Res 16-70 RESOLUTION NO. 16-70. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 155 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR THE CITY POLLS TO BE OPEN ON ELEC- TION DAY FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P .M. WHEREAS, the charter provisions of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, do not conform with State Law for the opening of polls at 7:00 A.M., and the closing of polls at 7:00 P.M.; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to apply for a local bill was published on January 15, 1970; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 26, 1970, after ten days public notice pursuant to the charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the city charter should conform with State Law as to the time of opening and closing polls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: The Legislature of the State of Florida is respect- fully requested to enact in the 1970 regular session an amend- ment to Sec. 155 of the charter of the City of Delray Beach, which is approved and recommended by the city council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, a copy of said amendment being attached and submitted herewith. Passed and adopted this 26th day of January, 1970. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA ¥~hA Y 0 R ~ ATTE S T: c tv c A bill to b e entitled An act relatin~ to the City of De!ray Beach, Pal~n ~eacb County, Florida amending Chapter 2578G, Special Lawn of Florida., Act~ of 1949, a~ amended, s?.zTte being the Charter of :;aid city by amendes Section 155 providing for thc city i~o!l~ te be open on Elec!ion Day from ? :0O a. r~?_. to ?:00 p. Be It Fnacted by the Legislature of the State of i?iorida: Section 1. That Section 155 of Chapter 2578~, Special Laws of Florida, Acts of 19.19, as arf~ended, sauna being the Charter of the City oi' Delray Beach, Florida, i~ a~nend~ to re~.d as follows: The polls ~hall open at 7:00 a..~. and close at ?:00 ~.me~nd~e ~'t s~s~. The result of the ~voting, when ascertained, shall be certified by return in duplicate, signed by the clerk and the majority of the inspectors of the election, one copy to be delivered to the ~nayor, and the other to the city clerk, both of whor~ shall trans~nil such returns %o the city council at a called ~c~eeting to be held not later than three days after such election. At such ~.neetin~ the city council shall canvass the returns, and in the absence of a declaration of a contest by any of the candidates in such election, shall declare the result of the election as shown by the returns made by cle~'k and inspectors for said election. A tie between two or more candidates shall be determined as prescribed by ordinance. The city clerk° not later than noon the ~econd day thereafLer° shall fm.ni~?~ a certificate o£ election to each i~erson shown to be elected. Section 2. All laws or parts of laws in cor~flict l~erewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. It is declared to be ti~e legislative intent that i£ any po~'tion o£ the Act is Ixeld invalid, the remaining provisions of this £~ct shall not be a£fected but ~hall remain in full force and effect. Section .~. This Act shall take effect immediately upon becoming law. 2