Res 69-85 RESOLUTION NO. 69-85 A JOINT RESOLUTION BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOCA RATON, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH', TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH, TOWN OF OCEAN RIDGE, TOWN OF GULFSTREAM, TOWN OF BRINY BREEZES. VILLAGE OF GOLF, FLORIDA MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS; AND PALM BEACH COUNTY, A SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; THE SOUTHEASTERN PALM BEACH' COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTkICT; THE GREATER BOCA RATON BEACH TAX DISTRICT; LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT; SOUTH LAKE WORTH INLkT DISTRICT; AND THE PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD; FOR THE ENACTMENT AND ESTABLISF~.IENT OF A COUNCIL OF GOVEkNMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE MEMBERSHIP, POWERS AND ADMINISTRATION OF SUCH COUNCIL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DAT E. ' " WHEREAS, the residents of the area surrounding and proximate to South Palm Beach County, in the State of Florida, are served by the fol- lowing entities: the municipalities of Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, highland Beach, Ocean Ridge, Gulfstream, Golf, Briny Breezes, and Palm Beach County, the Southeastern Palm Beach County HOspital District, the Greater Boca Raton Beach Tax District, the Lake Worth Drainage Dis- trict, the South Lake Worth Inlet District, and the Palm Beach County School Board (hereinafter referred to as "hember Local Governments"); and, WHEREAS, the Member Local Governments have many interrelating problems and needs which would best be resolved on a cooperative community basis, rather than by separate action; thus reducing duplication of costs and services; and, WHEkEAS, Florida Statute 163.02 provides for the creation of voluntary councils of local public officials for the cooperative resolu- tion of area and community problems; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE CITY COUNCILS OF BOCA RATON, FLORIDA, DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THE TOWN COUNCILS OF HIGHLAND BEACH, FLORIDA, OCEAN RIDGE, FLORIDA, GULFSTREAM, FLORIDA, BRINY BREEZES, FLORIDA, AND THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF GOLF, FLORIDA, THE SOUTHEASTERN PALM BEACH COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT, THE GREATER BOCA RATON BEACH TAX DISTRICT, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT, SOUTH LAKE WORTH INLET DISTRICT, AND THE PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, THAT: SECTION 1- ESTABLISHMENT: The Member Local Governments hereby establish and agree to a Council of their respective governments in ac- cordance with Florida Statute 163.02 and the terms of this joint resolu- tion. SECTION 2 - NAME: The name of the Council shall be "THE SOUTH' COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS" (hereinafter referred to as "The Council"). SECTION 3 - REPRESENTATION ON COUNCIL: The representative from each member local government shall be the elected chief executive of said local government, or, if such local government does not have an elected chief executive, a member of its governing body chosen by such body to be its representative. Each member, through their duly authorized representative, shall have one vote, and such representative shall have the obligation of dis- cussing the issues with its governing body. Council participation shall be voluntary and no member shall be compelled to participate in matters under consideration, financially or otherwise. Any member may withdraw from the Council upon sixty (60) days notice to the Council, subsequent to formal action by the member's govern- ing body. SECTION 4- PURPOSES: The purposes of the Council shall be to study such area governmental problems as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to matters affecting health, safety, welfare, education, econo~ic~ conditions, and area development; promote cooperative arrange- ments and coordinate action among its members; and make recommendations for review and action to the members and other public agencies that per- form local functions and services within the area. SECTION 5 - FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: (a) The governing bodies of the member governments may appro- priate funds to meet the necessary expenses of the Council. Services of personnel, use of equipment and office space, and other necessary services may be accepted from members as part of their financial support. (b) The Council may accept funds, grants, gifts, and services from the State of Florida, from any other governmental unit whether participating in the Council or not, from the government of the United States, and frcm private or civic sources. (c) The Council may employ a staff, may consult and retain experts, and may purchase or lease or otherwise provide for supplies, materials, equipmen~ and facilities as it deems desirable and necessary. (d) Each representative shall have the duty to regularly report Council matters to its member govermnent. The Council shall make an annual puulic report of its activities to each of the member local govern- ments and shall have its accounts audited annually. SECTION 6- BY-LAWS: The Council shall adopt bylaws designating the officers of the Council and providing for the conduct of its business. ~CTiON 7 - AMENDMENT: This resolution and the agreements there- by affected may only be amended by a joint resolution of the governing bodies of all members. S~.CTION 8- EFFECTIVE DATE: This resolution shall become effec- tive upon passage by the governing bodies of all members, in accordance with law. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 27th day of August, 1985. M A Y~'R -~ ATT EST: Asst. City Clerk -2- Res. No. 69-85 RESOLt~TION NO. 69-85 A JOIhT RESOLUTION BY ARD BE"I"~EEN TH£ C~TY OF BOCA RATON, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, CITY OF BOYN~ON BEACH, TO~N OF HIGfD_AND BEACH, TOWN OF 0CF.~N ~f/]GE, TOWN OF GULFSTREAH, TOWN OF BRINY BREEZES, VU~r-~GE OF GOLF, Florida Hunicipal Corporations; and PALM BEACH COUNTY, a subdivision of the Star: of Florida; Ch& SOUI~EASTER/t PALM BEACH COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT; =he GREATER BOCA RATON BEACH TAX DISTRICT; LAKE WORld! DRAINAGE DISTRICT; SOUTH LAKE WORTH INLET DISTR/CT; ~nd the PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD; FOR THE ENACTHENT AND ESTABLISH- M~T OF A COUNCIL OF GOVERb~4~S; PROVIDING FOR THE ME~D~ERSHIP, POWERS AND ADMINISTRATION OP SUCH COUNCIL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~EP~, the residents of Che area surrounding and South Palm Beach Coun=y, in =he S=a=e of Florida, are served by following entlcies: =he municipali~ies" of Boca Racon, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Highland Beach, Ocean R/dSe, ~ulfsCream, Golf, Briny Breezts, and Palm Beach County, the Southeastern Palm Beach County Hospital Dis=rict, ~he Ores=er Boca Radon Beach..Tax D£s=ric=,. the Lake ~or=h Drainage District, the South Lake Wor=h Inle= District, and the Palm Beach Counzy School Board (hereinaf=er referred ~o as "Member Local Governments"); and ~rH~, =he H~mber ~cal Governments have many in~errela~in$' prob!e_=s and __n~?ds v~ish, w. ould ,,b~.s.~. be resolved .o~_~a.: cooperative co=Cy basis, rather zhan by separate action; ~hus- reducin~ dupl~-ca=ion of cos=s and services; and -... ~HEREAS, Florida S=a~uca 163.02 proviges for =be creazion of vol~=:=a~-y councils of lo'al public officials for =he cooperaZ£ve reso!u=ion of area and communi=y problems; NOW, THEP~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COM}tlSSION OF PALH BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE CITY COUNCILS OF BOC~ RATON, FLORIDA, DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BOY, TON BEACH, FLORIDA, THE TO~N COUNCILS OF HIGHLAND BEACH, FLO~!DA, OCEAN RIDGE, FLORIDA, GULFSTREAH, FLORIDA, BRIHY BREEZES, FLORIDA, AND THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF GOLF, FLORIDA, THE SOUTHEASTERN PALM BEACH. _COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT, THE GREATER BOCA RATON BEACH TAX DISTRICT, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT, SOUTH LAKE ~ORTH INLET DISTRICT, AND THE PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, THAT: SECTION ! - ESTAbLIShMENT: The Member Local Governmen=s hereby eszablish and agree to a Council of their respec=ive governmen=s En accordance wi=h Florida Sta=u=e 163.02 and =he cerm~ of =his ~oin= SECTION 2 - NAME: The name of the Council shall be "THE SOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERt~ENTS" (hereinafter referred co as "The Council"). SECTION 3 - REPRESENTATION Gl, COUNCIL: The representative f~om each member local government shall be the elected chie£ executive of said : local government, or, if such local government does not have an elected chief executive, a member of i~s governing body chosen by such body to be its representative'.' " Each member, through their duly authorized ~epresentative, shall have one vote, and such representative shaLL have the obligation of discussing the issues with its governing body. Council participation .- shall be voluntary and no member shall be compelled to participate in ' matters under consideration, financially or otherwise. Any member may withdraw from the Council upon sixty (60) days · notice to the Council, subsequent £o formal ~tion by the' member's Soverning body. SECTION.4 - PURPOSES: The purposes'o~ ~he Council shall be to study such area governmental problems as it deems appropriate, including · bu~ =or limited to me,tars affec~ing health, safety, welfare, education, eco:~_.ic -con~i~cions, ."~nd ' area''~ ~e~opment; pr~m~''~ cooperative arr~--~ements and coordinate action among its members; and make r~c~. ~=~dations for review and action co the members and other public age~-cles that perform local functions and se~-vices ~chin the area. SECTION 5 - FINANCE A~rD ADHINISTRATION: (a) The governing bodies of the member governments may' " appropriate funds to'meet the necessary expenses of the Council. Services of personnel, use of equipment and office space, and other necessary services may be accepted f~om members as part of their financial support. (b) The Council may accept funds, grants, gifts~ and services from the State of Flori~, from any other governmental unit whether participatin$ in the Counci~ or not, from ~he ~ove~nmenc of the United States, and from private or civic sources. (c) The Council may employ a staff, may consult and retain experts, an~ may purchase or lease or otherwise provide for supplies, materials, equipment and facilities as iC deems desirable and necessary. (d) Each represenCaC£ve shall have the duc¥ Co regularly report Council matters co its member government. The Council shall make an annual public repor~ of i~s activities co each of the member local Eovernmencs and shall have i= accounts audi=ed a~nually. SECTION 6 - BY-LAWS: The Council shall adopt bylaws designating che o~ficers of the Council and providing for the conduct of business. SECTION ? - AMENDMENT: This resolution an~ the agreements · . thereby affected may only be amended by a Joint resolution of the governing bodies of all members. '' SECTION 8 - EFFECTIV~ DATE: This resolution shall becomt effective upon passage by the governing bodies of' ail members) in · accordance vitb lay. BY-LAWS OF THE SOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL OF COVER~MENTS, INC. (a non-profit corporation of the State of Florida) PREamBLE The South County Council of Governments, Inc. is created as a non-profit cocpocacion established by resolution and agreement among members pursuant to Florida Statute 163.02. The Council is organized for ~he permanent establishment of a forum for discussion and study of area problems of mutual interest and concern to the member local governments and for the development of policy and action recommendations. ARTICLE I. PUP. POSES The purposes of the Council shall be to study such area governmental problems as i~ deems appropriate, including but not limited ~o matters affecting health, welfare, education, economic conditions, and .. area development; to promote cooperative arrangements and coordinate action among its members; and make recommendations for review and action to th~ members and other public agencies that perform local functions and services mrithin the area. - ARTICLE II. FUNCTIONS The functions of the Council shall include: A. Review of So~th County Governmental Proposals, The review of proposals for the South County area as defined herein or regional gover=mental units or agencies within the said area, and the making of appropr~_ate policy or action recommendations. B. Stud7 of South County Area Problems. The identification' an~ s:udy of problems, functions and services in the South County area as de~-ed herein, and the making of appropriate policy or action rec.~.--endations. C. Study of Problems Affectin~ South ~ounty Area. The identification and study of any action arising outside of the South Cou_~-y area which, in the opinion of the Council, will have a substantial. ef~ec: on the South County area, and the making of appropriate policy action recommendations in regard to such outside action. D. Other Functions. Such other municipal or regions]. fthnc:ions as the Council shall deem appropriate for the South County Council of Governments. ARTICLE Ill. DEFINITIONS. A. South County Area. For the purposes of this Council, the South County area shall be defined as: See Exhibit "A" B. South County Area Problem. A Sou~h County .area problem is · one that meets the following criteria: 1. The geosraphic area in which the problem is eviden~ must be within the South County area and must include ac least a portion of t~o or more of the governmental entities represented on the Council, and the solution of which evidently will not be achieved through conventional methods; and 2.' A solution is required by consideration of public health, safety or welfare. C. Council. The Council, as set forth in these By-Laws, means the South County Council of Governments, Inc., a non-profit corporation, as established by the Joint resol,'~lon adopted by the govarnin$ bodies the member counties, municipalities, special districts or other $overnmencal subdivisions of this state, here£nafcer referred to as member local governments. The member local lovernments o£ the Council a~e: Palm Beach County, the Cities of Boca Racom, Delray Beach, Boynton.. Beach, the To-ns of Highland Beach, Ocean Ridge, Gulfstream, Briny B~eezes, the Village of Golf, the Southeastern Palm Beach County Hospital District, the Greater Boca Racom Beach Tax District, Chi Lake Drainage District, the South Lake Worth Inlet Discr!ct, and the Palm Beach County School Board. D. Official Representative. As used in chess By-Laws, means the elected chief executive of said local government, or, if such goverrunent does not have an elected chief executive, a member of Ioverning body chosen by such body Co be its representative. Said official representative shall appoint an alternate, to acc in his/her stead in his/her absence, provided thac said alternate shall be a member of its governing body. ARTICLE IV. ME~ERSHIP AND HER'TINGS. .- A. ~embershi~ 1. The County, all municipalities, special districts or ocher area Sovernmencal subdivisions within the South County area shall automatically be entitled to membership on ~he Council, subjec~ to the provisions of Subsection 2 of chis Section A. In accordance with Florida S~a~utes, all representatives must be the elected chief executive of said local government, or, if such government does noc have an elected chief executive, a member of its governing body chosen by such body Co be its representative or its duly appointed alternate. 2. ~embership shall be contingent upon execution of the' Jo!=: Resoluc{on creating ~he Council and the payment by the member local gove_--~.~ents of each annual assessment, and with special assessments which such =amber 1~c~ gove.,rn~enC! hav~,p~ipusly a§reed ~,_~a.~ticipate in. 3. If any member local government withdraws from me=bershipj it may reinstate its membershi~ by paying all assessments owe~ by i= in accordance with Subset=ion 2 of chis Sec=ion A. B. Meetings. 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Council shall be held six (6) times a year on odd-numbered months. The annual. mee=in~ shall be held on the first Wednesday in May, and other regular meetings shall be held on che first ~ednesday in March, July, September, " November and January. In the event of a regularly scheduled meeting falling on a holiday, the Council shall mee~ on =he first ~ednesday following the holiday. The time and location of the regular meetings shall be determined by the Chairman of the Council. Written notice of re§ular meetings of the Council shall be given =o the official. representative of =he member local government at leas~ ten (10) days prior to each meeting. A tentative agenda for the meeting shall follow the notice. Meetings may ~nly be cancelled by majority vote of the . member local governments aC a regular meeting. 2. SpeCial-Meetings. Special meetings of the Council may be called: a. by the Chairman or b. by motion of Council or c. by the Chairman at the request of any t~o (2) or more of its member governments. Forty-eight (48) hours notice of a special meetin~ shall be given ~o the o~ficial representative of the member, local governments. An agenda specifying the subject of the special meeting shall follo~ the notice. Only those subjects appearing on the special agenda may be discussed at that called meeting. The date, time and location of the special meetings shall be determined by the Chairman. 3. Emer~enc~ Keet~n~s. Eme~$ency meetings of the Council a. b~ the Ch~£n~an or by motion o~ Council or by ~he Chairman a~ the reques~ of any t~o (2) or · mo~e of i~s member governments. T~enty-four (~) hours notice o~ an emergency m~e~ng shall be given to the official ~e~esenta~ive of ~he member local governments. An agenda specifying the subject of the emergency meeting shall follow the notice. Only those subjects appearing on the emergency agenda may be discussed aC chac called meeting. The date, time and location of the emergency meetings shall be determined by the Chairman. If after reasonable, diligence, it vas impossible to give notices to each member local government or because of the nature of the emergency, it was impossible to let ~enty-four hours elapse before the meeting, such failure shall not affect the lesality of the meeting if a quorum be in attendance. The minutes of each special or emergency meeting shall show the manner and method by which notice of such special or emergency meeting was given to each member local government or shall show a waiver of notice. 4. Order of Business for HeeCinss. The following form shall be folloved: SOUTH COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOV~T. NHENTS REGULAR HEETING AGENDA DATE PLACE Approval of Agenda 'Announcements Approval of H/hurts and Reports Visitors Comments Old Business New Business Committee Reports Hember Reports Adjournment ART2~ V. VOTING A. The overall in=tnt of the member governments is Char issues of concern should be fully discussed by the respective representatives. For ac=ual votes each member, through its duly authorized representative, shall have one (l) vote, and such repre-sentative shall have the obligation of discussing the issues with its governin~ body. .. B. Quorum. The presence of a majority of all the members shall be necessary at any meeting to constitu~e a quorum to transac~ business. . C. Action on any proposal other than amendment of the corporate articles and by-laws shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the representatives actually voting on such proposal. Any proposals thus passed shall be considered as action of the Council and not its individual members. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS, 'ELECTIONS AND VACANCIES Section 1. Officers The officers of this Council shall consist of a Chairman, a First Vice-Chairman, a Second Vice-Chairman, a Secretary/Treasurer. They shall be elected ac the annual meeting and shall hol~ office for a period of one year. The Chairman, first Vice-Chairman and the second Vice-Cha£r~an shall be members of this Council· Payment for services of officers m~y be determined by the Council. A. The Chairman shall: 1. preside at all meetings of the Council be an ex officio member of all committees 3. perform al£ ocher duties usually pertaining Co the office of Chairman. B. The First Vice-Chairman shall: 1. preside aC all meetinss of the Council in the absence of the Chairman 2. perform all other such duties usually percainin$ Co the office of First Vice-Chairman C. The Second Vice-Chair~an shall: .. 1. preside at all meetinSs of the Council in the absence of the Chairm~n and the First Vice-Chairman 2. perform all other such duties usually pertaining Co the office of Chairman and F~st Vice-Chairman in the absence of both. D. The Secretary shall: 1. record' the minutes if all meec~nss 2. have the custody of all records sire notices of meetings 4. .maintain committee reports. 5. carry on all correspondence of the Council 6. perform all other duties delegated by the Council. E. The Treasurer shall: t~"be ~hiecusCOdian'af~a~l~funds and seeu~i~i~s of the Council 2. keep a record of the accounts of the Council and report thereon at each meeting 3. make annual report at annual meetin~ deposit all monies of the Council in tbs name of Council in a bank or banks selected and desisnated by the Council $. be audited annually 6. perform all other duties delegated by the Council. - Section 2. Elections and Vacancies ~lection of officers shall be held ac the annual meeting. ~his election shall be by open nomination and voice vote. If a vacancy should occur due to the expiration of term of one of the officers in his/her o~n iurisdiction, an actin~ officer can be appointed Co serve until the next annual meetins. ARTICLE VII. FINANCE. I. Fiscal Yea~. The fiscal year of the Council shall commence on October 1. B. Budget. The Treasurer shall submit ~he annual budEec of the Council on or ac ~h~ March meetin$. This budEet shall be adopted by the Council on or at the May meeting. C. Yearly Membership Assessmenc. Each year, upon adoption of the annual budse=, the Council shall ~ix membership assessments f~r all members of the Council in amounts sufficient to provide the funds required by the budget. Any member local government whose annual assessment has not been pa~d by the time of the annual meet£~g shall not be entitled to vote aC such meeting. The amount of each member's assessment shall be determined in accordance with the formula se: ouc in paragraph O. following. .. D. Method of Assessment. Each member shall pay an equal assessm-nt for the first year. Future method of assessment shall be established by amendment of these by-laws, ARTICLE VIII. COMMITTEES Standing committees and special committees may be appointed whenever necessary, to serve the needs of the Council. Any Council committee shall meet on the call of the Council, their Chairman and/or upon ~he request of any cwo member governments. Each comm£ttee shall be comprised of at least one member from each member local government. ARTICLE IX. APPOINTEES Consultants and specialists, as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Council, may be appointed by the Council. ARTICLE X. RULES OF ORDER "Robert's Rules of Order" shall be :he parliamentary authority for 'ail matters of procedure not covered by ~hese by-laws. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed by any member, and shall become effective upon affirmative vote of a fou:-fifths majority of those members of the council present and qualified to vote ac a regularly schadu!ed meeting of the Council. BOUNDAJlY DI!2~Cr~IPTION BeElnninE at the intersection of the Intr~:oa~t~l Waterway v~ith the ~%~ly exte~io~ of the ~uth l~e of the No~B ~~ (N 1/4) of 8~tio~ 15, To,~hip 45 South, ~e 43 ~t, ~ Beth ~ty, Flo~da; R~ tben~ ~o~ the followi~ n~r~ ~ses: ~. Wesgerly ~6~ ~d South ~ne E~terly ~t~io~ ~ ~tem~t Wes= line of s~d S~tion 1~; ~en~ . ~. ~nt~ue W~terly ~ouE ~e South ~ne of the No~he~t ~er (N.E. 1/4) of the No,best ~~ (N.E. ~/4) of ~tion 18, T~s~p 45 South, ~e 43 ~t, ~id ~e ~iu~ the North P~ght~fJ&~y l~e of Northe~t 26~ Avenue, ~ z ~int 250 f~t ~t of ~e ~out~t ~er ther~f; ~ence 3. No~herly p~el ~ West l~e of s~d N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of S~tion ~, a ~s~ of 50.00 feet; ~ence 4. ~erly alo~ a l~e p~allel ~ the South line of s~d N.E. [/4 ' of ~e N.E. 1/4 ~ · ~int 750 feet E~ of ~e West ~ne of N.E. ~/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of s~d S~tio~ lS; S. )~herly ~lel ~th ~e W~t line of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. ' i,'~ of s~d S~tio~ 18, ~ ~t~s~t the No~ l~e ther~f; ~ence ~. W~temly ~o~ ~e No~h ~ae of Sect~n 1~, ~id line ~ cente~l~e of ),~er ~, ~ dist~ of 750 f~t ~ the No~hw~t ~mer of ~e N.E. 1/4 of ~e N.E. 1/4 of ~ S~tion 1~; ~ence - 7. No~herly alo~ the E~t line of the West 1/2 of the S.E. 1/4 of S~%~n 9, ~hip 45 South, ~nge 43 ~t, ~id E~t line the West ~ht~f-Way line of Groves ~, ~ the N.E. ~rn~ of - the S.E. 1/4 of ~e N.W. 1/4 of ~e S.E. 1/4 of ~id Sectioa ~ence 8. ~%sterly ~ong the No~hline 'of ~e ~ores~id S.E. I/4 of N.W. I/4 of S.E. 1/4 of S~tion 9, s~d No~ line ~ the ~uth line of ~ts 9, I0, ~ 11 of Sand C~tle 2nd Add. ~ ~~ ~ Plat ~, P~e 231, ~blic R~ of Pa~ Beach ~ty; Thence ~. ~rtherly ~o~ ~e 'W~t line of ~id San ~le 2nd Add., ~d the West line of E~t 1/4 of the 'Nest 1/2 of the S.E. ~/4 of said S~tion lS, ~ ~ters~t the No~h line of the S.E. 1/4 of 8~tio~ 18; ~en~ 10. W~terly ~on~ ~e North line of the S.E. 1/4 of ~id Sectio~ · 1~ ~ ~ the centerl~e of &(entone Ro~; ~ the E~t Rig~f-Way line of Secret ~uleva~; ~ence 11. No,belly ~o~ the ~t Right~f-W~y line of Se~rest ~ule~ to 8 ~t 1~ feet ~uth fr~ ~e No~h line of ~id Section 9; ~en~ EXHIBIT "A" _. :~ . 2':{'. _-_. .-..,.-.. Page 12. Westerly alon~ a line parallel with the said North line of Section 9, a distance of 230 feet; Thence 13. Northerly a distance of 190 feet to intersect the North line of Section 9, and the centerline of Hypoluxo Road; Thence 14. Westerl~ alon~ said centerline of Hypoluxo Ros~ and the westerly extensioa thereof, for & distance of 11 miles ~re or less to ~ntersect the East line of the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge Conservation Area No. 1, bein~ the L-40 C~nal; Thence 15. ~ou~herly alo~ s~id East line and L-40 Canal 18 mile~ more or. less to the confluence of the L-36, L-~9 and L-40 Canals; Thence 16. Sou~ a!o~ the I,-36 Canal a~ the East line of the Everglades W£1d!~ .'e P-~a~ement Area, (Conservation Area No. :~) said line also be~ =ne .~est~ b~undar~., line .of Tow~. shi~? Sou~h, to '-i=~.ersect the South bou~dar~ line of p,~m Beach Co~n~, s~id bo ~ur_d~_~y line being the comon boundary line between Palm Beach and ' Bro~..--~ Counties; Thence 17. Es~-re=!y alon~ said coe~on County Line 14 miles ~Dre o= less to the wat~-s of the Atlantic Ocean~ Thence. 18. Noz-~_.ly alon~ the waters of the Atlantic Ocean 15 miles more or less to the centerline of Boynton Inlet; Thence 19. ~'esterly along the centerline of the Boynton Inlet to intersect the centerLtne of the [ntracoastal Water~ty Channel; Thence 20. Northerly alon~ the centerline of said Intracoast&l Ware .rway Channel 1/2 mile more or less to the POLNT-OF-BSGL~NI/~