Res 14-70 RESOLUTION NO. 14-70. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, IN PA~4 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 138 (1) THEREOF PROVIDING FOR INTEREST ON REVENUE BONDS NOT TO EXCEED THE INTEREST RATE AS PROVIDED BY STATE LAWS. WHEREAS, the charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, provides for an interest rate of six and one-half percent on revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, such interest rates are now controlled by State Laws; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to apply for a local bill was published on January 15, 1970; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 26, 1970, after 10 days public notice pursuant to the charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the interest rate on revenue bonds should be changed to interest rate as pro- vided by State Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: The Legislature of the State of Florida is respect- fully requested to enact in the 1970 regular session an amend- ment to Sec. 138 (1) of the charter of the City of Delray Beach, which is approved and recommended by the city council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a copy of said amendment being attached and submitted herewith. Passed and adopted this 26th day of January, 1970. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ATTE ST: City A bill to be entitled An ac.+ relatin:y to the City of Del,-av Beach, Palm ~eaeh Countl% Florida amending Chapter 25786, Specfat Law~ oC Florida, .~ct~ of 1949, a? amendS, ?a.~e beinff the Charte~- of ~aid city by am.endJn, g Section !38 (!~ providing for interest on revenue bomd~ not lo e~:ce~ *he ~.mIerest rate as provid~ by ~tste law~. Be It ~nact¢~t by the Le[islaiure of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Section 138 (1) of Chapter 25786, Speet~ Laws of Florida, Act~; of 1.949, as amendS, same being the Cb. srter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is ame~ed to read a.~ follows: (~.) The provisions of tMs section shall apply to any revenue bonds, excise t~< bonds or assessment bonds tssu~ under th~.s article. Said bo~s may be authoriz~ by resoluti~ or re~olutions of the g~erning b~y of the city, which may be adopt~ at the same meeting at w~ch they are intr~uc~ by a majority of all th¢~ members thereof then in office and need not be p~lish~ or post~. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exce~ing the H~tations as pr~ided b~ state law s~ a~ m~-~l{ p~ m~mmq~ ~/8%) p~Tmn~m, may be in one or ~p, ore series, may bear zuch date or dates, may mature al ,~uch time or times not exceeding fo~.iy (40) years from their ~e~pecti:~e date~, excepl thai ~se~s~ent bond~ shall not ~'~ature la,!.er than two yea.:.~ ~ler ~!~e ~a~u~ity of zhe last a~ual instal?.: ch< of ~hc ~?ecial a~ s e~; ~: ~:..~ent~ i~ledg'ed fo~' the payr~ent of gush a,~: :-~ez,~z.~ent honda, :na~' bc pa),~ic in such ~nedium of pa~ncr/~, ~.~t such place az~' placcz ~it~n or ~viti~out the state, may ca~r)~ .zuch rc~islzation privileg'c;~, ~a~' b~ ~ubjcct lo such and conditions, a.;~] ~na~.- in ~uch for~ ofl~el'wige a~ such reso!ulien or s~sequenl re~olutions sh~l pro;~ide. Said bo~s may bc sold, or excha~ed fo~ ~,~efunding' bonds, o~3 de~vered to contractor,:: in pa~.nent for any paz'l of [he v.~ozqls az i~:~,prow:~ments financed by such bonds, or de~vered in exchange for any properties, either ~'e~, person~ or ~nked, includin~ franc~sez, to be acq~r~ for such works or improve~nent~:, alt at one tirz, e or in blocks fro~ tinge to t~ne, in such ~n~ner a::~ the gover]fing b~y of 'the city in its di~ cr et%on s hall determine. Section 2. D~ laws or p~'ts of la~vs in co~ct herewith ~e hereby zepealed. Section S. Ii is dec~r~ to be the legislative intent that ff ~y po~'tion of the Act is held inva~d, the rem~g pro~isio~ of %Iris Act sh~ not be ~fected but sha~ rem~n in fur force and effect. Section ~ Thi:: Aci shall "~-^ .: .... .~.,.,... effect ixmmediately upon o~'::,.i~: law