Res 96-82 RESOILFfICN NO. 96-82 A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUh~IL OF THE CITY OF D~.~.¥f BEACH, B~ PAIR BEACH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF DRLRAY BE~"~, FLORIDA, PR~FIDING FOR BEACH EROSION CCNTROL PRO3ECT FUNDS TO THE CITY FOR AN ADDITIC~AL TEN (10) YEARS, AND INCRE%SING THE AMK/EqT OF FUSDING TO $200,000 PER YEAR, SUBJECT TO Y~%RLY BUDGETING BY THE BOARD OF C0t~Vl"f CC~MISSICNERS OF P~5/~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida and Palm Beach County entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement on February 27, 1973, as amendc~ by the A~Benx~um Ac3reement dated August 16, 1977, which provides for joint funding of a Beach Restoration Erosion Control Project sponsored by the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and, WHEREAS, the existing agreement will expire on September 30, 1982; and, WHEREAS, the City of DeLray Beach has requested that PaLn Beach County exteox~ the Intergovez£mental ~t for an additioDal ten years; aDx~, WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has requested, and Pa~n Beach County has agreed, subject to the conditions set forth in the Supple~_nta[ Intergoverrm~ntal ~t, that the funding for this additional -~-n year period be at the maximum annual rate of $200,000, subject to annual budge uary funding by Aqreement, all other tennms and conditions of the Aqreement dated F'~ruary 27, 1973 and the AM~ndum Ac3reement dated August 16, 1977, would remain in 5/11 force and effect. NC~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T?~ CITY OF D~.RAY Section 1. That the Supplemental Inter~.Lental Agre.~r~nt between Palm Beach County and the City of Delray Beach, Florida, providing for Beach Erosion Cc~trol Project funds to the City of Delray Beach, Florida for an- additional ten years, and increasing the amount of funding to Two ~qundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) per year, subject to yearly budgeting by the Board of County C~m.~ssioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and the 2ity Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are b~reby authorized to execute the Ac3ree~_nt on behalf of the City of De]ray Beach, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session ,on this 1.4th daY cf September , VICE M'A[Y OR - ~-' ~_~ ~ ATTEST: As st. 'City Clerk