Res 17-88 RESOLUTION NO. 17-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 39-87 WHICH MADE APPROPRIATIONS OF SUMS OF MONEY FOR ALL NECESSARY EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88, BY MAKING NECESSARY TRANSFERS TO THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS: PLANNING AND ZONING, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Resolution No. 39-87 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: That the following sums of money be, and hereby are appropriated upon terms, conditions and provisions hereinabove and hereinafter set forth: CITY OP DELRAY BEACH OPERATING Bb'DGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Community Law General Development Enforcement Fund Fund Trust Pumd Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes $ 10,544,629 Franchise Taxes 2,366,300 Utility Taxes 3.417.300 Ocher Taxes 786.000 Licenses and Permits 1,274,960 Intergovernmental ~J-,-~-~,-6z~3,735,586 ~000 705,290 Charges for Services 578,875 F~es ~d Fortei~ures In~ere8~ Ra~Ss 321.972 Recove~ of Admin Costs I.~5,668 Miscellaneous To=al ~evenue~ ~~J $ Z~,923,933 705,290 Other Fina~ing Sources Contr~u=~on~ in Lieu of T~ ~ 1,297,242 Prior ~e~r Federal R~v Sharin~ ~d ~al~ce $ 20,000 Prior Year Fund Bal. $ 925,000 276,~33 Total Financing Sources $ 2.2~2,242 To=al Revenues and Financing Sources $-~1~'~.-~I~ -~Sr~ 276,033 27,166,175 705,290 - 1 - Res. No. 17-88 Community Lay General Development En£orcement Pund Fund Trust Fund ~ndi~ur~s ~ner~ ~e~ent $ 2,68~.672 Police 7,6gO. 378 Se~icea ~. 913,399 D~elopuen~ ~d Xnspec ~ion L. 387. Plann~{ ~d Zones -464;}76- 502,532 Enl~eerhl 386, 126 Public ~o~1 1,836,008 Pat{ ~d Recreation 3,1~9,783 Oru~s and Con c inlenc ief 1, 214,310 Deb~ Se~ice 2,528,980 Cfpi~ll I~rovenenc -!~;OOO- 598.000 C~nit~ Developmen~ -~8~0~ 705,290 Total ~pend i~uref -$-2~;8~;~0 -~8;00~ 276,033 $ 26.942,596 705.290 0~her F~enc~s Usaa: ~er8~8 Tr~sfers ~ 8, Z~579 , **Total ~penditures ~d F ~nanc in8 -$-i~riO)~Lg- Z76.033 Estimated Undeaisnated Fund Balance (As o{ October 1, 1987) $ 3,200,000 Plus Dasisna~ed for Emersency Disaster $ 300,000 Less Proposed Reduc~ion Fund Balance $ 9 2~, 000 Es~i~ated Undesisna~ed Fund Balance (As ~f Proposed Millase for 1987-88 Operating 5. 2991 Deb~ Service .7009 Total Millase 6.0000 -2- Res. No. [7-! CIT~ Og DELRA¥ BEACH OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL 1987-88 gOR ENTEI~PRISE PUI~ T~PES Water & Delray City Sewer Golf ~arina Cemetery Sanitation Fund Course Fund ~und ~und Operatins Revenues ~ Char~ee for Servi=ee $10,995,000 78,000 48,000 1.963,000 Golf & Restaurant Operator Peee 222,000 Total Operatin$ Revenues $10.995.000 222,000 78.000 48,000 1,963.000 Operatin$ Expeneee: Personal Services $ 2~ 473,718 0 0 68, 80~ 0 Other Operatin$ Exp. $ 4,448,772 47,000 28,425 50,748 1,850,100 Depreciation $ 1,200,000 50,000 20,000 0 0 Total Opezatin$ Exp. $ 8,122,490 97,000 48,425 119,552 1,850,100 Operetin$ Income $ 2,872,510 125.000 29,575 (?1.552) 112,900 Nonoperat£n$ Revenues (Expenses) Interest l~venue and Bond ~u~da $ 640,000 23,000 4,500 3,500 ~iscellaneous Revenue (Expense) ( 64.859) ( 2. 115) 25 1.000 0 In~eres~ ~enee ($2.2~9.575) (119.~52) 0 0 0 To,al Nonopera~in~ R~enue ~ (~ense) ($1.694,43~) (9S.667) ~,~5 4,~00 i~.~ Income Before ~era=in~ Tr~afere In (~) $ 1,178,076 26.333 34.150 (62,052) 1~.9~0 Operatin$ Tranefere In (Out) - Operatin$ Transfers In 75. 298 0 0 95.371 0 Operatin$ Trane. Out ($1,249,529) (16,353) (5,120) (3,074) (151,000) Total Operatin$ Trane In (Out) ($1,174,231) (16,353) (5,120) 92,29? (151,000) ***Net Income $ 3,845 9,980 29,030 25,245 6,900 - 3 - Rea. No.17-G8 Section 2. Thac all monies hereinbefore appropriated are appropriated upon ter~e, conditions, and pro~isiona hereinbefore and hereinafter set forth. Section 3. That subject to che qualifications contained in chis resolution al appropriations sade out oi the General ~und are declared to be ssvimu~, conditional, an proportionate appropriations, che purpose bein$ co ~e the appropriations payable in ful in the mou~ta herein nmed if necessary and then only in the event the agiregate revenue collected and other resources available during the period coe~encing the let day of 1987, and teminating the 30th day of September, 1988, for vhich the appropriati~na ar sade, ere su£ficient to pay all the appropriations in [ull1 other~ise the said appropr£a tions shall be dee~ed to be payable in such proportion as the total su~ of realized revenu of the General fund ia to the total a~ount o[ revenues estimated by the City Council to b available in the period coe~encing the let day of October, 1987, and ter~inating the 30t day of September, 1988. Section i. That all balances of the appropriations payable out o~ the Genera fund o[ the C£ry Treasury unenc,,~hered at ~he close of business on the 30th d~y of 1987; except as othe~fise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed in~o the Cit Treasury and say be used for the payment of the appropriations vhich say be sade in an appropri~tion [or the fiscal year co~u~encing the 1st day o[ October, 1987, provided, boy ever, nothing in this Section shall be construed to be applicable to unencumbered balance rem&ining to the credit of the ~ater and Sever fund, Sanitation fund or any funds created b the setting up of special revenue, but such balances shall be used in financing the propose expenditures o[ these ~unda [or ihs fiscal year co~encing ~he lit day of October, 1987. Section ~. That no depart~enc, bureau, agency or individual recei~ing appropria. tions under the provision o[ this resolution shall exceed the a~ount o[ its appropriation, except vith the consent and approval of the City Council first obtained: and it such depart. sent, bureau, agency, or individual shall' exceed the a~ount of its appropriation such consent and approval of che City Council, the administrative officer or individual, the discretion o[ the City' Council, ~ay be deemed ~u£1ty of neglect of official duty and ~a} be subject to removal therefor. Section 6. That nothing in this resolution shall be construed as a~thorizing an: reduction to be ~ade in the a~ounts appropriated in chis resolution for che payment interest on, or retirement of, the debt o[ the City of Delray Beach, florida. Section ?. That none of the ~oniea enumerated in this resolutibn in connectio~ ~ith the General fund, ~ater and Sever fund, Sanitation fund or any other fund of the shall be expended for any purposes than those [or vhich they are appropriated, ~d lc be tee du~y o[ the Director of ~inance to report known violations of this section to City ~anaier. Section 8. That all ~oniea collected by any department, bureau, a~ency or indivi. dual of the City 6overr,~ent shall be paid promptly into the City Treasury.. Section 9. That the foregoing budget be and hereby is adopted as the budget o[ the City of Delray Beach for the aforesaid period. Provided, however rJ~t ch, restrictions vith r~.spect to the expenditures/ex~enaea o[ the funds appropciated shell eppll only to the lump ets ~ounts [or classes of expenditures/expenses vhich h~ve been include, in this resolution. Section 1). That public hearings ye: · held on the c~z levy and the budiec o September 8, 1987 and September 22, 1987. Sect~0n 11. That this resolucion shall be effective immedia~ely upon passage. ?ASSBD ~ND AgO?TBD in regular session on this the 22nd day of March, 1985. -4 - ~e~. No.