Res 99-78 RESOLUTION NO. 99-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, OF APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A "T" PILE AND SLAB TYPE, CONCRETE SEAWALL AND BACKFILL WHERE APPROPRIATE, FOR THE PRI~.{ARY PURPOSE OF PREVENT- ING EROSION ON LOT 350, TROPIC ISLE, 3RD SECTION, CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 37, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, a request has been made by John A. Grant, Jr., Consulting Engineer, as representativ~ of the applicant, to construct a seawall on the above-described property to halt erosion which is taking place due to the wake action from heavy boat traffic in the area. The finger islands both to the north and south of this project are bulkheaded, as is most of the waterfront property on the east side of the Intracoastal Waterway. The seawall is to be installed on the Bimini Finger Canal on the Intracoastal Waterway, to the north, and 45 feet into property on the south side, and WHEREAS, this approval by City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, will be required, as set out in Florida State Regulations, Chapter 253.124 be- fore application for approval for said construction of seawall can be made to United States Army Corps of Engineers, and WHEREAS, the City Engineering Department has examined this request for the construction of a seawall on Lot 350, Tropic Isle, 3rd Section, City of Delray Beach, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 37, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and certifies it to be within the require- ment ~f the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the City Manager recommends that the City of Delray Beach approve the request for said construction of a seawall for the primary purpose of preventing erosion on the above- described property, and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation submitted a Permit Application Appraisal No. DF 50-5982 including a recom- mendation for approval to construct the proposed seawall, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof of this Resolution in compliance with Chapter 253.124, Florida Statutes. This Resolution to supercede Resolution #49-78. WHEREAS, it is the Council's opinion that the approval of this request would be in the best interest of the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That said request for construction of a seawall on Lot 350 in Tropic Isle, 3rd Section, City of Delray Beach, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 37, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, for the primary purpose of preventing erosion of said property be approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 13th day of November , 1978. MAYOR ATTEST: ' ~ City Clerk State of Florida DEP,~RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL PART ONE: On site inspectlon: X Yes ............ No Dateoflnspection:.91/,~./..'/.J~ ........... o,.Robert S Pr_!ror Permit Application No.~..~....~...0...~.~..~...8...2. ........... Dated: .................................. If revised, date of revision: .................................. Applicants name: ..... , .~. 'O' ' .~...~......I~,..e..~..T]:...e..]....l..~.. ...................................................... Address: .... ..~./..~.~.~J~..~...~I~.....~.~;~..~.~..~.a`~.~.~.~..~..r~.:~.~.....~.~...~.~:..~...~..~3~.~. ...... ~..(~.d.E~_l-,..~..,.,...~Ro~,a...~a,t~o.~., ~'l a, Location of project: Section 2P~ Township h~ South Range 1~ ~ast 33~3: County ....~...a,..~..~.,..~.e.~.e..~ ...... Local references .~...°..,~......~.~..,O.,.,.....T..r.°..~i~...e..,...~...s...]:...e.....3.r.~ ......... Project water dependent?: ........... Yes ...,.~.'. .... No Water classification of project area: .......... ..~..~...~.. ................ Water classification of adjacent waters: .......... ,~.~. ..................... Purpose of project: ....... ,~...~...°.,?...e..?:'..!.,~...e......~...~..°...+.'..e..?...~...~...°.,~ ................................................................................................... A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into wetlands and/o~ waterward of the apparent mean high water line. Construct below the line of mean high water 2~0+__. feet of vertical bulkhead and backfill with 1125 cubic yards of clean fill. DER Form PERM 16-10 (Dec 75) Page $ of 5 '- , . ; B. Biophysical features of general area (include commen~s conccrJli~g ex,eh! of developemeJl! o~ ~dio..ng p, oi~ !ies}. housing. ~atural uplan~ Yegetation has been re~ove~ ~n~ replace~ by ornamentals, la~ns and exotics such ~s Casuarina sp. (Australian pine) an~ Schinus sp. (Brazilian pepper~ The Intracoastal Water~ay in this area is a man-made lan~ cut an~ its shoreline is bulkheaded along 80~ of its length. There is little natural shoreline vegetation (mangrove, etc.) existing in this section of the Intracoastal Waterway. C. Biophysical features of specific , project site {and spoil site when appropriate, include identification of bottom types). ~The proposed project is to be constructed north and south along the western shoreline of the Intracoastal Waterway and then west into an existing finger canal. The upland of this job site is vegetated by AuStralian pine (Casuarina sp.), several Brazilian peppers (Schinus sp.)and several white mangroves (~a~uncularia racemosa). This project site indicates that erosio'n has taken place. The bottom type of the Intracoastal Waterway in this general area is sand with a light layer of organics and should be considered good in terms of biological productivity. , DER Form PERM 16-10 (Dec D. Impact of projecl; on biological resources. Address long-term inpacl as well as immediate impact. All aspects of propos,~ should be ~ssessed ~n these terms:; The i~:mediate impact will be the loss of organisms that dwell in the substrate within the proposed fill area. The long-term effect will be the loss of the intertidal zone within the proposed fill area. E. Recommendation, with justification, concerning application. Include references to statutes, administrative rules, etc.. Approve, as the property involved definitely appears to have been eroded and is essentially the last such lot in the area. F. Suggest ion concerning modifications to reduce or minimize impact where appropriate. Riprap should be placed at the toe of the bulkhead at a 2/1 Slope. Form PERM 1G-10 (Dee'/bi Page PART TWO PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION MAY CAUSE: ........... 1. Increased rates of eutrophication in nearby bodies of water. ........... 2. Reduced capacity of shellfish propagation and harvesting in receiving bodies of water. ........... 3. Interference with the ability of the habitat to successfully support fish and wildlife propagation. ........... 4. Interference with the ability of the habitat to successfully support fish and wildlife population. ........... 5. Impaired management or feasibility of management of fish and wildlife resources. ........... 6. Degradation of local water quality by reducing or eliminating the ability of surrounding wetlands to filter, stabilize or transform nutrients. ........... 7. Discharged substances which settle to form putrescent or otherwise objectionable sludge deposits.. ........... 8. Floating debris, oil scum, and other materials, in amounts sufficient to be deleterious. ........... 9. DiScharged material in amounts which create a nuisance. ........... 10. Discharged substances in concentrations or combinations which could be toxic or harmful to human, animal, or plant life. ........... 11. Chlorides to exceed 250 mg/I in bodies of freshwater. ........... 12. Chlorides to exceed 250 mg/I in groundwater because of a reduction in percolation due to increased surface runoff rates. *. . .......... 13. Chlorides to increase more than 10% above normal in brackish or saline waters ........... 14. Copper residues to exceed 0.5 mg/l. ........... 15. Zinc residues to exceed 1.0 mg/I ........... 16. Chromium residues to exceed: 0.50 mg/I hexa~al--ent; 1.0 mg/I t~-iai'chromium in effluent discharge; or 0.05 mg/I after reasonable mixing in t~e receiving waters.; ........... 17. Phenolic-type compounds, calculated or reported as phenol, to exceed 0.001 mg/l.; ........... 18. Lead to exceed 0.05 mg/I.; 19. Iron to exceed 0.30 mg/l.; ........... 20. Arsenic to exceed'~L05 ........... 21. Oils and greases-~r~'~urround~ng waters to exceed 15 mg/l. ........... 22. Visible iridescent oil, resulting in objectionable odors and tastes which interfere with beneficial uses ct the surrounding waters. ........... 23. Turbidity to exceed 50 JTU as related to standard candle turbidimeter above background. ........... :24. Dissolved oxygen to be artificially depressed below the values of 5 ppm. ........... 25. Biological oxygen demand to exceed values which would cause dissolved oxygen to be depressed below 5 ppm or make the biological oxygen demand great enough to produce nuisance conditions. ........... 26. Dissolved solids to exceed 500 m9/[ as a monthly average, or exceed 1000 mg/I at any time. ........... 27. Specific conductance of freshwater streams to be increased more than 100% 'above background levels or exceed 500 microhms/cm. ........... 28. Cyanide or cyanates to be detectable in receiving bodies of water. ........... 29. The pH of receiving waters to vary more than one unit above or below normal pH of the waters. ........... 30. The lower pH value to be less than 6.0. ........... 31. The upper pH value to be more than 8.5. ........... 32. Detergent levels in receiving bodies of water to exceed 0.5 mg/I. ........... 33. Mercury to be detectable in receiving bodies of water. ........... 34. Coliform counts to exc~d criteria established (under Chapter 17-3, Florida Statutes) for the existing water classification in the project area. DEH FormP£RM 16-10(Dcc75l Pa(je4of 5 PART THREE , ~ If certification is approved or waived, PL 92-500 requires that effluent limitations be specified as part of the ce,tificalion. When applicable, specify: 1. Monitoring required of the applicant (include frequency). Hone 2. Effluent limitations (i.e., those limitations established under Chapter 17-3, Florida Statutes, for particular water classifications as well as water quality standards). Be specific. 17-3.0~ Criteria: Class ~[~ ~aters - Recre~t~on-Pro~gatJo~ and Management of Fish and Wildlife. PART FOUR Recommendations for water quality, control during construction. 1. Bulkhead is to be installed prior to backfilling. 2. Appropriate turbidity control device(s) are to be utilized during project construction as needed. ,~nature Robert ~. Pryor, Biologist, Biology Laboratory Palm Beach County Health Department Form PER~ 16-10 (O~ 75) PaGeSof 5 RSP/fm