Res 25-71 RESO!~TION N0. 2 5- 71 .
W~RFAS, the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Delray Beach, Florid,a, has the power to establish
a retirement plan for the city employees by virtue of
Section 25(c) of the Charter of the City of Delr,~.y Beach;
'WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is
in the best interests of the citizens of this city to amend
and restate the retirement plan for ce~,tain of the city
As Amended and Restated
January 1 ~__1~31
City of Deiray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
Table of Contents
Secti on Page
1.1 - Authorization ....................... · . 1-a
1.2 - Purpose .......................... 1-a
1.3 - Name ............................ 1-a
1.4 - Effective Date ........................ 1-a
1.5 - Introduction ........................ 1-b
2.1 - Eligibility: Participation ................. 2-a
2.2 - Service ........................... 2-b
2.3 - Leave of Absence ....................... 2-c
2.4 - Credited Service ...................... 2-d
3.1 - Participant's Contribution Account .............. 3-a
3.2 - Contributions ........................ 3-a
3.3 - Expenses of A~uinistration .................. 3-b
3.4 - City's Contributions Irrevocable ............... 3-b
3.5 - Amendment of Pla~] ...................... 3-b
3.6 - Termination of Plan . . .' ..... : ............ 3-c
4.1 - Basis of Retirement Income ............... 4-a
4.2 - Normal Retirement and Retirement Income ........... 4-b
4.3 - Early Retirement and Retirement Income ............ 4-d
4.4 - Disability Retirement and Retirement Income ........ 4-e
4.5 - Benefits Other Than on Retirement .............. 4-j
4.6 - Optional Forms of Retirement Income ............. 4-n
4.7 - Lump-sum pa~.ent of Small Retirement Income ......... ~-r
4.8 - Limitation on Pa.~ent of Retirement Income .......... 4-r
4.9 - Termination of Service for Dishonesty . .- ..........
4.10 - Funding of Benefits 5.~rough Purchase of Life Insurance
Contract or Contracts ....................
4.11 - Forfeitures and Dividends .................. 4-u
4.12 - Temporary Limitations on Benefits Required by the Internal
Revenue Service .......................
R~i'iHE[,.F~i¢i~ PIF~N FOR E~.~oLOYEES OF
Table of Contents
Section Pa~
5.1 - Participants to Furnish Required Information ........
5.2. - Beneficiaries .......................
5.3 .- Contingent BenefiCiaries ....... · ...........
5.4 - Participant's Rights in Trust Fund .............
5-5 - Benefits Not Assignable ..................
5.6 - Benefits Payable to ~nors and Incompetents ....... - · 5-e
5.7 - Conditions of Employment Not Affected by Plan ....... 5-f
5.8 - Abandonment of Benefit .................. 5-f
6.1 - A~ministration by Retirement Conmuittee ........... 6-a
6.2 - Officers and Employees of Retirement Core~ttee ...... . 6-b
6.3 - Action by Retiremen% Committee .............. 6-b
6.4 - Rules and Regulations of Retirement Committee ....
6.5 - Powers of Retirement Committee ............... 6-c
6.6 - Liability of Retirement Co:m~ttee ............. 6-c
6.7 - Actuary ......................... 6-d
6.8 - Applicable Law ....................... 6-e
7.1 - Trustee .......................... 7~a
7.2 - Purpose of Trust Fm~d ................... 7-a
7.3 - Benefits Supported 0nly by Trusv Fund ............ 7-a
7.4 - Trust F~d Applicable 0nly to Payment of Benefits ..... 7-a
7.5 - Te~uination of Plan and Distribution of Trust Fund .... 7-b
7.6 - Benefits !00~ Vested if Plan is Terminated or Contributions
Permanently Discontinued ............ ..... 7-d
An amended and restated retirement plan is hereby authorized to be
adopted and the existing retirement trust together with said plan is authorized
to be administered to provide benefits in accordance with the provisions of this
resolution. The currently appointed retirement committee is authorized and
directed to take the necessary steps for putting the plan into effect, sub-
mitting the necessary documents to obtain approval of the plan by the Internal
Revenue Service as a qualified plan under Sections 401(a) and 50i(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code, make any amendments required by the Internal Revenue
Service to obtain such approval and administer the plan as provided herein,
provided such amendments do not increase the cost of the plan to the City.
Section 1.2 - PL~POSE
The purpose of the plan is to provide benefits to regular and
permanent employees of the City, as the term "employee" is defined herein,
and their beneficiaries upon the occurrence of retirement, death, or disability
of the employee or upon his termination of employment as provided herein.
Section 1.3 - N~E
R~e plan hereby created by the City of Delray Beach (hereinafter
referred to as the "Citw") shall be kno~ as the RETIREMEI~ PLAN FOR EMR°LOYEES
OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"). All the
affairs and business of such plan shall be transacted in such name.
Section 1.4 - EFFECTIVE DATE
The plan hereby created was effective as of January l, 1965 aud
shall be ~mended and restated effective as of January l, 1971.
Section !.5 - !~RODUCTION
The plan will be administered by a retirement committee, as more
fully described in Section 6.1 of the plan. In conjunction with the amendment
and restatement of the plan, the City will continue the trust fund pursuant to
an agreement which is known as the RETIREMENT TRUST FOR ~4PLOYEES OF THE CITY
OF DELRAY BEACH (which trust agreement, as it is originally written and as it
may hereafter be amended, is hereinafter referred to as the "trust agreement"),
with The First National Bank of Delray Beach, Delray Beach, Florida, as trustee
(hereinafter referred to as the "trustee"), and the funds contributed by the
City and the employees for the purpose of providing the benefits specified
in the plan will be held in the trust fund and administered by the trustee in
accordance with the provisions of the trust agreement.
The trust agreement, and any future amendments thereto, shall
form a part of the plan and any an~lendments hereto, in the ssme manner as if
all terms and provisions thereof were copied here in detail; the terms and pro-
visions of the olan, and any future amendments hereto, shall form a part of said
trust agreen~ent as from time to time it may be mnended, in the same manner as
if the same were copied in said trust a~reement in detail.
The plan as set forth herein is an amendment, restatement and
continuation of the superseded plan as in effect on Dece~?oer 31, 1970, and
it is intended that there be no lapse either in time or effect between this
plan and such superseded plan.
Under the superseded plan, all benefits provided thereunder were
funded through the medium of a trust fund established and maintained for the
purposes of the superseded plan; under the plan, all benefits will likewise
be funded through the median of a trust fund, established and maintained for
the purposes of the plan, for the exclusive benefit of the employees covered
~uder the plan, and their beneficiaries.
All covered employees will be treated alike under the plan; how-
ever, it is the desire and intention of the City to preserve for the benefit
of the employees covered under the superseded plan all benefits accrued to
their credit thereunder as of December 31, 1970. The benefits provided under
the plan for such employees, are at least equal to the benefits being provided
under the superseded plan, as iu effect on December 31, 1970. Furthermore, no
rights under the superseded plan as heretofore vested have been diminished.
The plan is applicable to each employee of the City who is eligible
to participate thereunder upon meeting the applicable eligibility requirements
adopted by the City. Each such employee who retires from service with the
City on or after January l, 1971 in accordance with the terms of the plan
will be entitled to a retirement benefit determined in accordance with the
following provisions. Each employee whose service is terminated on or after
January l, 1971 but prior to his retirement hereunder will be entitled to the
benefits described in Section 4.5 hereof. Any employee of the City who was a
participant in the superseded plan and who had retired under such plan prior
to January l, 1971, and who was no longer in the active full-time service of
the City as of such date shall continue to receive the benefits to which he
was entitled under the superseded plan but shall not receive any additional
benefits under the plan.
Section 2.1 - EL!G~.rBILITY: P~TiCIPATiON
THe word "employee" as Gsed herein means any person in the regular
f,~_lltime service of the City; provided, however, that such term shall not
include city co.&ucilmen, the city attorney, judge, prosecutor (and assistants)
or any person employed for a temporary period or for a temporary job, or
whose cu.stomary employment is for less than 20 hours in any one week or for
less than five (5) months in any one calendar year. Also those firemen and
policemen employed by the City who are participants in retirement plans as
provided for in Chapters 175 and 185 of the Florida Statutes or other appli-
cable State statutes shall not become participants in the plan. The pronouns
"he," "him," and "his," ased in this plan, shall also refer to similar pro-
nouns of the feminine gender unless otherwise qualified by the context.
The date on which each such employee will become a participant in
the plan shall be:
(A) January l, 1971, for each' employee who was a participant in
the superseded plan as of December 31, 1970:
(B) January l, 19?l, for each other employee who was not a
participant in the superseded plan but who has completed
one (1) year of credited service as of such date; provided,
hc~ever, any person employed by the City after January l,
1965, but prior to January l, 19?l, whose attained age at
his date of employment was 60 years, shall not becom~ a
participant in the plan;
(C) The date after Jan.uary l, 1971 as of which each oth~' employee
completed one (1) year of credited service; provided, how-
ever: that ~y person e~?loyed by the City on or s.fter
Jan.~ary l, 19?l who has attained the age of 60 ye~s as of
~ , 2-b . ~
the date of his e~ployr.~ent sh~ll not become a participant
in the plan.
Each such employee who meets the eligibility requirements as set
forth above shall, as a condition of continued employment, make contributions
to the Plan as required by Section 3.1 hereof, and shall become a participant
in the plan and will be subject to all other provisions in the plan beginning
on such date.
Any employee who is absent from the active service of the City on
the effective date of the plan by reason of leave of absence granted by the
City, or by reason of compulsory military service, will become a participant
hereunder as of (a) or (b), whichever is later, where (a) is the date of his
return to active employment and (b) is the date a~ of which he completes one
(1) year of credited service. .
Each participant will be retired under the system and entitled to
a retirement income upon retirement from service with the City by reason of
his age, subject to any minimum service requirements herein. Each such parti-
cipant whose employment is terminated because of mental or physical disability
in accordance with Section h.4 shs,ll be entitled to disability benefits. Upon
the death of a participant, his beneficiaries will be entitled to death benefits
as prescribed in Section ~.5 hereof. Any participant whose service is terminated
for any reason other than retireEent, disability, retirement or death will be
entitled to benefits upon termination of service as provided in Section ~.5
Section 2.2 - SERVICE
The term service means that period of continuous, uninterrupted
employment with the City from the employee's or participant's last date of
employment to the earlier of the date of terminsiion of his service and
his normal retire~nent date, as herein described. Any gosence from the
active service of the City, including but not limited to absences by reason
of discharge or resignation, ~ich is not deemed a leave of absence as defined
in Section 2.3 hereof, will be considered a termination of service.
Section 2.3 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE
Absence from the active service of the City by reason of leave of
absence grm~ted by the City because of illness or military service, or for
any other reason, will not terminate an employee's or participant's service
provided he returns to the active employment of the City at or prior to the
expiration of his leave or, if not specified therein, within the period of
time which accords with the City's policy with respect to permitted absences.
If the employee or participant does not return to the active employment of the
City at or prior to the expiration of his leave of absence as above defined,
his service will be considered terminated as of the date on which his leave
began; provided, however, that except for absence because of military service,
if such employee or participant is prevented from his timely return to the
active employment of the City because of his total and permanent disability or
his death, he shall, nevertheless, be entitled to any disability benefit as
provided in Section 4.4 hereof or to a~ death benefit as provided in Section
4.5 hereof, whichever is applicable, as though he returned to active e~.ployment
i~mediately preceding the date of his total and Permanent disability or his
Absence from the active se~zice of the City because of compulsory
engagement in military service will be considered a leave of absence granted by
the City and will not terminate the service of an employee or a participant if
he raturns to the active employment of the Cit~' within the period of time during
60 days from and after discharge or separation from such compulsory engagement
if no Federal law is applicable. No provision of this paragraph or in this plan
shall require re-employment of any employee or participant whose active service
with the City was terminated by reason of military service.
All participants under similar circumstance shall be treated alike
with regard to this Section.
Section 2.4 - CREDITED SFi~VICE
The credited service of each employee or participant will be the
total period of his service as defined in Section 2.2 hereof, computed in
completed months, from his last date of employment until his normal retirement
date or, if earlier, his date of actual retirement or termination of employ-
ment, except as provided in Section 2.1 and the following paragraph.
Th~ period of any absence of B1 days or more will be excluded from
an employee's or a participant's credited service unless he receives regular
compensation from the City during such absence and except as otherwise provided
below. Any absence of B0 d~vs or less will be included. The first two years
of any absence after the effective date of the plan due to the employee's or
participant's engagement in military service will be included in his credited
service if such absence is covered by a leave of absence granted by the City
or is by reason of compulsory military service. An employee or a participant
who was absent prior to the effective date of the plan because of his engagement
in military service will be credited for the full period of such absence if
such absence was covered by a leave of absence granted by the City or was by
reason of compulsory military service, provided such period would otherwise
have been included as credited service if the employee or participsnt had been
in the active service cf the City.
The "participant's contribution account" will consist of mandatory
participant contributions.
Each participant will contribute toward the cost of the system an
amount equal to 3% of the first $4,800 of his basic annual compensation as de-
fined in Section 4.1, and 6% of his basic annual compensation in excess of
Each participant shall continue to contribute to the system until
the earliest to occur of the following dates:
(i) Date the participant retires under the plan.
(ii) Date of death of the participant.
(iii) Date of termination of the participant's service with vhe City.
(iv) The participant's normal retirement date.
Anything in the plan to the contrary notwithstanding, the total
benefits payable under the plan to, or with respect to, a participant shall not
be less than the benefits that can be provided by the participant's contributions,
and further provided, if a terminated participant (as defined in Section 4.5)
elects to withdraw his contributions prior to his normal retirement date, he
will be entitled only to the return of his contributions in lieu of all other
benefits payable under the plan. Contributions cannot be withdrawn while a
participant remains in the service of the City or after the payment of benefits
under the plan has commenced.
The City intends to make such contributions ~s are required~ together
with contributions of participmnts, to maintain the trust fund established
for the purposes of the plan on a sound actuarial basis, as determined by the
actuary employed by the City Council in accordance with Section 6.7 hereof.
The City may pay all expenses incurred in the administration of
the plan, including expenses an.d fees of the trustee, but it shall not be
obligated to do so, and any such expenses and fees not so paid by the City
shall be paid from the trust fund.
The City shall have no right, title, or interest in the trust fund
or in any part thereof, and no contributions made thereto shall revert to the
City except such part of the trust fund, if any, which remains therein after
the satisfaction of all liabilities to persons entitled to benefits under the
plan, as described in Section 7.5 hereof with respect to termination of the
Section 3.5 - kMENDMENT OF PLAN
The plan may be amended by the City from time to time in any
respect whatever, by resolution of the City Council of Delray Beach, specify-
ing such amendment, subject on].y to the following limitations:
(A) Under no condition shall such amendment result in or
permit the return or repayment to the City of any
property held or acquired by the trustee hereunder
or the proceeds thereof or result in or permit the
distribution of any such property for the benefit
of anyone other than the participa~its arid their
beneficiaries or joint pensioners~
the extent provided by Section 3.3 and Section
7.5 hereof with respect to expenses of admini-
stration and termination of the plan~ respectively.
(B) Under no condition shall such amendment change
the duties or responsibilities of the trustee
hereunder without its written consent.
Subject to the foregoing limitations~ any amendmlent may be made
retroactively which~ in the jud~nent of the retirement co~mittee~ is necessary
or advisable provided that such retroactive amendment does not deprive a parti-
cipa~t~ witho~ his consent~ of a right to receive benefits hereunder which
have already fully vested and matured in such participant~ except such modifi-
cation or amendment as shall be necessary to comply with any laws or regulations
of the United States or of any state to qualify this as a t~x-exempt plan and
Section 3.~ - TE~TIONOF PLAN
The plan may be terminated by the City at any time by delivering to
the trustee in writing an ordinance of the City Council of Delray Beach, duly
certified by an official of the City, specifying that (a) the plan is being
terminated or (b) contributions thereunder are being permanently discontinued.
The plan shall automatically te~nminate only upon adjudication by a court of
competent jurisdiction that the City is bankrupt or insolvent (whether such
proceedings be voluntary or involuntary)~ upon dissolution of the City or upon
its liquidation~ merger or consolidation without provisions beins made by its
successor~ if any~ for the continuation of the plan.
' ' 4- a
Section 4.1 - BASIS OF RETIRE~.~2~T INC0~
The monthly retirement income payable on retirement will be based
on the participant's final monthly compensation and on his credited service.
The term "final monthly compensation" means the participant's average
monthly rate of compensation from the City for the 5 successive calendar years
out of the 10 calendar years next preceding the earlier of (i) the date on
which his service with the City terminates for any reason~ and (ii) his normal
retirement date~ as hereinafter described~ ~ich give the highest average
c om~ensa ~! on
monthly rate of _ '' ~' for the participant.
The participant's average monthly rate of compensation will be deter-
mined by dividing the total basic co~ensation received by him during such 5
calendar-year period by the namber of months for which he received compensation
from the City in such 5 calendar-year period. The n'umber of months for which
he received cor~ensation from the City ~I1 be con~uted~ to the extent he was
paid on other than a monthly basis~ by determining the n~mber of pay periods
ending within such 5 calendar years for which he received compensation from
the City~ and converting such pay per~ods into months by dividing the nmmber
thereof~ if ~eek!y, by 4--!/3~ if bi-weeY~y, by 2-.1/6~ and if se~-monthly~ by 2.
In computing "final monthly c~npensation" for a participant who has
returned to the active service of the City following a leave of absence oran~ed
by the City during ~ich he did not receive regular compensation from the City~
or following a period of disability retirement or termination of service with a
vested benefit~ as described in Sections 4.4(H) and 4.5(A)(3) hereof, respectively~
the period during which he was on leave of absence~ or during which he was on
disability retirement, or during which his service was terminated, shall be
ignored, or excluded, in determiniog the !0 calendar years preceding a subs~--
quant date of termination of service or his date of early or normal retirement.
The term '%asia compensation" means the compensation actually paid
to a participant by the City, exclusive of commissions, bonuses, overtime pay,
expense allowances and all other extraordinary compensation.
Normal retirement under the plan is retirement from the service of
the City on, or after, the normal retirement date. In such event, payment of
retirement income will be governed by the following provisions of this section.
(A) Normal Retirement Date:
The normal retirement date of each participant will be the
first day of the month coincident with, or next following the date he both
attains the age of 65 and completes l0 years of credited service; provided,
however, that a participant may continue in the service of the City beyond his
normal retirement date with the consent of the City, which consent, although
renewable, will be for no longer than a year at a time. A participant who meets
the requirements of this Section 4o2(A) shall be lO0~vested.
(B) Amount of Retirement Income:
The monthly amount of retirement income p~yable to a
particzpant who retires on his normal retirement date shall be the sum of (a)
snd (b) where:
(a) is one-twelfth (1/12) of the annual retirement income
as of December 31, 1970 which has accrued to the participant under
the provisions of the superseded plan; and
(b) is (i) plus'(ii) multiplied by (iii) where:
(i) is 1% (.OlO) of the first $400 of final
monthly compensation;
(ii) is 1-1/2% (.015) of final monthly compensation
in excess of $400; and
(iii) is years and completed months of credited service
from January 1, 1971 to the participant's normal
retirement date.
(2) To Particioant ~o Retires After Normal Retirement Date
A participant who retires after his normal retirement
date will, upon actual retirement, be entitled to receive a monthly retirement
income, or, if an optional form of payment is in effect pursuant to Section 4.6
below, a retirement benefit, the single-sum value of which, at his actual retire-
ment date, equals the sum of (i) the single-sum value of the normal monthly re-
tirement income (computed as of his normal retirement date in accordance with
Section 4.2(B)(1) above) to which he was entitled on his normal retirement date,
and (ii) the amount of interest on such single-sum in (i) above, where the
interest is compounded annually from the participant's normal retirement date
to his actual retirement date, and all computations are on the basis of the
interest and mortality assumptions used for the actuarial valuation coincident
with or next preceding his normal retirement dat~.
(C) ~ayment of Retirement Income: The monthly retirement income
payable, in the event of normal retirement will be payable on the first day of
each month. The first payment will be made on the participant's normal retire-
ment date (or on the first day of the month coincident with, or next following,
his actual retirement, if later) and the last payment will be the payment due
next preceding the retired participant's death.
Early retirement under the plan is retirement from the service of
the City, with the consent of the City, as of the first day of any month prior
to the participant's normal retirement date but subsequent to the date as of
which he has both attained the age of 55 years and completed at least 15 years
of credited service. In the event of early retirement, payment of retirement
income will be governed by the following provisions of this section.
(A) Early Retirement Date: The early retirement date will be the
first day of the month coincident with or next following the date a participant
retires from the service of the City under the provisions of this section
prior to his normal retirement date.
(B) Amount of Retirement Income: The monthly amount of retirement
income payable to a participant who retires prior to his normal retirement date
under the provisions of this section shall be an amount equal to the sum of
(a) and (b) multiplied by (c) where:
(a) is one-twelfth (1/12) of the annual retirement income
as of December 31, 1970 which has accrued to the participant
under the provisions of the superseded plan; and
(b) is (i) plus (ii) multiplied by (iii) where:
(i) is 1% (.010) of the first $400 of final
month]~y compensation;
(ii) is 1-1/2% (.015) of final monthly compensation
in excess of $400; and
(iii) is years and completed months of credited
service from January l, 1971 to the participant's
early retirement date; and
(¢) is the applicable factor set forth in the Table of
Factors below:
Years Prior to Normal Retirement Age 65
Age of Age of
participa__n__t Years Factor Participant Years ~a__cto___~r
55 10 .5000 60 5 .6667
56 9 .5333 61 h .7333
57 8 .5667 62 3 .8000
58 7 .6000 63 2 .8667
59 6 .6333 64 i .9333
The factor to be used in (b) above will be based on the participant's
attained ages computed to the nearest month, at his early retirement date; and
shall be computed by interpolation, if the age of the paritcipant so computed
is other than one of the whole ages shown above.
(C) P~yment of Retirement Income: The retirement income payable in
the event of early retirement will be payable on the first day of each month.
The first payment will be made on the participant's early retirement date and
the last pa~ent will be the payment due next preceding the retired participant's
(A) Definition: A participant may retire from the service of the
City under the plan if he becomes totally and permanently disabled, as defined
in Paragraph (B) of this S~ction 4.4~ on or after the effective date of the plan
but prior to his normal retirement date. Such retirement from the service of
the City shall herein be referred to as disability retirement.
(B) Total and Permanent Disability: A participant will be considered
totally disabled if, in the opinion of the retirement co~uittee, he is wholly
prevented from engaging in any occupation _.._r wage or profit: and a participant
will be considered pc~nanently disabled if, in the opinion of the retirement
committee, such participant is likely to remain so disabled continuously and
permanently from a cause other than specified in Paragraph (C) of this Section 4.4.
(C) Nonadmissible Causes of Disability,: A participant will not be
entitled to receive any disability retirement income if, in the opinion of the
retirement co~m~ittee, the disability is a result of:
(1) }Ixcessive and habitual use by the participant of
drugs~ intoxicants or narcotics~
(2) Inju~y or disease sustained by the participant
while willfully and illegally participating
in fights, riots, civil insurrections or
while co~_~tting a felony;
(3) Injury or disease sustained by the parLicipant
while serving in any armed forces,:
(4) Injury or disease sustained by the participant
diagnosed or discovered subsequent to the date
his emplo~vaent has terminated~
(5) Injury or disease sustained by the par4icipant
while working for anyone other than the City,
and arising out of such eu~loyment3 or
(6) Inju~-y or disease sustained by the participant
as a result of an act of war, whether or not
such act arises from a fo~m~ally declared state
of war.
(D) Proof of Disabil.ity: The retirement committee, before approving
the pa~nent of any disability retirement income, shall require satisfactory
proof, in the form of a certificate from a duly licensed physician selected
by the retirement committee, that the participant has become disabled as pro-
vided herein. EveL~y six months after commencement of disability retirement
income, or more frequently, the retirement committee may similarly require proof
of the continued disability of the participant.
(E) ~isabili~~ Retirement Income: The benefit payable to a par-
ticipant who retires from the service of the City due to total and permanent
disability is the monthly retirement income, determined actuarially, payable
for 10 years certain and life thereafter, which can be provided by (a) or (b),
'~hichever is greater, ~-here (a) is the single-sum value (computed as of the
participant's date of termination of service due to disability) of his deferred
monthly retirement income beginning at his normal retirement date which has
accrued to the date of termination of bis service due to disability, and (b)
is ].2 tin~e~ his rate of basic monthly compensation as of the January 1st which
is coincident with, or immediately precedes, the date of termination of his
service due to disability. The monthly amount computed using (b) above
shall not exceed ~0~ of the participant's anticipated monthly retirement
income commencing at normal retirement date. The amount of such accrued
deferred monthly retirement income shall be computed as for normal retirement
under Section ~.2(B)(1), based oo the participant's n'~mber of years of credited
service and final monthly compensation at the date of termination of his service
due to disability. The amount of anticipated monthly retirement income com-
mencing at normal retirement date above shall be computed as for normal re-
tirement under Section ~.2(B)(1), based on his anticipated number of years of
credited service at his normal retirement date and his final monthly compen-
sation at the date of termination of his service due to disability. The
participant's anticipated number of years of credited service at his normal
retirement date shall be determined in accordance with Section 2.4 hereof,
based on the assumption that his employment with the City would have
continued uninterrupted from his date of termination of his service due to
disability to his normal retirement date.
(F) Payment of Disability Retirement Income: The monthly re-
tirement income to which a participant is entitled in the event of his
disability retirement will be payable on the first day of each month. The
first payment will be made on the first day of the month coincident with,
or next following, the later to occur of (a) the date on which the disability
has existed for six months or (b) the date as of which application is made
in writing by the participant for the payment of such retirement income.
The last paMment will be either (i), if the participant recovers from
the disability prior to his normal retirement date, the payment due next
preceding the date of such recovery or (ii), ~if the participant dies
without recovering from his disability or attains his normal retirement
date while still disabled, the 120th payment or the pa~m~ent due next
preceding his death, whichever is later. Any monthly retirement income
payments due after the death of a disabled participant shall be paid to
the participant's designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) as provided
in Sections 5.2 ~nd 5.3.
(G) R_~ec~very from Disability: If the retLrement ¢o.~mittee finds that
a participant who is receiving a disability retirement income is, at any time
prior to his normal retirement date, no longer disabled, as provided herein,
the retirement committee shall direct that the retirement income be discontinued.
Recovery from disability as used herein shall mean the ability of the participant
who recovers from disability and whose retirement income is discontinued by the
retirement committee and who, as of the date of termination of his service due
to disability, had both attained the age of 55 years and completed at least 15
years of credited service shall, if he does not re-enter the service of the City
be entitled to the early retirement income or the vested deferred retirement
income as provided in Section 4.3 and 4~.5(A) hereof as of the date of termination
of his service due to disability end upon his attained age as of the d~te of his
recovery from disability, but early retirement will be subject to consent of the
City and the amount of the retirement income upon early retirement will be actu-
arially reduced to take into account the participant's younger age and the earlier
commencement of retirement income payments as provided in Section 4.3 hereof.
(H) Re.-emp~p~unent b~ the Czt_~. If the participant recovers from
disability and re-enters the service of the City, his service will be deemed
to have been continuous, but the period begimiing with the first month for
which he received a disability retirement income payment and ending with the
date he re-entered the service of the City ,~ii! not be considered as credited
service for the purposes of the plan.
Section 4.5 - B~'~,~ITS 0~-t~R ~L~ O~ RETIRE~'~NT
(A) Benefit on Termination of Service and on Death After Termi-
nation of Service:
(1) In the event of the termination of a participant's service
prior to his normal retirement date for any reason other than his death~ early
retirement with the consent of the City as described in Section 4.~ hereof~
or disability retirement as described in Section 4,4 hereof~ after he has both
attained the age of 55 years and completed 15 years of credited service (such
l~rticipant is hereinafter referred to as a "term~inated participant")~ he will
be entitled to a monthly retirement income to comnence on his nornml retirement
date~ if he shall then be !iving~ in an amount which can be provided by the
single-sum value of his deferred monthly retirement income beginning at his
nor~ml retirement date which has accrued to the date of termination of his
service~ accumulated at interest from the date of termination of his service
to his nonual retirement date. The amom]t of such accrued deferred monthly
retirement income shall be computed as for normal retirement under Section 4.2
(B)(1)~ based upon the terminated participant's n~er of years of credited
service and final monthly compensation at the date of termination of his service.
(2) In the event a terminated participant dies prior to the
commencement of his retirement income at his normal retirement date (without
having received~ in accordance with Section 4.7~ the value of the benefit in
Section 4.5(A)(1) above: his beneficiary (or beneficiaries) will receive the
monthly retirement incon~ payable for lO years certain and life thereafter and
beginning on the date of the participant's death~ which can be provided by the
single-sumva!ue of the participant's accrued deferred monthly retirement income
as of the date of termination of the participant's ser¢ice, accum~fl.ated at
interest fr~n the date of term~ination of the participant's service to the date
of his death.
(3) If a participant's service with the City is terminated
while he is entitled to the retirement income described in Section 4.5(A)(1)
above and he subsequently re-enters the service of the City, he %~11 be entitled,
upon such re-entryyto the credited service he had on the date of tenmination of
his service in lieu of the benefits to which he was entitled on such date ~mder
Section 4.5(A)(I); provided, however~ that the monthly retirement income payable
to such participant commencing at normal retirement date shall not be less than
the amount to which he was entitled under Section 4.5(A)(!) prior to his re-ent~y
into the service of the City. kkcept as provided in Section 4.4 hereof with
respect to disability retirement: any other participant will, on re-entry into
the service of the City (unless he has been on leave of absence pursuant to the
provisions of Section 2.3 hereof), be treated as if he then first entered the
service of the City.
(4) The provisions of Section 4.6 hereof relating to optional
forms of retirement income are applicable to the benefits provided under Section
(5) Except as provided in Section 4.2 with respect to normal
retirement, Section 4.4 with respect to disability retirement and Section 4.5
with respect to death, the participant whose service is ter~minated prior to
the date as of which he has both attained the age of 55 years and con~leted
at least 15 years of credited se~¢ice shall be eptitled only to the return of
his contributions.
(B) Benefit Payable in the ?]~ent of Death on or Prior
to Normal Retirement Date ~ile in Service
(1) If the service of a participan~ is terminated by reason
of his death, on, or prior to, his normal retirement date~ there shall be pay-
able to the participant's designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) the monthly
retirement income, beginning on the first day of the month coincident with or
next following the date of his death, which can be provided by (a) or (b),
whichever is greater, where (a) is the single-sum value of his accrued deferred
monthly retirement income commencing at his normal retirement date which had
accrued to the date of his death, where this single-sum value will be calculated
in a manner similar to the way the reserve is accumulated under a typical retire-
ment income contract, (b) is (i) or (ii), whichever is smaller, where (i) is
12 times his rate of basic monthly compensation as of the January 1st which is
coincident with, or immediately precedes, his date of death, and (ii) is 100
times the participant's anticipated monthly retirement income commencing at
normal retirement date. The amount of such accrued deferred monthly retire-
ment income shall be computed as for normal retirement under Section 4.2(B)(1),
based upon the participant's number of years of credited service and final
monthly compensation at the date of his death. The amount of anticipated
monthly retirement income commencing at normal retirement date in (b)(ii) above
shall be computed as for normal retirement '~der Section 4.2(B)(1), based on
his anticipated number of years of credited service at his normal retirement
date and his projected final monthly compensation at normal retirement date.
The participant's anticipated number of years of credited service at his
normal retirement date shall be determined in accordance with Section 1.4 here-
of, based on the assumption that his employment with the City would have con-
tinued uninterrupted from his date of death to his normal retirement date. The
participant's projected final monthly compensation at his normal retirement
date shall be determined as of the participant's normal retirement date,
based on the asstunption that the participant's rate of monthly basic compensa-
tion as of his ~ate of death would have continued~ without change, to his
normal retirement date.
(2) Except as provided in Section 4.5(B)(3) below, the
monthly retirement income payments under this Section 4.2(B) shall be payable
for the life of the beneficiary (or beneficiaries) designated or selected
under Section 5.2 to receive such benefit, and, in the event of such benefi-
ciary's death within a period of 10 years after the participant's death, the
same monthly amount shall be payable for the balance of such 10-year period in
the manner and subject to the provisions of Section 5.3.
(3) In lieu of the benefits payable in Section 4.2(B) (2)
above, the single-sum value of such benefits may be paid to the participant's
designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) in such other manner and form as the
participant may elect and the retirement con~mittee may approve, or, in the
event no election is made by the participant prior to his death, as the bene-
ficiary may elect and the retirement committee may approve.
(C) Benefit Payable in Event of Death ~ile
In Service After Normal Retirement Date
(1) If the service of a participant is terminated by reason
of his death after his normal retirement date, there shall be payable to the
participant's designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries), the monthly retirement
income, determined actuarially, beginning on the first day of the month coincident
with, or next following, the date of his death, which can be provided by the sum
of (a) the single-sum value of the normal retir~ent income (computed as of the
participant's normal retirement date) to which he was entitled on his normal
retirement date, and (b) the ~mount of interest on such single-sum value in (a)
above, where the interest shall be compounded annually f~om the participant's
normal retirement date to the date of his death, and all computations shall
be on the basis of the interest and mortality assumptions used for the
actuarial valuation coincident with or next preceding his normal retire-
ment date.
(2) Except as provided in Section ~.5(C)(3) below, the
monthly retirement income payments under this Section ~.5(C) shall be payable
for the life of the beneficiary (or beneficiaries) designated or selected
under Section 5.2 to receive such benefit, and, in the event of such benefi-
eiary's death within a period of l0 years after the participant's death, the
same monthly amount shall be payable for the remainder of such 10-year period
in the manner and s~oject to the provisions of Section 5.3.
(3) In lieu of the benefits payable in Section h.5(C)(2)
above, the single-sum value of such benefits may be paid to the participant's
designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) ~n such other manner and form as the
participant may elect and the retirenent committee may approve, or, in the event
no election is made by the participant prior to his death~ as the beneficiary
(or beneficiaries) may elect and the retirement committee may approve.
In lieu of the sm~ount ~d form of retirement income payable in the
event of normal retirement, early retirement, or termination of service as
specified in Sections h.2, 4.3 and 4.5(A) hereof, a participant, or a terminated
participant as defined in Section 4.5(A) hereof, upon written request to the
retirement committee and submission of evidence of good health (except that
such evidence will not be required if such request is made at least three years
prior to the date of commencement of retirement income - or by the first day of
the sixth month following the date as of which the formkl announcement of the
p]~an is made to the e~ployees of the City, if on January l, 1971, ].ess than
three years remain prior to the parbicipsnt's anticipated retirement date')
and subject to the approval of the retireo~nt committee, mey elect to receive
a retirement income er benefit commencing on the date specified in Sections 4.2,
4.3, or 4.5(A)~ whichever is applicable, of equivalent act~arial value payable in
accordance with one of the following options:
Option l: A retirement income of a lesser monthly amo~ut,
payable to the participant for his lifetime, ex-
cept that in the event the participant dies before
he has received retirement benefits for a period'
of l0 years, the same monthly benefit will be paid
to the beneficiary designated by the participant for
the balance of the 10-year period.
Option 2: A retirement income of s modified monthly amount,
payable to the participant during the joint life-
t~ne of the participant and a joint pensioner
designeted by him, and following the death of either
of them, 2/B of such monthly amount payable to the
survivor for the lifetime of the survivor. The joint
pensioner designated by s participant in accordance
with this Option whall be either. (a) the spouse of
such participant or (b) any other person. The monthly
income payable under this Option to the participant and
a joint pensioner desi~ated under (b) above, shall not
be less than the monthly income that would be payable
under a pa~nents certain to age 85 years and life there-
after form.
Option 3: Such other amount and form of retirement payments or
benefits as, in the opinion of the retirement committee,
will best meet the circumstances of the participsnt; pro-
vided, however, that if such form is other than a joint
~nd survivor form of retirement payments or benefits,
the monthly income payable to a participant under such
form shall not be less than the monthly income that
would be payable under a payments certain to age 85
years and life thereafter form.
The Participant upon electing any option of this section will
designate the Joint pensioner or beneficiary (or beneficiaries) to receive
the benefit: if any, payable under the plan in the event of his death and
will have the power to change such designation from time to time, but any
such change shall be deemed to new election and will be subject to approval
by the retirement committee. Such designation will name a Joint pensioner
or one or more prinary beneficiaries where applicable. If a participant has
elected an option with a joint pensioner or beneficiary (or beneficiaries)
and his retirement income benefits have con~enced, he may thereafter change
his designated Joint pensioner or beneficiary (or beneficiaries) but only
if the retirement committee consents to such change and, in the case where
the designation to be changed is one involving a joint pensioner, if the
Joint pensioner last previously designated by him is alive when he files
with the retirement committee his request for such chan~e. The consent of a
participant's joint pensioner or beneficiary (or beneficiaries) to any such
change shall not be required. The retirement committee nay request such
evidence of the good health of the joint pensioner that is being removed as
it may require, and the amount of retirement income payable to the participant
upon the designation of a new joint pensioner shall be actuarially redetermined,
t~ing into account the age and sex of the former Joint oensioner, the new
joint pensioner and the participant. Each such designation will be made in
writing on a form prepared by the retirement committee. In the event that
no designated beneficiary survives the participant, such benefits as are
payable in the event of the death of the participant subsequent to his re-
tirement shall be paid as provided in Section 5.2 hereof.
Retirement income payments will be made under the option elected
in accordance with the provisions of this section and will be subject to the
following limitations:
(A) If a participant dies prior to his retirement under the plan,
or if a terminated participant dies prior to the commencement of his payments
at his normal retirement date, no benefit will be payable under the option
to any person, but benefits will be payable as provided in Section 4.5 hereof.
(B) If the designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) or Joint
pensioner does before the participant's retirement under the plan or subsequent
to a terminated participant's date of termination of service but prior to
his normal retirement date, the-option elected will be cancelled automatically
and a retirement income of the normal form and amount will be payable to the
participant upon his retirement or to the terminated participant at his
normal retirement date as if the election had not been made, unless a new
election is made in accordance with the provisions of this section or unless
a new beneficiary (or beneficiaries) or joint pensioner is designated by
the participant prior to his retirement or by the terminated participant
prior to his normal retirement date and within 90 days after the death of
the prior beneficiary (or beneficiaries) or joint pensioner.
~ 4-r
(C) If both the particiDant and the beneficiary (or beneficiaries)
designated by him die after the date that the participant's retirement inceme
commences under the plan but before the full pa~ent has been effected under
any option providing for payments for a period certain and life thereafter,
made pursuant to the provisions of Option 3~ the retirement committee nmy~ in
its discretion~ direct that the commuted value of the remaining pa~.ents be
paid in a lump sum and in accordance with Sectio~ 5.3 hereof.
Section 4.7 - L~,'~-S~I PA-f~,~NT OF S~LL RETtRE~,'~ iNC0~.~
Notwithstanding any provision of the plan to the contrary, if the
monthly retirement income payable to any person entitled to any benefit here-
under is less than $50 as of the date of his retirement or termination of
service, whichever is applicable, the retirement committee may, in the
exercise of its discretion, specify that the actuarial equivalent of such
retirement income be paid in a lump sum or in monthly installments for a
period certain of not more than 60 months, such actuarial equivalent to be
based upon the mortality and interest assumptions used as a basis for the last
preceding valuation of the plan.
Section 4.8 - LI~,~TATION ON
Notwithstanding the fact that the monthly retirement income is payable
for life, if any person receiving a monthly retirement income shot'~ld receive or
become entitled to receive any compensation for personal services currently per-
formed under substantially full time continuous employment by the City of Delray Beach
at the regular compensation~ the monthly retirement income shall cease during
the period for which such compensation is payable. Such monthly retirement income
shal!~ however~ be resvc.ued again at the same rate when such compensation there-
after ceases to be payable.
If a participant's service is te~minated because of dishonest conduct
injurious tO the City~ or if dishonest conduct inj~.~ious to the City committed
by a participant is deter-mined by the City drying the lifetime of the participant
but within one year after his service with the City is terminated or within one
year after his retirement under the plan, the retirement committee~ upon notice
from the City Council of Delray Beach, may terminated such a participant's interest
and benefits under the plan and trust ftund.
The ~ishonest conduct injurious to the City committed by a participant
shall be deterrmined and decided by the retirement co~nittee only after a full
investigation of such alleged dishonest conduct and an opportunity has been
given the participant to appear before the retirement committee to present his
case. The decision made by the retirement co~mittee in such cases shall be
final and binding in all participants or other persons affected by such decision.
In lieu of paying benefits from the trust fum. d to a participant or his
beneficia~y~, upon direction of the retirement committee, with specific prior
au6horization by the City, the trustee shall purchase, with funds in the trust,
an individual retirement income or retirement annuity contract from an insurance
compar~y which, as far as possible~ provides benefits equal to (or actuarial!y
equivalent to) those provided in the plan for such participant or beneficiary,
whereupon such contract shall thereafter govern the pa~nent of the amongst of
benefit, if any, represented by such contract which is payable under the plan
upon the participant's normal retirement, early retirement~ death~ or termination
of service, and the liability of the trust fund and of the plan will cease and
te~nate with respect to such benefits that are purchased and for which the
premimns are duly paid. Such individual retirement income or retirement
annuity contract may be purchased by the trustee on a single-premium basis
or on the basis of annual premiums payable over a period of years, as directed
by the retirement committee and as agreed upon by the insurance company; and such
individual retirement income or retirement annuity contract may be purchased,
as directed by the retirement committee, at any time, on, or after, the
participant's date of retirement to provide the benefits due under the plan to
the participant or his beneficiary, on, or after, the date of such purchase.
With specific prior authorization by the City, the retirement
committee may direct the trustee to enter into a contract or contracts with one
or more life insurance companies for the purchase of retirement annuities, five-
year renewable term life insurance, one-year renewab]_e term life insurance or
other form of life insurance or other benefits, on an individual or group basis,
in such manner and in such form as may be deemed appropriate by the retirement
committee, as provided for in the plan, and further provided the insurance
benefit will be no greater than one hundred (100) times the participant's
anticipated monthly retirement income commencing at normal retirement date. The
8mount of such anticipated monthly retirement income commencing at normal retire-
ment date shall be computed as for normal retirement in Section 4.2(B)(1).
The participant's projected fina], monthly compensation at normal
retirement date shall be determined in accordance with Section h.1 hereof, and
shall be determined as of the participant's normal retirement date, based on
the assumption that the participant's rate of monthly compensation as of his
date of death had been continued without change to his normal retirement d.ate.
under any contract issued in accordance with Section 4.10 shall not be ~ced to
. , 4-u
~pecifically, sash retirement a~uuities and other benefits as may be provided
for in the p)~.n m_.e.y be p~chased ~nder ene or ~ore depo-sib administration t~q~e
group annuity contracts.
No insurance company which m~y issue any contract upon the application
of the trustee shall be req,,ired to take or permit any action contrary to the
provisions of such contract; or be bound to allow any benefit or privilege to
any person interested in any coutract it h~s issued which is not provided in
s~ch contract; or be deemed to be a party to this plan for any purpose; or be
responsible for the validity of this plan; or be required to look into the terms
of this plan; or question any act of the retirement committee or the trustee
hereunder; or be required to see that any action of th~ trustee is ~thorized by
this plan. Any such issuing company shall b~ fully dischargod from ~ny ~nd all
liability for any amount paid to the trustee; or in accordance with its direction;
and no issuing compa~uy shall be obligated to see to the application of any monies
so paid by it. Ar~v such issuing company shall be f,,lly protected ~ teeing or
permitting any action on the faith of any instrument executed by the trustee in
its name as tr~stee~ and shall incur no liability for so doing.
Upon termination of employment, a participant may receive the retire-
ment income and/or annuity policies which are being purchased for him at the
date of his te_,m~ination, in lieu of any other benefit which he may be entitled
to receive, upon payment to the trustee of the difference between the cash value
of the policies and the amount that the participant is entitled to received as
a benefit upon termination of his service.
Forfeitures shall not be used to increase the benefits th8t any em-
ployee would otherwise receive under the plan at any time prior to the termination
of the plan or the complete discontinuance of contributions to the plan but shall
be anticipated in determining the costs under the p]~a~. Likewise any dividends
under any contract issued in accordance with Section 4.10 shall not be ~:sed to
increas~ the benefits that any employee wo,~ld otherwise receive ~nder the plan
but shall be anticipated in dctermining the costs under the plan.
The term "employee" as used in this Section 4.12 shall include
all employees of the City who are participants in the plan on the effective
date and all other employees in the service of the City who may later become
participants in the plan.
Notwithstanding an>- provision of emy other section of the plan
to the contrary, the amount of City contributions which may be used to provide
benefits for eny participant within the applicable gro,~p of the 25 highest-
paid employees whose monthly retirement income upon normal retirement would
exceed $125.O0, shall not exceed an amount which is equal in value to (or ~.zhich
is ectaarially equivalent to) the largest of the following amo~uts:
(1) The amo~ut of City contributions which would have been
applied to provide the benefits for such participant if the s~perseded plan,
as in effect on December 31, 1970 had been continued without change;
(2) ooo; and
(3) The sum of:
(a) The amount of City contributions which would have
been applied to provide the benefits accrued to the participant
under the superseded plan on December Bl, 1970; and
(b) An amount computed by m~ultiplying the n~mber of years
elapsed since January l, 1965 for which the fall current costs
of the pSm~u have been met by the smaller of the folloEing amounts:
(i) $1o, ooo; and
(ii) An amount equal to 20~ of the participant's average
regular annual compensation received from the City
for the five years immediately preceding the date
of such determination or, if earlier, the date of
termination of service of a terminated participant,
the date of retirement of a participant who has
retired prior to his normal retirement date or the
normal retirement date of a participant who bas
attained his normal retirement age whether or not
he has retired under the plan.
Provided, however, if the full current costs are not met at the end of the 10-year
period that next follows the effective date of the plan, the above restrictions
will continue to apply until the full current costs are funded for the first time.
The foregoing conditions will not restrict the payment of the full
benefits to a beneficiary after the death of a participant whose benefits are
subject to the provisions of this Section 4.12, if, at the time of such death, the
plan is in full effect and the full current costs thereof' have been met.
The provisions of this Section 4.12 will not apply to the retirement
income payable in the normal form or under any optional form which does not provide
a larger monthly income than the normal form to any participant retiring or re-
ceiling benefits during any period in'which the plan is in full effect and the
full current costs thereof have been met.
The limitations will not apply to the payment of any survivorship
income with respect to any deceased participant or retired participant who dies
prior to the termination of the Plan and while the full current costs thereof
have been met.
In the event of the termination of the plan-while the limitations
of this Section 4.12 are in effect, that portion of the assets of the trust fund
arising from aontributions made by the City with respect to those participants
to when the provisions of this Section 4.12 are applicable which is in excess
of the foregoing limitations will be apportioned to the other participants,
including retired particSpants, in accordance with the provisions contained in
Section 7.5 hereof.
Each participant will furnish to the retirement cmm~dttee such infor-
mation as the retirement committee considers necessary or desirable for the
purpose of a~inistering the plan and the provisions of the plan respecting
any pa>~ents thereunder arc conditional upon the participant's furnishing
promptly such true~ full and complete infozv~ation as the retirement committee
may request.
Each participant will submit proof of his age (and~ in the case of
his election of Option 2 or Option 3 Poa~suant to the provisions of Section 4.6
hereof, proof of the age of the joint pensioner selected by him) to the retire-
ment con~mittee at such time as required by the retirement conm~ttee. The
retirement com~mittee wi!l~ if such prcof of age is not submitted as required~
use as conclusive evidence thereof, such infozmation as is deemed by it to be
reliab!e~ regardless of the sourc~ of such information. Any adjustment required
by reason of lack of proof or misstatement of the age of persons entitled to
benefits hereunder, by the participant or otherwise.~ will be in such manner as
the retirement com~mittee deems equitable.
Any notice or information wbjch~ according to the terms of the plan
or the r'mles of the retirement committee~ must be filed with the retirement
committee shall be deemed so filed if addressed and either delivered in person
or mailed to the retirement committee~ in care of City of Delray Beach, Delray
Beach, Florida.
Section 5.2 - B~iCtARIES
F~ch participant may~ on a fo~m provided for that p~pose, signed and
£iJ.o4 with thc ret~reme~t co~r~,%teo, de,igc:ate a bono~iciar% (or
to receive the benofit~ if .any: which ~y be payab].e~ in the event of his death~
p~suant to the provisions of Scction 4.2~ 4.3~ 4.4~ or 4.5 hereof~ and each-
designation may be revoked by such participant by si~ing and fii~ng with the
retirement committee a new designation of beneficiary form. If a deceased
partici~nt failed to n~xe a beneficiary in the manner above prescribed or if
the beneficia~ (or beneficiaries) named by a deceased participant predeceases
the participant~ the death benefit~ if any~ which may be ~yable ~de~ the plan
~i'th ~'espect to such deceased ~-' ~
~romc~pan~ may be ~id: in the discretion of the
retirement cor~vittee, either to (a) any one or more of the persons comprising
the group consisting of the participant's spouse~ the participant's descendants:
the partici~nt's parents~ or the participant's heirs-at-law~ and the retirement
committee may ~y the entire benefit to any member of such group or apportion
such benefit ~mong any two or more of them in such shares as the retirement
cor~gttee~ in its soie discretion: shall dete~ine~ or (b) the estate of such
deceased ~rtici~nt; provided~ however~ that in any of such cases the retirement
corm~ttee~ in its discretion~ may direct t~t ~he cor~uted value of the remaining
monthly income pa~ents be paid in a l~m~p s~m. Any pa~ent made to any person
p~s~n% to the power and discretion conferred upon the retirement co~zJttee by
the provisions of this Section 5.2 shall operate as a ~mplete discharge of ali
ool~o~mons ~nder the plan with respect to such deceased vartmc~-oant and shall
not be s~oject to review by anyone but shall be final~ bindi~ and conclusive on
all persons ever ~n~er~ea hero,der.
Zn the event of the death of a beneficiary who s~vives tho participant
and ~gno~ at the benef~cia~y's ~eath~ is receiving benefits ~nder Sections
~:..4~ 4.5~ or 4.6 hereof within the lO-year (or other) period with respect to which
death benefits are payable ~der the plan af'ter the participant's death~ the
same amount of monthly retirement income which the beneficiary was receiving
shall be payable for the remainder of such lO-year (or other) period to a
person designated by the participant to receive the remaining death benefits~ if
any, payable in the event of such contingency or, if no person was so named,
then to a person designated by the beneficiary of the deceased participant to
receive the remaining death benefits~ if any~ payable in the event of such
contingency; provided~ however, that if no person so designated be living upon
the occurrence of such contingency~ then the remaining death benefits~ if any,
shall be payable for the remainder of such applicable 10-year (or other) period~
in the discretion of the retirement committee, either to (a) all or any one or
more of the persons comprising the group consisting of the participant's spouse,
the beneficiary's spouse~ the participant's descendants, the beneficiary's
descendants~ the participant's parents, the beneficiary's parents~ the partici-
pant's heirs-at-iaw~ or the beneficiary's heirs-at-law or (b) the estate of such
deceased beneficiary; provided further~ that in any of such cases the retirement
co.mzmittee may, in its discretions' direct that the cor~uted value of the monthly
retirement income pa~ents due for the remainder of the applicable lO-year
(or other) period be paid in a l'~p sum. Any pa~ents made to any person pursuant
to the power and discretion conferred upon the retirement co~mittee by the pro-
visions of this Section 5.3 shall operate as a co~r(slete discharge of ail obligations
under the plan with respect to such deceased beneficiary and shall not be subject
to review by anyone but shall be final~ binding and conclusive on all persons
ever interested here'~der.
No participant or other person shall have any interest in or any right
in~ to or under the trust fund~ or any part of the assets'thereof, except as and
to the e~tent expressly pro¥ided in the
Section 5.5 - B~,?=TITS NOT ASSIGNYZ~E
No bene£its~ rights or accounts shall exist t~v..der the plan which are
subject in any manner 'to voluntary or involuntary anticipation,, alienation~ sale,.
transfer~ assignment,, pledge~ encumbrance or charge and any attempt so to anti-
cipate~ alienate, transfer, assign~ pledge, encumber or charge the same shall be
void; nor shall any such benefit~ right or account be in any manner liable for
or subject to the debts~ contracts~ liabilities~ engagements~ torts or other
obligations of the person entitled to such benefit,, right or account, except as
specifically provided in the plan; nor shall any benefit~ right or account under
the plan constitute an asset in case of the bankruptcy, receivership or divorce
of any person entitled under the Plan.
If a participant or any other person entitled under the plan. becomes
bankrupt or makes an assignment for the ~ne~zt of creditors or in any way suffers
a lien or judgm~ent against his personal assets~ or in any way attempts to
anticipate~ aiienate~ sell,. ~ssm~n, piedge~ encumber or charge a benefit, right
or account,, except as smecifically provided in the plan~ then such benefit, right
or account in the discretion of the retirement co~mmittee may cease and terminate;
and in that event the trustee shall, at the direction of the retirement co~mmittee~
hold or apply funds equal in value to such accotunt in the interest of
such participant. This shall include not only distributions directly to the
participant at the retirement co~nm~ittee's discretion but to or f'or the ben~f~o of
the participant's spouse,, children or other dependents where the retirement
conm~ittee determines this to be necessa~ for the participant to discharge his
duty of support to such persons: the distribution to be in such manner and in
such proportion as the retirement committee shall detemc~ine. (See Section 5.6~
Subsec~ions (B),. (C),. and (D) be!.o~,~ l~or pe~r~issab!e methods of d~.stribution.)
Section 5.6 - BEi,~EFITS PAYABI~ TO ~ORS
~enever any person entitled to pa~uents under this plan shall be
a minor or under other legal disability or in the sole jud~r..ent of the retire-
ment conmuittee shall otherwise be unable to apply such pa~nents to his own
best interest and advantage (as in the case of illness, whether mental or physical,
or where the person not under legal disability is unable to preserve his estate
for his o~.m best interest)~ the retirement committee may in the exercise of its
discretion direct all or any portion of such pa)mnents to be made in any one or
more of the following ways unless claim shall have been made therefor by an
existing and duly appointed guardian~ conservator~ co~aittee or other duly
appointed legal representative~ in which event pa~,ent shall be made to such
(A) Directly to such person unless such person shall be a minor or
shall have been legally adjudicated incompetent at the time of the payz~ent;
(B) To the spouse~ child, parent or other blood relative to be expended
on behalf of the person entitled or on behalf of those dependents as to whom the
person entitled has the duty of support~
(C) To a recognized charity to be expended for the benefit of the
person entitled or for the benefit of those dependsnts as to whom the person
has the duty of s~port; or
(D) By the retirement committee itself receiving and expending or
directing the expenditure of the smme for the benefit of the person entitled
or for the benefit of those dependents as to ~om the person has the duty of
The decision of the retirement committee will, in each case, be final
and binding upon all persons and, except in the case of (D) above, the retire-
ment co~ittee shall not be obliged to see ~o the ~ro~er a~!ication or e~penditure
of any pa~anents so made. Any ~a)me~t ~:~de pursuant to the power herein conferred
upon the retirement conm~ittee shall operate as a complete discharge of the
obligations of the trustee and of the retirement co~mmittee.
Section 5.7 - CONDITI0~.~S 0P ~.PLOY~!~? NOT ~FECTED BY PLAN
The establishment and maintenance of the plan ~%11 not be construed as
conferring any legal rights upon any participant to the continuation of his
emplo~aent ~dth the City~ nor will the plan interfere with the right of the City
to discipline, lay off or discharge any participant,
Section 5.8 - ABAND0~'.'~ OF B~'~vITS
Each participant and other person entitled to bene£its hereunder shall
file with the retirement co~nittee from time to time~ in writing~ his post office
address and each change of post office address~ and any check representing pay-
ment hereunder and any communication addressed to a participant~ a former
participant~ a beneficiary or a pensioner hereunder at his last address filed
with the retirement co~:~ittee (or~ if no such address has been filed~ then at
his last address as indicated on the records of the City) shall be binding on
such person for all purposes of the p!an~ and neither the retirement committee
nor the trustee shall be obliged to search for or ascertain thc location of any
such person.
If the retirement co~ittee~ for any reason~ is in doubt as to whether
retirement income pap~,ents are being received by the person envzt!e~ thereto~ it
shal!~ by registered mail addressed to the person concerned at his address last
known to the retirement committee, notify such person that:
(A) All unmailed and future retirement income pa~,ents shall be hence-
forth ~%thheld until he provides the retirement co~aittee with evidence of his
continued life and his proper mailing address~ and
(B) ttis right to any retirement income "~ o- ....
~n~t~ce~ez sha!!~ at the
option of the retirement commJ.ttee~ be cancelled forever if~ at the expi~,'ation
of three years from the date of such mailing, he shall not have provided the
retirement committee with evidence of his continued life and his proper mailing
(C) Upon legal determination of ~
a~ath~ or other evidence satisfactory
to the retirement co~,~ittee~ a participant's retirement income payable render any
provision of the plan will be paid to his designated beneficiary. If~ however~
no designated beneficiary is recorded with the retirement con~ittee~ it :.:ill be
paid first to his spouse~ if !iving~ and if not~ to his surviving children in
equal shares.
AD~,t[NI STF~'~Ti ON
Section 6.1 - ADMINISTRATION BY R~I~E[~I~,'7.' CO~,Z,..,~TTEE
The plan %~11, be ad,ministered by the Retirement Committee (herein
referred to as the "retirement committee") appointed by the City Couz,.cil of Del-
ray Beach, consisting of (a) a chail~uan and at least one but not more than
four additional members~ (b) a single individual or (c) a corporate trustee.
'¢~aere the retirement co~mmittee consists of one or more individuals~ each member
may~ but need not~ be an official, or employee of the City~ and each such member~
or the corporate trustee selected to act as the retirement co,,,~mmittee~ shall be
appointed by the City Council of Delray Beach to serve until his (or its) successor
shall be appointed in like manner. %,~.ere the retirement con~mittee is a corporate
trustee which at the same time is serving as trustee of the p!an~ such corporate
trustee shall function separately in its two capacities insofar as the plan and
trust are concerne'2; as the reqirement co~rmittee it may deal with itself as
trustee and as trustee it may deal %,,~th itself as the retirement co~ttee~ and
the records maintained by such corporate trustee for the purposes of the plan
and trust shall show clearly the capacity in which such corporate trustee is
acting in any action taken by it. An individual mer. foer of the retirement
com~ittee may resign by delivering his written resignation to the City Council. of
Delray Beach and to the other members of the retirement colmnittee. A corporate
trustee serving as the retirement co.m~.~ttee may resign from such capacity by
delivering its written resignation to the City Council. The City Co~mcil at Del-
ray Beach may remove an individual member of the retirement co~zaittee by so
notifying the member and other retirement co~,~m~ittee me~foers~ if' any, in writing
c~m=~ee by so
and may remove s. corporate trustee serving as the retirement ^'-~ ~'
notifying such corporate trustee in writing. ~,.£nere the retirement committee
consists of one or more individua!s~ vacancies on the retirement committee shall
be filled by action of the City Council of Delray Beach.
The retirement co~mmittee may appoin-~ a secretary who may~ but need not~
be a member of the retirement committee. The City Council shall employ such
agents~ clerical, and other services~ legal counsel~ accountants~ and actuaries~
as may be required for the purpose of administering the plan.
Section6.3 - ACTION BY
~nere the retirement co:~m~ttee consists of one or more individuals~
a majority of the me~oers of the retirement cor:mittee shall constitute a quormm
for the transaction of business and shall have full power to act here~mader~ and
any corporate trustee serving as the retirement comnnittee shall have full power
to act hereunder. Any written memorandum signed by the secretary or any member
of the retirement con~aittee of one or more individuals who has been authorized
to act on behalf of the retirement co~m~ittee shall have the same force and effect
as a formal resolution adopted in open meeting. ~,~.nutes of all meetings of the
retirement co~m~ittee and a record of any action taken by the retirement committee
shall be kept, in written form~ and in the case of a retirement com~mittee of
individuals~ such record shall be kept by the secretary appointed by the retire-
ment committee. The retirement comm~.ttee shall give to the tr~stee,, any orders,
direction~ consent~ or advice~ required u~der the terms of the trust agreement~
and the trustee shall be entitled to rely on any instrmment delivered to it and
signed by the secretary or any authorized member of the retirement comm~ittee as
evidencing 'the action of the retirement committee.
~.~nere the retirement committee consists of one or more individua!s~
~ · 6-c
a mez~er of the retirement coi~mnittee may not vote or decide upon any ~tter
relating solely to himself or vote in any case in which his individual right
or claim to any benefit under the plan is partict~arly involved. If~ in any
case in which an individual retirement committee member is so disqualified to
act: the remaining members cannot agree or if there is only one individual
member of the retirement committee, the City Co'ancil of De!ray Beach will appoint
a teraporary substitute member to exercise all. of the powers of a qualified
member concerning the matter in which the disqualified member is not qualified
to act.
The retirement comm~'ttee shall have the authority to make such rules
and regulations and to take such action as may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of the plan and will, subject to the provisions of the plan~ decide
any questions arising in the administration, interpretation and application of
the plan, which decisions shall be conclusive and binding on all parties. The
retirement co~mnittee may delegate any part of its authority and duties as it
deems expedient.
Section 6.5 - P0~RS OF R~IRE~,~ CO~'~TTEE
In order to effectuate the purposes of th~ plan~ the retirement co~mittee
shall have the power to construe the plan~ to supply any omissions therein, to
reconcile and correct any errors or inconsistencies~ and to make equitable
adjustments for any mistakes or errors made in the administration of the plan:
and all such actions or detern~nations made by the retirement cor~ittee in good
faith shall not be subject to review by anyone.
No member of the retirement co~mmittee shall be liable for any loss unless
resulting from his (or its) own fraud or willful_ miscond~ct~ and no member shall
be personally liable upon~ or w~th~s~c~,-~ ~ ~ ~ ~.o~ any agreement~ act~ transaction
or omission executed~ conz~,~tted, or suffered to be co,~itted by himself as a
member of the retirement co~mittee or by any other member~ agent~ represe~tative
or employee of the retirement co~.ttee. The retirement committee and any
individual member' of the retirement co~zmittee and any agent thereof shall be
f~ly protected in relying upon the advice of the following professional cons~t-
ants or advisors employed by the City Council: any attorney ~nsofar as legal
matters are concerned~ any accountant insofar as accounting matters'are concerned,
and any actuary insofar as actuarial matters are concerned.
Section 6.7 -- ACTU~Y
~e actusry will do such technical and advisory work as the City Council
may request, including analysis of the experience of the plan from time to time~
the preparation of actuarial tables for the making of com~utations thereunder~
and the submission of an actuarial report as of the anniversary date of the plan
each year to th~ City and the retirement com~ittee~ which report shall contain
an actuarial valuation showing the financial condition of the plan~ a statement
of the contributions to be made by the City for the ens~ng year, and such other
info~ation as may be req~red by the retirement con~ttee.
The actuary shall be appointed by the City Council to serve as long as
~t is agreeable to the City Council and the actuary. In computing benefits to
which a participant may be e~titled upon early retirement~ upon the exercise of
optional fo~as of retirement income~ or upon temination of the plan, and in all
other instances in which actuarial computations are required~ the actuary shall
use Such ass~nptions of mortality and interest rates as were employed' in the
most recent actuarial valuation of the plan~ or~ at the option of the retire-
ment co~ittee, such ass~aptions as are decided upon jointly by the actuary and
the retirement co~ttee as being reasonable at the time such calculations are
made The actuarial ~ ~ ~"' ~ ~ ~e~cz~om adopted ~
the retirement committee shall be conclusi~e and binding on all persons whomsoever.
Neither the retirement committee nor the City shall be liable for any mistakes
or errors in such computations made in good faith~ a~d the trustee shall not be
liable for any such mistakes or errors in any event.
Section 6.8 - APPLICABLE LAW
The plan will be construed and enforced according to the laws of the
State of Florida~ and all provisions of the plan will be administered according
to the laws of the said State.
Section 7.1 TRUSTE~.
The term "trustee" means the trustee appointed by the City to administer
the trust fund created for the purposes of the plan or such other trustee as the
City may designate from time to time.
A trust fund will be created and maintained for the purposes of the plan,
and the moneys thereof will be invested in accordance with the terms of the agree-
ment and declaration of trust which fox, ns a part of the plan. Ail contributions
will be paid into the trust fund~ and all benefits under the plan will be paid
from the trust fund.
Any person having any claim under the plan will look solely to the
assets of the trust fund for satisfaction. In no event will the City or any
of its officials~ employees~ members of its City Council or agents be liable
in their individual capacities to any person whomsoever~ under the provisions
o~ the plan or of the trust agreement.
The trust fund will be used and applied only in accordance with the
provisions of the plan, to provide the benefits thereof~ and no part of the
corpus or income of the trust fund will be used for~ or diverted to~ purposes
other than for the exclusive benefit of participants and other persons there-
under entitled to benefits~ except to the extent provided in Section 3.3 and
Section 7.5 hereof with respect to expenses of administration and termination
of the plan~ respectively'.
Upon termination of the plan for any reason, or upon written notice to
the trustee that contributions thereunder are being permanently discontinued,
the trust fund shall be apportioned and distributed in accordance with the follow-
ing procedure:
(A) The retirement committee, under the direction of the City Council,
shall determine the date of distribution and the asset value to be distributed,
after taking into account the expenses of such distribution.
(B) The retirement com~mittee, under the direction of the City Council,
shall determine the method of distribution of the asset value - that is, whether
distribution shall be by payment in cash, by the maintenance of another or
substituted trust fund, by the purchase of insured annuities, or in kind based
on the then market value - for each class of participants and other persons
entitled to benefits under the plan, as specified in (C) below.
(C) The retirement committee, under the direction of the City Council,
shall apportion the asset value as of the date of termination of the plan in
the manner set forth below, on the basis that the mmount required to provide
any given retirement income shall mean the actuariaily computed single-sum
value of such retirement income; except that, if the method of distribution
determined under (B) above involves the purchase of an insured annuity, the
amount required to provide the given retirement income shall mean the single
premium payable for such annuity.
(1) An amount equal to each participant's contributions less
the aggregate of any retirement income payments made with respect to such
participant will be determined, and such amount will be apportioned from the
asset value. Such asset value, if insufficient to provide such amount in
full, will be apportioned s~ong such participants in proportion to the amou.nts
determined with respect to then.
(2) If there be any asset value remaining after apportionment
under (1) above, apportionment shall next be made with respect to each re-
tired participant receiving a retirement income hereunder on such date, each
person receiving a retirement income on such date on account of a deceased
participant or a retired (but since deceased) participant and each partici-
pant who has, by such date, become eligible for normal retirement but has not
yet retired in the amount required to provide such retirement income less any
apportionment in (!) above; provided, however, that if the asset value be
less than the aggregate of such amounts, such amounts shall be proportionately
reduced, so that the aggregate of such reduced amounts will be equal to the
asset value.
(3) If there be any asset value remaining after the apportionment
under (1) and (2) above~ apportionment shall next be made with respect to each
participant in the service of the City on such date who is not entitled to an
apportionment ~mader (2) above but who has both attained the age of 55 years and
completed at ].east 15 years of credited service, in the amount required to provide
the actuarially equivalent single-sum value of his deferred retirement income
accrued to the date of termination of the plan, i.e., the actuarially equivalent
single-s~n value of the retirement income which he would have been entitled to
receive had he retired early on the date of termination of the plan, less any
apportionment made in (1) above, and to each former participant then entitled
to a benefit under the provisions of Section 4.5(A) hereof who has not, by such
date, reached his normal retirement date, in the amount required to provide the
actuarially equivalent single-sum value of the accrued deferred retirement income
to which he is entitled under Section 4.5(A) hereof less any apportionment made
in (1) above; provided, however, that if such remaining a~set value be less
than the aggregate of the amounts thus apportioned hereunder, such latter
amounts shall be proportionately reduced so that the aggregate of such re-
duced amounts will be equal to the remaining asset value.
(4) If there be any asset value remaining after the apportionments
under (1), (2), and (3) above, apportionment shall lastly be made with respect
to each participant in the service of the City on such date who is not entitled
to an apportionment under (2) or (3) above, in the amount required .to provide
the actuarial!y equivalent single-sum value of his deferred retirement income
accrued to the date of termination of the plan, less any apportionment made in
(1) above; provided, however, that if such remaining asset value be less than
the aggregate of the amounts apportioned hereunder, such latter amounts shall
be proportionately reduced so that the aggregate of such reduced amounts will
be equal to such remaining asset value.
(5) In the event that there be asset value remaining after the
full apportionments specified in (1), (2), (3), and (4) above, such excess
shall be returned to the City.
(D) The retirement co~mmittee, under the direction of the City Council,
shall direct the trustee to distribute, in accordance with the manner of distri-
bution determined under (B) above, the amounts apportioned wider (C) above.
In the event that the plan is terminated or contributions to the trust
are permanently discontinued, the benefits of each participant in the plan on
such date of termination or disco~tinuance shall be 100% vested to the extent
then funded, where such vested benefits shall 'be determined and distributed as
provided in Section 7.5 hereof.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THiS 26th DAY OF July . , A.D. 1971;
to be effective as of January l, 19?l.
- City C~k
City Atto~"ney