Res 34-76 RESOLUTION NO. 34-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUthORIZING, EXECUTION OF A HIGt~AY LIGHTING AGREEMENT FOE THE ADJUSTMENT, RELOCATION AND/OR INSTALLATION OF A CERTAIN LIGHT- ING SYSTEM WITHIN ~E RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS HEREAFTER DESCRIBED BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CItY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has located and proposes to construct or reconstruct a part of the Highway Lighting System located on State Road S. E. 12th Street; and~ WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation having requested the city of Delray Beach, Florida,.to execute and deliver to the StaGe of Florida Department of Transportation a Joint Project Agreement for Highway Lighting, providing for joint responsibilities of the Department and the City, and said request having been duly considered, NOW, ~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ~nat the city Council of the city of Delray Beach, Florida, concurs in the provisions of that certain agreement attached hereto, pertaining to the adjustment, relocation and/or installation of a certain lighting system within the right-of-way limits described in Exhibit "A" to that agreement. Section 2. That the city Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, authorizes the said agreement to be executed by a legally designated officer of this Public Body. Section 3. That a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at Tallahassee, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPteD in regular session on this the 14th day of June, 1976. ATTEST: ,.~i ty Clerk FOFtM 722-26A 17,TATI~ OI~' I?LOIt'II)A I.IEI~AIITI'~II:NT OF TItAN~I'OltTATION 1'74 IJIVISION OI~ IIOA[) OI'I:IIATION5 PAGE I OF 2 JOINT PROJECT AGREEMENT HIGHWAY LIGHTING "" : ' ' "' :':" (Municipal) COI. JNTY $[~CTION UTILITY JOB NO. STATE Ir~)AD NO, COUNTY NAME PAI-~'CEL & fi/W JOB NO, 93 521 6601 S.E. 12th Street Palm Beach 2 2601 Tills 'AGII. EEMENT, made aud entered into this day of , 197 ,' by and between tim S'I'ATI~ O1; FLORIDA I)EPA]UI'MI".NT Of" 'I'RANSI'(~IUI'ATION, hcrcinaflcr referred lo tis Ibc D].I AR I 51lvN I, and thc CITY OF . D~Y BEACH , a municipal corporal, ion, hereinafter referred !o as thc CITY. WITNESSETII: WHEIIEAS, thc CITY by Resolution adoplcd on , has request'cd thc D},2PAIITS1ENq? to purchase and install a llighway LighlingSvslcm on that portion of State Road No. q35~l-fi601 described as S.E. 12th 'Stkeet From Di.z_~ H'i~ t0 A-I-A in Pa~each County, Florida, AND WHEREAS, thc DEPARTMENT is constructing, reconstructing or otherwise charting a portion of thc lighting system dcsi~na~cd by thc DEPARTMENT as ~ob No. 93521-3601 ,RoadNo. S:E. 12th Street between Dixie Highway and A-1-A , which shall call for the adjustment, relocation a~/or installation of Highway Lighting faciliIicS along said highway, AND WHEREAS, II~c DEPART~igNT and thc CITY have dc[crmincd that it would bc to t]xc 'bAst interest of lhc general public and to thc economic advantage of both., parties ~o enter into a JOINT PROJECT pro~qding for such work, ', . NOW, THL[;. ,FO]I~]. thc premises considered, ~nd in consideration of thc sum of One Dollar each to thc ofi~cr in han~ pai~, thc rccci~)t whcrcof is hereby acknowledged, and in further considera- tion of the mutual covenants herein, after contained, it is agreed by thc parties ~ follows: 1. The DEPARTMENT a~ces to prelJarc plans and specifications for the work involved, and advertise for bids for thc equipment and materials. Thc decision as ~o thc type and make of equipment purchased ~dll be the DEPAI~TMENT'S sole responsibility. 2. A~ of the work on thc lighting system is to be done according to the plans and specifications of the DEPAI~TMENT which plans and specifications arc, by reference hereto, made a part hereof. The DEPAWi'MENT ~dll be l'cspons~le'for performing the completed installation. 3. The DEPARTMENT ~dll pro~4dc .thc necessary, engineering super~on to assure eons~uction is in compliance ~4th the plans and specifications hereinabove referred to, and will perform the final inspeclion of the completed project. 4. The CITY agrees that II~e equipment of the lighting system shall remain thc properly of thc D'EPARTMENT, and it is hereby tmdcrslood and agreed lbat thc CITY shall not, under any condition, remove thc equipment which is thc subject matter of this Agreement for any reason Mthout permission and written consent of the DEPAI~TMENT. 5. '1'1,: CITY f.,'ll,',r a~yecs ,llml Cmnl)h'li<m of the in~lallathm, to n~ume role resl.m~Jlfilily for Iht mainl<,mm:c of ~aid li~hli.~ ~),~le,~ in accmdancu wilh Ibc I)EPAIFI'M]';NT'S l)oli~',ic~ and "Standard ~lm~Sfh:ali(~l~ for l li~hway I, ~hlm.. 6. The CITY f,,'ll,~,' a~,'ces Io I,'. resl)onsil~h: for the l)aynmnl of all cosl for clcclrical imw,r alld/or otl~cr electrical dtargcs inctlrrt:d itl collncclion with thc olmritlioll of tilt: complclcd lighli)~g system. 7. Tim CITY hcrc},y agrees to indmnnify, dcfcml, save, and hold harmless the DEI~AIL'I'MENT from all claims, demands, liaifilili~:s, ami stills of any n:~t.rc wlialsocvcr arising out of, ]}(mm}sc of, or d.(: to thc }re:ach of/his Agrcc. mcnt ]~y Ibc CITY, ils agtm/s or employees, or tl.c 1o :my act or oc(:m'rcncc of omission or commission of Ihe CITY, ils ag(mis or employees. It is specifically understood and agreed · that this indcmnificatiot~ agreement docs not cover or indemnify the I)EI)AIt']'MENT for ils own negligence or breach of contract. 8. All sm-hoes and work tamer the conslruclion contract shall l)e performed to the satisfaclion of the DEPAIITMENT'S Director of Road Opcralions, a.d he shall decide all questions, difficulties and disputes of whatever natm'c, which may arise under or by reason of such contracl for highway lighting; the proscculion and fulfillment of thc st:rvices thereunder, and thc character, q.aliiy, amom~t, and value thmeof; and his decision upon all claims, questions, and disputes thereunder shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto. IN \ViTNESS WItEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be dui), executcd, the day and 3'ear first above written. STATE OF FLORIDA WITNESSES: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Director of Administration ATTEST: (SEAL) As to iht DI';PA RTMENT Executive Secretary CITY-OF DELRAY BEACH , FLORIDA BY: (Title ) ATTEST. (SEAL) As to the CITY Approved as to Form, Le,dalily and Execution STATE OF FLORIDA I)EI'AI{TMENTOF TI;.ANSPORTATION BY: Assis[ant Attorney i