Res 56-89 RESOLUTION NO. 56-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR A REFERENDUM ELECTION TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 17, 1989, CONCERNING WHETHER AMENDMENTS SHOULD BE MADE TO THE DELRAY BEACH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT (CHAPTER 71-604, LAWS OF FLORIDA AS AMENDED). WHEREAS, Section 5.07 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach and Section 34.03 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach sets forth procedures for the calling of special elections; and, WHEREAS, this resolution shall serve as notice of such special election, WHEREAS, Chapter 89-477, Laws of Florida, authorized certain amendment to be made to the legislation pertaining to the Downtown Development Authority; and, WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 89-477, Laws of Florida requires as a condition precedent to the effectiveness of the amendment that a referendum election be held, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a referendum election is hereby ordered to be held in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on October 17, 1989 to determine whether the amendment to the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority Act (Chapter 71-604 Laws of Florida, as amended) should be adopted as set forth in Chapter 89-477, Laws of Florida (HB 850), which is attached hereto and expressly made a part hereof. Section 2. That the polling location be as determined by the Supervisor of Elections for Palm Beach County, Florida, and all qualified electors of the City who vote in said election shall vote at said designated polling place. The polls shall be open on the date of said referendum election from seven o'clock A.M. until seven o'clock P.M. on the same day. Only the duly qualified electors within the boundaries of the current and proposed Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority area will be permitted to vote in said referendum election. Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City shall prepare and give notice of the referendum election above required by causing a copy of this resolution, with an appropriate caption, to be published at least twice, once in the fifth week and once in the third week prior to the date of said referendum election in the Delray Beach News, the first publication to be not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of said referendum election. The City Clerk shall also cause, pursuant to Section 34.03 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a notice of the referendum election to be published in the Delray Beach News, two times, once each week prior to the week of the special election. The City Clerk shall secure from the publisher of said newspaper an appropriate affidavit of proof that said resolution has been duly published as herein set forth and said affidavits shall be made a part of the record of the City Commission. Section 4. That the vote at said referendum election shall be by use of voting machine, the type which has been used in recent City elections, and in the polling place shall have at least one voting machine. Section 5. The question to be submitted to the electors at said election shall be substantially as follows: An Amendment to the "Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority Act" (Chapter 71-604, Laws of Florida (HB 1250), as further amended) which shall expand the area lying within and under the jurisdiction of the Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority to include properties eastward of the Intracoastal Waterway, northward of the current Downtown Development Authority area to include those properties lying South of N.E. 2nd Street, West of N.E. 7th Avenue and East of N.E. 2nd Avenue, southward of the current Downtown Development Authority area to include those properties lying North of S.E. 2nd Street, East of S.E. 1st Avenue and West of S.E. 7th Avenue, said geographic boundaries being as more particularly described in Chapter 89-477, Laws of Florida (HB 850). SHALL THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED AMENDMENT TO THE "DELRAY BEACH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT" BE ADOPTED? FOR APPROVAL ( ) AGAINST APPROVAL ( ) Section 6. That the returns of the referendum shall be canvassed and certified in the manner provided by law. Section 7. That the Supervisor of Elections for Palm Beach .County, Florida, is hereby authorized and requested to make up and certify a list of names of all qualified electors within the boundaries of the current and proposed Delray Beach Downtown Development Authority area. A certified copy of such list shall be furnished to the Inspectors and Clerk of the election at the polling places where the votes are to be cast in said election, and a certified copy of such list shall be filed among the records of this City. Section 8. That said election shall in all other respects be held and conducted in the manner provided in and by the laws of the State of Florida. Section 9. That this resolution shall take effect in the manner provided by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 12th day of September, 1989. MAYOR ATTEST: City Cler'k - 2 - Res. No. 56-89 ,---..-¢~UG 24 '87 15:.43 ....... ¢ .......... 30l-~.14-3-1 3 Development Authority, Palm teach S a~ended~ expanding the ~owntown development 6 a~ori~y area deecr~pCA~n ~o ~nclude v p~opmr~Aea eaeCwaFd o~ the :nc:acoaeca~ 8 #a~erwa~; florChvard o~ current downtown 0 development authoric~ area ~o include ~hose 1,8 ' Il o~ N.g. 7~h Avenue and Wear o~ N.~. 2n~ Avenue, ii iou~hvard aC ~he current I:~wnGo~n Development 13 AUthority area to ~nc~ude tho~e properties ~4 ~¥~ng North o~ 8.E. 2nd Street, Weec o~ 1Si lit Avenue, a~d BaJC oC ~.~. ?th &venue, all 16! iuoh propert~ee lying within t~e municipal l? boundarAee o~ the ¢~CM'O! ~elray Beach; II ~provAdA~g for · referendum, x.~2 lO 20 Be ~ Enacted by ~he ~eeLilature o~ ~ha S~aCe of Florida~ 1,eno 21 23 FlorAda, aa amended, ~e a~ended to read, 24 Se~tAo~ 3. ~ AREA DESC.q~PT;OH - The ~owfltoufl ~,~3 ' 27 Co~enclng aC a ~n~ on ~he ~n~eFoecc~on o~ 28 the h~gh water ~fK o{ Chi Atlantic Ocean amd 20 the lal~erl~ pco~ect~on cf ~he ~crt~ ~ne cf ~,~ 301-134-3-9 ' S Town ok Delta7 (~o:me~l~ Listen), t~ence 6 Wee~e~l¥ along eaid pro~ect~c~ a ~lscence ? 170.09' to a point; t~ence Northerly to ~he 1.21 ll Book 4, Page 31); c~eflce north a~ong said east 1.23 13 Seabreeze Pa=k/ chance westerly along the iouCh 1,24 14 line ~ ~ot 21 and westerly pco~eccion thereof 15 Co the welt plat limit o~ 9eabreese Par~; 1.25 l~ ~hence southerly alon~ said welt plaC limit co l? ~ho southeast corner o~ ~o~ 20, ~ow~y Park 1.26 16 getete~ (Pla~ Book 24, Page lBS); thence in 20 of said Lot 20~ thence continuing along said 21 line Co the intersection o~ laid line wi~h the 22 West right-ag-way line o£ East Road (LO~y Pa~ 1.20 23 Estates, Book 24, page 156, o~ the 24 Record~ c~ palm Beach County, Florida); thence' 1.30 z$ Southwesterly along laid ~elc right-o£-va¥ 27line o~ said rig~t-og-wa¥; ~hence So~Chve~d along said ~eeC rLght-of-way line and its 31 Avenue~ thence westerly along said right-of-way 1.33 2 COOXBGt garde itt~eken ace deletions; words ~ are additions. 208-X34-3-9 il t~e north loc line o~ Lot Se, BXocX ll?; thence ~,65 e&eterl~ along seX~ westerly pcoJe~on ncrch~esc corner o~ said ~o~ 18; chance 1.66 6 cAghC-oC-waM ~Ane o~ ~,t. ?~h Avenue1 chance 7 southerly along ~he lilt tigh~-of-va~ l~ne o; 1.68 8 S.~. 7~h Avlnul ~o ~he IOuthvil~ COtne~ oJ ~ot · i0 ealCe~ly along the south loc lines :.~ 4S, S?, and ~2 o~ ~alm Iquarl (an unrecorded 1.70 13 o~ Block 133, ~a in ~lat loo~ 1, ~ge 3) ~o 1.71 16 SouChetl~ alo~g the ~1~ rLgh~-o~-va~ l~ne o~ cocnlc o~ iloc~ 141 (ii L~ PL&~ ~oK 22 An Plat ~o~ 21, page iS); ~hefl ~0 a ~AnC on 23 the SouC~asC es:nar o~ laid Lot Al t~lfl~e ~fl I' 1.76 24 ~orther~ d~rec~ofl a~oflg ~he WeoC X~flo of 26 hlcerly along the Nor~ lane off ~t ?; ~henco 30 S~k 2i, page 9S); ~he~ce ~ticlrl~ co chi 1.BO 3: Southwest cocne~ o~ Loc 8; thence 5 AUG ~4 "~9 16:4~ ~.~??-i~ C~RSOM&&INN,P~ 308o134030I ~, along the South line o~ Loc 6 Co t~e sou(heal( 1 corner o~ LoC 81 C~enoa in a Northerly 3 direction along the Zalt line o~ Loci e, 7, 6, 4 and S to the Nor(heal( corner Ge iatd Lot S 1.82 5 (being in Block 4, Ocean Park Subdivision, 6 in PlaC Book $, pagl I~)i :~enca K&lClrl¥ to 1.83 ? the SOuthwest corner of LoC ?, Block 3l thence 8 z&iterl¥ along the South line o! iai4 cot ? co 1.84 l~ corner o~ Lot 7 and the NorthVelt corner o~ ~2 ~4, Block ~ (~n 8aid Ocean Park lubdiv~i~on~ 2.2 ~3 BloCk 2)~ t~enoe ~aacerl~ along Chi NorC~ line 14 of ~OC 24 (in Block 3 ct Ocean Park 15 Subdivision) to ~ha No~theaat corner o£ HAd 16 LOt 34l thence Saeter~y to the #ezt~veat aornar ~.4 l0 ~2); thence in an laatarly direction along the lO north line cZ ~ocs 7 and 34 (in Block 3 of ~.$ 20 Ocean Park Su~diviaion) to the northeast corner 22 lina of LoCi 16 and 2 o£ Ilook 1 in Chi Ocean 23 Park Subdivision to a point a~ the Northeast 2.7 ~4 corner o£ ~,o~ 2, l~oek ~; ~heflce Eao~e~IM along 1, Ocean Park fubd/viofl ~o ~he high va~er .aid high v~tec mar~ ~ln.; co ~he ~oin~ 3~ ¢ ® 201-~34-3-~ secc~on 2. ~his ccc, except ~o: c~le seccLo~ which 2.~2 upon approval by a majority vo~e o~ ~he e~eccors o~ thc area 2.L3 watch eha~ be ca,Led and held by ~he ¢£~y o! Deafly. Beach on the CLOy et Delra¥ Beach at a specLal e~ecc~on occurring at ~east 60 days a~ter thLs acc ~ecomae & ~a~. Any i~ectoc o~ 2,L8 the county who Feeidsa ~n the preeen~ DeLsey Beach Downtown such area ~e eL~g£~Le co vote Ln such ~efe=efldum ~Lec~on. 208-X34-3-! ~ine of N,E, 2nd Avenue co tam aouch =igAc-of- 2 w&y line c~ N.~. lmc Sc:eat; cAeflce weacerlM 3 along CAe south cigAt-o~-wa¥ line o~ N.E. S iA uoe; %hence GooCAoF~¥ alon~ Chi Emac line of ~.S3 ? SwAnSon Avenue ~o i point whe~e ~c iflCeceeoca 9 (al ~n P~tC BOOk 1, piga 3); tAonoe ZiaCerl¥ l0 along the South line et.amid ~o~ 6 and Lo~o S, 1.SS l~ 4, 3, 2, 1 ~o chi veo~ ~ghtoo~-v&y line o~ ~2 S.~. lac Aven~e; ~hence Southerly along tho 13 veaC ~lgAc-o~-way of s.z. ~ac Avenue co a po~n~ 14 of lnCeraecCAon with cae no,Ch righC-c~-#e~ l. S7 1S li~e c~ 8.E. lo~ Bcreec; ~Aenoe easterly along 16 CAe north right-of-way line o£ S.B. la~ ~CceiC ~? co cae eouc~eamc corner o~ LoC lZ, JlooK 77 (ii 18 in Floc Book I, piga 3); tAenoe .oucherl~ along l. Sg l0 ~he eeoc ~oC ~a of mild Lo% 1 and LoCi ~, 3, 20 4, 5, 6, 7, lnd I co Chi.notch 2~ line of 8,E. 2nd formic; ~henoe eaaCer~ along 1.60 22 cae notch right-of-gay line o~ e.g. 2fid S~reeC 23 Co C~o ~cu~eamc oocfler c~ Loc I3, B~oo~ x18 .. ~.6~ 24 (am in PliC Book 2, page 8); CAence noccherl¥ 25 along Chi eel~ lo~ line, end nor~herl~ ~6 pro,motion thereof, of amid ~o~ ~3 co chi Pla~ Book l, page 3)~ ~Aefloe norCAo~ly along