Res 85-81 A RESOr.~TI0~ 0r ~HK CIT~ COUNCI/i 0F. THK CI%"f OF. DELRA~ BEACh', F~ORIDA, REQUESTING PERMISSION FROM TH~ BO~R~ OF. COUNT"f COMMISSIONERS., PURSUAN~ E~ORID~ STATUTES-. ~?~.06~, TO' REZON~ 5AND TO BK ANNEXE~ TO, THK CIT~ Or DELRA~ BEAR FROM THE' COUNT"~ ZONING Cr. ASSIEICA~IOH AG (AGRIC~LTURAL)~ THE CITY ' S ZONING CLASS IFICATI0~,~ S.~ ( SPECIAL WHEREA~,, the Cit~~ of ~eIray Beach ha~ receive~ = reques~ fo= a-,ex~tion fro= Lec~ A. Blai= a~ ~oa~ M. Blair~ the owne=~ of the foI-- Iowin~ describe~ p~operty: · h~ N~rth ~80.~ feet of the following describe~ A parceL.' of Ian~ lying i~ Sectio~ 3'0, ~ownship 46 So~th,. Range 4~ East~ Paln~ Beach Count~/~ Florida., sai~ parcel beinF more particularly described as foIIows: Commence at the northwest corner of the Southeast qua=te~ o~ the Southwest qua=tea o~ the Northeast quarter of said Section 30; thence Easterly along the North line o~ said Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter o~ the Northeast quarter Settle. 30~ a distance of 400.0I feet to th~ point o~ beginning o~ the parcel to be herein described; thence continue easterly along the same course, a distance o~ 517,57 feet to the intersection with th~ Wes= right-of-way line of Congress, Avenue- sai~ Wes= =~gkt~of-w&y line being 53.0 feet West of the centerline of sai~ Congres~ Avenue;~ thence nor--. therI~ along 'the said West right-of-way line, distance of 808.18 feet to' the intersection with the South right-of-way line of Germantow~ Road, sai~ right-of-way line being 40.0. feet South ~ermantow= Road~ thence Southwesterly along the sai~ South right-of-way line of Germantow~ Road, distance of 560..1~ feet~ thence Southerly parallel with. the West line of the SOutheast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Sectio~ 30r & distance o~ 614.9-0 feet to the point. of beginning afcredescribed; and, WHEREAS,- the City Council has considered this annexation request and approves~ annexation~ of the subject parcel; and, WHEREAS,. i~ order for the parcel to be: zoned to the City Zoning classification of SAD (Special Activities) District upon annexation, it is necessary under Chapter 171.062 of the Florida Statutes for the City to request permission from the Board. of COunty Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, for the change in zoning of this parcel which is current- ly zoned AG (Agricultural) in the COunty, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED/BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA~ BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby requests' permission from the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County to rezone, when annexed, the property described above from AG (Agricultural) to SAD (Spe- cial Activities) District which would result in an increase in the density allowed in such land. Sectiom ~. Tha= ~ ce~Lfie~- ¢op~ of thi~ resolutio~ i~ being sent t~ each mem~= of ~e Boa=~ of Co~' Co~issioners. ~e Co~ A~is~to= an~ ~e Directo= o~ Pl~g~ ~on~g an~ P~S~ ~ ~OPTER ~ re~I~ sessiom o~ ~i~ ~e i3tk day of Octobe= ,, , / / AT~ES~: -2-- Res. No. 85-81