Res 66-84 RESOLUTION NO. 66-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, MAKING TENTATIVE APPROPRIATIONS OF SUMS OF MONEY FOR ALL NECESSARY EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE PERIOD FROM THE 1ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1984, TO THE 30TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1985; TO PRESCRIBE THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE ITEMS OF APPROPRIATIONS AND THEIR PAYMENT; AND TO REPEAL ALL RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES WHOLLY IN CONFLICT WlTE THIS RESOLUTION AND ALL RESOLU- TIONS AND ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT WITH THIS RESOLUTION TO THE EXTENT OF SUCH INCONSISTENCY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following sums of money be, and hereby are tentatively appropriated upon terms, conditions and provisions hereinabove and hereinafter set forth: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985 FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Law Federal Enforcement General Revenue Trust Fund Sharing Fund Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes $7,479,329 Franchise T~ $1,684,500 Utility Taxes - $1,742,000 Occupational Licenses $235,000 Permits $370,000 Federal Revenues $387,354 State Revenues $2,766,000 Shared Local Revenues $151,200 Charges for Services $469,720 Fines and Forfeitures $214,100 Interest Earnings $340,277 Recovery of Admin Costs $918,480 Miscellaneous $17,500 Total Revenues $16,388,106 $387,354 $0 Other Financing Sources Contributions in Lieu of Taxes $619,750 Transfers $490,354 Total Financing Sources $1,110,104 $0 $0 Total Revenues and Financing Sources $17,498,210 $387,354 $0 Law Federal Enforcement General Revenue Trust Fund Sharing Fund Expenditures Current ~ General Government $1,718,459 $2,000 Police $4,965,820 $70,000 Fire and Emergency Services $3,272,650 Development & Inspection $854,064 Public Works $1,648,352 Parks & Recreation $2,754,192 Grants and Contingencies $1,155,000 Debt Service $969,723 Capital Improvement $750,000 Reserve for Emergency/Disaster $100,000 Total Expenditures $18,188,260 $2,000 $70,000 Transfers to Other Funds $59,950 $490,354 $0 **Total Expenditures & Transfers $18,248,210 $492,354 $70,000 Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Over (Under) Expenditures and Transfers ($750,000) ($105,000) ($70,000) Estimated Unrestricted Fund Balance $2,408,310 $105,000 $70,000 (As of October 1, 1984) Estimated Unrestricted Fund Balance $1,658,310 $0 $0 Proposed Millage for 1984-85 Operating 4.7774 Debt Service 0. 5148 Total Millage 5.2922 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL 1984-1985 FOR ENTERPRISE FUND TYPES Water & Delray City Sewer Golf Marina Cemetery Sanitation Fund Course Fund Fund Fund Operating Revenues: Charges for Services $9,768,000 $1,035,400 $78,000 $35,500 $1,210,900 Total Operating Revenues $9,768,000 $1,035,400 $78,000 $35,500 $1,210,900 2 RES. NO. 66-84 Water & Delray City Sewer Golf Marina Cemetery Sanitation Fund Course Fund Fund Fund Operating Expenses: Personal Services $2,053,419 $410,599 $62,631 Other Operating Expenses $3,916,108 $377,266 $39,375 $30,756 $965,000 Depreciation $1,147,000 $108,000 $7,618 $1,500 Total Operating Expenses $7,116,527 $895,865 $46,993 $94,887 $965,000 Operating Income $2,651,473 $139,535 $31,007 ($59,387) $245,900 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) Interest Revenue $1,050,000 $22,000 $17,000 Interest Expense ($1,908,577) ($128,833) ($9,100) Miscellaneous Expense ($1,054) ($2,036) Total Nonoperating Revenue and (Expense) ($859,631) ($108,869) $0 $0 $7,900 Income Before Operating Transfers In (Out) $1,791,842 $30,666 $31,007 ($59,387) $253,800 Operating Transfers In (Out) Operating Transfers In $0 $0 $59,950 Operating Transfers Out ($605,000) ($12,700) $0 ($2,050) ($106,000) Total Operating Trans In (Out) ($605,000) ($12,700) $0 $57,900 ($106,000) ***Net Income ~- $1,186,842 $17,966 $31,007 ($1,487) $147,800 Cash Flow Analysis Net Income $1,816,842 $17,966 $31,007 ($1,487) $147,800 Plus Depreciation $1,147,000 $108,000 $7,618 $1,500 $0 $2,333,842 $125,966 $38,625 $13 $147,800 Minus Acquisition of Capital Items $1,210,600 $87,075 Bond Retirement $913,575 $38,500 $140,000 $2,124,175 $125,575 $0 $0 $140,000 Net Cash Flow Plus (Minus) $209,667 $391 $38,625 $13 $7,800 Section 2. That all monies hereinbefore appropriated are appropriated upon the terms, conditions, and provisions hereinbefore and hereinafter set forth. Section 3. That subject to the qualifications contained in this resolution all appropriations made out of the General Fund are declared to be m_~dmum, conditional, and proportionate appropriations, the purpose being to make the appropriations payable 3 RES. NO. 66-84 in full in the amounts herein named if necessary and then only in the event the aggre- gate revenues collected and other resources available during the period commencing the Ist day of October, 1984, and terminating the 30th day of September, 1985, for which the appropriations are made, are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full; other- wise the said appropriations shail be deemed to be payable in such proportion as the total sum of realized revenue of the Generai Fund is to the torsi amount of revenues estimated by the City Council to be available in the period commencing the 1st day of October, 1984, and terminating the 30th day of September, 1985. Section 4. That ail baiances of the appropriations payable out of the Generai Fund of t~'~--'rreasury unencumbered at the close of business on the 30th day of September, 1984, except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into the City Treasury and may be used for the payment of the appropriations which may be made in any appropriation for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of October, 1984, provided, however, nothing in this Section shall be construed to be applicable to unencumbered baiances remaining to the credit of the Water and Sewer Fund, Sanitation Fund or any funds created by the setting up of special revenue, but such balances shall be used in financing the proposed expenditures of these funds for the fiscai year commencing the 1st day of October, 1984. Section 5. That no division, department, bureau, agency or individuai receiv- ing appropriations under the provision of this resolution shail exceed the amount of its or his appropriation, except with the consent and approval of the City Council first obtained; and if such division, department, bureau, agency, or individuai shall exceed the amount of its or his appropriation without such consent and approvai of the City Council, the administrative officer or individual, in the discretion of the City Council, may be deemed Kuilty of neglect of officiai duty any may be subject to removai therefor. Section 6. That nothing in this resolution shail be construed as authorizing any reduction to be made in the amounts appropriated in this resolution for the payment of interest, on, or retirement of, the debt of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section ?. That none of the monies enumerated in this resolution in con- nection wi~e~_eral Fund, Water and Sewer Fund, Sanitation Fund or any other Fund of the Ci4~l be expended for any purposes than those for which they are appropriated, and. i-t shail be the duty of the Director of Finance to report known violations of this section to the City Manager. Section 8. That ail monies collected by any department, bureau, agency or individuai of the City Government shail be paid promptly into the City Treasury. Section 9. That the foregoing budget be and hereby is tentatively adopted as the officiai budget of the City of Delray Beach for the aforesaid period. Provided, however, that the restrictions with respect to the expenditures/expenses of the funds appropriated shall apply only to the lump sum amounts for classes of expendi- tures/expenses which have been included in this resolution. Section 10. That this resolution shall be effective on October l, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the ll~:hday of Sep~:embe~ 1984. ATTEST: 4 RES, NO. 66-84