Res 1308-61 PESOLUTION ~0. ]308 A t~ESOLI~ION ~ THE CI~v COUNCIl ~,F TEE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH COMMENC!~G ~HE. o~EAC~EST HIGH SCHOCL FOOT~LL TEAM~ KNOW~ AS T~E "EEA~W~E~ . ~ ITS COntRIBUtION TO TUE C0~!~tITY. WHE~EAS~ the Seacrest High School Football team~ known as ~he "Seaha~ks~" has r~ce~tly eomF!s*ed the f~rs~ undefeat- =d ~+ba!] season ~ ~he h~story of S=acrest H~gh Sa~ao~ be- coming Co-Champion of tbs Suneoast League~ and W~p~,2 the C~ty Ccuv. cfl w!s~ to express ~t~ appreci- a+!on *c., +~= ..... ~=~ ..... for Their good spor~manship~ and the ho~cr which they have achieved ~mder ~he able guidance cf ~he!r coach~ N?~ ~Et:-EFORE BE ~ EESOLVED BY TiiE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF '~ ' FLOP ~' 1. That the Seacrest H~gh School Seahawks are hereby co~- ~ended for their outstanding ~acor~ havipg b~ao~e ~he f~rs~ Cc-Cba~pions of ~,~. Suncoast Leagt:e ~n, +ha. w~=+o~v..~.~ .~ ~_ Seacrest ~=~ = ~ an +~oncr which +b~ C~ty Council of Delrav Beach wfsbes ~o single out a~d ~ecegnfze as an outstanding contrfbu- ~or to ~he sp~r~t of ~his Ccmmun~_ty. 2. That i~ r~c~ ~t~.~n of the above achi .... m~nt~ ~he City Council hereby des~gnafes Tuesday~ January l?th as ~he next Council mee~.fng n~ght ra~her tbap Monday~ JanuarM 16th so +~hat ali persons ~_n ~h!s Community will feel free and able to a~tend ,~_.ld op January ]6th~ in honor of the Seahawks +~e banque*~ be?ng achi s vement. PASSED, ANL ADOPTED on this 9~h day of January~ 1961. ATT EST: