Res 15-70 RESOLUTION NO. 15-70. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~MENDING SECTION 147 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR THE ELIMINATION OF AN ELECTOR REG- ISTERING AS A FREEHOLDER. WHEREAS, the charter provisions of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, provides for the registering of electors as freeholders which is no longer required under State Law; and WHEREAS, notice'of intention to'.apply for.a local bill was published on January 15, 1970; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 26, 1970, after ten days public notice pursuant to the charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the provisions for registering freeholders be eliminated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: The Legislature of the State of Florida is respect- fully requested to enact in the 1970 regular session an amend- ment to Sec. 147 of the charter of the City of Delray Beach, which is approved and recommended by the city council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a copy of said amendment being attached and submitted herewith. Passed and adopted this 26th day of January, 1970. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: city A bill to be entitled An mci. relating to the City of Delray ]Beach. Palm Beach County, Florida ~.mending Chapter 25786, Special Laws of Florida, Acts of I949, as amended, s~.~e being the Charier of said city by amending Section 14:7 prcaridtng for the elimination of an eleclo? registering ~.s a freeholder. Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section I. That Section 147 of Chapter 25756, Special Laws of Florida, Acts of 1949, as amended, sa:ne being the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is s. mended to read as follows: The oily clerk shall be the registration officer for the city and shall register ~ persons applying to him, whose names are not already borne upon the registration book, and who are qualified as eleclors under the provisions of this charter. For this purpose the registration, book shall always be open at the office of the city clerk, except that same shall be closed for five days before any city election, unless othe~w~ise provided in this charter. Each person applying to be registered shall make the follmving oath, which shall be administered by the registration officer (city clerk) or his duly appointed deputy; "I do solemnly swear t/~at I am a bona fide resident of the City of Delray Beach; that I am at least twenty-one years of age. and have been a resident of the State of Florida for twelve months and of the City of Delray Beach for ~ix rnonth~:, that I have not voted elsewhe~e during ~;aid time, thai I a~'~ a citizen of the United States o~ Dn~xerica, and ~hat I a~n qua/ified to vote under the constitution and the laws of the State of Florida." xkny person taking such oath who shall ~wear f~.~lsely, shall be guilty of perjm?y. The na~ne of each person ~o registerir~ :~hall be entered upon ai~pr~priate ~'eco~?d,~ prepay'ed fo~~ that purpose, wkich ~ecords shall show under appropriate headings his or her full na.~:~e, the state or counii~y of birth, 'the day, ~non-th and yeaa- of~ bi~'lh; the address (street and uumber, section, quarter'-section, township and range); occupation; if the regi~tz"ani is naturalized, he or she sbal~ give the date, the court, a~%d the state where naturalized, a,nxt the certificate numbe~, of -~he naturalization papers, and if of derivative citizenship, the narx',es of the husband or pau-ent through whom citizenship was acquired, and the date of marriage if acquired through husband'~ citizenship; the address where last registered and voted, including the state, county a~d city; sex, colorr wh~et4ner-or ~lot h~ ~r-she-is a fTeehc~ld~r; and such further information as n~ight be required by ordinance. The regist~'atton record on which the above inforraation is recorded shall be subscribed and swc~rn to by the registrant, and shall also be signed by the registration officer. In addition to the shove, the ~-egistratton record shall contain space wherein a change of address of any registrant can be noted, the date his or her address was changed, and ~pace 'to note the cancellation of any ?eg~!ra!!om. and the da%e ~md reason therefor, together t~: rein,.ziatemenl of ~'eftstratiom ~d the date with ~'pzc~ for re. on '~hez'efo~'. S~id registration ~ecord shall furlher be ~eculed in dup~c~Re, mhd ~hall cont~n space wherein c~ be noted ~'hethez~ o~~ no'~ the ~egi~trant i~ voilng t~ tho primary. gene~at o~~ ,zpecia! election,s:. ~Vhen any elector i~ properly ~-egi~zie:/~, a8 ~ore~PJd, ~;hen the re~istz~aiion officer sh~ ~ve lo ~uch re~t:'a~ a card, the face of which iz a~; fo~s: Ce~iftcate of Regi~t?a!ion City of Delray Be~ch. Florida Date . 19 Name L~t First ~ddle ~dress Age Occ~afl~ Color S~ This registration is made in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida Signature of Elector Registration Officer and the back of said card L~ as follows: 3 Notice to All Voters You must notify clerk's office of any chmnge in status. Fill in spaces and return. New Address P.O. Box F.~.e_~ol~ er. - Daie 19 Sign Section... 2. ~a~l! lawf~ or parts of laws in eonflfe± herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. It is declared to be the legislsiive iF:tent that if any portion of the Act is held invalid, the remaining provisions of this Act shall not be affected but ~hall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. Thi~ Act shall take effect immediately upon becoming law. 4