08-91 ORDINANCE NO. 8-91 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING TITLE 5, "PUBLIC WORKS", CHAPTER 56, "STORMWATER", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION 56.04, "DEFINITIONS", TO PROVIDE THAT THE DEFINITION OF "NON-ASSESSED PROPERTY" SHALL INCLUDE TAX-EXEMPT PROPERTIES OWNED BY RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS; BY AMENDING SECTION 56.15, "IMPOS ITION O~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT, CLASSIFICATION AND CRITERIA", SUBSECTION (B), TO INDICATE THE AVAILABILITY OF DISCOUNTS; BY AMENDING SECTION 56.16, "ESTABLISHMENT OF RATES FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS", SUBSECTION (C) i(B), TO PROVIDE A FORMULA FOR ASSESSMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM UNITS; BY REPEALING SECTION 56.16, "ESTABLISHMENT OF RATES FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS", SUBSECTION (D) AND ENACTING A NEW SUBSECTION (D), TO PROVIDE FOR A DISCOUNT FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT AND TO PROVIDE FOR A DISCOUNT FOR PROPERTIES SERVED BY PRIVATE STREET DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WHERE THE CITY DOES NOT PROVIDE MAINTENANCE; BY AMENDING SECTION 56.16, "ESTABLISHMENT OF RATES FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS", BY ENACTING A NEW SUBSECTION (E), TO PROVIDE FOR THE BASIS OF THE DETERMINATION OF IMPERVIOUS AND TOTAL AREAS OF A PARCEL; BY AMENDING SECTION 56.17, "ADJUSTMENTS OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS", SUBSECTION (A), TO DELETE PROHIBITIONS ON ADJUSTMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES AND CONDOMINIMUM UNITS, BY ENACTING A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH 6, TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADJUSTMENT FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES NOT LOCATED WITHIN THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT WITH PRIVATE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ON SITE; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A GENERAL REPEALER CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida desires to amend Ordinance 21-90 which created Chapter 56, "Stormwater", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, for the purpose of providing certain discounts in order to enhance rate equity; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida further desires to amend Ordinance No. 21-90 which created Chapter 56, "Stormwater", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to provide that tax-exempt properties owned by religious organizations shall be defined as non-assessed properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Title 5, "Public Works", Chapter 56, "Stormwater", Section 56.04, "Definitions", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended by amending, "Non-Assessed Property", to read as follows: "Non-Assessed Property" shall mean public rights-of-way, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water not utilizing or having a direct or indirect impact on the System, tax-exempt properties owned by religious orqanizations~ and such other properties within the Benefited Area which may be determined by the Director to be exempt from the payment of the "Stormwater Management Assessment". Section 2. That Title 5, "Public Works", Chapter 56, "Stormwater", Section 56.15, "Imposition of Stormwater Management Assessment, Classification and Criteria", subsection (B), be and the same is hereby amended, to read as follows: (B) For purposes of imposing the Stormwater Management Assessment, all parcels of land, other than Non-Assessed Property, shall have one of the following classifications~ and may be entitled to additional discounts pursuant to Section 56.16. 1. Developed Property (a) Residential Property (b) Non-Residential Property 2. Unimproved Land Section 3. That Title 5, "Public Works", Chapter 56, "Stormwater", Section 56.16, "Establishment of Rates for Stormwater Management Assessments", subsection (c)l.(b), be and the same is hereby amended, to read as follows: (b) The annual Stormwater Management Assessment for a residential condominium unit shall be the rate for one (1) ERU multiplied by ~fty-th~ee-~er~ent-~5~%~ o~-one-f}~-ERU a numerical factor to be determined by dividinq the total impervious area of the property (in square feet) by the impervious square footage per one (1) ERU, further divided by the number of condominium units and multiplied by twelve (12). Section 4. That Title 5, "Public Works", Chapter 56, "Stormwater", Section 56.16~ "Establishment of Rates for Stormwater Management Assessments", subsection (D) is hereby repealed and a new subsection (D), be, and the same is hereby enacted to read as follows: (D) All properties are subject to the rate classifications contained within Section 56.16(C). However, some properties may be entitled to cumulative discounts. The discount rates are as follows: 1. "Lake Worth Drainage District". (a) All properties located within the Lake Worth Drainage District, as indicated by the Palm Beach County name-address-legal file (NAL), shall receive a twenty-five percent (25%) discount. ORD. NO. 8-91 2. "Privately Maintained Street Drainage Systems". (a) All properties for which the City does not provide for the maintenance of street drainage systems shall receive a twenty-five percent (25%) discount. For example, a residential property located within the Lake Worth Drainage District which is also served by a Private Street Drainage System, which is not City maintained, will be entitled to a twenty-five percent (25%) discount for being located within the Lake Worth Drainage District, plus, an additional twenty-five percent (25%) discount (for a total of a fifty percent (50%) discount) because the property is served by a Private Street Drainage System, which is not maintained by the City. Section 5 That Title 5, "Public Works", Chapter 56, "Stormwater", Section 56.16, "Establishment of Rates for Stormwater Management Assessments", be and same is hereby amended by enacting a new paragraph (E), to read as follows: (E) The determination of Impervious Area and total area of a parcel shall be based on data from the Palm Beach County Master Appraisal File (herein "MAF"), from aerial photographs, or from information provided by the owner oi such parcel if the information from the MAF is £ound to be incorrect by clear and convincing evidence, as determined in the sole discretion of the Director. Information provided by an owner shall include, at his own cost, such information requested by the Director, including survey data certified by a professional land surveyor and/or engineering reports prepared by a professional engineer acceptable to the Director. Section 6. That Title 5, "Public Works", Chapter 56, "Stormwater", Section 56.17, "Adjustment of Stormwater Management Assessments", subsection (A), be and the same is hereby amended by deleting language in paragraph (A) and by enacting a new subparagraph 6, to read as follows: Section 56.17 Adjustment of Stormwater Manaqement Assessments (A) Owner-Initiated Adjustments. Requests for adjustment of the Stormwater Management Assessment shall be submitted to the Director, who shall have authority to adjust Stormwater Management Assessments, to administer the procedures and standards, and to~ review criteria for the adjustment of such assessments as~ established herein. In the review of adjustment requests, consideration shall be given to properties with valid Surface Water Management Permits indicating the provision of functional retention facilities. A~-~eguests -~m -~wne~s -~ -Res~dent~a~ P~pert¥-(~the~-than-the-~wner-~f-a-s~ng~e-~am~y-~esfdent~a~-un£t ~r-resfdentfaf-c~n~mfnfum-un~t~-sha~-be-revfewe~-strf~t~-on-the ~asfs-~f-the-smeunt-~f-fm~erv~s-Area-~n-the-pr~pert~-andT-when appkfcabkeT-~n-the-bas~s-of-the-numbe=-o{-fn~vkduak-dwekkfng-unfts ex~st~ng-on-the-p~pert¥=--No- ~eguests-~or-a~justments-ma~e-by-an 3 ORD. NO. 8-91 ~wner--~--a--sfng~e--~amify--resf~entfaf--unft--~r--resf~entfa{i con~mfn~m-~n~t -sha~ -be -e~ns~ere~: The following procedures! shall apply to all requests for adjustments of the Stormwaterl Assessment permitted under this Chapter. 1. Any owner who believes the Stormwater Management Assessment is incorrect may, subject to the limitations set forth in this Section, submit an adjustment request to the Director. set 2. The adjustment request shall be in writing and shall forth, in detail, the grounds upon which the correction sought. 3. If the Uniform Collection Method is being used by the City, the adjustment request must be made within sixty (60) days after receipt by the owner of his or her tax bill containing the Stormwater Management Assessment. If the Interim Collection Method is being used by the City, the adjustment request must be made during the Year the $tormwater Management Assessment is imposed. The adjustment request will be reviewed by the Director within a four (4) month period from the date of filing of the adjustment request. Consfderati~:n by the Director of the owner's request for adjustment shall not relieve the owner of the obligation to make timely payment of the Sto£mwater Management Assessment. In the event an adjustment is granted by the Director which decreases the Stormwater Management Assessment, the owner shall be entitled to a refund of the excess Stormwater Management Assessments paid. If the Uniform Collection Method is being used by the City, the refund shall be mailed by the Palm Beach County Tax Collector (the "Tax Collector") unless the Tax Collector and the City agree otherwise. 4. The owner requesting the adjustment may be required, at his own cost, to provide supplemental information to the Director including, but not limited to, survey data certified by a professional land surveyor and/or engineering reports approved by a professional engineer and acceptable to the Director. Failure to provide such information may result in the denial of the adjustment request. 5. The adjustment to the Stormwater Management Assessment will be made upon the granting of the adjustment request, in writing,: by the Director. The document granting the adjustment request] will be provided to the owner and, if the Uniform Method of~ Collection is being used by the City, the document will also be sent to the Tax Collector. A denial of an adjustment. request shall be made in writing by the Director, a copy of which shall be provided to the owner. 6. All Non-Residential Properties located within the Lake Worth Drainage District with Private Drainage Systems on site shall not be eligible for an adjustment based on on-site retention of stormwater. All other Non-Residential properties with Private Drainage Systems on-site shall be eligible for an adjustment based on on-site retention of stormwater. 4 ORD, NO. 8-91 Section 7. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances which are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 8. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. A certified copy of this Ordinance, as enacted, shall be filed with the Department of State. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this, the 26th day ofFO~1991- ATTEST: First Reading February 12, 1991 Second Reading February 26, 1991 Aid ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY CO/~ISSIO# OF THE CITY OF DELRAY ~IEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING TITLE 5~ 'PUBLIC WORKS', CHAPTER 56, ~?~R~#ATEF, OF THE C~ODE OF, ONOINAI~$ OF ~! CIT~ OF DELL RAYI BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION SL~ 'DEFINITIONS' TO PRO¥ DE THAT THE CIEFINITIOtl OF ~SSESSED~ PROPERTY' SHALL INCLUDE TAX-EXEMI~', PROPERTIES OWNED BY RELIGIOU~ ORGANIZATIONS; BY AMEROtidG SECTroN Als. 'I~POSlT~ON O~ STCXIMWATEI~ 'MANAGE, MENT AS~SSAtEidT, CLASStFICATION AND CRITERIA; gJB~:CTION TO IND~CA~'~ THE AVAiLABiLiTY OF DISCOUNTS; fY AMENDING SEG Tt~? ~Lld?ESlLAILIStglG~#T OF RATES FO~ STQRMWATER MANAGE~ MEMENT A~, SULSECTIDE (CIV.~), TO PROVIDE.A'~FDEMIJLA FOR ASSESSMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL C0ND~INIUM Ugl~ BY I~)EALIRG SECTION .S6~, ~.STAfLISH~AENT OF RATES TI;R AdlANA~IEA4ENT AS.SE~AENT~, ~S~CT~ (D~ AND ENACTIRG A N~. ~ ~ ' "PROPERTIES L WI~r , A~ TO PRO; DRAINAGE $YSTEASS.WNERE THE £tT¥~OES NOT PROVIDE MAiNTE- NANCE; BY AMENDIN~ SECTION ~1~, ~STA~SHAd~NT OF RATES FOR STOI~WATER MANA6EM~#T ~ENT~ i~¥ ENACTING A NEW SUBSECTION ~(EI, TO ~I~)YIDE FOR THE _~.~J$ OF THE DETERMINA- TION OF IMPERVioUS ~RD TOTAL AREAS OF A PARCEL; BY AMEND NO SECTION g/I7, ~'ADJUSTMENT$ OF STOI~ATER MANAGEMENT AS. SES"AEidTS', SUfSECT~ ~A~ TO Dr~Lr~E PB~I~tT~ONS O~ AD~ST- ~TS~ FOR RESiDENTiAL ~RO~rnT~S ~ CON~N~ N CNG ^ NEW SUEPAP, AGNA~H ~, TO P~)VtP£ FOR ~N ADJUST. 5 ORD. NO. 8-91