Res 10-65 RESOL~ION N0.1(]-65- ~£Cf~U~t~tO~ ~A~E BraCH, FLORIm, ASS SSI COSTS SUCH A~TE~ A~ ~ING ~E COST 0P S~H A~TE~ 0F SA~ NUISANCe. A~ DEC.RING SA~ ~ T0 BE A L~N ~ON SAID PR0~R~ IN AN AM0~ AS SH0~ BY ~PORT 0F T~ CITY ~NBSER 0F DE~Y B~OH, FLORIDA. ~S, ~he Oi~y Council of the City of Delmay Beach, did, in regu~9~r' ~/~////////session held on the 28~,97 p~pember~!964 ..... declare the e~stence of a nui- Bance upo~ ~e~sih 1Bts' o{' ~s~eels ~f l~d, descmibed tn a lts~ sub- mitted to them, rom violation of the p~ovisions of 0~dinsnce ~-~?; ~~S, pu=su~t ~o such decl.=.tton, the City Clerk of s~id City did f~nish eaCh of the =eSpectiVe o~.ms of %he lands described In said list with ~ notice descmibing the ~tume of the nuis~ce and th.t they ~sC abate said nuisance within ~hl~y {30) days, f~iling tn which the Oi~y Council would have t~ done, ~d the cost themeof would be levied ss an assessmen~ against said pmoperty; and ~E~S, the o~e~s hemetnafte~ n~ed did f~ll and neglect abate the nuisance e~sging upon rheim mespective lands within the time pmesc~ibed In said no%ice and Omdinance G-~?. ~d the City Delmsy Beach was required ~o and did ente~ upon the following lands and incu~ costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as desc~ibed in'the afomes. Id list; and ~AS, the City M~sge= of th~ City of Delsey Be~ch. h~s. pur- suant to said 0mdin~nce ~-~7 and the City Ch~tem submitted to the City Council a mepo~t of t~ costs Inc~med in abati~ the nuisance as aforesaid, said ~epo~t indicating ~e costs peru pamcel of land Involved. NOW, T~O~, BE IT ~SOLVED ~ THE CI~ C0~CIL 0F T~ CITY 0F DEL~Y B~CH, F~R~A, AS ~0LL0~: 1. That assessments In t~ Individual ~ount. as sho~ by the ~epo~ of the City M~.ge= of the City of Del~ay Beach, involvi~ the City~s cost of abating the aforesaid nuisa~es upon the lots cels of lsnd described ~ said mepomt, a copy of which is attached hereto .nd made a p~t he. eof. amc levied against the p~cels of land described on said ~epomt and tn the ~o~ts indicated themeon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien upon the respective . lots and parcels of land described in said report, of the same nature and to the s~e exten~ as the lien fo~ general city taxes and shall be collectible in the s~e maker and with the s~e penalties and under the same provisions as to sale ~d foreclosure as city taxes ~e collectible. 2. ~at the City Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible after the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution In the office of the C~erk of the Ci~uit Court in and fo~ Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish to each of the owners n~ed in and upon said report a notice that the Ci~ Council of the City of Delray Beach, did, on the 2Sth o~_ ~cemher~ 1~6~ order the abatement of'a cert-aln~ nuls~ce' 'e~ting on' their d~s~r'lbed property ~d property o~er having failed to abate such nuisance, within the 30 day period, whereupon it was abated by the City at costs sho~ in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied. This resolution shall become effective 30 days from the date of adoption, and the assessments contained herein shall become due and payable thirty days ~ter the mailing date of the notice of said assessment, ~ter which interest shall accrue at the rate of 6% per a~ on any unpai~ porti~ PASS~ A~ ADORED in on on the . 12th day of City Clerk COST OF ABATING NUISANCE UNDER ORDINANCE NO. G-147. December 28, 1964 list. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OWNER ASSESSMENT Lot 30 &' E~st 35 feet of J.W. & Adele Lot 31, Delray Beach Richardson $ 50.00 Esplanade. Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Ernest C. & Elora C. Ida Lake Terrace. Styberg $105.00 ~'v. orded tn Offtc/a/ Record Book ~ Palm Beach County, Florid~ JOHN El. DUNKLE CLERK OF CI,~CU,,'F COURT