Res 84-78 / / RESOLUTION NO. 84-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF LAKESBERRY DEVELOPERS, INC., FILED PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES 253.124 TO CLOSE ACCESS TO RAINBERRY LAKE A/K/A LAKE KILLARNEY FROM THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CANAL. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach has received an application from Lakesberry Developers, Inc., to close access to Rainberry Lake from Lake Worth Drainage District Canal (copy of the application appraisal is attached hereto and made a part hereof); and, WHEREAS, this application has been reviewed and it has been deter- mined that the project entertained would not: 1. violate any statute zoning law, ordinance or other ' applicable restriction, nor 2 subject the natural flow of the navigable water as defined in Section 253.12, Florida Statutes, to harmful obstruction or alteration, nor 3. create harmful or increased erosion, shoalling of channels or stagnant areas of water, nor 4. cause material injury or monetary damage to accrue to adjoining land; and, WHEREAS, the Palm Beach County Health Department has determined: 1. that the project will not interfere with the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife or other natural resources to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest; and, 2. that the project will not result in the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine productivity, including but not limited to destruction of natural marine habitats, grass flats suitable as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life, including established marine soils suitable for producing plant growth of a type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life will result therefrom to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest. And has also considered other factors affecting the public interest; and, WHEREAS, the reports designated in Section 253.124, Florida Sta- tutes, have been considered and read into the record at the same meeting at which final action has been taken on this application (copy attached), NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That approval is given to the construction of the above referred to project subject to the approval of the Department of Environmental Regulations and any other agency required by law pursuant to Chapter 253 of the Florida Statutes, and further subject to continuous flow of water being maintained through a relief line in the control structure between the lake system and the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 9th day of October , 1978. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk - 2 - Reso. No. 84-78 Louncy Dep,q. tment ,.~ O. BOX ~g, WEST PALM BEACH~ , FLORIDA 3340:2 DIRECTOR Reply To: September 11, 1978 M.r. Joel Wantman, P.E. Wantman and Associat'es, Inc. 2300 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Suite 107 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Re: Richard Siemans D.E.R. #DF 50-6148 Chapter 253 Local Approval Dear Mr. Wantman: Please find enclosed a biological stndy of the above referenced project and other pertinent information. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. J. Barry or Mr. L. Devi!!on of this agency. Very truly yours, For the Division Director Environmental Sciences & Engineering Biology Labor~to~y FJG/RSP/fm & S~ateof Flor;da DEPA~I'IV~ENT OF E~,,'VlF~ONMENTAL REGULATION ' ' 'PE~,MII AP?LICATION 'APPRAISAL '" " PA~qT ONE: ...-- ,- On she in~cz~on: .... .~ ...... Yes ............No Da~e o~ lns~ction: ..~.~ ..... ~.~ ..... ~.8.Z~ B~: .... ~.,.~ ..... ~x"y.P~q ........... ~ ....... If rev~sed.da;e of ~ev;sion' . ................................. ~ddr.ss. Wanton and Associates, Inc.~ 2300 Palm Be~h L~k~ B~v~. PaLm Beach, Fq Loc~:ion o~ project: Section ............. ~ ...................... Yowns~ip: ......... ~.~ ..................... ~nge ......... .~..3. .................... ........ -. 1/2 mile west of Con,ess Ave., Delmay Beach Pro]ec~ w~ter ~ependen~: ........... Yes .....~ .... No W~er classification of pro]ec~ ~re~: ...... %.%% ...................... W~er dessif~c~on of ~d]ac~m w~ters: ................. iii ............. Pmpose ofpro)ec~: Fill ant existing artificial canal A. Description of p~oposed project and construction techniques. Ouantify area of project which e>:~er,ds into and/or v:aterwafd of the apparent mean high v,'aler line. .q-:-:_ rill an existing' artificial canal for a[ai'stanc'e' of 2S~"±'fe'e._t'.[.b.y p].acin~ 8,055 "cubic' yards of fill mat'erial waterward of- th'e ordinary high_ wa-~er (Oh~) li-~e " -'--' : ..... ' ";' ::::" : .':;~ '. ..... -" :-7 ' -:-"' :'-":;_" ' ' ' The upland of the general area has been disturbed in recent years but is not yet developed. LWDD L-30 is located '- '-~ ~ . . ~,:med~ely to the morth of the soecific work site lake Eden and L~ke Ida are located approximately 0.5 miles to the east of specific work site. C. Biophysical features of specific project site (and spoil site wh~:n appropriat, A; include identification oJ bo;lorn types). The upland of.the ~p~cific ~or~ site is .vegetated primarily by Schisms terebenthif6!! (Eraziiian pepper), Vitis sg.,,Ludwegia sp.~, various species of £ompositae, Bnd several species of Poaceae. S~oreline vegetation ~.s primarily !,~aidencane (Panicm~ hemitomon) Several individuals of Largemouth bass and smnfish were observed in the area of the specific work. site. Bottom type is sand with a moderate amount of organics and may be considered "moderal productive. ....... e,_~te and long term impact upon the benthic community wZthin the soeeific work area will occur as a res"~lt of ~hysical!y ¢o~ering the bottom with fill No si~n.[fJcan~ [mpact~ [~_medZate or long tern~ u~on the biological resources of adjacent water bo~ies is expected. E. Recommenda;ion, with ]ustificat;on, concerning appl,cat]on. Include references to statutes, administrative rules, ' APPROVE Suggestion concerning modifications to reduce or minimize impact where appropriate. DER Form PEPM '~5-'~0 (Dec 75~ P""9-" 3of 5 PROJ~:CT CO?~tSTRUCTt, ~IW OR ©?EP, At-ION MAY CAUSE: ........... ~ 1. J~cr~iJ iotas o~ eutroph,~ation in nearby bod~so~ ........... 2. f~educ~l c:apachy of shellfish prop~g]tlon ar, d harvesting in recebv;ng bodies of wa~er. ........... 3. Jnler,~ ence whh the abi~hV of th8 habha~ to successfcl~y support f~sh and wiidl~fe propa~a~ion. ........... 4. Interference w~th ~he ~blJi(y of'~he habitat to successfully support fish and wildlife population. ........... 5. Impaired management or f~as]biJity of management of fish and w]ldiife resourceS." ' " ............ . 6. Degrad~t;on of local v.'aler quality by r~Juc~ng or.e:;m]net[n~ ~he ability of sur[o~n(?g.wetlands to sla~;l~ze or ~rgnsform ndtr~ents. ........... 7. ghch~rged subs:an~s ~h;ch set~e ~o form purr escen~ or otherwise objectionable sludge deposits . ........... 8. FJoa~ng debris, oil scum, and other materials, ~n amounts sufficient to be deleterious. ........... 9. D]scharg~d material in amounts whiuh create a ........... 10. D]scharged substances in ~ncentrat]ons or comb]nations which could be toxic or haemful ~o human, animal, or p~ant lite. 11. Chlorides to exceed 250 mg/i in bodies of freshwater. ........... 12. Chlorides to exceed 250 mull in groundwater becau~ of ~ Jeduc[ion in percolation due ~o increased surface runoff ra~es. ........... 13. Chlorides ~o increase more than 1~ above normal in brackbh or saiine wa~ers ........... 14. Copper residues to ex,ed 0.5 mg/h ........... 15. Zinc residues to exceed 1.0 mg/I ........... 16. Chromium res]du~s to exceed: 0.50 mg(J hexa~ai~'nt; 1.0 'r,g/l t'~q~l-chromium [n effhJen~ discharge; or 0.05 rng/I after reasonable m]~ng ~n the rece~,,'h~9 wa~ers.~ ........... 17. Phenolic type compounds, ca~cu!ated or reposed as phenol, ~o exceed 0.001 mg/I.~ ........... 18. Lead to exce~ 0.05 mull.; ........... 19. Iron to e'~ceed 0.S0 mg/l.; .. ........... 20. Arsenic to exN~ 0.05 mg/I.; ........... 2~. OHs and greases in su~Foun~in$Nvatersloe~ceed 15 mg/I. ........... 22. Visibl~ iridescent oil, resulting in obje~ionable odors and 1a$tes which inlerfere wilh b~:n~lici~l us~s ol surrounding ........... 22. Turbidit~ to exce~ 50 iTU as relaled ~o standard candle iurbidimeler above background.. ........... 24. Dissolv~ oxygen ~o be a~ificialiy depre$~d b~low the Yalue$ ol 5 ppm. ........... 25. Biological oxygen d~mand 1o exce~ values which woui~ cau~ d[ssolwd oxygen Io be depressed below 5 ppm oF make l~e biological oxygen demand g~eal enough ~o produce nuisance condiIions. ........... 26. D~ssolved solids 1o exceed 500 mg/I as a monthly average, or exceed ~000 m9'/I ~ any time. ........... 27. Specific c~nductmnce of freshv.'aler ~[eams ~o be increased more 1han 100~& above [~ckm~ound levels exceed 500 micFohms/cm. ........... 28. Cyanide oF cyanales to be delectable in receiving bodies of water. 29. The pH of receiving waiersloYa~ more than one unii above or be!ow no~malplt of the v~aler~. ........... 30. The lower pH ~:alue Io be less than 6.0. ........... ~]. The upper DH value 1o be more Ihan 8.5. ........... 32. Deierg~tnl I~vels in ~ceiving b~ie$ of v,'aleF ~o exceed 0.5 mg/I. ........... 3~. L~ercury ~,~ [)e d~Iectable in receiving bodies o[ wale[. ........... 34. Coliform founts lo exc~d criteria established (under ChaHier 17-3, Florida Stalules) for the eXfSIiF, C2 CI::~il,C ~t:.)n b~ lh~ project are]. ,."ART THREE I1 c~rtif;catiOn is approved ~,' wi~ived, PL 92.500 requires thate,'",,u~n,' limitation~ be sp,zcified as part of the cL'rlif;c;,t;on. When applicable, _',pecif,./: 1. i'.;onitoring requheci al U'~e applicant {include frequency). Daily visual ~,onitoring for tt~bidity. 2. Effluent limitations (i.e., those limitations established under Chapter 17-3, Florida Statules, for particular waler ctasslfications as well as water quality standards). Be specific. Chapter 17-4.09 Criteria: Class III Waters- recreation- propagation and management of fish and wildlife. PART FOUR Reccmm~ndat~ons for water quality control during construction. .- 1. Appropriate turbidity control device(s) to be utilized during project construct- ion as needed.