Res 23-67 RESOLUTION NO. 23-67. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHOR- IZING AND INSTRUCTING THE FISCAL AGENTS TO PROCEED WITH FINANCING FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IN AN AMOUNT OF $600,000.00 WHICH CAN BE FINANCED BY UTILITY TAX REVENUE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it in the best interests of the citizens of this City to enter into an agreement with R. W. Pressprich & Company and Goodbody & Co. employing said companies to act as fiscal agents for the City relative to financing for certain capital improvement projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. R. W. Pressprich & Company and Goodbody & Co., as fiscal agents for this City, are hereby authorized and instructed to proceed with the financing of certain contemplated capital improvement projects in an amount of $600,000.00 which can be financed by Utility Tax Revenue. SECTION 2. The fiscal agents will pay all necessary expenses involved in bringing the bonds to market, including approving attorneys' fee, printing of blank bonds, cost of sign- ing and delivery of same, preparation of the official offering prospectus, submission to bond rating agencies, and all bond vali- dation costs, excluding the fee of the City Attorney and Engineers. SECTION 3. The City will pay the fiscal agents, upon the sale and delivery of the bonds, a fee equal to Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per one thousand dollar bond issued and sold, it being understood that the aforesaid fee is payable only if said bonds are sold and delivered. SECTION 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with said fiscal agents in accordance with this Re so lut ion. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this the llth day of September, 1967. MAYO ATTE ST: A~REEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this Z ''¢ day of 7 , 1967, by ~ud between the CIT~ OF DE4R~.Y BE~.CH, ~O~A, a m~icip~ co~oration of State of Florida, (hcrei~fter referred to as the "City") ~d R. W. P~P~CH ~J~O~T~, a Nc~ York ~oration, ~d ~DBODY & ~., a p~tnership havin~ their principal office in Ne~ York, I~ew York, (hereinafter to~ether referred to as the Fin~uci~ Cons~lt~ts), Witnesseth: l~reas, the City is a ~ politic ar~ ~orate created ~der the la~s of the State of Florida ~d is empowered to m~e ~d ~nter inte ~ntractu~ ~r~ements; Whereas, the City ~s determined t~t it is n~cess~y to~ retain the services th~ Fin~ci~ ~nsult~ts in co~ection with ~-~ authorization, issu~ce, dc!ive~ of thz City:s Utilities T~ Revenue C~rtificate~ for fin~cins c~it~ improvcments at ~ estimated cost of not less th~ ~ow, ~ercfore, the parties hereto do hereby a~ree as follows: 1. S~VXC~ ~ BE PE~O~ED: D~ins the term of this i~reem~nt, the Fin~ci~ ~nsult~ts, usin~ their o~ st~f ~d facilities, will perform all services ~d duties custom~ily ~d usu~ly performed by financi~ consult~ts retained by corn- parole m~icipal co~porations. ~ Fin~cial ~nsult~nts will m~e ~r~sem~ts for ~ud pay the bond attorney's fee, ~nd sale a~ertisin~ c~es~ ~nd printin~ ~sts, bond shippinG costs~ ~nd delivery costs~ offici~ statement ~d notice of printin~ costs~ postage, ~d such other reason~le and necess~y costs incident~ to thz proposed bond issue as ~e mutu~ly a~reed on. ~ other costs ai~ relatinD to the au%~rization, issu~ce ~d s~e ~d delivery of t~ ~nds will th~ re~onsibility of ~d paid for ~ the City. 2. FEES ~ND EXPE~SES: The City shall pay to the Financi~l Consultants for their services with respect to this financin~ a fee equal to $12.00 per ~1,000 bond issued ~nd sold~ such compensation shall be payable only when, as and if the bonds arc sold and delivered. 3. LUPJ~TiON OF A~RE~zLEi~T: The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of this ~sreement ~u~d shall remain in effect for a period of one year from the date ther¢of~ provided~ however, that if the Financial Consultants have incurred expenses and rendered substantial services durin~o such one year period and if the proposed bond issue has not been sold within such one year period, this ~§reement z.~l be extended by mutual consent for a period of time sufficient to complete the financin§ herein contemplated. ~. ~JDDITiO~E~ SERVIC'ES BY THE FI~3CL~L COI~SbLTkNTS: Durin§ the term of this A~rccment: th~ Financial Consult~nts~ if so requested by the.'City, may act: but shall not be required to act, to place obiiDations of the City privately with purchasers for an additional fee to be mutually asreeable between the City and the Financial Consultants. ~¢ Financial Consultants: oz~ thciz~ ~filiates: may bid at the public sale of such bonds to beheld in thc manner pro¥idcd by law. T/~is ;~gree~.~ent shall not be construed in ~y event to prevent ~D.e Financial Consultants: or their affiliated firms: from purchasin~ or sellinu oblicoations of the City a£tcr any primary o£ferin~ or sale of such obli~eations has been made, in the ordinary course of the Financial Consult~-~ts~, or their affiliated firms~: business as investment 5. L/2~J[~i0~TION OF LYJ~ILI/Y: The Fin~ncial Consultants will exercise their best judgment in all matters concernins the subjects of this Asreement, but sh~ll not be Ii~i¢ to the City or to others, directly or indirectly, for any action or advice rendered by thzm in sood faith. This A~reement is made solely for the benefit of the City r~ud tk~ Financi"~l Consultants and shall constitute the sole A§reement between rhea in this 6. REL~.?IONSHIP: The duties, obligations and responsibilities of the parties hereto shall be those expressed in this A§recment and this A§r¢¢ment shall in no way i;apair the Financial Consultants~ right to act on behalf of any other party or parties. in Witness h~nereo£, tim parties hereto ha~e executed' this tkgreement as of the date heretofore designated. R. W. PRESSP~CH & CO. INCORPOP4kTED C~ODBODY & CO. CiTY OF DELP~.Y BEACH, FLORIDA / &2TEST: (~'~i th Seal) f~PROVED: J City Attorney -3-