. & Description: Account Balance: City Manager Review: Approved for agenda: / NO Hold Until: Agenda Coordinator Review: Received: Placed on Agenda: Action: Approved/Disapproved RECEIVED CITY OF OEtRrlY BEACH CITY M,~,"' ,'"'~' FIRE DEPARTMENT s~v,,~ DELRAY BEACH · GULF STREAM · HIGHLAND BEACH P~LRoAY~ TO: DAVID T. HARDEN, CITY MANAGER 1993 FROM: ROBERT B. REHR, FIRE CHIEF DATE: JUNE 22, 1995 SUBJECT: STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Attached is the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catostrophic Response and Recovery, and Modification #1 to the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. This statewide mutual aid agreement developed and distributed by the State, is singular and all encompassing, and will supercede all previous agreements. On August 16, 1994, the Board of Palm Beach County Commission adopted by resolution, the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catostrophic Disaaster Response and Recovery between Palm Beach county and the State of Florida. The Executive Board of the Municipal League of Palm Beach County has recommended that the member municipalities adopt the agreement. The Agreement provides that county and local government signatories who assist an impacted area do so as agents of the State. As such, the assisting local governments may apply directly to the State for federal disaster assistance funds for reimbursement rather than to FEMA. The affected city that has suffered the disaster is therefore relieved of that responsibility and is free to concentrate on recovering its own losses. Currently, all mutual aid assistance rendered by or to other governmental entities is considered to be by contract with the impacted local government, and as such, reimbursement of costs cannot be requested directly from the State or Federal government. By signing this Mutual Aid Agreement, the City, in partnership with the State, assures a more timely and expeditious response for assistance from other local governments. If the City experiences a disaster which requires the assistance of other counties or cities, this agreement indicates that the requesting jurisdiction is responsible for all costs associated with the responding jurisdictions. The requesting jurisdiction will be able to recoup its costs through the State's funding reimbursement mechanism. FIRE DEPARTMEN] HEiADQUAR[ERS · 501 WES3 ATLANTIC AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 407/243-7400 · SUNCOM 928-7400 · FAX 407/243-7461 Pr//~te, d o~1 ,~ecyled f~ape~ Page - 2 - Memorandum David T. Harden, City Manager Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement We recommend the City concurrently adopt both documents as identified in the second paragraph of the memorandum from Joseph F. Myers, Director, Division of Emergency Management, to all County Emergency Manager Directors, dated October 19, 1994. Thank you for your attention on this issue. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact me. Fire Chief RBR/mmh Attachments: Agenda Request Resolution Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement Modification cc: Susan Ruby, City Attorney CITY OF DELRrlY BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT D~LRAY B~ACH M E M O R A N D U M fill ® FROM: ROBERT B. REHR, FIRE CHIEF ~993 DATE: JUNE 27, 1995 SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR EXECUTING THE STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT & MODIFICATION #1 This is additional information pertaining to the Statewide Mutual Agreement package that was forwarded to you on June 22, 1995. Included for addition to the original package are the Palm Beach County resolutions approving both the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement and the modification. The original package and the addition includes the City's Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement, Modification #1 to the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement, the County resolution approving the agreement and the modification. Both the original documents and the modification have execution pages which need to be signed by the participating government signatories (they have already been signed by the County), and the page designating the City personnel to be contacted also needs to be completed. Two identical sets of the above-described documents, as attached, need to have original signatures. The completed documents are to be sent to Mr. B. T. Kennedy, Palm Beach County Director of the Division of Emergency Management, who will make a copy for his records and forward the two original sets of documents to the State Division of Emergency Management. The State will execute both copies and return one original document to the municipality. Mr. Kennedy has worked closely with the municipalities to assure that the documents would be executed according to the State's specifications, and he would like the municipalities who are planning to adopt the Agreement to contact him (407-233- 3500) in this regard. Please do not hesitate to contact me ifI may be of any assistance in this matter. I can be reached at 407-243-7410. Fire Chief FIRE DEPAR[MEN~ HEAD(~UARTERS,, 501 WEST ATLANTIC AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 407/243-7400 · SUNCOM 928 7400 · FAX 407/243-7461 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 323~-2100 LINDA LOOM~S SHELLEY I~W~'ON CHILES . ~ Division of Emergency Manage~nt SUBJECT: Mutual Aid Compact: Modification DATE: October 19, 1994 In September I provided you all with information regarding the execution of the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement, and advised you that the Division of Emergency Management (DEM) anticipated a modification to the Agreement, based upon comments by several local government risk managers. Attached you will find the Modification prepared based upon those and other comments re- ceived. The attached Modification (dated October 18, 1994) is now ready for execution. Please destroy or otherwise dispose of any previous drafts you may have received· Therefore, please initiate the processes necessary to have your local governments execute this Modification, and return executed copies with attachments to the Division. County Emergency Management Agency Directors should provide copies of the Modifi- cation to all those municipalities they previously provided with the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. In addition, DE)( will be sending copies to all those that have already executed the Agreement· For those entities that have not yet executed the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement, the Modification should be executed concurrently with the Agreement. DEM will forward copies with the Division's endorsement back to all signatories upon final execution. With your continued assistance we anticipate having all modifications executed as soon as possible· If you have any questions, please call Robert C. Byerts at (904) 488-0410. JFM/rb attach. (1) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT · HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT · RESOURCE PLANNING AND MAN~GEMENT £1T¥ JIF I]ELRR¥ BER[H crrY CLERK D ^ 1~ N.W. 1st AVENUE · DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33~ · 407/243-7~0 Mr. B. T. Kennedy, Director Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management Public Safety Department 30! N. Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 3340! Re: Resolution No. 51-95/Statewide Mutual Aid Aareement an~ Modification ~1 Dear Mr. Kennedy: Enclosed please find two (2) certified copies of Resolution No. 51-95 which authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catastrophic Disaster Response and Recovery, and Modification %1 thereto. Executed copies of the Agreement and Modification are attached to the resolutions. Resolution No. 5~-95 was passed and adopted in regular session by the Delray Beach City Commission on July ~1, 1995. As requested, I am forwarding the executed documents to you for distribution and final execution by the appropriate parties. Please ensure that one original document ks returned to this office. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Alison MacGregor Harty City Clerk AMH/m Enclosures THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS P~nted on Recycled Paper C E RTI F I CAT I O~ I, ALISON MacGREGOR HARTY, City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached document is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 51-95, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement for Catastrophic Disaster Response and Recovery, and Modification #1 to said Agreement, as the same was passed and adopted in regular session by the Delray Beach City Commission on July 11, 1995. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the 6th day of September, 1995. Alison MacGregor Harty City Clerk City of Delray Beach, Florida SEAL