Res 07-70 RESOLUTION NO. 7-70. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 13 THEREOF PROVIDING THAT THE CITY PROSECUTOR SHALL NOT HOLD ANOTHER JOB AND BE APPOINTED BY CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, the charter provision of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, does not prevent the city prosecutor from holding other city positions; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to apply for a local bill was published on January 15, 1970; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 26, 1970, after 10 days public notice pursuant to the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that provisions should be made for providing that the c~ty prosecutor shall not hold another city position and be appointed by city council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: The Legislature of the State of Florida is respectfully requested to enact in the 1970 regular session an amendment to Sec. 13 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, which is approved and recommended by the city council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a copy of said amendment being attached and submitted herewith. Passed and adopted this 26th day of January, 1970. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ATTE ST: A bill to be entitled Ab acl relr~iin ~ ~each Countv, Florida ~.mending Chapter 25786, S~ecir~l l_,~.ws of Florida, ~ct~ of 19~:9, s~-~ amend~, Section 13 providfn% the city p?os;ecutor shall not hold another' job and be appointed by city council. Be It ~aeted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Section 13 of Chapter 25786, Special Laws of Florida, Acts of 19~9, as amended, same being the Charter of the City of Pelray Beach, Florida, is amended to read as follows: The le~slattve, executive, admi~strative and judicial pm,~ers of the city not otherwise provided for shall be vested in and exercised by the following officers and departments: (1) A lffayor-Councilman A ~tty Council (3) A City ~l{anager A City Clerk (5) A City Attorney (6) A City Treasurer (7) A City T~ (8) A City T~ Collector (9) A Police Depar!n~ent (10) A Fire Department (1 1) A !{unicip,~J he~ded by ~he qn~.e ~ndividual, .~te!~ tha~ councfhnan, %he city judge ~ ~he ci~ g~*:~c~ney and ~ c~,y pi'~os ecuto~:~ ~ila~/ Dot hold any othe:v city o~:f~..c' ' ~. The ';~,c::,k .... '-~ each official ::>:~ ,_department or divi~ien o:- cl¢.s:;ific~?.ion nx,¥; ~c di~i~-ibuted in tke ~nanner provided by o::dinanc:e c~:: u. nde~:- ~i:ceclien of the city n~anager. The c~uncil :-u~l., by ordinance create, change and abolish office:;, dep,rt~ne~ts or ~'~nc~ ~ th:.,= ch,:~.~er. The depar~ment~ or agencies esl~lished by council ma.y by ordinance a~gign addilionc.1 functions c:' duties lo office~,. ~ d~ogriment-.~ ,. ._ or agencieg eaiab~shed by t~s charter. The men, bet:: of the city council shall be elected by the duly ~ualified voters of ~he city at any election called and held pursuan! fo the ?~ovi~ion~ he?eof and ?~: provided by city .... tn= said city, except o~ dlnan~.e~o, ~nd all oihe:~ Ol~lCe~ of the c~lv n~ -. ~ ........ s~, lhe mu~cipal judge ~ the cily attorney, and the city. p:cosecuto.c, shall be appoinled by the city manager. Section 2. ~1 1.aw.~ or par~s of laws in conflict herewith are hereby ?epealed. Section 3. I~ is declared to be the legisla!ive intent that any portion of the Act is held invalid, the rem~ng pr~isio~ of thi~ Acl sh~l not be affected but shall re,hain in full force 5e,ctiot~ 4 Tlnis Act a. hall . ,~:,,~t effect i:,~z~.zediately upon b c c o~'~i~g la¥~. 3